catbref 46eee3cbce More work on CIYAM AT support.
ATs can create AT-Transactions which contain payments (of any asset) and/or messages.

Legacy Qora1 DeployATTransactions create AT records in the repository but set to "finished"
so that they never execute.

More repository support for ATs.

In HSQLDB, create a new TYPE called ATStateHash which is used to verify the same AT outcome
on a per-block basis.
Added Accounts.account as a foreign key to AccountBalances with ON DELETE CASCADE.
ATStates now include state_hash and fees on a per-block basis.
ATTransactions now include asset_id.

When transforming DeployATTransactions, don't include any signature when collating bytes for signing!
2018-10-15 15:12:41 +01:00
2018-10-15 15:12:41 +01:00
2018-06-12 12:15:38 +01:00