package qora.transaction; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.math.MathContext; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static; import static; import data.transaction.TransactionData; import qora.account.Account; import qora.account.PrivateKeyAccount; import qora.account.PublicKeyAccount; import qora.block.BlockChain; import repository.DataException; import repository.Repository; import transform.TransformationException; import transform.transaction.TransactionTransformer; public abstract class Transaction { // Transaction types public enum TransactionType { GENESIS(1), PAYMENT(2), REGISTER_NAME(3), UPDATE_NAME(4), SELL_NAME(5), CANCEL_SELL_NAME(6), BUY_NAME(7), CREATE_POLL(8), VOTE_ON_POLL(9), ARBITRARY(10), ISSUE_ASSET(11), TRANSFER_ASSET(12), CREATE_ASSET_ORDER(13), CANCEL_ASSET_ORDER(14), MULTIPAYMENT(15), DEPLOY_AT(16), MESSAGE(17), DELEGATION(18), SUPERNODE(19), AIRDROP(20), AT(21); public final int value; private final static Map map = stream(TransactionType.values()).collect(toMap(type -> type.value, type -> type)); TransactionType(int value) { this.value = value; } public static TransactionType valueOf(int value) { return map.get(value); } } // Validation results public enum ValidationResult { OK(1), INVALID_ADDRESS(2), NEGATIVE_AMOUNT(3), NEGATIVE_FEE(4), NO_BALANCE(5), INVALID_REFERENCE(6), INVALID_NAME_LENGTH(7), INVALID_VALUE_LENGTH(8), NAME_ALREADY_REGISTERED(9), NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST(10), INVALID_NAME_OWNER(11), NAME_ALREADY_FOR_SALE(12), NAME_NOT_FOR_SALE(13), BUYER_ALREADY_OWNER(14), INVALID_AMOUNT(15), INVALID_SELLER(16), NAME_NOT_LOWER_CASE(17), INVALID_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH(18), INVALID_OPTIONS_COUNT(19), INVALID_OPTION_LENGTH(20), DUPLICATE_OPTION(21), POLL_ALREADY_EXISTS(22), POLL_DOES_NOT_EXIST(24), POLL_OPTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST(25), ALREADY_VOTED_FOR_THAT_OPTION(26), INVALID_DATA_LENGTH(27), INVALID_QUANTITY(28), ASSET_DOES_NOT_EXIST(29), INVALID_RETURN(30), HAVE_EQUALS_WANT(31), ORDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST(32), INVALID_ORDER_CREATOR(33), INVALID_PAYMENTS_COUNT(34), NEGATIVE_PRICE(35), INVALID_CREATION_BYTES(36), INVALID_TAGS_LENGTH(37), INVALID_AT_TYPE_LENGTH(38), INVALID_AT_TRANSACTION(39), AT_IS_FINISHED(40), ASSET_DOES_NOT_MATCH_AT(41), ASSET_ALREADY_EXISTS(43), NOT_YET_RELEASED(1000); public final int value; private final static Map map = stream(ValidationResult.values()).collect(toMap(result -> result.value, result -> result)); ValidationResult(int value) { this.value = value; } public static ValidationResult valueOf(int value) { return map.get(value); } } // Properties protected Repository repository; protected TransactionData transactionData; // Constructors /** * Basic constructor for use by subclasses. * * @param repository * @param transactionData */ protected Transaction(Repository repository, TransactionData transactionData) { this.repository = repository; this.transactionData = transactionData; } /** * Returns subclass of Transaction constructed using passed transaction data. *

