Rename to zh_SC for better distinguish between zh_SC (Simple Chinese)and zh_TC(Traditional Chinese)
Rephrase some of the words for better understanding.
Now that we aren't disconnecting mid sync, we can get away with more frequent disconnections. This brings the average connection length to around 9 mins.
Connection limits are defined in settings (denominated in seconds):
"minPeerConnectionTime": 120,
"maxPeerConnectionTime": 3600
Peers will disconnect after a randomly chosen amount of time between the min and the max. The default range is 2 minutes to 1 hour, as above.
This encourages nodes to connect to a wider range of peers across the course of each day, rather than staying connected to an "island" of peers for an extended period of time. Hopefully this will reduce the amount of parallel chains that can form due to permanently connected clusters of peers.
We may find that we need to reduce the defaults to get optimal results, however it is best to do this incrementally, with the option for reducing further via each node's settings. Being too aggressive here could cause some of the earlier problems (e.g. 20% missing blocks minted) to reappear. We can re-evaluate this in the next version. Note that if defaults are reduced significantly, we may need to add code to prevent this from happening mid-sync. With higher defaults, this is less of an issue.
Thanks to @szisti for supplying some base code for this commit, and also to @CWDSYSTEMS for diagnosing the original problem.
This indicates the size of the re-org/rollback that was required in order to perform this sync operation. It is only included if it's greater than 0 blocks.
When sending or requesting more than 1000 online accounts, peers would be disconnected with an EOF or connection reset error due to an intentional null response. This response has been removed and it will instead now only send the first 1000 accounts, which prevents the disconnections from occurring.
In theory, these accounts should be in a different order on each node, so the 1000 limit should still result in a fairly even propagation of accounts. However, we may want to consider increasing this limit, to maximise the propagation speed.
Thanks to szisti for tracking this one down.
This loops through all sell orders and attempts to redeem the LTC from each one. It will return true if at least one was redeemed, or false if none are available to be redeemed. Details are logged to the log.txt file rather than returned in the API response.
The previous query was taking almost half a second to run each time, whereas the new version runs 10-100x faster. This was the main bottleneck with block serialization and should therefore allow for much faster syncing once rolled out to the network. Tested several thousand blocks to ensure that the results returned by the new query match those returned by the old one.
A couple of classes were using the bitcoinj alternative, which is twice as slow. This mostly affected the API on port 12392, as byte arrays were automatically encoded as base58 strings via the Base58TypeAdapter / JAXB package-info.
This is probably more validation than is actually needed, but given that we use the same field for LTC and QORT receiving addresses in the database, it is best to be extra careful.
This returns serialized, base58 encoded data for the entire block. It is the same format as the data sent between nodes when synchronizing, with base58 encoding added so that it can be outputted cleanly in the API response.
This is the equivalent of the refund API but can be used by the seller to redeem LTC from a stuck transaction, by supplying the associated AT address, There are no lockTime requirements; it is redeemable as soon as the buyer has redeemed the QORT and sent the secret to the seller.
This is designed to be called by the buyer, and will force refund their P2SH transaction associated with the supplied AT. The tradebot responsible for this trade must be present in the user's db for this API access the necessary data. It must be called after lockTime has passed, which for LTC is currently 60 minutes from the time that the P2SH was funded. Trying to refund before this time will result in a FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_TOO_SOON error.
This can currently be used by either the buyer or the seller, but it requires the seller's trade private key & receiving address to be specified, along with the buyer's secret. Currently hardcoded to LITECOIN but I will aim to make this generic as we start adding more coins.
This makes them more compatible with the output of the /crosschain/tradebot and /crosschain/trade/{ataddress} APIs which is likely where most people will be retrieving data from, rather than the database itself.
This is similar to the BTC equivalent, but removes secretB as an input parameter. It also signs and broadcasts the transaction, because the wallet isn't needed for this. These transactions have to be signed using the tradePrivateKey from the tradebot data rather than any of the wallet's keys.
There are two other LitecoinACCTv1 APIs still to implement, but I will leave these until they are needed.