/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Marco Martin SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "gridlayoutmanager.h" #include "appletslayout.h" #include "containmentlayoutmanager_debug.h" #include GridLayoutManager::GridLayoutManager(AppletsLayout *layout) : AbstractLayoutManager(layout) { } GridLayoutManager::~GridLayoutManager() { } QString GridLayoutManager::serializeLayout() const { QString result; for (auto *item : layout()->childItems()) { ItemContainer *itemCont = qobject_cast(item); if (itemCont && itemCont != layout()->placeHolder()) { result += itemCont->key() + QLatin1Char(':') + QString::number(itemCont->x()) + QLatin1Char(',') + QString::number(itemCont->y()) + QLatin1Char(',') + QString::number(itemCont->width()) + QLatin1Char(',') + QString::number(itemCont->height()) + QLatin1Char(',') + QString::number(itemCont->rotation()) + QLatin1Char(';'); } } return result; } void GridLayoutManager::parseLayout(const QString &savedLayout) { m_parsedConfig.clear(); const QStringList itemsConfigs = savedLayout.split(QLatin1Char(';')); for (const auto &itemString : itemsConfigs) { QStringList itemConfig = itemString.split(QLatin1Char(':')); if (itemConfig.count() != 2) { continue; } QString id = itemConfig[0]; QStringList itemGeom = itemConfig[1].split(QLatin1Char(',')); if (itemGeom.count() != 5) { continue; } m_parsedConfig[id] = {itemGeom[0].toDouble(), itemGeom[1].toDouble(), itemGeom[2].toDouble(), itemGeom[3].toDouble(), itemGeom[4].toDouble()}; } } bool GridLayoutManager::itemIsManaged(ItemContainer *item) { return m_pointsForItem.contains(item); } inline void maintainItemEdgeAlignment(ItemContainer *item, const QRectF &newRect, const QRectF &oldRect) { const qreal leftDist = item->x() - oldRect.x(); const qreal hCenterDist = item->x() + item->width() / 2 - oldRect.center().x(); const qreal rightDist = oldRect.right() - item->x() - item->width(); qreal hMin = qMin(qMin(qAbs(leftDist), qAbs(hCenterDist)), qAbs(rightDist)); if (qFuzzyCompare(hMin, qAbs(leftDist))) { // Right alignment, do nothing } else if (qFuzzyCompare(hMin, qAbs(hCenterDist))) { item->setX(newRect.center().x() - item->width() / 2 + hCenterDist); } else if (qFuzzyCompare(hMin, qAbs(rightDist))) { item->setX(newRect.right() - item->width() - rightDist); } const qreal topDist = item->y() - oldRect.y(); const qreal vCenterDist = item->y() + item->height() / 2 - oldRect.center().y(); const qreal bottomDist = oldRect.bottom() - item->y() - item->height(); qreal vMin = qMin(qMin(qAbs(topDist), qAbs(vCenterDist)), qAbs(bottomDist)); if (qFuzzyCompare(vMin, qAbs(topDist))) { // Top alignment, do nothing } else if (qFuzzyCompare(vMin, qAbs(vCenterDist))) { item->setY(newRect.center().y() - item->height() / 2 + vCenterDist); } else if (qFuzzyCompare(vMin, qAbs(bottomDist))) { item->setY(newRect.bottom() - item->height() - bottomDist); } } void GridLayoutManager::layoutGeometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) { m_grid.clear(); m_pointsForItem.clear(); for (auto *item : layout()->childItems()) { // Stash the old config // m_parsedConfig[item->key()] = {item->x(), item->y(), item->width(), item->height(), item->rotation()}; // Move the item to maintain the distance with the anchors point auto *itemCont = qobject_cast(item); if (itemCont && itemCont != layout()->placeHolder()) { maintainItemEdgeAlignment(itemCont, newGeometry, oldGeometry); // NOTE: do not use positionItemAndAssign here, because we do not want to Q_EMIT layoutNeedsSaving, to not save after resize positionItem(itemCont); assignSpaceImpl(itemCont); } } } void GridLayoutManager::resetLayout() { m_grid.clear(); m_pointsForItem.clear(); for (auto *item : layout()->childItems()) { ItemContainer *itemCont = qobject_cast(item); if (itemCont && itemCont != layout()->placeHolder()) { // NOTE: do not use positionItemAndAssign here, because we do not want to Q_EMIT layoutNeedsSaving, to not save after resize positionItem(itemCont); assignSpaceImpl(itemCont); } } } void GridLayoutManager::resetLayoutFromConfig() { m_grid.clear(); m_pointsForItem.clear(); QList