1774 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
6a4388fecc Use cached PreparedStatement for HSQLDB.assertEmptyTransaction + other minor HSQLDB fixes 2020-10-07 09:45:44 +01:00
1958444bc4 Add recipient indexes for payment/AT transactions to speed up AT processing 2020-10-06 14:09:42 +01:00
a2038274e1 Keep latest AT state, even if "finished", so we can produce historical trade data 2020-10-05 15:18:41 +01:00
532c697026 Moved AT State & online signatures trimming intervals, batch sizes, limits, etc. to Settings 2020-10-02 12:58:23 +01:00
5cf5c1e1f7 Take pressure off GC by not creating/destroying HSQLDB sub-repositories all the time 2020-10-01 13:18:24 +01:00
60621e8b81 Reworked AT-states and online signatures trimming
Instead of searching from block 0, we now keep a record of
base trim height in the DB itself.

Also, we no longer trim the latest AT state for non-finished ATs
in case they are in deep sleeping and we need their state for when
they awaken.
2020-10-01 13:17:00 +01:00
a6a1f65d3e Reduce block search size in AT state trimmer to reduce load 2020-09-29 11:41:30 +01:00
a681f741dd Add initial delay before trimming online accounts signatures 2020-09-29 11:40:41 +01:00
bed9837967 Added settings entry "localeLang" for controlling core language (not-API) 2020-09-29 10:56:27 +01:00
855cb2226a Aggressively trim old AT state data and online accounts signatures.
Two new classes/threads made to quickly find first trimmable row
then repeatedly trim rows in small batches after that.
2020-09-28 14:34:00 +01:00
d85a3d17c8 Fix for HSQLDB deadlock during CHECKPOINT.
Symptoms are:

* db/blockchain.log is pretty much exactly 50MB - the checkpoint-triggering size.

* Loads of threads are stuck waiting for HSQLDB's CountUpDownLatch$Sync.await()

* Synchronizer, or some other thread, possibly orphaning blocks.

The cause seems to be method A, which has a repository session,
calls EventBus.INSTANCE.notify() and one of the event listeners
then obtains their own repository session to do repository 'work'.

In the meantime, the HSQLDB log has reached 50MB, triggering auto-checkpoint.

HSQLDB attempts to CHECKPOINT, but waits for existing transactions
to complete, and also blocks starting new transactions.

Thus, one of the event listeners is blocked when they try to obtain
a new repository session, but HSQLDB never performs CHECKPOINT
because the event notifier (method A) still has an unfinished
transaction - hence deadlock.
2020-09-28 14:22:18 +01:00
81a5b154c2 Add API call DELETE /admin/repository which actually performs repository maintenance (takes several minutes) 2020-09-25 17:06:06 +01:00
a6f42df9d6 Add isTestNet to API call GET /admin/info 2020-09-25 16:35:53 +01:00
17ae7acc6d Reduce DB storage of AT states
Drop created_when column from ATStates as it never changes
and can be fetched from ATs table.
This takes about 50s on a fast machine.

Correspondingly rebuild height-based index on ATStates.
This takes about 3 minutes on a fast machine.

Modify AT-related repository methods and callers.

Aggressively remove 'old' (> 2 weeks) actual AT
state binary data, leaving only the hash in DB
(for syncing purposes). Seems to keep up with
syncing from another node on localhost.
2020-09-25 15:25:57 +01:00
21f48fba5f HSQLDB PreparedStatement caching improvements 2020-09-24 12:46:30 +01:00
d0da5d7c48 ATs: only call MachineState.getCodeBytes() once in preparation for using newer AT lib 2020-09-24 12:46:17 +01:00
4209cc6ee4 Improve SQL prepared statement caching in HSQLDBATRepository, plus missing space in SQL in getMatchingFinalATStates 2020-09-23 09:41:24 +01:00
f3e1092dd5 Improve SQL prepared statement caching in HSQLDBBlockRepository.getBlockInfos & test to cover 2020-09-23 09:40:41 +01:00
43055b666f Improve SQL prepared statement caching in HSQLDBAccountRepository.getEligibleLegacyQoraHolders() 2020-09-23 09:38:08 +01:00
7cd8ed6e23 HTLC secret and status caching to reduce repeated calls to ElectrumX network
Additional benefit is to speed up syncing if node has trade-bot entries,
as a batch of blocks processed within 30s will have the same HTLC responses
as neither Bitcoin nor Litecoin blocks are that fast. Once synced, the next
Qortal block (~60s) should pick up any new changes. Generally users will be
synced when using trade-bot anyway.

