mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 20:22:32 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into pirate-chain
# Conflicts: # src/main/java/org/qortal/settings/Settings.java
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
<ROW Property="Manufacturer" Value="Qortal"/>
<ROW Property="MsiLogging" MultiBuildValue="DefaultBuild:vp"/>
<ROW Property="NTP_GOOD" Value="false"/>
<ROW Property="ProductCode" Value="1033:{DEA09B3D-AFFA-409F-B208-E148E9A9005D} 1049:{79180B3D-8A6B-4DED-BD60-1A58F941E1DE} 2052:{90F65B96-22CD-41FA-82B0-E65183EA1EF9} 2057:{AB4872AC-E794-42BD-9305-8DFD06243A88} " Type="16"/>
<ROW Property="ProductCode" Value="1033:{8C9CFB9D-BC4C-4142-A5A5-5551BF3B9467} 1049:{4A5BDDD9-ED71-431A-A46F-D19E9DE17216} 2052:{0B9DCE00-BE23-434D-BD6A-1CFA6AB3CA43} 2057:{23D81967-556A-41B8-9981-A739E2820624} " Type="16"/>
<ROW Property="ProductLanguage" Value="2057"/>
<ROW Property="ProductName" Value="Qortal"/>
<ROW Property="ProductVersion" Value="3.2.3" Type="32"/>
<ROW Property="ProductVersion" Value="3.2.5" Type="32"/>
<ROW Property="RECONFIG_NTP" Value="true"/>
<ROW Property="REMOVE_BLOCKCHAIN" Value="YES" Type="4"/>
<ROW Property="REPAIR_BLOCKCHAIN" Value="YES" Type="4"/>
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
<ROW Component="ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO_71" ComponentId="{12A3ADBE-BB7A-496C-8869-410681E6232F}" Directory_="jdk.zipfs_Dir" Attributes="0" KeyPath="ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO_71" Type="0"/>
<ROW Component="ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO_8" ComponentId="{D53AD95E-CF96-4999-80FC-5812277A7456}" Directory_="java.naming_Dir" Attributes="0" KeyPath="ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO_8" Type="0"/>
<ROW Component="ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO_9" ComponentId="{6B7EA9B0-5D17-47A8-B78C-FACE86D15E01}" Directory_="java.net.http_Dir" Attributes="0" KeyPath="ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO_9" Type="0"/>
<ROW Component="AI_CustomARPName" ComponentId="{63FD92A7-4AE2-46A0-9B83-EB27DA636C65}" Directory_="APPDIR" Attributes="260" KeyPath="DisplayName" Options="1"/>
<ROW Component="AI_CustomARPName" ComponentId="{D5A1DC7D-914F-4425-8BA6-A1AE05D0F361}" Directory_="APPDIR" Attributes="260" KeyPath="DisplayName" Options="1"/>
<ROW Component="AI_ExePath" ComponentId="{3644948D-AE0B-41BB-9FAF-A79E70490A08}" Directory_="APPDIR" Attributes="260" KeyPath="AI_ExePath"/>
<ROW Component="APPDIR" ComponentId="{680DFDDE-3FB4-47A5-8FF5-934F576C6F91}" Directory_="APPDIR" Attributes="0"/>
<ROW Component="AccessBridgeCallbacks.h" ComponentId="{288055D1-1062-47A3-AA44-5601B4E38AED}" Directory_="bridge_Dir" Attributes="0" KeyPath="AccessBridgeCallbacks.h" Type="0"/>
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
<!-- For Litecoin, etc. support, requires bitcoinj -->
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package org.qortal.api.model.crosschain;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Schema;
public class DigibyteSendRequest {
@Schema(description = "Digibyte BIP32 extended private key", example = "tprv___________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
public String xprv58;
@Schema(description = "Recipient's Digibyte address ('legacy' P2PKH only)", example = "1DigByteEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE")
public String receivingAddress;
@Schema(description = "Amount of DGB to send", type = "number")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = org.qortal.api.AmountTypeAdapter.class)
public long digibyteAmount;
@Schema(description = "Transaction fee per byte (optional). Default is 0.00000100 DGB (100 sats) per byte", example = "0.00000100", type = "number")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = org.qortal.api.AmountTypeAdapter.class)
public Long feePerByte;
public DigibyteSendRequest() {
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package org.qortal.api.model.crosschain;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Schema;
public class RavencoinSendRequest {
@Schema(description = "Ravencoin BIP32 extended private key", example = "tprv___________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
public String xprv58;
@Schema(description = "Recipient's Ravencoin address ('legacy' P2PKH only)", example = "1RvnCoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE")
public String receivingAddress;
@Schema(description = "Amount of RVN to send", type = "number")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = org.qortal.api.AmountTypeAdapter.class)
public long ravencoinAmount;
@Schema(description = "Transaction fee per byte (optional). Default is 0.00000100 RVN (100 sats) per byte", example = "0.00000100", type = "number")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = org.qortal.api.AmountTypeAdapter.class)
public Long feePerByte;
public RavencoinSendRequest() {
@ -381,6 +381,10 @@ public class AdminResource {
) @QueryParam("limit") Integer limit, @Parameter(
ref = "offset"
) @QueryParam("offset") Integer offset, @Parameter(
name = "tail",
description = "Fetch most recent log lines",
schema = @Schema(type = "boolean")
) @QueryParam("tail") Boolean tail, @Parameter(
ref = "reverse"
) @QueryParam("reverse") Boolean reverse) {
LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext();
@ -396,6 +400,13 @@ public class AdminResource {
if (reverse != null && reverse)
logLines = Lists.reverse(logLines);
// Tail mode - return the last X lines (where X = limit)
if (tail != null && tail) {
if (limit != null && limit > 0) {
offset = logLines.size() - limit;
// offset out of bounds?
if (offset != null && (offset < 0 || offset >= logLines.size()))
return "";
@ -416,7 +427,7 @@ public class AdminResource {
limit = Math.min(limit, logLines.size());
logLines.subList(limit - 1, logLines.size()).clear();
logLines.subList(limit, logLines.size()).clear();
return String.join("\n", logLines);
} catch (IOException e) {
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
package org.qortal.api.resource;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.ArraySchema;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Content;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Schema;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.security.SecurityRequirement;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.tags.Tag;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.ws.rs.HeaderParam;
import javax.ws.rs.POST;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction;
import org.qortal.api.ApiError;
import org.qortal.api.ApiErrors;
import org.qortal.api.ApiExceptionFactory;
import org.qortal.api.Security;
import org.qortal.api.model.crosschain.DigibyteSendRequest;
import org.qortal.crosschain.Digibyte;
import org.qortal.crosschain.ForeignBlockchainException;
import org.qortal.crosschain.SimpleTransaction;
@Tag(name = "Cross-Chain (Digibyte)")
public class CrossChainDigibyteResource {
HttpServletRequest request;
summary = "Returns DGB balance for hierarchical, deterministic BIP32 wallet",
description = "Supply BIP32 'm' private/public key in base58, starting with 'xprv'/'xpub' for mainnet, 'tprv'/'tpub' for testnet",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN,
schema = @Schema(
type = "string",
description = "BIP32 'm' private/public key in base58",
example = "tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4XTPc4btCZ6SMgn8CxmWkj6VBVZ1tfcJfMq4UwAjZbG8U74gGSypL9XBYk2R2BLbDBe8pcEyBKM1edsGQEPKXNbEskZozeZc"
responses = {
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string", description = "balance (satoshis)"))
@SecurityRequirement(name = "apiKey")
public String getDigibyteWalletBalance(@HeaderParam(Security.API_KEY_HEADER) String apiKey, String key58) {
Digibyte digibyte = Digibyte.getInstance();
if (!digibyte.isValidDeterministicKey(key58))
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY);
try {
Long balance = digibyte.getWalletBalanceFromTransactions(key58);
if (balance == null)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK_ISSUE);
return balance.toString();
} catch (ForeignBlockchainException e) {
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK_ISSUE);
summary = "Returns transactions for hierarchical, deterministic BIP32 wallet",
description = "Supply BIP32 'm' private/public key in base58, starting with 'xprv'/'xpub' for mainnet, 'tprv'/'tpub' for testnet",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN,
schema = @Schema(
type = "string",
description = "BIP32 'm' private/public key in base58",
example = "tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4XTPc4btCZ6SMgn8CxmWkj6VBVZ1tfcJfMq4UwAjZbG8U74gGSypL9XBYk2R2BLbDBe8pcEyBKM1edsGQEPKXNbEskZozeZc"
responses = {
content = @Content(array = @ArraySchema( schema = @Schema( implementation = SimpleTransaction.class ) ) )
@SecurityRequirement(name = "apiKey")
public List<SimpleTransaction> getDigibyteWalletTransactions(@HeaderParam(Security.API_KEY_HEADER) String apiKey, String key58) {
Digibyte digibyte = Digibyte.getInstance();
if (!digibyte.isValidDeterministicKey(key58))
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY);
try {
return digibyte.getWalletTransactions(key58);
} catch (ForeignBlockchainException e) {
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK_ISSUE);
summary = "Sends DGB from hierarchical, deterministic BIP32 wallet to specific address",
description = "Currently supports 'legacy' P2PKH Digibyte addresses and Native SegWit (P2WPKH) addresses. Supply BIP32 'm' private key in base58, starting with 'xprv' for mainnet, 'tprv' for testnet",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
schema = @Schema(
implementation = DigibyteSendRequest.class
responses = {
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string", description = "transaction hash"))
@SecurityRequirement(name = "apiKey")
public String sendBitcoin(@HeaderParam(Security.API_KEY_HEADER) String apiKey, DigibyteSendRequest digibyteSendRequest) {
if (digibyteSendRequest.digibyteAmount <= 0)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA);
if (digibyteSendRequest.feePerByte != null && digibyteSendRequest.feePerByte <= 0)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA);
Digibyte digibyte = Digibyte.getInstance();
if (!digibyte.isValidAddress(digibyteSendRequest.receivingAddress))
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS);
if (!digibyte.isValidDeterministicKey(digibyteSendRequest.xprv58))
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY);
Transaction spendTransaction = digibyte.buildSpend(digibyteSendRequest.xprv58,
if (spendTransaction == null)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_BALANCE_ISSUE);
try {
} catch (ForeignBlockchainException e) {
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK_ISSUE);
return spendTransaction.getTxId().toString();
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
package org.qortal.api.resource;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.ArraySchema;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Content;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Schema;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.security.SecurityRequirement;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.tags.Tag;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.ws.rs.HeaderParam;
import javax.ws.rs.POST;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction;
import org.qortal.api.ApiError;
import org.qortal.api.ApiErrors;
import org.qortal.api.ApiExceptionFactory;
import org.qortal.api.Security;
import org.qortal.api.model.crosschain.RavencoinSendRequest;
import org.qortal.crosschain.Ravencoin;
import org.qortal.crosschain.ForeignBlockchainException;
import org.qortal.crosschain.SimpleTransaction;
@Tag(name = "Cross-Chain (Ravencoin)")
public class CrossChainRavencoinResource {
HttpServletRequest request;
summary = "Returns RVN balance for hierarchical, deterministic BIP32 wallet",
description = "Supply BIP32 'm' private/public key in base58, starting with 'xprv'/'xpub' for mainnet, 'tprv'/'tpub' for testnet",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN,
schema = @Schema(
type = "string",
description = "BIP32 'm' private/public key in base58",
example = "tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4XTPc4btCZ6SMgn8CxmWkj6VBVZ1tfcJfMq4UwAjZbG8U74gGSypL9XBYk2R2BLbDBe8pcEyBKM1edsGQEPKXNbEskZozeZc"
responses = {
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string", description = "balance (satoshis)"))
@SecurityRequirement(name = "apiKey")
public String getRavencoinWalletBalance(@HeaderParam(Security.API_KEY_HEADER) String apiKey, String key58) {
Ravencoin ravencoin = Ravencoin.getInstance();
if (!ravencoin.isValidDeterministicKey(key58))
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY);
try {
Long balance = ravencoin.getWalletBalanceFromTransactions(key58);
if (balance == null)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK_ISSUE);
return balance.toString();
} catch (ForeignBlockchainException e) {
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK_ISSUE);
summary = "Returns transactions for hierarchical, deterministic BIP32 wallet",
description = "Supply BIP32 'm' private/public key in base58, starting with 'xprv'/'xpub' for mainnet, 'tprv'/'tpub' for testnet",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN,
schema = @Schema(
type = "string",
description = "BIP32 'm' private/public key in base58",
example = "tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4XTPc4btCZ6SMgn8CxmWkj6VBVZ1tfcJfMq4UwAjZbG8U74gGSypL9XBYk2R2BLbDBe8pcEyBKM1edsGQEPKXNbEskZozeZc"
responses = {
content = @Content(array = @ArraySchema( schema = @Schema( implementation = SimpleTransaction.class ) ) )
@SecurityRequirement(name = "apiKey")
public List<SimpleTransaction> getRavencoinWalletTransactions(@HeaderParam(Security.API_KEY_HEADER) String apiKey, String key58) {
Ravencoin ravencoin = Ravencoin.getInstance();
if (!ravencoin.isValidDeterministicKey(key58))
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY);
try {
return ravencoin.getWalletTransactions(key58);
} catch (ForeignBlockchainException e) {
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK_ISSUE);
summary = "Sends RVN from hierarchical, deterministic BIP32 wallet to specific address",
description = "Currently only supports 'legacy' P2PKH Ravencoin addresses. Supply BIP32 'm' private key in base58, starting with 'xprv' for mainnet, 'tprv' for testnet",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
schema = @Schema(
implementation = RavencoinSendRequest.class
responses = {
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string", description = "transaction hash"))
@SecurityRequirement(name = "apiKey")
public String sendBitcoin(@HeaderParam(Security.API_KEY_HEADER) String apiKey, RavencoinSendRequest ravencoinSendRequest) {
if (ravencoinSendRequest.ravencoinAmount <= 0)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA);
if (ravencoinSendRequest.feePerByte != null && ravencoinSendRequest.feePerByte <= 0)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA);
Ravencoin ravencoin = Ravencoin.getInstance();
if (!ravencoin.isValidAddress(ravencoinSendRequest.receivingAddress))
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS);
if (!ravencoin.isValidDeterministicKey(ravencoinSendRequest.xprv58))
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY);
Transaction spendTransaction = ravencoin.buildSpend(ravencoinSendRequest.xprv58,
if (spendTransaction == null)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_BALANCE_ISSUE);
try {
} catch (ForeignBlockchainException e) {
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK_ISSUE);
return spendTransaction.getTxId().toString();
@ -98,7 +98,15 @@ public class GroupsResource {
ref = "reverse"
) @QueryParam("reverse") Boolean reverse) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
return repository.getGroupRepository().getAllGroups(limit, offset, reverse);
List<GroupData> allGroupData = repository.getGroupRepository().getAllGroups(limit, offset, reverse);
allGroupData.forEach(groupData -> {
try {
groupData.memberCount = repository.getGroupRepository().countGroupMembers(groupData.getGroupId());
} catch (DataException e) {
// Exclude memberCount for this group
return allGroupData;
} catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
@ -150,7 +158,15 @@ public class GroupsResource {
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS);
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
return repository.getGroupRepository().getGroupsWithMember(member);
List<GroupData> allGroupData = repository.getGroupRepository().getGroupsWithMember(member);
allGroupData.forEach(groupData -> {
try {
groupData.memberCount = repository.getGroupRepository().countGroupMembers(groupData.getGroupId());
} catch (DataException e) {
// Exclude memberCount for this group
return allGroupData;
} catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
@ -177,6 +193,7 @@ public class GroupsResource {
if (groupData == null)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.GROUP_UNKNOWN);
groupData.memberCount = repository.getGroupRepository().countGroupMembers(groupId);
return groupData;
} catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
@ -922,4 +939,4 @@ public class GroupsResource {
@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ import javax.ws.rs.*;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configuration;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.LoggerConfig;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext;
import org.qortal.api.*;
import org.qortal.api.model.ConnectedPeer;
import org.qortal.api.model.PeersSummary;
@ -127,9 +132,29 @@ public class PeersResource {
@SecurityRequirement(name = "apiKey")
public ExecuteProduceConsume.StatsSnapshot getEngineStats(@HeaderParam(Security.API_KEY_HEADER) String apiKey) {
public ExecuteProduceConsume.StatsSnapshot getEngineStats(@HeaderParam(Security.API_KEY_HEADER) String apiKey, @QueryParam("newLoggingLevel") Level newLoggingLevel) {
if (newLoggingLevel != null) {
final LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
final Configuration config = ctx.getConfiguration();
String epcClassName = "org.qortal.network.Network.NetworkProcessor";
LoggerConfig loggerConfig = config.getLoggerConfig(epcClassName);
LoggerConfig specificConfig = loggerConfig;
// We need a specific configuration for this logger,
// otherwise we would change the level of all other loggers
// having the original configuration as parent as well
if (!loggerConfig.getName().equals(epcClassName)) {
specificConfig = new LoggerConfig(epcClassName, newLoggingLevel, true);
config.addLogger(epcClassName, specificConfig);
return Network.getInstance().getStatsSnapshot();
@ -93,10 +93,12 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFile {
File outputFile = outputFilePath.toFile();
try (FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile)) {
this.filePath = outputFilePath;
// Verify hash
if (!this.hash58.equals(this.digest58())) {
LOGGER.error("Hash {} does not match file digest {}", this.hash58, this.digest58());
String digest58 = this.digest58();
if (!this.hash58.equals(digest58)) {
LOGGER.error("Hash {} does not match file digest {} for signature: {}", this.hash58, digest58, Base58.encode(signature));
throw new DataException("Data file digest validation failed");
@ -478,6 +480,14 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFile {
// Read the metadata
List<byte[]> chunks = metadata.getChunks();
// If the chunks array is empty, then this resource has no chunks,
// so we must return false to avoid confusing the caller.
if (chunks.isEmpty()) {
return false;
// Otherwise, we need to check each chunk individually
for (byte[] chunkHash : chunks) {
ArbitraryDataFileChunk chunk = ArbitraryDataFileChunk.fromHash(chunkHash, this.signature);
if (!chunk.exists()) {
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ public class ArbitraryDataRenderer {
byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(filePath)); // TODO: limit file size that can be read into memory
HTMLParser htmlParser = new HTMLParser(resourceId, inPath, prefix, usePrefix, data);
response.addHeader("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; media-src 'self' blob:");
response.addHeader("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; media-src 'self' blob:; img-src 'self' data: blob:;");
@ -73,9 +73,13 @@ public class BlockChain {
// Custom transaction fees
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = org.qortal.api.AmountTypeAdapter.class)
private long nameRegistrationUnitFee;
private long nameRegistrationUnitFeeTimestamp;
/** Unit fees by transaction timestamp */
public static class UnitFeesByTimestamp {
public long timestamp;
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = org.qortal.api.AmountTypeAdapter.class)
public long fee;
private List<UnitFeesByTimestamp> nameRegistrationUnitFees;
/** Map of which blockchain features are enabled when (height/timestamp) */
@ -306,16 +310,6 @@ public class BlockChain {
return this.maxBlockSize;
// Custom transaction fees
public long getNameRegistrationUnitFee() {
return this.nameRegistrationUnitFee;
public long getNameRegistrationUnitFeeTimestamp() {
// FUTURE: we could use a separate structure to indicate fee adjustments for different transaction types
return this.nameRegistrationUnitFeeTimestamp;
/** Returns true if approval-needing transaction types require a txGroupId other than NO_GROUP. */
public boolean getRequireGroupForApproval() {
return this.requireGroupForApproval;
@ -430,6 +424,15 @@ public class BlockChain {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("No block timing info available for height %d", ourHeight));
public long getNameRegistrationUnitFeeAtTimestamp(long ourTimestamp) {
for (int i = nameRegistrationUnitFees.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (nameRegistrationUnitFees.get(i).timestamp <= ourTimestamp)
return nameRegistrationUnitFees.get(i).fee;
// Default to system-wide unit fee
return this.getUnitFee();
/** Validate blockchain config read from JSON */
private void validateConfig() {
if (this.genesisInfo == null)
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ public class BlockMinter extends Thread {
// The last iteration found a higher weight block in the network, so sleep for a while
// to allow is to sync the higher weight chain. We are sleeping here rather than when
// detected as we don't want to hold the blockchain lock open.
LOGGER.info("Sleeping for 10 seconds...");
LOGGER.debug("Sleeping for 10 seconds...");
Thread.sleep(10 * 1000L);
@ -328,13 +328,13 @@ public class BlockMinter extends Thread {
// If less than 30 seconds has passed since first detection the higher weight chain,
// we should skip our block submission to give us the opportunity to sync to the better chain
if (NTP.getTime() - timeOfLastLowWeightBlock < 30*1000L) {
LOGGER.info("Higher weight chain found in peers, so not signing a block this round");
LOGGER.info("Time since detected: {}", NTP.getTime() - timeOfLastLowWeightBlock);
LOGGER.debug("Higher weight chain found in peers, so not signing a block this round");
LOGGER.debug("Time since detected: {}ms", NTP.getTime() - timeOfLastLowWeightBlock);
else {
// More than 30 seconds have passed, so we should submit our block candidate anyway.
LOGGER.info("More than 30 seconds passed, so proceeding to submit block candidate...");
LOGGER.debug("More than 30 seconds passed, so proceeding to submit block candidate...");
else {
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ import org.qortal.repository.hsqldb.HSQLDBRepositoryFactory;
import org.qortal.settings.Settings;
import org.qortal.transaction.Transaction;
import org.qortal.transaction.Transaction.TransactionType;
import org.qortal.transform.TransformationException;
import org.qortal.utils.*;
public class Controller extends Thread {
@ -576,15 +577,20 @@ public class Controller extends Thread {
LOGGER.info("Starting scheduled repository maintenance. This can take a while...");
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
int attempts = 0;
while (attempts <= 5) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
// Timeout if the database isn't ready for maintenance after 60 seconds
long timeout = 60 * 1000L;
// Timeout if the database isn't ready for maintenance after 60 seconds
long timeout = 60 * 1000L;
LOGGER.info("Scheduled repository maintenance completed");
} catch (DataException | TimeoutException e) {
LOGGER.error("Scheduled repository maintenance failed", e);
LOGGER.info("Scheduled repository maintenance completed");
} catch (DataException | TimeoutException e) {
LOGGER.info("Scheduled repository maintenance failed. Retrying up to 5 times...", e);
// Get a new random interval
@ -678,7 +684,7 @@ public class Controller extends Thread {
public static final Predicate<Peer> hasInferiorChainTip = peer -> {
final PeerChainTipData peerChainTipData = peer.getChainTipData();
final List<ByteArray> inferiorChainTips = Synchronizer.getInstance().inferiorChainSignatures;
return peerChainTipData == null || peerChainTipData.getLastBlockSignature() == null || inferiorChainTips.contains(new ByteArray(peerChainTipData.getLastBlockSignature()));
return peerChainTipData == null || peerChainTipData.getLastBlockSignature() == null || inferiorChainTips.contains(ByteArray.wrap(peerChainTipData.getLastBlockSignature()));
public static final Predicate<Peer> hasOldVersion = peer -> {
@ -1209,7 +1215,7 @@ public class Controller extends Thread {
byte[] signature = getBlockMessage.getSignature();
ByteArray signatureAsByteArray = new ByteArray(signature);
ByteArray signatureAsByteArray = ByteArray.wrap(signature);
CachedBlockMessage cachedBlockMessage = this.blockMessageCache.get(signatureAsByteArray);
int blockCacheSize = Settings.getInstance().getBlockCacheSize();
@ -1219,7 +1225,7 @@ public class Controller extends Thread {
// We need to duplicate it to prevent multiple threads setting ID on the same message
CachedBlockMessage clonedBlockMessage = cachedBlockMessage.cloneWithNewId(message.getId());
CachedBlockMessage clonedBlockMessage = Message.cloneWithNewId(cachedBlockMessage, message.getId());
if (!peer.sendMessage(clonedBlockMessage))
peer.disconnect("failed to send block");
@ -1278,7 +1284,6 @@ public class Controller extends Thread {
CachedBlockMessage blockMessage = new CachedBlockMessage(block);
// This call also causes the other needed data to be pulled in from repository
if (!peer.sendMessage(blockMessage)) {
peer.disconnect("failed to send block");
// Don't fall-through to caching because failure to send might be from failure to build message
@ -1289,10 +1294,12 @@ public class Controller extends Thread {
if (getChainHeight() - blockData.getHeight() <= blockCacheSize) {
this.blockMessageCache.put(new ByteArray(blockData.getSignature()), blockMessage);
this.blockMessageCache.put(ByteArray.wrap(blockData.getSignature()), blockMessage);
} catch (DataException e) {
LOGGER.error(String.format("Repository issue while send block %s to peer %s", Base58.encode(signature), peer), e);
LOGGER.error(String.format("Repository issue while sending block %s to peer %s", Base58.encode(signature), peer), e);
} catch (TransformationException e) {
LOGGER.error(String.format("Serialization issue while sending block %s to peer %s", Base58.encode(signature), peer), e);
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import org.qortal.network.message.GetBlockSummariesMessage;
import org.qortal.network.message.GetSignaturesV2Message;
import org.qortal.network.message.Message;
import org.qortal.network.message.SignaturesMessage;
import org.qortal.network.message.Message.MessageType;
import org.qortal.network.message.MessageType;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.repository.Repository;
import org.qortal.repository.RepositoryManager;
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ public class Synchronizer extends Thread {
// Update our list of inferior chain tips
ByteArray inferiorChainSignature = new ByteArray(peer.getChainTipData().getLastBlockSignature());
ByteArray inferiorChainSignature = ByteArray.wrap(peer.getChainTipData().getLastBlockSignature());
if (!inferiorChainSignatures.contains(inferiorChainSignature))
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ public class Synchronizer extends Thread {
// fall-through...
// Update our list of inferior chain tips
ByteArray inferiorChainSignature = new ByteArray(peer.getChainTipData().getLastBlockSignature());
ByteArray inferiorChainSignature = ByteArray.wrap(peer.getChainTipData().getLastBlockSignature());
if (!inferiorChainSignatures.contains(inferiorChainSignature))
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ public class Synchronizer extends Thread {
public void addInferiorChainSignature(byte[] inferiorSignature) {
// Update our list of inferior chain tips
ByteArray inferiorChainSignature = new ByteArray(inferiorSignature);
ByteArray inferiorChainSignature = ByteArray.wrap(inferiorSignature);
if (!inferiorChainSignatures.contains(inferiorChainSignature))
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.repository.Repository;
import org.qortal.repository.RepositoryManager;
import org.qortal.transaction.Transaction;
import org.qortal.transform.TransformationException;
import org.qortal.utils.Base58;
import org.qortal.utils.NTP;
@ -289,7 +290,9 @@ public class TransactionImporter extends Thread {
if (!peer.sendMessage(transactionMessage))
peer.disconnect("failed to send transaction");
} catch (DataException e) {
LOGGER.error(String.format("Repository issue while send transaction %s to peer %s", Base58.encode(signature), peer), e);
LOGGER.error(String.format("Repository issue while sending transaction %s to peer %s", Base58.encode(signature), peer), e);
} catch (TransformationException e) {
LOGGER.error(String.format("Serialization issue while sending transaction %s to peer %s", Base58.encode(signature), peer), e);
@ -511,18 +511,23 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileListManager {
// Bump requestHops if it exists
if (requestHops != null) {
ArbitraryDataFileListMessage forwardArbitraryDataFileListMessage;
// Remove optional parameters if the requesting peer doesn't support it yet
// A message with less statistical data is better than no message at all
if (!requestingPeer.isAtLeastVersion(MIN_PEER_VERSION_FOR_FILE_LIST_STATS)) {
forwardArbitraryDataFileListMessage = new ArbitraryDataFileListMessage(signature, hashes);
} else {
forwardArbitraryDataFileListMessage = new ArbitraryDataFileListMessage(signature, hashes, requestTime, requestHops,
arbitraryDataFileListMessage.getPeerAddress(), arbitraryDataFileListMessage.isRelayPossible());
// Forward to requesting peer
LOGGER.debug("Forwarding file list with {} hashes to requesting peer: {}", hashes.size(), requestingPeer);
if (!requestingPeer.sendMessage(arbitraryDataFileListMessage)) {
if (!requestingPeer.sendMessage(forwardArbitraryDataFileListMessage)) {
requestingPeer.disconnect("failed to forward arbitrary data file list");
@ -639,16 +644,19 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileListManager {
String ourAddress = Network.getInstance().getOurExternalIpAddressAndPort();
ArbitraryDataFileListMessage arbitraryDataFileListMessage = new ArbitraryDataFileListMessage(signature,
hashes, NTP.getTime(), 0, ourAddress, true);
ArbitraryDataFileListMessage arbitraryDataFileListMessage;
// Remove optional parameters if the requesting peer doesn't support it yet
// A message with less statistical data is better than no message at all
if (!peer.isAtLeastVersion(MIN_PEER_VERSION_FOR_FILE_LIST_STATS)) {
arbitraryDataFileListMessage = new ArbitraryDataFileListMessage(signature, hashes);
} else {
arbitraryDataFileListMessage = new ArbitraryDataFileListMessage(signature,
hashes, NTP.getTime(), 0, ourAddress, true);
if (!peer.sendMessage(arbitraryDataFileListMessage)) {
LOGGER.debug("Couldn't send list of hashes");
peer.disconnect("failed to send list of hashes");
@ -670,8 +678,7 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileListManager {
// In relay mode - so ask our other peers if they have it
long requestTime = getArbitraryDataFileListMessage.getRequestTime();
int requestHops = getArbitraryDataFileListMessage.getRequestHops();
int requestHops = getArbitraryDataFileListMessage.getRequestHops() + 1;
long totalRequestTime = now - requestTime;
if (totalRequestTime < RELAY_REQUEST_MAX_DURATION) {
@ -679,11 +686,13 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileListManager {
if (requestHops < RELAY_REQUEST_MAX_HOPS) {
// Relay request hasn't reached the maximum number of hops yet, so can be rebroadcast
Message relayGetArbitraryDataFileListMessage = new GetArbitraryDataFileListMessage(signature, hashes, requestTime, requestHops, requestingPeer);
LOGGER.debug("Rebroadcasting hash list request from peer {} for signature {} to our other peers... totalRequestTime: {}, requestHops: {}", peer, Base58.encode(signature), totalRequestTime, requestHops);
broadcastPeer -> broadcastPeer == peer ||
Objects.equals(broadcastPeer.getPeerData().getAddress().getHost(), peer.getPeerData().getAddress().getHost())
? null : getArbitraryDataFileListMessage);
? null : relayGetArbitraryDataFileListMessage);
else {
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import org.qortal.controller.Controller;
import org.qortal.data.arbitrary.ArbitraryDirectConnectionInfo;
import org.qortal.data.arbitrary.ArbitraryFileListResponseInfo;
import org.qortal.data.arbitrary.ArbitraryRelayInfo;
import org.qortal.data.network.ArbitraryPeerData;
import org.qortal.data.network.PeerData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.ArbitraryTransactionData;
import org.qortal.network.Network;
@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileManager extends Thread {
Long startTime = NTP.getTime();
ArbitraryDataFileMessage receivedArbitraryDataFileMessage = fetchArbitraryDataFile(peer, null, signature, hash, null);
Long endTime = NTP.getTime();
if (receivedArbitraryDataFileMessage != null) {
if (receivedArbitraryDataFileMessage != null && receivedArbitraryDataFileMessage.getArbitraryDataFile() != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Received data file {} from peer {}. Time taken: {} ms", receivedArbitraryDataFileMessage.getArbitraryDataFile().getHash58(), peer, (endTime-startTime));
receivedAtLeastOneFile = true;
@ -187,7 +186,7 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileManager extends Thread {
ArbitraryDataFile existingFile = ArbitraryDataFile.fromHash(hash, signature);
boolean fileAlreadyExists = existingFile.exists();
String hash58 = Base58.encode(hash);
Message message = null;
ArbitraryDataFileMessage arbitraryDataFileMessage;
// Fetch the file if it doesn't exist locally
if (!fileAlreadyExists) {
@ -195,10 +194,11 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileManager extends Thread {
arbitraryDataFileRequests.put(hash58, NTP.getTime());
Message getArbitraryDataFileMessage = new GetArbitraryDataFileMessage(signature, hash);
Message response = null;
try {
message = peer.getResponseWithTimeout(getArbitraryDataFileMessage, (int) ArbitraryDataManager.ARBITRARY_REQUEST_TIMEOUT);
response = peer.getResponseWithTimeout(getArbitraryDataFileMessage, (int) ArbitraryDataManager.ARBITRARY_REQUEST_TIMEOUT);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Will return below due to null message
// Will return below due to null response
LOGGER.trace(String.format("Removed hash %.8s from arbitraryDataFileRequests", hash58));
@ -206,22 +206,24 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileManager extends Thread {
// We may need to remove the file list request, if we have all the files for this transaction
if (message == null) {
LOGGER.debug("Received null message from peer {}", peer);
if (response == null) {
LOGGER.debug("Received null response from peer {}", peer);
return null;
if (message.getType() != Message.MessageType.ARBITRARY_DATA_FILE) {
LOGGER.debug("Received message with invalid type: {} from peer {}", message.getType(), peer);
if (response.getType() != MessageType.ARBITRARY_DATA_FILE) {
LOGGER.debug("Received response with invalid type: {} from peer {}", response.getType(), peer);
return null;
else {
ArbitraryDataFileMessage peersArbitraryDataFileMessage = (ArbitraryDataFileMessage) response;
arbitraryDataFileMessage = new ArbitraryDataFileMessage(signature, peersArbitraryDataFileMessage.getArbitraryDataFile());
} else {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("File hash %s already exists, so skipping the request", hash58));
arbitraryDataFileMessage = new ArbitraryDataFileMessage(signature, existingFile);
ArbitraryDataFileMessage arbitraryDataFileMessage = (ArbitraryDataFileMessage) message;
// We might want to forward the request to the peer that originally requested it
this.handleArbitraryDataFileForwarding(requestingPeer, message, originalMessage);
this.handleArbitraryDataFileForwarding(requestingPeer, arbitraryDataFileMessage, originalMessage);
boolean isRelayRequest = (requestingPeer != null);
if (isRelayRequest) {
@ -338,9 +338,11 @@ public class ArbitraryMetadataManager {
Peer requestingPeer = request.getB();
if (requestingPeer != null) {
ArbitraryMetadataMessage forwardArbitraryMetadataMessage = new ArbitraryMetadataMessage(signature, arbitraryMetadataMessage.getArbitraryMetadataFile());
// Forward to requesting peer
LOGGER.debug("Forwarding metadata to requesting peer: {}", requestingPeer);
if (!requestingPeer.sendMessage(arbitraryMetadataMessage)) {
if (!requestingPeer.sendMessage(forwardArbitraryMetadataMessage)) {
requestingPeer.disconnect("failed to forward arbitrary metadata");
@ -423,8 +425,7 @@ public class ArbitraryMetadataManager {
// In relay mode - so ask our other peers if they have it
long requestTime = getArbitraryMetadataMessage.getRequestTime();
int requestHops = getArbitraryMetadataMessage.getRequestHops();
int requestHops = getArbitraryMetadataMessage.getRequestHops() + 1;
long totalRequestTime = now - requestTime;
if (totalRequestTime < RELAY_REQUEST_MAX_DURATION) {
@ -432,11 +433,13 @@ public class ArbitraryMetadataManager {
if (requestHops < RELAY_REQUEST_MAX_HOPS) {
// Relay request hasn't reached the maximum number of hops yet, so can be rebroadcast
Message relayGetArbitraryMetadataMessage = new GetArbitraryMetadataMessage(signature, requestTime, requestHops);
LOGGER.debug("Rebroadcasting metadata request from peer {} for signature {} to our other peers... totalRequestTime: {}, requestHops: {}", peer, Base58.encode(signature), totalRequestTime, requestHops);
broadcastPeer -> broadcastPeer == peer ||
Objects.equals(broadcastPeer.getPeerData().getAddress().getHost(), peer.getPeerData().getAddress().getHost())
? null : getArbitraryMetadataMessage);
? null : relayGetArbitraryMetadataMessage);
else {
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public class NamesDatabaseIntegrityCheck {
BuyNameTransactionData buyNameTransactionData = (BuyNameTransactionData) currentTransaction;
Name nameObj = new Name(repository, buyNameTransactionData.getName());
if (nameObj != null && nameObj.getNameData() != null) {
nameObj.buy(buyNameTransactionData, false);
LOGGER.trace("Processed BUY_NAME transaction for name {}", name);
@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
package org.qortal.controller.tradebot;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.bitcoinj.core.*;
import org.bitcoinj.script.Script.ScriptType;
import org.qortal.account.PrivateKeyAccount;
import org.qortal.account.PublicKeyAccount;
import org.qortal.api.model.crosschain.TradeBotCreateRequest;
import org.qortal.asset.Asset;
import org.qortal.crosschain.*;
import org.qortal.crypto.Crypto;
import org.qortal.data.at.ATData;
import org.qortal.data.crosschain.CrossChainTradeData;
import org.qortal.data.crosschain.TradeBotData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.BaseTransactionData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.DeployAtTransactionData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.MessageTransactionData;
import org.qortal.group.Group;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.repository.Repository;
import org.qortal.transaction.DeployAtTransaction;
import org.qortal.transaction.MessageTransaction;
import org.qortal.transaction.Transaction.ValidationResult;
import org.qortal.transform.TransformationException;
import org.qortal.transform.transaction.DeployAtTransactionTransformer;
import org.qortal.utils.Base58;
import org.qortal.utils.NTP;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static java.util.Arrays.stream;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap;
* Performing cross-chain trading steps on behalf of user.
* <p>
* We deal with three different independent state-spaces here:
* <ul>
* <li>Qortal blockchain</li>
* <li>Foreign blockchain</li>
* <li>Trade-bot entries</li>
* </ul>
public class DigibyteACCTv3TradeBot implements AcctTradeBot {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(DigibyteACCTv3TradeBot.class);
public enum State implements TradeBot.StateNameAndValueSupplier {
BOB_WAITING_FOR_AT_CONFIRM(10, false, false),
BOB_WAITING_FOR_MESSAGE(15, true, true),
BOB_WAITING_FOR_AT_REDEEM(25, true, true),
BOB_DONE(30, false, false),
BOB_REFUNDED(35, false, false),
ALICE_WAITING_FOR_AT_LOCK(85, true, true),
ALICE_DONE(95, false, false),
ALICE_REFUNDING_A(105, true, true),
ALICE_REFUNDED(110, false, false);
private static final Map<Integer, State> map = stream(State.values()).collect(toMap(state -> state.value, state -> state));
public final int value;
public final boolean requiresAtData;
public final boolean requiresTradeData;
State(int value, boolean requiresAtData, boolean requiresTradeData) {
this.value = value;
this.requiresAtData = requiresAtData;
this.requiresTradeData = requiresTradeData;
public static State valueOf(int value) {
return map.get(value);
public String getState() {
return this.name();
public int getStateValue() {
return this.value;
/** Maximum time Bob waits for his AT creation transaction to be confirmed into a block. (milliseconds) */
private static final long MAX_AT_CONFIRMATION_PERIOD = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L; // ms
private static DigibyteACCTv3TradeBot instance;
private final List<String> endStates = Arrays.asList(State.BOB_DONE, State.BOB_REFUNDED, State.ALICE_DONE, State.ALICE_REFUNDING_A, State.ALICE_REFUNDED).stream()
private DigibyteACCTv3TradeBot() {
public static synchronized DigibyteACCTv3TradeBot getInstance() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new DigibyteACCTv3TradeBot();
return instance;
public List<String> getEndStates() {
return this.endStates;
* Creates a new trade-bot entry from the "Bob" viewpoint, i.e. OFFERing QORT in exchange for DGB.
* <p>
* Generates:
* <ul>
* <li>new 'trade' private key</li>
* </ul>
* Derives:
* <ul>
* <li>'native' (as in Qortal) public key, public key hash, address (starting with Q)</li>
* <li>'foreign' (as in Digibyte) public key, public key hash</li>
* </ul>
* A Qortal AT is then constructed including the following as constants in the 'data segment':
* <ul>
* <li>'native'/Qortal 'trade' address - used as a MESSAGE contact</li>
* <li>'foreign'/Digibyte public key hash - used by Alice's P2SH scripts to allow redeem</li>
* <li>QORT amount on offer by Bob</li>
* <li>DGB amount expected in return by Bob (from Alice)</li>
* <li>trading timeout, in case things go wrong and everyone needs to refund</li>
* </ul>
* Returns a DEPLOY_AT transaction that needs to be signed and broadcast to the Qortal network.
* <p>
* Trade-bot will wait for Bob's AT to be deployed before taking next step.
* <p>
* @param repository
* @param tradeBotCreateRequest
* @return raw, unsigned DEPLOY_AT transaction
* @throws DataException
public byte[] createTrade(Repository repository, TradeBotCreateRequest tradeBotCreateRequest) throws DataException {
byte[] tradePrivateKey = TradeBot.generateTradePrivateKey();
byte[] tradeNativePublicKey = TradeBot.deriveTradeNativePublicKey(tradePrivateKey);
byte[] tradeNativePublicKeyHash = Crypto.hash160(tradeNativePublicKey);
String tradeNativeAddress = Crypto.toAddress(tradeNativePublicKey);
byte[] tradeForeignPublicKey = TradeBot.deriveTradeForeignPublicKey(tradePrivateKey);
byte[] tradeForeignPublicKeyHash = Crypto.hash160(tradeForeignPublicKey);
// Convert Digibyte receiving address into public key hash (we only support P2PKH at this time)
Address digibyteReceivingAddress;
try {
digibyteReceivingAddress = Address.fromString(Digibyte.getInstance().getNetworkParameters(), tradeBotCreateRequest.receivingAddress);
} catch (AddressFormatException e) {
throw new DataException("Unsupported Digibyte receiving address: " + tradeBotCreateRequest.receivingAddress);
if (digibyteReceivingAddress.getOutputScriptType() != ScriptType.P2PKH)
throw new DataException("Unsupported Digibyte receiving address: " + tradeBotCreateRequest.receivingAddress);
byte[] digibyteReceivingAccountInfo = digibyteReceivingAddress.getHash();
PublicKeyAccount creator = new PublicKeyAccount(repository, tradeBotCreateRequest.creatorPublicKey);
// Deploy AT
long timestamp = NTP.getTime();
byte[] reference = creator.getLastReference();
long fee = 0L;
byte[] signature = null;
BaseTransactionData baseTransactionData = new BaseTransactionData(timestamp, Group.NO_GROUP, reference, creator.getPublicKey(), fee, signature);
String name = "QORT/DGB ACCT";
String description = "QORT/DGB cross-chain trade";
String aTType = "ACCT";
String tags = "ACCT QORT DGB";
byte[] creationBytes = DigibyteACCTv3.buildQortalAT(tradeNativeAddress, tradeForeignPublicKeyHash, tradeBotCreateRequest.qortAmount,
tradeBotCreateRequest.foreignAmount, tradeBotCreateRequest.tradeTimeout);
long amount = tradeBotCreateRequest.fundingQortAmount;
DeployAtTransactionData deployAtTransactionData = new DeployAtTransactionData(baseTransactionData, name, description, aTType, tags, creationBytes, amount, Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = new DeployAtTransaction(repository, deployAtTransactionData);
fee = deployAtTransaction.calcRecommendedFee();
String atAddress = deployAtTransactionData.getAtAddress();
TradeBotData tradeBotData = new TradeBotData(tradePrivateKey, DigibyteACCTv3.NAME,
creator.getAddress(), atAddress, timestamp, tradeBotCreateRequest.qortAmount,
tradeNativePublicKey, tradeNativePublicKeyHash, tradeNativeAddress,
null, null,
tradeForeignPublicKey, tradeForeignPublicKeyHash,
tradeBotCreateRequest.foreignAmount, null, null, null, digibyteReceivingAccountInfo);
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, () -> String.format("Built AT %s. Waiting for deployment", atAddress));
// Attempt to backup the trade bot data
TradeBot.backupTradeBotData(repository, null);
// Return to user for signing and broadcast as we don't have their Qortal private key
try {
return DeployAtTransactionTransformer.toBytes(deployAtTransactionData);
} catch (TransformationException e) {
throw new DataException("Failed to transform DEPLOY_AT transaction?", e);
* Creates a trade-bot entry from the 'Alice' viewpoint, i.e. matching DGB to an existing offer.