missingItems; for (auto *item : layout()->childItems()) { ItemContainer *itemCont = qobject_cast(item); if (itemCont && itemCont != layout()->placeHolder()) { if (!restoreItem(itemCont)) { missingItems << itemCont; } } } for (auto *item : qAsConst(missingItems)) { // NOTE: do not use positionItemAndAssign here, because we do not want to Q_EMIT layoutNeedsSaving, to not save after resize positionItem(item); assignSpaceImpl(item); } } bool GridLayoutManager::restoreItem(ItemContainer *item) { auto it = m_parsedConfig.find(item->key()); if (it != m_parsedConfig.end()) { // Actual restore item->setPosition(QPointF(it.value().x, it.value().y)); item->setSize(QSizeF(it.value().width, it.value().height)); item->setRotation(it.value().rotation); // NOTE: do not use positionItemAndAssign here, because we do not want to Q_EMIT layoutNeedsSaving, to not save after resize // If size is empty the layout is not in a valid state and probably startup is not completed yet if (!layout()->size().isEmpty()) { releaseSpaceImpl(item); positionItem(item); assignSpaceImpl(item); } return true; } return false; } bool GridLayoutManager::isRectAvailable(const QRectF &rect) { // TODO: define directions in which it can grow if (rect.x() < 0 || rect.y() < 0 || rect.x() + rect.width() > layout()->width() || rect.y() + rect.height() > layout()->height()) { return false; } const QRect cellItemGeom = cellBasedGeometry(rect); for (int row = cellItemGeom.top(); row <= cellItemGeom.bottom(); ++row) { for (int column = cellItemGeom.left(); column <= cellItemGeom.right(); ++column) { if (!isCellAvailable(QPair(row, column))) { return false; } } } return true; } bool GridLayoutManager::assignSpaceImpl(ItemContainer *item) { // Don't Q_EMIT extra layoutneedssaving signals releaseSpaceImpl(item); if (!isRectAvailable(itemGeometry(item))) { qCWarning(CONTAINMENTLAYOUTMANAGER_DEBUG) << "Trying to take space not available" << item; return false; } const QRect cellItemGeom = cellBasedGeometry(itemGeometry(item)); for (int row = cellItemGeom.top(); row <= cellItemGeom.bottom(); ++row) { for (int column = cellItemGeom.left(); column <= cellItemGeom.right(); ++column) { QPair cell(row, column); m_grid.insert(cell, item); m_pointsForItem[item].insert(cell); } } // Reorder items tab order for (auto *i2 : layout()->childItems()) { ItemContainer *item2 = qobject_cast(i2); if (item2 && item2->parentItem() == item->parentItem() && item != item2 && item2 != layout()->placeHolder() && item->y() < item2->y() + item2->height() && item->x() <= item2->x()) { item->stackBefore(item2); break; } } if (item->layoutAttached()) { connect(item, &ItemContainer::sizeHintsChanged, this, [this, item]() { adjustToItemSizeHints(item); }); } return true; } void GridLayoutManager::releaseSpaceImpl(ItemContainer *item) { auto it = m_pointsForItem.find(item); if (it == m_pointsForItem.end()) { return; } for (const auto &point : it.value()) { m_grid.remove(point); } m_pointsForItem.erase(it); disconnect(item, &ItemContainer::sizeHintsChanged, this, nullptr); } int GridLayoutManager::rows() const { return layout()->height() / cellSize().height(); } int GridLayoutManager::columns() const { return layout()->width() / cellSize().width(); } void GridLayoutManager::adjustToItemSizeHints(ItemContainer *item) { if (!item->layoutAttached() || item->editMode()) { return; } bool changed = false; // Minimum const qreal newMinimumHeight = item->layoutAttached()->property("minimumHeight").toReal(); const qreal newMinimumWidth = item->layoutAttached()->property("minimumWidth").toReal(); if (newMinimumHeight > item->height()) { item->setHeight(newMinimumHeight); changed = true; } if (newMinimumWidth > item->width()) { item->setWidth(newMinimumWidth); changed = true; } // Preferred const qreal newPreferredHeight = item->layoutAttached()->property("preferredHeight").toReal(); const qreal newPreferredWidth = item->layoutAttached()->property("preferredWidth").toReal(); if (newPreferredHeight > item->height()) { item->setHeight(layout()->cellHeight() * ceil(newPreferredHeight / layout()->cellHeight())); changed = true; } if (newPreferredWidth > item->width()) { item->setWidth(layout()->cellWidth() * ceil(newPreferredWidth / layout()->cellWidth())); changed = true; } /*// Maximum : IGNORE? const qreal newMaximumHeight = item->layoutAttached()->property("preferredHeight").toReal(); const qreal newMaximumWidth = item->layoutAttached()->property("preferredWidth").toReal(); if (newMaximumHeight > 0 && newMaximumHeight < height()) { item->setHeight(newMaximumHeight); changed = true; } if (newMaximumHeight > 0 && newMaximumWidth < width()) { item->setWidth(newMaximumWidth); changed = true; }*/ // Relayout if anything changed if (changed && itemIsManaged(item)) { releaseSpace(item); positionItem(item); assignSpace(item); } } QRect GridLayoutManager::cellBasedGeometry(const QRectF &geom) const { return QRect(round(qBound(0.0, geom.x(), layout()->width() - geom.width()) / cellSize().width()), round(qBound(0.0, geom.y(), layout()->height() - geom.height()) / cellSize().height()), round((qreal)geom.width() / cellSize().width()), round((qreal)geom.height() / cellSize().height())); } QRect GridLayoutManager::cellBasedBoundingGeometry(const QRectF &geom) const { return QRect(floor(qBound(0.0, geom.x(), layout()->width() - geom.width()) / cellSize().width()), floor(qBound(0.0, geom.y(), layout()->height() - geom.height()) / cellSize().height()), ceil((qreal)geom.width() / cellSize().width()), ceil((qreal)geom.height() / cellSize().height())); } bool GridLayoutManager::isOutOfBounds(const QPair &cell) const { return cell.first < 0 || cell.second < 0 || cell.first >= rows() || cell.second >= columns(); } bool GridLayoutManager::isCellAvailable(const QPair &cell) const { return !isOutOfBounds(cell) && !m_grid.contains(cell); } QRectF GridLayoutManager::itemGeometry(QQuickItem *item) const { return QRectF(item->x(), item->y(), item->width(), item->height()); } QPair GridLayoutManager::nextCell(const QPair &cell, AppletsLayout::PreferredLayoutDirection direction) const { QPair nCell = cell; switch (direction) { case AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::BottomToTop: --nCell.first; break; case AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::TopToBottom: ++nCell.first; break; case AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::RightToLeft: --nCell.second; break; case AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::LeftToRight: default: ++nCell.second; break; } return nCell; } QPair GridLayoutManager::nextAvailableCell(const QPair &cell, AppletsLayout::PreferredLayoutDirection direction) const { QPair nCell = cell; while (!isOutOfBounds(nCell)) { nCell = nextCell(nCell, direction); if (isOutOfBounds(nCell)) { switch (direction) { case AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::BottomToTop: nCell.first = rows() - 1; --nCell.second; break; case AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::TopToBottom: nCell.first = 0; ++nCell.second; break; case AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::RightToLeft: --nCell.first; nCell.second = columns() - 1; break; case AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::LeftToRight: default: ++nCell.first; nCell.second = 0; break; } } if (isCellAvailable(nCell)) { return nCell; } } return QPair(-1, -1); } QPair GridLayoutManager::nextTakenCell(const QPair &cell, AppletsLayout::PreferredLayoutDirection direction) const { QPair nCell = cell; while (!isOutOfBounds(nCell)) { nCell = nextCell(nCell, direction); if (isOutOfBounds(nCell)) { switch (direction) { case AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::BottomToTop: nCell.first = rows() - 1; --nCell.second; break; case AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::TopToBottom: nCell.first = 0; ++nCell.second; break; case AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::RightToLeft: --nCell.first; nCell.second = columns() - 1; break; case AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::LeftToRight: default: ++nCell.first; nCell.second = 0; break; } } if (!isCellAvailable(nCell)) { return nCell; } } return