13 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
5e674cbaab Added Create Poll Transaction support (untested)
* Moved Asset issue/deissue code from IssueAssetTransaction to Asset business object.
* Added more constructors for Asset using IssueAssetTransactionData or assetId.

* Moved some constants from transaction transfers to business objects (e.g. IssueAssetTransaction)
(They might now make more sense being in Asset)

* Changed some transaction isValid() checks to use transaction's timestamp instead of NTP.getTime()

* New VotingRepository - as yet unimplemented

Really need to rewrite "migrate" and add a ton of unit tests.
2018-06-19 12:30:17 +01:00
4c18c7c5bc Fix unit test failures - mostly to due with [de]serialization bugs 2018-06-14 09:03:12 +01:00
a0824b21d4 Converted most of CreateOrderTransaction
Some tidying up of other transaction-related repositories and transformers.
2018-06-13 14:29:15 +01:00
519331f823 Work on Assets conversion
* Added AssetData transfer object
* Added IssueAssetTransactionData transfer object

* Reworked qora.assets.Asset into business layer object
* Reworked qora.transaction.IssueAssetTransaction into business layer object

* Added corresponding AssetRepository and support in TransactionRepository et al

* Fixed BlockChain in line with asset changes

* Some renaming inside GenesisTransaction to reflect use of transfer object, not business object

* Business transaction objects now take Repository param

* Moved HSQLDB transaction repositories into a sub-package
* Changed HSQLDBSaver.execute(Connection connection) to .execute(Repository repository) to fix visibility issues
and allow repository more control in the future if need be

* Changed from "return null" statements in HSQLDB repositories to throw DataException when an error occurs.
Better to throw than to silently return null?

* Added static version of PublicKeyAccount.verify() for when a repository-backed PublicKeyAccount is not needed

* Fixed getter/setter code template incorrectly producing "this.this.field = param"
2018-06-13 11:46:33 +01:00
d45c33fe90 More work on repository
No need for database.DB class as the code is specific to HSQLDB so moved into relevant repository.hsqldb classes.

Top-level Repository instance (e.g. HSQLDBRepository) is used within subclasses, e.g. HSQLDBBlockRepository, so they
can share the same repository state, like underlying SQL Connection for easier transactional support.

HSQLDBRepository subclasses now call checkedExecute() on top-level repository instance, instead of passing Connection
to obsolete DB.checkedExecute.

No need for qora.block.BlockFactory any more as those methods are now in repository.

More work on Blocks and Transactions in general.
2018-06-12 10:21:03 +01:00
Still converting to repository layout.
This commit is just in case my dev computer blows up and also for interim code review.

Removed data.block.BlockData as an interface (with data.block.Block as implementation) for now.
2018-06-11 12:09:16 +01:00
3d78d5dad9 More refactoring - DOES NOT COMPILE
qora.* packages are business logic/handler/processing
data.* packages are "value objects" or are they "business objects"?

toBytes(), fromBytes() (which used to be called parse()) and toJSON() moved to transform.* packages

new issues:

Lost control of SQL Transactions. Previously, some class "knew" whether to call COMMIT or not.
e.g. simply saving a payment transaction would involve updating Transactions table first, then the PaymentTransactions table after (to satisfy foreign key constraints) then commit.
Processing a block would involve a new transaction, a savepoint, a rollback and then maybe a further commit or rollback.
Not sure how this is going to work with the repository, especially if business logic isn't supposed to be aware of such things.

Growing number of stupid try-catch blocks. Probably best to ditch TransformationException (was ParseException) and throw IllegalStateExceptions instead as they're "unchecked".

What happens if the repository fails to save() to the database? It can't throw SQLException any more as that has no meaning outside the repository. Ditto with delete().
2018-06-08 17:40:27 +01:00
3a6276c4a9 IssueAssetTransactions
Use HSQLDB "CREATE TYPE" instead of "CREATE DOMAIN" as collate clause is lost on HSQLDB shutdown in v2.4.0.

Restore GenesisAccount's public key back to 8-byte legacy value.

More work on block/transaction processing.

It's becoming apparent that way too many Connection objects are being passed around, and now with two forms of
methods (one with, one without) it's time to switch to something like thread-local Connections.

Maybe also switch to having data access objects.

So this commit is save work prior to that conversion.
2018-06-06 09:52:42 +01:00
948bc95644 More work on transactions/blocks
Added Apache commons-net as maven dependency for NTP support.

Added SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT support to DB class.
Added exists() test to DB class.

Add MessageTransactions, with V1/V3 code in one class instead of very similar code
split across two classes. Update DB schema to add version.

More fleshing out of Assets class.

Fleshing out Block class with parse(), generating balance and signature-related methods.

More javadoc. More tests.
2018-06-04 11:45:40 +01:00
4ce499c444 More database work
No need for DB.executeUsingBytes as it was only a specific use-case for DB.checkedExecute.
Callers now refactored to use DB.checkedExecute instead.
Minor tidying up of BlockTransactions in light of above.

In the HSQLDB database, asset keys/IDs are now "asset_id" (previously: "asset").
Added initial Asset/Order/Trade classes.
Added CreateOrderTransaction class.
Renamed some asset-related fields back to old gen1 names, e.g. haveAmount -> amount, wantAmount -> price.

Added Accounts and AccountBalances to database.

Added get/set confirmed balance support to Account.
Added get/set last reference support to Account.

Added Block.toJSON() - untested at this time.

Fleshed out some Transaction sub-classes' process() and orphan() methods.
Fleshed out PaymentTransaction.isValid().
Added Transaction.delete() - untested.
2018-05-27 14:59:30 +01:00
387c18c909 Some serialization
Add Transaction.parse() support. Subclasses are called, switched by transaction type,
using ByteBuffer.

Correct RECIPIENT_LENGTH in Transaction.

Common [de]serialization tasks moved to methods in Serialization class.
2018-05-24 21:08:21 +01:00
71f9d5c0f0 More work on transactions and blocks
PaymentTransaction now uses Account for recipient internally but maybe should extend that type change to constructor args.

GenesisBlock added also with signature test.

More javadocs.
2018-05-18 18:54:52 +01:00
a2b5fa140b Initial stab at migrating to HSQLDB for Qora gen2
Most SQL tables defined but only payment transactions actually implemented.
Maven support added.

Some code imported from 'old' Qora:

RIPEMD160 renamed as BrokenMD160 and deprecated.
whispersystem's Ed25519 implementation (to be replaced with bouncycastle).
Basic Account/PublicKeyAccount/PrivateKeyAccount code.
Some utils like Base58 and Pair.

To use:

Use maven to fetch dependencies.
Build project.
Fire up an old-gen Qora node.
Run src/test/update.java as a JUnit test to build DB structure.
Run src/test/migrate.java as a JUnit test to migrate old Qora blocks to DB.

You should now be able to run src/test/load.java and src/test/save.java
as JUnit tests demonstrating loading/saving Transactions from/to database.

This commit done while halfway through adding Block support!
2018-05-16 11:46:44 +01:00