* <p>
* Requires a chosen trade offer from Bob, passed by <tt>crossChainTradeData</tt>
* and access to a Digibyte wallet via <tt>xprv58</tt>.
* <p>
* The <tt>crossChainTradeData</tt> contains the current trade offer state
* as extracted from the AT's data segment.
* <p>
* Access to a funded wallet is via a Digibyte BIP32 hierarchical deterministic key,
* passed via <tt>xprv58</tt>.
* <b>This key will be stored in your node's database</b>
* to allow trade-bot to create/fund the necessary P2SH transactions!
* However, due to the nature of BIP32 keys, it is possible to give the trade-bot
* only a subset of wallet access (see BIP32 for more details).
* <p>
* As an example, the xprv58 can be extract from a <i>legacy, password-less</i>
* Electrum wallet by going to the console tab and entering:<br>
* <tt>wallet.keystore.xprv</tt><br>
* which should result in a base58 string starting with either 'xprv' (for Digibyte main-net)
* or 'tprv' for (Digibyte test-net).
* <p>
* It is envisaged that the value in <tt>xprv58</tt> will actually come from a Qortal-UI-managed wallet.
* <p>
* If sufficient funds are available, <b>this method will actually fund the P2SH-A</b>
* with the Digibyte amount expected by 'Bob'.
* <p>
* If the Digibyte transaction is successfully broadcast to the network then
* we also send a MESSAGE to Bob's trade-bot to let them know.
* <p>
* The trade-bot entry is saved to the repository and the cross-chain trading process commences.
* <p>
* @param repository
* @param crossChainTradeData chosen trade OFFER that Alice wants to match
* @param xprv58 funded wallet xprv in base58
* @return true if P2SH-A funding transaction successfully broadcast to Digibyte network, false otherwise
* @throws DataException
public ResponseResult startResponse(Repository repository, ATData atData, ACCT acct, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData, String xprv58, String receivingAddress) throws DataException {
byte[] tradePrivateKey = TradeBot.generateTradePrivateKey();
byte[] secretA = TradeBot.generateSecret();
byte[] hashOfSecretA = Crypto.hash160(secretA);
byte[] tradeNativePublicKey = TradeBot.deriveTradeNativePublicKey(tradePrivateKey);
byte[] tradeNativePublicKeyHash = Crypto.hash160(tradeNativePublicKey);
String tradeNativeAddress = Crypto.toAddress(tradeNativePublicKey);
byte[] tradeForeignPublicKey = TradeBot.deriveTradeForeignPublicKey(tradePrivateKey);
byte[] tradeForeignPublicKeyHash = Crypto.hash160(tradeForeignPublicKey);
byte[] receivingPublicKeyHash = Base58.decode(receivingAddress); // Actually the whole address, not just PKH
// We need to generate lockTime-A: add tradeTimeout to now
long now = NTP.getTime();
int lockTimeA = crossChainTradeData.tradeTimeout * 60 + (int) (now / 1000L);
TradeBotData tradeBotData = new TradeBotData(tradePrivateKey, DigibyteACCTv3.NAME,
receivingAddress, crossChainTradeData.qortalAtAddress, now, crossChainTradeData.qortAmount,
tradeNativePublicKey, tradeNativePublicKeyHash, tradeNativeAddress,
secretA, hashOfSecretA,
tradeForeignPublicKey, tradeForeignPublicKeyHash,
crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount, xprv58, null, lockTimeA, receivingPublicKeyHash);
// Attempt to backup the trade bot data
// Include tradeBotData as an additional parameter, since it's not in the repository yet
TradeBot.backupTradeBotData(repository, Arrays.asList(tradeBotData));
// Check we have enough funds via xprv58 to fund P2SH to cover expectedForeignAmount
long p2shFee;
try {
p2shFee = Digibyte.getInstance().getP2shFee(now);
} catch (ForeignBlockchainException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Couldn't estimate Digibyte fees?");
return ResponseResult.NETWORK_ISSUE;
// Fee for redeem/refund is subtracted from P2SH-A balance.
// Do not include fee for funding transaction as this is covered by buildSpend()
long amountA = crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount + p2shFee /*redeeming/refunding P2SH-A*/;
// P2SH-A to be funded
byte[] redeemScriptBytes = BitcoinyHTLC.buildScript(tradeForeignPublicKeyHash, lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.creatorForeignPKH, hashOfSecretA);
String p2shAddress = Digibyte.getInstance().deriveP2shAddress(redeemScriptBytes);
// Build transaction for funding P2SH-A
Transaction p2shFundingTransaction = Digibyte.getInstance().buildSpend(tradeBotData.getForeignKey(), p2shAddress, amountA);
if (p2shFundingTransaction == null) {
LOGGER.debug("Unable to build P2SH-A funding transaction - lack of funds?");
return ResponseResult.BALANCE_ISSUE;
try {
} catch (ForeignBlockchainException e) {
// We couldn't fund P2SH-A at this time
LOGGER.debug("Couldn't broadcast P2SH-A funding transaction?");
return ResponseResult.NETWORK_ISSUE;
// Attempt to send MESSAGE to Bob's Qortal trade address
byte[] messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildOfferMessage(tradeBotData.getTradeForeignPublicKeyHash(), tradeBotData.getHashOfSecret(), tradeBotData.getLockTimeA());
String messageRecipient = crossChainTradeData.qortalCreatorTradeAddress;
boolean isMessageAlreadySent = repository.getMessageRepository().exists(tradeBotData.getTradeNativePublicKey(), messageRecipient, messageData);
if (!isMessageAlreadySent) {
PrivateKeyAccount sender = new PrivateKeyAccount(repository, tradeBotData.getTradePrivateKey());
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = MessageTransaction.build(repository, sender, Group.NO_GROUP, messageRecipient, messageData, false, false);
// reset repository state to prevent deadlock
ValidationResult result = messageTransaction.importAsUnconfirmed();
if (result != ValidationResult.OK) {
LOGGER.warn(() -> String.format("Unable to send MESSAGE to Bob's trade-bot %s: %s", messageRecipient, result.name()));
return ResponseResult.NETWORK_ISSUE;
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, () -> String.format("Funding P2SH-A %s. Messaged Bob. Waiting for AT-lock", p2shAddress));
return ResponseResult.OK;
public boolean canDelete(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData) throws DataException {
State tradeBotState = State.valueOf(tradeBotData.getStateValue());
if (tradeBotState == null)
return true;
// If the AT doesn't exist then we might as well let the user tidy up
if (!repository.getATRepository().exists(tradeBotData.getAtAddress()))
return true;
switch (tradeBotState) {
case BOB_DONE:
return true;
return false;
public void progress(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData) throws DataException, ForeignBlockchainException {
State tradeBotState = State.valueOf(tradeBotData.getStateValue());
if (tradeBotState == null) {
LOGGER.info(() -> String.format("Trade-bot entry for AT %s has invalid state?", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
ATData atData = null;
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = null;
if (tradeBotState.requiresAtData) {
// Attempt to fetch AT data
atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(tradeBotData.getAtAddress());
if (atData == null) {
LOGGER.debug(() -> String.format("Unable to fetch trade AT %s from repository", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
if (tradeBotState.requiresTradeData) {
tradeData = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
if (tradeData == null) {
LOGGER.warn(() -> String.format("Unable to fetch ACCT trade data for AT %s from repository", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
switch (tradeBotState) {
handleBobWaitingForAtConfirm(repository, tradeBotData);
TradeBot.getInstance().updatePresence(repository, tradeBotData, tradeData);
handleBobWaitingForMessage(repository, tradeBotData, atData, tradeData);
TradeBot.getInstance().updatePresence(repository, tradeBotData, tradeData);
handleAliceWaitingForAtLock(repository, tradeBotData, atData, tradeData);
TradeBot.getInstance().updatePresence(repository, tradeBotData, tradeData);
handleBobWaitingForAtRedeem(repository, tradeBotData, atData, tradeData);
case BOB_DONE:
TradeBot.getInstance().updatePresence(repository, tradeBotData, tradeData);
handleAliceRefundingP2shA(repository, tradeBotData, atData, tradeData);
* Trade-bot is waiting for Bob's AT to deploy.
* <p>
* If AT is deployed, then trade-bot's next step is to wait for MESSAGE from Alice.
private void handleBobWaitingForAtConfirm(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData) throws DataException {
if (!repository.getATRepository().exists(tradeBotData.getAtAddress())) {
if (NTP.getTime() - tradeBotData.getTimestamp() <= MAX_AT_CONFIRMATION_PERIOD)
// We've waited ages for AT to be confirmed into a block but something has gone awry.
// After this long we assume transaction loss so give up with trade-bot entry too.
// We delete trade-bot entry here instead of saving, hence not using updateTradeBotState()
LOGGER.info(() -> String.format("AT %s never confirmed. Giving up on trade", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.BOB_WAITING_FOR_MESSAGE,
() -> String.format("AT %s confirmed ready. Waiting for trade message", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
* Trade-bot is waiting for MESSAGE from Alice's trade-bot, containing Alice's trade info.
* <p>
* It's possible Bob has cancelling his trade offer, receiving an automatic QORT refund,
* in which case trade-bot is done with this specific trade and finalizes on refunded state.
* <p>
* Assuming trade is still on offer, trade-bot checks the contents of MESSAGE from Alice's trade-bot.
* <p>
* Details from Alice are used to derive P2SH-A address and this is checked for funding balance.
* <p>
* Assuming P2SH-A has at least expected Digibyte balance,
* Bob's trade-bot constructs a zero-fee, PoW MESSAGE to send to Bob's AT with more trade details.
* <p>
* On processing this MESSAGE, Bob's AT should switch into 'TRADE' mode and only trade with Alice.
* <p>
* Trade-bot's next step is to wait for Alice to redeem the AT, which will allow Bob to
* extract secret-A needed to redeem Alice's P2SH.
* @throws ForeignBlockchainException
private void handleBobWaitingForMessage(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData,
ATData atData, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData) throws DataException, ForeignBlockchainException {
// If AT has finished then Bob likely cancelled his trade offer
if (atData.getIsFinished()) {
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.BOB_REFUNDED,
() -> String.format("AT %s cancelled - trading aborted", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
Digibyte digibyte = Digibyte.getInstance();
String address = tradeBotData.getTradeNativeAddress();
List<MessageTransactionData> messageTransactionsData = repository.getMessageRepository().getMessagesByParticipants(null, address, null, null, null);
for (MessageTransactionData messageTransactionData : messageTransactionsData) {
if (messageTransactionData.isText())
// We're expecting: HASH160(secret-A), Alice's Digibyte pubkeyhash and lockTime-A
byte[] messageData = messageTransactionData.getData();
DigibyteACCTv3.OfferMessageData offerMessageData = DigibyteACCTv3.extractOfferMessageData(messageData);
if (offerMessageData == null)
byte[] aliceForeignPublicKeyHash = offerMessageData.partnerDigibytePKH;
byte[] hashOfSecretA = offerMessageData.hashOfSecretA;
int lockTimeA = (int) offerMessageData.lockTimeA;
long messageTimestamp = messageTransactionData.getTimestamp();
int refundTimeout = DigibyteACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(messageTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Determine P2SH-A address and confirm funded
byte[] redeemScriptA = BitcoinyHTLC.buildScript(aliceForeignPublicKeyHash, lockTimeA, tradeBotData.getTradeForeignPublicKeyHash(), hashOfSecretA);
String p2shAddressA = digibyte.deriveP2shAddress(redeemScriptA);
long feeTimestamp = calcFeeTimestamp(lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.tradeTimeout);
long p2shFee = Digibyte.getInstance().getP2shFee(feeTimestamp);
final long minimumAmountA = tradeBotData.getForeignAmount() + p2shFee;
BitcoinyHTLC.Status htlcStatusA = BitcoinyHTLC.determineHtlcStatus(digibyte.getBlockchainProvider(), p2shAddressA, minimumAmountA);
switch (htlcStatusA) {
// There might be another MESSAGE from someone else with an actually funded P2SH-A...
// We've already redeemed this?
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.BOB_DONE,
() -> String.format("P2SH-A %s already spent? Assuming trade complete", p2shAddressA));
// This P2SH-A is burnt, but there might be another MESSAGE from someone else with an actually funded P2SH-A...
case FUNDED:
// Fall-through out of switch...
// Good to go - send MESSAGE to AT
String aliceNativeAddress = Crypto.toAddress(messageTransactionData.getCreatorPublicKey());
// Build outgoing message, padding each part to 32 bytes to make it easier for AT to consume
byte[] outgoingMessageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(aliceNativeAddress, aliceForeignPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
String messageRecipient = tradeBotData.getAtAddress();
boolean isMessageAlreadySent = repository.getMessageRepository().exists(tradeBotData.getTradeNativePublicKey(), messageRecipient, outgoingMessageData);
if (!isMessageAlreadySent) {
PrivateKeyAccount sender = new PrivateKeyAccount(repository, tradeBotData.getTradePrivateKey());
MessageTransaction outgoingMessageTransaction = MessageTransaction.build(repository, sender, Group.NO_GROUP, messageRecipient, outgoingMessageData, false, false);
// reset repository state to prevent deadlock
ValidationResult result = outgoingMessageTransaction.importAsUnconfirmed();
if (result != ValidationResult.OK) {
LOGGER.warn(() -> String.format("Unable to send MESSAGE to AT %s: %s", messageRecipient, result.name()));
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.BOB_WAITING_FOR_AT_REDEEM,
() -> String.format("Locked AT %s to %s. Waiting for AT redeem", tradeBotData.getAtAddress(), aliceNativeAddress));
* Trade-bot is waiting for Bob's AT to switch to TRADE mode and lock trade to Alice only.
* <p>
* It's possible that Bob has cancelled his trade offer in the mean time, or that somehow
* this process has taken so long that we've reached P2SH-A's locktime, or that someone else
* has managed to trade with Bob. In any of these cases, trade-bot switches to begin the refunding process.
* <p>
* Assuming Bob's AT is locked to Alice, trade-bot checks AT's state data to make sure it is correct.
* <p>
* If all is well, trade-bot then redeems AT using Alice's secret-A, releasing Bob's QORT to Alice.
* <p>
* In revealing a valid secret-A, Bob can then redeem the DGB funds from P2SH-A.
* <p>
* @throws ForeignBlockchainException
private void handleAliceWaitingForAtLock(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData,
ATData atData, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData) throws DataException, ForeignBlockchainException {
if (aliceUnexpectedState(repository, tradeBotData, atData, crossChainTradeData))
Digibyte digibyte = Digibyte.getInstance();
int lockTimeA = tradeBotData.getLockTimeA();
// Refund P2SH-A if we've passed lockTime-A
if (NTP.getTime() >= lockTimeA * 1000L) {
byte[] redeemScriptA = BitcoinyHTLC.buildScript(tradeBotData.getTradeForeignPublicKeyHash(), lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.creatorForeignPKH, tradeBotData.getHashOfSecret());
String p2shAddressA = digibyte.deriveP2shAddress(redeemScriptA);
long feeTimestamp = calcFeeTimestamp(lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.tradeTimeout);
long p2shFee = Digibyte.getInstance().getP2shFee(feeTimestamp);
long minimumAmountA = crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount + p2shFee;
BitcoinyHTLC.Status htlcStatusA = BitcoinyHTLC.determineHtlcStatus(digibyte.getBlockchainProvider(), p2shAddressA, minimumAmountA);
switch (htlcStatusA) {
case FUNDED:
// Already redeemed?
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_DONE,
() -> String.format("P2SH-A %s already spent? Assuming trade completed", p2shAddressA));
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_REFUNDED,
() -> String.format("P2SH-A %s already refunded. Trade aborted", p2shAddressA));
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_REFUNDING_A,
() -> atData.getIsFinished()
? String.format("AT %s cancelled. Refunding P2SH-A %s - aborting trade", tradeBotData.getAtAddress(), p2shAddressA)
: String.format("LockTime-A reached, refunding P2SH-A %s - aborting trade", p2shAddressA));
// We're waiting for AT to be in TRADE mode
if (crossChainTradeData.mode != AcctMode.TRADING)
// AT is in TRADE mode and locked to us as checked by aliceUnexpectedState() above
// Find our MESSAGE to AT from previous state
List<MessageTransactionData> messageTransactionsData = repository.getMessageRepository().getMessagesByParticipants(tradeBotData.getTradeNativePublicKey(),
crossChainTradeData.qortalCreatorTradeAddress, null, null, null);
if (messageTransactionsData == null || messageTransactionsData.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.warn(() -> String.format("Unable to find our message to trade creator %s?", crossChainTradeData.qortalCreatorTradeAddress));
long recipientMessageTimestamp = messageTransactionsData.get(0).getTimestamp();
int refundTimeout = DigibyteACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(recipientMessageTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Our calculated refundTimeout should match AT's refundTimeout
if (refundTimeout != crossChainTradeData.refundTimeout) {
LOGGER.debug(() -> String.format("Trade AT refundTimeout '%d' doesn't match our refundTimeout '%d'", crossChainTradeData.refundTimeout, refundTimeout));
// We'll eventually refund
// We're good to redeem AT
// Send 'redeem' MESSAGE to AT using both secret
byte[] secretA = tradeBotData.getSecret();
String qortalReceivingAddress = Base58.encode(tradeBotData.getReceivingAccountInfo()); // Actually contains whole address, not just PKH
byte[] messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildRedeemMessage(secretA, qortalReceivingAddress);
String messageRecipient = tradeBotData.getAtAddress();
boolean isMessageAlreadySent = repository.getMessageRepository().exists(tradeBotData.getTradeNativePublicKey(), messageRecipient, messageData);
if (!isMessageAlreadySent) {
PrivateKeyAccount sender = new PrivateKeyAccount(repository, tradeBotData.getTradePrivateKey());
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = MessageTransaction.build(repository, sender, Group.NO_GROUP, messageRecipient, messageData, false, false);
// Reset repository state to prevent deadlock
ValidationResult result = messageTransaction.importAsUnconfirmed();
if (result != ValidationResult.OK) {
LOGGER.warn(() -> String.format("Unable to send MESSAGE to AT %s: %s", messageRecipient, result.name()));
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_DONE,
() -> String.format("Redeeming AT %s. Funds should arrive at %s",
tradeBotData.getAtAddress(), qortalReceivingAddress));
* Trade-bot is waiting for Alice to redeem Bob's AT, thus revealing secret-A which is required to spend the DGB funds from P2SH-A.
* <p>
* It's possible that Bob's AT has reached its trading timeout and automatically refunded QORT back to Bob. In which case,
* trade-bot is done with this specific trade and finalizes in refunded state.
* <p>
* Assuming trade-bot can extract a valid secret-A from Alice's MESSAGE then trade-bot uses that to redeem the DGB funds from P2SH-A
* to Bob's 'foreign'/Digibyte trade legacy-format address, as derived from trade private key.
* <p>
* (This could potentially be 'improved' to send DGB to any address of Bob's choosing by changing the transaction output).
* <p>
* If trade-bot successfully broadcasts the transaction, then this specific trade is done.
* @throws ForeignBlockchainException
private void handleBobWaitingForAtRedeem(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData,
ATData atData, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData) throws DataException, ForeignBlockchainException {
// AT should be 'finished' once Alice has redeemed QORT funds
if (!atData.getIsFinished())
// Not finished yet
// If AT is REFUNDED or CANCELLED then something has gone wrong
if (crossChainTradeData.mode == AcctMode.REFUNDED || crossChainTradeData.mode == AcctMode.CANCELLED) {
// Alice hasn't redeemed the QORT, so there is no point in trying to redeem the DGB
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.BOB_REFUNDED,
() -> String.format("AT %s has auto-refunded - trade aborted", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
byte[] secretA = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().findSecretA(repository, crossChainTradeData);
if (secretA == null) {
LOGGER.debug(() -> String.format("Unable to find secret-A from redeem message to AT %s?", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
// Use secret-A to redeem P2SH-A
Digibyte digibyte = Digibyte.getInstance();
byte[] receivingAccountInfo = tradeBotData.getReceivingAccountInfo();
int lockTimeA = crossChainTradeData.lockTimeA;
byte[] redeemScriptA = BitcoinyHTLC.buildScript(crossChainTradeData.partnerForeignPKH, lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.creatorForeignPKH, crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretA);
String p2shAddressA = digibyte.deriveP2shAddress(redeemScriptA);
// Fee for redeem/refund is subtracted from P2SH-A balance.
long feeTimestamp = calcFeeTimestamp(lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.tradeTimeout);
long p2shFee = Digibyte.getInstance().getP2shFee(feeTimestamp);
long minimumAmountA = crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount + p2shFee;
BitcoinyHTLC.Status htlcStatusA = BitcoinyHTLC.determineHtlcStatus(digibyte.getBlockchainProvider(), p2shAddressA, minimumAmountA);
switch (htlcStatusA) {
// P2SH-A suddenly not funded? Our best bet at this point is to hope for AT auto-refund
// Double-check that we have redeemed P2SH-A...
// Wait for AT to auto-refund
case FUNDED: {
Coin redeemAmount = Coin.valueOf(crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount);
ECKey redeemKey = ECKey.fromPrivate(tradeBotData.getTradePrivateKey());
List<TransactionOutput> fundingOutputs = digibyte.getUnspentOutputs(p2shAddressA);
Transaction p2shRedeemTransaction = BitcoinyHTLC.buildRedeemTransaction(digibyte.getNetworkParameters(), redeemAmount, redeemKey,
fundingOutputs, redeemScriptA, secretA, receivingAccountInfo);
String receivingAddress = digibyte.pkhToAddress(receivingAccountInfo);
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.BOB_DONE,
() -> String.format("P2SH-A %s redeemed. Funds should arrive at %s", tradeBotData.getAtAddress(), receivingAddress));
* Trade-bot is attempting to refund P2SH-A.
* @throws ForeignBlockchainException
private void handleAliceRefundingP2shA(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData,
ATData atData, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData) throws DataException, ForeignBlockchainException {
int lockTimeA = tradeBotData.getLockTimeA();
// We can't refund P2SH-A until lockTime-A has passed
if (NTP.getTime() <= lockTimeA * 1000L)
Digibyte digibyte = Digibyte.getInstance();
// We can't refund P2SH-A until median block time has passed lockTime-A (see BIP113)
int medianBlockTime = digibyte.getMedianBlockTime();
if (medianBlockTime <= lockTimeA)
byte[] redeemScriptA = BitcoinyHTLC.buildScript(tradeBotData.getTradeForeignPublicKeyHash(), lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.creatorForeignPKH, tradeBotData.getHashOfSecret());
String p2shAddressA = digibyte.deriveP2shAddress(redeemScriptA);
// Fee for redeem/refund is subtracted from P2SH-A balance.
long feeTimestamp = calcFeeTimestamp(lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.tradeTimeout);
long p2shFee = Digibyte.getInstance().getP2shFee(feeTimestamp);
long minimumAmountA = crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount + p2shFee;
BitcoinyHTLC.Status htlcStatusA = BitcoinyHTLC.determineHtlcStatus(digibyte.getBlockchainProvider(), p2shAddressA, minimumAmountA);
switch (htlcStatusA) {
// Still waiting for P2SH-A to be funded...
// Too late!
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_DONE,
() -> String.format("P2SH-A %s already spent!", p2shAddressA));
case FUNDED:{
Coin refundAmount = Coin.valueOf(crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount);
ECKey refundKey = ECKey.fromPrivate(tradeBotData.getTradePrivateKey());
List<TransactionOutput> fundingOutputs = digibyte.getUnspentOutputs(p2shAddressA);
// Determine receive address for refund
String receiveAddress = digibyte.getUnusedReceiveAddress(tradeBotData.getForeignKey());
Address receiving = Address.fromString(digibyte.getNetworkParameters(), receiveAddress);
Transaction p2shRefundTransaction = BitcoinyHTLC.buildRefundTransaction(digibyte.getNetworkParameters(), refundAmount, refundKey,
fundingOutputs, redeemScriptA, lockTimeA, receiving.getHash());
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_REFUNDED,
() -> String.format("LockTime-A reached. Refunded P2SH-A %s. Trade aborted", p2shAddressA));
* Returns true if Alice finds AT unexpectedly cancelled, refunded, redeemed or locked to someone else.
* <p>
* Will automatically update trade-bot state to <tt>ALICE_REFUNDING_A</tt> or <tt>ALICE_DONE</tt> as necessary.
* @throws DataException
* @throws ForeignBlockchainException
private boolean aliceUnexpectedState(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData,
ATData atData, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData) throws DataException, ForeignBlockchainException {
// This is OK
if (!atData.getIsFinished() && crossChainTradeData.mode == AcctMode.OFFERING)
return false;
boolean isAtLockedToUs = tradeBotData.getTradeNativeAddress().equals(crossChainTradeData.qortalPartnerAddress);
if (!atData.getIsFinished() && crossChainTradeData.mode == AcctMode.TRADING)
if (isAtLockedToUs) {
// AT is trading with us - OK
return false;
} else {
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_REFUNDING_A,
() -> String.format("AT %s trading with someone else: %s. Refunding & aborting trade", tradeBotData.getAtAddress(), crossChainTradeData.qortalPartnerAddress));
return true;
if (atData.getIsFinished() && crossChainTradeData.mode == AcctMode.REDEEMED && isAtLockedToUs) {
// We've redeemed already?
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_DONE,
() -> String.format("AT %s already redeemed by us. Trade completed", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
} else {
// Any other state is not good, so start defensive refund
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_REFUNDING_A,
() -> String.format("AT %s cancelled/refunded/redeemed by someone else/invalid state. Refunding & aborting trade", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
return true;
private long calcFeeTimestamp(int lockTimeA, int tradeTimeout) {
return (lockTimeA - tradeTimeout * 60) * 1000L;
@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
package org.qortal.controller.tradebot;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.bitcoinj.core.*;
import org.bitcoinj.script.Script.ScriptType;
import org.qortal.account.PrivateKeyAccount;
import org.qortal.account.PublicKeyAccount;
import org.qortal.api.model.crosschain.TradeBotCreateRequest;
import org.qortal.asset.Asset;
import org.qortal.crosschain.*;
import org.qortal.crypto.Crypto;
import org.qortal.data.at.ATData;
import org.qortal.data.crosschain.CrossChainTradeData;
import org.qortal.data.crosschain.TradeBotData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.BaseTransactionData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.DeployAtTransactionData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.MessageTransactionData;
import org.qortal.group.Group;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.repository.Repository;
import org.qortal.transaction.DeployAtTransaction;
import org.qortal.transaction.MessageTransaction;
import org.qortal.transaction.Transaction.ValidationResult;
import org.qortal.transform.TransformationException;
import org.qortal.transform.transaction.DeployAtTransactionTransformer;
import org.qortal.utils.Base58;
import org.qortal.utils.NTP;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static java.util.Arrays.stream;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap;
* Performing cross-chain trading steps on behalf of user.
* <p>
* We deal with three different independent state-spaces here:
* <ul>
* <li>Qortal blockchain</li>
* <li>Foreign blockchain</li>
* <li>Trade-bot entries</li>
* </ul>
public class RavencoinACCTv3TradeBot implements AcctTradeBot {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(RavencoinACCTv3TradeBot.class);
public enum State implements TradeBot.StateNameAndValueSupplier {
BOB_WAITING_FOR_AT_CONFIRM(10, false, false),
BOB_WAITING_FOR_MESSAGE(15, true, true),
BOB_WAITING_FOR_AT_REDEEM(25, true, true),
BOB_DONE(30, false, false),
BOB_REFUNDED(35, false, false),
ALICE_WAITING_FOR_AT_LOCK(85, true, true),
ALICE_DONE(95, false, false),
ALICE_REFUNDING_A(105, true, true),
ALICE_REFUNDED(110, false, false);
private static final Map<Integer, State> map = stream(State.values()).collect(toMap(state -> state.value, state -> state));
public final int value;
public final boolean requiresAtData;
public final boolean requiresTradeData;
State(int value, boolean requiresAtData, boolean requiresTradeData) {
this.value = value;
this.requiresAtData = requiresAtData;
this.requiresTradeData = requiresTradeData;
public static State valueOf(int value) {
return map.get(value);
public String getState() {
return this.name();
public int getStateValue() {
return this.value;
/** Maximum time Bob waits for his AT creation transaction to be confirmed into a block. (milliseconds) */
private static final long MAX_AT_CONFIRMATION_PERIOD = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L; // ms
private static RavencoinACCTv3TradeBot instance;
private final List<String> endStates = Arrays.asList(State.BOB_DONE, State.BOB_REFUNDED, State.ALICE_DONE, State.ALICE_REFUNDING_A, State.ALICE_REFUNDED).stream()
private RavencoinACCTv3TradeBot() {
public static synchronized RavencoinACCTv3TradeBot getInstance() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new RavencoinACCTv3TradeBot();
return instance;
public List<String> getEndStates() {
return this.endStates;
* Creates a new trade-bot entry from the "Bob" viewpoint, i.e. OFFERing QORT in exchange for RVN.
* <p>
* Generates:
* <ul>
* <li>new 'trade' private key</li>
* </ul>
* Derives:
* <ul>
* <li>'native' (as in Qortal) public key, public key hash, address (starting with Q)</li>
* <li>'foreign' (as in Ravencoin) public key, public key hash</li>
* </ul>
* A Qortal AT is then constructed including the following as constants in the 'data segment':
* <ul>
* <li>'native'/Qortal 'trade' address - used as a MESSAGE contact</li>
* <li>'foreign'/Ravencoin public key hash - used by Alice's P2SH scripts to allow redeem</li>
* <li>QORT amount on offer by Bob</li>
* <li>RVN amount expected in return by Bob (from Alice)</li>
* <li>trading timeout, in case things go wrong and everyone needs to refund</li>
* </ul>
* Returns a DEPLOY_AT transaction that needs to be signed and broadcast to the Qortal network.
* <p>
* Trade-bot will wait for Bob's AT to be deployed before taking next step.
* <p>
* @param repository
* @param tradeBotCreateRequest
* @return raw, unsigned DEPLOY_AT transaction
* @throws DataException
public byte[] createTrade(Repository repository, TradeBotCreateRequest tradeBotCreateRequest) throws DataException {
byte[] tradePrivateKey = TradeBot.generateTradePrivateKey();
byte[] tradeNativePublicKey = TradeBot.deriveTradeNativePublicKey(tradePrivateKey);
byte[] tradeNativePublicKeyHash = Crypto.hash160(tradeNativePublicKey);
String tradeNativeAddress = Crypto.toAddress(tradeNativePublicKey);
byte[] tradeForeignPublicKey = TradeBot.deriveTradeForeignPublicKey(tradePrivateKey);
byte[] tradeForeignPublicKeyHash = Crypto.hash160(tradeForeignPublicKey);
// Convert Ravencoin receiving address into public key hash (we only support P2PKH at this time)
Address ravencoinReceivingAddress;
try {
ravencoinReceivingAddress = Address.fromString(Ravencoin.getInstance().getNetworkParameters(), tradeBotCreateRequest.receivingAddress);
} catch (AddressFormatException e) {
throw new DataException("Unsupported Ravencoin receiving address: " + tradeBotCreateRequest.receivingAddress);
if (ravencoinReceivingAddress.getOutputScriptType() != ScriptType.P2PKH)
throw new DataException("Unsupported Ravencoin receiving address: " + tradeBotCreateRequest.receivingAddress);
byte[] ravencoinReceivingAccountInfo = ravencoinReceivingAddress.getHash();
PublicKeyAccount creator = new PublicKeyAccount(repository, tradeBotCreateRequest.creatorPublicKey);
// Deploy AT
long timestamp = NTP.getTime();
byte[] reference = creator.getLastReference();
long fee = 0L;
byte[] signature = null;
BaseTransactionData baseTransactionData = new BaseTransactionData(timestamp, Group.NO_GROUP, reference, creator.getPublicKey(), fee, signature);
String name = "QORT/RVN ACCT";
String description = "QORT/RVN cross-chain trade";
String aTType = "ACCT";
String tags = "ACCT QORT RVN";
byte[] creationBytes = RavencoinACCTv3.buildQortalAT(tradeNativeAddress, tradeForeignPublicKeyHash, tradeBotCreateRequest.qortAmount,
tradeBotCreateRequest.foreignAmount, tradeBotCreateRequest.tradeTimeout);
long amount = tradeBotCreateRequest.fundingQortAmount;
DeployAtTransactionData deployAtTransactionData = new DeployAtTransactionData(baseTransactionData, name, description, aTType, tags, creationBytes, amount, Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = new DeployAtTransaction(repository, deployAtTransactionData);
fee = deployAtTransaction.calcRecommendedFee();
String atAddress = deployAtTransactionData.getAtAddress();
TradeBotData tradeBotData = new TradeBotData(tradePrivateKey, RavencoinACCTv3.NAME,
creator.getAddress(), atAddress, timestamp, tradeBotCreateRequest.qortAmount,
tradeNativePublicKey, tradeNativePublicKeyHash, tradeNativeAddress,
null, null,
tradeForeignPublicKey, tradeForeignPublicKeyHash,
tradeBotCreateRequest.foreignAmount, null, null, null, ravencoinReceivingAccountInfo);
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, () -> String.format("Built AT %s. Waiting for deployment", atAddress));
// Attempt to backup the trade bot data
TradeBot.backupTradeBotData(repository, null);
// Return to user for signing and broadcast as we don't have their Qortal private key
try {
return DeployAtTransactionTransformer.toBytes(deployAtTransactionData);
} catch (TransformationException e) {
throw new DataException("Failed to transform DEPLOY_AT transaction?", e);
* Creates a trade-bot entry from the 'Alice' viewpoint, i.e. matching RVN to an existing offer.
* <p>
* Requires a chosen trade offer from Bob, passed by <tt>crossChainTradeData</tt>
* and access to a Ravencoin wallet via <tt>xprv58</tt>.
* <p>
* The <tt>crossChainTradeData</tt> contains the current trade offer state
* as extracted from the AT's data segment.
* <p>
* Access to a funded wallet is via a Ravencoin BIP32 hierarchical deterministic key,
* passed via <tt>xprv58</tt>.
* <b>This key will be stored in your node's database</b>
* to allow trade-bot to create/fund the necessary P2SH transactions!
* However, due to the nature of BIP32 keys, it is possible to give the trade-bot
* only a subset of wallet access (see BIP32 for more details).
* <p>
* As an example, the xprv58 can be extract from a <i>legacy, password-less</i>
* Electrum wallet by going to the console tab and entering:<br>
* <tt>wallet.keystore.xprv</tt><br>
* which should result in a base58 string starting with either 'xprv' (for Ravencoin main-net)
* or 'tprv' for (Ravencoin test-net).
* <p>
* It is envisaged that the value in <tt>xprv58</tt> will actually come from a Qortal-UI-managed wallet.
* <p>
* If sufficient funds are available, <b>this method will actually fund the P2SH-A</b>
* with the Ravencoin amount expected by 'Bob'.
* <p>
* If the Ravencoin transaction is successfully broadcast to the network then
* we also send a MESSAGE to Bob's trade-bot to let them know.
* <p>
* The trade-bot entry is saved to the repository and the cross-chain trading process commences.
* <p>
* @param repository
* @param crossChainTradeData chosen trade OFFER that Alice wants to match
* @param xprv58 funded wallet xprv in base58
* @return true if P2SH-A funding transaction successfully broadcast to Ravencoin network, false otherwise
* @throws DataException
public ResponseResult startResponse(Repository repository, ATData atData, ACCT acct, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData, String xprv58, String receivingAddress) throws DataException {
byte[] tradePrivateKey = TradeBot.generateTradePrivateKey();
byte[] secretA = TradeBot.generateSecret();
byte[] hashOfSecretA = Crypto.hash160(secretA);
byte[] tradeNativePublicKey = TradeBot.deriveTradeNativePublicKey(tradePrivateKey);
byte[] tradeNativePublicKeyHash = Crypto.hash160(tradeNativePublicKey);
String tradeNativeAddress = Crypto.toAddress(tradeNativePublicKey);
byte[] tradeForeignPublicKey = TradeBot.deriveTradeForeignPublicKey(tradePrivateKey);
byte[] tradeForeignPublicKeyHash = Crypto.hash160(tradeForeignPublicKey);
byte[] receivingPublicKeyHash = Base58.decode(receivingAddress); // Actually the whole address, not just PKH
// We need to generate lockTime-A: add tradeTimeout to now
long now = NTP.getTime();
int lockTimeA = crossChainTradeData.tradeTimeout * 60 + (int) (now / 1000L);
TradeBotData tradeBotData = new TradeBotData(tradePrivateKey, RavencoinACCTv3.NAME,
receivingAddress, crossChainTradeData.qortalAtAddress, now, crossChainTradeData.qortAmount,
tradeNativePublicKey, tradeNativePublicKeyHash, tradeNativeAddress,
secretA, hashOfSecretA,
tradeForeignPublicKey, tradeForeignPublicKeyHash,
crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount, xprv58, null, lockTimeA, receivingPublicKeyHash);
// Attempt to backup the trade bot data
// Include tradeBotData as an additional parameter, since it's not in the repository yet
TradeBot.backupTradeBotData(repository, Arrays.asList(tradeBotData));
// Check we have enough funds via xprv58 to fund P2SH to cover expectedForeignAmount
long p2shFee;
try {
p2shFee = Ravencoin.getInstance().getP2shFee(now);
} catch (ForeignBlockchainException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Couldn't estimate Ravencoin fees?");
return ResponseResult.NETWORK_ISSUE;
// Fee for redeem/refund is subtracted from P2SH-A balance.
// Do not include fee for funding transaction as this is covered by buildSpend()
long amountA = crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount + p2shFee /*redeeming/refunding P2SH-A*/;
// P2SH-A to be funded
byte[] redeemScriptBytes = BitcoinyHTLC.buildScript(tradeForeignPublicKeyHash, lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.creatorForeignPKH, hashOfSecretA);
String p2shAddress = Ravencoin.getInstance().deriveP2shAddress(redeemScriptBytes);
// Build transaction for funding P2SH-A
Transaction p2shFundingTransaction = Ravencoin.getInstance().buildSpend(tradeBotData.getForeignKey(), p2shAddress, amountA);
if (p2shFundingTransaction == null) {
LOGGER.debug("Unable to build P2SH-A funding transaction - lack of funds?");
return ResponseResult.BALANCE_ISSUE;
try {
} catch (ForeignBlockchainException e) {
// We couldn't fund P2SH-A at this time
LOGGER.debug("Couldn't broadcast P2SH-A funding transaction?");
return ResponseResult.NETWORK_ISSUE;
// Attempt to send MESSAGE to Bob's Qortal trade address
byte[] messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildOfferMessage(tradeBotData.getTradeForeignPublicKeyHash(), tradeBotData.getHashOfSecret(), tradeBotData.getLockTimeA());
String messageRecipient = crossChainTradeData.qortalCreatorTradeAddress;
boolean isMessageAlreadySent = repository.getMessageRepository().exists(tradeBotData.getTradeNativePublicKey(), messageRecipient, messageData);
if (!isMessageAlreadySent) {
PrivateKeyAccount sender = new PrivateKeyAccount(repository, tradeBotData.getTradePrivateKey());
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = MessageTransaction.build(repository, sender, Group.NO_GROUP, messageRecipient, messageData, false, false);
// reset repository state to prevent deadlock
ValidationResult result = messageTransaction.importAsUnconfirmed();
if (result != ValidationResult.OK) {
LOGGER.warn(() -> String.format("Unable to send MESSAGE to Bob's trade-bot %s: %s", messageRecipient, result.name()));
return ResponseResult.NETWORK_ISSUE;
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, () -> String.format("Funding P2SH-A %s. Messaged Bob. Waiting for AT-lock", p2shAddress));
return ResponseResult.OK;
public boolean canDelete(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData) throws DataException {
State tradeBotState = State.valueOf(tradeBotData.getStateValue());
if (tradeBotState == null)
return true;
// If the AT doesn't exist then we might as well let the user tidy up
if (!repository.getATRepository().exists(tradeBotData.getAtAddress()))
return true;
switch (tradeBotState) {
case BOB_DONE:
return true;
return false;
public void progress(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData) throws DataException, ForeignBlockchainException {
State tradeBotState = State.valueOf(tradeBotData.getStateValue());
if (tradeBotState == null) {
LOGGER.info(() -> String.format("Trade-bot entry for AT %s has invalid state?", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
ATData atData = null;
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = null;
if (tradeBotState.requiresAtData) {
// Attempt to fetch AT data
atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(tradeBotData.getAtAddress());
if (atData == null) {
LOGGER.debug(() -> String.format("Unable to fetch trade AT %s from repository", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
if (tradeBotState.requiresTradeData) {
tradeData = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
if (tradeData == null) {
LOGGER.warn(() -> String.format("Unable to fetch ACCT trade data for AT %s from repository", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
switch (tradeBotState) {
handleBobWaitingForAtConfirm(repository, tradeBotData);
TradeBot.getInstance().updatePresence(repository, tradeBotData, tradeData);
handleBobWaitingForMessage(repository, tradeBotData, atData, tradeData);
TradeBot.getInstance().updatePresence(repository, tradeBotData, tradeData);
handleAliceWaitingForAtLock(repository, tradeBotData, atData, tradeData);
TradeBot.getInstance().updatePresence(repository, tradeBotData, tradeData);
handleBobWaitingForAtRedeem(repository, tradeBotData, atData, tradeData);
case BOB_DONE:
TradeBot.getInstance().updatePresence(repository, tradeBotData, tradeData);
handleAliceRefundingP2shA(repository, tradeBotData, atData, tradeData);
* Trade-bot is waiting for Bob's AT to deploy.