* Uses transaction-type in transaction data to call relevant subclass constructor. * * @param repository * @param transactionData * @return a Transaction subclass, or null if a transaction couldn't be determined/built from passed data */ public static Transaction fromData(Repository repository, TransactionData transactionData) { switch (transactionData.getType()) { case GENESIS: return new GenesisTransaction(repository, transactionData); case PAYMENT: return new PaymentTransaction(repository, transactionData); case REGISTER_NAME: return new RegisterNameTransaction(repository, transactionData); case UPDATE_NAME: return new UpdateNameTransaction(repository, transactionData); case SELL_NAME: return new SellNameTransaction(repository, transactionData); case CANCEL_SELL_NAME: return new CancelSellNameTransaction(repository, transactionData); case BUY_NAME: return new BuyNameTransaction(repository, transactionData); case CREATE_POLL: return new CreatePollTransaction(repository, transactionData); case VOTE_ON_POLL: return new VoteOnPollTransaction(repository, transactionData); case ARBITRARY: return new ArbitraryTransaction(repository, transactionData); case ISSUE_ASSET: return new IssueAssetTransaction(repository, transactionData); case TRANSFER_ASSET: return new TransferAssetTransaction(repository, transactionData); case CREATE_ASSET_ORDER: return new CreateOrderTransaction(repository, transactionData); case CANCEL_ASSET_ORDER: return new CancelOrderTransaction(repository, transactionData); case MULTIPAYMENT: return new MultiPaymentTransaction(repository, transactionData); case DEPLOY_AT: return new DeployATTransaction(repository, transactionData); case MESSAGE: return new MessageTransaction(repository, transactionData); case AT: return new ATTransaction(repository, transactionData); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported transaction type [" + transactionData.getType().value + "] during fetch from repository"); } } // Getters / Setters public TransactionData getTransactionData() { return this.transactionData; } // More information public long getDeadline() { // 24 hour deadline to include transaction in a block return this.transactionData.getTimestamp() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } public boolean hasMinimumFee() { return this.transactionData.getFee().compareTo(BlockChain.getInstance().getUnitFee()) >= 0; } public BigDecimal feePerByte() { try { return this.transactionData.getFee().divide(new BigDecimal(TransactionTransformer.getDataLength(this.transactionData)), MathContext.DECIMAL32); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to get transaction byte length?"); } } public boolean hasMinimumFeePerByte() { return this.feePerByte().compareTo(BlockChain.getInstance().getMinFeePerByte()) >= 0; } public BigDecimal calcRecommendedFee() { int dataLength; try { dataLength = TransactionTransformer.getDataLength(this.transactionData); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to get transaction byte length?"); } BigDecimal maxBytePerUnitFee = BlockChain.getInstance().getMaxBytesPerUnitFee(); BigDecimal recommendedFee = BigDecimal.valueOf(dataLength).divide(maxBytePerUnitFee, MathContext.DECIMAL32).setScale(8); // security margin recommendedFee = recommendedFee.add(new BigDecimal("0.00000001")); if (recommendedFee.compareTo(BlockChain.getInstance().getUnitFee()) <= 0) { recommendedFee = BlockChain.getInstance().getUnitFee(); } else { recommendedFee = recommendedFee.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_UP); } return recommendedFee.setScale(8); } /** * Return the transaction version number that should be used, based on passed timestamp. * * @param timestamp * @return transaction version number, likely 1 or 3 */ public static int getVersionByTimestamp(long timestamp) { if (timestamp < BlockChain.getInstance().getPowFixReleaseTimestamp()) { return 1; } else if (timestamp < BlockChain.getInstance().getQoraV2Timestamp()) { return 3; } else { return 4; } } /** * Get block height for this transaction in the blockchain. * * @return height, or 0 if not in blockchain (i.e. unconfirmed) * @throws DataException */ public int getHeight() throws DataException { return this.repository.getTransactionRepository().getHeightFromSignature(this.transactionData.getSignature()); } /** * Get number of confirmations for this transaction. * * @return confirmation count, or 0 if not in blockchain (i.e. unconfirmed) * @throws DataException */ public int getConfirmations() throws DataException { int ourHeight = getHeight(); if (ourHeight == 0) return 0; int blockChainHeight = this.repository.getBlockRepository().getBlockchainHeight(); if (blockChainHeight == 0) return 0; return blockChainHeight - ourHeight + 1; } /** * Returns a list of recipient accounts for this transaction. * * @return list of recipients accounts, or empty list if none * @throws DataException */ public abstract List getRecipientAccounts() throws DataException; /** * Returns a list of involved accounts for this transaction. *

* "Involved" means sender or recipient. * * @return list of involved accounts, or empty list if none * @throws DataException */ public List getInvolvedAccounts() throws DataException { // Typically this is all the recipients plus the transaction creator/sender List participants = new ArrayList(getRecipientAccounts()); participants.add(getCreator()); return participants; } /** * Returns whether passed account is an involved party in this transaction. *

