Imported Block/BlockChain fixes from "minting" branch to do
with block timestamps.
GET /assets/holders/{assetid}
GET /assets/address/{address}
GET /assets/balance/{assetid}/{address}
all combined into
GET /assets/balances?address=...&address=...&assetid=...&assetid=...
New GET /assets/trades/recent?assetid=...&assetid=...
that returns most recent two trades for each asset-pair.
GET /assets/orders/{address}/{assetid}/{otherassetid} has
includeClosed and includeFulfilled repurposed as
isClosed (true/false/omitted) and isFulfilled (true/false/omitted).
ALSO, Order.isClosed is now set to true when isFulfilled is set to true
during processing (and correspondingly set to false during orphaning).
AccountBalanceData now includes optional assetName field for use with API
but generally not set for internal use.
Fixed bug in GenesisBlock which wasn't stripping
out ISSUE_ASSET transactions for v1 blockchains.
Updated blockchain.json for v1 qora blockchain to
fall into line with new BlockChain config
unmarshalling code.
Improved TransactionData.equals when comparing
exact same object.
Improved HSQLDBBlockRepository.getHeightFromTimestamp to use OffsetDateTime
object, which includes time zone info, to fix incorrect SQL full-scan
so that DB now does index-scan instead. Also converted use of MAX(column)
to ORDER BY column DESC as MAX() not optimized when MVCC in effect.
Added corresponding INDEX to Blocks on columns (generation, height);
Similar MAX(column) to ORDER BY column DESC improvement for getBlockchainHeight().
Bumped size of HSQLDB TYPE ATTags from VARCHAR(32) to VARCHAR(80)
Improved reflection-based method calls to rethrow underlying exceptions
like DataException, TransformationException, etc. instead of losing
them in general InvocationTargetException.
Re-added atTransaction.toBytes() method so v1 transactions can be verified.
Fixed extraneous additional copy of voter's public key when serializing
in VoteOnPollTransactionTransformer.toBytes()
Fix-up of v1feeder
UPDATE_NAME requires txGroupId to match original txGroupId used in REGISTER_NAME
UPDATE_GROUP requires txGroupId to match original txGroupId used in CREATE_GROUP
Extraneous JAXB unmarshal code removed from various transaction constructors.
Incorrect, old, groupID vs txGroupId checks removed from various transactions.
Fix bug in UPDATE_GROUP fromBase() method using mismatched column indexes.
Fix bug in API's pending transaction fetch not checking admin is of the same
group as the txGroupId. (Fix actually in HSQLDBTransactionRepository).
Similar fix in GroupApprovalTransaction.
GET /assets/orderbook/{assetid}/{otherassetid} renamed to
GET /assets/openorders/{assetid}/{otherassetid}
Replacement /assets/orderbook/{assetid}/{otherassetid} now
returns aggregated orders, with entries containing only
"price" and "unfulfilled" (amount).
Added /assets/orders/{assetid}/{otherassetid}/{address} to return
orders by specific account, for a specific asset-pair.
Block timestamp validity extracted to separate method so that
BlockGenerator can test timestamp and generate blocks at the usual
rate, even for testnets. This still allows testnets to a way to
generate blocks on demand as Block's isValid skips some timestamp
validity checks if testnet.
txGroupId was sometimes incorrectedly checked for approval-less tx types.
GenesisBlock (v4) now supports various transaction types (issue-asset, etc.)
with generated signatures (like genesis transaction signature) and
missing references inserted.
JUnit reverted back to v4 for Eclipse support (for now).
Some dev/testing API calls are now turned off by default in production mode,
see "restrictApi" settings entry, returning NON_PRODUCTION API error.
Corrections to how account's defaultGroupId works, removing "effective groupID"
which overly complicated matters.
In relation to above, DEFAULT_GROUP (0) no longer exists and NO_GROUP(-1) now has
the value 0 instead.
So transactions can no longer have txGroupId of DEFAULT_GROUP, which in turn
required all the erroneous "effective groupID" code.
API call /addresses/{address} now supplies blockchain-wide defaultGroupId if
account doesn't exist or if account's default not set and NO-GROUP not allowed.