* <p>
* If AT is deployed, then trade-bot's next step is to wait for MESSAGE from Alice.
private void handleBobWaitingForAtConfirm(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData) throws DataException {
if (!repository.getATRepository().exists(tradeBotData.getAtAddress())) {
if (NTP.getTime() - tradeBotData.getTimestamp() <= MAX_AT_CONFIRMATION_PERIOD)
// We've waited ages for AT to be confirmed into a block but something has gone awry.
// After this long we assume transaction loss so give up with trade-bot entry too.
// We delete trade-bot entry here instead of saving, hence not using updateTradeBotState()
LOGGER.info(() -> String.format("AT %s never confirmed. Giving up on trade", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.BOB_WAITING_FOR_MESSAGE,
() -> String.format("AT %s confirmed ready. Waiting for trade message", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
* Trade-bot is waiting for MESSAGE from Alice's trade-bot, containing Alice's trade info.
* <p>
* It's possible Bob has cancelling his trade offer, receiving an automatic QORT refund,
* in which case trade-bot is done with this specific trade and finalizes on refunded state.
* <p>
* Assuming trade is still on offer, trade-bot checks the contents of MESSAGE from Alice's trade-bot.
* <p>
* Details from Alice are used to derive P2SH-A address and this is checked for funding balance.
* <p>
* Assuming P2SH-A has at least expected Ravencoin balance,
* Bob's trade-bot constructs a zero-fee, PoW MESSAGE to send to Bob's AT with more trade details.
* <p>
* On processing this MESSAGE, Bob's AT should switch into 'TRADE' mode and only trade with Alice.
* <p>
* Trade-bot's next step is to wait for Alice to redeem the AT, which will allow Bob to
* extract secret-A needed to redeem Alice's P2SH.
* @throws ForeignBlockchainException
private void handleBobWaitingForMessage(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData,
ATData atData, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData) throws DataException, ForeignBlockchainException {
// If AT has finished then Bob likely cancelled his trade offer
if (atData.getIsFinished()) {
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.BOB_REFUNDED,
() -> String.format("AT %s cancelled - trading aborted", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
Ravencoin ravencoin = Ravencoin.getInstance();
String address = tradeBotData.getTradeNativeAddress();
List<MessageTransactionData> messageTransactionsData = repository.getMessageRepository().getMessagesByParticipants(null, address, null, null, null);
for (MessageTransactionData messageTransactionData : messageTransactionsData) {
if (messageTransactionData.isText())
// We're expecting: HASH160(secret-A), Alice's Ravencoin pubkeyhash and lockTime-A
byte[] messageData = messageTransactionData.getData();
RavencoinACCTv3.OfferMessageData offerMessageData = RavencoinACCTv3.extractOfferMessageData(messageData);
if (offerMessageData == null)
byte[] aliceForeignPublicKeyHash = offerMessageData.partnerRavencoinPKH;
byte[] hashOfSecretA = offerMessageData.hashOfSecretA;
int lockTimeA = (int) offerMessageData.lockTimeA;
long messageTimestamp = messageTransactionData.getTimestamp();
int refundTimeout = RavencoinACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(messageTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Determine P2SH-A address and confirm funded
byte[] redeemScriptA = BitcoinyHTLC.buildScript(aliceForeignPublicKeyHash, lockTimeA, tradeBotData.getTradeForeignPublicKeyHash(), hashOfSecretA);
String p2shAddressA = ravencoin.deriveP2shAddress(redeemScriptA);
long feeTimestamp = calcFeeTimestamp(lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.tradeTimeout);
long p2shFee = Ravencoin.getInstance().getP2shFee(feeTimestamp);
final long minimumAmountA = tradeBotData.getForeignAmount() + p2shFee;
BitcoinyHTLC.Status htlcStatusA = BitcoinyHTLC.determineHtlcStatus(ravencoin.getBlockchainProvider(), p2shAddressA, minimumAmountA);
switch (htlcStatusA) {
// There might be another MESSAGE from someone else with an actually funded P2SH-A...
// We've already redeemed this?
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.BOB_DONE,
() -> String.format("P2SH-A %s already spent? Assuming trade complete", p2shAddressA));
// This P2SH-A is burnt, but there might be another MESSAGE from someone else with an actually funded P2SH-A...
case FUNDED:
// Fall-through out of switch...
// Good to go - send MESSAGE to AT
String aliceNativeAddress = Crypto.toAddress(messageTransactionData.getCreatorPublicKey());
// Build outgoing message, padding each part to 32 bytes to make it easier for AT to consume
byte[] outgoingMessageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(aliceNativeAddress, aliceForeignPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
String messageRecipient = tradeBotData.getAtAddress();
boolean isMessageAlreadySent = repository.getMessageRepository().exists(tradeBotData.getTradeNativePublicKey(), messageRecipient, outgoingMessageData);
if (!isMessageAlreadySent) {
PrivateKeyAccount sender = new PrivateKeyAccount(repository, tradeBotData.getTradePrivateKey());
MessageTransaction outgoingMessageTransaction = MessageTransaction.build(repository, sender, Group.NO_GROUP, messageRecipient, outgoingMessageData, false, false);
// reset repository state to prevent deadlock
ValidationResult result = outgoingMessageTransaction.importAsUnconfirmed();
if (result != ValidationResult.OK) {
LOGGER.warn(() -> String.format("Unable to send MESSAGE to AT %s: %s", messageRecipient, result.name()));
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.BOB_WAITING_FOR_AT_REDEEM,
() -> String.format("Locked AT %s to %s. Waiting for AT redeem", tradeBotData.getAtAddress(), aliceNativeAddress));
* Trade-bot is waiting for Bob's AT to switch to TRADE mode and lock trade to Alice only.
* <p>
* It's possible that Bob has cancelled his trade offer in the mean time, or that somehow
* this process has taken so long that we've reached P2SH-A's locktime, or that someone else
* has managed to trade with Bob. In any of these cases, trade-bot switches to begin the refunding process.
* <p>
* Assuming Bob's AT is locked to Alice, trade-bot checks AT's state data to make sure it is correct.
* <p>
* If all is well, trade-bot then redeems AT using Alice's secret-A, releasing Bob's QORT to Alice.
* <p>
* In revealing a valid secret-A, Bob can then redeem the RVN funds from P2SH-A.
* <p>
* @throws ForeignBlockchainException
private void handleAliceWaitingForAtLock(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData,
ATData atData, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData) throws DataException, ForeignBlockchainException {
if (aliceUnexpectedState(repository, tradeBotData, atData, crossChainTradeData))
Ravencoin ravencoin = Ravencoin.getInstance();
int lockTimeA = tradeBotData.getLockTimeA();
// Refund P2SH-A if we've passed lockTime-A
if (NTP.getTime() >= lockTimeA * 1000L) {
byte[] redeemScriptA = BitcoinyHTLC.buildScript(tradeBotData.getTradeForeignPublicKeyHash(), lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.creatorForeignPKH, tradeBotData.getHashOfSecret());
String p2shAddressA = ravencoin.deriveP2shAddress(redeemScriptA);
long feeTimestamp = calcFeeTimestamp(lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.tradeTimeout);
long p2shFee = Ravencoin.getInstance().getP2shFee(feeTimestamp);
long minimumAmountA = crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount + p2shFee;
BitcoinyHTLC.Status htlcStatusA = BitcoinyHTLC.determineHtlcStatus(ravencoin.getBlockchainProvider(), p2shAddressA, minimumAmountA);
switch (htlcStatusA) {
case FUNDED:
// Already redeemed?
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_DONE,
() -> String.format("P2SH-A %s already spent? Assuming trade completed", p2shAddressA));
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_REFUNDED,
() -> String.format("P2SH-A %s already refunded. Trade aborted", p2shAddressA));
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_REFUNDING_A,
() -> atData.getIsFinished()
? String.format("AT %s cancelled. Refunding P2SH-A %s - aborting trade", tradeBotData.getAtAddress(), p2shAddressA)
: String.format("LockTime-A reached, refunding P2SH-A %s - aborting trade", p2shAddressA));
// We're waiting for AT to be in TRADE mode
if (crossChainTradeData.mode != AcctMode.TRADING)
// AT is in TRADE mode and locked to us as checked by aliceUnexpectedState() above
// Find our MESSAGE to AT from previous state
List<MessageTransactionData> messageTransactionsData = repository.getMessageRepository().getMessagesByParticipants(tradeBotData.getTradeNativePublicKey(),
crossChainTradeData.qortalCreatorTradeAddress, null, null, null);
if (messageTransactionsData == null || messageTransactionsData.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.warn(() -> String.format("Unable to find our message to trade creator %s?", crossChainTradeData.qortalCreatorTradeAddress));
long recipientMessageTimestamp = messageTransactionsData.get(0).getTimestamp();
int refundTimeout = RavencoinACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(recipientMessageTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Our calculated refundTimeout should match AT's refundTimeout
if (refundTimeout != crossChainTradeData.refundTimeout) {
LOGGER.debug(() -> String.format("Trade AT refundTimeout '%d' doesn't match our refundTimeout '%d'", crossChainTradeData.refundTimeout, refundTimeout));
// We'll eventually refund
// We're good to redeem AT
// Send 'redeem' MESSAGE to AT using both secret
byte[] secretA = tradeBotData.getSecret();
String qortalReceivingAddress = Base58.encode(tradeBotData.getReceivingAccountInfo()); // Actually contains whole address, not just PKH
byte[] messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildRedeemMessage(secretA, qortalReceivingAddress);
String messageRecipient = tradeBotData.getAtAddress();
boolean isMessageAlreadySent = repository.getMessageRepository().exists(tradeBotData.getTradeNativePublicKey(), messageRecipient, messageData);
if (!isMessageAlreadySent) {
PrivateKeyAccount sender = new PrivateKeyAccount(repository, tradeBotData.getTradePrivateKey());
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = MessageTransaction.build(repository, sender, Group.NO_GROUP, messageRecipient, messageData, false, false);
// Reset repository state to prevent deadlock
ValidationResult result = messageTransaction.importAsUnconfirmed();
if (result != ValidationResult.OK) {
LOGGER.warn(() -> String.format("Unable to send MESSAGE to AT %s: %s", messageRecipient, result.name()));
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_DONE,
() -> String.format("Redeeming AT %s. Funds should arrive at %s",
tradeBotData.getAtAddress(), qortalReceivingAddress));
* Trade-bot is waiting for Alice to redeem Bob's AT, thus revealing secret-A which is required to spend the RVN funds from P2SH-A.
* <p>
* It's possible that Bob's AT has reached its trading timeout and automatically refunded QORT back to Bob. In which case,
* trade-bot is done with this specific trade and finalizes in refunded state.
* <p>
* Assuming trade-bot can extract a valid secret-A from Alice's MESSAGE then trade-bot uses that to redeem the RVN funds from P2SH-A
* to Bob's 'foreign'/Ravencoin trade legacy-format address, as derived from trade private key.
* <p>
* (This could potentially be 'improved' to send RVN to any address of Bob's choosing by changing the transaction output).
* <p>
* If trade-bot successfully broadcasts the transaction, then this specific trade is done.
* @throws ForeignBlockchainException
private void handleBobWaitingForAtRedeem(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData,
ATData atData, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData) throws DataException, ForeignBlockchainException {
// AT should be 'finished' once Alice has redeemed QORT funds
if (!atData.getIsFinished())
// Not finished yet
// If AT is REFUNDED or CANCELLED then something has gone wrong
if (crossChainTradeData.mode == AcctMode.REFUNDED || crossChainTradeData.mode == AcctMode.CANCELLED) {
// Alice hasn't redeemed the QORT, so there is no point in trying to redeem the RVN
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.BOB_REFUNDED,
() -> String.format("AT %s has auto-refunded - trade aborted", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
byte[] secretA = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().findSecretA(repository, crossChainTradeData);
if (secretA == null) {
LOGGER.debug(() -> String.format("Unable to find secret-A from redeem message to AT %s?", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
// Use secret-A to redeem P2SH-A
Ravencoin ravencoin = Ravencoin.getInstance();
byte[] receivingAccountInfo = tradeBotData.getReceivingAccountInfo();
int lockTimeA = crossChainTradeData.lockTimeA;
byte[] redeemScriptA = BitcoinyHTLC.buildScript(crossChainTradeData.partnerForeignPKH, lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.creatorForeignPKH, crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretA);
String p2shAddressA = ravencoin.deriveP2shAddress(redeemScriptA);
// Fee for redeem/refund is subtracted from P2SH-A balance.
long feeTimestamp = calcFeeTimestamp(lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.tradeTimeout);
long p2shFee = Ravencoin.getInstance().getP2shFee(feeTimestamp);
long minimumAmountA = crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount + p2shFee;
BitcoinyHTLC.Status htlcStatusA = BitcoinyHTLC.determineHtlcStatus(ravencoin.getBlockchainProvider(), p2shAddressA, minimumAmountA);
switch (htlcStatusA) {
// P2SH-A suddenly not funded? Our best bet at this point is to hope for AT auto-refund
// Double-check that we have redeemed P2SH-A...
// Wait for AT to auto-refund
case FUNDED: {
Coin redeemAmount = Coin.valueOf(crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount);
ECKey redeemKey = ECKey.fromPrivate(tradeBotData.getTradePrivateKey());
List<TransactionOutput> fundingOutputs = ravencoin.getUnspentOutputs(p2shAddressA);
Transaction p2shRedeemTransaction = BitcoinyHTLC.buildRedeemTransaction(ravencoin.getNetworkParameters(), redeemAmount, redeemKey,
fundingOutputs, redeemScriptA, secretA, receivingAccountInfo);
String receivingAddress = ravencoin.pkhToAddress(receivingAccountInfo);
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.BOB_DONE,
() -> String.format("P2SH-A %s redeemed. Funds should arrive at %s", tradeBotData.getAtAddress(), receivingAddress));
* Trade-bot is attempting to refund P2SH-A.
* @throws ForeignBlockchainException
private void handleAliceRefundingP2shA(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData,
ATData atData, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData) throws DataException, ForeignBlockchainException {
int lockTimeA = tradeBotData.getLockTimeA();
// We can't refund P2SH-A until lockTime-A has passed
if (NTP.getTime() <= lockTimeA * 1000L)
Ravencoin ravencoin = Ravencoin.getInstance();
// We can't refund P2SH-A until median block time has passed lockTime-A (see BIP113)
int medianBlockTime = ravencoin.getMedianBlockTime();
if (medianBlockTime <= lockTimeA)
byte[] redeemScriptA = BitcoinyHTLC.buildScript(tradeBotData.getTradeForeignPublicKeyHash(), lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.creatorForeignPKH, tradeBotData.getHashOfSecret());
String p2shAddressA = ravencoin.deriveP2shAddress(redeemScriptA);
// Fee for redeem/refund is subtracted from P2SH-A balance.
long feeTimestamp = calcFeeTimestamp(lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.tradeTimeout);
long p2shFee = Ravencoin.getInstance().getP2shFee(feeTimestamp);
long minimumAmountA = crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount + p2shFee;
BitcoinyHTLC.Status htlcStatusA = BitcoinyHTLC.determineHtlcStatus(ravencoin.getBlockchainProvider(), p2shAddressA, minimumAmountA);
switch (htlcStatusA) {
// Still waiting for P2SH-A to be funded...
// Too late!
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_DONE,
() -> String.format("P2SH-A %s already spent!", p2shAddressA));
case FUNDED:{
Coin refundAmount = Coin.valueOf(crossChainTradeData.expectedForeignAmount);
ECKey refundKey = ECKey.fromPrivate(tradeBotData.getTradePrivateKey());
List<TransactionOutput> fundingOutputs = ravencoin.getUnspentOutputs(p2shAddressA);
// Determine receive address for refund
String receiveAddress = ravencoin.getUnusedReceiveAddress(tradeBotData.getForeignKey());
Address receiving = Address.fromString(ravencoin.getNetworkParameters(), receiveAddress);
Transaction p2shRefundTransaction = BitcoinyHTLC.buildRefundTransaction(ravencoin.getNetworkParameters(), refundAmount, refundKey,
fundingOutputs, redeemScriptA, lockTimeA, receiving.getHash());
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_REFUNDED,
() -> String.format("LockTime-A reached. Refunded P2SH-A %s. Trade aborted", p2shAddressA));
* Returns true if Alice finds AT unexpectedly cancelled, refunded, redeemed or locked to someone else.
* <p>
* Will automatically update trade-bot state to <tt>ALICE_REFUNDING_A</tt> or <tt>ALICE_DONE</tt> as necessary.
* @throws DataException
* @throws ForeignBlockchainException
private boolean aliceUnexpectedState(Repository repository, TradeBotData tradeBotData,
ATData atData, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData) throws DataException, ForeignBlockchainException {
// This is OK
if (!atData.getIsFinished() && crossChainTradeData.mode == AcctMode.OFFERING)
return false;
boolean isAtLockedToUs = tradeBotData.getTradeNativeAddress().equals(crossChainTradeData.qortalPartnerAddress);
if (!atData.getIsFinished() && crossChainTradeData.mode == AcctMode.TRADING)
if (isAtLockedToUs) {
// AT is trading with us - OK
return false;
} else {
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_REFUNDING_A,
() -> String.format("AT %s trading with someone else: %s. Refunding & aborting trade", tradeBotData.getAtAddress(), crossChainTradeData.qortalPartnerAddress));
return true;
if (atData.getIsFinished() && crossChainTradeData.mode == AcctMode.REDEEMED && isAtLockedToUs) {
// We've redeemed already?
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_DONE,
() -> String.format("AT %s already redeemed by us. Trade completed", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
} else {
// Any other state is not good, so start defensive refund
TradeBot.updateTradeBotState(repository, tradeBotData, State.ALICE_REFUNDING_A,
() -> String.format("AT %s cancelled/refunded/redeemed by someone else/invalid state. Refunding & aborting trade", tradeBotData.getAtAddress()));
return true;
private long calcFeeTimestamp(int lockTimeA, int tradeTimeout) {
return (lockTimeA - tradeTimeout * 60) * 1000L;
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ public class TradeBot implements Listener {
acctTradeBotSuppliers.put(DogecoinACCTv1.class, DogecoinACCTv1TradeBot::getInstance);
acctTradeBotSuppliers.put(DogecoinACCTv2.class, DogecoinACCTv2TradeBot::getInstance);
acctTradeBotSuppliers.put(DogecoinACCTv3.class, DogecoinACCTv3TradeBot::getInstance);
acctTradeBotSuppliers.put(DigibyteACCTv3.class, DigibyteACCTv3TradeBot::getInstance);
acctTradeBotSuppliers.put(RavencoinACCTv3.class, RavencoinACCTv3TradeBot::getInstance);
private static TradeBot instance;
@ -402,7 +404,7 @@ public class TradeBot implements Listener {
long now = NTP.getTime();
long newExpiry = generateExpiry(now);
ByteArray pubkeyByteArray = ByteArray.of(tradeNativeAccount.getPublicKey());
ByteArray pubkeyByteArray = ByteArray.wrap(tradeNativeAccount.getPublicKey());
// If map entry's timestamp is missing, or within early renewal period, use the new expiry - otherwise use existing timestamp.
synchronized (this.ourTradePresenceTimestampsByPubkey) {
@ -489,7 +491,7 @@ public class TradeBot implements Listener {
int knownCount = entriesUnknownToPeer.size();
for (TradePresenceData peersTradePresence : peersTradePresences) {
ByteArray pubkeyByteArray = ByteArray.of(peersTradePresence.getPublicKey());
ByteArray pubkeyByteArray = ByteArray.wrap(peersTradePresence.getPublicKey());
TradePresenceData ourEntry = entriesUnknownToPeer.get(pubkeyByteArray);
@ -546,7 +548,7 @@ public class TradeBot implements Listener {
ByteArray pubkeyByteArray = ByteArray.of(peersTradePresence.getPublicKey());
ByteArray pubkeyByteArray = ByteArray.wrap(peersTradePresence.getPublicKey());
// Ignore if we've previously verified this timestamp+publickey combo or sent timestamp is older
TradePresenceData existingTradeData = this.safeAllTradePresencesByPubkey.get(pubkeyByteArray);
@ -589,7 +591,7 @@ public class TradeBot implements Listener {
ByteArray atCodeHash = new ByteArray(atData.getCodeHash());
ByteArray atCodeHash = ByteArray.wrap(atData.getCodeHash());
Supplier<ACCT> acctSupplier = acctSuppliersByCodeHash.get(atCodeHash);
if (acctSupplier == null) {
LOGGER.trace("Ignoring trade presence {} from peer {} as AT isn't a known ACCT?",
@ -642,7 +644,7 @@ public class TradeBot implements Listener {
public void bridgePresence(long timestamp, byte[] publicKey, byte[] signature, String atAddress) {
long expiry = generateExpiry(timestamp);
ByteArray pubkeyByteArray = ByteArray.of(publicKey);
ByteArray pubkeyByteArray = ByteArray.wrap(publicKey);
TradePresenceData fakeTradePresenceData = new TradePresenceData(expiry, publicKey, signature, atAddress);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
package org.qortal.crosschain;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Coin;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Context;
import org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters;
import org.bitcoinj.params.RegTestParams;
import org.bitcoinj.params.TestNet3Params;
import org.libdohj.params.DigibyteMainNetParams;
import org.qortal.crosschain.ElectrumX.Server;
import org.qortal.crosschain.ElectrumX.Server.ConnectionType;
import org.qortal.settings.Settings;
public class Digibyte extends Bitcoiny {
public static final String CURRENCY_CODE = "DGB";
private static final Coin DEFAULT_FEE_PER_KB = Coin.valueOf(100000); // 0.001 DGB per 1000 bytes
private static final long MINIMUM_ORDER_AMOUNT = 1000000; // 0.01 DGB minimum order, to avoid dust errors
// Temporary values until a dynamic fee system is written.
private static final long MAINNET_FEE = 10000L;
private static final long NON_MAINNET_FEE = 10000L; // enough for TESTNET3 and should be OK for REGTEST
private static final Map<ConnectionType, Integer> DEFAULT_ELECTRUMX_PORTS = new EnumMap<>(ConnectionType.class);
static {
DEFAULT_ELECTRUMX_PORTS.put(ConnectionType.TCP, 50001);
DEFAULT_ELECTRUMX_PORTS.put(ConnectionType.SSL, 50002);
public enum DigibyteNet {
public NetworkParameters getParams() {
return DigibyteMainNetParams.get();
public Collection<Server> getServers() {
return Arrays.asList(
// Servers chosen on NO BASIS WHATSOEVER from various sources!
// Status verified at https://1209k.com/bitcoin-eye/ele.php?chain=dgb
new Server("electrum1.cipig.net", ConnectionType.SSL, 20059),
new Server("electrum2.cipig.net", ConnectionType.SSL, 20059),
new Server("electrum3.cipig.net", ConnectionType.SSL, 20059));
public String getGenesisHash() {
return "7497ea1b465eb39f1c8f507bc877078fe016d6fcb6dfad3a64c98dcc6e1e8496";
public long getP2shFee(Long timestamp) {
// TODO: This will need to be replaced with something better in the near future!
public NetworkParameters getParams() {
return TestNet3Params.get();
public Collection<Server> getServers() {
return Arrays.asList(); // TODO: find testnet servers
public String getGenesisHash() {
return "308ea0711d5763be2995670dd9ca9872753561285a84da1d58be58acaa822252";
public long getP2shFee(Long timestamp) {
public NetworkParameters getParams() {
return RegTestParams.get();
public Collection<Server> getServers() {
return Arrays.asList(
new Server("localhost", ConnectionType.TCP, 50001),
new Server("localhost", ConnectionType.SSL, 50002));
public String getGenesisHash() {
// This is unique to each regtest instance
return null;
public long getP2shFee(Long timestamp) {
public abstract NetworkParameters getParams();
public abstract Collection<Server> getServers();
public abstract String getGenesisHash();
public abstract long getP2shFee(Long timestamp) throws ForeignBlockchainException;
private static Digibyte instance;
private final DigibyteNet digibyteNet;
// Constructors and instance
private Digibyte(DigibyteNet digibyteNet, BitcoinyBlockchainProvider blockchain, Context bitcoinjContext, String currencyCode) {
super(blockchain, bitcoinjContext, currencyCode);
this.digibyteNet = digibyteNet;
LOGGER.info(() -> String.format("Starting Digibyte support using %s", this.digibyteNet.name()));
public static synchronized Digibyte getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
DigibyteNet digibyteNet = Settings.getInstance().getDigibyteNet();
BitcoinyBlockchainProvider electrumX = new ElectrumX("Digibyte-" + digibyteNet.name(), digibyteNet.getGenesisHash(), digibyteNet.getServers(), DEFAULT_ELECTRUMX_PORTS);
Context bitcoinjContext = new Context(digibyteNet.getParams());
instance = new Digibyte(digibyteNet, electrumX, bitcoinjContext, CURRENCY_CODE);
return instance;
// Getters & setters
public static synchronized void resetForTesting() {
instance = null;
// Actual useful methods for use by other classes
public Coin getFeePerKb() {
public long getMinimumOrderAmount() {
* Returns estimated DGB fee, in sats per 1000bytes, optionally for historic timestamp.
* @param timestamp optional milliseconds since epoch, or null for 'now'
* @return sats per 1000bytes, or throws ForeignBlockchainException if something went wrong
public long getP2shFee(Long timestamp) throws ForeignBlockchainException {
return this.digibyteNet.getP2shFee(timestamp);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
package org.qortal.crosschain;
import com.google.common.hash.HashCode;
import com.google.common.primitives.Bytes;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.ciyam.at.*;
import org.qortal.account.Account;
import org.qortal.asset.Asset;
import org.qortal.at.QortalFunctionCode;
import org.qortal.crypto.Crypto;
import org.qortal.data.at.ATData;
import org.qortal.data.at.ATStateData;
import org.qortal.data.crosschain.CrossChainTradeData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.MessageTransactionData;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.repository.Repository;
import org.qortal.utils.Base58;
import org.qortal.utils.BitTwiddling;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static org.ciyam.at.OpCode.calcOffset;
* Cross-chain trade AT
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li>Bob generates Digibyte & Qortal 'trade' keys
* <ul>
* <li>private key required to sign P2SH redeem tx</li>
* <li>private key could be used to create 'secret' (e.g. double-SHA256)</li>
* <li>encrypted private key could be stored in Qortal AT for access by Bob from any node</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Bob deploys Qortal AT
* <ul>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Alice finds Qortal AT and wants to trade
* <ul>
* <li>Alice generates Digibyte & Qortal 'trade' keys</li>
* <li>Alice funds Digibyte P2SH-A</li>
* <li>Alice sends 'offer' MESSAGE to Bob from her Qortal trade address, containing:
* <ul>
* <li>hash-of-secret-A</li>
* <li>her 'trade' Digibyte PKH</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Bob receives "offer" MESSAGE
* <ul>
* <li>Checks Alice's P2SH-A</li>
* <li>Sends 'trade' MESSAGE to Qortal AT from his trade address, containing:
* <ul>
* <li>Alice's trade Qortal address</li>
* <li>Alice's trade Digibyte PKH</li>
* <li>hash-of-secret-A</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Alice checks Qortal AT to confirm it's locked to her
* <ul>
* <li>Alice sends 'redeem' MESSAGE to Qortal AT from her trade address, containing:
* <ul>
* <li>secret-A</li>
* <li>Qortal receiving address of her chosing</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>AT's QORT funds are sent to Qortal receiving address</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Bob checks AT, extracts secret-A
* <ul>
* <li>Bob redeems P2SH-A using his Digibyte trade key and secret-A</li>
* <li>P2SH-A DGB funds end up at Digibyte address determined by redeem transaction output(s)</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
public class DigibyteACCTv3 implements ACCT {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(DigibyteACCTv3.class);
public static final String NAME = DigibyteACCTv3.class.getSimpleName();
public static final byte[] CODE_BYTES_HASH = HashCode.fromString("e6a7dcd87296fae3ce7d80183bf7660c8e2cb4f8746c6a0421a17148f87a0e1d").asBytes(); // SHA256 of AT code bytes
public static final int SECRET_LENGTH = 32;
/** <b>Value</b> offset into AT segment where 'mode' variable (long) is stored. (Multiply by MachineState.VALUE_SIZE for byte offset). */
private static final int MODE_VALUE_OFFSET = 61;
/** <b>Byte</b> offset into AT state data where 'mode' variable (long) is stored. */
public static final int MODE_BYTE_OFFSET = MachineState.HEADER_LENGTH + (MODE_VALUE_OFFSET * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE);
public static class OfferMessageData {
public byte[] partnerDigibytePKH;
public byte[] hashOfSecretA;
public long lockTimeA;
public static final int OFFER_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 20 /*partnerDigibytePKH*/ + 20 /*hashOfSecretA*/ + 8 /*lockTimeA*/;
public static final int TRADE_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 32 /*partner's Qortal trade address (padded from 25 to 32)*/
+ 24 /*partner's Digibyte PKH (padded from 20 to 24)*/
+ 8 /*AT trade timeout (minutes)*/
+ 24 /*hash of secret-A (padded from 20 to 24)*/
+ 8 /*lockTimeA*/;
public static final int REDEEM_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 32 /*secret-A*/ + 32 /*partner's Qortal receiving address padded from 25 to 32*/;
public static final int CANCEL_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 32 /*AT creator's Qortal address*/;
private static DigibyteACCTv3 instance;
private DigibyteACCTv3() {
public static synchronized DigibyteACCTv3 getInstance() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new DigibyteACCTv3();
return instance;
public byte[] getCodeBytesHash() {
public int getModeByteOffset() {
public ForeignBlockchain getBlockchain() {
return Digibyte.getInstance();
* Returns Qortal AT creation bytes for cross-chain trading AT.
* <p>
* <tt>tradeTimeout</tt> (minutes) is the time window for the trade partner to send the
* 32-byte secret to the AT, before the AT automatically refunds the AT's creator.
* @param creatorTradeAddress AT creator's trade Qortal address
* @param digibytePublicKeyHash 20-byte HASH160 of creator's trade Digibyte public key
* @param qortAmount how much QORT to pay trade partner if they send correct 32-byte secrets to AT
* @param digibyteAmount how much DGB the AT creator is expecting to trade
* @param tradeTimeout suggested timeout for entire trade
public static byte[] buildQortalAT(String creatorTradeAddress, byte[] digibytePublicKeyHash, long qortAmount, long digibyteAmount, int tradeTimeout) {
if (digibytePublicKeyHash.length != 20)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Digibyte public key hash should be 20 bytes");
// Labels for data segment addresses
int addrCounter = 0;
// Constants (with corresponding dataByteBuffer.put*() calls below)
final int addrCreatorTradeAddress1 = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorTradeAddress2 = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorTradeAddress3 = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorTradeAddress4 = addrCounter++;
final int addrDigibytePublicKeyHash = addrCounter;
addrCounter += 4;
final int addrQortAmount = addrCounter++;
final int addrDigibyteAmount = addrCounter++;
final int addrTradeTimeout = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageTxnType = addrCounter++;
final int addrExpectedTradeMessageLength = addrCounter++;
final int addrExpectedRedeemMessageLength = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorAddressPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrQortalPartnerAddressPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageSenderPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrTradeMessagePartnerDigibytePKHOffset = addrCounter++;
final int addrPartnerDigibytePKHPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrTradeMessageHashOfSecretAOffset = addrCounter++;
final int addrHashOfSecretAPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrRedeemMessageReceivingAddressOffset = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageDataPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageDataLength = addrCounter++;
final int addrPartnerReceivingAddressPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrEndOfConstants = addrCounter;
// Variables
final int addrCreatorAddress1 = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorAddress2 = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorAddress3 = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorAddress4 = addrCounter++;
final int addrQortalPartnerAddress1 = addrCounter++;
final int addrQortalPartnerAddress2 = addrCounter++;
final int addrQortalPartnerAddress3 = addrCounter++;
final int addrQortalPartnerAddress4 = addrCounter++;
final int addrLockTimeA = addrCounter++;
final int addrRefundTimeout = addrCounter++;
final int addrRefundTimestamp = addrCounter++;
final int addrLastTxnTimestamp = addrCounter++;
final int addrBlockTimestamp = addrCounter++;
final int addrTxnType = addrCounter++;
final int addrResult = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageSender1 = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageSender2 = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageSender3 = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageSender4 = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageLength = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageData = addrCounter;
addrCounter += 4;
final int addrHashOfSecretA = addrCounter;
addrCounter += 4;
final int addrPartnerDigibytePKH = addrCounter;
addrCounter += 4;
final int addrPartnerReceivingAddress = addrCounter;
addrCounter += 4;
final int addrMode = addrCounter++;
assert addrMode == MODE_VALUE_OFFSET : String.format("addrMode %d does not match MODE_VALUE_OFFSET %d", addrMode, MODE_VALUE_OFFSET);
// Data segment
ByteBuffer dataByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(addrCounter * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE);
// AT creator's trade Qortal address, decoded from Base58
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrCreatorTradeAddress1 * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrCreatorTradeAddress1 incorrect";
byte[] creatorTradeAddressBytes = Base58.decode(creatorTradeAddress);
dataByteBuffer.put(Bytes.ensureCapacity(creatorTradeAddressBytes, 32, 0));
// Digibyte public key hash
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrDigibytePublicKeyHash * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrDigibytePublicKeyHash incorrect";
dataByteBuffer.put(Bytes.ensureCapacity(digibytePublicKeyHash, 32, 0));
// Redeem Qort amount
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrQortAmount * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrQortAmount incorrect";
// Expected Digibyte amount
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrDigibyteAmount * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrDigibyteAmount incorrect";
// Suggested trade timeout (minutes)
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrTradeTimeout * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrTradeTimeout incorrect";
// We're only interested in MESSAGE transactions
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrMessageTxnType * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrMessageTxnType incorrect";
// Expected length of 'trade' MESSAGE data from AT creator
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrExpectedTradeMessageLength * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrExpectedTradeMessageLength incorrect";
// Expected length of 'redeem' MESSAGE data from trade partner
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrExpectedRedeemMessageLength * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrExpectedRedeemMessageLength incorrect";
// Index into data segment of AT creator's address, used by GET_B_IND
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrCreatorAddressPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrCreatorAddressPointer incorrect";
// Index into data segment of partner's Qortal address, used by SET_B_IND
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrQortalPartnerAddressPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrQortalPartnerAddressPointer incorrect";
// Index into data segment of (temporary) transaction's sender's address, used by GET_B_IND
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrMessageSenderPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrMessageSenderPointer incorrect";
// Offset into 'trade' MESSAGE data payload for extracting partner's Digibyte PKH
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrTradeMessagePartnerDigibytePKHOffset * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrTradeMessagePartnerDigibytePKHOffset incorrect";
// Index into data segment of partner's Digibyte PKH, used by GET_B_IND
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrPartnerDigibytePKHPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrPartnerDigibytePKHPointer incorrect";
// Offset into 'trade' MESSAGE data payload for extracting hash-of-secret-A
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrTradeMessageHashOfSecretAOffset * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrTradeMessageHashOfSecretAOffset incorrect";
// Index into data segment to hash of secret A, used by GET_B_IND
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrHashOfSecretAPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrHashOfSecretAPointer incorrect";
// Offset into 'redeem' MESSAGE data payload for extracting Qortal receiving address
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrRedeemMessageReceivingAddressOffset * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrRedeemMessageReceivingAddressOffset incorrect";
// Source location and length for hashing any passed secret
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrMessageDataPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrMessageDataPointer incorrect";
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrMessageDataLength * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrMessageDataLength incorrect";
// Pointer into data segment of where to save partner's receiving Qortal address, used by GET_B_IND
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrPartnerReceivingAddressPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrPartnerReceivingAddressPointer incorrect";
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrEndOfConstants * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "dataByteBuffer position not at end of constants";
// Code labels
Integer labelRefund = null;
Integer labelTradeTxnLoop = null;
Integer labelCheckTradeTxn = null;
Integer labelCheckCancelTxn = null;
Integer labelNotTradeNorCancelTxn = null;
Integer labelCheckNonRefundTradeTxn = null;
Integer labelTradeTxnExtract = null;
Integer labelRedeemTxnLoop = null;
Integer labelCheckRedeemTxn = null;
Integer labelCheckRedeemTxnSender = null;
Integer labelPayout = null;
ByteBuffer codeByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(768);
// Two-pass version
for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
try {
/* Initialization */
// Use AT creation 'timestamp' as starting point for finding transactions sent to AT
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_CREATION_TIMESTAMP, addrLastTxnTimestamp));
/* NOP - to ensure DIGIBYTE ACCT is unique */
// Load B register with AT creator's address so we can save it into addrCreatorAddress1-4
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrCreatorAddressPointer));
// Set restart position to after this opcode
/* Loop, waiting for message from AT creator's trade address containing trade partner details, or AT owner's address to cancel offer */
/* Transaction processing loop */
labelTradeTxnLoop = codeByteBuffer.position();
/* Sleep until message arrives */
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(QortalFunctionCode.SLEEP_UNTIL_MESSAGE.value, addrLastTxnTimestamp));
// Find next transaction (if any) to this AT since the last one (referenced by addrLastTxnTimestamp)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.PUT_TX_AFTER_TIMESTAMP_INTO_A, addrLastTxnTimestamp));
// If no transaction found, A will be zero. If A is zero, set addrResult to 1, otherwise 0.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.CHECK_A_IS_ZERO, addrResult));
// If addrResult is zero (i.e. A is non-zero, transaction was found) then go check transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BZR_DAT.compile(addrResult, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckTradeTxn)));
// Stop and wait for next block
/* Check transaction */
labelCheckTradeTxn = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Update our 'last found transaction's timestamp' using 'timestamp' from transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_TIMESTAMP_FROM_TX_IN_A, addrLastTxnTimestamp));
// Extract transaction type (message/payment) from transaction and save type in addrTxnType
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_TYPE_FROM_TX_IN_A, addrTxnType));
// If transaction type is not MESSAGE type then go look for another transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrTxnType, addrMessageTxnType, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelTradeTxnLoop)));
/* Check transaction's sender. We're expecting AT creator's trade address for 'trade' message, or AT creator's own address for 'cancel' message. */
// Extract sender address from transaction into B register
// Save B register into data segment starting at addrMessageSender1 (as pointed to by addrMessageSenderPointer)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrMessageSenderPointer));
// Compare each part of message sender's address with AT creator's trade address. If they don't match, check for cancel situation.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender1, addrCreatorTradeAddress1, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckCancelTxn)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender2, addrCreatorTradeAddress2, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckCancelTxn)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender3, addrCreatorTradeAddress3, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckCancelTxn)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender4, addrCreatorTradeAddress4, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckCancelTxn)));
// Message sender's address matches AT creator's trade address so go process 'trade' message
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.JMP_ADR.compile(labelCheckNonRefundTradeTxn == null ? 0 : labelCheckNonRefundTradeTxn));
/* Checking message sender for possible cancel message */
labelCheckCancelTxn = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Compare each part of message sender's address with AT creator's address. If they don't match, look for another transaction.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender1, addrCreatorAddress1, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelNotTradeNorCancelTxn)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender2, addrCreatorAddress2, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelNotTradeNorCancelTxn)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender3, addrCreatorAddress3, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelNotTradeNorCancelTxn)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender4, addrCreatorAddress4, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelNotTradeNorCancelTxn)));
// Partner address is AT creator's address, so cancel offer and finish.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.SET_VAL.compile(addrMode, AcctMode.CANCELLED.value));
// We're finished forever (finishing auto-refunds remaining balance to AT creator)
/* Not trade nor cancel message */
labelNotTradeNorCancelTxn = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Loop to find another transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.JMP_ADR.compile(labelTradeTxnLoop == null ? 0 : labelTradeTxnLoop));
/* Possible switch-to-trade-mode message */
labelCheckNonRefundTradeTxn = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Check 'trade' message we received has expected number of message bytes
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(QortalFunctionCode.GET_MESSAGE_LENGTH_FROM_TX_IN_A.value, addrMessageLength));
// If message length matches, branch to info extraction code
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BEQ_DAT.compile(addrMessageLength, addrExpectedTradeMessageLength, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelTradeTxnExtract)));
// Message length didn't match - go back to finding another 'trade' MESSAGE transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.JMP_ADR.compile(labelTradeTxnLoop == null ? 0 : labelTradeTxnLoop));
/* Extracting info from 'trade' MESSAGE transaction */
labelTradeTxnExtract = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Extract message from transaction into B register
// Save B register into data segment starting at addrQortalPartnerAddress1 (as pointed to by addrQortalPartnerAddressPointer)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrQortalPartnerAddressPointer));
// Extract trade partner's Digibyte public key hash (PKH) from message into B
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(QortalFunctionCode.PUT_PARTIAL_MESSAGE_FROM_TX_IN_A_INTO_B.value, addrTradeMessagePartnerDigibytePKHOffset));
// Store partner's Digibyte PKH (we only really use values from B1-B3)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrPartnerDigibytePKHPointer));
// Extract AT trade timeout (minutes) (from B4)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B4, addrRefundTimeout));
// Grab next 32 bytes
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(QortalFunctionCode.PUT_PARTIAL_MESSAGE_FROM_TX_IN_A_INTO_B.value, addrTradeMessageHashOfSecretAOffset));
// Extract hash-of-secret-A (we only really use values from B1-B3)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrHashOfSecretAPointer));
// Extract lockTime-A (from B4)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B4, addrLockTimeA));
// Calculate trade timeout refund 'timestamp' by adding addrRefundTimeout minutes to this transaction's 'timestamp', then save into addrRefundTimestamp
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET_DAT_2.compile(FunctionCode.ADD_MINUTES_TO_TIMESTAMP, addrRefundTimestamp, addrLastTxnTimestamp, addrRefundTimeout));
/* We are in 'trade mode' */
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.SET_VAL.compile(addrMode, AcctMode.TRADING.value));
// Set restart position to after this opcode
/* Loop, waiting for trade timeout or 'redeem' MESSAGE from Qortal trade partner */
// Fetch current block 'timestamp'
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_BLOCK_TIMESTAMP, addrBlockTimestamp));
// If we're not past refund 'timestamp' then look for next transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BLT_DAT.compile(addrBlockTimestamp, addrRefundTimestamp, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelRedeemTxnLoop)));
// We're past refund 'timestamp' so go refund everything back to AT creator
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.JMP_ADR.compile(labelRefund == null ? 0 : labelRefund));
/* Transaction processing loop */
labelRedeemTxnLoop = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Find next transaction to this AT since the last one (if any)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.PUT_TX_AFTER_TIMESTAMP_INTO_A, addrLastTxnTimestamp));
// If no transaction found, A will be zero. If A is zero, set addrComparator to 1, otherwise 0.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.CHECK_A_IS_ZERO, addrResult));
// If addrResult is zero (i.e. A is non-zero, transaction was found) then go check transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BZR_DAT.compile(addrResult, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckRedeemTxn)));
// Stop and wait for next block
/* Check transaction */
labelCheckRedeemTxn = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Update our 'last found transaction's timestamp' using 'timestamp' from transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_TIMESTAMP_FROM_TX_IN_A, addrLastTxnTimestamp));
// Extract transaction type (message/payment) from transaction and save type in addrTxnType
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_TYPE_FROM_TX_IN_A, addrTxnType));
// If transaction type is not MESSAGE type then go look for another transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrTxnType, addrMessageTxnType, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelRedeemTxnLoop)));
/* Check message payload length */
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(QortalFunctionCode.GET_MESSAGE_LENGTH_FROM_TX_IN_A.value, addrMessageLength));
// If message length matches, branch to sender checking code
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BEQ_DAT.compile(addrMessageLength, addrExpectedRedeemMessageLength, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckRedeemTxnSender)));
// Message length didn't match - go back to finding another 'redeem' MESSAGE transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.JMP_ADR.compile(labelRedeemTxnLoop == null ? 0 : labelRedeemTxnLoop));
/* Check transaction's sender */
labelCheckRedeemTxnSender = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Extract sender address from transaction into B register
// Save B register into data segment starting at addrMessageSender1 (as pointed to by addrMessageSenderPointer)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrMessageSenderPointer));
// Compare each part of transaction's sender's address with expected address. If they don't match, look for another transaction.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender1, addrQortalPartnerAddress1, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelRedeemTxnLoop)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender2, addrQortalPartnerAddress2, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelRedeemTxnLoop)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender3, addrQortalPartnerAddress3, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelRedeemTxnLoop)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender4, addrQortalPartnerAddress4, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelRedeemTxnLoop)));
/* Check 'secret-A' in transaction's message */
// Extract secret-A from first 32 bytes of message from transaction into B register
// Save B register into data segment starting at addrMessageData (as pointed to by addrMessageDataPointer)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrMessageDataPointer));
// Load B register with expected hash result (as pointed to by addrHashOfSecretAPointer)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.SET_B_IND, addrHashOfSecretAPointer));
// Perform HASH160 using source data at addrMessageData. (Location and length specified via addrMessageDataPointer and addrMessageDataLength).