QPair(-1, -1); } int GridLayoutManager::freeSpaceInDirection(const QPair &cell, AppletsLayout::PreferredLayoutDirection direction) const { QPair nCell = cell; int avail = 0; while (isCellAvailable(nCell)) { ++avail; nCell = nextCell(nCell, direction); } return avail; } QRectF GridLayoutManager::nextAvailableSpace(ItemContainer *item, const QSizeF &minimumSize, AppletsLayout::PreferredLayoutDirection direction) const { // The mionimum size in grid units const QSize minimumGridSize(ceil((qreal)minimumSize.width() / cellSize().width()), ceil((qreal)minimumSize.height() / cellSize().height())); QRect itemCellGeom = cellBasedGeometry(itemGeometry(item)); itemCellGeom.setWidth(qMax(itemCellGeom.width(), minimumGridSize.width())); itemCellGeom.setHeight(qMax(itemCellGeom.height(), minimumGridSize.height())); QSize partialSize; QPair cell(itemCellGeom.y(), itemCellGeom.x()); if (direction == AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::RightToLeft) { cell.second += itemCellGeom.width(); } else if (direction == AppletsLayout::AppletsLayout::BottomToTop) { cell.first += itemCellGeom.height(); } if (!isCellAvailable(cell)) { cell = nextAvailableCell(cell, direction); } while (!isOutOfBounds(cell)) { if (direction == AppletsLayout::LeftToRight || direction == AppletsLayout::RightToLeft) { partialSize = QSize(INT_MAX, 0); int currentRow = cell.first; for (; currentRow < cell.first + itemCellGeom.height(); ++currentRow) { const int freeRow = freeSpaceInDirection(QPair(currentRow, cell.second), direction); partialSize.setWidth(qMin(partialSize.width(), freeRow)); if (freeRow > 0) { partialSize.setHeight(partialSize.height() + 1); } else if (partialSize.height() < minimumGridSize.height()) { break; } if (partialSize.width() >= itemCellGeom.width() && partialSize.height() >= itemCellGeom.height()) { break; } else if (partialSize.width() < minimumGridSize.width()) { break; } } if (partialSize.width() >= minimumGridSize.width() && partialSize.height() >= minimumGridSize.height()) { const int width = qMin(itemCellGeom.width(), partialSize.width()) * cellSize().width(); const int height = qMin(itemCellGeom.height(), partialSize.height()) * cellSize().height(); if (direction == AppletsLayout::RightToLeft) { return QRectF((cell.second + 1) * cellSize().width() - width, cell.first * cellSize().height(), width, height); // AppletsLayout::LeftToRight } else { return QRectF(cell.second * cellSize().width(), cell.first * cellSize().height(), width, height); } } else { cell = nextAvailableCell(nextTakenCell(cell, direction), direction); } } else if (direction == AppletsLayout::TopToBottom || direction == AppletsLayout::BottomToTop) { partialSize = QSize(0, INT_MAX); int currentColumn = cell.second; for (; currentColumn < cell.second + itemCellGeom.width(); ++currentColumn) { const int freeColumn = freeSpaceInDirection(QPair(cell.first, currentColumn), direction); partialSize.setHeight(qMin(partialSize.height(), freeColumn)); if (freeColumn > 0) { partialSize.setWidth(partialSize.width() + 1); } else if (partialSize.width() < minimumGridSize.width()) { break; } if (partialSize.width() >= itemCellGeom.width() && partialSize.height() >= itemCellGeom.height()) { break; } else if (partialSize.height() < minimumGridSize.height()) { break; } } if (partialSize.width() >= minimumGridSize.width() && partialSize.height() >= minimumGridSize.height()) { const int width = qMin(itemCellGeom.width(), partialSize.width()) * cellSize().width(); const int height = qMin(itemCellGeom.height(), partialSize.height()) * cellSize().height(); if (direction == AppletsLayout::BottomToTop) { return QRectF(cell.second * cellSize().width(), (cell.first + 1) * cellSize().height() - height, width, height); // AppletsLayout::TopToBottom: } else { return QRectF(cell.second * cellSize().width(), cell.first * cellSize().height(), width, height); } } else { cell = nextAvailableCell(nextTakenCell(cell, direction), direction); } } } // We didn't manage to find layout space, return invalid geometry return QRectF(); } #include "moc_gridlayoutmanager.cpp"