The main differences are:
- Compute nonce instead of specifying a transaction fee
- Add blank/empty values for all the additional fields, as they are unused for auto updates
When using POST /arbitrary/{service}/{name}... it will now automatically decide which method to use (PUT/PATCH) based on a few factors:
- If there are already 10 or more layers, use PUT to reset back to a single layer
- If the next layer's patch is more than 20% of the total resource file size, use PUT
- If the next layer modifies more than 50% of the total file count, use PUT
- Otherwise, use PATCH
The PUT method causes a new base layer to be created and all previous update history for that resource becomes obsolete. The PATCH method adds a small delta layer on top of the existing layer(s).
The idea is to wipe the slate clean with a new base layer once the patches start to get demanding for the network to apply. Nodes which view the content will ultimately have build timeouts to prevent someone from deploying a resource with hundreds of complex layers for example, so this approach is there to maximize the chances of the resource being buildable.
The constants above (10 layers, 20% total size, 50% file count) will most likely need tweaking once we have some real world data.
Recently we have stopped including the version number in the zip and exe files uploaded to github, as this allows us to use the "*/releases/latest/download/*" redirect for all 3 files when linking from the website. Previously, it could only be done for the JAR since this was the only file that didn't contain a version number. This avoids having to update the website every time we distribute a new release.
Note that this currently requires that the Qortal-x.y.z.exe file created by AdvancedInstaller is renamed to qortal.exe before running ./ If you forget to rename, the script will exit with a warning that the file couldn't be found.
There were necessary for these scripts to function in my build environment (Mac OSX). This may give errors when running in other environments, but we can deal with that in future, when others need to use these scripts.
The script will fetch a set of blocks and then backtest the specified blockTimings settings (target, deviation, and power) against those real life blocks. This allows configurations to be fine tuned to tighten up block times, and to adjust the timestamp variance between levels.
Usage: <startheight> <count> [target] [deviation] [power]
startheight: a block height, preferably within the untrimmed range, to avoid data gaps
count: the number of blocks to request and analyse after the start height. Default: 100
target: the target block time in milliseconds. Originates from blockchain.json. Default: 60000
deviation: the allowed block time deviation in milliseconds. Originates from blockchain.json. Default: 30000
power: used when transforming key distance to a time offset. Originates from blockchain.json. Default: 0.2
Requires entries 'sslKeystorePathname' and 'sslKeystorePassword'
in settings.json.
With SSL enabled, API will auto-detect HTTP or HTTPs on the same port.
Included tools/ to help build keystore from
Let's Encrypt certificates.
Instead of working on a single 'auto-update' branch,
that needed to be rebased from master branch's HEAD,
we create an orphan branch named after master:HEAD
containing on the update file.
This allows us to keep/delete updates on a per-commit
basis and shows which commit each update is based upon.
Added loads more checking.