Slight reworking of EPC to simplify when producer can block
and generally make some of the conditional code more readable.
Improved logging with task class names and logging level editable during runtime!
Use /peer/enginestats?newLoggingLevel=DEBUG (or TRACE or back to INFO) to change.
This is currently for name registration transactions only, but can be adapted (or duplicated) for other transaction types when needed.
Note: this switches from a greater-than (>) to a greater-than-or-equal (>=) timestamp comparison, as it makes more sense this way. It shouldn't affect the previous transition since there were no REGISTER_NAME transactions at that exact timestamp.
Adapted from code originally written by catbref from before genesis, and essentially prevents syncing backwards. This needs significant testing on testnet.
It is quite likely that existing resources with both metadata and an empty chunks array will need to be republished, because this bug may have led to incorrect file deletions.
This feature is disabled by default so can be tidied up later. For now, the unhandled scenario is logged and the checking continues on.
One name's transactions are too complex for the current integrity check code to verify (MangoSalsa), but it has been verified manually. All other names pass the automated test.
If an account is renamed and then at some point renamed back to one of the original names, it confused the names rebuilding code. The current solution is to track the linked names that have already been rebuilt, and then break out of the loop once a name is encountered a second time.
This is the likely cause of inconsistent name entries across different nodes, as we can't guarantee that every environment will return the same transaction order from the SQL queries.
Some users are seeing 500 errors deriving from this code. This should hopefully allow more info to be obtained, as well as causing it to omit the status for resources that encounter problems.
Peers without a recent block are removed at the start of the sync process, however, due to the time lag involved in fetching block summaries and comparing the list of peers, some of these could subsequently drop back to a non-recent block and still be chosen as the next peer to sync with. The end result being that nodes could unnecessarily orphan as many as 20 blocks due to syncing with a peer that doesn't have a recent block (but has a couple of high weight blocks after the common block).
This commit adds some additional filtering to avoid this situation.
1) Peers without a recent block are removed as candidates in comparePeers(), allowing for alternate peers to be chosen.
2) After comparePeers() completes, the list is filtered a second time to make sure that all are still recent.
3) Finally, the peer's state is checked one last time in syncToPeerChain(), just before any orphaning takes place.
Whilst just one of the above would probably have been sufficient, the consequences of this bug are so severe that it makes sense to be very thorough.
The only exception to the above is when the node is in "recovery mode", in which case peers without recent blocks are allowed to be included. Items 1 and 3 above do not apply in recovery mode. Item 2 does apply, since the entire comparePeers() functionality is already skipped in a recovery situation due to our chain being out of date.
Fix UPDATE_NAME not processing empty 'newName' transactions correctly.
Fix some emoji code-points not being processed correctly.
Updated tests.
Now included ICU4J v70.1 - WARNING: this could add around 10MB to JAR size!
Bumped homoglyph to v1.2.1.
This should hopefully reduce confusion due to APIs reporting 99% synced even though up to date. The systray should never show this since it already treats blocks in the last 30 mins as synced.
This could very slightly reduce load due to skipping the internal filtering inside log4j. Given that this method is causing major problems with CPU at times, I'm trying to make it as optimized as possible.