Rejigged pom.xml, extracting common dependency versions as properties.
Removed extraneous HSQLDB dependency (v2.4.1) as we're using svn r5836 for now.
Removed calls to Security.checkApiCallAllowed() for all API calls EXCEPT /admin/stop.
Throws error if remote IP is not localhost.
Added 'global' OpenAPI parameters to fake /admin/dud endpoint to save copy&pasting.
This will need more tidying in the future, or at least future support from swagger-core.
Code added in AnnotationPostProcessor to insert global parameters in top-level
OpenAPI components section.
/block-explorer.html hidden from API UI
BlocksResource now expects Base64 block signatures instead of Base58.
Endpoints that return block data also accept optional "includeTransactions"
query param which does exactly that.
BlockWithTransactions API model added for above.
Some attempt to get transaction-specific data returned but no luck as yet.
(TransactionData, GenesisTransactionData, PaymentTransactionData touched).
TransactionsResource now has support for optional query params "limit" and "offset"
so that only a subset of large results can be requested.
UtilsResource added to provide convenient Base64<->Base58 conversions.
/admin/uptime fixed to return uptime from application launch instead of
instantiation of AdminResource class!
Controller improved to detect repository and API startup failures.
HSQLDBRepositoryFactory now detects when it can't open database and throws.
(Before it would simply hang).
Removed extraneous import from qora.account.Account
Switched from maven-assembly-plugin to maven-shade-plugin for
building FATJAR.
When running from FATJAR, class-path is ". .." to help find file.
Swagger-UI can now be served direct from inside FATJAR instead
of requiring resources in filesystem.
Default package Start now controller/Controller
block-explorer.html now served via Jetty and modified to use
relative URLs instead of absolute http://localhost:9085/... style
Improved shutdown code in controller
/admin/stop API call disabled for now
Highly permissive settings.json added
Added FATJAR packaging support to pom.xml
Added some "summary" fields to API calls but more need doing.
Corrected path clash from having unnecessary @OpenAPIDefinition annotations.
Added API "tags" to group similar calls (address-based, block-related, etc.)
Fixed addresses/lastreference/{address}
Implemented addresses/lastreference/{address}/unconfirmed
Implemented addresses/assets/{address}
Added /admin/stop and /admin/uptime API calls.
Moved general API info into new src/api/
Added CORS support to ApiService
Added /transactions/address/{address} and /transactions/block/{signature}
Replaced references to test.Common.* to do with repository factory.
This fixes issues with building FATJAR due to references to test classes
that are omitted from FATJAR.
Changes to AccountBalanceData, BlockData and TransactionData
to support JAX-RS rendering to JSON.
Added getUnconfirmedLastReference() to Account.
Added getAllBalances(address) to account repository
- returns all asset balances for that address.
Added getAllSignaturesInvolvingAddress(address) to account repository
but currently only uses TransactionRecipients HSQLDB table.
(And even that wasn't automatically populated).
Included: very basic block explorer to be opened in browser as a file: