Updated pom.xml.
Updated dependencies, including various minor code mods, esp. bitcoin-related.
Starts up and talks to Java 8 nodes!
Dev environment should be at least Eclipse 4.11 with m2e 1.9.1+
API call GET /addresses/online reports online accounts,
including both addresses relating to the proxy-forge public key.
New PeerChainTipData class to replace the broken "peer data lock"
that was supposed to make sure peer's last height/blockSig/timestamp
were all in sync. Now peer's chain tip data is a single object
reference that can be replaced in one go.
Removed pointless API calls /blocks/time and /blocks/{generatingbalance}.
Various changes, mostly in Block class, to do with switching to BlockTimingByHeight
from old min/max block time.
New block 'weight' based on number of online accounts
and 'distance' of perturbed generator public key from 'ideal' public key
(for that particular block's height).
New sub-chain 'weight' based on accumulating block weights,
currently by shifting previous accumulator left by 8 bits then
adding next block's weight.
More validation of BlockChain config. Helpful for debugging, probably
not very useful to end-users.
BlockGenerator now uses unified Peer predicates from Controller, like:
Controller.hasMisbehaved, Controller.hasNoRecentBlock, etc.
Controller now keeps a list of chain-tip signatures that are for inferior
chains, so it doesn't try to synchronize with peers with inferior chains.
(This list is wiped when node's blockchain changes/block is generated).
Controller now asks Gui to display error box if it can't parse Settings.
Controller.potentiallySynchronize() does more filtering of potential peers
before calling actuallySynchronize(). (Mostly moved from Synchronizer,
so now we expect actuallySynchronize() to do something rather than bail
out because it doesn't like the peer after all).
If synchronization discovers that peer has an inferior chain,
then Controller notifies that peer of our superior chain, to help keep
the network in sync.
Renamed OnlineAccount to OnlineAccountData, as it is in package org.qora.data
after all...
Synchronizer reworked to request block summaries so it can judge which chain
is better, and hence whether to sync with peer or abort.
Slight optimization of Peer.readChannel() to exit earlier if no more network
messages can be extracted from buffer.
More tests.
Improved documentation and logging.
Safety commit in case of data loss!
Lots of changes to do with "online accounts", including:
* networking
+ Changes to serialization of block data to include online accounts info
* block-related
+ Adding online accounts info when generating blocks
+ Validating online accounts info in block data
+ Repository changes to store online accounts info
* Controller
+ Managing in-memory cache of online accounts
+ Updating/broadcasting our online accounts
* BlockChain config
Added "account levels", so new code/changes required in the usual places, like:
* transaction data object
* repository
* transaction transformer
* transaction processing
Orphaning a BUY_NAME transaction would not reinstate the
sale price. Sale price could be nullified by (e.g.) orphaning
a SELL_NAME transaction.
Also added test case to cover above and other test-related support,
e.g. test-mode in NTP.
Added "volatile" to more fields, for thread-safety on reads.
Changes to field values are done inside synchronized blocks
so no need for AtomicInteger/AtomicBoolean. (Could be changed
in the future to show intention/readability though).
Added more statistics (tasks produced/consumed).
Limited Network's EPC executor to 10 threads max.
New NTP class now runs as a simplistic NTP client, repeatedly polling
several NTP servers and maintaining a more accurate time independent
of operating system.
Several occurrences of System.currentTimeMillis() replaced with NTP.getTime()
particularly where block/transaction/networking is involved.
GET /admin/info now includes "currentTimestamp" as reported from NTP.
Added support for block timestamps determined by generator, instead of
supplied by clock. (BlockChain.newBlockTimestampHeight - not yet activated).
Incorrect timestamps will produce a TIMESTAMP_INCORRECT Block.ValidationResult.
Block.calcMinimumTimestamp repurposed as Block.calcTimestamp for above.
Block timestamps are now allowed to be max 2000ms in the future,
was previously max 500ms.
Block generation prohibited until initial NTP sync.
Instead of deleting INVALID unconfirmed transactions in BlockGenerator,
Controller now deletes EXPIRED unconfirmed transactions every so often.
This also fixes persistent expired unconfirmed transactions on nodes
that do not generate blocks, as BlockGenerator.deleteInvalidTransactions()
was never reached.
Abbreviated block sigs added to log entries declaring a new block is generated
in BlockGenerator.
Controller checks for NTP sync much faster during start-up and SysTray's
tooltip text starts as "Synchronizing clock" until NTP sync occurs.
After NTP sync, Controller logs NTP offset every so often (currently every 5 mins).
When considering synchronizing, Controller skips peers that have the same block sig
as last time when synchronization resulted in no action, e.g. INFERIOR_CHAIN,
NOTHING_TO_DO and also OK. OK is included as another sync attempt would result in
Previously this skipping check only happened after prior INFERIOR_CHAIN.
During inbound peer handshaking, if we receive a peer ID that matches an existing inbound
peer then send peer ID of all zeros, then close connection.
Remote end should detect this and cleanly close connection instead of waiting for handshake timeout.
Randomly generated peer IDs have lowest bit set to avoid all zeros.
Might need further work.
Networking doesn't connect, or accept, until NTP has synced.
Transaction validation can fail with CLOCK_NOT_SYNCED if NTP not synced.
Controller performs NTP check on startup (and every 5 minutes)
which determines whether block generation is allowed.
System Tray tooltip updated to reflect generating status.