* Account could be sender, or any one of the potential recipients. * * @param account * @return true if account is involved, false otherwise * @throws DataException */ public abstract boolean isInvolved(Account account) throws DataException; /** * Returns amount of QORA lost/gained by passed account due to this transaction. *

* Amounts "lost", e.g. sent by sender and fees, are returned as negative values.
* Amounts "gained", e.g. QORA sent to recipient, are returned as positive values. * * @param account * @return Amount of QORA lost/gained by account, or BigDecimal.ZERO otherwise * @throws DataException */ public abstract BigDecimal getAmount(Account account) throws DataException; // Navigation /** * Return transaction's "creator" account. * * @return creator * @throws DataException */ protected Account getCreator() throws DataException { return new PublicKeyAccount(this.repository, this.transactionData.getCreatorPublicKey()); } /** * Load parent's transaction data from repository via this transaction's reference. * * @return Parent's TransactionData, or null if no parent found (which should not happen) * @throws DataException */ public TransactionData getParent() throws DataException { byte[] reference = this.transactionData.getReference(); if (reference == null) return null; return this.repository.getTransactionRepository().fromSignature(reference); } /** * Load child's transaction data from repository, if any. * * @return Child's TransactionData, or null if no child found * @throws DataException */ public TransactionData getChild() throws DataException { byte[] signature = this.transactionData.getSignature(); if (signature == null) return null; return this.repository.getTransactionRepository().fromReference(signature); } // Processing public void sign(PrivateKeyAccount signer) { try { this.transactionData.setSignature(signer.sign(TransactionTransformer.toBytesForSigning(transactionData))); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to transform transaction to byte array for signing", e); } } public boolean isSignatureValid() { byte[] signature = this.transactionData.getSignature(); if (signature == null) return false; try { return PublicKeyAccount.verify(this.transactionData.getCreatorPublicKey(), signature, TransactionTransformer.toBytesForSigning(transactionData)); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to transform transaction to byte array for verification", e); } } /** * Returns whether transaction can be added to unconfirmed transactions. *

* NOTE: temporarily updates creator's lastReference to that from * unconfirmed transactions, and hence calls repository.discardChanges() * before exit. *

* This is not done normally because we don't want unconfirmed transactions affecting validity of transactions already included in a block. * * @return true if transaction can be added to unconfirmed transactions, false otherwise * @throws DataException */ public ValidationResult isValidUnconfirmed() throws DataException { try { Account creator = this.getCreator(); creator.setLastReference(creator.getUnconfirmedLastReference()); return this.isValid(); } finally { repository.discardChanges(); } } /** * Returns whether transaction can be added to the blockchain. *

* Checks if transaction can have {@link TransactionHandler#process()} called. *

* Transactions that have already been processed will return false. * * @return true if transaction can be processed, false otherwise */ public abstract ValidationResult isValid() throws DataException; /** * Actually process a transaction, updating the blockchain. *

* Processes transaction, updating balances, references, assets, etc. as appropriate. * * @throws DataException */ public abstract void process() throws DataException; /** * Undo transaction, updating the blockchain. *

* Undoes transaction, updating balances, references, assets, etc. as appropriate. * * @throws DataException */ public abstract void orphan() throws DataException; // Comparison /** Returns comparator that sorts ATTransactions first, then by timestamp, then by signature */ public static Comparator getComparator() { class TransactionComparator implements Comparator { // Compare by type, timestamp, then signature @Override public int compare(Transaction t1, Transaction t2) { TransactionData td1 = t1.getTransactionData(); TransactionData td2 = t2.getTransactionData(); // AT transactions come before non-AT transactions if (td1.getType() == TransactionType.AT && td2.getType() != TransactionType.AT) return -1; // Non-AT transactions come after AT transactions if (td1.getType() != TransactionType.AT && td2.getType() == TransactionType.AT) return 1; // Both transactions are either AT or non-AT so compare timestamps int result =, td2.getTimestamp()); if (result == 0) // Same timestamp so compare signatures result = new BigInteger(td1.getSignature()).compareTo(new BigInteger(td2.getSignature())); return result; } } return new TransactionComparator(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.transactionData.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof TransactionData)) return false; return this.transactionData.equals(other); } }