Also moved bitcoiny.getAddressTransactions(p2shAddress)
into BitcoinyHTLC.findHtlcSecret() so only called if secret,
or lack thereof, is not cached.

Added tests to cover caching.
2020-09-22 12:13:22 +01:00
4bc0edeeca Litecoin trade-bot added!
Several cross-chain API calls moved into separate classes,
although most of the URLs remain roughly the same to provide
backwards compatibility.

API /crosschain/at/build moved into /crosschain/BitcoinACCTv1

Converted DELETE /crosschain/tradeoffer to be ACCT-agnostic.
Changes to ACCT interface, etc. to support above.

Changes applied to other crosschain API calls to make them
independent of Bitcoin/Litecoin.

Corrections to fee calculations and usage in BitcoinACCTv1.

Added new LitecoinACCTv1 trade-bot, using LitecoinACCTv1.

Some minor typo corrections, rename of secretHash to hashOfSecret.

Some more Bitcoin-specific fields deprecated, but values duplicated
from newly-named fields for now.

Lower default fee (10sats/byte) for Litecoin spending transactions.
(Not P2SH fees which are 1000sats).

Changed ApiError INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE HTTP status from 422 to 402
as 422 isn't supported by Jetty?

CrossChainTradeSummary.btcAmount deprecated, use: foreignAmount

Modified pom.xml to generated package-info.java files for classes
inside org.qortal.api.model.** subdirectories.
2020-09-21 16:54:43 +01:00
7a06df6ccd Improve SQL prepared statement caching in HSQLDBATRepository, plus missing space in SQL in getMatchingFinalATStates 2020-09-21 16:42:43 +01:00
d9164a32e5 Improve SQL prepared statement caching in HSQLDBBlockRepository.getBlockInfos & test to cover 2020-09-21 16:38:45 +01:00
a8fbf32a88 Improve SQL prepared statement caching in HSQLDBAccountRepository.getEligibleLegacyQoraHolders() 2020-09-21 16:29:34 +01:00
514689d2f4 WIP: refactoring to support multiple foreign blockchains
API support for Litecoin wallet balance and sending LTC.

TradeBotCreateRequest rejigged to use blockchain-agnostic
field names, e.g. bitcoinAmount now foreignAmount,
and added foreignBlockchain field.

The massive API CrossChainResource class has been split into:

CrossChainAtResource: for building TRADE/REDEEM/CANCEL messages
(OFFER missing?)

CrossChainBitcoinResource: for Bitcoin wallet balance/spend
CrossChainLitecoinResource: ditto for Litecoin

CrossChainHtlcResource: for Bitcoiny-HTLC actions like:
deriving P2SH address
checking HTLC status
eventually: building refund/redeem transactions

CrossChainResource: for creating/cancelling/listing trade offers.

CrossChainTradeBotResource: for creating/cancelling trade-bot
entries, including responding to trade offers.


Other general trading changes:

TradeBot states are now specific to each individual trade-bot,
e.g. BitcoinACCTv1TradeBot or LitecoinACCTv1TradeBot, etc.

TradeBot states now a combination of int & String, instead of
enums due to above.

Extra columns added to DB TradeBotStates to store
blockchain, which ACCT in use, etc.


UNTESTED at this point!
2020-09-18 17:07:49 +01:00
76a15bb026 Initial implementation of Litecoin ACCT
Extracted AcctMode from BitcoinACCTv1.Mode as the values are
common to both Bitcoin/Litecoin ACCTs.

Added test apps for deploy, cancel, trade and redeem of LitecoinACCTv1.
2020-09-17 11:07:07 +01:00
2ffd0770c6 Initial Litecoin support
Added altcoinj library as Maven dependency.

Added new Litecoin subclass of Bitcoiny,
with mainnet and testnet ElectrumX server lists.

Added litecoinNet settings variable and getter.

Added LitecoinTests.
Most tests work but testFindHtclSecret()
needs a redeemed HTLC on chain (not yet done).

Added litecoinNet to some test settings files
in resources.

Added Litecoin BuildHTLC, Refund test apps.

Added SendLTC app as Electrum-LTC seems a bit flaky?

So far managed to build HTLC P2SH, fund it and then
refund it!


