#!/bin/bash { . /boot/brooklyn/func/brooklyn-globals readonly G_PROGRAM_NAME='Brooklyn-TimeSync' G_CHECK_ROOT_USER G_INIT [[ $1 == 1 ]] && INPUT=1 || INPUT=0 EXIT_CODE=1 MAX_LOOPS_CHECK=${MAX_LOOPS_CHECK:-60} Update_NTPD(){ NTP_UPDATE_MODE=$(sed -n '/^[[:blank:]]*CONFIG_NTP_MODE=/{s/^[^=]*=//p;q}' /boot/nxt.txt) if [[ $NTP_UPDATE_MODE != [1-4] ]] then G_NXT-NOTIFY 2 'Manual mode detected, skipping time sync' EXIT_CODE=0 return fi while (( $EXIT_CODE )) do G_EXEC systemctl start systemd-timesyncd for ((i=1; i<=$MAX_LOOPS_CHECK; i++)) do if systemctl -n 0 status systemd-timesyncd | grep -qE '^[[:blank:]]*Status: "(Synchronized|Initial)' then G_NXT-NOTIFY 2 'Time sync completed' EXIT_CODE=0 (( $NTP_UPDATE_MODE < 4 )) && systemctl stop systemd-timesyncd break 2 elif [[ $i == "$MAX_LOOPS_CHECK" ]] then G_NXT-NOTIFY 2 'Time sync timed out' # Exit if non-interactive [[ $G_INTERACTIVE == 1 ]] || break 2 G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY=( 'Retry' ': (Recommended) Rerun network time sync' 'NTP mirror' ': Change the NTP mirror used' 'Override' ': (NOT RECOMMENDED) Ignore failure and override time sync status' ) G_WHIP_BUTTON_CANCEL_TEXT='Retry' G_WHIP_MENU 'Network time sync has not yet completed or failed to update.\nTo prevent issues with outdated system time during installations, please select an option below.\n NB: We highly recommend choosing "Retry" first. Failing that, try to change the "NTP mirror".\n"Override" is a last resort and may cause follow-up issues due to incorrect system clock time.' if [[ $G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE == 'NTP mirror' ]] then G_WHIP_MSG 'NXT-Config will now be launched, on the next screen:\n - Select "NTP Mirror"\n - Select a different NTP mirror\n\nOnce completed, exit brooklyn-config to resume.' /boot/brooklyn/brooklyn-config 16 1 elif [[ $G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE == 'Override' ]] then EXIT_CODE=0 fi else G_NXT-NOTIFY 2 "Waiting for time sync ($i/$MAX_LOOPS_CHECK)" sleep 1 fi done done # Create flag file on success if [[ $EXIT_CODE == 0 && ! -f '/run/systemd/timesync/synchronized' ]] then [[ -d '/run/systemd/timesync' ]] || G_EXEC mkdir -p /run/systemd/timesync > /run/systemd/timesync/synchronized fi } [[ $INPUT != 1 && -f '/run/systemd/timesync/synchronized' ]] && EXIT_CODE=0 || Update_NTPD G_NXT-NOTIFY -1 $EXIT_CODE 'Network time sync' (( $EXIT_CODE )) && G_NXT-NOTIFY 2 'Please check the service status for more information:\n - systemctl status systemd-timesyncd' exit $EXIT_CODE }