// Save the equality result (1 if they match, 0 otherwise) into addrResult.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET_DAT_2.compile(FunctionCode.CHECK_HASH160_WITH_B, addrResult, addrMessageDataPointer, addrMessageDataLength));
// If hashes don't match, addrResult will be zero so go find another transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNZ_DAT.compile(addrResult, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelPayout)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.JMP_ADR.compile(labelRedeemTxnLoop == null ? 0 : labelRedeemTxnLoop));
/* Success! Pay arranged amount to receiving address */
labelPayout = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Extract Qortal receiving address from next 32 bytes of message from transaction into B register
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(QortalFunctionCode.PUT_PARTIAL_MESSAGE_FROM_TX_IN_A_INTO_B.value, addrRedeemMessageReceivingAddressOffset));
// Save B register into data segment starting at addrPartnerReceivingAddress (as pointed to by addrPartnerReceivingAddressPointer)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrPartnerReceivingAddressPointer));
// Pay AT's balance to receiving address
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.PAY_TO_ADDRESS_IN_B, addrQortAmount));
// Set redeemed mode
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.SET_VAL.compile(addrMode, AcctMode.REDEEMED.value));
// We're finished forever (finishing auto-refunds remaining balance to AT creator)
// Fall-through to refunding any remaining balance back to AT creator
/* Refund balance back to AT creator */
labelRefund = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Set refunded mode
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.SET_VAL.compile(addrMode, AcctMode.REFUNDED.value));
// We're finished forever (finishing auto-refunds remaining balance to AT creator)
} catch (CompilationException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to compile DGB-QORT ACCT?", e);
byte[] codeBytes = new byte[codeByteBuffer.limit()];
assert Arrays.equals(Crypto.digest(codeBytes), DigibyteACCTv3.CODE_BYTES_HASH)
: String.format("BTCACCT.CODE_BYTES_HASH mismatch: expected %s, actual %s", HashCode.fromBytes(CODE_BYTES_HASH), HashCode.fromBytes(Crypto.digest(codeBytes)));
final short ciyamAtVersion = 2;
final short numCallStackPages = 0;
final short numUserStackPages = 0;
final long minActivationAmount = 0L;
return MachineState.toCreationBytes(ciyamAtVersion, codeBytes, dataByteBuffer.array(), numCallStackPages, numUserStackPages, minActivationAmount);
* Returns CrossChainTradeData with useful info extracted from AT.
public CrossChainTradeData populateTradeData(Repository repository, ATData atData) throws DataException {
ATStateData atStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atData.getATAddress());
return populateTradeData(repository, atData.getCreatorPublicKey(), atData.getCreation(), atStateData);
* Returns CrossChainTradeData with useful info extracted from AT.
public CrossChainTradeData populateTradeData(Repository repository, ATStateData atStateData) throws DataException {
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atStateData.getATAddress());
return populateTradeData(repository, atData.getCreatorPublicKey(), atData.getCreation(), atStateData);
* Returns CrossChainTradeData with useful info extracted from AT.
public CrossChainTradeData populateTradeData(Repository repository, byte[] creatorPublicKey, long creationTimestamp, ATStateData atStateData) throws DataException {
byte[] addressBytes = new byte[25]; // for general use
String atAddress = atStateData.getATAddress();
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = new CrossChainTradeData();
tradeData.foreignBlockchain = SupportedBlockchain.DIGIBYTE.name();
tradeData.acctName = NAME;
tradeData.qortalAtAddress = atAddress;
tradeData.qortalCreator = Crypto.toAddress(creatorPublicKey);
tradeData.creationTimestamp = creationTimestamp;
Account atAccount = new Account(repository, atAddress);
tradeData.qortBalance = atAccount.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
byte[] stateData = atStateData.getStateData();
ByteBuffer dataByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(stateData);
/* Constants */
// Skip creator's trade address
tradeData.qortalCreatorTradeAddress = Base58.encode(addressBytes);
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - addressBytes.length);
// Creator's Digibyte/foreign public key hash
tradeData.creatorForeignPKH = new byte[20];
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - tradeData.creatorForeignPKH.length); // skip to 32 bytes
// We don't use secret-B
tradeData.hashOfSecretB = null;
// Redeem payout
tradeData.qortAmount = dataByteBuffer.getLong();
// Expected DGB amount
tradeData.expectedForeignAmount = dataByteBuffer.getLong();
// Trade timeout
tradeData.tradeTimeout = (int) dataByteBuffer.getLong();
// Skip MESSAGE transaction type
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip expected 'trade' message length
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip expected 'redeem' message length
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to creator's address
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to partner's Qortal trade address
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to message sender
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip 'trade' message data offset for partner's Digibyte PKH
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to partner's Digibyte PKH
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip 'trade' message data offset for hash-of-secret-A
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to hash-of-secret-A
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip 'redeem' message data offset for partner's Qortal receiving address
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to message data
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip message data length
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to partner's receiving address
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
/* End of constants / begin variables */
// Skip AT creator's address
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8 * 4);
// Partner's trade address (if present)
String qortalRecipient = Base58.encode(addressBytes);
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - addressBytes.length);
// Potential lockTimeA (if in trade mode)
int lockTimeA = (int) dataByteBuffer.getLong();
// AT refund timeout (probably only useful for debugging)
int refundTimeout = (int) dataByteBuffer.getLong();
// Trade-mode refund timestamp (AT 'timestamp' converted to Qortal block height)
long tradeRefundTimestamp = dataByteBuffer.getLong();
// Skip last transaction timestamp
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip block timestamp
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip transaction type
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip temporary result
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip temporary message sender
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8 * 4);
// Skip message length
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip temporary message data
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8 * 4);
// Potential hash160 of secret A
byte[] hashOfSecretA = new byte[20];
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - hashOfSecretA.length); // skip to 32 bytes
// Potential partner's Digibyte PKH
byte[] partnerDigibytePKH = new byte[20];
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - partnerDigibytePKH.length); // skip to 32 bytes
// Partner's receiving address (if present)
byte[] partnerReceivingAddress = new byte[25];
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - partnerReceivingAddress.length); // skip to 32 bytes
// Trade AT's 'mode'
long modeValue = dataByteBuffer.getLong();
AcctMode mode = AcctMode.valueOf((int) (modeValue & 0xffL));
/* End of variables */
if (mode != null && mode != AcctMode.OFFERING) {
tradeData.mode = mode;
tradeData.refundTimeout = refundTimeout;
tradeData.tradeRefundHeight = new Timestamp(tradeRefundTimestamp).blockHeight;
tradeData.qortalPartnerAddress = qortalRecipient;
tradeData.hashOfSecretA = hashOfSecretA;
tradeData.partnerForeignPKH = partnerDigibytePKH;
tradeData.lockTimeA = lockTimeA;
if (mode == AcctMode.REDEEMED)
tradeData.qortalPartnerReceivingAddress = Base58.encode(partnerReceivingAddress);
} else {
tradeData.mode = AcctMode.OFFERING;
return tradeData;
/** Returns 'offer' MESSAGE payload for trade partner to send to AT creator's trade address. */
public static byte[] buildOfferMessage(byte[] partnerBitcoinPKH, byte[] hashOfSecretA, int lockTimeA) {
byte[] lockTimeABytes = BitTwiddling.toBEByteArray((long) lockTimeA);
return Bytes.concat(partnerBitcoinPKH, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeABytes);
/** Returns info extracted from 'offer' MESSAGE payload sent by trade partner to AT creator's trade address, or null if not valid. */
public static OfferMessageData extractOfferMessageData(byte[] messageData) {
if (messageData == null || messageData.length != OFFER_MESSAGE_LENGTH)
return null;
OfferMessageData offerMessageData = new OfferMessageData();
offerMessageData.partnerDigibytePKH = Arrays.copyOfRange(messageData, 0, 20);
offerMessageData.hashOfSecretA = Arrays.copyOfRange(messageData, 20, 40);
offerMessageData.lockTimeA = BitTwiddling.longFromBEBytes(messageData, 40);
return offerMessageData;
/** Returns 'trade' MESSAGE payload for AT creator to send to AT. */
public static byte[] buildTradeMessage(String partnerQortalTradeAddress, byte[] partnerBitcoinPKH, byte[] hashOfSecretA, int lockTimeA, int refundTimeout) {
byte[] data = new byte[TRADE_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
byte[] partnerQortalAddressBytes = Base58.decode(partnerQortalTradeAddress);
byte[] lockTimeABytes = BitTwiddling.toBEByteArray((long) lockTimeA);
byte[] refundTimeoutBytes = BitTwiddling.toBEByteArray((long) refundTimeout);
System.arraycopy(partnerQortalAddressBytes, 0, data, 0, partnerQortalAddressBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(partnerBitcoinPKH, 0, data, 32, partnerBitcoinPKH.length);
System.arraycopy(refundTimeoutBytes, 0, data, 56, refundTimeoutBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(hashOfSecretA, 0, data, 64, hashOfSecretA.length);
System.arraycopy(lockTimeABytes, 0, data, 88, lockTimeABytes.length);
return data;
/** Returns 'cancel' MESSAGE payload for AT creator to cancel trade AT. */
public byte[] buildCancelMessage(String creatorQortalAddress) {
byte[] data = new byte[CANCEL_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
byte[] creatorQortalAddressBytes = Base58.decode(creatorQortalAddress);
System.arraycopy(creatorQortalAddressBytes, 0, data, 0, creatorQortalAddressBytes.length);
return data;
/** Returns 'redeem' MESSAGE payload for trade partner to send to AT. */
public static byte[] buildRedeemMessage(byte[] secretA, String qortalReceivingAddress) {
byte[] data = new byte[REDEEM_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
byte[] qortalReceivingAddressBytes = Base58.decode(qortalReceivingAddress);
System.arraycopy(secretA, 0, data, 0, secretA.length);
System.arraycopy(qortalReceivingAddressBytes, 0, data, 32, qortalReceivingAddressBytes.length);
return data;
/** Returns refund timeout (minutes) based on trade partner's 'offer' MESSAGE timestamp and P2SH-A locktime. */
public static int calcRefundTimeout(long offerMessageTimestamp, int lockTimeA) {
// refund should be triggered halfway between offerMessageTimestamp and lockTimeA
return (int) ((lockTimeA - (offerMessageTimestamp / 1000L)) / 2L / 60L);
public byte[] findSecretA(Repository repository, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData) throws DataException {
String atAddress = crossChainTradeData.qortalAtAddress;
String redeemerAddress = crossChainTradeData.qortalPartnerAddress;
// We don't have partner's public key so we check every message to AT
List<MessageTransactionData> messageTransactionsData = repository.getMessageRepository().getMessagesByParticipants(null, atAddress, null, null, null);
if (messageTransactionsData == null)
return null;
// Find 'redeem' message
for (MessageTransactionData messageTransactionData : messageTransactionsData) {
// Check message payload type/encryption
if (messageTransactionData.isText() || messageTransactionData.isEncrypted())
// Check message payload size
byte[] messageData = messageTransactionData.getData();
if (messageData.length != REDEEM_MESSAGE_LENGTH)
// Wrong payload length
// Check sender
if (!Crypto.toAddress(messageTransactionData.getSenderPublicKey()).equals(redeemerAddress))
// Wrong sender;
// Extract secretA
byte[] secretA = new byte[32];
System.arraycopy(messageData, 0, secretA, 0, secretA.length);
byte[] hashOfSecretA = Crypto.hash160(secretA);
if (!Arrays.equals(hashOfSecretA, crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretA))
return secretA;
return null;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
package org.qortal.crosschain;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Coin;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Context;
import org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters;
import org.bitcoinj.params.RegTestParams;
import org.bitcoinj.params.TestNet3Params;
import org.libdohj.params.RavencoinMainNetParams;
import org.qortal.crosschain.ElectrumX.Server;
import org.qortal.crosschain.ElectrumX.Server.ConnectionType;
import org.qortal.settings.Settings;
public class Ravencoin extends Bitcoiny {
public static final String CURRENCY_CODE = "RVN";
private static final Coin DEFAULT_FEE_PER_KB = Coin.valueOf(1125000); // 0.01125 RVN per 1000 bytes
private static final long MINIMUM_ORDER_AMOUNT = 1000000; // 0.01 RVN minimum order, to avoid dust errors
// Temporary values until a dynamic fee system is written.
private static final long MAINNET_FEE = 1000000L;
private static final long NON_MAINNET_FEE = 1000000L; // enough for TESTNET3 and should be OK for REGTEST
private static final Map<ConnectionType, Integer> DEFAULT_ELECTRUMX_PORTS = new EnumMap<>(ConnectionType.class);
static {
DEFAULT_ELECTRUMX_PORTS.put(ConnectionType.TCP, 50001);
DEFAULT_ELECTRUMX_PORTS.put(ConnectionType.SSL, 50002);
public enum RavencoinNet {
public NetworkParameters getParams() {
return RavencoinMainNetParams.get();
public Collection<Server> getServers() {
return Arrays.asList(
// Servers chosen on NO BASIS WHATSOEVER from various sources!
// Status verified at https://1209k.com/bitcoin-eye/ele.php?chain=rvn
new Server("aethyn.com", ConnectionType.SSL, 50002),
new Server("electrum2.rvn.rocks", ConnectionType.SSL, 50002),
new Server("rvn-dashboard.com", ConnectionType.SSL, 50002),
new Server("rvn4lyfe.com", ConnectionType.SSL, 50002),
new Server("electrum1.cipig.net", ConnectionType.SSL, 20051),
new Server("electrum2.cipig.net", ConnectionType.SSL, 20051),
new Server("electrum3.cipig.net", ConnectionType.SSL, 20051));
public String getGenesisHash() {
return "0000006b444bc2f2ffe627be9d9e7e7a0730000870ef6eb6da46c8eae389df90";
public long getP2shFee(Long timestamp) {
// TODO: This will need to be replaced with something better in the near future!
public NetworkParameters getParams() {
return TestNet3Params.get();
public Collection<Server> getServers() {
return Arrays.asList(); // TODO: find testnet servers
public String getGenesisHash() {
return "000000ecfc5e6324a079542221d00e10362bdc894d56500c414060eea8a3ad5a";
public long getP2shFee(Long timestamp) {
public NetworkParameters getParams() {
return RegTestParams.get();
public Collection<Server> getServers() {
return Arrays.asList(
new Server("localhost", ConnectionType.TCP, 50001),
new Server("localhost", ConnectionType.SSL, 50002));
public String getGenesisHash() {
// This is unique to each regtest instance
return null;
public long getP2shFee(Long timestamp) {
public abstract NetworkParameters getParams();
public abstract Collection<Server> getServers();
public abstract String getGenesisHash();
public abstract long getP2shFee(Long timestamp) throws ForeignBlockchainException;
private static Ravencoin instance;
private final RavencoinNet ravencoinNet;
// Constructors and instance
private Ravencoin(RavencoinNet ravencoinNet, BitcoinyBlockchainProvider blockchain, Context bitcoinjContext, String currencyCode) {
super(blockchain, bitcoinjContext, currencyCode);
this.ravencoinNet = ravencoinNet;
LOGGER.info(() -> String.format("Starting Ravencoin support using %s", this.ravencoinNet.name()));
public static synchronized Ravencoin getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
RavencoinNet ravencoinNet = Settings.getInstance().getRavencoinNet();
BitcoinyBlockchainProvider electrumX = new ElectrumX("Ravencoin-" + ravencoinNet.name(), ravencoinNet.getGenesisHash(), ravencoinNet.getServers(), DEFAULT_ELECTRUMX_PORTS);
Context bitcoinjContext = new Context(ravencoinNet.getParams());
instance = new Ravencoin(ravencoinNet, electrumX, bitcoinjContext, CURRENCY_CODE);
return instance;
// Getters & setters
public static synchronized void resetForTesting() {
instance = null;
// Actual useful methods for use by other classes
public Coin getFeePerKb() {
public long getMinimumOrderAmount() {
* Returns estimated RVN fee, in sats per 1000bytes, optionally for historic timestamp.
* @param timestamp optional milliseconds since epoch, or null for 'now'
* @return sats per 1000bytes, or throws ForeignBlockchainException if something went wrong
public long getP2shFee(Long timestamp) throws ForeignBlockchainException {
return this.ravencoinNet.getP2shFee(timestamp);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
package org.qortal.crosschain;
import com.google.common.hash.HashCode;
import com.google.common.primitives.Bytes;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.ciyam.at.*;
import org.qortal.account.Account;
import org.qortal.asset.Asset;
import org.qortal.at.QortalFunctionCode;
import org.qortal.crypto.Crypto;
import org.qortal.data.at.ATData;
import org.qortal.data.at.ATStateData;
import org.qortal.data.crosschain.CrossChainTradeData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.MessageTransactionData;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.repository.Repository;
import org.qortal.utils.Base58;
import org.qortal.utils.BitTwiddling;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static org.ciyam.at.OpCode.calcOffset;
* Cross-chain trade AT
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li>Bob generates Ravencoin & Qortal 'trade' keys
* <ul>
* <li>private key required to sign P2SH redeem tx</li>
* <li>private key could be used to create 'secret' (e.g. double-SHA256)</li>
* <li>encrypted private key could be stored in Qortal AT for access by Bob from any node</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Bob deploys Qortal AT
* <ul>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Alice finds Qortal AT and wants to trade
* <ul>
* <li>Alice generates Ravencoin & Qortal 'trade' keys</li>
* <li>Alice funds Ravencoin P2SH-A</li>
* <li>Alice sends 'offer' MESSAGE to Bob from her Qortal trade address, containing:
* <ul>
* <li>hash-of-secret-A</li>
* <li>her 'trade' Ravencoin PKH</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Bob receives "offer" MESSAGE
* <ul>
* <li>Checks Alice's P2SH-A</li>
* <li>Sends 'trade' MESSAGE to Qortal AT from his trade address, containing:
* <ul>
* <li>Alice's trade Qortal address</li>
* <li>Alice's trade Ravencoin PKH</li>
* <li>hash-of-secret-A</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Alice checks Qortal AT to confirm it's locked to her
* <ul>
* <li>Alice sends 'redeem' MESSAGE to Qortal AT from her trade address, containing:
* <ul>
* <li>secret-A</li>
* <li>Qortal receiving address of her chosing</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>AT's QORT funds are sent to Qortal receiving address</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Bob checks AT, extracts secret-A
* <ul>
* <li>Bob redeems P2SH-A using his Ravencoin trade key and secret-A</li>
* <li>P2SH-A RVN funds end up at Ravencoin address determined by redeem transaction output(s)</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
public class RavencoinACCTv3 implements ACCT {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(RavencoinACCTv3.class);
public static final String NAME = RavencoinACCTv3.class.getSimpleName();
public static final byte[] CODE_BYTES_HASH = HashCode.fromString("91395fa1ec0dfa35beddb0a7f4cc0a1bede157c38787ddb0af0cf03dfdc10f77").asBytes(); // SHA256 of AT code bytes
public static final int SECRET_LENGTH = 32;
/** <b>Value</b> offset into AT segment where 'mode' variable (long) is stored. (Multiply by MachineState.VALUE_SIZE for byte offset). */
private static final int MODE_VALUE_OFFSET = 61;
/** <b>Byte</b> offset into AT state data where 'mode' variable (long) is stored. */
public static final int MODE_BYTE_OFFSET = MachineState.HEADER_LENGTH + (MODE_VALUE_OFFSET * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE);
public static class OfferMessageData {
public byte[] partnerRavencoinPKH;
public byte[] hashOfSecretA;
public long lockTimeA;
public static final int OFFER_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 20 /*partnerRavencoinPKH*/ + 20 /*hashOfSecretA*/ + 8 /*lockTimeA*/;
public static final int TRADE_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 32 /*partner's Qortal trade address (padded from 25 to 32)*/
+ 24 /*partner's Ravencoin PKH (padded from 20 to 24)*/
+ 8 /*AT trade timeout (minutes)*/
+ 24 /*hash of secret-A (padded from 20 to 24)*/
+ 8 /*lockTimeA*/;
public static final int REDEEM_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 32 /*secret-A*/ + 32 /*partner's Qortal receiving address padded from 25 to 32*/;
public static final int CANCEL_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 32 /*AT creator's Qortal address*/;
private static RavencoinACCTv3 instance;
private RavencoinACCTv3() {
public static synchronized RavencoinACCTv3 getInstance() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new RavencoinACCTv3();
return instance;
public byte[] getCodeBytesHash() {
public int getModeByteOffset() {
public ForeignBlockchain getBlockchain() {
return Ravencoin.getInstance();
* Returns Qortal AT creation bytes for cross-chain trading AT.
* <p>
* <tt>tradeTimeout</tt> (minutes) is the time window for the trade partner to send the
* 32-byte secret to the AT, before the AT automatically refunds the AT's creator.
* @param creatorTradeAddress AT creator's trade Qortal address
* @param ravencoinPublicKeyHash 20-byte HASH160 of creator's trade Ravencoin public key
* @param qortAmount how much QORT to pay trade partner if they send correct 32-byte secrets to AT
* @param ravencoinAmount how much RVN the AT creator is expecting to trade
* @param tradeTimeout suggested timeout for entire trade
public static byte[] buildQortalAT(String creatorTradeAddress, byte[] ravencoinPublicKeyHash, long qortAmount, long ravencoinAmount, int tradeTimeout) {
if (ravencoinPublicKeyHash.length != 20)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ravencoin public key hash should be 20 bytes");
// Labels for data segment addresses
int addrCounter = 0;
// Constants (with corresponding dataByteBuffer.put*() calls below)
final int addrCreatorTradeAddress1 = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorTradeAddress2 = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorTradeAddress3 = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorTradeAddress4 = addrCounter++;
final int addrRavencoinPublicKeyHash = addrCounter;
addrCounter += 4;
final int addrQortAmount = addrCounter++;
final int addrRavencoinAmount = addrCounter++;
final int addrTradeTimeout = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageTxnType = addrCounter++;
final int addrExpectedTradeMessageLength = addrCounter++;
final int addrExpectedRedeemMessageLength = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorAddressPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrQortalPartnerAddressPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageSenderPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrTradeMessagePartnerRavencoinPKHOffset = addrCounter++;
final int addrPartnerRavencoinPKHPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrTradeMessageHashOfSecretAOffset = addrCounter++;
final int addrHashOfSecretAPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrRedeemMessageReceivingAddressOffset = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageDataPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageDataLength = addrCounter++;
final int addrPartnerReceivingAddressPointer = addrCounter++;
final int addrEndOfConstants = addrCounter;
// Variables
final int addrCreatorAddress1 = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorAddress2 = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorAddress3 = addrCounter++;
final int addrCreatorAddress4 = addrCounter++;
final int addrQortalPartnerAddress1 = addrCounter++;
final int addrQortalPartnerAddress2 = addrCounter++;
final int addrQortalPartnerAddress3 = addrCounter++;
final int addrQortalPartnerAddress4 = addrCounter++;
final int addrLockTimeA = addrCounter++;
final int addrRefundTimeout = addrCounter++;
final int addrRefundTimestamp = addrCounter++;
final int addrLastTxnTimestamp = addrCounter++;
final int addrBlockTimestamp = addrCounter++;
final int addrTxnType = addrCounter++;
final int addrResult = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageSender1 = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageSender2 = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageSender3 = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageSender4 = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageLength = addrCounter++;
final int addrMessageData = addrCounter;
addrCounter += 4;
final int addrHashOfSecretA = addrCounter;
addrCounter += 4;
final int addrPartnerRavencoinPKH = addrCounter;
addrCounter += 4;
final int addrPartnerReceivingAddress = addrCounter;
addrCounter += 4;
final int addrMode = addrCounter++;
assert addrMode == MODE_VALUE_OFFSET : String.format("addrMode %d does not match MODE_VALUE_OFFSET %d", addrMode, MODE_VALUE_OFFSET);
// Data segment
ByteBuffer dataByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(addrCounter * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE);
// AT creator's trade Qortal address, decoded from Base58
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrCreatorTradeAddress1 * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrCreatorTradeAddress1 incorrect";
byte[] creatorTradeAddressBytes = Base58.decode(creatorTradeAddress);
dataByteBuffer.put(Bytes.ensureCapacity(creatorTradeAddressBytes, 32, 0));
// Ravencoin public key hash
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrRavencoinPublicKeyHash * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrRavencoinPublicKeyHash incorrect";
dataByteBuffer.put(Bytes.ensureCapacity(ravencoinPublicKeyHash, 32, 0));
// Redeem Qort amount
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrQortAmount * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrQortAmount incorrect";
// Expected Ravencoin amount
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrRavencoinAmount * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrRavencoinAmount incorrect";
// Suggested trade timeout (minutes)
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrTradeTimeout * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrTradeTimeout incorrect";
// We're only interested in MESSAGE transactions
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrMessageTxnType * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrMessageTxnType incorrect";
// Expected length of 'trade' MESSAGE data from AT creator
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrExpectedTradeMessageLength * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrExpectedTradeMessageLength incorrect";
// Expected length of 'redeem' MESSAGE data from trade partner
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrExpectedRedeemMessageLength * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrExpectedRedeemMessageLength incorrect";
// Index into data segment of AT creator's address, used by GET_B_IND
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrCreatorAddressPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrCreatorAddressPointer incorrect";
// Index into data segment of partner's Qortal address, used by SET_B_IND
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrQortalPartnerAddressPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrQortalPartnerAddressPointer incorrect";
// Index into data segment of (temporary) transaction's sender's address, used by GET_B_IND
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrMessageSenderPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrMessageSenderPointer incorrect";
// Offset into 'trade' MESSAGE data payload for extracting partner's Ravencoin PKH
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrTradeMessagePartnerRavencoinPKHOffset * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrTradeMessagePartnerRavencoinPKHOffset incorrect";
// Index into data segment of partner's Ravencoin PKH, used by GET_B_IND
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrPartnerRavencoinPKHPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrPartnerRavencoinPKHPointer incorrect";
// Offset into 'trade' MESSAGE data payload for extracting hash-of-secret-A
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrTradeMessageHashOfSecretAOffset * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrTradeMessageHashOfSecretAOffset incorrect";
// Index into data segment to hash of secret A, used by GET_B_IND
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrHashOfSecretAPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrHashOfSecretAPointer incorrect";
// Offset into 'redeem' MESSAGE data payload for extracting Qortal receiving address
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrRedeemMessageReceivingAddressOffset * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrRedeemMessageReceivingAddressOffset incorrect";
// Source location and length for hashing any passed secret
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrMessageDataPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrMessageDataPointer incorrect";
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrMessageDataLength * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrMessageDataLength incorrect";
// Pointer into data segment of where to save partner's receiving Qortal address, used by GET_B_IND
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrPartnerReceivingAddressPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrPartnerReceivingAddressPointer incorrect";
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrEndOfConstants * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "dataByteBuffer position not at end of constants";
// Code labels
Integer labelRefund = null;
Integer labelTradeTxnLoop = null;
Integer labelCheckTradeTxn = null;
Integer labelCheckCancelTxn = null;
Integer labelNotTradeNorCancelTxn = null;
Integer labelCheckNonRefundTradeTxn = null;
Integer labelTradeTxnExtract = null;
Integer labelRedeemTxnLoop = null;
Integer labelCheckRedeemTxn = null;
Integer labelCheckRedeemTxnSender = null;
Integer labelPayout = null;
ByteBuffer codeByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(768);
// Two-pass version
for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
try {
/* Initialization */
// Use AT creation 'timestamp' as starting point for finding transactions sent to AT
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_CREATION_TIMESTAMP, addrLastTxnTimestamp));
// Load B register with AT creator's address so we can save it into addrCreatorAddress1-4
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrCreatorAddressPointer));
/* NOP - to ensure RAVENCOIN ACCT is unique */
// Set restart position to after this opcode
/* Loop, waiting for message from AT creator's trade address containing trade partner details, or AT owner's address to cancel offer */
/* Transaction processing loop */
labelTradeTxnLoop = codeByteBuffer.position();
/* Sleep until message arrives */
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(QortalFunctionCode.SLEEP_UNTIL_MESSAGE.value, addrLastTxnTimestamp));
// Find next transaction (if any) to this AT since the last one (referenced by addrLastTxnTimestamp)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.PUT_TX_AFTER_TIMESTAMP_INTO_A, addrLastTxnTimestamp));
// If no transaction found, A will be zero. If A is zero, set addrResult to 1, otherwise 0.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.CHECK_A_IS_ZERO, addrResult));
// If addrResult is zero (i.e. A is non-zero, transaction was found) then go check transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BZR_DAT.compile(addrResult, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckTradeTxn)));
// Stop and wait for next block
/* Check transaction */
labelCheckTradeTxn = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Update our 'last found transaction's timestamp' using 'timestamp' from transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_TIMESTAMP_FROM_TX_IN_A, addrLastTxnTimestamp));
// Extract transaction type (message/payment) from transaction and save type in addrTxnType
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_TYPE_FROM_TX_IN_A, addrTxnType));
// If transaction type is not MESSAGE type then go look for another transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrTxnType, addrMessageTxnType, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelTradeTxnLoop)));
/* Check transaction's sender. We're expecting AT creator's trade address for 'trade' message, or AT creator's own address for 'cancel' message. */
// Extract sender address from transaction into B register
// Save B register into data segment starting at addrMessageSender1 (as pointed to by addrMessageSenderPointer)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrMessageSenderPointer));
// Compare each part of message sender's address with AT creator's trade address. If they don't match, check for cancel situation.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender1, addrCreatorTradeAddress1, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckCancelTxn)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender2, addrCreatorTradeAddress2, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckCancelTxn)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender3, addrCreatorTradeAddress3, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckCancelTxn)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender4, addrCreatorTradeAddress4, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckCancelTxn)));
// Message sender's address matches AT creator's trade address so go process 'trade' message
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.JMP_ADR.compile(labelCheckNonRefundTradeTxn == null ? 0 : labelCheckNonRefundTradeTxn));
/* Checking message sender for possible cancel message */
labelCheckCancelTxn = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Compare each part of message sender's address with AT creator's address. If they don't match, look for another transaction.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender1, addrCreatorAddress1, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelNotTradeNorCancelTxn)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender2, addrCreatorAddress2, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelNotTradeNorCancelTxn)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender3, addrCreatorAddress3, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelNotTradeNorCancelTxn)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender4, addrCreatorAddress4, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelNotTradeNorCancelTxn)));
// Partner address is AT creator's address, so cancel offer and finish.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.SET_VAL.compile(addrMode, AcctMode.CANCELLED.value));
// We're finished forever (finishing auto-refunds remaining balance to AT creator)
/* Not trade nor cancel message */
labelNotTradeNorCancelTxn = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Loop to find another transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.JMP_ADR.compile(labelTradeTxnLoop == null ? 0 : labelTradeTxnLoop));
/* Possible switch-to-trade-mode message */
labelCheckNonRefundTradeTxn = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Check 'trade' message we received has expected number of message bytes
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(QortalFunctionCode.GET_MESSAGE_LENGTH_FROM_TX_IN_A.value, addrMessageLength));
// If message length matches, branch to info extraction code
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BEQ_DAT.compile(addrMessageLength, addrExpectedTradeMessageLength, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelTradeTxnExtract)));
// Message length didn't match - go back to finding another 'trade' MESSAGE transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.JMP_ADR.compile(labelTradeTxnLoop == null ? 0 : labelTradeTxnLoop));
/* Extracting info from 'trade' MESSAGE transaction */
labelTradeTxnExtract = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Extract message from transaction into B register
// Save B register into data segment starting at addrQortalPartnerAddress1 (as pointed to by addrQortalPartnerAddressPointer)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrQortalPartnerAddressPointer));
// Extract trade partner's Ravencoin public key hash (PKH) from message into B
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(QortalFunctionCode.PUT_PARTIAL_MESSAGE_FROM_TX_IN_A_INTO_B.value, addrTradeMessagePartnerRavencoinPKHOffset));
// Store partner's Ravencoin PKH (we only really use values from B1-B3)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrPartnerRavencoinPKHPointer));
// Extract AT trade timeout (minutes) (from B4)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B4, addrRefundTimeout));
// Grab next 32 bytes
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(QortalFunctionCode.PUT_PARTIAL_MESSAGE_FROM_TX_IN_A_INTO_B.value, addrTradeMessageHashOfSecretAOffset));
// Extract hash-of-secret-A (we only really use values from B1-B3)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrHashOfSecretAPointer));
// Extract lockTime-A (from B4)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B4, addrLockTimeA));
// Calculate trade timeout refund 'timestamp' by adding addrRefundTimeout minutes to this transaction's 'timestamp', then save into addrRefundTimestamp
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET_DAT_2.compile(FunctionCode.ADD_MINUTES_TO_TIMESTAMP, addrRefundTimestamp, addrLastTxnTimestamp, addrRefundTimeout));
/* We are in 'trade mode' */
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.SET_VAL.compile(addrMode, AcctMode.TRADING.value));
// Set restart position to after this opcode
/* Loop, waiting for trade timeout or 'redeem' MESSAGE from Qortal trade partner */
// Fetch current block 'timestamp'
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_BLOCK_TIMESTAMP, addrBlockTimestamp));
// If we're not past refund 'timestamp' then look for next transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BLT_DAT.compile(addrBlockTimestamp, addrRefundTimestamp, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelRedeemTxnLoop)));
// We're past refund 'timestamp' so go refund everything back to AT creator
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.JMP_ADR.compile(labelRefund == null ? 0 : labelRefund));
/* Transaction processing loop */
labelRedeemTxnLoop = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Find next transaction to this AT since the last one (if any)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.PUT_TX_AFTER_TIMESTAMP_INTO_A, addrLastTxnTimestamp));
// If no transaction found, A will be zero. If A is zero, set addrComparator to 1, otherwise 0.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.CHECK_A_IS_ZERO, addrResult));
// If addrResult is zero (i.e. A is non-zero, transaction was found) then go check transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BZR_DAT.compile(addrResult, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckRedeemTxn)));
// Stop and wait for next block
/* Check transaction */
labelCheckRedeemTxn = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Update our 'last found transaction's timestamp' using 'timestamp' from transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_TIMESTAMP_FROM_TX_IN_A, addrLastTxnTimestamp));
// Extract transaction type (message/payment) from transaction and save type in addrTxnType
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(FunctionCode.GET_TYPE_FROM_TX_IN_A, addrTxnType));
// If transaction type is not MESSAGE type then go look for another transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrTxnType, addrMessageTxnType, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelRedeemTxnLoop)));
/* Check message payload length */
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET.compile(QortalFunctionCode.GET_MESSAGE_LENGTH_FROM_TX_IN_A.value, addrMessageLength));
// If message length matches, branch to sender checking code
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BEQ_DAT.compile(addrMessageLength, addrExpectedRedeemMessageLength, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelCheckRedeemTxnSender)));
// Message length didn't match - go back to finding another 'redeem' MESSAGE transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.JMP_ADR.compile(labelRedeemTxnLoop == null ? 0 : labelRedeemTxnLoop));
/* Check transaction's sender */
labelCheckRedeemTxnSender = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Extract sender address from transaction into B register
// Save B register into data segment starting at addrMessageSender1 (as pointed to by addrMessageSenderPointer)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrMessageSenderPointer));
// Compare each part of transaction's sender's address with expected address. If they don't match, look for another transaction.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender1, addrQortalPartnerAddress1, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelRedeemTxnLoop)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender2, addrQortalPartnerAddress2, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelRedeemTxnLoop)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender3, addrQortalPartnerAddress3, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelRedeemTxnLoop)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNE_DAT.compile(addrMessageSender4, addrQortalPartnerAddress4, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelRedeemTxnLoop)));
/* Check 'secret-A' in transaction's message */
// Extract secret-A from first 32 bytes of message from transaction into B register
// Save B register into data segment starting at addrMessageData (as pointed to by addrMessageDataPointer)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrMessageDataPointer));
// Load B register with expected hash result (as pointed to by addrHashOfSecretAPointer)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.SET_B_IND, addrHashOfSecretAPointer));
// Perform HASH160 using source data at addrMessageData. (Location and length specified via addrMessageDataPointer and addrMessageDataLength).
// Save the equality result (1 if they match, 0 otherwise) into addrResult.
