* Code added for calculating an account's generating balance. (CIYAM AT support yet to be added).
* Added associated code in Block for calculating next block's timestamp, generating balance, base target, etc.
* ValidationResult enum added to Block, mostly to aid debugging.
* Block.isValid() now returns ValidationResult instead of boolean.
* Block.isValid() now has added proof-of-stake tests.
* Some blockchain-related constants, like feature release heights/timestamps, moved from Block to BlockChain.
* Added better Block constructor for use when creating a new block.
* Added helpful 'navigation' methods to Block to get to block's parent (or child).
* Changed visibility of block's individual signature calculators to protected, in favour of public sign() method.
* Added asset existence check to Payment.isValid.
* All current transaction objects (qora.transaction.*) now have private subclassed transaction variable to save multiple casts in various methods.
* Also added to above:
* isInvolved(Account) : boolean
* getRecipients() : List<Account>
* getAmount(Account) : BigDecimal
* Added BlockRepository.getLastBlock() to fetch highest block in blockchain.
* Added diagnostics to HSQLDBRepository.close() to alert if there are any uncommitted changes during closure.
(Currently under suspicion due to possible HSQLDB bug!)
* Old "TransactionTests" renamed to "SerializationTests" as that's what they really are.
* New "TransactionTests" added to test processing of transactions. (Currently only a PaymentTransaction).
* PaymentTransformer.toBytes() detects and skips null signature. This was causing issues with Transaction.toBytesLessSignature().
Needs rolling out to other transaction types if acceptable.
* Created PaymentData transfer objects for (recipient, assetId, amount) tuples
* Created corresponding Payment class for validating, processing and orphaning payment(s)
* Modified OrderData to support isClosed for when an Order is cancelled so no more trades can occur
* Migrated CancelOrderTransactions and MultiPaymentTransactions
* Converted MessageTransactions, PaymentTransactions and TransferAssetTransactions to use new Payment class
Can't use PaymentTransformer in PaymentTransformer or TransferAssetTransformer due to serialization differences.
* Added AssetData transfer object
* Added IssueAssetTransactionData transfer object
* Reworked qora.assets.Asset into business layer object
* Reworked qora.transaction.IssueAssetTransaction into business layer object
* Added corresponding AssetRepository and support in TransactionRepository et al
* Fixed BlockChain in line with asset changes
* Some renaming inside GenesisTransaction to reflect use of transfer object, not business object
* Business transaction objects now take Repository param
* Moved HSQLDB transaction repositories into a sub-package
* Changed HSQLDBSaver.execute(Connection connection) to .execute(Repository repository) to fix visibility issues
and allow repository more control in the future if need be
* Changed from "return null" statements in HSQLDB repositories to throw DataException when an error occurs.
Better to throw than to silently return null?
* Added static version of PublicKeyAccount.verify() for when a repository-backed PublicKeyAccount is not needed
* Fixed getter/setter code template incorrectly producing "this.this.field = param"
Moved more repository-like methods from qora.* classes to repository.
Removed qora.block.BlockTransaction as it's pretty much internal to the HSQLDB repository.
Fixing qora.account.*
Fixing genesis-related classes: block, account, transaction...
Rolled BlockTransactionRepository into BlockRepository.
Added AccountRepository for general account info and account balances.
BlockTransformer now takes Block as param instead of BlockData as it needs Block's transactions.
No need for database.DB class as the code is specific to HSQLDB so moved into relevant repository.hsqldb classes.
Top-level Repository instance (e.g. HSQLDBRepository) is used within subclasses, e.g. HSQLDBBlockRepository, so they
can share the same repository state, like underlying SQL Connection for easier transactional support.
HSQLDBRepository subclasses now call checkedExecute() on top-level repository instance, instead of passing Connection
to obsolete DB.checkedExecute.
No need for qora.block.BlockFactory any more as those methods are now in repository.
More work on Blocks and Transactions in general.
Still converting to repository layout.
This commit is just in case my dev computer blows up and also for interim code review.
Removed data.block.BlockData as an interface (with data.block.Block as implementation) for now.
qora.* packages are business logic/handler/processing
data.* packages are "value objects" or are they "business objects"?
toBytes(), fromBytes() (which used to be called parse()) and toJSON() moved to transform.* packages
new issues:
Lost control of SQL Transactions. Previously, some class "knew" whether to call COMMIT or not.
e.g. simply saving a payment transaction would involve updating Transactions table first, then the PaymentTransactions table after (to satisfy foreign key constraints) then commit.
Processing a block would involve a new transaction, a savepoint, a rollback and then maybe a further commit or rollback.
Not sure how this is going to work with the repository, especially if business logic isn't supposed to be aware of such things.
Growing number of stupid try-catch blocks. Probably best to ditch TransformationException (was ParseException) and throw IllegalStateExceptions instead as they're "unchecked".
What happens if the repository fails to save() to the database? It can't throw SQLException any more as that has no meaning outside the repository. Ditto with delete().