#!/usr/bin/env bash # Qortal defaults host="localhost" port=12391 if [ -z "$*" ]; then echo "Usage:" echo echo "Host/update data:" echo "qdn POST [service] [name] PATH [dirpath] <identifier> <title> <description> <tags=tag1,tag2,tag3> <category> <fee> <preview (true or false)>" echo "qdn POST [service] [name] STRING [data-string] <identifier>" echo echo "Fetch data:" echo "qdn GET [service] [name] <identifier-or-default> <filepath-or-default> <rebuild>" echo echo "Notes:" echo "- When requesting a resource, please use 'default' to indicate a file with no identifier." echo "- The same applies when specifying the relative path to a file within the data structure; use 'default'" echo " to indicate a single file resource." echo exit fi # Default ports for Qortal mainnet_port=12391 testnet_port=62391 # Check if the '-t' operator is passed, if so change to utilizing testnet. if [[ "$1" == "-t" ]]; then # Use testnet port port=$testnet_port shift else # Use mainnet port port=$mainnet_port fi script_dir=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) if [ -f "apikey.txt" ]; then apikey=$(cat "apikey.txt") elif [ -f "${script_dir}/../apikey.txt" ]; then apikey=$(cat "${script_dir}/../apikey.txt") elif [ -f "${HOME}/qortal/apikey.txt" ]; then apikey=$(cat "${HOME}/qortal/apikey.txt") fi method=$1 service=$2 name=$3 if [ -z "${method}" ]; then echo "Error: missing method" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${service}" ]; then echo "Error: missing service" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${name}" ]; then echo "Error: missing name" exit 1 fi if [[ "${method}" == "POST" ]]; then type=$4 data=$5 identifier=$6 title=$7 description=$8 tags=$9 category=${10} fee=${11} preview=${12} if [ -z "${data}" ]; then if [[ "${type}" == "PATH" ]]; then echo "Error: missing directory - please use a path to a directory with a SINGLE file wishing to be published" exit 1 elif [[ "${type}" == "STRING" ]]; then echo "Error: missing data string - please input the data string you wish to publish" exit 1 else echo "Error: unrecognized type" exit 1 fi fi if [ -z "${QORTAL_PRIVKEY}" ]; then echo "Error: missing private key. Set it by running: export QORTAL_PRIVKEY=privkeyhere" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${identifier}" ]; then identifier="default" fi # Create type component in URL if [[ "${type}" == "PATH" ]]; then type_component="" elif [[ "${type}" == "STRING" ]]; then type_component="/string" fi # Create tags component in URL, comma-separated list of tags, will be added to the tags call. tags_component="" if [ -n "${tags}" ]; then IFS=',' read -ra tag_array <<< "${tags}" for tag in "${tag_array[@]}"; do tags_component+="&tags=${tag}" done fi if [ -z ${tags_component} ]; then tags_component="" echo "nothing in tags, using empty tags" fi #Create category component with pre-defined list of categories. Error if category is specified but not in list. allowed_categories=("ART" "AUTOMOTIVE" "BEAUTY" "BOOKS" "BUSINESS" "COMMUNICATIONS" "CRYPTOCURRENCY" "CULTURE" "DATING" "DESIGN" "ENTERTAINMENT" "EVENTS" "FAITH" "FASHION" "FINANCE" "FOOD" "GAMING" "GEOGRAPHY" "HEALTH" "HISTORY" "HOME" "KNOWLEDGE" "LANGUAGE" "LIFESTYLE" "MANUFACTURING" "MAPS" "MUSIC" "NEWS" "OTHER" "PETS" "PHILOSOPHY" "PHOTOGRAPHY" "POLITICS" "PRODUCE" "PRODUCTIVITY" "PSYCHOLOGY" "QORTAL" "SCIENCE" "SELF_CARE" "SELF_SUFFICIENCY" "SHOPPING" "SOCIAL" "SOFTWARE" "SPIRITUALITY" "SPORTS" "STORYTELLING" "TECHNOLOGY" "TOOLS" "TRAVEL" "UNCATEGORIZED" "VIDEO" "WEATHER") if [[ -n "$category" && ! " ${allowed_categories[@]} " =~ " $category " ]]; then echo "Error: Invalid category. Allowed categories are: ${allowed_categories[*]} be sure to place your overall script inputs in the correct order" exit 1 elif [ -z "$category" ]; then category="" echo "No category is being set" fi if [ -n "$fee" ]; then if [[ "$fee" == "1" || "$fee" == ".01" ]]; then fee="1000000" elif [ -z "$fee" ]; then fee="" else echo "Error: Invalid fee value. Expected '1', '.01' or no input." exit 1 fi final_fee="${fee}" fi # check that preview is true/false if [[ -n "$preview" && ! ( "$preview" == "true" || "$preview" == "false" ) ]]; then echo "Error: Invalid preview value. Expected 'true' or 'false'. Please retry with boolean as preview entry." exit 1 elif [ -z "$preview" ]; then preview="" fi # Build the API URL api_url="http://${host}:${port}/arbitrary/${service}/${name}/${identifier}${type_component}" api_url+="?title=${title}&description=${description}&tags=${tags_component}&category=${category}&fee=${final_fee}&preview=${preview}" echo "Creating transaction - this can take a while..." tx_data=$(curl --silent --insecure -X ${method} "${api_url}" -H "accept: text/plain" -H "X-API-KEY: ${apikey}" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d "${data}") if [[ "${tx_data}" == *"error"* || "${tx_data}" == *"ERROR"* ]]; then echo "Error creating transaction: ${tx_data}" exit 1 elif [ -z "${tx_data}" ]; then echo "Error: no transaction data returned" exit 1 fi echo "Computing nonce..." computed_tx_data=$(curl --silent --insecure -X POST "http://${host}:${port}/arbitrary/compute" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-API-KEY: ${apikey}" -d "${tx_data}") if [[ "${computed_tx_data}" == *"error"* || "${computed_tx_data}" == *"ERROR"* ]]; then echo "Error computing nonce: ${computed_tx_data}" exit 1 fi echo "Signing..." signed_tx_data=$(curl --silent --insecure -X POST "http://${host}:${port}/transactions/sign" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"privateKey\":\"${QORTAL_PRIVKEY}\",\"transactionBytes\":\"${computed_tx_data}\"}") if [[ "${signed_tx_data}" == *"error"* || "${signed_tx_data}" == *"ERROR"* ]]; then echo "Error signing transaction: ${signed_tx_data}" exit 1 fi echo "Broadcasting..." success=$(curl --silent --insecure -X POST "http://${host}:${port}/transactions/process" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d "${signed_tx_data}") if [[ "${success}" == "true" ]]; then echo "Transaction broadcast successfully" else echo "Error when broadcasting transaction. Please try again." echo "Response: ${success}" fi elif [[ "${method}" == "GET" ]]; then identifier=$4 filepath=$5 rebuild=$6 if [ -z "${rebuild}" ]; then rebuild="false" fi # Handle default if [[ "${filepath}" == "default" ]]; then filepath="" fi # We use a different API depending on whether or not an identifier is supplied if [ -n "${identifier}" ]; then response=$(curl --silent --insecure -X GET "http://${host}:${port}/arbitrary/${service}/${name}/${identifier}?rebuild=${rebuild}&filepath=${filepath}" -H "X-API-KEY: ${apikey}") else response=$(curl --silent --insecure -X GET "http://${host}:${port}/arbitrary/${service}/${name}?rebuild=${rebuild}&filepath=${filepath}" -H "X-API-KEY: ${apikey}") fi if [ -z "${response}" ]; then echo "Empty response from ${host}:${port}" fi if [[ "${response}" == *"error"* || "${response}" == *"ERROR"* ]]; then echo "${response}" exit 1 fi echo "${response}" fi