API /transactions/pending now offloaded to repository instead of Java-based
processing and filtering.
Transaction approval checks added to Block.isValid
Groups now have min/max approval block delays.
Checks added to incoming unconfirmed, block generator, block.isValid, etc.
'needing approval' and 'meets approval threshold' now split into separate calls.
NB: settings.json no longer part of git repo now has debugging entries removed. (not in repo) takes priority
so using that in development instead.
Unconfirmed transactions no longer wiped on start-up
by default - see Settings
Reworking of {Public,Private,Genesis}Accounts as it seemed
possible to silently lose public key in repository.
The use of AccountData didn't work and so field-specific
repository calls have been made instead
(e.g. setLastReference) that try to opportunistically
store public key too, if available (i.e. caller is
PublicKeyAccount subclass, or better).
Added API call GET /addresses/{address} to return
general account info in one go. (Essentially the
AccountData object as fetched from repository).
Initial work on adding default groupID to accounts,
along with corresponding SET_GROUP transaction type.
In additional, added blockchain-wide default groupID
and flag to allow/disallow no-group/groupless
Initial work on group-admin approval of transactions
tied to a specific group via txGroupId.
More work needed on transaction's "effective txGroupId"!
API call /transactions/pending to list transactions
pending group-admin approval. However, this needs more
work (see effective txGroupId above) and potentially
offloading to HSQLDB repository if possible.
Minor CIYAM AT renames to help static reflection initializers.
Block.orphan() no longer adds orphaned transactions back to
unconfirmed pile as they are themselves deleted during
Transaction.orphan(). Maybe the answer is to NOT delete
them during Transaction.orphan() but to add them to
unconfirmed pile at that point? Very old transactions
leftover from major resync would simply expire, whereas
recently transactions leftover from minor resync could
still make it into a new block on synced chain fork.
Changes/tidying/improvements to block generator regarding
removing invalid transactions and dealing with transactions
pending group approval.
Approval threshold added to groups.
Mass refactoring of transaction-related classes to unify
constructors, particularly field ordering, to fall in line
with raw transaction layout.
e.g. constructors now reflect that raw transactions mostly
start with type, timestamp, txGroupId, publicKey, reference
e.g. JAXB afterUnmarshal methods added where needed and corresponding
nasty code in Transaction subclass constructors ripped out.
e.g. TransactionTransformer subclasses contain less duplicated code.
Fixed bug with repository save points thanks to swapping to Deque.
Some fixes to do with missing transaction types being passed to JAXB
TransactionData subclass constructors.
Ripped out obsolete toJSON in TransactionTransformers as this
is all nicely taken care of by Swagger/OpenAPI (thanks @Kc)
Added short sleep() to GET /admin/stop to allow time for HTTP response body to be sent back.
Improved documentation for /peers API resources. Added examples, tidied API output models.
Fixed issue where IPv6 literals with port couldn't be parsed. Now uses RFC5952/RFC3986 style
literal IPv6 addresses with ports, e.g. [::1]:9084
Fixed NPE in Controller.potentiallySynchronize() where peer might not have sent height yet.
Improved Handshake to discard inbound connections if we already have an outbound connection
to a peer with that ID. This prevents us from having two connections to the same peer, one
in each direction.
Network.mergePeers() now runs in a separate thread as acquiring the lock might block.
Network.creationConnection() exits fast based on number of outbound connections, instead of
number of total connections.
Network no longer sends 'local' peer addresses to non-local peers.
e.g. it won't send localhost:9084 to
Added try-catch to Network.broadcast for when we try to broadcast while shutting down.
Added PeerAddress class to deal with the whole hostname/IPv4/IPv6 address situation.
Reworked PEERS_V2 message type to only send sized-strings instead of separate port,
and potentially IPv6 byte arrays.
Change to HSQLDB database shape.
Corresponding changes to HSQLDBNetworkRepository.
Peers now broadcast height after successful synchronization.
Added support for sending unconfirmed transactions to other peers.
This is done on connect and also after a new unconfirmed transaction is submitted via API.
