# How to build a testnet ## Create testnet blockchain config - You can begin by copying the mainnet blockchain config `src/main/resources/blockchain.json` - Insert `"isTestChain": true,` after the opening `{` - Modify testnet genesis block ### Testnet genesis block - Set `timestamp` to a nearby future value, e.g. 15 mins from 'now' This is to give yourself enough time to set up other testnet nodes - Retain the initial `ISSUE_ASSET` transactions! - Add `ACCOUNT_FLAGS` transactions with `"andMask": -1, "orMask": 1, "xorMask": 0` to create founders - Add at least one `REWARD_SHARE` transaction otherwise no-one can mint initial blocks! You will need to calculate `rewardSharePublicKey` (and private key), or make a new account on mainnet and use self-share key values - Add `ACCOUNT_LEVEL` transactions to set initial level of accounts as needed - Add `GENESIS` transactions to add QORT/LEGACY_QORA funds to accounts as needed ## Testnet `settings.json` - Create a new `settings-test.json` - Make sure to add `"isTestNet": true,` - Make sure to reference testnet blockchain config file: `"blockchainConfig": "testchain.json",` - It is a good idea to use a separate database: `"repositoryPath": "db-testnet",` - You might also need to add `"bitcoinNet": "TEST3",` and `"litecoinNet": "TEST3",` ## Other nodes - Copy `testchain.json` and `settings-test.json` to other nodes - Alternatively, you can run multiple nodes on the same machine by: * Copying `settings-test.json` to `settings-test-1.json` * Configure different `repositoryPath` * Configure use of different ports: + `"apiPort": 22391,` + `"listenPort": 22392,` ## Starting-up - Start up at least as many nodes as `minBlockchainPeers` (or adjust this value instead) - Probably best to perform API call `DELETE /peers/known` - Add other nodes via API call `POST /peers <peer-hostname-or-IP>` - Add minting private key to node(s) via API call `POST /admin/mintingaccounts <minting-private-key>` This key must have corresponding `REWARD_SHARE` transaction in testnet genesis block - Wait for genesis block timestamp to pass - A node should mint block 2 approximately 60 seconds after genesis block timestamp - Other testnet nodes will sync *as long as there is at least `minBlockchainPeers` peers with an "up-to-date" chain` - You can also use API call `POST /admin/forcesync <connected-peer-IP-and-port>` on stuck nodes ## Dealing with stuck chain Maybe your nodes have been offline and no-one has minted a recent testnet block. Your options are: - Start a new testnet from scratch - Fire up your testnet node(s) - Force one of your nodes to mint by: + Set a debugger breakpoint on Settings.getMinBlockchainPeers() + When breakpoint is hit, change `this.minBlockchainPeers` to zero, then continue - Once one of your nodes has minted blocks up to 'now', you can use "forcesync" on the other nodes ## Tools - `qort` tool, but use `-t` option for default testnet API port (62391) - `qort` tool, but first set shell variable: `export BASE_URL=some-node-hostname-or-ip:port` - `qort` tool, but prepend with one-time shell variable: `BASE_URL=some-node-hostname-or-ip:port qort ......` - `peer-heights`, but use `-t` option, or `BASE_URL` shell variable as above