Default thread limits per message type can be specified in Settings.setAdditionalDefaults(), e.g
maxThreadsPerMessageType.add(new ThreadLimit("GET_ARBITRARY_DATA_FILE", 5));
These can also be overridden on a per-node basis in settings.json, e.g
"maxThreadsPerMessageType": [
{ "messageType": "GET_ARBITRARY_DATA_FILE", "limit": 3 },
{ "messageType": "GET_ARBITRARY_DATA_FILE_LIST", "limit": 3 }
settings.json values take priority, but any message types that aren't specified in settings.json will still be included from the defaults. This allows single message types to be overridden in settings.json without removing the limits for all of the other message types.
Any messages that arrive are discarded if the node is already at the thread limit for that message type.
Warnings are now shown in the logs if the total number of active threads reaches 90% of the allocated thread pool size. Additionally, it can warn per message type by specifying a per-message-type warning threshold in settings.json, e.g
"threadCountPerMessageTypeWarningThreshold": 20
The above setting would warn in the logs if a single message type was consuming more than 20 threads at once, therefore making it a candidate to be limited in maxThreadsPerMessageType.
Initial values of maxThreadsPerMessageType are guesses and may need modifying based on real world results. Limiting threads may impact functionality, so this should be carefully tested.
Also be aware that the thread tracking may reduce network performance slightly, so be sure to test thoroughly on slower hardware.
There are 3 values that need to be specified for this feature trigger:
- blockRewardBatchSize: the number of blocks per batch (1000 recommended).
- blockRewardBatchStartHeight: the block height at which the system switches to batch reward distributions. Must be a multiple of blockRewardBatchSize. Ideally this would be set to a block height that will occur at least 1-2 weeks after the release / auto update goes live.
- blockRewardBatchAccountsBlockCount: the number of blocks to include online accounts in the lead up to the batch reward distribution block (25 recommended).
Once active, rewards are no longer distributed every block and instead are distributed every 1000th block. This includes all fees from the distribution block and the previous 999 blocks.
The online accounts used for the distribution are taken from one of the previous 25 blocks (e.g. blocks xxxx975-xxxx999). The validation ensures that it is always the block with the highest number of online accounts in this range. If this number of online accounts is shared by multiple blocks, it will pick the one with the lowest height.
The idea behind 25 blocks is that it's low enough to reduce load in the other 975 blocks, but high enough for it to be extremely difficult for block signers to influence reward payouts.
Batch distribution blocks contain a copy of the online accounts from one of these 25 preceding blocks. However, online account signatures and online accounts timestamp are excluded to save space. The core will validate that the copy of online accounts is exactly matching those of the earlier validated block, and are therefore valid.
Fairly comprehensive unit tests have been written but this needs a lot more testing on testnets before it can be considered stable.
Future note: Once released, the online accounts mempow can optionally be scaled back so that it is no longer running 24/7, and instead is only running for 2-3 hours each day in the lead up to the batch distribution block. In each 1000 block cycle, the mempow would ideally start at least an hour before block xxxx975 is due to be minted, and continue for an hour after block xxxx000 (the reward distribution block). None of the ideas mentioned in this last paragraph are coded yet.
- Add async responder thread from @catbref which was previously only in place for LTC
- Log when computing mempow nonces
- Skip transaction import if signature is invalid
- Added checks to a message test to mimic trade bot transaction lookups
- PUBLICIZE transactions are no longer possible.
- ARBITRARY transactions are now only possible using a fee.
- MESSAGE transactions only confirm when they are being sent to an AT. Messages to regular addresses (or no recipient) will expire after 24 hours.
- Difficulty for confirmed MESSAGE transactions increases from 14 to 16.
- Difficulty for unconfirmed MESSAGE transactions decreases from 14 to 12.
This is a short term limit, is well above current usage levels, and can be increased substantially in future once the block minter code has been improved.