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_RET_DAT_2.compile(FunctionCode.CHECK_HASH160_WITH_B, addrResult, addrMessageDataPointer, addrMessageDataLength));
// If hashes don't match, addrResult will be zero so go find another transaction
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.BNZ_DAT.compile(addrResult, calcOffset(codeByteBuffer, labelPayout)));
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.JMP_ADR.compile(labelRedeemTxnLoop == null ? 0 : labelRedeemTxnLoop));
/* Success! Pay arranged amount to receiving address */
labelPayout = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Extract Qortal receiving address from next 32 bytes of message from transaction into B register
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(QortalFunctionCode.PUT_PARTIAL_MESSAGE_FROM_TX_IN_A_INTO_B.value, addrRedeemMessageReceivingAddressOffset));
// Save B register into data segment starting at addrPartnerReceivingAddress (as pointed to by addrPartnerReceivingAddressPointer)
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.GET_B_IND, addrPartnerReceivingAddressPointer));
// Pay AT's balance to receiving address
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.EXT_FUN_DAT.compile(FunctionCode.PAY_TO_ADDRESS_IN_B, addrQortAmount));
// Set redeemed mode
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.SET_VAL.compile(addrMode, AcctMode.REDEEMED.value));
// We're finished forever (finishing auto-refunds remaining balance to AT creator)
// Fall-through to refunding any remaining balance back to AT creator
/* Refund balance back to AT creator */
labelRefund = codeByteBuffer.position();
// Set refunded mode
codeByteBuffer.put(OpCode.SET_VAL.compile(addrMode, AcctMode.REFUNDED.value));
// We're finished forever (finishing auto-refunds remaining balance to AT creator)
} catch (CompilationException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to compile RVN-QORT ACCT?", e);
byte[] codeBytes = new byte[codeByteBuffer.limit()];
assert Arrays.equals(Crypto.digest(codeBytes), RavencoinACCTv3.CODE_BYTES_HASH)
: String.format("BTCACCT.CODE_BYTES_HASH mismatch: expected %s, actual %s", HashCode.fromBytes(CODE_BYTES_HASH), HashCode.fromBytes(Crypto.digest(codeBytes)));
final short ciyamAtVersion = 2;
final short numCallStackPages = 0;
final short numUserStackPages = 0;
final long minActivationAmount = 0L;
return MachineState.toCreationBytes(ciyamAtVersion, codeBytes, dataByteBuffer.array(), numCallStackPages, numUserStackPages, minActivationAmount);
* Returns CrossChainTradeData with useful info extracted from AT.
public CrossChainTradeData populateTradeData(Repository repository, ATData atData) throws DataException {
ATStateData atStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atData.getATAddress());
return populateTradeData(repository, atData.getCreatorPublicKey(), atData.getCreation(), atStateData);
* Returns CrossChainTradeData with useful info extracted from AT.
public CrossChainTradeData populateTradeData(Repository repository, ATStateData atStateData) throws DataException {
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atStateData.getATAddress());
return populateTradeData(repository, atData.getCreatorPublicKey(), atData.getCreation(), atStateData);
* Returns CrossChainTradeData with useful info extracted from AT.
public CrossChainTradeData populateTradeData(Repository repository, byte[] creatorPublicKey, long creationTimestamp, ATStateData atStateData) throws DataException {
byte[] addressBytes = new byte[25]; // for general use
String atAddress = atStateData.getATAddress();
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = new CrossChainTradeData();
tradeData.foreignBlockchain = SupportedBlockchain.RAVENCOIN.name();
tradeData.acctName = NAME;
tradeData.qortalAtAddress = atAddress;
tradeData.qortalCreator = Crypto.toAddress(creatorPublicKey);
tradeData.creationTimestamp = creationTimestamp;
Account atAccount = new Account(repository, atAddress);
tradeData.qortBalance = atAccount.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
byte[] stateData = atStateData.getStateData();
ByteBuffer dataByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(stateData);
/* Constants */
// Skip creator's trade address
tradeData.qortalCreatorTradeAddress = Base58.encode(addressBytes);
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - addressBytes.length);
// Creator's Ravencoin/foreign public key hash
tradeData.creatorForeignPKH = new byte[20];
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - tradeData.creatorForeignPKH.length); // skip to 32 bytes
// We don't use secret-B
tradeData.hashOfSecretB = null;
// Redeem payout
tradeData.qortAmount = dataByteBuffer.getLong();
// Expected RVN amount
tradeData.expectedForeignAmount = dataByteBuffer.getLong();
// Trade timeout
tradeData.tradeTimeout = (int) dataByteBuffer.getLong();
// Skip MESSAGE transaction type
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip expected 'trade' message length
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip expected 'redeem' message length
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to creator's address
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to partner's Qortal trade address
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to message sender
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip 'trade' message data offset for partner's Ravencoin PKH
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to partner's Ravencoin PKH
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip 'trade' message data offset for hash-of-secret-A
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to hash-of-secret-A
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip 'redeem' message data offset for partner's Qortal receiving address
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to message data
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip message data length
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip pointer to partner's receiving address
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
/* End of constants / begin variables */
// Skip AT creator's address
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8 * 4);
// Partner's trade address (if present)
String qortalRecipient = Base58.encode(addressBytes);
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - addressBytes.length);
// Potential lockTimeA (if in trade mode)
int lockTimeA = (int) dataByteBuffer.getLong();
// AT refund timeout (probably only useful for debugging)
int refundTimeout = (int) dataByteBuffer.getLong();
// Trade-mode refund timestamp (AT 'timestamp' converted to Qortal block height)
long tradeRefundTimestamp = dataByteBuffer.getLong();
// Skip last transaction timestamp
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip block timestamp
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip transaction type
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip temporary result
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip temporary message sender
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8 * 4);
// Skip message length
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8);
// Skip temporary message data
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8 * 4);
// Potential hash160 of secret A
byte[] hashOfSecretA = new byte[20];
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - hashOfSecretA.length); // skip to 32 bytes
// Potential partner's Ravencoin PKH
byte[] partnerRavencoinPKH = new byte[20];
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - partnerRavencoinPKH.length); // skip to 32 bytes
// Partner's receiving address (if present)
byte[] partnerReceivingAddress = new byte[25];
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - partnerReceivingAddress.length); // skip to 32 bytes
// Trade AT's 'mode'
long modeValue = dataByteBuffer.getLong();
AcctMode mode = AcctMode.valueOf((int) (modeValue & 0xffL));
/* End of variables */
if (mode != null && mode != AcctMode.OFFERING) {
tradeData.mode = mode;
tradeData.refundTimeout = refundTimeout;
tradeData.tradeRefundHeight = new Timestamp(tradeRefundTimestamp).blockHeight;
tradeData.qortalPartnerAddress = qortalRecipient;
tradeData.hashOfSecretA = hashOfSecretA;
tradeData.partnerForeignPKH = partnerRavencoinPKH;
tradeData.lockTimeA = lockTimeA;
if (mode == AcctMode.REDEEMED)
tradeData.qortalPartnerReceivingAddress = Base58.encode(partnerReceivingAddress);
} else {
tradeData.mode = AcctMode.OFFERING;
return tradeData;
/** Returns 'offer' MESSAGE payload for trade partner to send to AT creator's trade address. */
public static byte[] buildOfferMessage(byte[] partnerBitcoinPKH, byte[] hashOfSecretA, int lockTimeA) {
byte[] lockTimeABytes = BitTwiddling.toBEByteArray((long) lockTimeA);
return Bytes.concat(partnerBitcoinPKH, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeABytes);
/** Returns info extracted from 'offer' MESSAGE payload sent by trade partner to AT creator's trade address, or null if not valid. */
public static OfferMessageData extractOfferMessageData(byte[] messageData) {
if (messageData == null || messageData.length != OFFER_MESSAGE_LENGTH)
return null;
OfferMessageData offerMessageData = new OfferMessageData();
offerMessageData.partnerRavencoinPKH = Arrays.copyOfRange(messageData, 0, 20);
offerMessageData.hashOfSecretA = Arrays.copyOfRange(messageData, 20, 40);
offerMessageData.lockTimeA = BitTwiddling.longFromBEBytes(messageData, 40);
return offerMessageData;
/** Returns 'trade' MESSAGE payload for AT creator to send to AT. */
public static byte[] buildTradeMessage(String partnerQortalTradeAddress, byte[] partnerBitcoinPKH, byte[] hashOfSecretA, int lockTimeA, int refundTimeout) {
byte[] data = new byte[TRADE_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
byte[] partnerQortalAddressBytes = Base58.decode(partnerQortalTradeAddress);
byte[] lockTimeABytes = BitTwiddling.toBEByteArray((long) lockTimeA);
byte[] refundTimeoutBytes = BitTwiddling.toBEByteArray((long) refundTimeout);
System.arraycopy(partnerQortalAddressBytes, 0, data, 0, partnerQortalAddressBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(partnerBitcoinPKH, 0, data, 32, partnerBitcoinPKH.length);
System.arraycopy(refundTimeoutBytes, 0, data, 56, refundTimeoutBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(hashOfSecretA, 0, data, 64, hashOfSecretA.length);
System.arraycopy(lockTimeABytes, 0, data, 88, lockTimeABytes.length);
return data;
/** Returns 'cancel' MESSAGE payload for AT creator to cancel trade AT. */
public byte[] buildCancelMessage(String creatorQortalAddress) {
byte[] data = new byte[CANCEL_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
byte[] creatorQortalAddressBytes = Base58.decode(creatorQortalAddress);
System.arraycopy(creatorQortalAddressBytes, 0, data, 0, creatorQortalAddressBytes.length);
return data;
/** Returns 'redeem' MESSAGE payload for trade partner to send to AT. */
public static byte[] buildRedeemMessage(byte[] secretA, String qortalReceivingAddress) {
byte[] data = new byte[REDEEM_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
byte[] qortalReceivingAddressBytes = Base58.decode(qortalReceivingAddress);
System.arraycopy(secretA, 0, data, 0, secretA.length);
System.arraycopy(qortalReceivingAddressBytes, 0, data, 32, qortalReceivingAddressBytes.length);
return data;
/** Returns refund timeout (minutes) based on trade partner's 'offer' MESSAGE timestamp and P2SH-A locktime. */
public static int calcRefundTimeout(long offerMessageTimestamp, int lockTimeA) {
// refund should be triggered halfway between offerMessageTimestamp and lockTimeA
return (int) ((lockTimeA - (offerMessageTimestamp / 1000L)) / 2L / 60L);
public byte[] findSecretA(Repository repository, CrossChainTradeData crossChainTradeData) throws DataException {
String atAddress = crossChainTradeData.qortalAtAddress;
String redeemerAddress = crossChainTradeData.qortalPartnerAddress;
// We don't have partner's public key so we check every message to AT
List<MessageTransactionData> messageTransactionsData = repository.getMessageRepository().getMessagesByParticipants(null, atAddress, null, null, null);
if (messageTransactionsData == null)
return null;
// Find 'redeem' message
for (MessageTransactionData messageTransactionData : messageTransactionsData) {
// Check message payload type/encryption
if (messageTransactionData.isText() || messageTransactionData.isEncrypted())
// Check message payload size
byte[] messageData = messageTransactionData.getData();
if (messageData.length != REDEEM_MESSAGE_LENGTH)
// Wrong payload length
// Check sender
if (!Crypto.toAddress(messageTransactionData.getSenderPublicKey()).equals(redeemerAddress))
// Wrong sender;
// Extract secretA
byte[] secretA = new byte[32];
System.arraycopy(messageData, 0, secretA, 0, secretA.length);
byte[] hashOfSecretA = Crypto.hash160(secretA);
if (!Arrays.equals(hashOfSecretA, crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretA))
return secretA;
return null;
@ -57,12 +57,40 @@ public enum SupportedBlockchain {
public ACCT getLatestAcct() {
return DogecoinACCTv3.getInstance();
Triple.valueOf(DigibyteACCTv3.NAME, DigibyteACCTv3.CODE_BYTES_HASH, DigibyteACCTv3::getInstance)
)) {
public ForeignBlockchain getInstance() {
return Digibyte.getInstance();
public ACCT getLatestAcct() {
return DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance();
Triple.valueOf(RavencoinACCTv3.NAME, RavencoinACCTv3.CODE_BYTES_HASH, RavencoinACCTv3::getInstance)
)) {
public ForeignBlockchain getInstance() {
return Ravencoin.getInstance();
public ACCT getLatestAcct() {
return RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance();
private static final Map<ByteArray, Supplier<ACCT>> supportedAcctsByCodeHash = Arrays.stream(SupportedBlockchain.values())
.map(supportedBlockchain -> supportedBlockchain.supportedAccts)
.collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap(triple -> new ByteArray(triple.getB()), Triple::getC));
.collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap(triple -> ByteArray.wrap(triple.getB()), Triple::getC));
private static final Map<String, Supplier<ACCT>> supportedAcctsByName = Arrays.stream(SupportedBlockchain.values())
.map(supportedBlockchain -> supportedBlockchain.supportedAccts)
@ -94,7 +122,7 @@ public enum SupportedBlockchain {
return getAcctMap();
return blockchain.supportedAccts.stream()
.collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap(triple -> new ByteArray(triple.getB()), Triple::getC));
.collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap(triple -> ByteArray.wrap(triple.getB()), Triple::getC));
public static Map<ByteArray, Supplier<ACCT>> getFilteredAcctMap(String specificBlockchain) {
@ -109,7 +137,7 @@ public enum SupportedBlockchain {
public static ACCT getAcctByCodeHash(byte[] codeHash) {
ByteArray wrappedCodeHash = new ByteArray(codeHash);
ByteArray wrappedCodeHash = ByteArray.wrap(codeHash);
Supplier<ACCT> acctInstanceSupplier = supportedAcctsByCodeHash.get(wrappedCodeHash);
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ public class GroupData {
private ApprovalThreshold approvalThreshold;
private int minimumBlockDelay;
private int maximumBlockDelay;
public int memberCount;
/** Reference to CREATE_GROUP or UPDATE_GROUP transaction, used to rebuild group during orphaning. */
// No need to ever expose this via API
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ServiceConfigurationError;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ public class Gui {
protected static BufferedImage loadImage(String resourceName) {
try (InputStream in = Gui.class.getResourceAsStream("/images/" + resourceName)) {
return ImageIO.read(in);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IOException e) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IOException | ServiceConfigurationError e) {
LOGGER.warn(String.format("Couldn't locate image resource \"images/%s\"", resourceName));
return null;
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ public class Name {
public void buy(BuyNameTransactionData buyNameTransactionData) throws DataException {
public void buy(BuyNameTransactionData buyNameTransactionData, boolean modifyBalances) throws DataException {
// Save previous name-changing reference in this transaction's data
// Caller is expected to save
@ -203,15 +203,20 @@ public class Name {
// Mark not for-sale but leave price in case we want to orphan
// Update seller's balance
Account seller = new Account(this.repository, this.nameData.getOwner());
seller.modifyAssetBalance(Asset.QORT, buyNameTransactionData.getAmount());
if (modifyBalances) {
// Update seller's balance
Account seller = new Account(this.repository, this.nameData.getOwner());
seller.modifyAssetBalance(Asset.QORT, buyNameTransactionData.getAmount());
// Set new owner
Account buyer = new PublicKeyAccount(this.repository, buyNameTransactionData.getBuyerPublicKey());
// Update buyer's balance
buyer.modifyAssetBalance(Asset.QORT, - buyNameTransactionData.getAmount());
if (modifyBalances) {
// Update buyer's balance
buyer.modifyAssetBalance(Asset.QORT, -buyNameTransactionData.getAmount());
// Set name-changing reference to this transaction
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import org.qortal.crypto.MemoryPoW;
import org.qortal.network.message.ChallengeMessage;
import org.qortal.network.message.HelloMessage;
import org.qortal.network.message.Message;
import org.qortal.network.message.Message.MessageType;
import org.qortal.network.message.MessageType;
import org.qortal.settings.Settings;
import org.qortal.network.message.ResponseMessage;
import org.qortal.utils.DaemonThreadFactory;
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import org.qortal.data.block.BlockData;
import org.qortal.data.network.PeerData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.TransactionData;
import org.qortal.network.message.*;
import org.qortal.network.task.*;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.repository.Repository;
import org.qortal.repository.RepositoryManager;
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.function.Function;
@ -41,9 +43,8 @@ import java.util.stream.Collectors;
// For managing peers
public class Network {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(Network.class);
private static Network instance;
private static final int LISTEN_BACKLOG = 10;
private static final int LISTEN_BACKLOG = 5;
* How long before retrying after a connection failure, in milliseconds.
@ -122,14 +123,8 @@ public class Network {
private final ExecuteProduceConsume networkEPC;
private Selector channelSelector;
private ServerSocketChannel serverChannel;
private Iterator<SelectionKey> channelIterator = null;
// volatile because value is updated inside any one of the EPC threads
private volatile long nextConnectTaskTimestamp = 0L; // ms - try first connect once NTP syncs
private final ExecutorService broadcastExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
// volatile because value is updated inside any one of the EPC threads
private volatile long nextBroadcastTimestamp = 0L; // ms - try first broadcast once NTP syncs
private SelectionKey serverSelectionKey;
private final Set<SelectableChannel> channelsPendingWrite = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
private final Lock mergePeersLock = new ReentrantLock();
@ -137,6 +132,8 @@ public class Network {
private String ourExternalIpAddress = null;
private int ourExternalPort = Settings.getInstance().getListenPort();
private volatile boolean isShuttingDown = false;
// Constructors
private Network() {
@ -170,7 +167,7 @@ public class Network {
serverChannel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR, true);
serverChannel.bind(endpoint, LISTEN_BACKLOG);
serverChannel.register(channelSelector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
serverSelectionKey = serverChannel.register(channelSelector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
LOGGER.error("Can't bind listen socket to address {}", Settings.getInstance().getBindAddress());
throw new IOException("Can't bind listen socket to address", e);
@ -180,7 +177,8 @@ public class Network {
// Load all known peers from repository
synchronized (this.allKnownPeers) { List<String> fixedNetwork = Settings.getInstance().getFixedNetwork();
synchronized (this.allKnownPeers) {
List<String> fixedNetwork = Settings.getInstance().getFixedNetwork();
if (fixedNetwork != null && !fixedNetwork.isEmpty()) {
Long addedWhen = NTP.getTime();
String addedBy = "fixedNetwork";
@ -214,12 +212,16 @@ public class Network {
// Getters / setters
public static synchronized Network getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Network();
private static class SingletonContainer {
private static final Network INSTANCE = new Network();
return instance;
public static Network getInstance() {
return SingletonContainer.INSTANCE;
public int getMaxPeers() {
return this.maxPeers;
public byte[] getMessageMagic() {
@ -453,6 +455,11 @@ public class Network {
class NetworkProcessor extends ExecuteProduceConsume {
private final AtomicLong nextConnectTaskTimestamp = new AtomicLong(0L); // ms - try first connect once NTP syncs
private final AtomicLong nextBroadcastTimestamp = new AtomicLong(0L); // ms - try first broadcast once NTP syncs
private Iterator<SelectionKey> channelIterator = null;
NetworkProcessor(ExecutorService executor) {
@ -494,43 +501,23 @@ public class Network {
private Task maybeProducePeerMessageTask() {
for (Peer peer : getImmutableConnectedPeers()) {
Task peerTask = peer.getMessageTask();
if (peerTask != null) {
return peerTask;
return null;
return getImmutableConnectedPeers().stream()
private Task maybeProducePeerPingTask(Long now) {
// Ask connected peers whether they need a ping
for (Peer peer : getImmutableHandshakedPeers()) {
Task peerTask = peer.getPingTask(now);
if (peerTask != null) {
return peerTask;
return null;
class PeerConnectTask implements ExecuteProduceConsume.Task {
private final Peer peer;
PeerConnectTask(Peer peer) {
this.peer = peer;
public void perform() throws InterruptedException {
return getImmutableHandshakedPeers().stream()
.map(peer -> peer.getPingTask(now))
private Task maybeProduceConnectPeerTask(Long now) throws InterruptedException {
if (now == null || now < nextConnectTaskTimestamp) {
if (now == null || now < nextConnectTaskTimestamp.get()) {
return null;
@ -538,7 +525,7 @@ public class Network {
return null;
nextConnectTaskTimestamp = now + 1000L;
nextConnectTaskTimestamp.set(now + 1000L);
Peer targetPeer = getConnectablePeer(now);
if (targetPeer == null) {
@ -550,66 +537,15 @@ public class Network {
private Task maybeProduceBroadcastTask(Long now) {
if (now == null || now < nextBroadcastTimestamp) {
if (now == null || now < nextBroadcastTimestamp.get()) {
return null;
nextBroadcastTimestamp = now + BROADCAST_INTERVAL;
return () -> Controller.getInstance().doNetworkBroadcast();
class ChannelTask implements ExecuteProduceConsume.Task {
private final SelectionKey selectionKey;
ChannelTask(SelectionKey selectionKey) {
this.selectionKey = selectionKey;
public void perform() throws InterruptedException {
try {
LOGGER.trace("Thread {} has pending channel: {}, with ops {}",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), selectionKey.channel(), selectionKey.readyOps());
// process pending channel task
if (selectionKey.isReadable()) {
connectionRead((SocketChannel) selectionKey.channel());
} else if (selectionKey.isAcceptable()) {
acceptConnection((ServerSocketChannel) selectionKey.channel());
LOGGER.trace("Thread {} processed channel: {}",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), selectionKey.channel());
} catch (CancelledKeyException e) {
LOGGER.trace("Thread {} encountered cancelled channel: {}",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), selectionKey.channel());
private void connectionRead(SocketChannel socketChannel) {
Peer peer = getPeerFromChannel(socketChannel);
if (peer == null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("connection reset")) {
peer.disconnect("Connection reset");
LOGGER.trace("[{}] Network thread {} encountered I/O error: {}", peer.getPeerConnectionId(),
Thread.currentThread().getId(), e.getMessage(), e);
peer.disconnect("I/O error");
nextBroadcastTimestamp.set(now + BROADCAST_INTERVAL);
return new BroadcastTask();
private Task maybeProduceChannelTask(boolean canBlock) throws InterruptedException {
final SelectionKey nextSelectionKey;
// Synchronization here to enforce thread-safety on channelIterator
synchronized (channelSelector) {
// anything to do?
@ -630,91 +566,73 @@ public class Network {
channelIterator = channelSelector.selectedKeys().iterator();
LOGGER.trace("Thread {}, after {} select, channelIterator now {}",
canBlock ? "blocking": "non-blocking",
if (channelIterator.hasNext()) {
nextSelectionKey = channelIterator.next();
} else {
nextSelectionKey = null;
if (!channelIterator.hasNext()) {
channelIterator = null; // Nothing to do so reset iterator to cause new select
LOGGER.trace("Thread {}, channelIterator now null", Thread.currentThread().getId());
return null;
LOGGER.trace("Thread {}, nextSelectionKey {}, channelIterator now {}",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), nextSelectionKey, channelIterator);
final SelectionKey nextSelectionKey = channelIterator.next();
if (nextSelectionKey == null) {
return null;
// Just in case underlying socket channel already closed elsewhere, etc.
if (!nextSelectionKey.isValid())
return null;
return new ChannelTask(nextSelectionKey);
LOGGER.trace("Thread {}, nextSelectionKey {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), nextSelectionKey);
private void acceptConnection(ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel) throws InterruptedException {
SocketChannel socketChannel;
SelectableChannel socketChannel = nextSelectionKey.channel();
try {
socketChannel = serverSocketChannel.accept();
} catch (IOException e) {
// No connection actually accepted?
if (socketChannel == null) {
PeerAddress address = PeerAddress.fromSocket(socketChannel.socket());
List<String> fixedNetwork = Settings.getInstance().getFixedNetwork();
if (fixedNetwork != null && !fixedNetwork.isEmpty() && ipNotInFixedList(address, fixedNetwork)) {
try {
LOGGER.debug("Connection discarded from peer {} as not in the fixed network list", address);
} catch (IOException e) {
final Long now = NTP.getTime();
Peer newPeer;
try {
if (now == null) {
LOGGER.debug("Connection discarded from peer {} due to lack of NTP sync", address);
if (getImmutableConnectedPeers().size() >= maxPeers) {
// We have enough peers
LOGGER.debug("Connection discarded from peer {} because the server is full", address);
LOGGER.debug("Connection accepted from peer {}", address);
newPeer = new Peer(socketChannel, channelSelector);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (socketChannel.isOpen()) {
try {
LOGGER.debug("Connection failed from peer {} while connecting/closing", address);
} catch (IOException ce) {
// Couldn't close?
if (nextSelectionKey.isReadable()) {
clearInterestOps(nextSelectionKey, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
Peer peer = getPeerFromChannel((SocketChannel) socketChannel);
if (peer == null)
return null;
return new ChannelReadTask((SocketChannel) socketChannel, peer);
if (nextSelectionKey.isWritable()) {
clearInterestOps(nextSelectionKey, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
Peer peer = getPeerFromChannel((SocketChannel) socketChannel);
if (peer == null)
return null;
// Any thread that queues a message to send can set OP_WRITE,
// but we only allow one pending/active ChannelWriteTask per Peer
if (!channelsPendingWrite.add(socketChannel))
return null;
return new ChannelWriteTask((SocketChannel) socketChannel, peer);
if (nextSelectionKey.isAcceptable()) {
clearInterestOps(nextSelectionKey, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
return new ChannelAcceptTask((ServerSocketChannel) socketChannel);
} catch (CancelledKeyException e) {
* Sometimes nextSelectionKey is cancelled / becomes invalid between the isValid() test at line 586
* and later calls to isReadable() / isWritable() / isAcceptable() which themselves call isValid()!
* Those isXXXable() calls could throw CancelledKeyException, so we catch it here and return null.
return null;
return null;
private boolean ipNotInFixedList(PeerAddress address, List<String> fixedNetwork) {
public boolean ipNotInFixedList(PeerAddress address, List<String> fixedNetwork) {
for (String ipAddress : fixedNetwork) {
String[] bits = ipAddress.split(":");
if (bits.length >= 1 && bits.length <= 2 && address.getHost().equals(bits[0])) {
@ -750,8 +668,9 @@ public class Network {
// Don't consider already connected peers (resolved address match)
// XXX This might be too slow if we end up waiting a long time for hostnames to resolve via DNS
// Disabled because this might be too slow if we end up waiting a long time for hostnames to resolve via DNS
// Which is ok because duplicate connections to the same peer are handled during handshaking
// peers.removeIf(isResolvedAsConnectedPeer);
@ -781,8 +700,12 @@ public class Network {
private boolean connectPeer(Peer newPeer) throws InterruptedException {
SocketChannel socketChannel = newPeer.connect(this.channelSelector);
public boolean connectPeer(Peer newPeer) throws InterruptedException {
// Also checked before creating PeerConnectTask
if (getImmutableOutboundHandshakedPeers().size() >= minOutboundPeers)
return false;
SocketChannel socketChannel = newPeer.connect();
if (socketChannel == null) {
return false;
@ -797,7 +720,7 @@ public class Network {
return true;
private Peer getPeerFromChannel(SocketChannel socketChannel) {
public Peer getPeerFromChannel(SocketChannel socketChannel) {
for (Peer peer : this.getImmutableConnectedPeers()) {
if (peer.getSocketChannel() == socketChannel) {
return peer;
@ -830,7 +753,74 @@ public class Network {
nextDisconnectionCheck = now + DISCONNECTION_CHECK_INTERVAL;
// Peer callbacks
// SocketChannel interest-ops manipulations
private static final String[] OP_NAMES = new String[SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT * 2];
static {
for (int i = 0; i < OP_NAMES.length; i++) {
StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(",");
if ((i & SelectionKey.OP_READ) != 0) joiner.add("OP_READ");
if ((i & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) != 0) joiner.add("OP_WRITE");
if ((i & SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT) != 0) joiner.add("OP_CONNECT");
if ((i & SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) != 0) joiner.add("OP_ACCEPT");
OP_NAMES[i] = joiner.toString();
public void clearInterestOps(SelectableChannel socketChannel, int interestOps) {
SelectionKey selectionKey = socketChannel.keyFor(channelSelector);
if (selectionKey == null)
clearInterestOps(selectionKey, interestOps);
private void clearInterestOps(SelectionKey selectionKey, int interestOps) {
if (!selectionKey.channel().isOpen())
LOGGER.trace("Thread {} clearing {} interest-ops on channel: {}",
public void setInterestOps(SelectableChannel socketChannel, int interestOps) {
SelectionKey selectionKey = socketChannel.keyFor(channelSelector);
if (selectionKey == null) {
try {
selectionKey = socketChannel.register(this.channelSelector, interestOps);
} catch (ClosedChannelException e) {
// Channel already closed so ignore
// Fall-through to allow logging
setInterestOps(selectionKey, interestOps);
private void setInterestOps(SelectionKey selectionKey, int interestOps) {
if (!selectionKey.channel().isOpen())
LOGGER.trace("Thread {} setting {} interest-ops on channel: {}",
// Peer / Task callbacks
public void notifyChannelNotWriting(SelectableChannel socketChannel) {
protected void wakeupChannelSelector() {
@ -856,8 +846,6 @@ public class Network {
public void onDisconnect(Peer peer) {
// Notify Controller
if (peer.getConnectionEstablishedTime() > 0L) {
LOGGER.debug("[{}] Disconnected from peer {}", peer.getPeerConnectionId(), peer);
} else {
@ -865,6 +853,25 @@ public class Network {
if (this.isShuttingDown)
// No need to do any further processing, like re-enabling listen socket or notifying Controller
if (getImmutableConnectedPeers().size() < maxPeers - 1
&& serverSelectionKey.isValid()
&& (serverSelectionKey.interestOps() & SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) == 0) {
try {
LOGGER.debug("Re-enabling accepting incoming connections because the server is not longer full");
setInterestOps(serverSelectionKey, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
} catch (CancelledKeyException e) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to re-enable accepting of incoming connections: {}", e.getMessage());
// Notify Controller
public void peerMisbehaved(Peer peer) {
@ -1302,8 +1309,9 @@ public class Network {
try {
InetSocketAddress knownAddress = peerAddress.toSocketAddress();
List<Peer> peers = this.getImmutableConnectedPeers();
peers.removeIf(peer -> !Peer.addressEquals(knownAddress, peer.getResolvedAddress()));
List<Peer> peers = this.getImmutableConnectedPeers().stream()
.filter(peer -> Peer.addressEquals(knownAddress, peer.getResolvedAddress()))
for (Peer peer : peers) {
peer.disconnect("to be forgotten");
@ -1461,54 +1469,27 @@ public class Network {
public void broadcast(Function<Peer, Message> peerMessageBuilder) {
class Broadcaster implements Runnable {
private final Random random = new Random();
for (Peer peer : getImmutableHandshakedPeers()) {
if (this.isShuttingDown)
private List<Peer> targetPeers;
private Function<Peer, Message> peerMessageBuilder;
Message message = peerMessageBuilder.apply(peer);
Broadcaster(List<Peer> targetPeers, Function<Peer, Message> peerMessageBuilder) {
this.targetPeers = targetPeers;
this.peerMessageBuilder = peerMessageBuilder;
if (message == null) {
public void run() {
Thread.currentThread().setName("Network Broadcast");
for (Peer peer : targetPeers) {
// Very short sleep to reduce strain, improve multi-threading and catch interrupts
try {
Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(20) + 20L);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Message message = peerMessageBuilder.apply(peer);
if (message == null) {
if (!peer.sendMessage(message)) {
peer.disconnect("failed to broadcast message");
Thread.currentThread().setName("Network Broadcast (dormant)");
if (!peer.sendMessage(message)) {
peer.disconnect("failed to broadcast message");
try {
broadcastExecutor.execute(new Broadcaster(this.getImmutableHandshakedPeers(), peerMessageBuilder));
} catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
// Can't execute - probably because we're shutting down, so ignore
// Shutdown
public void shutdown() {
this.isShuttingDown = true;
// Close listen socket to prevent more incoming connections
if (this.serverChannel.isOpen()) {
try {
@ -1527,16 +1508,6 @@ public class Network {
LOGGER.warn("Interrupted while waiting for networking threads to terminate");
// Stop broadcasts
try {
if (!this.broadcastExecutor.awaitTermination(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
LOGGER.warn("Broadcast threads failed to terminate");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Interrupted while waiting for broadcast threads failed to terminate");
// Close all peer connections
for (Peer peer : this.getImmutableConnectedPeers()) {
@ -11,25 +11,21 @@ import org.qortal.data.network.PeerChainTipData;
import org.qortal.data.network.PeerData;
import org.qortal.network.message.ChallengeMessage;
import org.qortal.network.message.Message;
import org.qortal.network.message.Message.MessageException;
import org.qortal.network.message.Message.MessageType;
import org.qortal.network.message.PingMessage;
import org.qortal.network.message.MessageException;
import org.qortal.network.task.MessageTask;
import org.qortal.network.task.PingTask;
import org.qortal.settings.Settings;
import org.qortal.utils.ExecuteProduceConsume;
import org.qortal.utils.ExecuteProduceConsume.Task;
import org.qortal.utils.NTP;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.Selector;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
@ -48,9 +44,9 @@ public class Peer {
private static final int RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 3000; // ms
* Maximum time to wait for a peer to respond with blocks (ms)
* Maximum time to wait for a message to be added to sendQueue (ms)
public static final int FETCH_BLOCKS_TIMEOUT = 10000;
private static final int QUEUE_TIMEOUT = 1000; // ms
* Interval between PING messages to a peer. (ms)
@ -71,10 +67,14 @@ public class Peer {
private final UUID peerConnectionId = UUID.randomUUID();
private final Object byteBufferLock = new Object();
private ByteBuffer byteBuffer;
private Map<Integer, BlockingQueue<Message>> replyQueues;
private LinkedBlockingQueue<Message> pendingMessages;
private TransferQueue<Message> sendQueue;
private ByteBuffer outputBuffer;
private String outputMessageType;
private int outputMessageId;
* True if we created connection to peer, false if we accepted incoming connection from peer.
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public class Peer {
* When last PING message was sent, or null if pings not started yet.
private Long lastPingSent;
private Long lastPingSent = null;
byte[] ourChallenge;
@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ public class Peer {
* Construct Peer using existing, connected socket
public Peer(SocketChannel socketChannel, Selector channelSelector) throws IOException {
public Peer(SocketChannel socketChannel) throws IOException {
this.isOutbound = false;
this.socketChannel = socketChannel;
this.resolvedAddress = ((InetSocketAddress) socketChannel.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress());
this.isLocal = isAddressLocal(this.resolvedAddress.getAddress());
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ public class Peer {
protected void setLastPing(long lastPing) {
public void setLastPing(long lastPing) {
synchronized (this.peerInfoLock) {
this.lastPing = lastPing;
@ -346,12 +346,6 @@ public class Peer {
protected void queueMessage(Message message) {
if (!this.pendingMessages.offer(message)) {
LOGGER.info("[{}] No room to queue message from peer {} - discarding", this.peerConnectionId, this);
public boolean isSyncInProgress() {
return this.syncInProgress;
@ -396,13 +390,14 @@ public class Peer {
// Processing
private void sharedSetup(Selector channelSelector) throws IOException {
private void sharedSetup() throws IOException {
this.connectionTimestamp = NTP.getTime();
this.socketChannel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.TCP_NODELAY, true);
this.socketChannel.register(channelSelector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
Network.getInstance().setInterestOps(this.socketChannel, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
this.byteBuffer = null; // Defer allocation to when we need it, to save memory. Sorry GC!
this.replyQueues = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Integer, BlockingQueue<Message>>());
this.sendQueue = new LinkedTransferQueue<>();
this.replyQueues = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
this.pendingMessages = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
Random random = new SecureRandom();
@ -410,7 +405,7 @@ public class Peer {
public SocketChannel connect(Selector channelSelector) {
public SocketChannel connect() {
LOGGER.trace("[{}] Connecting to peer {}", this.peerConnectionId, this);
try {
@ -418,6 +413,8 @@ public class Peer {
this.isLocal = isAddressLocal(this.resolvedAddress.getAddress());
this.socketChannel = SocketChannel.open();
InetAddress bindAddr = InetAddress.getByName(Settings.getInstance().getBindAddress());
this.socketChannel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(bindAddr, 0));
this.socketChannel.socket().connect(resolvedAddress, CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
LOGGER.trace("[{}] Connection timed out to peer {}", this.peerConnectionId, this);
@ -432,7 +429,7 @@ public class Peer {
try {
LOGGER.debug("[{}] Connected to peer {}", this.peerConnectionId, this);
return socketChannel;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.trace("[{}] Post-connection setup failed, peer {}", this.peerConnectionId, this);
@ -450,7 +447,7 @@ public class Peer {
* @throws IOException If this channel is not yet connected
protected void readChannel() throws IOException {
public void readChannel() throws IOException {
synchronized (this.byteBufferLock) {
while (true) {
if (!this.socketChannel.isOpen() || this.socketChannel.socket().isClosed()) {
@ -556,7 +553,67 @@ public class Peer {
protected ExecuteProduceConsume.Task getMessageTask() {
/** Maybe send some pending outgoing messages.
* @return true if more data is pending to be sent
public boolean writeChannel() throws IOException {
// It is the responsibility of ChannelWriteTask's producer to produce only one call to writeChannel() at a time
while (true) {
// If output byte buffer is null, fetch next message from queue (if any)
while (this.outputBuffer == null) {
Message message;
try {
// Allow other thread time to add message to queue having raised OP_WRITE.
// Timeout is overkill but not excessive enough to clog up networking / EPC.
// This is to avoid race condition in sendMessageWithTimeout() below.
message = this.sendQueue.poll(QUEUE_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Shutdown situation
return false;
// No message? No further work to be done
if (message == null)
return false;
try {
this.outputBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(message.toBytes());
this.outputMessageType = message.getType().name();
this.outputMessageId = message.getId();
LOGGER.trace("[{}] Sending {} message with ID {} to peer {}",
this.peerConnectionId, this.outputMessageType, this.outputMessageId, this);
} catch (MessageException e) {
// Something went wrong converting message to bytes, so discard but allow another round
LOGGER.warn("[{}] Failed to send {} message with ID {} to peer {}: {}", this.peerConnectionId,
message.getType().name(), message.getId(), this, e.getMessage());
// If output byte buffer is not null, send from that
int bytesWritten = this.socketChannel.write(outputBuffer);
LOGGER.trace("[{}] Sent {} bytes of {} message with ID {} to peer {} ({} total)", this.peerConnectionId,
bytesWritten, this.outputMessageType, this.outputMessageId, this, outputBuffer.limit());
// If we've sent 0 bytes then socket buffer is full so we need to wait until it's empty again
if (bytesWritten == 0) {
return true;
// If we then exhaust the byte buffer, set it to null (otherwise loop and try to send more)
if (!this.outputBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
this.outputMessageType = null;
this.outputMessageId = 0;
this.outputBuffer = null;
protected Task getMessageTask() {
* If we are still handshaking and there is a message yet to be processed then
* don't produce another message task. This allows us to process handshake
@ -580,7 +637,7 @@ public class Peer {
// Return a task to process message in queue
return () -> Network.getInstance().onMessage(this, nextMessage);
return new MessageTask(this, nextMessage);
@ -605,54 +662,25 @@ public class Peer {
try {
// Send message
LOGGER.trace("[{}] Sending {} message with ID {} to peer {}", this.peerConnectionId,
// Queue message, to be picked up by ChannelWriteTask and then peer.writeChannel()
LOGGER.trace("[{}] Queuing {} message with ID {} to peer {}", this.peerConnectionId,
message.getType().name(), message.getId(), this);
ByteBuffer outputBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(message.toBytes());
// Check message properly constructed
synchronized (this.socketChannel) {
final long sendStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
long totalBytes = 0;
while (outputBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
int bytesWritten = this.socketChannel.write(outputBuffer);
totalBytes += bytesWritten;
LOGGER.trace("[{}] Sent {} bytes of {} message with ID {} to peer {} ({} total)", this.peerConnectionId,
bytesWritten, message.getType().name(), message.getId(), this, totalBytes);
if (bytesWritten == 0) {
// Underlying socket's internal buffer probably full,
// so wait a short while for bytes to actually be transmitted over the wire
* NOSONAR squid:S2276 - we don't want to use this.socketChannel.wait()
* as this releases the lock held by synchronized() above
* and would allow another thread to send another message,
* potentially interleaving them on-the-wire, causing checksum failures
* and connection loss.
Thread.sleep(1L); //NOSONAR squid:S2276
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - sendStart > timeout) {
// We've taken too long to send this message
return false;
} catch (MessageException e) {
LOGGER.warn("[{}] Failed to send {} message with ID {} to peer {}: {}", this.peerConnectionId,
message.getType().name(), message.getId(), this, e.getMessage());
return false;
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
// Possible race condition:
// We set OP_WRITE, EPC creates ChannelWriteTask which calls Peer.writeChannel, writeChannel's poll() finds no message to send
// Avoided by poll-with-timeout in writeChannel() above.
