#!/usr/bin/env bash # Change this to where AdvancedInstaller outputs built EXE installers SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname $(realpath "$0")) WINDOWS_INSTALLER_DIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/../WindowsInstaller/Qortal-SetupFiles" set -e shopt -s expand_aliases # optional git tag? if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then git_tag="$1" shift fi saved_pwd=$PWD alias SHA256='(sha256 -q || sha256sum | cut -d" " -f1) 2>/dev/null' function 3hash { local zip_src=$1 local md5hash=$(md5 ${zip_src} | awk '{ print $NF }') local sha1hash=$(shasum ${zip_src} | awk '{ print $1 }') local sha256hash=$(sha256sum ${zip_src} | awk '{ print $1 }') echo "\`MD5: ${md5hash}\`" echo "\`SHA1: ${sha1hash}\`" echo "\`SHA256: ${sha256hash}\`" } # Check we are within a git repo git_dir=$( git rev-parse --show-toplevel ) if [ -z "${git_dir}" ]; then echo "Cannot determine top-level directory for git repo" exit 1 fi # Change to git top-level cd ${git_dir} # Check we are in 'master' branch # branch_name=$( git symbolic-ref -q HEAD ) || echo "Cannot determine branch name" && exit 1 # branch_name=${branch_name##refs/heads/} # if [ "${branch_name}" != "master" ]; then # echo "Unexpected current branch '${branch_name}' - expecting 'master'" # exit 1 # fi # Determine project name project=$( perl -n -e 'if (m/<artifactId>(\w+)<.artifactId>/) { print $1; exit }' pom.xml $) if [ -z "${project}" ]; then echo "Unable to determine project name from pom.xml?" exit 1 fi # Extract git tag if [ -z "${git_tag}" ]; then git_tag=$( git tag --points-at HEAD ) if [ -z "${git_tag}" ]; then echo "Unable to extract git tag" exit 1 fi fi # Find origin URL git_url=$( git remote get-url origin ) git_url=https://github.com/${git_url##*:} git_url=${git_url%%.git} # Check for EXE exe=${project}-${git_tag#v}.exe exe_src="${WINDOWS_INSTALLER_DIR}/${exe}" if [ ! -r "${exe_src}" ]; then echo "Cannot find EXE installer at ${exe_src}" exit fi # Check for ZIP zip_filename=${project}-${git_tag#v}.zip zip_src=${saved_pwd}/${zip_filename} if [ ! -r "${zip_src}" ]; then echo "Cannot find ZIP at ${zip_src}" exit fi # Changes cat <<"__CHANGES__" *Changes in this release:* * __CHANGES__ # JAR cat <<__JAR__ ### [${project}.jar](${git_url}/releases/download/${git_tag}/${project}.jar) If built using OpenJDK 11: __JAR__ 3hash target/${project}*.jar # EXE cat <<__EXE__ ### [${exe}](${git_url}/releases/download/${git_tag}/${exe}) __EXE__ 3hash "${exe_src}" # VirusTotal url is SHA256 of github download url: virustotal_url=$( echo -n "${git_url}/releases/download/${git_tag}/${exe}" | SHA256 ) cat <<__VIRUSTOTAL__ [VirusTotal report for ${exe}](https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/${virustotal_url}/detection) __VIRUSTOTAL__ # ZIP cat <<__ZIP__ ### [${zip_filename}](${git_url}/releases/download/${git_tag}/${zip_filename}) Contains bare minimum of: * built \`${project}.jar\` * \`log4j2.properties\` from git repo * \`start.sh\` from git repo * \`stop.sh\` from git repo * \`printf "{\n}\n" > settings.json\` All timestamps set to same date-time as commit, obtained via \`git show --no-patch --format=%cI\` Packed with \`7z a -r -tzip ${zip_filename} ${project}/\` __ZIP__ 3hash ${zip_src}