Fixed synchronizer to handle blocks with transactions correctly.
Fixed network-related PoW to not use class-global SHA256 message digester!
(It was being corrupted by simulataneous access by different threads - whoops)
Surrounded Network.mergePeers with a lock to prevent HSQLDB deadlocks.
Also changed HSQLDB concurrency model to MVCC (only takes effect if DB rebuilt).
Added support for logging other HSQLDB sessions in the event of exception.
(Currently only used by HSQLDBSaver)
Transaction transformer modifications to help deserialize TransactionMessages.
Some pom.xml changes to reduce maven-shade-plugin conflicting classes warnings.
Repository now supports SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT.
HSQLDB concurrency/transaction model changed from LOCKS to MVCC to help with
transaction deadlocks/rollbacks.
More XXXs and TODOs added to for investigation/fix/improvements.
Also used new repository SAVEPOINT feature when validating transactions
instead of rolling back entire transaction. This fixes problem during
synchronization where the rollback would undo previously synchronized,
but not yet committed, blocks!
Transactions orphaned by Block.orphan ARE now added to unconfirmed pile,
unlike before.
Concurrent lock now prevents simultaneous block generation and synchronization,
including synchronization via multiple peers.
Lots of new networking code: peer lists, block signatures, blocks,
blockchain synchronization.
PEERS_V2 message now supports hostnames, IPv6 and port numbers.
Fixed bug with block serialization for transport over network.
DB shape change from v29 to add peer info.
New NetworkRepository to handle above.
Peer handshaking with v2 anti-DoS PoW code.
Handshaking refactored into a state-machine-like enum.
Some peer-related API calls added.
Peers exchange pings, heights, peers.
No actual peer sync yet.
Other changes:
Peer version info taken from Maven build properties/resource file.
AnnotationPostProcessor more resilient when fetching PathItems.
Per-repository session debugging flag that can be toggled at will.
HSQLDBRepository.delete() now returns int so callers can detect
whether anything was actually deleted.
Some renaming to settings.
Moved as much reflection out to class-static initializers as possible.
Renamed some classes to fall in line with transaction type name
to class name conversion, e.g. DEPLOY_AT -> DeployAt
API calls that return lists now take limit, offset and reverse params.
API calls that used to return data & optional list (e.g. blockWithTransactions)
now only return base data. The optional lists can be fetched via
a different API call.
Also: SLF4J now routes logging to log4j2 so start up output cleaned up.
Suppressed extraneous Jersey warning about Providers during start-up injection.
Account group join for a group that is closed/invite-only
and has no corresponding invite is now turned into a "join request".
This can be accepted by an admin sending a corresponding invite tx.
(Also minor fix for
Note use of afterUnmarshal() in TransactionData-subclass to replace trash code in Transaction-subclass constructor.
See UpdateGroupTransactionData.afterUnmarshal() compared to RegisterNameTransaction constructor.
Added POST /names/update for building an UPDATE-NAME transaction.
BlockGenerator now tries to validate new block after adding each
unconfirmed transaction in turn. If block becomes invalid then
that transaction is removed/skipped. This should further prevent
block jams. Skipped transactions might be deleted as the next block
is forged when unconfirmed transactions are collated/filtered/expired.
Add Block.deleteTransaction() for use during block generation above.
Block.addTransaction() and Block.deleteTransaction() use transaction
signatures to test for presence in Block's existing transactions.
Names shouldn't have stored registrant's public key!
"registrantPublicKey" removed from NameData Java object/bean.
Corresponding column removed from HSQLDB using ALTER TABLE but
also from the original CREATE TABLE definition. Remove the ALTER
TABLE statement just prior to rebuilding database!
(This needs to be applied to Polls too as some point).
Also, UpdateNameTransactions and BuyNameTransactions tables now
allow name_reference to be NULL as this column value isn't set
until the corresponding transactions are processed/added to a
block. (name_reference is a link to previous name-related
transaction that altered Name data like "owner" or "data" so
that name-related transactions can be orphaned/undone).
Added GET /names to list all registered name.
