/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003-2007 Craig Drummond SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #pragma once #include "FontInstInterface.h" #include #include class QLabel; class QProgressBar; class QStackedWidget; class QCloseEvent; class QCheckBox; class QDialogButtonBox; class QAbstractButton; class QTemporaryDir; namespace KFI { class CActionLabel; class CJobRunner : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: struct Item : public QUrl { enum EType { TYPE1_FONT, TYPE1_AFM, TYPE1_PFM, OTHER_FONT, }; Item(const QUrl &u = QUrl(), const QString &n = QString(), bool dis = false); Item(const QString &file, const QString &family, quint32 style, bool system); QString displayName() const { return name.isEmpty() ? url() : name; } QString name, fileName; // Only required so that we can sort an ItemList so that afm/pfms follow after pfa/pfbs EType type; bool isDisabled; bool operator<(const Item &o) const; }; typedef QList ItemList; enum ECommand { CMD_INSTALL, CMD_DELETE, CMD_ENABLE, CMD_DISABLE, CMD_UPDATE, CMD_MOVE, CMD_REMOVE_FILE, }; explicit CJobRunner(QWidget *parent, int xid = 0); ~CJobRunner() override; static FontInstInterface *dbus(); static QString folderName(bool sys); static void startDbusService(); static QUrl encode(const QString &family, quint32 style, bool system); static void getAssociatedUrls(const QUrl &url, QList &list, bool afmAndPfm, QWidget *widget); int exec(ECommand cmd, const ItemList &urls, bool destIsSystem); Q_SIGNALS: void configuring(); private Q_SLOTS: void doNext(); void checkInterface(); void dbusServiceOwnerChanged(const QString &name, const QString &from, const QString &to); void dbusStatus(int pid, int status); void slotButtonClicked(QAbstractButton *button); private: void contineuToNext(bool cont); void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) override; void setPage(int page, const QString &msg = QString()); QString fileName(const QUrl &url); QString errorString(int value) const; private: ECommand m_cmd; ItemList m_urls; ItemList::ConstIterator m_it, m_end, m_prev; bool m_destIsSystem; QLabel *m_statusLabel, *m_skipLabel, *m_errorLabel; QProgressBar *m_progress; bool m_autoSkip, m_cancelClicked, m_modified; QTemporaryDir *m_tempDir; QString m_currentFile; CActionLabel *m_actionLabel; QStackedWidget *m_stack; int m_lastDBusStatus; QCheckBox *m_dontShowFinishedMsg; QDialogButtonBox *m_buttonBox; QPushButton *m_skipButton; QPushButton *m_autoSkipButton; }; }