Changed API call GET /assets to NOT return asset "data" fields as they can be huge. If need be, call GET /assets/info to fetch a specific asset's data field. Improve asset trade amount granularity, especially for indivisible assets, under "new" pricing scheme only. Added corresponding tests for granularity adjustments. Fix/unify asset order logging text under "old" and "new" pricing schemes. Change asset order related API data models so that old "price" is now "unitPrice" and add new "return" as in amount of want-asset to receive if have-asset "amount" was fully matched. (Affects OrderData, CreateAssetOrderTransactionData) Some changes to the HSQLDB tables. Don't forget to add "newAssetPricingTimestamp" to your blockchain config's "featureTriggers" map.
To use:
- Use maven to fetch dependencies.
- Build project.
- Build v1feeder.jar as a fatjar using src/ as the main class
- Fire up an old-gen Qora node.
- Use
to migrate old Qora blocks to DB:
java -jar v1feeder.jar qora-v1-node-ip
You should now be able to run all the JUnit tests.
You can also examine the migrated database using HSQLDB's "sqltool".
It's a good idea to install "rlwrap" (ReadLine wrapper) too as sqltool doesn't support command history/editing!
Typical command line for sqltool would be:
rlwrap java -cp ${HSQLDB_JAR}:${SQLTOOL_JAR} org.hsqldb.cmdline.SqlTool --rcFile=${SQLTOOL_RC} qora
contains pathname to where Maven downloaded hsqldb,
typically ${HOME}/.m2/repository/org/hsqldb/hsqldb/2.4.0/hsqldb-2.4.0.jar
but for now lib/org/hsqldb/hsqldb/r5836/hsqldb-r5836.jar
contains pathname to where Maven downloaded sqltool,
typically ${HOME}/.m2/repository/org/hsqldb/sqltool/2.4.1/sqltool-2.4.1.jar
contains pathname to a text file describing Qora2 database,
e.g. ${HOME}/.sqltool.rc
, with contents like:
urlid qora
url jdbc:hsqldb:file:db/qora
username SA
urlid qora-test
url jdbc:hsqldb:file:db/test
username SA
You could change the line url jdbc:hsqldb:file:db/test
to use a full pathname for easier use.
Another idea is to assign a shell alias in your .bashrc
export HSQLDB_JAR=${HOME}/.m2/repository/org/hsqldb/hsqldb/2.4.0/hsqldb-2.4.0.jar
export SQLTOOL_JAR=${HOME}/.m2/repository/org/hsqldb/sqltool/2.4.1/sqltool-2.4.1.jar
alias sqltool='rlwrap java -cp ${HSQLDB_JAR}:${SQLTOOL_JAR} org.hsqldb.cmdline.SqlTool --rcFile=${SQLTOOL_RC}'
So you can simply type: sqltool qora-test
Don't forget to use SHUTDOWN;
before exiting sqltool so that database files are closed cleanly.