Network.getInstance().setInterestOps(this.socketChannel, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
return this.sendQueue.tryTransfer(message, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Send failure
return false;
} catch (MessageException e) {
LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
// Sent OK
return true;
@ -720,7 +748,7 @@ public class Peer {
this.lastPingSent = NTP.getTime();
protected ExecuteProduceConsume.Task getPingTask(Long now) {
protected Task getPingTask(Long now) {
// Pings not enabled yet?
if (now == null || this.lastPingSent == null) {
return null;
@ -734,19 +762,7 @@ public class Peer {
// Not strictly true, but prevents this peer from being immediately chosen again
this.lastPingSent = now;
return () -> {
PingMessage pingMessage = new PingMessage();
Message message = this.getResponse(pingMessage);
if (message == null || message.getType() != MessageType.PING) {
LOGGER.debug("[{}] Didn't receive reply from {} for PING ID {}", this.peerConnectionId, this,
this.disconnect("no ping received");
this.setLastPing(NTP.getTime() - now);
return new PingTask(this, now);
public void disconnect(String reason) {
@ -9,38 +9,59 @@ import org.qortal.utils.Serialization;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class ArbitraryDataFileListMessage extends Message {
private static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private static final int HASH_LENGTH = Transformer.SHA256_LENGTH;
private static final int MAX_PEER_ADDRESS_LENGTH = PeerData.MAX_PEER_ADDRESS_SIZE;
private final byte[] signature;
private final List<byte[]> hashes;
private byte[] signature;
private List<byte[]> hashes;
private Long requestTime;
private Integer requestHops;
private String peerAddress;
private Boolean isRelayPossible;
public ArbitraryDataFileListMessage(byte[] signature, List<byte[]> hashes, Long requestTime,
Integer requestHops, String peerAddress, boolean isRelayPossible) {
Integer requestHops, String peerAddress, Boolean isRelayPossible) {
this.signature = signature;
this.hashes = hashes;
this.requestTime = requestTime;
this.requestHops = requestHops;
this.peerAddress = peerAddress;
this.isRelayPossible = isRelayPossible;
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
for (byte[] hash : hashes) {
if (requestTime != null) {
// The remaining fields are optional
Serialization.serializeSizedStringV2(bytes, peerAddress);
bytes.write(Ints.toByteArray(Boolean.TRUE.equals(isRelayPossible) ? 1 : 0));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
public ArbitraryDataFileListMessage(int id, byte[] signature, List<byte[]> hashes, Long requestTime,
/** Legacy version */
public ArbitraryDataFileListMessage(byte[] signature, List<byte[]> hashes) {
this(signature, hashes, null, null, null, null);
private ArbitraryDataFileListMessage(int id, byte[] signature, List<byte[]> hashes, Long requestTime,
Integer requestHops, String peerAddress, boolean isRelayPossible) {
super(id, MessageType.ARBITRARY_DATA_FILE_LIST);
@ -52,24 +73,39 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileListMessage extends Message {
this.isRelayPossible = isRelayPossible;
public List<byte[]> getHashes() {
return this.hashes;
public byte[] getSignature() {
return this.signature;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, TransformationException {
byte[] signature = new byte[SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
public List<byte[]> getHashes() {
return this.hashes;
public Long getRequestTime() {
return this.requestTime;
public Integer getRequestHops() {
return this.requestHops;
public String getPeerAddress() {
return this.peerAddress;
public Boolean isRelayPossible() {
return this.isRelayPossible;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws MessageException {
byte[] signature = new byte[Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
int count = bytes.getInt();
List<byte[]> hashes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
byte[] hash = new byte[HASH_LENGTH];
byte[] hash = new byte[Transformer.SHA256_LENGTH];
@ -80,99 +116,21 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileListMessage extends Message {
boolean isRelayPossible = true; // Legacy versions only send this message when relaying is possible
// The remaining fields are optional
if (bytes.hasRemaining()) {
try {
requestTime = bytes.getLong();
requestTime = bytes.getLong();
requestHops = bytes.getInt();
requestHops = bytes.getInt();
peerAddress = Serialization.deserializeSizedStringV2(bytes, MAX_PEER_ADDRESS_LENGTH);
isRelayPossible = bytes.getInt() > 0;
peerAddress = Serialization.deserializeSizedStringV2(bytes, PeerData.MAX_PEER_ADDRESS_SIZE);
isRelayPossible = bytes.getInt() > 0;
} catch (TransformationException e) {
throw new MessageException(e.getMessage(), e);
return new ArbitraryDataFileListMessage(id, signature, hashes, requestTime, requestHops, peerAddress, isRelayPossible);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for (byte[] hash : this.hashes) {
if (this.requestTime == null) { // To maintain backwards support
return bytes.toByteArray();
// The remaining fields are optional
Serialization.serializeSizedStringV2(bytes, this.peerAddress);
bytes.write(Ints.toByteArray(this.isRelayPossible ? 1 : 0));
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public ArbitraryDataFileListMessage cloneWithNewId(int newId) {
ArbitraryDataFileListMessage clone = new ArbitraryDataFileListMessage(this.signature, this.hashes,
this.requestTime, this.requestHops, this.peerAddress, this.isRelayPossible);
return clone;
public void removeOptionalStats() {
this.requestTime = null;
this.requestHops = null;
this.peerAddress = null;
this.isRelayPossible = null;
public Long getRequestTime() {
return this.requestTime;
public void setRequestTime(Long requestTime) {
this.requestTime = requestTime;
public Integer getRequestHops() {
return this.requestHops;
public void setRequestHops(Integer requestHops) {
this.requestHops = requestHops;
public String getPeerAddress() {
return this.peerAddress;
public void setPeerAddress(String peerAddress) {
this.peerAddress = peerAddress;
public Boolean isRelayPossible() {
return this.isRelayPossible;
public void setIsRelayPossible(Boolean isRelayPossible) {
this.isRelayPossible = isRelayPossible;
@ -9,44 +9,60 @@ import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class ArbitraryDataFileMessage extends Message {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(ArbitraryDataFileMessage.class);
private static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private final byte[] signature;
private final ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryDataFile;
private byte[] signature;
private ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryDataFile;
public ArbitraryDataFileMessage(byte[] signature, ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryDataFile) {
this.signature = signature;
this.arbitraryDataFile = arbitraryDataFile;
byte[] data = arbitraryDataFile.getBytes();
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
public ArbitraryDataFileMessage(int id, byte[] signature, ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryDataFile) {
private ArbitraryDataFileMessage(int id, byte[] signature, ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryDataFile) {
super(id, MessageType.ARBITRARY_DATA_FILE);
this.signature = signature;
this.arbitraryDataFile = arbitraryDataFile;
public byte[] getSignature() {
return this.signature;
public ArbitraryDataFile getArbitraryDataFile() {
return this.arbitraryDataFile;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
byte[] signature = new byte[SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws MessageException {
byte[] signature = new byte[Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
int dataLength = byteBuffer.getInt();
if (byteBuffer.remaining() != dataLength)
return null;
if (byteBuffer.remaining() < dataLength)
throw new BufferUnderflowException();
byte[] data = new byte[dataLength];
@ -54,43 +70,10 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileMessage extends Message {
try {
ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryDataFile = new ArbitraryDataFile(data, signature);
return new ArbitraryDataFileMessage(id, signature, arbitraryDataFile);
catch (DataException e) {
} catch (DataException e) {
LOGGER.info("Unable to process received file: {}", e.getMessage());
return null;
throw new MessageException("Unable to process received file: " + e.getMessage(), e);
protected byte[] toData() {
if (this.arbitraryDataFile == null) {
return null;
byte[] data = this.arbitraryDataFile.getBytes();
if (data == null) {
return null;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public ArbitraryDataFileMessage cloneWithNewId(int newId) {
ArbitraryDataFileMessage clone = new ArbitraryDataFileMessage(this.signature, this.arbitraryDataFile);
return clone;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
@ -11,13 +11,26 @@ import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
public class ArbitraryDataMessage extends Message {
private static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private byte[] signature;
private byte[] data;
public ArbitraryDataMessage(byte[] signature, byte[] data) {
this(-1, signature, data);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private ArbitraryDataMessage(int id, byte[] signature, byte[] data) {
@ -35,14 +48,14 @@ public class ArbitraryDataMessage extends Message {
return this.data;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
byte[] signature = new byte[SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
byte[] signature = new byte[Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
int dataLength = byteBuffer.getInt();
if (byteBuffer.remaining() != dataLength)
return null;
if (byteBuffer.remaining() < dataLength)
throw new BufferUnderflowException();
byte[] data = new byte[dataLength];
@ -50,24 +63,4 @@ public class ArbitraryDataMessage extends Message {
return new ArbitraryDataMessage(id, signature, data);
protected byte[] toData() {
if (this.data == null)
return null;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -7,28 +7,40 @@ import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class ArbitraryMetadataMessage extends Message {
private static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private byte[] signature;
private ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryMetadataFile;
private final byte[] signature;
private final ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryMetadataFile;
public ArbitraryMetadataMessage(byte[] signature, ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryDataFile) {
public ArbitraryMetadataMessage(byte[] signature, ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryMetadataFile) {
this.signature = signature;
this.arbitraryMetadataFile = arbitraryDataFile;
byte[] data = arbitraryMetadataFile.getBytes();
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
public ArbitraryMetadataMessage(int id, byte[] signature, ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryDataFile) {
private ArbitraryMetadataMessage(int id, byte[] signature, ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryMetadataFile) {
super(id, MessageType.ARBITRARY_METADATA);
this.signature = signature;
this.arbitraryMetadataFile = arbitraryDataFile;
this.arbitraryMetadataFile = arbitraryMetadataFile;
public byte[] getSignature() {
@ -39,14 +51,14 @@ public class ArbitraryMetadataMessage extends Message {
return this.arbitraryMetadataFile;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
byte[] signature = new byte[SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws MessageException {
byte[] signature = new byte[Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
int dataLength = byteBuffer.getInt();
if (byteBuffer.remaining() != dataLength)
return null;
if (byteBuffer.remaining() < dataLength)
throw new BufferUnderflowException();
byte[] data = new byte[dataLength];
@ -54,42 +66,9 @@ public class ArbitraryMetadataMessage extends Message {
try {
ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryMetadataFile = new ArbitraryDataFile(data, signature);
return new ArbitraryMetadataMessage(id, signature, arbitraryMetadataFile);
} catch (DataException e) {
throw new MessageException("Unable to process arbitrary metadata message: " + e.getMessage(), e);
catch (DataException e) {
return null;
protected byte[] toData() {
if (this.arbitraryMetadataFile == null) {
return null;
byte[] data = this.arbitraryMetadataFile.getBytes();
if (data == null) {
return null;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public ArbitraryMetadataMessage cloneWithNewId(int newId) {
ArbitraryMetadataMessage clone = new ArbitraryMetadataMessage(this.signature, this.arbitraryMetadataFile);
return clone;
@ -8,21 +8,37 @@ import org.qortal.utils.Serialization;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class ArbitrarySignaturesMessage extends Message {
private static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private String peerAddress;
private int requestHops;
private List<byte[]> signatures;
public ArbitrarySignaturesMessage(String peerAddress, int requestHops, List<byte[]> signatures) {
this(-1, peerAddress, requestHops, signatures);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
Serialization.serializeSizedStringV2(bytes, peerAddress);
for (byte[] signature : signatures)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private ArbitrarySignaturesMessage(int id, String peerAddress, int requestHops, List<byte[]> signatures) {
@ -41,27 +57,24 @@ public class ArbitrarySignaturesMessage extends Message {
return this.signatures;
public int getRequestHops() {
return this.requestHops;
public void setRequestHops(int requestHops) {
this.requestHops = requestHops;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, TransformationException {
String peerAddress = Serialization.deserializeSizedStringV2(bytes, PeerData.MAX_PEER_ADDRESS_SIZE);
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws MessageException {
String peerAddress;
try {
peerAddress = Serialization.deserializeSizedStringV2(bytes, PeerData.MAX_PEER_ADDRESS_SIZE);
} catch (TransformationException e) {
throw new MessageException(e.getMessage(), e);
int requestHops = bytes.getInt();
int signatureCount = bytes.getInt();
if (bytes.remaining() != signatureCount * SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
return null;
if (bytes.remaining() < signatureCount * Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
throw new BufferUnderflowException();
List<byte[]> signatures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < signatureCount; ++i) {
byte[] signature = new byte[SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
byte[] signature = new byte[Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
@ -69,24 +82,4 @@ public class ArbitrarySignaturesMessage extends Message {
return new ArbitrarySignaturesMessage(id, peerAddress, requestHops, signatures);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Serialization.serializeSizedStringV2(bytes, this.peerAddress);
for (byte[] signature : this.signatures)
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.qortal.block.Block;
import org.qortal.data.at.ATStateData;
import org.qortal.data.block.BlockData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.TransactionData;
@ -16,27 +12,15 @@ import org.qortal.transform.TransformationException;
import org.qortal.transform.block.BlockTransformer;
import org.qortal.utils.Triple;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
public class BlockMessage extends Message {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(BlockMessage.class);
private Block block = null;
private final BlockData blockData;
private final List<TransactionData> transactions;
private final List<ATStateData> atStates;
private BlockData blockData = null;
private List<TransactionData> transactions = null;
private List<ATStateData> atStates = null;
private int height;
public BlockMessage(Block block) {
this.block = block;
this.blockData = block.getBlockData();
this.height = block.getBlockData().getHeight();
// No public constructor as we're an incoming-only message type.
private BlockMessage(int id, BlockData blockData, List<TransactionData> transactions, List<ATStateData> atStates) {
super(id, MessageType.BLOCK);
@ -44,8 +28,6 @@ public class BlockMessage extends Message {
this.blockData = blockData;
this.transactions = transactions;
this.atStates = atStates;
this.height = blockData.getHeight();
public BlockData getBlockData() {
@ -60,7 +42,7 @@ public class BlockMessage extends Message {
return this.atStates;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws MessageException {
try {
int height = byteBuffer.getInt();
@ -72,32 +54,8 @@ public class BlockMessage extends Message {
return new BlockMessage(id, blockData, blockInfo.getB(), blockInfo.getC());
} catch (TransformationException e) {
LOGGER.info(String.format("Received garbled BLOCK message: %s", e.getMessage()));
return null;
throw new MessageException(e.getMessage(), e);
protected byte[] toData() {
if (this.block == null)
return null;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (TransformationException | IOException e) {
return null;
public BlockMessage cloneWithNewId(int newId) {
BlockMessage clone = new BlockMessage(this.block);
return clone;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@ -20,7 +20,25 @@ public class BlockSummariesMessage extends Message {
private List<BlockSummaryData> blockSummaries;
public BlockSummariesMessage(List<BlockSummaryData> blockSummaries) {
this(-1, blockSummaries);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
for (BlockSummaryData blockSummary : blockSummaries) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private BlockSummariesMessage(int id, List<BlockSummaryData> blockSummaries) {
@ -33,11 +51,11 @@ public class BlockSummariesMessage extends Message {
return this.blockSummaries;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
int count = bytes.getInt();
if (bytes.remaining() != count * BLOCK_SUMMARY_LENGTH)
return null;
if (bytes.remaining() < count * BLOCK_SUMMARY_LENGTH)
throw new BufferUnderflowException();
List<BlockSummaryData> blockSummaries = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
@ -58,24 +76,4 @@ public class BlockSummariesMessage extends Message {
return new BlockSummariesMessage(id, blockSummaries);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for (BlockSummaryData blockSummary : this.blockSummaries) {
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.qortal.block.Block;
@ -12,59 +11,34 @@ import org.qortal.transform.block.BlockTransformer;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
// This is an OUTGOING-only Message which more readily lends itself to being cached
public class CachedBlockMessage extends Message {
public class CachedBlockMessage extends Message implements Cloneable {
private Block block = null;
private byte[] cachedBytes = null;
public CachedBlockMessage(Block block) {
public CachedBlockMessage(Block block) throws TransformationException {
this.block = block;
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
public CachedBlockMessage(byte[] cachedBytes) {
this.block = null;
this.cachedBytes = cachedBytes;
this.dataBytes = cachedBytes;
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("CachedBlockMessage is for outgoing messages only");
protected byte[] toData() {
// Already serialized?
if (this.cachedBytes != null)
return cachedBytes;
if (this.block == null)
return null;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
this.cachedBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
// We no longer need source Block
// and Block contains repository handle which is highly likely to be invalid after this call
this.block = null;
return this.cachedBytes;
} catch (TransformationException | IOException e) {
return null;
public CachedBlockMessage cloneWithNewId(int newId) {
CachedBlockMessage clone = new CachedBlockMessage(this.cachedBytes);
return clone;
@ -10,8 +10,25 @@ public class ChallengeMessage extends Message {
public static final int CHALLENGE_LENGTH = 32;
private final byte[] publicKey;
private final byte[] challenge;
private byte[] publicKey;
private byte[] challenge;
public ChallengeMessage(byte[] publicKey, byte[] challenge) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(publicKey.length + challenge.length);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private ChallengeMessage(int id, byte[] publicKey, byte[] challenge) {
super(id, MessageType.CHALLENGE);
@ -20,10 +37,6 @@ public class ChallengeMessage extends Message {
this.challenge = challenge;
public ChallengeMessage(byte[] publicKey, byte[] challenge) {
this(-1, publicKey, challenge);
public byte[] getPublicKey() {
return this.publicKey;
@ -42,15 +55,4 @@ public class ChallengeMessage extends Message {
return new ChallengeMessage(id, publicKey, challenge);
protected byte[] toData() throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
@ -5,33 +5,54 @@ import com.google.common.primitives.Longs;
import org.qortal.data.network.PeerData;
import org.qortal.transform.TransformationException;
import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import org.qortal.transform.transaction.TransactionTransformer;
import org.qortal.utils.Serialization;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static org.qortal.transform.Transformer.INT_LENGTH;
import static org.qortal.transform.Transformer.LONG_LENGTH;
public class GetArbitraryDataFileListMessage extends Message {
private static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private static final int HASH_LENGTH = TransactionTransformer.SHA256_LENGTH;
private static final int MAX_PEER_ADDRESS_LENGTH = PeerData.MAX_PEER_ADDRESS_SIZE;
private final byte[] signature;
private byte[] signature;
private List<byte[]> hashes;
private final long requestTime;
private long requestTime;
private int requestHops;
private String requestingPeer;
public GetArbitraryDataFileListMessage(byte[] signature, List<byte[]> hashes, long requestTime, int requestHops, String requestingPeer) {
this(-1, signature, hashes, requestTime, requestHops, requestingPeer);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
if (hashes != null) {
for (byte[] hash : hashes) {
else {
if (requestingPeer != null) {
Serialization.serializeSizedStringV2(bytes, requestingPeer);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GetArbitraryDataFileListMessage(int id, byte[] signature, List<byte[]> hashes, long requestTime, int requestHops, String requestingPeer) {
@ -52,8 +73,20 @@ public class GetArbitraryDataFileListMessage extends Message {
return this.hashes;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, TransformationException {
byte[] signature = new byte[SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
public long getRequestTime() {
return this.requestTime;
public int getRequestHops() {
return this.requestHops;
public String getRequestingPeer() {
return this.requestingPeer;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws MessageException {
byte[] signature = new byte[Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
@ -67,7 +100,7 @@ public class GetArbitraryDataFileListMessage extends Message {
hashes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < hashCount; ++i) {
byte[] hash = new byte[HASH_LENGTH];
byte[] hash = new byte[Transformer.SHA256_LENGTH];
@ -75,57 +108,14 @@ public class GetArbitraryDataFileListMessage extends Message {
String requestingPeer = null;
if (bytes.hasRemaining()) {
requestingPeer = Serialization.deserializeSizedStringV2(bytes, MAX_PEER_ADDRESS_LENGTH);
try {
requestingPeer = Serialization.deserializeSizedStringV2(bytes, PeerData.MAX_PEER_ADDRESS_SIZE);
} catch (TransformationException e) {
throw new MessageException(e.getMessage(), e);
return new GetArbitraryDataFileListMessage(id, signature, hashes, requestTime, requestHops, requestingPeer);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if (this.hashes != null) {
for (byte[] hash : this.hashes) {
else {
if (this.requestingPeer != null) {
Serialization.serializeSizedStringV2(bytes, this.requestingPeer);
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public long getRequestTime() {
return this.requestTime;
public int getRequestHops() {
return this.requestHops;
public void setRequestHops(int requestHops) {
this.requestHops = requestHops;
public String getRequestingPeer() {
return this.requestingPeer;
@ -1,23 +1,31 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import org.qortal.transform.transaction.TransactionTransformer;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class GetArbitraryDataFileMessage extends Message {
private static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private static final int HASH_LENGTH = TransactionTransformer.SHA256_LENGTH;
private final byte[] signature;
private final byte[] hash;
private byte[] signature;
private byte[] hash;
public GetArbitraryDataFileMessage(byte[] signature, byte[] hash) {
this(-1, signature, hash);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(signature.length + hash.length);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GetArbitraryDataFileMessage(int id, byte[] signature, byte[] hash) {
@ -35,32 +43,14 @@ public class GetArbitraryDataFileMessage extends Message {
return this.hash;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
if (bytes.remaining() != HASH_LENGTH + SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
return null;
byte[] signature = new byte[SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
byte[] signature = new byte[Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
byte[] hash = new byte[HASH_LENGTH];
byte[] hash = new byte[Transformer.SHA256_LENGTH];
return new GetArbitraryDataFileMessage(id, signature, hash);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
public class GetArbitraryDataMessage extends Message {
private static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private byte[] signature;
public GetArbitraryDataMessage(byte[] signature) {
this(-1, signature);
this.dataBytes = Arrays.copyOf(signature, signature.length);
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GetArbitraryDataMessage(int id, byte[] signature) {
@ -27,28 +26,12 @@ public class GetArbitraryDataMessage extends Message {
return this.signature;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
if (bytes.remaining() != SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
return null;
byte[] signature = new byte[SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
byte[] signature = new byte[Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
return new GetArbitraryDataMessage(id, signature);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -6,22 +6,31 @@ import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import static org.qortal.transform.Transformer.INT_LENGTH;
import static org.qortal.transform.Transformer.LONG_LENGTH;
public class GetArbitraryMetadataMessage extends Message {
private static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private final byte[] signature;
private final long requestTime;
private byte[] signature;
private long requestTime;
private int requestHops;
public GetArbitraryMetadataMessage(byte[] signature, long requestTime, int requestHops) {
this(-1, signature, requestTime, requestHops);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GetArbitraryMetadataMessage(int id, byte[] signature, long requestTime, int requestHops) {
@ -36,12 +45,16 @@ public class GetArbitraryMetadataMessage extends Message {
return this.signature;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
if (bytes.remaining() != SIGNATURE_LENGTH + LONG_LENGTH + INT_LENGTH)
return null;
public long getRequestTime() {
return this.requestTime;
byte[] signature = new byte[SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
public int getRequestHops() {
return this.requestHops;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
byte[] signature = new byte[Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
long requestTime = bytes.getLong();
@ -51,33 +64,4 @@ public class GetArbitraryMetadataMessage extends Message {
return new GetArbitraryMetadataMessage(id, signature, requestTime, requestHops);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public long getRequestTime() {
return this.requestTime;
public int getRequestHops() {
return this.requestHops;
public void setRequestHops(int requestHops) {
this.requestHops = requestHops;
@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.qortal.transform.block.BlockTransformer;
public class GetBlockMessage extends Message {
private static final int BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH = BlockTransformer.BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private byte[] signature;
public GetBlockMessage(byte[] signature) {
this(-1, signature);
this.dataBytes = Arrays.copyOf(signature, signature.length);
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GetBlockMessage(int id, byte[] signature) {
@ -27,28 +26,11 @@ public class GetBlockMessage extends Message {
return this.signature;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
if (bytes.remaining() != BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
return null;
byte[] signature = new byte[BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
byte[] signature = new byte[BlockTransformer.BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
return new GetBlockMessage(id, signature);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -2,23 +2,32 @@ package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import org.qortal.transform.block.BlockTransformer;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
public class GetBlockSummariesMessage extends Message {
private static final int BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH = BlockTransformer.BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private byte[] parentSignature;
private int numberRequested;
public GetBlockSummariesMessage(byte[] parentSignature, int numberRequested) {
this(-1, parentSignature, numberRequested);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GetBlockSummariesMessage(int id, byte[] parentSignature, int numberRequested) {
@ -36,11 +45,8 @@ public class GetBlockSummariesMessage extends Message {
return this.numberRequested;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
if (bytes.remaining() != BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH + Transformer.INT_LENGTH)
return null;
byte[] parentSignature = new byte[BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
byte[] parentSignature = new byte[BlockTransformer.BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
int numberRequested = bytes.getInt();
@ -48,19 +54,4 @@ public class GetBlockSummariesMessage extends Message {
return new GetBlockSummariesMessage(id, parentSignature, numberRequested);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@ -20,7 +19,24 @@ public class GetOnlineAccountsMessage extends Message {
private List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts;
public GetOnlineAccountsMessage(List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts) {
this(-1, onlineAccounts);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
for (OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData : onlineAccounts) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GetOnlineAccountsMessage(int id, List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts) {
@ -33,7 +49,7 @@ public class GetOnlineAccountsMessage extends Message {
return this.onlineAccounts;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
final int accountCount = bytes.getInt();
List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts = new ArrayList<>(accountCount);
@ -50,24 +66,4 @@ public class GetOnlineAccountsMessage extends Message {
return new GetOnlineAccountsMessage(id, onlineAccounts);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for (int i = 0; i < this.onlineAccounts.size(); ++i) {
OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData = this.onlineAccounts.get(i);
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
@ -24,11 +23,51 @@ import java.util.Map;
* Also V2 only builds online accounts message once!
public class GetOnlineAccountsV2Message extends Message {
private List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts;
private byte[] cachedData;
public GetOnlineAccountsV2Message(List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts) {
this(-1, onlineAccounts);
// If we don't have ANY online accounts then it's an easier construction...
if (onlineAccounts.isEmpty()) {
// Always supply a number of accounts
this.dataBytes = Ints.toByteArray(0);
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
// How many of each timestamp
Map<Long, Integer> countByTimestamp = new HashMap<>();
for (OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData : onlineAccounts) {
Long timestamp = onlineAccountData.getTimestamp();
countByTimestamp.compute(timestamp, (k, v) -> v == null ? 1 : ++v);
// We should know exactly how many bytes to allocate now
int byteSize = countByTimestamp.size() * (Transformer.INT_LENGTH + Transformer.TIMESTAMP_LENGTH)
+ onlineAccounts.size() * Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH;
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteSize);
try {
for (long timestamp : countByTimestamp.keySet()) {
for (OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData : onlineAccounts) {
if (onlineAccountData.getTimestamp() == timestamp)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GetOnlineAccountsV2Message(int id, List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts) {
@ -41,7 +80,7 @@ public class GetOnlineAccountsV2Message extends Message {
return this.onlineAccounts;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
int accountCount = bytes.getInt();
List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts = new ArrayList<>(accountCount);
@ -67,51 +106,4 @@ public class GetOnlineAccountsV2Message extends Message {
return new GetOnlineAccountsV2Message(id, onlineAccounts);
protected synchronized byte[] toData() {
if (this.cachedData != null)
return this.cachedData;
// Shortcut in case we have no online accounts
if (this.onlineAccounts.isEmpty()) {
this.cachedData = Ints.toByteArray(0);
return this.cachedData;
// How many of each timestamp
Map<Long, Integer> countByTimestamp = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < this.onlineAccounts.size(); ++i) {
OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData = this.onlineAccounts.get(i);
Long timestamp = onlineAccountData.getTimestamp();
countByTimestamp.compute(timestamp, (k, v) -> v == null ? 1 : ++v);
// We should know exactly how many bytes to allocate now
int byteSize = countByTimestamp.size() * (Transformer.INT_LENGTH + Transformer.TIMESTAMP_LENGTH)
+ this.onlineAccounts.size() * Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteSize);
for (long timestamp : countByTimestamp.keySet()) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.onlineAccounts.size(); ++i) {
OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData = this.onlineAccounts.get(i);
if (onlineAccountData.getTimestamp() == timestamp)
this.cachedData = bytes.toByteArray();
return this.cachedData;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class GetPeersMessage extends Message {
public GetPeersMessage() {
this.dataBytes = EMPTY_DATA_BYTES;
private GetPeersMessage(int id) {
super(id, MessageType.GET_PEERS);
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
return new GetPeersMessage(id);
protected byte[] toData() {
return new byte[0];
@ -2,24 +2,32 @@ package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import org.qortal.transform.block.BlockTransformer;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
public class GetSignaturesV2Message extends Message {
private static final int BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH = BlockTransformer.BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private static final int NUMBER_REQUESTED_LENGTH = Transformer.INT_LENGTH;
private byte[] parentSignature;
private int numberRequested;
public GetSignaturesV2Message(byte[] parentSignature, int numberRequested) {
this(-1, parentSignature, numberRequested);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GetSignaturesV2Message(int id, byte[] parentSignature, int numberRequested) {
@ -37,11 +45,8 @@ public class GetSignaturesV2Message extends Message {
return this.numberRequested;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
return null;
byte[] parentSignature = new byte[BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
byte[] parentSignature = new byte[BlockTransformer.BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
int numberRequested = bytes.getInt();
@ -49,19 +54,4 @@ public class GetSignaturesV2Message extends Message {
return new GetSignaturesV2Message(id, parentSignature, numberRequested);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
@ -21,10 +20,48 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class GetTradePresencesMessage extends Message {
private List<TradePresenceData> tradePresences;
private byte[] cachedData;
public GetTradePresencesMessage(List<TradePresenceData> tradePresences) {
this(-1, tradePresences);
// Shortcut in case we have no trade presences
if (tradePresences.isEmpty()) {
this.dataBytes = Ints.toByteArray(0);
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
// How many of each timestamp
Map<Long, Integer> countByTimestamp = new HashMap<>();
for (TradePresenceData tradePresenceData : tradePresences) {
Long timestamp = tradePresenceData.getTimestamp();
countByTimestamp.compute(timestamp, (k, v) -> v == null ? 1 : ++v);
// We should know exactly how many bytes to allocate now
int byteSize = countByTimestamp.size() * (Transformer.INT_LENGTH + Transformer.TIMESTAMP_LENGTH)
+ tradePresences.size() * Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH;
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteSize);
try {
for (long timestamp : countByTimestamp.keySet()) {
for (TradePresenceData tradePresenceData : tradePresences) {
if (tradePresenceData.getTimestamp() == timestamp)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GetTradePresencesMessage(int id, List<TradePresenceData> tradePresences) {
@ -37,7 +74,7 @@ public class GetTradePresencesMessage extends Message {
return this.tradePresences;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
int groupedEntriesCount = bytes.getInt();
List<TradePresenceData> tradePresences = new ArrayList<>(groupedEntriesCount);
@ -63,48 +100,4 @@ public class GetTradePresencesMessage extends Message {
return new GetTradePresencesMessage(id, tradePresences);
protected synchronized byte[] toData() {
if (this.cachedData != null)
return this.cachedData;
// Shortcut in case we have no trade presences
if (this.tradePresences.isEmpty()) {
this.cachedData = Ints.toByteArray(0);
return this.cachedData;
// How many of each timestamp
Map<Long, Integer> countByTimestamp = new HashMap<>();
for (TradePresenceData tradePresenceData : this.tradePresences) {
Long timestamp = tradePresenceData.getTimestamp();
countByTimestamp.compute(timestamp, (k, v) -> v == null ? 1 : ++v);
// We should know exactly how many bytes to allocate now
int byteSize = countByTimestamp.size() * (Transformer.INT_LENGTH + Transformer.TIMESTAMP_LENGTH)
+ this.tradePresences.size() * Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteSize);
for (long timestamp : countByTimestamp.keySet()) {
for (TradePresenceData tradePresenceData : this.tradePresences) {
if (tradePresenceData.getTimestamp() == timestamp)
this.cachedData = bytes.toByteArray();
return this.cachedData;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
public class GetTransactionMessage extends Message {
private static final int TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private byte[] signature;
public GetTransactionMessage(byte[] signature) {
this(-1, signature);
this.dataBytes = Arrays.copyOf(signature, signature.length);
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GetTransactionMessage(int id, byte[] signature) {
@ -27,28 +26,12 @@ public class GetTransactionMessage extends Message {
return this.signature;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
if (bytes.remaining() != TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
return null;
byte[] signature = new byte[TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
byte[] signature = new byte[Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
return new GetTransactionMessage(id, signature);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class GetUnconfirmedTransactionsMessage extends Message {
public GetUnconfirmedTransactionsMessage() {
this.dataBytes = EMPTY_DATA_BYTES;
private GetUnconfirmedTransactionsMessage(int id) {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
return new GetUnconfirmedTransactionsMessage(id);
protected byte[] toData() {
return new byte[0];
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package org.qortal.network.message;
import static java.util.Arrays.stream;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Map;
@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ public class GoodbyeMessage extends Message {
private static final Map<Integer, Reason> map = stream(Reason.values())
.collect(toMap(reason -> reason.value, reason -> reason));
private Reason(int value) {
Reason(int value) {
this.value = value;
@ -31,7 +30,14 @@ public class GoodbyeMessage extends Message {
private final Reason reason;
private Reason reason;
public GoodbyeMessage(Reason reason) {
this.dataBytes = Ints.toByteArray(reason.value);
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GoodbyeMessage(int id, Reason reason) {
super(id, MessageType.GOODBYE);
@ -39,27 +45,18 @@ public class GoodbyeMessage extends Message {
this.reason = reason;
public GoodbyeMessage(Reason reason) {
this(-1, reason);
public Reason getReason() {
return this.reason;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws MessageException {
int reasonValue = byteBuffer.getInt();
Reason reason = Reason.valueOf(reasonValue);
if (reason == null)
return null;
throw new MessageException("Invalid reason " + reasonValue + " in GOODBYE message");
return new GoodbyeMessage(id, reason);
protected byte[] toData() throws IOException {
return Ints.toByteArray(this.reason.value);
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
@ -19,7 +18,24 @@ public class HeightV2Message extends Message {
private byte[] minterPublicKey;
public HeightV2Message(int height, byte[] signature, long timestamp, byte[] minterPublicKey) {
this(-1, height, signature, timestamp, minterPublicKey);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private HeightV2Message(int id, int height, byte[] signature, long timestamp, byte[] minterPublicKey) {
@ -47,7 +63,7 @@ public class HeightV2Message extends Message {
return this.minterPublicKey;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
int height = bytes.getInt();
byte[] signature = new byte[BlockTransformer.BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
@ -61,23 +77,4 @@ public class HeightV2Message extends Message {
return new HeightV2Message(id, height, signature, timestamp, minterPublicKey);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -11,9 +11,28 @@ import com.google.common.primitives.Longs;
public class HelloMessage extends Message {
private final long timestamp;
private final String versionString;
private final String senderPeerAddress;
private long timestamp;
private String versionString;
private String senderPeerAddress;
public HelloMessage(long timestamp, String versionString, String senderPeerAddress) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
Serialization.serializeSizedString(bytes, versionString);
Serialization.serializeSizedString(bytes, senderPeerAddress);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private HelloMessage(int id, long timestamp, String versionString, String senderPeerAddress) {
super(id, MessageType.HELLO);
@ -23,10 +42,6 @@ public class HelloMessage extends Message {
this.senderPeerAddress = senderPeerAddress;
public HelloMessage(long timestamp, String versionString, String senderPeerAddress) {
this(-1, timestamp, versionString, senderPeerAddress);
public long getTimestamp() {
return this.timestamp;
@ -39,31 +54,23 @@ public class HelloMessage extends Message {
return this.senderPeerAddress;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws TransformationException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws MessageException {
long timestamp = byteBuffer.getLong();
String versionString = Serialization.deserializeSizedString(byteBuffer, 255);
// Sender peer address added in v3.0, so is an optional field. Older versions won't send it.
String versionString;
String senderPeerAddress = null;
if (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
senderPeerAddress = Serialization.deserializeSizedString(byteBuffer, 255);
try {
versionString = Serialization.deserializeSizedString(byteBuffer, 255);
// Sender peer address added in v3.0, so is an optional field. Older versions won't send it.
if (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
senderPeerAddress = Serialization.deserializeSizedString(byteBuffer, 255);
} catch (TransformationException e) {
throw new MessageException(e.getMessage(), e);
return new HelloMessage(id, timestamp, versionString, senderPeerAddress);
protected byte[] toData() throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Serialization.serializeSizedString(bytes, this.versionString);
Serialization.serializeSizedString(bytes, this.senderPeerAddress);
return bytes.toByteArray();
@ -1,161 +1,67 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.util.Map;
import org.qortal.crypto.Crypto;
import org.qortal.network.Network;
import org.qortal.transform.TransformationException;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
import static java.util.Arrays.stream;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Network message for sending over network, or unpacked data received from network.
* <p></p>
* <p>
* For messages received from network, subclass's {@code fromByteBuffer()} method is used
* to construct a subclassed instance. Original bytes from network are not retained.
* Access to deserialized data should be via subclass's getters. Ideally there should be NO setters!
* </p>
* <p></p>
* <p>
* Each subclass's <b>public</b> constructor is for building a message to send <b>only</b>.
* The constructor will serialize into byte form but <b>not</b> store the passed args.
* Serialized bytes are saved into superclass (Message) {@code dataBytes} and, if not empty,
* a checksum is created and saved into {@code checksumBytes}.
* Therefore: <i>do not use subclass's getters after using constructor!</i>
* </p>
* <p></p>
* <p>
* For subclasses where outgoing versions might be usefully cached, they can implement Clonable
* as long if they are safe to use {@link Object#clone()}.
* </p>
public abstract class Message {
// MAGIC(4) + TYPE(4) + HAS-ID(1) + ID?(4) + DATA-SIZE(4) + CHECKSUM?(4) + DATA?(*)
private static final int MAGIC_LENGTH = 4;
private static final int TYPE_LENGTH = 4;
private static final int HAS_ID_LENGTH = 1;
private static final int ID_LENGTH = 4;
private static final int DATA_SIZE_LENGTH = 4;
private static final int CHECKSUM_LENGTH = 4;
private static final int MAX_DATA_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10MB
public static class MessageException extends Exception {
public MessageException() {
protected static final byte[] EMPTY_DATA_BYTES = new byte[0];
public MessageException(String message) {
protected int id;
protected final MessageType type;
public MessageException(String message, Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);
public MessageException(Throwable cause) {
public enum MessageType {
// Handshaking
// Status / notifications
// Requesting data
public final int value;
public final Method fromByteBufferMethod;
private static final Map<Integer, MessageType> map = stream(MessageType.values())
.collect(toMap(messageType -> messageType.value, messageType -> messageType));
private MessageType(int value) {
this.value = value;
String[] classNameParts = this.name().toLowerCase().split("_");
for (int i = 0; i < classNameParts.length; ++i)
classNameParts[i] = classNameParts[i].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase().concat(classNameParts[i].substring(1));
String className = String.join("", classNameParts);
Method method;
try {
Class<?> subclass = Class.forName(String.join("", Message.class.getPackage().getName(), ".", className, "Message"));
method = subclass.getDeclaredMethod("fromByteBuffer", int.class, ByteBuffer.class);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
method = null;
this.fromByteBufferMethod = method;
public static MessageType valueOf(int value) {
return map.get(value);
public Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws MessageException {
if (this.fromByteBufferMethod == null)
throw new MessageException("Unsupported message type [" + value + "] during conversion from bytes");
try {
return (Message) this.fromByteBufferMethod.invoke(null, id, byteBuffer);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof BufferUnderflowException)
throw new MessageException("Byte data too short for " + name() + " message");
throw new MessageException("Internal error with " + name() + " message during conversion from bytes");
private int id;
private MessageType type;
/** Serialized outgoing message data. Expected to be written to by subclass. */
protected byte[] dataBytes;
/** Serialized outgoing message checksum. Expected to be written to by subclass. */
protected byte[] checksumBytes;
/** Typically called by subclass when constructing message from received network data. */
protected Message(int id, MessageType type) {
this.id = id;
this.type = type;
/** Typically called by subclass when constructing outgoing message. */
protected Message(MessageType type) {
this(-1, type);
@ -179,9 +85,9 @@ public abstract class Message {
* Attempt to read a message from byte buffer.
* @param readOnlyBuffer
* @param readOnlyBuffer ByteBuffer containing bytes read from network
* @return null if no complete message can be read
* @throws MessageException
* @throws MessageException if message could not be decoded or is invalid
public static Message fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer readOnlyBuffer) throws MessageException {
try {
@ -256,9 +162,27 @@ public abstract class Message {
return Arrays.copyOfRange(Crypto.digest(dataBuffer), 0, CHECKSUM_LENGTH);
public void checkValidOutgoing() throws MessageException {
// We expect subclass to have initialized these
if (this.dataBytes == null)
throw new MessageException("Missing data payload");
if (this.dataBytes.length > 0 && this.checksumBytes == null)
throw new MessageException("Missing data checksum");
public byte[] toBytes() throws MessageException {
// We can calculate exact length
messageLength += this.hasId() ? ID_LENGTH : 0;
messageLength += DATA_SIZE_LENGTH + this.dataBytes.length > 0 ? CHECKSUM_LENGTH + this.dataBytes.length : 0;
if (messageLength > MAX_DATA_SIZE)
throw new MessageException(String.format("About to send message with length %d larger than allowed %d", messageLength, MAX_DATA_SIZE));
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(256);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(messageLength);
// Magic
@ -273,26 +197,30 @@ public abstract class Message {
byte[] data = this.toData();
if (data == null)
throw new MessageException("Missing data payload");
if (data.length > 0) {
if (this.dataBytes.length > 0) {
if (bytes.size() > MAX_DATA_SIZE)
throw new MessageException(String.format("About to send message with length %d larger than allowed %d", bytes.size(), MAX_DATA_SIZE));
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException | TransformationException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MessageException("Failed to serialize message", e);
protected abstract byte[] toData() throws IOException, TransformationException;
public static <M extends Message> M cloneWithNewId(M message, int newId) {
M clone;
try {
clone = (M) message.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Message sub-class not cloneable");
return clone;
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
public class MessageException extends Exception {
public MessageException() {
public MessageException(String message) {
public MessageException(String message, Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);
public MessageException(Throwable cause) {
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public interface MessageProducer {
Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws MessageException;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Map;
import static java.util.Arrays.stream;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap;
public enum MessageType {
// Handshaking
HELLO(0, HelloMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GOODBYE(1, GoodbyeMessage::fromByteBuffer),
CHALLENGE(2, ChallengeMessage::fromByteBuffer),
RESPONSE(3, ResponseMessage::fromByteBuffer),
// Status / notifications
HEIGHT_V2(10, HeightV2Message::fromByteBuffer),
PING(11, PingMessage::fromByteBuffer),
PONG(12, PongMessage::fromByteBuffer),
// Requesting data
PEERS_V2(20, PeersV2Message::fromByteBuffer),
GET_PEERS(21, GetPeersMessage::fromByteBuffer),
TRANSACTION(30, TransactionMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GET_TRANSACTION(31, GetTransactionMessage::fromByteBuffer),
TRANSACTION_SIGNATURES(40, TransactionSignaturesMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GET_UNCONFIRMED_TRANSACTIONS(41, GetUnconfirmedTransactionsMessage::fromByteBuffer),
BLOCK(50, BlockMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GET_BLOCK(51, GetBlockMessage::fromByteBuffer),
SIGNATURES(60, SignaturesMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GET_SIGNATURES_V2(61, GetSignaturesV2Message::fromByteBuffer),
BLOCK_SUMMARIES(70, BlockSummariesMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GET_BLOCK_SUMMARIES(71, GetBlockSummariesMessage::fromByteBuffer),
ONLINE_ACCOUNTS(80, OnlineAccountsMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GET_ONLINE_ACCOUNTS(81, GetOnlineAccountsMessage::fromByteBuffer),
ONLINE_ACCOUNTS_V2(82, OnlineAccountsV2Message::fromByteBuffer),
GET_ONLINE_ACCOUNTS_V2(83, GetOnlineAccountsV2Message::fromByteBuffer),
ARBITRARY_DATA(90, ArbitraryDataMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GET_ARBITRARY_DATA(91, GetArbitraryDataMessage::fromByteBuffer),
BLOCKS(100, null), // unsupported
GET_BLOCKS(101, null), // unsupported
ARBITRARY_DATA_FILE(110, ArbitraryDataFileMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GET_ARBITRARY_DATA_FILE(111, GetArbitraryDataFileMessage::fromByteBuffer),
ARBITRARY_DATA_FILE_LIST(120, ArbitraryDataFileListMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GET_ARBITRARY_DATA_FILE_LIST(121, GetArbitraryDataFileListMessage::fromByteBuffer),
ARBITRARY_SIGNATURES(130, ArbitrarySignaturesMessage::fromByteBuffer),
TRADE_PRESENCES(140, TradePresencesMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GET_TRADE_PRESENCES(141, GetTradePresencesMessage::fromByteBuffer),
ARBITRARY_METADATA(150, ArbitraryMetadataMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GET_ARBITRARY_METADATA(151, GetArbitraryMetadataMessage::fromByteBuffer);
public final int value;
public final MessageProducer fromByteBufferMethod;
private static final Map<Integer, MessageType> map = stream(MessageType.values())
.collect(toMap(messageType -> messageType.value, messageType -> messageType));
MessageType(int value, MessageProducer fromByteBufferMethod) {
this.value = value;
this.fromByteBufferMethod = fromByteBufferMethod;
public static MessageType valueOf(int value) {
return map.get(value);
* Attempt to read a message from byte buffer.
* @param id message ID or -1
* @param byteBuffer ByteBuffer source for message
* @return null if no complete message can be read
* @throws MessageException if message could not be decoded or is invalid
* @throws BufferUnderflowException if not enough bytes in buffer to read message
public Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws MessageException {
if (this.fromByteBufferMethod == null)
throw new MessageException("Message type " + this.name() + " unsupported");
return this.fromByteBufferMethod.fromByteBuffer(id, byteBuffer);
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@ -20,7 +19,26 @@ public class OnlineAccountsMessage extends Message {
private List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts;
public OnlineAccountsMessage(List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts) {
this(-1, onlineAccounts);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
for (OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData : onlineAccounts) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private OnlineAccountsMessage(int id, List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts) {
@ -33,7 +51,7 @@ public class OnlineAccountsMessage extends Message {
return this.onlineAccounts;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
final int accountCount = bytes.getInt();
List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts = new ArrayList<>(accountCount);
@ -54,27 +72,4 @@ public class OnlineAccountsMessage extends Message {
return new OnlineAccountsMessage(id, onlineAccounts);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for (int i = 0; i < this.onlineAccounts.size(); ++i) {
OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData = this.onlineAccounts.get(i);
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -7,13 +7,11 @@ import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* For sending online accounts info to remote peer.
