<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <localization> <context locale="en"> <context path="Api"> <context path="ApiError"> <translation key="0" template="unknown error" /> <translation key="1" template="failed to parse json message" /> <translation key="2" template="not enough balance" /> <translation key="3" template="that feature is not yet released" /> <translation key="101" template="invalid signature" /> <translation key="102" template="invalid address" /> <translation key="103" template="invalid seed" /> <translation key="104" template="invalid amount" /> <translation key="105" template="invalid fee" /> <translation key="106" template="invalid sender" /> <translation key="107" template="invalid recipient" /> <translation key="108" template="invalid name length" /> <translation key="109" template="invalid value length" /> <translation key="110" template="invalid name owner" /> <translation key="111" template="invalid buyer" /> <translation key="112" template="invalid public key" /> <translation key="113" template="invalid options length" /> <translation key="114" template="invalid option length" /> <translation key="115" template="invalid data" /> <translation key="116" template="invalid data length" /> <translation key="117" template="invalid update value" /> <translation key="118" template="key already exists, edit is false" /> <translation key="119" template="the key does not exist" /> <translation key="120" template="you can't delete the key '${key}' if it is the only key" /> <translation key="121" template="fee less required" /> <translation key="122" template="wallet needs to be synchronized" /> <translation key="123" template="invalid network address" /> <translation key="201" template="wallet does not exist" /> <translation key="202" template="address does not exist in wallet" /> <translation key="203" template="wallet is locked" /> <translation key="204" template="wallet already exists" /> <translation key="205" template="user denied api call" /> <translation key="301" template="block does not exist" /> <translation key="311" template="transactions does not exist" /> <translation key="304" template="public key not found" /> <translation key="401" template="name does not exist" /> <translation key="402" template="name already exists" /> <translation key="403" template="name already for sale" /> <translation key="404" template="name must be lower case" /> <translation key="410" template="namesale does not exist" /> <translation key="411" template="buyer is already owner" /> <translation key="501" template="poll does not exist" /> <translation key="502" template="poll already exists" /> <translation key="503" template="not all options are unique" /> <translation key="504" template="option does not exist" /> <translation key="505" template="already voted for that option" /> <translation key="601" template="invalid asset id" /> <!-- <translation key="701" template="?NAME_NOT_REGISTERED?" /> <translation key="702" template="?NAME_FOR_SALE?" /> <translation key="703" template="?NAME_WITH_SPACE?" /> --> <translation key="801" template="invalid description length. max length ${MAX_LENGTH}" /> <translation key="802" template="code is empty" /> <translation key="803" template="invalid data length" /> <translation key="804" template="invalid pages" /> <translation key="805" template="invalid type length" /> <translation key="806" template="invalid tags length" /> <translation key="809" template="error in creation bytes" /> <translation key="901" template="invalid body it must not be empty" /> <translation key="902" template="this blog is disabled" /> <translation key="903" template="the creator address does not own the author name" /> <translation key="904" template="the data size is too large - currently only ${BATCH_TX_AMOUNT} arbitrary transactions are allowed at once!" /> <translation key="905" template="transaction with this signature contains no entries!" /> <translation key="906" template="this blog is empty" /> <translation key="907" template="the attribute postid is empty! this is the signature of the post you want to comment" /> <translation key="908" template="for the given postid no blogpost to comment was found" /> <translation key="909" template="commenting is for this blog disabled" /> <translation key="910" template="for the given signature no comment was found" /> <translation key="911" template="invalid comment owner" /> <translation key="1001" template="the Message format is not hex - correct the text or use isTextMessage = true" /> <translation key="1002" template="The message attribute is missing or content is blank" /> <translation key="1003" template="The recipient has not yet performed any action in the blockchain.\nYou can't send an encrypted message to him." /> <translation key="1004" template="Message size exceeded!" /> </context> <context path="ApiClient"> <translation key="invalid command" template="Invalid command! \nType 'help all' to get a list of commands." /> <translation key="error footer" template="Type 'help all' to get a list of commands." /> <translation key="API error response" template="(API error: ${ERROR_CODE}) ${DESCRIPTION}" /> <translation key="error: with body" template="HTTP Status ${STATUS}: ${BODY}" /> <translation key="error: without body" template="HTTP Status ${STATUS}" /> <translation key="help: success responses" template="On success returns:" /> <translation key="help: failure responses" template="On failure returns:" /> </context> </context> </context> </localization>