Plus new translations.
Improved GuiTests.
BlockGenerator fetches forging accounts first, and sleeps
if none configured, which is less work than processing peer lists.
Now uses several NTP servers to determine mean offset from
system clock to internet time.
If abs(offset) > 500ms or NTP service not running then
user is 'nagged' via system tray pop-up notification
with instructions on how to fix.
Also improved system tray translations!
Reworked networking execute-produce-consume threading.
Some networking task were wrongly performed during 'produce' phase,
and some producing was happening in 'consume' phase (also corrected).
Peer connection tasks are rate-limited to 1 per second to reduce CPU thrashing.
Show P2P listen port in logs on startup.
Tests for general purpose ExecuteProduceConsume class to cover both
random task scenario and mass-ping scenario.
Included unit test to cover change.
Modified test blockchain config "test-chain-v2.json" to add maxProxyRelationships.
Added comments to some proxy-related methods in AccountRepository class.
Added transaction [de]serialization test, along with corresponding random transaction generators.
Minor typo fix in Transaction.
Minor clarification in MessageTransactionTransformer.
Added debugging to Account.
Bumped version
Controller no longer uses block height to determine whether to sync
but now uses peer's latest block's timestamp and signature.
Also BlockGenerator checks whether it's generating in isolation using
the same peer info (latest block timestamp and signature).
Added API call POST /admin/forcesync peer-address to help get wayward
nodes back on track.
Unified code around, and calling, Transaction.importAsUnconfirmed().
Tidied code around somelock.tryLock() to be more readable.
Controller (post-sync) now broadcasts new chaintip info if
our latest block's signature has changed, not simply the height.
Network.broadcast() only sends out via outbound peer if node has
more than one connection from the same peer. So Controller would
only update one of the peer records with chaintip info.
Controller now updates all connected peers with the ID when it
receives a HEIGHT or HEIGHT_V2 message.
Added node1 thru node7.mcfamily.io to default peers in Network.
Network ignores first "listen port" entry when receiving peers
list from an outbound-connection peer as it already knows
by virtue of having connected to it!
More network message debug logging (hopefully never to be seen).
[some old code left in, but commented out, for a while]
Remove fetching unconfirmed from Synchronizer
Add extra validity/reference/processable checks to
Update TransactionUtils to use Transaction.importAsUnconfirmed
for unit tests.
Added mass (x1000) testing of key conversion and shared secret calculations.
Fix incorrect proxy private key test that has expected result from previous
Added another test HTML/JS file.
HTML/JS in src/test/resources/proxy-key-example.html updated accordingly.
Add handshake status to output of API call GET /peers
Add/correct @ApiErrors annotations on some API calls.
Add API call POST /admin/orphan (target height as body)
to force blockchain orphaning for when node is wildly out of sync.
Added support for above to BlockChain class.
BlockGenerator now requires a minimum number of peers
before it will generate any new blocks.
See "minBlockchainPeers" in settings.
Controller now requires a minimum number of peers
before it will consider synchronizing.
See "minBlockchainPeers" in settings.
Old "minPeers" entry in settings.json no longer valid!
Networking now allows both an outbound and inbound connection
to a peer although will use the outbound connection in preference.
Networking checks peer ID of inbound connections to detect,
and resolve, peer ID clashes/theft.
Lots of edits to Transaction subclasses to change/remove 'delete'.
Corresponding extra changes to help reset some transaction fields to pre-process
state during orphaning.
Changed Block, GenesisBlock & Synchronizer to save transactions where appropriate.
Added enhanced GET_SIGNATURES_V2 network message to reduce the number of
block signatures sent over network.
Peers are now version 2 if they send a new-style build version string,
instead of using first digit from build version.
X25519 shared secrets now match those generated by libsodium.
New tests show that shared secrets are the same using either set
of private+public key combinations.
Changed proxy private key generation from using simple SHA256
of shared secret to using SHA256(shared secret + both public keys).
Added a temporary "BouncyCastle25519" shim class to provide missing
key conversion from Ed25519 to X25519.
After opening repository connection with RepositoryManager.getRepostory(),
any 'read' from repository (e.g. SELECT) starts the transaction
even though HSQLDB documentation states there are no shared/read locks
in MVCC concurrency model.
The work-around for this is to 'reset' HSQLDB's in-transaction flag
by performing a ROLLBACK (Repository.discardChanges) immediately
after acquiring the blockchain lock (which is used to ringfence
changes that might collide like these).
Also adding an extra check to prevent payments to nonexistent AT
addresses as it touches Transaction.
Move hard-coded forging tiers to blockchain config.
Tests for granting forging rights.
Added API call to list top block forgers.
Fixed typo with Reward[s]ByHeight class name.
Remove old whispersystems, etc. *25519 and use new v1.61 BouncyCastle.
Fix proxy forging private key derivation from X25519 shared secret.
Also include Javascript test version for comparison.
Fix block rewards for proxy forging.
Add extra useful info to API call GET /admin/forgingaccounts.
Fix API response to POST/DELETE /admin/forgingaccounts when
passed invalid private keys.
Added block rewards and account flags to testchain config.
Tests to cover changes above.
Also improved asset tests in that they don't use QORA any more
which takes fees/block rewards out of the picture.
More test assets are issued in the genesis block to
accomplish this:
1m TEST issued to Alice
1m OTHER issued to Bob
1m GOLD issued to Alice