@ -25,11 +23,52 @@ import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* Also V2 only builds online accounts message once!
public class OnlineAccountsV2Message extends Message {
private List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts;
private byte[] cachedData;
public OnlineAccountsV2Message(List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts) {
this(-1, onlineAccounts);
// Shortcut in case we have no online accounts
if (onlineAccounts.isEmpty()) {
this.dataBytes = Ints.toByteArray(0);
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
// How many of each timestamp
Map<Long, Integer> countByTimestamp = new HashMap<>();
for (OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData : onlineAccounts) {
Long timestamp = onlineAccountData.getTimestamp();
countByTimestamp.compute(timestamp, (k, v) -> v == null ? 1 : ++v);
// We should know exactly how many bytes to allocate now
int byteSize = countByTimestamp.size() * (Transformer.INT_LENGTH + Transformer.TIMESTAMP_LENGTH)
+ onlineAccounts.size() * (Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH + Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteSize);
try {
for (long timestamp : countByTimestamp.keySet()) {
for (OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData : onlineAccounts) {
if (onlineAccountData.getTimestamp() == timestamp) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private OnlineAccountsV2Message(int id, List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts) {
@ -42,7 +81,7 @@ public class OnlineAccountsV2Message extends Message {
return this.onlineAccounts;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws MessageException {
int accountCount = bytes.getInt();
List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts = new ArrayList<>(accountCount);
@ -71,54 +110,4 @@ public class OnlineAccountsV2Message extends Message {
return new OnlineAccountsV2Message(id, onlineAccounts);
protected synchronized byte[] toData() {
if (this.cachedData != null)
return this.cachedData;
// Shortcut in case we have no online accounts
if (this.onlineAccounts.isEmpty()) {
this.cachedData = Ints.toByteArray(0);
return this.cachedData;
// How many of each timestamp
Map<Long, Integer> countByTimestamp = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < this.onlineAccounts.size(); ++i) {
OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData = this.onlineAccounts.get(i);
Long timestamp = onlineAccountData.getTimestamp();
countByTimestamp.compute(timestamp, (k, v) -> v == null ? 1 : ++v);
// We should know exactly how many bytes to allocate now
int byteSize = countByTimestamp.size() * (Transformer.INT_LENGTH + Transformer.TIMESTAMP_LENGTH)
+ this.onlineAccounts.size() * (Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH + Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH);
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteSize);
for (long timestamp : countByTimestamp.keySet()) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.onlineAccounts.size(); ++i) {
OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData = this.onlineAccounts.get(i);
if (onlineAccountData.getTimestamp() == timestamp) {
this.cachedData = bytes.toByteArray();
return this.cachedData;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -19,7 +18,35 @@ public class PeersV2Message extends Message {
private List<PeerAddress> peerAddresses;
public PeersV2Message(List<PeerAddress> peerAddresses) {
this(-1, peerAddresses);
List<byte[]> addresses = new ArrayList<>();
// First entry represents sending node but contains only port number with empty address.
addresses.add(("" + Settings.getInstance().getListenPort()).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
for (PeerAddress peerAddress : peerAddresses)
// We can't send addresses that are longer than 255 bytes as length itself is encoded in one byte.
addresses.removeIf(addressString -> addressString.length > 255);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
// Number of entries
for (byte[] address : addresses) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private PeersV2Message(int id, List<PeerAddress> peerAddresses) {
@ -32,7 +59,7 @@ public class PeersV2Message extends Message {
return this.peerAddresses;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws MessageException {
// Read entry count
int count = byteBuffer.getInt();
@ -49,43 +76,11 @@ public class PeersV2Message extends Message {
PeerAddress peerAddress = PeerAddress.fromString(addressString);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Not valid - ignore
throw new MessageException("Invalid peer address in received PEERS_V2 message");
return new PeersV2Message(id, peerAddresses);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
List<byte[]> addresses = new ArrayList<>();
// First entry represents sending node but contains only port number with empty address.
addresses.add(("" + Settings.getInstance().getListenPort()).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
for (PeerAddress peerAddress : this.peerAddresses)
// We can't send addresses that are longer than 255 bytes as length itself is encoded in one byte.
addresses.removeIf(addressString -> addressString.length > 255);
// Serialize
// Number of entries
for (byte[] address : addresses) {
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class PingMessage extends Message {
public PingMessage() {
this.dataBytes = EMPTY_DATA_BYTES;
private PingMessage(int id) {
super(id, MessageType.PING);
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
return new PingMessage(id);
protected byte[] toData() {
return new byte[0];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class PongMessage extends Message {
public PongMessage() {
this.dataBytes = EMPTY_DATA_BYTES;
private PongMessage(int id) {
super(id, MessageType.PONG);
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
return new PongMessage(id);
@ -10,8 +10,25 @@ public class ResponseMessage extends Message {
public static final int DATA_LENGTH = 32;
private final int nonce;
private final byte[] data;
private int nonce;
private byte[] data;
public ResponseMessage(int nonce, byte[] data) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4 + DATA_LENGTH);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private ResponseMessage(int id, int nonce, byte[] data) {
super(id, MessageType.RESPONSE);
@ -20,10 +37,6 @@ public class ResponseMessage extends Message {
this.data = data;
public ResponseMessage(int nonce, byte[] data) {
this(-1, nonce, data);
public int getNonce() {
return this.nonce;
@ -41,15 +54,4 @@ public class ResponseMessage extends Message {
return new ResponseMessage(id, nonce, data);
protected byte[] toData() throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4 + DATA_LENGTH);
return bytes.toByteArray();
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@ -13,12 +13,24 @@ import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
public class SignaturesMessage extends Message {
private static final int BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH = BlockTransformer.BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private List<byte[]> signatures;
public SignaturesMessage(List<byte[]> signatures) {
this(-1, signatures);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
for (byte[] signature : signatures)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private SignaturesMessage(int id, List<byte[]> signatures) {
@ -31,15 +43,15 @@ public class SignaturesMessage extends Message {
return this.signatures;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
int count = bytes.getInt();
if (bytes.remaining() != count * BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
return null;
if (bytes.remaining() < count * BlockTransformer.BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
throw new BufferUnderflowException();
List<byte[]> signatures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
byte[] signature = new byte[BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
byte[] signature = new byte[BlockTransformer.BLOCK_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
@ -47,20 +59,4 @@ public class SignaturesMessage extends Message {
return new SignaturesMessage(id, signatures);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for (byte[] signature : this.signatures)
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import org.qortal.utils.Base58;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
@ -21,11 +20,55 @@ import java.util.Map;
* Groups of: number of entries, timestamp, then pubkey + sig + AT address for each entry.
public class TradePresencesMessage extends Message {
private List<TradePresenceData> tradePresences;
private byte[] cachedData;
public TradePresencesMessage(List<TradePresenceData> tradePresences) {
this(-1, tradePresences);
// Shortcut in case we have no trade presences
if (tradePresences.isEmpty()) {
this.dataBytes = Ints.toByteArray(0);
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
// How many of each timestamp
Map<Long, Integer> countByTimestamp = new HashMap<>();
for (TradePresenceData tradePresenceData : tradePresences) {
Long timestamp = tradePresenceData.getTimestamp();
countByTimestamp.compute(timestamp, (k, v) -> v == null ? 1 : ++v);
// We should know exactly how many bytes to allocate now
int byteSize = countByTimestamp.size() * (Transformer.INT_LENGTH + Transformer.TIMESTAMP_LENGTH)
+ tradePresences.size() * (Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH + Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH + Transformer.ADDRESS_LENGTH);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteSize);
try {
for (long timestamp : countByTimestamp.keySet()) {
for (TradePresenceData tradePresenceData : tradePresences) {
if (tradePresenceData.getTimestamp() == timestamp) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private TradePresencesMessage(int id, List<TradePresenceData> tradePresences) {
@ -38,7 +81,7 @@ public class TradePresencesMessage extends Message {
return this.tradePresences;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
int groupedEntriesCount = bytes.getInt();
List<TradePresenceData> tradePresences = new ArrayList<>(groupedEntriesCount);
@ -71,53 +114,4 @@ public class TradePresencesMessage extends Message {
return new TradePresencesMessage(id, tradePresences);
protected synchronized byte[] toData() {
if (this.cachedData != null)
return this.cachedData;
// Shortcut in case we have no trade presences
if (this.tradePresences.isEmpty()) {
this.cachedData = Ints.toByteArray(0);
return this.cachedData;
// How many of each timestamp
Map<Long, Integer> countByTimestamp = new HashMap<>();
for (TradePresenceData tradePresenceData : this.tradePresences) {
Long timestamp = tradePresenceData.getTimestamp();
countByTimestamp.compute(timestamp, (k, v) -> v == null ? 1 : ++v);
// We should know exactly how many bytes to allocate now
int byteSize = countByTimestamp.size() * (Transformer.INT_LENGTH + Transformer.TIMESTAMP_LENGTH)
+ this.tradePresences.size() * (Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH + Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH + Transformer.ADDRESS_LENGTH);
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteSize);
for (long timestamp : countByTimestamp.keySet()) {
for (TradePresenceData tradePresenceData : this.tradePresences) {
if (tradePresenceData.getTimestamp() == timestamp) {
this.cachedData = bytes.toByteArray();
return this.cachedData;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.TransactionData;
@ -11,8 +10,11 @@ public class TransactionMessage extends Message {
private TransactionData transactionData;
public TransactionMessage(TransactionData transactionData) {
this(-1, transactionData);
public TransactionMessage(TransactionData transactionData) throws TransformationException {
this.dataBytes = TransactionTransformer.toBytes(transactionData);
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private TransactionMessage(int id, TransactionData transactionData) {
@ -25,26 +27,16 @@ public class TransactionMessage extends Message {
return this.transactionData;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
try {
TransactionData transactionData = TransactionTransformer.fromByteBuffer(byteBuffer);
return new TransactionMessage(id, transactionData);
} catch (TransformationException e) {
return null;
protected byte[] toData() {
if (this.transactionData == null)
return null;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws MessageException {
TransactionData transactionData;
try {
return TransactionTransformer.toBytes(this.transactionData);
transactionData = TransactionTransformer.fromByteBuffer(byteBuffer);
} catch (TransformationException e) {
return null;
throw new MessageException(e.getMessage(), e);
return new TransactionMessage(id, transactionData);
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package org.qortal.network.message;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@ -13,12 +13,24 @@ import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
public class TransactionSignaturesMessage extends Message {
private static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private List<byte[]> signatures;
public TransactionSignaturesMessage(List<byte[]> signatures) {
this(-1, signatures);
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
for (byte[] signature : signatures)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private TransactionSignaturesMessage(int id, List<byte[]> signatures) {
@ -31,15 +43,15 @@ public class TransactionSignaturesMessage extends Message {
return this.signatures;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
int count = bytes.getInt();
if (bytes.remaining() != count * SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
return null;
if (bytes.remaining() < count * Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
throw new BufferUnderflowException();
List<byte[]> signatures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
byte[] signature = new byte[SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
byte[] signature = new byte[Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
@ -47,20 +59,4 @@ public class TransactionSignaturesMessage extends Message {
return new TransactionSignaturesMessage(id, signatures);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for (byte[] signature : this.signatures)
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package org.qortal.network.task;
import org.qortal.controller.Controller;
import org.qortal.network.Network;
import org.qortal.network.Peer;
import org.qortal.network.message.Message;
import org.qortal.utils.ExecuteProduceConsume.Task;
public class BroadcastTask implements Task {
public BroadcastTask() {
public String getName() {
return "BroadcastTask";
public void perform() throws InterruptedException {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
package org.qortal.network.task;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.qortal.network.Network;
import org.qortal.network.Peer;
import org.qortal.network.PeerAddress;
import org.qortal.settings.Settings;
import org.qortal.utils.ExecuteProduceConsume.Task;
import org.qortal.utils.NTP;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.util.List;
public class ChannelAcceptTask implements Task {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(ChannelAcceptTask.class);
private final ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel;
public ChannelAcceptTask(ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel) {
this.serverSocketChannel = serverSocketChannel;
public String getName() {
return "ChannelAcceptTask";
public void perform() throws InterruptedException {
Network network = Network.getInstance();
SocketChannel socketChannel;
try {
if (network.getImmutableConnectedPeers().size() >= network.getMaxPeers()) {
// We have enough peers
LOGGER.debug("Ignoring pending incoming connections because the server is full");
socketChannel = serverSocketChannel.accept();
network.setInterestOps(serverSocketChannel, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
} catch (IOException e) {
// No connection actually accepted?
if (socketChannel == null) {
PeerAddress address = PeerAddress.fromSocket(socketChannel.socket());
List<String> fixedNetwork = Settings.getInstance().getFixedNetwork();
if (fixedNetwork != null && !fixedNetwork.isEmpty() && network.ipNotInFixedList(address, fixedNetwork)) {
try {
LOGGER.debug("Connection discarded from peer {} as not in the fixed network list", address);
} catch (IOException e) {
final Long now = NTP.getTime();
Peer newPeer;
try {
if (now == null) {
LOGGER.debug("Connection discarded from peer {} due to lack of NTP sync", address);
LOGGER.debug("Connection accepted from peer {}", address);
newPeer = new Peer(socketChannel);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (socketChannel.isOpen()) {
try {
LOGGER.debug("Connection failed from peer {} while connecting/closing", address);
} catch (IOException ce) {
// Couldn't close?
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package org.qortal.network.task;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.qortal.network.Network;
import org.qortal.network.Peer;
import org.qortal.utils.ExecuteProduceConsume.Task;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
public class ChannelReadTask implements Task {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(ChannelReadTask.class);
private final SocketChannel socketChannel;
private final Peer peer;
private final String name;
public ChannelReadTask(SocketChannel socketChannel, Peer peer) {
this.socketChannel = socketChannel;
this.peer = peer;
this.name = "ChannelReadTask::" + peer;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void perform() throws InterruptedException {
try {
Network.getInstance().setInterestOps(socketChannel, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("connection reset")) {
peer.disconnect("Connection reset");
LOGGER.trace("[{}] Network thread {} encountered I/O error: {}", peer.getPeerConnectionId(),
Thread.currentThread().getId(), e.getMessage(), e);
peer.disconnect("I/O error");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package org.qortal.network.task;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.qortal.network.Network;
import org.qortal.network.Peer;
import org.qortal.utils.ExecuteProduceConsume.Task;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
public class ChannelWriteTask implements Task {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(ChannelWriteTask.class);
private final SocketChannel socketChannel;
private final Peer peer;
private final String name;
public ChannelWriteTask(SocketChannel socketChannel, Peer peer) {
this.socketChannel = socketChannel;
this.peer = peer;
this.name = "ChannelWriteTask::" + peer;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void perform() throws InterruptedException {
try {
boolean isSocketClogged = peer.writeChannel();
// Tell Network that we've finished
if (isSocketClogged)
Network.getInstance().setInterestOps(this.socketChannel, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("connection reset")) {
peer.disconnect("Connection reset");
LOGGER.trace("[{}] Network thread {} encountered I/O error: {}", peer.getPeerConnectionId(),
Thread.currentThread().getId(), e.getMessage(), e);
peer.disconnect("I/O error");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package org.qortal.network.task;
import org.qortal.network.Network;
import org.qortal.network.Peer;
import org.qortal.network.message.Message;
import org.qortal.utils.ExecuteProduceConsume.Task;
public class MessageTask implements Task {
private final Peer peer;
private final Message nextMessage;
private final String name;
public MessageTask(Peer peer, Message nextMessage) {
this.peer = peer;
this.nextMessage = nextMessage;
this.name = "MessageTask::" + peer + "::" + nextMessage.getType();
public String getName() {
return name;
public void perform() throws InterruptedException {
Network.getInstance().onMessage(peer, nextMessage);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package org.qortal.network.task;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.qortal.network.Network;
import org.qortal.network.Peer;
import org.qortal.network.message.Message;
import org.qortal.network.message.MessageType;
import org.qortal.network.message.PingMessage;
import org.qortal.utils.ExecuteProduceConsume.Task;
import org.qortal.utils.NTP;
public class PeerConnectTask implements Task {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(PeerConnectTask.class);
private final Peer peer;
private final String name;
public PeerConnectTask(Peer peer) {
this.peer = peer;
this.name = "PeerConnectTask::" + peer;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void perform() throws InterruptedException {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package org.qortal.network.task;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.qortal.network.Peer;
import org.qortal.network.message.Message;
import org.qortal.network.message.MessageType;
import org.qortal.network.message.PingMessage;
import org.qortal.utils.ExecuteProduceConsume.Task;
import org.qortal.utils.NTP;
public class PingTask implements Task {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(PingTask.class);
private final Peer peer;
private final Long now;
private final String name;
public PingTask(Peer peer, Long now) {
this.peer = peer;
this.now = now;
this.name = "PingTask::" + peer;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void perform() throws InterruptedException {
PingMessage pingMessage = new PingMessage();
Message message = peer.getResponse(pingMessage);
if (message == null || message.getType() != MessageType.PING) {
LOGGER.debug("[{}] Didn't receive reply from {} for PING ID {}",
peer.getPeerConnectionId(), peer, pingMessage.getId());
peer.disconnect("no ping received");
peer.setLastPing(NTP.getTime() - now);
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ import org.qortal.controller.arbitrary.ArbitraryDataStorageManager.*;
import org.qortal.crosschain.Bitcoin.BitcoinNet;
import org.qortal.crosschain.Litecoin.LitecoinNet;
import org.qortal.crosschain.Dogecoin.DogecoinNet;
import org.qortal.crosschain.Digibyte.DigibyteNet;
import org.qortal.crosschain.Ravencoin.RavencoinNet;
import org.qortal.crosschain.PirateChain.PirateChainNet;
import org.qortal.utils.EnumUtils;
@ -223,6 +225,8 @@ public class Settings {
private BitcoinNet bitcoinNet = BitcoinNet.MAIN;
private LitecoinNet litecoinNet = LitecoinNet.MAIN;
private DogecoinNet dogecoinNet = DogecoinNet.MAIN;
private DigibyteNet digibyteNet = DigibyteNet.MAIN;
private RavencoinNet ravencoinNet = RavencoinNet.MAIN;
private PirateChainNet pirateChainNet = PirateChainNet.MAIN;
// Also crosschain-related:
/** Whether to show SysTray pop-up notifications when trade-bot entries change state */
@ -682,6 +686,14 @@ public class Settings {
return this.dogecoinNet;
public DigibyteNet getDigibyteNet() {
return this.digibyteNet;
public RavencoinNet getRavencoinNet() {
return this.ravencoinNet;
public PirateChainNet getPirateChainNet() {
return this.pirateChainNet;
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public class BuyNameTransaction extends Transaction {
public void process() throws DataException {
// Buy Name
Name name = new Name(this.repository, this.buyNameTransactionData.getName());
name.buy(this.buyNameTransactionData, true);
// Save transaction with updated "name reference" pointing to previous transaction that changed name
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class ChatTransaction extends Transaction {
public static final int MAX_DATA_SIZE = 256;
public static final int POW_BUFFER_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024; // bytes
public static final int POW_DIFFICULTY_WITH_QORT = 8; // leading zero bits
public static final int POW_DIFFICULTY_NO_QORT = 14; // leading zero bits
public static final int POW_DIFFICULTY_NO_QORT = 12; // leading zero bits
// Constructors
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ public class PresenceTransaction extends Transaction {
String signerAddress = Crypto.toAddress(this.transactionData.getCreatorPublicKey());
for (ATData atData : atsData) {
ByteArray atCodeHash = new ByteArray(atData.getCodeHash());
ByteArray atCodeHash = ByteArray.wrap(atData.getCodeHash());
Supplier<ACCT> acctSupplier = acctSuppliersByCodeHash.get(atCodeHash);
if (acctSupplier == null)
@ -39,11 +39,7 @@ public class RegisterNameTransaction extends Transaction {
public long getUnitFee(Long timestamp) {
// Use a higher unit fee after the fee increase timestamp
if (timestamp > BlockChain.getInstance().getNameRegistrationUnitFeeTimestamp()) {
return BlockChain.getInstance().getNameRegistrationUnitFee();
return BlockChain.getInstance().getUnitFee();
return BlockChain.getInstance().getNameRegistrationUnitFeeAtTimestamp(timestamp);
// Navigation
@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ public class ArbitraryTransactionTransformer extends TransactionTransformer {
private static final int IDENTIFIER_SIZE_LENGTH = INT_LENGTH;
private static final int COMPRESSION_LENGTH = INT_LENGTH;
private static final int METHOD_LENGTH = INT_LENGTH;
private static final int SECRET_LENGTH = INT_LENGTH; // TODO: wtf?
private static final int SECRET_SIZE_LENGTH = INT_LENGTH;
protected static final TransactionLayout layout;
@ -8,12 +8,16 @@ public class ByteArray implements Comparable<ByteArray> {
private int hash;
public final byte[] value;
public ByteArray(byte[] value) {
this.value = Objects.requireNonNull(value);
private ByteArray(byte[] value) {
this.value = value;
public static ByteArray of(byte[] value) {
return new ByteArray(value);
public static ByteArray wrap(byte[] value) {
return new ByteArray(Objects.requireNonNull(value));
public static ByteArray copyOf(byte[] value) {
return new ByteArray(Arrays.copyOf(value, value.length));
@ -36,12 +40,7 @@ public class ByteArray implements Comparable<ByteArray> {
byte[] val = this.value;
if (h == 0 && val.length > 0) {
h = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < val.length; ++i)
h = 31 * h + val[i];
this.hash = h;
this.hash = h = Arrays.hashCode(val);
return h;
@ -53,24 +52,7 @@ public class ByteArray implements Comparable<ByteArray> {
public int compareToPrimitive(byte[] otherValue) {
byte[] val = this.value;
if (val.length < otherValue.length)
return -1;
if (val.length > otherValue.length)
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < val.length; ++i) {
int a = val[i] & 0xFF;
int b = otherValue[i] & 0xFF;
if (a < b)
return -1;
if (a > b)
return 1;
return 0;
return Arrays.compareUnsigned(this.value, otherValue);
public String toString() {
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ public abstract class ExecuteProduceConsume implements Runnable {
private final String className;
private final Logger logger;
private final boolean isLoggerTraceEnabled;
protected ExecutorService executor;
@ -43,12 +42,12 @@ public abstract class ExecuteProduceConsume implements Runnable {
private volatile int tasksConsumed = 0;
private volatile int spawnFailures = 0;
/** Whether a new thread has already been spawned and is waiting to start. Used to prevent spawning multiple new threads. */
private volatile boolean hasThreadPending = false;
public ExecuteProduceConsume(ExecutorService executor) {
this.className = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
this.logger = LogManager.getLogger(this.getClass());
this.isLoggerTraceEnabled = this.logger.isTraceEnabled();
this.executor = executor;
@ -98,15 +97,14 @@ public abstract class ExecuteProduceConsume implements Runnable {
protected abstract Task produceTask(boolean canBlock) throws InterruptedException;
public interface Task {
public abstract void perform() throws InterruptedException;
String getName();
void perform() throws InterruptedException;
public void run() {
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled)
Thread.currentThread().setName(this.className + "-" + Thread.currentThread().getId());
Thread.currentThread().setName(this.className + "-" + Thread.currentThread().getId());
boolean wasThreadPending;
synchronized (this) {
@ -114,25 +112,19 @@ public abstract class ExecuteProduceConsume implements Runnable {
if (this.activeThreadCount > this.greatestActiveThreadCount)
this.greatestActiveThreadCount = this.activeThreadCount;
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] started, hasThreadPending was: %b, activeThreadCount now: %d",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), this.hasThreadPending, this.activeThreadCount));
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] started, hasThreadPending was: %b, activeThreadCount now: %d",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), this.hasThreadPending, this.activeThreadCount));
// Defer clearing hasThreadPending to prevent unnecessary threads waiting to produce...
wasThreadPending = this.hasThreadPending;
try {
// It's possible this might need to become a class instance private volatile
boolean canBlock = false;
while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
Task task = null;
String taskType;
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] waiting to produce...", Thread.currentThread().getId()));
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] waiting to produce...", Thread.currentThread().getId()));
synchronized (this) {
if (wasThreadPending) {
@ -141,13 +133,13 @@ public abstract class ExecuteProduceConsume implements Runnable {
wasThreadPending = false;
final boolean lambdaCanIdle = canBlock;
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] producing, activeThreadCount: %d, consumerCount: %d, canBlock is %b...",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), this.activeThreadCount, this.consumerCount, lambdaCanIdle));
// If we're the only non-consuming thread - producer can afford to block this round
boolean canBlock = this.activeThreadCount - this.consumerCount <= 1;
final long beforeProduce = isLoggerTraceEnabled ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0;
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] producing... [activeThreadCount: %d, consumerCount: %d, canBlock: %b]",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), this.activeThreadCount, this.consumerCount, canBlock));
final long beforeProduce = this.logger.isDebugEnabled() ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0;
try {
task = produceTask(canBlock);
@ -158,31 +150,36 @@ public abstract class ExecuteProduceConsume implements Runnable {
this.logger.warn(() -> String.format("[%d] exception while trying to produce task", Thread.currentThread().getId()), e);
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] producing took %dms", Thread.currentThread().getId(), System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeProduce));
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
final long productionPeriod = System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeProduce;
taskType = task == null ? "no task" : task.getName();
this.logger.debug(() -> String.format("[%d] produced [%s] in %dms [canBlock: %b]",
} else {
taskType = null;
if (task == null)
synchronized (this) {
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] no task, activeThreadCount: %d, consumerCount: %d",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), this.activeThreadCount, this.consumerCount));
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] no task, activeThreadCount: %d, consumerCount: %d",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), this.activeThreadCount, this.consumerCount));
if (this.activeThreadCount > this.consumerCount + 1) {
// If we have an excess of non-consuming threads then we can exit
if (this.activeThreadCount - this.consumerCount > 1) {
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] ending, activeThreadCount now: %d",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), this.activeThreadCount));
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] ending, activeThreadCount now: %d",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), this.activeThreadCount));
// We're the last surviving thread - producer can afford to block next round
canBlock = true;
@ -192,16 +189,13 @@ public abstract class ExecuteProduceConsume implements Runnable {
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] hasThreadPending: %b, activeThreadCount: %d, consumerCount now: %d",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), this.hasThreadPending, this.activeThreadCount, this.consumerCount));
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] hasThreadPending: %b, activeThreadCount: %d, consumerCount now: %d",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), this.hasThreadPending, this.activeThreadCount, this.consumerCount));
// If we have no thread pending and no excess of threads then we should spawn a fresh thread
if (!this.hasThreadPending && this.activeThreadCount <= this.consumerCount + 1) {
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] spawning another thread", Thread.currentThread().getId()));
if (!this.hasThreadPending && this.activeThreadCount == this.consumerCount) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] spawning another thread", Thread.currentThread().getId()));
this.hasThreadPending = true;
try {
@ -209,21 +203,19 @@ public abstract class ExecuteProduceConsume implements Runnable {
} catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
this.hasThreadPending = false;
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] failed to spawn another thread", Thread.currentThread().getId()));
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] failed to spawn another thread", Thread.currentThread().getId()));
} else {
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] NOT spawning another thread", Thread.currentThread().getId()));
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] NOT spawning another thread", Thread.currentThread().getId()));
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] performing task...", Thread.currentThread().getId()));
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] consuming [%s] task...", Thread.currentThread().getId(), taskType));
final long beforePerform = this.logger.isDebugEnabled() ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0;
try {
task.perform(); // This can block for a while
@ -231,29 +223,25 @@ public abstract class ExecuteProduceConsume implements Runnable {
// We're in shutdown situation so exit
} catch (Exception e) {
this.logger.warn(() -> String.format("[%d] exception while performing task", Thread.currentThread().getId()), e);
this.logger.warn(() -> String.format("[%d] exception while consuming task", Thread.currentThread().getId()), e);
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] finished task", Thread.currentThread().getId()));
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
final long productionPeriod = System.currentTimeMillis() - beforePerform;
this.logger.debug(() -> String.format("[%d] consumed [%s] task in %dms", Thread.currentThread().getId(), taskType, productionPeriod));
synchronized (this) {
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled) {
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] consumerCount now: %d",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), this.consumerCount));
// Quicker, non-blocking produce next round
canBlock = false;
this.logger.trace(() -> String.format("[%d] consumerCount now: %d",
Thread.currentThread().getId(), this.consumerCount));
} finally {
if (this.isLoggerTraceEnabled)
@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
"maxBlockSize": 2097152,
"maxBytesPerUnitFee": 1024,
"unitFee": "0.001",
"nameRegistrationUnitFee": "5",
"nameRegistrationUnitFeeTimestamp": 1645372800000,
"nameRegistrationUnitFees": [
{ "timestamp": 1645372800000, "fee": "5" },
{ "timestamp": 1651420800000, "fee": "1.25" }
"useBrokenMD160ForAddresses": false,
"requireGroupForApproval": false,
"defaultGroupId": 0,
@ -32,19 +32,40 @@ public class ByteArrayTests {
private static void fillMap(Map<ByteArray, String> map) {
for (byte[] testValue : testValues)
map.put(new ByteArray(testValue), String.valueOf(map.size()));
map.put(ByteArray.wrap(testValue), String.valueOf(map.size()));
private static byte[] dup(byte[] value) {
return Arrays.copyOf(value, value.length);
public void testOriginatingIssue() {
Map<byte[], String> testMap = new HashMap<>();
byte[] someValue = testValues.get(3);
testMap.put(someValue, "someValue");
byte[] copiedValue = dup(someValue);
// Show that a byte[] with same values is not found
System.out.printf("byte[] hashCode: 0x%08x%n", someValue.hashCode());
System.out.printf("duplicated byte[] hashCode: 0x%08x%n", copiedValue.hashCode());
* Unfortunately this doesn't work because HashMap::containsKey compares hashCodes first,
* followed by object references, and copiedValue.hashCode() will never match someValue.hashCode().
assertFalse("byte[] with same values, but difference reference, not found", testMap.containsKey(copiedValue));
public void testSameContentReference() {
// Create two objects, which will have different references, but same content.
// Create two objects, which will have different references, but same content references.
byte[] testValue = testValues.get(0);
ByteArray ba1 = new ByteArray(testValue);
ByteArray ba2 = new ByteArray(testValue);
ByteArray ba1 = ByteArray.wrap(testValue);
ByteArray ba2 = ByteArray.wrap(testValue);
// Confirm JVM-assigned references are different
assertNotSame(ba1, ba2);
@ -58,13 +79,31 @@ public class ByteArrayTests {
public void testSameContentValue() {
// Create two objects, which will have different references, but same content.
public void testSameWrappedContentValue() {
// Create two objects, which will have different references, and different content references, but same content values.
byte[] testValue = testValues.get(0);
ByteArray ba1 = new ByteArray(testValue);
ByteArray ba1 = ByteArray.wrap(testValue);
byte[] copiedValue = dup(testValue);
ByteArray ba2 = new ByteArray(copiedValue);
ByteArray ba2 = ByteArray.wrap(copiedValue);
// Confirm JVM-assigned references are different
assertNotSame(ba1, ba2);
// Confirm "equals" works as intended
assertTrue("equals did not return true", ba1.equals(ba2));
assertEquals("ba1 not equal to ba2", ba1, ba2);
// Confirm "hashCode" results match
assertEquals("hashCodes do not match", ba1.hashCode(), ba2.hashCode());
public void testSameCopiedContentValue() {
// Create two objects, which will have different references, and different content references, but same content values.
byte[] testValue = testValues.get(0);
ByteArray ba1 = ByteArray.wrap(testValue);
ByteArray ba2 = ByteArray.copyOf(testValue);
// Confirm JVM-assigned references are different
assertNotSame(ba1, ba2);
@ -81,13 +120,17 @@ public class ByteArrayTests {
public void testCompareBoxedWithPrimitive() {
byte[] testValue = testValues.get(0);
ByteArray ba1 = new ByteArray(testValue);
ByteArray wrappedByteArray = ByteArray.wrap(testValue);
byte[] copiedValue = dup(testValue);
ByteArray copiedByteArray = ByteArray.copyOf(copiedValue);
// Confirm "equals" works as intended
assertTrue("equals did not return true", ba1.equals(copiedValue));
assertEquals("boxed not equal to primitive", ba1, copiedValue);
assertTrue("equals did not return true", wrappedByteArray.equals(copiedValue));
assertEquals("boxed not equal to primitive", wrappedByteArray, copiedValue);
assertTrue("equals did not return true", copiedByteArray.equals(testValue));
assertEquals("boxed not equal to primitive", copiedByteArray, testValue);
@ -98,7 +141,7 @@ public class ByteArrayTests {
// Create new ByteArray object with an existing value.
byte[] copiedValue = dup(testValues.get(3));
ByteArray ba = new ByteArray(copiedValue);
ByteArray ba = ByteArray.wrap(copiedValue);
// Confirm object can be found in map
assertTrue("ByteArray not found in map", testMap.containsKey(ba));
@ -120,7 +163,7 @@ public class ByteArrayTests {
// Create new ByteArray object with an existing value.
byte[] copiedValue = dup(testValues.get(3));
ByteArray ba = new ByteArray(copiedValue);
ByteArray ba = ByteArray.wrap(copiedValue);
// Confirm object can be found in map
assertTrue("ByteArray not found in map", testMap.containsKey(ba));
@ -128,7 +171,7 @@ public class ByteArrayTests {
assertTrue("boxed not equal to primitive", ba.equals(copiedValue));
* Unfortunately this doesn't work because TreeMap::containsKey(x) wants to cast x to
* Unfortunately this doesn't work because TreeMap::containsKey(byte[]) wants to cast byte[] to
* Comparable<? super ByteArray> and byte[] does not fit <? super ByteArray>
* so this throws a ClassCastException.
@ -145,7 +188,7 @@ public class ByteArrayTests {
public void testArrayListContains() {
// Create new ByteArray object with an existing value.
byte[] copiedValue = dup(testValues.get(3));
ByteArray ba = new ByteArray(copiedValue);
ByteArray ba = ByteArray.wrap(copiedValue);
// Confirm object can be found in list
assertTrue("ByteArray not found in map", testValues.contains(ba));
@ -154,7 +197,7 @@ public class ByteArrayTests {
* Unfortunately this doesn't work because ArrayList::contains performs
* copiedValue.equals(x) for each x in testValues, and byte[].equals()
* copiedValue.equals(byte[]) for each byte[] in testValues, and byte[].equals()
* simply compares object references, so will never match any ByteArray.
assertFalse("Primitive shouldn't be found in ArrayList", testValues.contains(copiedValue));
@ -163,23 +206,25 @@ public class ByteArrayTests {
public void debugBoxedVersusPrimitive() {
byte[] testValue = testValues.get(0);
ByteArray ba1 = new ByteArray(testValue);
ByteArray ba1 = ByteArray.wrap(testValue);
byte[] copiedValue = dup(testValue);
System.out.println(String.format("Primitive hashCode: 0x%08x", testValue.hashCode()));
System.out.println(String.format("Boxed hashCode: 0x%08x", ba1.hashCode()));
System.out.println(String.format("Duplicated primitive hashCode: 0x%08x", copiedValue.hashCode()));
System.out.printf("Primitive hashCode: 0x%08x%n", testValue.hashCode());
System.out.printf("Boxed hashCode: 0x%08x%n", ba1.hashCode());
System.out.printf("Duplicated primitive hashCode: 0x%08x%n", copiedValue.hashCode());
public void testCompareTo() {
ByteArray testValue0 = new ByteArray(new byte[] { 0x00 });
ByteArray testValue1 = new ByteArray(new byte[] { 0x01 });
ByteArray testValue0 = ByteArray.wrap(new byte[] { 0x00 });
ByteArray testValue1 = ByteArray.wrap(new byte[] { 0x01 });
ByteArray testValueFf = ByteArray.wrap(new byte[] {(byte) 0xFF});
assertEquals("0 should be the same as 0", 0, testValue0.compareTo(testValue0));
assertEquals("0 should be before 1", -1, testValue0.compareTo(testValue1));
assertEquals("1 should be after 0", 1, testValue1.compareTo(testValue0));
assertTrue("0 should be the same as 0", testValue0.compareTo(testValue0) == 0);
assertTrue("0 should be before 1", testValue0.compareTo(testValue1) < 0);
assertTrue("1 should be after 0", testValue1.compareTo(testValue0) > 0);
assertTrue("FF should be after 0", testValueFf.compareTo(testValue0) > 0);
@ -13,9 +13,25 @@ import org.junit.Test;
import org.qortal.utils.ExecuteProduceConsume;
import org.qortal.utils.ExecuteProduceConsume.StatsSnapshot;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
public class EPCTests {
class RandomEPC extends ExecuteProduceConsume {
static class SleepTask implements ExecuteProduceConsume.Task {
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
public String getName() {
return "SleepTask";
public void perform() throws InterruptedException {
Thread.sleep(RANDOM.nextInt(500) + 100);
static class RandomEPC extends ExecuteProduceConsume {
private final int TASK_PERCENT;
private final int PAUSE_PERCENT;
@ -37,9 +53,7 @@ public class EPCTests {
// Sometimes produce a task
if (percent < TASK_PERCENT) {
return () -> {
Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(500) + 100);
return new SleepTask();
} else {
// If we don't produce a task, then maybe simulate a pause until work arrives
if (canIdle && percent < PAUSE_PERCENT)
@ -50,45 +64,6 @@ public class EPCTests {
private void testEPC(ExecuteProduceConsume testEPC) throws InterruptedException {
final int runTime = 60; // seconds
System.out.println(String.format("Testing EPC for %s seconds:", runTime));
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Status reports every second (bar waiting for synchronization)
ScheduledExecutorService statusExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
statusExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> {
final StatsSnapshot snapshot = testEPC.getStatsSnapshot();
final long seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000L;
System.out.print(String.format("After %d second%s, ", seconds, (seconds != 1 ? "s" : "")));
}, 1L, 1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Let it run for a minute
Thread.sleep(runTime * 1000L);
final long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
testEPC.shutdown(30 * 1000);
final long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(String.format("Shutdown took %d milliseconds", after - before));
final StatsSnapshot snapshot = testEPC.getStatsSnapshot();
System.out.print("After shutdown, ");
private void printSnapshot(final StatsSnapshot snapshot) {
System.out.println(String.format("threads: %d active (%d max, %d exhaustion%s), tasks: %d produced / %d consumed",
snapshot.activeThreadCount, snapshot.greatestActiveThreadCount,
snapshot.spawnFailures, (snapshot.spawnFailures != 1 ? "s": ""),
snapshot.tasksProduced, snapshot.tasksConsumed));
public void testRandomEPC() throws InterruptedException {
final int TASK_PERCENT = 25; // Produce a task this % of the time
@ -131,18 +106,39 @@ public class EPCTests {
final int MAX_PEERS = 20;
final List<Long> lastPings = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(MAX_PEERS, System.currentTimeMillis()));
final List<Long> lastPingProduced = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(MAX_PEERS, System.currentTimeMillis()));
class PingTask implements ExecuteProduceConsume.Task {
private final int peerIndex;
private final long lastPing;
private final long productionTimestamp;
private final String name;
public PingTask(int peerIndex) {
public PingTask(int peerIndex, long lastPing, long productionTimestamp) {
this.peerIndex = peerIndex;
this.lastPing = lastPing;
this.productionTimestamp = productionTimestamp;
this.name = "PingTask::[" + this.peerIndex + "]";
public String getName() {
return name;
public void perform() throws InterruptedException {
System.out.println("Pinging peer " + peerIndex);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(String.format("Pinging peer %d after post-production delay of %dms and ping interval of %dms",
now - productionTimestamp,
now - lastPing
long threshold = now - PING_INTERVAL - PRODUCER_SLEEP_TIME;
if (lastPing < threshold)
fail("excessive peer ping interval for peer " + peerIndex);
// At least half the worst case ping round-trip
Random random = new Random();
@ -155,32 +151,73 @@ public class EPCTests {
class PingEPC extends ExecuteProduceConsume {
protected Task produceTask(boolean canIdle) throws InterruptedException {
// If we can idle, then we do, to simulate worst case
if (canIdle)
// Is there a peer that needs a ping?
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
synchronized (lastPings) {
for (int peerIndex = 0; peerIndex < lastPings.size(); ++peerIndex) {
long lastPing = lastPings.get(peerIndex);
throw new RuntimeException("excessive peer ping interval for peer " + peerIndex);
synchronized (lastPingProduced) {
for (int peerIndex = 0; peerIndex < lastPingProduced.size(); ++peerIndex) {
long lastPing = lastPingProduced.get(peerIndex);
if (lastPing < now - PING_INTERVAL) {
lastPings.set(peerIndex, System.currentTimeMillis());
return new PingTask(peerIndex);
lastPingProduced.set(peerIndex, System.currentTimeMillis());
return new PingTask(peerIndex, lastPing, now);
// If we can idle, then we do, to simulate worst case
if (canIdle)
// No work to do
return null;
System.out.println(String.format("Pings should start after %s seconds", PING_INTERVAL));
testEPC(new PingEPC());
private void testEPC(ExecuteProduceConsume testEPC) throws InterruptedException {
final int runTime = 60; // seconds
System.out.println(String.format("Testing EPC for %s seconds:", runTime));
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Status reports every second (bar waiting for synchronization)
ScheduledExecutorService statusExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
() -> {
final StatsSnapshot snapshot = testEPC.getStatsSnapshot();
final long seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000L;
System.out.println(String.format("After %d second%s, %s", seconds, seconds != 1 ? "s" : "", formatSnapshot(snapshot)));
0L, 1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS
// Let it run for a minute
Thread.sleep(runTime * 1000L);
final long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
testEPC.shutdown(30 * 1000);
final long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(String.format("Shutdown took %d milliseconds", after - before));
final StatsSnapshot snapshot = testEPC.getStatsSnapshot();
System.out.println("After shutdown, " + formatSnapshot(snapshot));
private String formatSnapshot(StatsSnapshot snapshot) {
return String.format("threads: %d active (%d max, %d exhaustion%s), tasks: %d produced / %d consumed",
snapshot.activeThreadCount, snapshot.greatestActiveThreadCount,
snapshot.spawnFailures, (snapshot.spawnFailures != 1 ? "s": ""),
snapshot.tasksProduced, snapshot.tasksConsumed
@ -78,6 +78,118 @@ public class ArbitraryTransactionMetadataTests extends Common {
public void testSingleChunkWithMetadata() throws DataException, IOException, MissingDataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount alice = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "alice");
String publicKey58 = Base58.encode(alice.getPublicKey());
String name = "TEST"; // Can be anything for this test
String identifier = null; // Not used for this test
Service service = Service.ARBITRARY_DATA;
int chunkSize = 1000;
int dataLength = 10; // Actual data length will be longer due to encryption
String title = "Test title";
String description = "Test description";
List<String> tags = Arrays.asList("Test", "tag", "another tag");
Category category = Category.QORTAL;
// Register the name to Alice
RegisterNameTransactionData transactionData = new RegisterNameTransactionData(TestTransaction.generateBase(alice), name, "");
transactionData.setFee(new RegisterNameTransaction(null, null).getUnitFee(transactionData.getTimestamp()));
TransactionUtils.signAndMint(repository, transactionData, alice);
// Create PUT transaction
Path path1 = ArbitraryUtils.generateRandomDataPath(dataLength);
ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryDataFile = ArbitraryUtils.createAndMintTxn(repository, publicKey58, path1, name,
identifier, ArbitraryTransactionData.Method.PUT, service, alice, chunkSize,
title, description, tags, category);
// Check the chunk count is correct
assertEquals(0, arbitraryDataFile.chunkCount());
// Check the metadata is correct
assertEquals(title, arbitraryDataFile.getMetadata().getTitle());
assertEquals(description, arbitraryDataFile.getMetadata().getDescription());
assertEquals(tags, arbitraryDataFile.getMetadata().getTags());
assertEquals(category, arbitraryDataFile.getMetadata().getCategory());
// Now build the latest data state for this name
ArbitraryDataReader arbitraryDataReader = new ArbitraryDataReader(name, ResourceIdType.NAME, service, identifier);
Path initialLayerPath = arbitraryDataReader.getFilePath();
ArbitraryDataDigest initialLayerDigest = new ArbitraryDataDigest(initialLayerPath);
// Its directory hash should match the original directory hash
ArbitraryDataDigest path1Digest = new ArbitraryDataDigest(path1);
assertEquals(path1Digest.getHash58(), initialLayerDigest.getHash58());
public void testSingleNonLocalChunkWithMetadata() throws DataException, IOException, MissingDataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount alice = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "alice");
String publicKey58 = Base58.encode(alice.getPublicKey());
String name = "TEST"; // Can be anything for this test
String identifier = null; // Not used for this test
Service service = Service.ARBITRARY_DATA;
int chunkSize = 1000;
int dataLength = 10; // Actual data length will be longer due to encryption
String title = "Test title";
String description = "Test description";
List<String> tags = Arrays.asList("Test", "tag", "another tag");
Category category = Category.QORTAL;
// Register the name to Alice
RegisterNameTransactionData transactionData = new RegisterNameTransactionData(TestTransaction.generateBase(alice), name, "");
transactionData.setFee(new RegisterNameTransaction(null, null).getUnitFee(transactionData.getTimestamp()));
TransactionUtils.signAndMint(repository, transactionData, alice);
// Create PUT transaction
Path path1 = ArbitraryUtils.generateRandomDataPath(dataLength);
ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryDataFile = ArbitraryUtils.createAndMintTxn(repository, publicKey58, path1, name,
identifier, ArbitraryTransactionData.Method.PUT, service, alice, chunkSize,
title, description, tags, category);
// Check the chunk count is correct
assertEquals(0, arbitraryDataFile.chunkCount());
// Check the metadata is correct
assertEquals(title, arbitraryDataFile.getMetadata().getTitle());
assertEquals(description, arbitraryDataFile.getMetadata().getDescription());
assertEquals(tags, arbitraryDataFile.getMetadata().getTags());
assertEquals(category, arbitraryDataFile.getMetadata().getCategory());
// Delete the file, to simulate that it hasn't been fetched from the network yet
boolean missingDataExceptionCaught = false;
boolean ioExceptionCaught = false;
// Now build the latest data state for this name
ArbitraryDataReader arbitraryDataReader = new ArbitraryDataReader(name, ResourceIdType.NAME, service, identifier);
try {
catch (MissingDataException e) {
missingDataExceptionCaught = true;
catch (IOException e) {
ioExceptionCaught = true;
// We expect a MissingDataException, not an IOException.
