catbref 3d78d5dad9 More refactoring - DOES NOT COMPILE
qora.* packages are business logic/handler/processing
data.* packages are "value objects" or are they "business objects"?

toBytes(), fromBytes() (which used to be called parse()) and toJSON() moved to transform.* packages

new issues:

Lost control of SQL Transactions. Previously, some class "knew" whether to call COMMIT or not.
e.g. simply saving a payment transaction would involve updating Transactions table first, then the PaymentTransactions table after (to satisfy foreign key constraints) then commit.
Processing a block would involve a new transaction, a savepoint, a rollback and then maybe a further commit or rollback.
Not sure how this is going to work with the repository, especially if business logic isn't supposed to be aware of such things.

Growing number of stupid try-catch blocks. Probably best to ditch TransformationException (was ParseException) and throw IllegalStateExceptions instead as they're "unchecked".

What happens if the repository fails to save() to the database? It can't throw SQLException any more as that has no meaning outside the repository. Ditto with delete().
2018-06-08 17:40:27 +01:00
2018-06-08 17:40:27 +01:00
2018-05-16 12:59:15 +01:00
2018-06-04 11:45:40 +01:00
2018-05-16 12:22:48 +01:00


To use:

  • Use maven to fetch dependencies.
  • Build project.
  • Fire up an old-gen Qora node.
  • Run src/test/ as a JUnit test to build DB structure.
  • Run src/test/ as a JUnit test to migrate old Qora blocks to DB.

You should now be able to run src/test/ and src/test/ as JUnit tests demonstrating loading/saving Transactions from/to database.

You can also examine the migrated database using HSQLDB's "sqltool".

It's a good idea to install "rlwrap" (ReadLine wrapper) too as sqltool doesn't support command history/editing!

Typical command line for sqltool would be:

rlwrap java -cp ${HSQLDB_JAR}:${SQLTOOL_JAR} org.hsqldb.cmdline.SqlTool --rcFile=${SQLTOOL_RC} qora

${HSQLDB_JAR} contains pathname to hsqldb-2.4.0.jar, typically ${HOME}/.m2/repository/org/hsqldb/hsqldb/2.4.0/hsqldb-2.4.0.jar

${SQLTOOL_JAR} contains pathname to where you downloaded sqltool-2.2.6.jar

${SQLTOOL_RC} contains pathname to a text file describing Qora2 database, e.g. ${HOME}/.sqltool.rc, with contents like:

urlid qora
url jdbc:hsqldb:file:db/test
username SA

You could change the line url jdbc:hsqldb:file:db/test to use a full pathname for easier use.

Another idea is to assign a shell alias in your .bashrc like:

alias sqltool='rlwrap java -cp ${HSQLDB_JAR}:${SQLTOOL_JAR} org.hsqldb.cmdline.SqlTool --rcFile=${SQLTOOL_RC}'

So you can simply type: sqltool qora

The primary qortal core repository, cloned to for posterity and future more in-depth utilization.
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