As Bitcoin and Litecoin are both subclasses of Bitcoiny,
could unify some test apps with added Bitcoin/Litecoin
switch as first arg?
2020-09-15 17:53:54 +01:00
e3abeafc6b Refactoring to allow many foreign blockchains and multiple ACCTs
Bitcoin/Litecoin common aspects extracted in a "Bitcoiny" common class.

Bitcoin (was BTC) extends Bitcoiny
Litecoin (future code) will also extend Bitcoiny

ElectrumX is now a BitcoinyBlockchainProvider
to allow easier future replacement and also tidier integration.

BTCP2SH is now BitcoinyHTLC as they are generic hash time-locked contracts,
probably Bitcoin/Litecoin agnostic.

BTCACCT is now BitcoinACCTv1, allowing for v2+ and also LitecoinACCTv1, etc.

BitcoinTransaction is now BitcoinyTransaction
as they are pretty much the same in Litecoin.

BitcoinException is now a more generic ForeignBlockchainException.


Bitcoiny subclasses instantiate a new BitcoinyBlockchainProvider
when creating their singleton instance. They pass relevant network
details to the BBP, like server lists, genesis block hash, etc.

Bitcoiny.WalletAwareUTXOProvider now only has the one key search mode
that is equivalent to the old REQUEST_MORE_IF_ANY_SPENT.

Tests tidied up.


Still to do:

Modifying TradeBot to handle multiple types of ACCTs,
like BitcoinACCTv2, LitecoinACCTv1...

Modifying API to support multiple types of ACCTs.

Actually add Litecoin support.

Build new ACCT without needing P2SH-B if possible.
2020-09-15 14:56:43 +01:00
1720582f33 Remove obsolete NextBlockHeight table and corresponding triggers
Also fix typo in Block.online_accounts varbinary size.
2020-09-11 16:06:53 +01:00
d93e9d570f Trimming old block online accounts signatures
There's still an existing issue where log entries like this appear:

  Unable to trim old online accounts signatures in repository

which is actually caused by:

  integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index violation; SYS_PK_10092 table: BLOCKS

which seems to be a bug in the version of HSQLDB we use.
(Tested using synced-from-scratch DB).
It's not clear what the actual problem is at this point.

It might be possible to switch to v2.5.1 if our recent HSQLDB-related
commits have fixed/worked-around the OOM issues.

Move the inner method from BlockChain to Controller.
Remove blockchain lock as it's not needed because it's not an
HSQLDB "serialization failure" but constraint violation.

Trimming old online accounts signatures limited to batches of 1440
rows to reduce CPU and memory load.
2020-09-11 15:57:12 +01:00
5ea90f2fdd Speed up fetching transactions using block signature 2020-09-11 15:56:19 +01:00
c628f97d8c Speed up fetching block height based on timestamp 2020-09-11 15:55:54 +01:00
8a1e2f4111 Reduce HSQLDBRepository log noise by omitting idle session info 2020-09-11 15:54:32 +01:00
41f244d549 Add bitcoinj Context propagation 2020-09-11 15:52:59 +01:00
79641efa87 Tighten up trade-bot, ElectrumX
Added separate method to determine status of P2SH transactions,

Added code to trade-bot to increase robustness. Lots more
changes including unified state change/logging, checking
for existing MESSAGEs, etc.

Added missing websocket methods to silence log noise.

Trade-bot now called per block during synchronization,
instead of per batch, to pick up edge cases where some
potential trade-bot transitions were missed, resulting
in failed trades.

Corresponding changes in Controller, such as notifying
event bus of new block in same thread (thus blocking)
instead of using executor.

Added slightly more robust common block determination
to Synchronizer.

Refactored code in BTC class to use new BitcoinException
rather than simply returning null, with added sub-classes
allowing differentiation between network issues or fund

Changed BTC.buildSpend to try harder to find UXTOs to
address false "insufficient funds" issues.

Repository change to add index on MessageTransactions
for quicker look-up of trade-related messages.

Reduced reliance on bitcoinj library in BTCP2SH.

Reworked ElectrumX to better detect errors rather than
continuously try more servers to no avail.
Also added genesis block check in case of servers on
different Bitcoin networks.
Now tries to extract upstream bitcoind error codes
and pass those up to caller via exceptions.
Updated list of testnet servers.

MemoryPoW now detects thread interrupt and exits fast.