// This is because MissingDataException means that the core has correctly identified a file is missing,
// whereas an IOException would be due to trying to build without first having everything that is needed.
public void testDescriptiveMetadata() throws DataException, IOException, MissingDataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package org.qortal.test.crosschain;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction;
import org.bitcoinj.store.BlockStoreException;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.qortal.crosschain.ForeignBlockchainException;
import org.qortal.crosschain.Digibyte;
import org.qortal.crosschain.BitcoinyHTLC;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.test.common.Common;
public class DigibyteTests extends Common {
private Digibyte digibyte;
public void beforeTest() throws DataException {
Common.useDefaultSettings(); // TestNet3
digibyte = Digibyte.getInstance();
public void afterTest() {
digibyte = null;
public void testGetMedianBlockTime() throws BlockStoreException, ForeignBlockchainException {
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(String.format("Digibyte median blocktime: %d", digibyte.getMedianBlockTime()));
long afterFirst = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(String.format("Digibyte median blocktime: %d", digibyte.getMedianBlockTime()));
long afterSecond = System.currentTimeMillis();
long firstPeriod = afterFirst - before;
long secondPeriod = afterSecond - afterFirst;
System.out.println(String.format("1st call: %d ms, 2nd call: %d ms", firstPeriod, secondPeriod));
assertTrue("2nd call should be quicker than 1st", secondPeriod < firstPeriod);
assertTrue("2nd call should take less than 5 seconds", secondPeriod < 5000L);
@Ignore(value = "Doesn't work, to be fixed later")
public void testFindHtlcSecret() throws ForeignBlockchainException {
// This actually exists on TEST3 but can take a while to fetch
String p2shAddress = "2N8WCg52ULCtDSMjkgVTm5mtPdCsUptkHWE";
byte[] expectedSecret = "This string is exactly 32 bytes!".getBytes();
byte[] secret = BitcoinyHTLC.findHtlcSecret(digibyte, p2shAddress);
assertNotNull("secret not found", secret);
assertTrue("secret incorrect", Arrays.equals(expectedSecret, secret));
@Ignore(value = "No testnet nodes available, so we can't regularly test buildSpend yet")
public void testBuildSpend() {
String xprv58 = "tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdahhFSrCdvC1bsWyzHHZfTneTVqUXN6s1wEtZLwAkZXzFP6TYLg2aQMecZLXLre5bTVGajEB55L1HYJcawpdFG66STVAWPJ";
String recipient = "2N8WCg52ULCtDSMjkgVTm5mtPdCsUptkHWE";
long amount = 1000L;
Transaction transaction = digibyte.buildSpend(xprv58, recipient, amount);
assertNotNull("insufficient funds", transaction);
// Check spent key caching doesn't affect outcome
transaction = digibyte.buildSpend(xprv58, recipient, amount);
assertNotNull("insufficient funds", transaction);
public void testGetWalletBalance() {
String xprv58 = "tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdahhFSrCdvC1bsWyzHHZfTneTVqUXN6s1wEtZLwAkZXzFP6TYLg2aQMecZLXLre5bTVGajEB55L1HYJcawpdFG66STVAWPJ";
Long balance = digibyte.getWalletBalance(xprv58);
// Check spent key caching doesn't affect outcome
Long repeatBalance = digibyte.getWalletBalance(xprv58);
assertEquals(balance, repeatBalance);
public void testGetUnusedReceiveAddress() throws ForeignBlockchainException {
String xprv58 = "tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdahhFSrCdvC1bsWyzHHZfTneTVqUXN6s1wEtZLwAkZXzFP6TYLg2aQMecZLXLre5bTVGajEB55L1HYJcawpdFG66STVAWPJ";
String address = digibyte.getUnusedReceiveAddress(xprv58);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package org.qortal.test.crosschain;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction;
import org.bitcoinj.store.BlockStoreException;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.qortal.crosschain.ForeignBlockchainException;
import org.qortal.crosschain.Ravencoin;
import org.qortal.crosschain.BitcoinyHTLC;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.test.common.Common;
public class RavencoinTests extends Common {
private Ravencoin ravencoin;
public void beforeTest() throws DataException {
Common.useDefaultSettings(); // TestNet3
ravencoin = Ravencoin.getInstance();
public void afterTest() {
ravencoin = null;
public void testGetMedianBlockTime() throws BlockStoreException, ForeignBlockchainException {
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(String.format("Ravencoin median blocktime: %d", ravencoin.getMedianBlockTime()));
long afterFirst = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(String.format("Ravencoin median blocktime: %d", ravencoin.getMedianBlockTime()));
long afterSecond = System.currentTimeMillis();
long firstPeriod = afterFirst - before;
long secondPeriod = afterSecond - afterFirst;
System.out.println(String.format("1st call: %d ms, 2nd call: %d ms", firstPeriod, secondPeriod));
assertTrue("2nd call should be quicker than 1st", secondPeriod < firstPeriod);
assertTrue("2nd call should take less than 5 seconds", secondPeriod < 5000L);
@Ignore(value = "Doesn't work, to be fixed later")
public void testFindHtlcSecret() throws ForeignBlockchainException {
// This actually exists on TEST3 but can take a while to fetch
String p2shAddress = "2N8WCg52ULCtDSMjkgVTm5mtPdCsUptkHWE";
byte[] expectedSecret = "This string is exactly 32 bytes!".getBytes();
byte[] secret = BitcoinyHTLC.findHtlcSecret(ravencoin, p2shAddress);
assertNotNull("secret not found", secret);
assertTrue("secret incorrect", Arrays.equals(expectedSecret, secret));
@Ignore(value = "No testnet nodes available, so we can't regularly test buildSpend yet")
public void testBuildSpend() {
String xprv58 = "tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdahhFSrCdvC1bsWyzHHZfTneTVqUXN6s1wEtZLwAkZXzFP6TYLg2aQMecZLXLre5bTVGajEB55L1HYJcawpdFG66STVAWPJ";
String recipient = "2N8WCg52ULCtDSMjkgVTm5mtPdCsUptkHWE";
long amount = 1000L;
Transaction transaction = ravencoin.buildSpend(xprv58, recipient, amount);
assertNotNull("insufficient funds", transaction);
// Check spent key caching doesn't affect outcome
transaction = ravencoin.buildSpend(xprv58, recipient, amount);
assertNotNull("insufficient funds", transaction);
public void testGetWalletBalance() {
String xprv58 = "tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdahhFSrCdvC1bsWyzHHZfTneTVqUXN6s1wEtZLwAkZXzFP6TYLg2aQMecZLXLre5bTVGajEB55L1HYJcawpdFG66STVAWPJ";
Long balance = ravencoin.getWalletBalance(xprv58);
// Check spent key caching doesn't affect outcome
Long repeatBalance = ravencoin.getWalletBalance(xprv58);
assertEquals(balance, repeatBalance);
public void testGetUnusedReceiveAddress() throws ForeignBlockchainException {
String xprv58 = "tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdahhFSrCdvC1bsWyzHHZfTneTVqUXN6s1wEtZLwAkZXzFP6TYLg2aQMecZLXLre5bTVGajEB55L1HYJcawpdFG66STVAWPJ";
String address = ravencoin.getUnusedReceiveAddress(xprv58);
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public class TradeBotPresenceTests {
public void testEnforceLatestTimestamp() {
ByteArray pubkeyByteArray = ByteArray.of("publickey".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
ByteArray pubkeyByteArray = ByteArray.wrap("publickey".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
Map<ByteArray, Long> timestampsByPublicKey = new HashMap<>();
@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
package org.qortal.test.crosschain.digibytev3;
import com.google.common.hash.HashCode;
import com.google.common.primitives.Bytes;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.qortal.account.Account;
import org.qortal.account.PrivateKeyAccount;
import org.qortal.asset.Asset;
import org.qortal.block.Block;
import org.qortal.crosschain.AcctMode;
import org.qortal.crosschain.DigibyteACCTv3;
import org.qortal.crypto.Crypto;
import org.qortal.data.at.ATData;
import org.qortal.data.at.ATStateData;
import org.qortal.data.crosschain.CrossChainTradeData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.BaseTransactionData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.DeployAtTransactionData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.MessageTransactionData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.TransactionData;
import org.qortal.group.Group;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.repository.Repository;
import org.qortal.repository.RepositoryManager;
import org.qortal.test.common.BlockUtils;
import org.qortal.test.common.Common;
import org.qortal.test.common.TransactionUtils;
import org.qortal.transaction.DeployAtTransaction;
import org.qortal.transaction.MessageTransaction;
import org.qortal.utils.Amounts;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.FormatStyle;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class DigibyteACCTv3Tests extends Common {
public static final byte[] secretA = "This string is exactly 32 bytes!".getBytes();
public static final byte[] hashOfSecretA = Crypto.hash160(secretA); // daf59884b4d1aec8c1b17102530909ee43c0151a
public static final byte[] digibytePublicKeyHash = HashCode.fromString("bb00bb11bb22bb33bb44bb55bb66bb77bb88bb99").asBytes();
public static final int tradeTimeout = 20; // blocks
public static final long redeemAmount = 80_40200000L;
public static final long fundingAmount = 123_45600000L;
public static final long digibyteAmount = 864200L; // 0.00864200 DGB
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
public void beforeTest() throws DataException {
public void testCompile() {
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(null);
byte[] creationBytes = DigibyteACCTv3.buildQortalAT(tradeAccount.getAddress(), digibytePublicKeyHash, redeemAmount, digibyteAmount, tradeTimeout);
System.out.println("AT creation bytes: " + HashCode.fromBytes(creationBytes).toString());
public void testDeploy() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
long expectedBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Deployer's post-deployment balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
expectedBalance = fundingAmount;
actualBalance = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount().getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("AT's post-deployment balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance;
actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's post-deployment balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
// Test orphaning
expectedBalance = deployersInitialBalance;
actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Deployer's post-orphan/pre-deployment balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
expectedBalance = 0;
actualBalance = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount().getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("AT's post-orphan/pre-deployment balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance;
actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's post-orphan/pre-deployment balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
public void testOfferCancel() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long deployersPostDeploymentBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtFee;
// Send creator's address to AT, instead of typical partner's address
byte[] messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().buildCancelMessage(deployer.getAddress());
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, messageData, atAddress);
long messageFee = messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
// AT should process 'cancel' message in next block
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should be in CANCELLED mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.CANCELLED, tradeData.mode);
// Check balances
long expectedMinimumBalance = deployersPostDeploymentBalance;
long expectedMaximumBalance = deployersInitialBalance - deployAtFee - messageFee;
long actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertTrue(String.format("Deployer's balance %s should be above minimum %s", actualBalance, expectedMinimumBalance), actualBalance > expectedMinimumBalance);
assertTrue(String.format("Deployer's balance %s should be below maximum %s", actualBalance, expectedMaximumBalance), actualBalance < expectedMaximumBalance);
// Test orphaning
// Check balances
long expectedBalance = deployersPostDeploymentBalance - messageFee;
actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Deployer's post-orphan/pre-refund balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
public void testOfferCancelInvalidLength() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long deployersPostDeploymentBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtFee;
// Instead of sending creator's address to AT, send too-short/invalid message
byte[] messageData = new byte[7];
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, messageData, atAddress);
long messageFee = messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
// AT should process 'cancel' message in next block
// As message is too short, it will be padded to 32bytes but cancel code doesn't care about message content, so should be ok
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should be in CANCELLED mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.CANCELLED, tradeData.mode);
public void testTradingInfoProcessing() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = DigibyteACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), digibytePublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, tradeAccount, messageData, atAddress);
Block postDeploymentBlock = BlockUtils.mintBlock(repository);
int postDeploymentBlockHeight = postDeploymentBlock.getBlockData().getHeight();
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long deployersPostDeploymentBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtFee;
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
// AT should be in TRADE mode
assertEquals(AcctMode.TRADING, tradeData.mode);
// Check hashOfSecretA was extracted correctly
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(hashOfSecretA, tradeData.hashOfSecretA));
// Check trade partner Qortal address was extracted correctly
assertEquals(partner.getAddress(), tradeData.qortalPartnerAddress);
// Check trade partner's digibyte PKH was extracted correctly
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(digibytePublicKeyHash, tradeData.partnerForeignPKH));
// Test orphaning
BlockUtils.orphanToBlock(repository, postDeploymentBlockHeight);
// Check balances
long expectedBalance = deployersPostDeploymentBalance;
long actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Deployer's post-orphan/pre-refund balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
public void testIncorrectTradeSender() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
PrivateKeyAccount bystander = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "bob");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = DigibyteACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT BUT NOT FROM AT CREATOR
byte[] messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), digibytePublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, bystander, messageData, atAddress);
long expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance;
long actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's post-initial-payout balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
// AT should still be in OFFER mode
assertEquals(AcctMode.OFFERING, tradeData.mode);
public void testAutomaticTradeRefund() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = DigibyteACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), digibytePublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, tradeAccount, messageData, atAddress);
Block postDeploymentBlock = BlockUtils.mintBlock(repository);
int postDeploymentBlockHeight = postDeploymentBlock.getBlockData().getHeight();
// Check refund
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long deployersPostDeploymentBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtFee;
checkTradeRefund(repository, deployer, deployersInitialBalance, deployAtFee);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should be in REFUNDED mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.REFUNDED, tradeData.mode);
// Test orphaning
BlockUtils.orphanToBlock(repository, postDeploymentBlockHeight);
// Check balances
long expectedBalance = deployersPostDeploymentBalance;
long actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Deployer's post-orphan/pre-refund balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
public void testCorrectSecretCorrectSender() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = DigibyteACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), digibytePublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, tradeAccount, messageData, atAddress);
// Give AT time to process message
// Send correct secret to AT, from correct account
messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildRedeemMessage(secretA, partner.getAddress());
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, partner, messageData, atAddress);
// AT should send funds in the next block
ATStateData preRedeemAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should be in REDEEMED mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.REDEEMED, tradeData.mode);
// Check balances
long expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance - messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee() + redeemAmount;
long actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's post-redeem balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
// Orphan redeem
// Check balances
expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance - messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's post-orphan/pre-redeem balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
// Check AT state
ATStateData postOrphanAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
assertTrue("AT states mismatch", Arrays.equals(preRedeemAtStateData.getStateData(), postOrphanAtStateData.getStateData()));
public void testCorrectSecretIncorrectSender() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
PrivateKeyAccount bystander = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "bob");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = DigibyteACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), digibytePublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, tradeAccount, messageData, atAddress);
// Give AT time to process message
// Send correct secret to AT, but from wrong account
messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildRedeemMessage(secretA, partner.getAddress());
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, bystander, messageData, atAddress);
// AT should NOT send funds in the next block
ATStateData preRedeemAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is NOT finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should still be in TRADE mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.TRADING, tradeData.mode);
// Check balances
long expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance;
long actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
// Check eventual refund
checkTradeRefund(repository, deployer, deployersInitialBalance, deployAtFee);
public void testIncorrectSecretCorrectSender() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = DigibyteACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), digibytePublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, tradeAccount, messageData, atAddress);
// Give AT time to process message
// Send incorrect secret to AT, from correct account
byte[] wrongSecret = new byte[32];
messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildRedeemMessage(wrongSecret, partner.getAddress());
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, partner, messageData, atAddress);
// AT should NOT send funds in the next block
ATStateData preRedeemAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is NOT finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should still be in TRADE mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.TRADING, tradeData.mode);
long expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance - messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
// Check eventual refund
checkTradeRefund(repository, deployer, deployersInitialBalance, deployAtFee);
public void testCorrectSecretCorrectSenderInvalidMessageLength() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = DigibyteACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = DigibyteACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), digibytePublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, tradeAccount, messageData, atAddress);
// Give AT time to process message
// Send correct secret to AT, from correct account, but missing receive address, hence incorrect length
messageData = Bytes.concat(secretA);
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, partner, messageData, atAddress);
// AT should NOT send funds in the next block
ATStateData preRedeemAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is NOT finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should be in TRADING mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.TRADING, tradeData.mode);
public void testDescribeDeployed() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
List<ATData> executableAts = repository.getATRepository().getAllExecutableATs();
for (ATData atData : executableAts) {
String atAddress = atData.getATAddress();
byte[] codeBytes = atData.getCodeBytes();
byte[] codeHash = Crypto.digest(codeBytes);
System.out.println(String.format("%s: code length: %d byte%s, code hash: %s",
(codeBytes.length != 1 ? "s": ""),
// Not one of ours?
if (!Arrays.equals(codeHash, DigibyteACCTv3.CODE_BYTES_HASH))
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
private int calcTestLockTimeA(long messageTimestamp) {
return (int) (messageTimestamp / 1000L + tradeTimeout * 60);
private DeployAtTransaction doDeploy(Repository repository, PrivateKeyAccount deployer, String tradeAddress) throws DataException {
byte[] creationBytes = DigibyteACCTv3.buildQortalAT(tradeAddress, digibytePublicKeyHash, redeemAmount, digibyteAmount, tradeTimeout);
long txTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
byte[] lastReference = deployer.getLastReference();
if (lastReference == null) {
System.err.println(String.format("Qortal account %s has no last reference", deployer.getAddress()));
Long fee = null;
String name = "QORT-DGB cross-chain trade";
String description = String.format("Qortal-Digibyte cross-chain trade");
String atType = "ACCT";
String tags = "QORT-DGB ACCT";
BaseTransactionData baseTransactionData = new BaseTransactionData(txTimestamp, Group.NO_GROUP, lastReference, deployer.getPublicKey(), fee, null);
TransactionData deployAtTransactionData = new DeployAtTransactionData(baseTransactionData, name, description, atType, tags, creationBytes, fundingAmount, Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = new DeployAtTransaction(repository, deployAtTransactionData);
fee = deployAtTransaction.calcRecommendedFee();
TransactionUtils.signAndMint(repository, deployAtTransactionData, deployer);
return deployAtTransaction;
private MessageTransaction sendMessage(Repository repository, PrivateKeyAccount sender, byte[] data, String recipient) throws DataException {
long txTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
byte[] lastReference = sender.getLastReference();
if (lastReference == null) {
System.err.println(String.format("Qortal account %s has no last reference", sender.getAddress()));
Long fee = null;
int version = 4;
int nonce = 0;
long amount = 0;
Long assetId = null; // because amount is zero
BaseTransactionData baseTransactionData = new BaseTransactionData(txTimestamp, Group.NO_GROUP, lastReference, sender.getPublicKey(), fee, null);
TransactionData messageTransactionData = new MessageTransactionData(baseTransactionData, version, nonce, recipient, amount, assetId, data, false, false);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = new MessageTransaction(repository, messageTransactionData);
fee = messageTransaction.calcRecommendedFee();
TransactionUtils.signAndMint(repository, messageTransactionData, sender);
return messageTransaction;
private void checkTradeRefund(Repository repository, Account deployer, long deployersInitialBalance, long deployAtFee) throws DataException {
long deployersPostDeploymentBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtFee;
int refundTimeout = tradeTimeout / 2 + 1; // close enough
// AT should automatically refund deployer after 'refundTimeout' blocks
for (int blockCount = 0; blockCount <= refundTimeout; ++blockCount)
// We don't bother to exactly calculate QORT spent running AT for several blocks, but we do know the expected range
long expectedMinimumBalance = deployersPostDeploymentBalance;
long expectedMaximumBalance = deployersInitialBalance - deployAtFee;
long actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertTrue(String.format("Deployer's balance %s should be above minimum %s", actualBalance, expectedMinimumBalance), actualBalance > expectedMinimumBalance);
assertTrue(String.format("Deployer's balance %s should be below maximum %s", actualBalance, expectedMaximumBalance), actualBalance < expectedMaximumBalance);
private void describeAt(Repository repository, String atAddress) throws DataException {
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = DigibyteACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
Function<Long, String> epochMilliFormatter = (timestamp) -> LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(timestamp), ZoneOffset.UTC).format(DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.MEDIUM));
int currentBlockHeight = repository.getBlockRepository().getBlockchainHeight();
+ "\tmode: %s\n"
+ "\tcreator: %s,\n"
+ "\tcreation timestamp: %s,\n"
+ "\tcurrent balance: %s QORT,\n"
+ "\tis finished: %b,\n"
+ "\tredeem payout: %s QORT,\n"
+ "\texpected digibyte: %s DGB,\n"
+ "\tcurrent block height: %d,\n",
if (tradeData.mode != AcctMode.OFFERING && tradeData.mode != AcctMode.CANCELLED) {
System.out.println(String.format("\trefund timeout: %d minutes,\n"
+ "\trefund height: block %d,\n"
+ "\tHASH160 of secret-A: %s,\n"
+ "\tDigibyte P2SH-A nLockTime: %d (%s),\n"
+ "\ttrade partner: %s\n"
+ "\tpartner's receiving address: %s",
HashCode.fromBytes(tradeData.hashOfSecretA).toString().substring(0, 40),
tradeData.lockTimeA, epochMilliFormatter.apply(tradeData.lockTimeA * 1000L),
private PrivateKeyAccount createTradeAccount(Repository repository) {
// We actually use a known test account with funds to avoid PoW compute
return Common.getTestAccount(repository, "alice");
@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
package org.qortal.test.crosschain.ravencoinv3;
import com.google.common.hash.HashCode;
import com.google.common.primitives.Bytes;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.qortal.account.Account;
import org.qortal.account.PrivateKeyAccount;
import org.qortal.asset.Asset;
import org.qortal.block.Block;
import org.qortal.crosschain.AcctMode;
import org.qortal.crosschain.RavencoinACCTv3;
import org.qortal.crypto.Crypto;
import org.qortal.data.at.ATData;
import org.qortal.data.at.ATStateData;
import org.qortal.data.crosschain.CrossChainTradeData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.BaseTransactionData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.DeployAtTransactionData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.MessageTransactionData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.TransactionData;
import org.qortal.group.Group;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.repository.Repository;
import org.qortal.repository.RepositoryManager;
import org.qortal.test.common.BlockUtils;
import org.qortal.test.common.Common;
import org.qortal.test.common.TransactionUtils;
import org.qortal.transaction.DeployAtTransaction;
import org.qortal.transaction.MessageTransaction;
import org.qortal.utils.Amounts;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.FormatStyle;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class RavencoinACCTv3Tests extends Common {
public static final byte[] secretA = "This string is exactly 32 bytes!".getBytes();
public static final byte[] hashOfSecretA = Crypto.hash160(secretA); // daf59884b4d1aec8c1b17102530909ee43c0151a
public static final byte[] ravencoinPublicKeyHash = HashCode.fromString("bb00bb11bb22bb33bb44bb55bb66bb77bb88bb99").asBytes();
public static final int tradeTimeout = 20; // blocks
public static final long redeemAmount = 80_40200000L;
public static final long fundingAmount = 123_45600000L;
public static final long ravencoinAmount = 864200L; // 0.00864200 RVN
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
public void beforeTest() throws DataException {
public void testCompile() {
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(null);
byte[] creationBytes = RavencoinACCTv3.buildQortalAT(tradeAccount.getAddress(), ravencoinPublicKeyHash, redeemAmount, ravencoinAmount, tradeTimeout);
System.out.println("AT creation bytes: " + HashCode.fromBytes(creationBytes).toString());
public void testDeploy() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
long expectedBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Deployer's post-deployment balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
expectedBalance = fundingAmount;
actualBalance = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount().getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("AT's post-deployment balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance;
actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's post-deployment balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
// Test orphaning
expectedBalance = deployersInitialBalance;
actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Deployer's post-orphan/pre-deployment balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
expectedBalance = 0;
actualBalance = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount().getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("AT's post-orphan/pre-deployment balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance;
actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's post-orphan/pre-deployment balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
public void testOfferCancel() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long deployersPostDeploymentBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtFee;
// Send creator's address to AT, instead of typical partner's address
byte[] messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().buildCancelMessage(deployer.getAddress());
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, messageData, atAddress);
long messageFee = messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
// AT should process 'cancel' message in next block
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should be in CANCELLED mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.CANCELLED, tradeData.mode);
// Check balances
long expectedMinimumBalance = deployersPostDeploymentBalance;
long expectedMaximumBalance = deployersInitialBalance - deployAtFee - messageFee;
long actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertTrue(String.format("Deployer's balance %s should be above minimum %s", actualBalance, expectedMinimumBalance), actualBalance > expectedMinimumBalance);
assertTrue(String.format("Deployer's balance %s should be below maximum %s", actualBalance, expectedMaximumBalance), actualBalance < expectedMaximumBalance);
// Test orphaning
// Check balances
long expectedBalance = deployersPostDeploymentBalance - messageFee;
actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Deployer's post-orphan/pre-refund balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
public void testOfferCancelInvalidLength() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long deployersPostDeploymentBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtFee;
// Instead of sending creator's address to AT, send too-short/invalid message
byte[] messageData = new byte[7];
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, messageData, atAddress);
long messageFee = messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
// AT should process 'cancel' message in next block
// As message is too short, it will be padded to 32bytes but cancel code doesn't care about message content, so should be ok
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should be in CANCELLED mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.CANCELLED, tradeData.mode);
public void testTradingInfoProcessing() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = RavencoinACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), ravencoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, tradeAccount, messageData, atAddress);
Block postDeploymentBlock = BlockUtils.mintBlock(repository);
int postDeploymentBlockHeight = postDeploymentBlock.getBlockData().getHeight();
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long deployersPostDeploymentBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtFee;
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
// AT should be in TRADE mode
assertEquals(AcctMode.TRADING, tradeData.mode);
// Check hashOfSecretA was extracted correctly
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(hashOfSecretA, tradeData.hashOfSecretA));
// Check trade partner Qortal address was extracted correctly
assertEquals(partner.getAddress(), tradeData.qortalPartnerAddress);
// Check trade partner's ravencoin PKH was extracted correctly
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(ravencoinPublicKeyHash, tradeData.partnerForeignPKH));
// Test orphaning
BlockUtils.orphanToBlock(repository, postDeploymentBlockHeight);
// Check balances
long expectedBalance = deployersPostDeploymentBalance;
long actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Deployer's post-orphan/pre-refund balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
public void testIncorrectTradeSender() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
PrivateKeyAccount bystander = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "bob");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = RavencoinACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT BUT NOT FROM AT CREATOR
byte[] messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), ravencoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, bystander, messageData, atAddress);
long expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance;
long actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's post-initial-payout balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
// AT should still be in OFFER mode
assertEquals(AcctMode.OFFERING, tradeData.mode);
public void testAutomaticTradeRefund() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = RavencoinACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), ravencoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, tradeAccount, messageData, atAddress);
Block postDeploymentBlock = BlockUtils.mintBlock(repository);
int postDeploymentBlockHeight = postDeploymentBlock.getBlockData().getHeight();
// Check refund
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long deployersPostDeploymentBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtFee;
checkTradeRefund(repository, deployer, deployersInitialBalance, deployAtFee);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should be in REFUNDED mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.REFUNDED, tradeData.mode);
// Test orphaning
BlockUtils.orphanToBlock(repository, postDeploymentBlockHeight);
// Check balances
long expectedBalance = deployersPostDeploymentBalance;
long actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Deployer's post-orphan/pre-refund balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
public void testCorrectSecretCorrectSender() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = RavencoinACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), ravencoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, tradeAccount, messageData, atAddress);
// Give AT time to process message
// Send correct secret to AT, from correct account
messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildRedeemMessage(secretA, partner.getAddress());
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, partner, messageData, atAddress);
// AT should send funds in the next block
ATStateData preRedeemAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should be in REDEEMED mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.REDEEMED, tradeData.mode);
// Check balances
long expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance - messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee() + redeemAmount;
long actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's post-redeem balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
// Orphan redeem
// Check balances
expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance - messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's post-orphan/pre-redeem balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
// Check AT state
ATStateData postOrphanAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
assertTrue("AT states mismatch", Arrays.equals(preRedeemAtStateData.getStateData(), postOrphanAtStateData.getStateData()));
public void testCorrectSecretIncorrectSender() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
PrivateKeyAccount bystander = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "bob");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = RavencoinACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), ravencoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, tradeAccount, messageData, atAddress);
// Give AT time to process message
// Send correct secret to AT, but from wrong account
messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildRedeemMessage(secretA, partner.getAddress());
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, bystander, messageData, atAddress);
// AT should NOT send funds in the next block
ATStateData preRedeemAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is NOT finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should still be in TRADE mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.TRADING, tradeData.mode);
// Check balances
long expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance;
long actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
// Check eventual refund
checkTradeRefund(repository, deployer, deployersInitialBalance, deployAtFee);
public void testIncorrectSecretCorrectSender() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = RavencoinACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), ravencoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, tradeAccount, messageData, atAddress);
// Give AT time to process message
// Send incorrect secret to AT, from correct account
byte[] wrongSecret = new byte[32];
messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildRedeemMessage(wrongSecret, partner.getAddress());
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, partner, messageData, atAddress);
// AT should NOT send funds in the next block
ATStateData preRedeemAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is NOT finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should still be in TRADE mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.TRADING, tradeData.mode);
long expectedBalance = partnersInitialBalance - messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long actualBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Partner's balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
// Check eventual refund
checkTradeRefund(repository, deployer, deployersInitialBalance, deployAtFee);
public void testCorrectSecretCorrectSenderInvalidMessageLength() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
long partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int lockTimeA = calcTestLockTimeA(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp);
int refundTimeout = RavencoinACCTv3.calcRefundTimeout(partnersOfferMessageTransactionTimestamp, lockTimeA);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = RavencoinACCTv3.buildTradeMessage(partner.getAddress(), ravencoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA, lockTimeA, refundTimeout);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, tradeAccount, messageData, atAddress);
// Give AT time to process message
// Send correct secret to AT, from correct account, but missing receive address, hence incorrect length
messageData = Bytes.concat(secretA);
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, partner, messageData, atAddress);
// AT should NOT send funds in the next block
ATStateData preRedeemAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is NOT finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// AT should be in TRADING mode
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
assertEquals(AcctMode.TRADING, tradeData.mode);
public void testDescribeDeployed() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount tradeAccount = createTradeAccount(repository);
PrivateKeyAccount partner = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long partnersInitialBalance = partner.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer, tradeAccount.getAddress());
List<ATData> executableAts = repository.getATRepository().getAllExecutableATs();
for (ATData atData : executableAts) {
String atAddress = atData.getATAddress();
byte[] codeBytes = atData.getCodeBytes();
byte[] codeHash = Crypto.digest(codeBytes);
System.out.println(String.format("%s: code length: %d byte%s, code hash: %s",
(codeBytes.length != 1 ? "s": ""),
// Not one of ours?
if (!Arrays.equals(codeHash, RavencoinACCTv3.CODE_BYTES_HASH))
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
private int calcTestLockTimeA(long messageTimestamp) {
return (int) (messageTimestamp / 1000L + tradeTimeout * 60);
private DeployAtTransaction doDeploy(Repository repository, PrivateKeyAccount deployer, String tradeAddress) throws DataException {
byte[] creationBytes = RavencoinACCTv3.buildQortalAT(tradeAddress, ravencoinPublicKeyHash, redeemAmount, ravencoinAmount, tradeTimeout);
long txTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
byte[] lastReference = deployer.getLastReference();
if (lastReference == null) {
System.err.println(String.format("Qortal account %s has no last reference", deployer.getAddress()));
Long fee = null;
String name = "QORT-RVN cross-chain trade";
String description = String.format("Qortal-Ravencoin cross-chain trade");
String atType = "ACCT";
String tags = "QORT-RVN ACCT";
BaseTransactionData baseTransactionData = new BaseTransactionData(txTimestamp, Group.NO_GROUP, lastReference, deployer.getPublicKey(), fee, null);
TransactionData deployAtTransactionData = new DeployAtTransactionData(baseTransactionData, name, description, atType, tags, creationBytes, fundingAmount, Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = new DeployAtTransaction(repository, deployAtTransactionData);
fee = deployAtTransaction.calcRecommendedFee();
TransactionUtils.signAndMint(repository, deployAtTransactionData, deployer);
return deployAtTransaction;
private MessageTransaction sendMessage(Repository repository, PrivateKeyAccount sender, byte[] data, String recipient) throws DataException {
long txTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
byte[] lastReference = sender.getLastReference();
if (lastReference == null) {
System.err.println(String.format("Qortal account %s has no last reference", sender.getAddress()));
Long fee = null;
int version = 4;
int nonce = 0;
long amount = 0;
Long assetId = null; // because amount is zero
BaseTransactionData baseTransactionData = new BaseTransactionData(txTimestamp, Group.NO_GROUP, lastReference, sender.getPublicKey(), fee, null);
TransactionData messageTransactionData = new MessageTransactionData(baseTransactionData, version, nonce, recipient, amount, assetId, data, false, false);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = new MessageTransaction(repository, messageTransactionData);
fee = messageTransaction.calcRecommendedFee();
TransactionUtils.signAndMint(repository, messageTransactionData, sender);
return messageTransaction;
private void checkTradeRefund(Repository repository, Account deployer, long deployersInitialBalance, long deployAtFee) throws DataException {
long deployersPostDeploymentBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtFee;
int refundTimeout = tradeTimeout / 2 + 1; // close enough
// AT should automatically refund deployer after 'refundTimeout' blocks
for (int blockCount = 0; blockCount <= refundTimeout; ++blockCount)
// We don't bother to exactly calculate QORT spent running AT for several blocks, but we do know the expected range
long expectedMinimumBalance = deployersPostDeploymentBalance;
long expectedMaximumBalance = deployersInitialBalance - deployAtFee;
long actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertTrue(String.format("Deployer's balance %s should be above minimum %s", actualBalance, expectedMinimumBalance), actualBalance > expectedMinimumBalance);
assertTrue(String.format("Deployer's balance %s should be below maximum %s", actualBalance, expectedMaximumBalance), actualBalance < expectedMaximumBalance);
private void describeAt(Repository repository, String atAddress) throws DataException {
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = RavencoinACCTv3.getInstance().populateTradeData(repository, atData);
Function<Long, String> epochMilliFormatter = (timestamp) -> LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(timestamp), ZoneOffset.UTC).format(DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.MEDIUM));
int currentBlockHeight = repository.getBlockRepository().getBlockchainHeight();
+ "\tmode: %s\n"
+ "\tcreator: %s,\n"
+ "\tcreation timestamp: %s,\n"
+ "\tcurrent balance: %s QORT,\n"
+ "\tis finished: %b,\n"
+ "\tredeem payout: %s QORT,\n"
+ "\texpected ravencoin: %s RVN,\n"
+ "\tcurrent block height: %d,\n",
if (tradeData.mode != AcctMode.OFFERING && tradeData.mode != AcctMode.CANCELLED) {
System.out.println(String.format("\trefund timeout: %d minutes,\n"
+ "\trefund height: block %d,\n"
+ "\tHASH160 of secret-A: %s,\n"
+ "\tRavencoin P2SH-A nLockTime: %d (%s),\n"
+ "\ttrade partner: %s\n"
+ "\tpartner's receiving address: %s",
HashCode.fromBytes(tradeData.hashOfSecretA).toString().substring(0, 40),
tradeData.lockTimeA, epochMilliFormatter.apply(tradeData.lockTimeA * 1000L),
private PrivateKeyAccount createTradeAccount(Repository repository) {
// We actually use a known test account with funds to avoid PoW compute
return Common.getTestAccount(repository, "alice");
@ -2,21 +2,22 @@ package org.qortal.test.naming;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.qortal.account.PrivateKeyAccount;
import org.qortal.api.AmountTypeAdapter;
import org.qortal.block.BlockChain;
import org.qortal.block.BlockChain.*;
import org.qortal.controller.BlockMinter;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.*;
import org.qortal.naming.Name;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.repository.Repository;
import org.qortal.repository.RepositoryManager;
import org.qortal.settings.Settings;
import org.qortal.test.common.*;
import org.qortal.test.common.transaction.TestTransaction;
import org.qortal.transaction.RegisterNameTransaction;
@ -325,17 +326,20 @@ public class MiscTests extends Common {
// test name registration fee increase
public void testRegisterNameFeeIncrease() throws DataException, IllegalAccessException {
public void testRegisterNameFeeIncrease() throws Exception {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
// Set nameRegistrationUnitFeeTimestamp to a time far in the future
long futureTimestamp = 9999999999999L; // 20 Nov 2286
FieldUtils.writeField(BlockChain.getInstance(), "nameRegistrationUnitFeeTimestamp", futureTimestamp, true);
assertEquals(futureTimestamp, BlockChain.getInstance().getNameRegistrationUnitFeeTimestamp());
UnitFeesByTimestamp futureFeeIncrease = new UnitFeesByTimestamp();
futureFeeIncrease.timestamp = 9999999999999L; // 20 Nov 2286
futureFeeIncrease.fee = new AmountTypeAdapter().unmarshal("5");
FieldUtils.writeField(BlockChain.getInstance(), "nameRegistrationUnitFees", Arrays.asList(futureFeeIncrease), true);
assertEquals(futureFeeIncrease.fee, BlockChain.getInstance().getNameRegistrationUnitFeeAtTimestamp(futureFeeIncrease.timestamp));
// Validate unit fees pre and post timestamp
assertEquals(10000000, BlockChain.getInstance().getUnitFee()); // 0.1 QORT
assertEquals(500000000, BlockChain.getInstance().getNameRegistrationUnitFee()); // 5 QORT
assertEquals(10000000, BlockChain.getInstance().getNameRegistrationUnitFeeAtTimestamp(futureFeeIncrease.timestamp - 1)); // 0.1 QORT
assertEquals(500000000, BlockChain.getInstance().getNameRegistrationUnitFeeAtTimestamp(futureFeeIncrease.timestamp)); // 5 QORT
// Register-name
PrivateKeyAccount alice = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "alice");
@ -349,8 +353,18 @@ public class MiscTests extends Common {
// Set nameRegistrationUnitFeeTimestamp to a time in the past
Long now = NTP.getTime();
FieldUtils.writeField(BlockChain.getInstance(), "nameRegistrationUnitFeeTimestamp", now - 1000L, true);
assertEquals(now - 1000L, BlockChain.getInstance().getNameRegistrationUnitFeeTimestamp());
UnitFeesByTimestamp pastFeeIncrease = new UnitFeesByTimestamp();
pastFeeIncrease.timestamp = now - 1000L; // 1 second ago
pastFeeIncrease.fee = new AmountTypeAdapter().unmarshal("3");
// Set another increase in the future
futureFeeIncrease = new UnitFeesByTimestamp();
futureFeeIncrease.timestamp = now + (60 * 60 * 1000L); // 1 hour in the future
futureFeeIncrease.fee = new AmountTypeAdapter().unmarshal("10");
FieldUtils.writeField(BlockChain.getInstance(), "nameRegistrationUnitFees", Arrays.asList(pastFeeIncrease, futureFeeIncrease), true);
assertEquals(pastFeeIncrease.fee, BlockChain.getInstance().getNameRegistrationUnitFeeAtTimestamp(pastFeeIncrease.timestamp));
assertEquals(futureFeeIncrease.fee, BlockChain.getInstance().getNameRegistrationUnitFeeAtTimestamp(futureFeeIncrease.timestamp));
// Register a different name
// First try with the default unit fee
@ -365,7 +379,7 @@ public class MiscTests extends Common {
// Now try using correct fee (this is specified by the UI, via the /transaction/unitfee API endpoint)
transactionData = new RegisterNameTransactionData(TestTransaction.generateBase(alice), name2, data);
transactionData.setFee(new RegisterNameTransaction(null, null).getUnitFee(transactionData.getTimestamp()));
assertEquals(500000000L, transactionData.getFee().longValue());
assertEquals(300000000L, transactionData.getFee().longValue());
transaction = Transaction.fromData(repository, transactionData);
result = transaction.importAsUnconfirmed();
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class OnlineAccountsTests {
public void testGetOnlineAccountsV2() throws Message.MessageException {
public void testGetOnlineAccountsV2() throws MessageException {
List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccountsOut = generateOnlineAccounts(false);
Message messageOut = new GetOnlineAccountsV2Message(onlineAccountsOut);
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class OnlineAccountsTests {
public void testOnlineAccountsV2() throws Message.MessageException {
public void testOnlineAccountsV2() throws MessageException {
List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccountsOut = generateOnlineAccounts(true);
Message messageOut = new OnlineAccountsV2Message(onlineAccountsOut);
@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
"maxBlockSize": 2097152,
"maxBytesPerUnitFee": 1024,
"unitFee": "0.1",
"nameRegistrationUnitFee": "5",
"nameRegistrationUnitFees": [
{ "timestamp": 1645372800000, "fee": "5" }
"requireGroupForApproval": false,
"minAccountLevelToRewardShare": 5,
"maxRewardSharesPerMintingAccount": 20,
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