Added GET /names/{name} for more info on a specific name.
Added GET /names/address/{address} for names owned by address.
Renamed GET /assets/all to GET /assets in line with above.
Fixed edge cases with AnnotationPostProcessor.
Fixed incorrectly exposed "blockHeight" in API UI examples/values.
Changed example transaction timestamp.
Added checks on building/signing/processing new transactions via API
so that they are not too old (older than latest block's timestamp),
too new (more than 24 hours in the future) or the tx creator doesn't
already have a lot of existing unconfirmed transactions (default 100).
Configurable via settings.json properties maxUnconfirmedPerAccount
and maxTransactionTimestampFuture.
Improved /transactions/search to not return unconfirmed transactions
and to order by timestamp.
Transaction.getCreator() now returns PublicKeyAccount, not Account.
Now uses working RIPE-MD160 by default but can be switched to broken MD160 using flag in blockchain config,
e.g. for Qora v1 blockchain.
Replaced API signature/reference examples with descriptive text as they weren't very useful.
Replaced API address examples with ones generated using working MD160.
Added GET /transactions/signature/{signature}/raw that returns raw transaction in base58 encoding.
Added "ignoreValidityChecks" query param to POST /transactions/decode to bypass INVALID_REFERENCE errors
if supplying an old/speculative transaction that can't be added to unconfirmed transaction pile.
Finally fixed creating inital assets in BlockChain.
Controller now inserts BouncyCastle as highest priority Security Provider.
TransactionData & transaction repository now tries to return transaction's block height in data when possible.
Also added test for missing creator public key on API-submitted
transaction creation calls, like /payments/pay or /asset/issue.
(Needs to be an OpenAPI validator added at some point).
Invalid/expired unconfirmed transactions are cleaned during various calls,
e.g. requesting list of unconfirmed transactions,
or requesting account's last reference (including considering unconfirmed),
or generating a new block.
BlockGenerator now calls repository.discardChanges before sleep to
release any repository-level locks.
Added settings.json toggle "wipeUnconfirmedOnStart" (default: true)
to aid testing.
REMOVED API call /addresses/lastreference/{address}/unconfirmed as
/addresses/lastreference/{address} now considers unconfirmed
transactions regardless.
Added useful error to /transactions/sign if an invalid private key
is supplied.
Improved API "invalid transaction" error to include actual apsect
that caused validity check to fail (e.g. invalid reference)
Refactored to standard Maven layout:
New translation code that uses locale-specific ResourceBundles
to load translations on demand.
Reworked API error/exceptions code to a shorter, simpler
@ApiErrors annotation. Processing of @ApiErrors annotations
produces an example for each possible API error and includes
API error string in HTTP response code, e.g.
Missing API error cases added to each API call.
Translation of openAPI.json removed (for now).
block-explorer.html and BIP39 wordlists now read as resources
instead of direct from disk.
Java compile warnings fixed.
Some runtime warnings remain:
WARNING: A provider api.resource.ApiDefinition registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime.
WARNING: A provider api.resource.AnnotationPostProcessor registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime.
WARN org.reflections.Reflections - given scan urls are empty. set urls in the configuration
Added slow query check to HSQLDB repository to help
isolate cases where transaction searching takes too long.
Added BigDecimalTypeAdapter for normalizing API inputs
but doesn't seem to get reliably called so also added
.setScale(8) to BigDecimal serialization method.
API-built transactions are now validated before emitting
base58 raw transaction to help callers.
API's transaction decoder accepts signed/unsigned raw transactions.
XmlJavaTypeAdapter api.Base58TypeAdapter converts byte[] to Base58.
This XmlAdapter is applied at package-level to all packages inside data and api.models.
So no need to annotate every byte[] property!
Added package-info-maven-plugin to pom.xml to do this.
block-explorer.html fixed to show/use base58 again
Some data objects (e.g. TransactionData) have added XmlElements that
convert public keys to addresses, for convenience.
Several API calls updated to return specifically text/plain instead
of ambiguous application/json and/or text/plain. (Typically
API calls that return a single value, e.g. an integer, like /blocks/height).