catbref 4a1c3821db Progess on block and transaction processing + tidying up
* Code added for calculating an account's generating balance. (CIYAM AT support yet to be added).
* Added associated code in Block for calculating next block's timestamp, generating balance, base target, etc.

* ValidationResult enum added to Block, mostly to aid debugging.
* Block.isValid() now returns ValidationResult instead of boolean.
* Block.isValid() now has added proof-of-stake tests.

* Some blockchain-related constants, like feature release heights/timestamps, moved from Block to BlockChain.

* Added better Block constructor for use when creating a new block.
* Added helpful 'navigation' methods to Block to get to block's parent (or child).

* Changed visibility of block's individual signature calculators to protected, in favour of public sign() method.

* Added asset existence check to Payment.isValid.

* All current transaction objects (qora.transaction.*) now have private subclassed transaction variable to save multiple casts in various methods.
* Also added to above:
* isInvolved(Account) : boolean
* getRecipients() : List<Account>
* getAmount(Account) : BigDecimal

* Added BlockRepository.getLastBlock() to fetch highest block in blockchain.

* Added diagnostics to HSQLDBRepository.close() to alert if there are any uncommitted changes during closure.
(Currently under suspicion due to possible HSQLDB bug!)

* Old "TransactionTests" renamed to "SerializationTests" as that's what they really are.

* New "TransactionTests" added to test processing of transactions. (Currently only a PaymentTransaction).

* PaymentTransformer.toBytes() detects and skips null signature. This was causing issues with Transaction.toBytesLessSignature().
Needs rolling out to other transaction types if acceptable.
2018-06-15 17:16:44 +01:00
2018-06-13 11:46:33 +01:00
2018-05-16 12:59:15 +01:00
2018-06-04 11:45:40 +01:00
2018-05-16 12:22:48 +01:00


To use:

  • Use maven to fetch dependencies.
  • Build project.
  • Fire up an old-gen Qora node.
  • Run src/test/ as a JUnit test to build DB structure.
  • Run src/test/ as a JUnit test to migrate old Qora blocks to DB.

You should now be able to run src/test/ and src/test/ as JUnit tests demonstrating loading/saving Transactions from/to database.

You can also examine the migrated database using HSQLDB's "sqltool".

It's a good idea to install "rlwrap" (ReadLine wrapper) too as sqltool doesn't support command history/editing!

Typical command line for sqltool would be:

rlwrap java -cp ${HSQLDB_JAR}:${SQLTOOL_JAR} org.hsqldb.cmdline.SqlTool --rcFile=${SQLTOOL_RC} qora

${HSQLDB_JAR} contains pathname to hsqldb-2.4.0.jar, typically ${HOME}/.m2/repository/org/hsqldb/hsqldb/2.4.0/hsqldb-2.4.0.jar

${SQLTOOL_JAR} contains pathname to where you downloaded sqltool-2.2.6.jar

${SQLTOOL_RC} contains pathname to a text file describing Qora2 database, e.g. ${HOME}/.sqltool.rc, with contents like:

urlid qora
url jdbc:hsqldb:file:db/test
username SA

You could change the line url jdbc:hsqldb:file:db/test to use a full pathname for easier use.

Another idea is to assign a shell alias in your .bashrc like:

alias sqltool='rlwrap java -cp ${HSQLDB_JAR}:${SQLTOOL_JAR} org.hsqldb.cmdline.SqlTool --rcFile=${SQLTOOL_RC}'

So you can simply type: sqltool qora

The primary qortal core repository, cloned to for posterity and future more in-depth utilization.
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