Moved some non-generic transaction-related repository
methods to their own subclass. For example:
moved TransactionRepository.getMessagesByRecipient
to MessageRepository.getMessagesByParticipants

Updated and added more tests.
2020-09-10 12:03:37 +01:00
ca3fcc3c67 Tighten up sync status reporting, especially when using forcesync 2020-09-03 12:57:29 +01:00
3cc66609e8 Trial implementation of offline repository periodic maintenance.
Requires node shutdown, lots of time (10s of minutes), spare storage space.
Called via: java -cp qortal.jar org.qortal.RepositoryMaintenance
Not (yet) for general consumption.
2020-08-31 11:51:38 +01:00
ce468d22dd Fix updating of current tradeoffers list as used by tradeoffers websocket 2020-08-31 11:25:21 +01:00
3e19516f62 Correct poor synchronization on NTP offset, potentially fixing issue #22 2020-08-31 10:24:10 +01:00
84dba739d9 Give up on cross-chain trade if initial AT doesn't confirm within 24 hours 2020-08-31 09:21:15 +01:00
99315c7378 Correct wrong source for lockTimeA when Bob waiting for P2SH-B. Spotted by tcallahan14. In lieu of PR #23 2020-08-31 09:14:15 +01:00
1ca5b864a9 Repository optimizations!
Added Qortal-side HSQLDB PreparedStatement cache, hashed
by SQL query string, to reduce re-preparing statements.
(HSQLDB actually does the work in avoiding re-preparing
by comparing its own query-to-statement cache map, but we
need to keep an 'open' statement on our side for this to

Support added for batched INSERT/UPDATE SQL statements to
update many rows in one call.

Several specific repository calls, e.g. modifyMintedBlockCount
or modifyAssetBalance, now have batch versions that allow
many rows to be updated in one call.

In Block, when distributing block rewards, although we still
build a map of balance changes to apply after all calculations,
this map is now handed off wholesale to the repository to
apply in one (or two) queries, instead of a repository call
per account. The balanceChanges map is now keyed by account
address, as opposed to actual Account.

Also in Block, we try to cache the fetched online reward-shares
(typically in Block.isValid et al) to avoid re-fetching them
later when calculating block rewards.

In addition, actually fetching online reward-shares is no longer
done index-by-index, but the whole array of indexes is passed
wholesale to the repository which then returns the corresponding
reward-shares as a list.

In Block.increaseAccountLevels, blocks minted counts are also
updated in one single repository call, rather than one
repository call per account.

When distributing Block rewards to legacy QORA holders,
all necessary info is fetched from the repository in one hit
instead of two-phases of: 1. fetching eligible QORA holders,
and 2. fetching extra data for that QORA holder as needed.

In addition, updated QORT_FROM_QORA asset balances are done
via one batch repository call, rather than per update.
2020-08-26 17:16:45 +01:00
5952ea4b54 RU translations thanks to Alexander45 2020-08-24 15:04:33 +01:00
1708ba077c Actually define static constants for BTC fees until dynamic fees happen 2020-08-24 14:28:54 +01:00
b4301f125d Potential fix for issue #22 2020-08-24 14:27:03 +01:00
31bf388cab BlockMinter (now under org.qortal.controller package) doesn't need full previous block, only previous block data 2020-08-24 14:04:11 +01:00
276c479a5f Refactor to allow better Bitcoin fee estimation in the future. 2020-08-21 17:37:04 +01:00
9393689037 Send BTCACCT refunds to first unused received address instead of address derived from tradePrivateKey.
Added BTC.getUnusedReceiveAddress() to support above.
2020-08-21 17:35:33 +01:00
Merge pull request #16 from tcallahan14/feature/electrum_nodes
Updated Electrum nodes list
2020-08-21 13:34:49 +01:00
b8ac128d5c Improve comparing chains where some blocks signed with cancelled reward-share
Symptoms include this in logs:

Unexpected zero effective minter level for reward-share %s - using 1 instead!

This occurs when Synchronizer compares two sub-chains from a common block,
and one of the blocks is signed by a reward-share key that has
subsequently been cancelled.

Although this is catered for, excessive log-spam is emited.

So in addition to demoting the log level from WARN to DEBUG,
more code has been added to try harder to find the actual data needed,
thus preventing the logging in the first place.

New repository transaction search method added to support above,
along with corresponding tests.
2020-08-21 12:27:06 +01:00