/* KCMStyle SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 Karol Szwed SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 Daniel Molkentin SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Urs Wolfer SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Davide Bettio SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Kai Uwe Broulik SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Cyril Rossi SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Paolo Capriotti SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Ivan Cukic SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Petri Damsten SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 TrollTech AS. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ #include "kcmstyle.h" #include "kcm_style_debug.h" #include "../kcms-common_p.h" #include "styleconfdialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "krdb.h" #include "kded_interface.h" #include "previewitem.h" #include "styledata.h" #include "stylesettings.h" #include "stylesmodel.h" K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(KCMStyleFactory, "kcm_style.json", registerPlugin(); registerPlugin();) extern "C" { Q_DECL_EXPORT void kcminit() { uint flags = KRdbExportQtSettings | KRdbExportQtColors | KRdbExportXftSettings | KRdbExportGtkTheme; KConfig _config(QStringLiteral("kcmdisplayrc"), KConfig::NoGlobals); KConfigGroup config(&_config, "X11"); // This key is written by the "colors" module. bool exportKDEColors = config.readEntry("exportKDEColors", true); if (exportKDEColors) { flags |= KRdbExportColors; } runRdb(flags); } } KCMStyle::KCMStyle(QObject *parent, const KPluginMetaData &data, const QVariantList &args) : KQuickAddons::ManagedConfigModule(parent, data, args) , m_data(new StyleData(this)) , m_model(new StylesModel(this)) { auto uri = "org.kde.private.kcms.style"; qmlRegisterUncreatableType(uri, 1, 0, "KCM", QStringLiteral("Cannot create instances of KCM")); qmlRegisterAnonymousType(uri, 1); qmlRegisterAnonymousType(uri, 1); qmlRegisterType("org.kde.private.kcms.style", 1, 0, "PreviewItem"); connect(m_model, &StylesModel::selectedStyleChanged, this, [this](const QString &style) { styleSettings()->setWidgetStyle(style); }); connect(styleSettings(), &StyleSettings::widgetStyleChanged, this, [this] { m_model->setSelectedStyle(styleSettings()->widgetStyle()); }); connect(styleSettings(), &StyleSettings::iconsOnButtonsChanged, this, [this] { m_effectsDirty = true; }); connect(styleSettings(), &StyleSettings::iconsInMenusChanged, this, [this] { m_effectsDirty = true; }); } KCMStyle::~KCMStyle() = default; GtkPage *KCMStyle::gtkPage() { if (!m_gtkPage) { m_gtkPage = new GtkPage(this); connect(m_gtkPage, &GtkPage::gtkThemeSettingsChanged, this, [this]() { setNeedsSave(true); }); } return m_gtkPage; } StylesModel *KCMStyle::model() const { return m_model; } StyleSettings *KCMStyle::styleSettings() const { return m_data->settings(); } KCMStyle::ToolBarStyle KCMStyle::mainToolBarStyle() const { return m_mainToolBarStyle; } void KCMStyle::setMainToolBarStyle(ToolBarStyle style) { if (m_mainToolBarStyle != style) { m_mainToolBarStyle = style; Q_EMIT mainToolBarStyleChanged(); const QMetaEnum toolBarStyleEnum = QMetaEnum::fromType(); styleSettings()->setToolButtonStyle(toolBarStyleEnum.valueToKey(m_mainToolBarStyle)); m_effectsDirty = true; } } KCMStyle::ToolBarStyle KCMStyle::otherToolBarStyle() const { return m_otherToolBarStyle; } void KCMStyle::setOtherToolBarStyle(ToolBarStyle style) { if (m_otherToolBarStyle != style) { m_otherToolBarStyle = style; Q_EMIT otherToolBarStyleChanged(); const QMetaEnum toolBarStyleEnum = QMetaEnum::fromType(); styleSettings()->setToolButtonStyleOtherToolbars(toolBarStyleEnum.valueToKey(m_otherToolBarStyle)); m_effectsDirty = true; } } void KCMStyle::configure(const QString &title, const QString &styleName, QQuickItem *ctx) { if (m_styleConfigDialog) { return; } const QString configPage = m_model->styleConfigPage(styleName); if (configPage.isEmpty()) { return; } QLibrary library(QPluginLoader(configPage).fileName()); if (!library.load()) { qCWarning(KCM_STYLE_DEBUG) << "Failed to load style config page" << configPage << library.errorString(); Q_EMIT showErrorMessage(i18n("There was an error loading the configuration dialog for this style.")); return; } auto allocPtr = library.resolve("allocate_kstyle_config"); if (!allocPtr) { qCWarning(KCM_STYLE_DEBUG) << "Failed to resolve allocate_kstyle_config in" << configPage; Q_EMIT showErrorMessage(i18n("There was an error loading the configuration dialog for this style.")); return; } m_styleConfigDialog = new StyleConfigDialog(nullptr /*this*/, title); m_styleConfigDialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); m_styleConfigDialog->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); m_styleConfigDialog->winId(); // so it creates windowHandle if (ctx && ctx->window()) { if (QWindow *actualWindow = QQuickRenderControl::renderWindowFor(ctx->window())) { m_styleConfigDialog->windowHandle()->setTransientParent(actualWindow); } } typedef QWidget *(*factoryRoutine)(QWidget * parent); // Get the factory, and make the widget. factoryRoutine factory = (factoryRoutine)(allocPtr); // Grmbl. So here I am on my //"never use C casts" moralizing streak, and I find that one can't go void* -> function ptr // even with a reinterpret_cast. QWidget *pluginConfig = factory(m_styleConfigDialog.data()); // Insert it in... m_styleConfigDialog->setMainWidget(pluginConfig); //..and connect it to the wrapper connect(pluginConfig, SIGNAL(changed(bool)), m_styleConfigDialog.data(), SLOT(setDirty(bool))); connect(m_styleConfigDialog.data(), SIGNAL(defaults()), pluginConfig, SLOT(defaults())); connect(m_styleConfigDialog.data(), SIGNAL(save()), pluginConfig, SLOT(save())); connect(m_styleConfigDialog.data(), &QDialog::accepted, this, [this, styleName] { if (!m_styleConfigDialog->isDirty()) { return; } // Force re-rendering of the preview, to apply settings Q_EMIT styleReconfigured(styleName); // For now, ask all KDE apps to recreate their styles to apply the setitngs notifyKcmChange(GlobalChangeType::StyleChanged); // When user edited a style, assume they want to use it, too styleSettings()->setWidgetStyle(styleName); }); m_styleConfigDialog->show(); } bool KCMStyle::gtkConfigKdedModuleLoaded() const { return m_gtkConfigKdedModuleLoaded; } void KCMStyle::checkGtkConfigKdedModuleLoaded() { org::kde::kded5 kdedInterface(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kded5"), QStringLiteral("/kded"), QDBusConnection::sessionBus()); auto call = kdedInterface.loadedModules(); auto *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(call, this); connect(watcher, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, this, [this](QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher) { QDBusPendingReply reply = *watcher; watcher->deleteLater(); if (reply.isError()) { qCWarning(KCM_STYLE_DEBUG) << "Failed to check whether GTK Config KDED module is loaded" << reply.error().message(); return; } const bool isLoaded = reply.value().contains(QLatin1String("gtkconfig")); if (m_gtkConfigKdedModuleLoaded != isLoaded) { m_gtkConfigKdedModuleLoaded = isLoaded; Q_EMIT gtkConfigKdedModuleLoadedChanged(); } }); } void KCMStyle::load() { checkGtkConfigKdedModuleLoaded(); if (m_gtkPage) { m_gtkPage->load(); } ManagedConfigModule::load(); m_model->load(); m_previousStyle = styleSettings()->widgetStyle(); loadSettingsToModel(); m_effectsDirty = false; } void KCMStyle::save() { if (m_gtkPage) { m_gtkPage->save(); } // Check whether the new style can actually be loaded before saving it. // Otherwise apps will use the default style despite something else having been written to the config bool newStyleLoaded = false; if (styleSettings()->widgetStyle() != m_previousStyle) { QScopedPointer newStyle(QStyleFactory::create(styleSettings()->widgetStyle())); if (newStyle) { newStyleLoaded = true; m_previousStyle = styleSettings()->widgetStyle(); } else { const QString styleDisplay = m_model->data(m_model->index(m_model->indexOfStyle(styleSettings()->widgetStyle()), 0), Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); Q_EMIT showErrorMessage(i18n("Failed to apply selected style '%1'.", styleDisplay)); // Reset selected style back to current in case of failure styleSettings()->setWidgetStyle(m_previousStyle); } } ManagedConfigModule::save(); // Export the changes we made to qtrc, and update all qt-only // applications on the fly, ensuring that we still follow the user's // export fonts/colors settings. uint flags = KRdbExportQtSettings | KRdbExportGtkTheme; KConfig _kconfig(QStringLiteral("kcmdisplayrc"), KConfig::NoGlobals); KConfigGroup kconfig(&_kconfig, "X11"); bool exportKDEColors = kconfig.readEntry("exportKDEColors", true); if (exportKDEColors) { flags |= KRdbExportColors; } runRdb(flags); // Now allow KDE apps to reconfigure themselves. if (newStyleLoaded) { notifyKcmChange(GlobalChangeType::StyleChanged); } if (m_effectsDirty) { // This notifies listeners about: // - GraphicEffectsLevel' config entry, (e.g. to set QPlatformTheme::ThemeHint::UiEffects) // - ShowIconsOnPushButtons config entry, (e.g. to set QPlatformTheme::DialogButtonBoxButtonsHaveIcons) notifyKcmChange(GlobalChangeType::SettingsChanged, GlobalSettingsCategory::SETTINGS_STYLE); // FIXME - Doesn't apply all settings correctly due to bugs in KApplication/KToolbar. // Is this ^ still an issue? KToolBar::emitToolbarStyleChanged(); } m_effectsDirty = false; } void KCMStyle::defaults() { if (m_gtkPage) { m_gtkPage->defaults(); } // TODO the old code had a fallback chain but do we actually support not having Breeze for Plasma? // defaultStyle() -> oxygen -> plastique -> windows -> platinum -> motif ManagedConfigModule::defaults(); loadSettingsToModel(); } void KCMStyle::loadSettingsToModel() { Q_EMIT styleSettings()->widgetStyleChanged(); const QMetaEnum toolBarStyleEnum = QMetaEnum::fromType(); setMainToolBarStyle(static_cast(toolBarStyleEnum.keyToValue(qUtf8Printable(styleSettings()->toolButtonStyle())))); setOtherToolBarStyle(static_cast(toolBarStyleEnum.keyToValue(qUtf8Printable(styleSettings()->toolButtonStyleOtherToolbars())))); } #include "kcmstyle.moc"