#define BOARD_NAME "FST-01" #define BOARD_ID 0x696886af /* echo -n "FST-01" | sha256sum | sed -e 's/^.*\(........\) -$/\1/' */ #define MCU_STM32F1 1 #define STM32F10X_MD /* Medium-density device */ #define STM32_PLLXTPRE STM32_PLLXTPRE_DIV1 #define STM32_PLLMUL_VALUE 6 #define STM32_HSECLK 12000000 #define GPIO_LED_BASE GPIOB_BASE #define GPIO_LED_SET_TO_EMIT 0 #define GPIO_USB_BASE GPIOA_BASE #define GPIO_USB_SET_TO_ENABLE 10 #undef GPIO_OTHER_BASE /* * Port A setup. * PA0 - input with pull-up (TIM2_CH1): AN0 for NeuG * PA1 - input with pull-down (TIM2_CH2) * PA2 - input with pull-up (TIM2_CH3) connected to CIR module * PA3 - input with pull-up: external pin available to user * PA4 - Push pull output (SPI1_NSS) * PA5 - Alternate Push pull output (SPI1_SCK) * PA6 - Alternate Push pull output (SPI1_MISO) * PA7 - Alternate Push pull output (SPI1_MOSI) * PA10 - Push pull output (USB 1:ON 0:OFF) * PA11 - Push Pull output 10MHz 0 default (until USB enabled) (USBDM) * PA12 - Push Pull output 10MHz 0 default (until USB enabled) (USBDP) * ------------------------ Default * PA8 - input with pull-up. * PA9 - input with pull-up. * PA13 - input with pull-up. * PA14 - input with pull-up. * PA15 - input with pull-up. */ #define VAL_GPIO_USB_ODR 0xFFFFE7FD #define VAL_GPIO_USB_CRL 0xBBB38888 /* PA7...PA0 */ #define VAL_GPIO_USB_CRH 0x88811388 /* PA15...PA8 */ /* * Port B setup. * PB0 - Push pull output (LED 1:ON 0:OFF) * PB1 - input with pull-up: AN9 for NeuG * ------------------------ Default * PBx - input with pull-up. */ #define VAL_GPIO_LED_ODR 0xFFFFFFFF #define VAL_GPIO_LED_CRL 0x88888883 /* PA7...PA0 */ #define VAL_GPIO_LED_CRH 0x88888888 /* PA15...PA8 */ #define RCC_ENR_IOP_EN (RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN | RCC_APB2ENR_IOPBEN) #define RCC_RSTR_IOP_RST (RCC_APB2RSTR_IOPARST | RCC_APB2RSTR_IOPBRST) /* * Board specific information other than clock and GPIO initial * setting should not be in board-*.h, but each driver should include * information by itself. * * Please see NeuG's ADC driver how board specific handling is done. * * Given the situation of Chopstx's boards support, which is not that * huge, this works well. If scalability and flexibility will matter, * we will need something like device tree in which boot process can * pass information to application program. * * Following constants are here, because experimental CIR driver is * written before this design decision of Chopstx. * * Those will be removed soon, once such an driver will be improved * in new style. */ #if defined(PINPAD_CIR_SUPPORT) /* For pin-cir settings of Gnuk */ #define TIMx TIM2 #define INTR_REQ_TIM TIM2_IRQ #define AFIO_EXTICR_INDEX 0 #define AFIO_EXTICR1_EXTIx_Py AFIO_EXTICR1_EXTI2_PA #define EXTI_PR EXTI_PR_PR2 #define EXTI_IMR EXTI_IMR_MR2 #define EXTI_FTSR_TR EXTI_FTSR_TR2 #define INTR_REQ_EXTI EXTI2_IRQ #define ENABLE_RCC_APB1 #define RCC_APBnENR_TIMxEN RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN #define RCC_APBnRSTR_TIMxRST RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST #endif