Merge pull request #8 from catbref/new-asset-pricing2

New asset pricing scheme (take 2)
This commit is contained in:
catbref 2019-04-10 07:19:59 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit ed3065f145
No known key found for this signature in database
22 changed files with 1262 additions and 758 deletions

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@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ public class AggregatedOrder {
this.orderData = orderData;
@XmlElement(name = "unitPrice")
public BigDecimal getUnitPrice() {
return this.orderData.getUnitPrice();
@XmlElement(name = "price")
public BigDecimal getPrice() {
return this.orderData.getPrice();
@XmlElement(name = "unfulfilled")

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@ -18,27 +18,38 @@ import;
import org.qora.repository.AssetRepository;
import org.qora.repository.DataException;
import org.qora.repository.Repository;
import org.qora.utils.Base58;
public class Order {
/** BigDecimal scale for representing unit price in asset orders. */
public static final int BD_PRICE_SCALE = 38;
/** BigDecimal scale for representing unit price in asset orders in storage context. */
public static final int BD_PRICE_STORAGE_SCALE = BD_PRICE_SCALE + 10;
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(Order.class);
// Properties
private Repository repository;
private OrderData orderData;
// Used quite a bit
private final boolean isOurOrderNewPricing;
private final long haveAssetId;
private final long wantAssetId;
/** Cache of price-pair units e.g. QORA/GOLD, but use getPricePair() instead! */
private String cachedPricePair;
/** Cache of have-asset data - but use getHaveAsset() instead! */
AssetData cachedHaveAssetData;
/** Cache of want-asset data - but use getWantAsset() instead! */
AssetData cachedWantAssetData;
// Constructors
public Order(Repository repository, OrderData orderData) {
this.repository = repository;
this.orderData = orderData;
this.isOurOrderNewPricing = this.orderData.getTimestamp() >= BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp();
this.haveAssetId = this.orderData.getHaveAssetId();
this.wantAssetId = this.orderData.getWantAssetId();
// Getters/Setters
@ -66,128 +77,200 @@ public class Order {
* Returns want-asset granularity/unit-size given price.
* Returns granularity/batch-size of matched-amount, given price, so that return-amount is valid size.
* <p>
* @param theirPrice
* @return unit price of want asset
* If matched-amount of matched-asset is traded when two orders match,
* then the corresponding return-amount of the other (return) asset needs to be either
* an integer, if return-asset is indivisible,
* or to the nearest 0.00000001 if return-asset is divisible.
* <p>
* @return granularity of matched-amount
public static BigDecimal calculateAmountGranularity(AssetData haveAssetData, AssetData wantAssetData, OrderData theirOrderData) {
public static BigDecimal calculateAmountGranularity(boolean isAmountAssetDivisible, boolean isReturnAssetDivisible, BigDecimal price) {
// Multiplier to scale BigDecimal fractional amounts into integer domain
BigInteger multiplier = BigInteger.valueOf(1_0000_0000L);
// Calculate the minimum increment at which I can buy using greatest-common-divisor
BigInteger haveAmount;
BigInteger wantAmount;
if (theirOrderData.getTimestamp() >= BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp()) {
// "new" pricing scheme
haveAmount = theirOrderData.getAmount().movePointRight(8).toBigInteger();
wantAmount = theirOrderData.getWantAmount().movePointRight(8).toBigInteger();
} else {
// legacy "old" behaviour
haveAmount = multiplier; // 1 unit (* multiplier)
wantAmount = theirOrderData.getUnitPrice().movePointRight(8).toBigInteger();
// Calculate the minimum increment for matched-amount using greatest-common-divisor
BigInteger returnAmount = multiplier; // 1 unit (* multiplier)
BigInteger matchedAmount = price.movePointRight(8).toBigInteger();
BigInteger gcd = haveAmount.gcd(wantAmount);
haveAmount = haveAmount.divide(gcd);
wantAmount = wantAmount.divide(gcd);
BigInteger gcd = returnAmount.gcd(matchedAmount);
returnAmount = returnAmount.divide(gcd);
matchedAmount = matchedAmount.divide(gcd);
// Calculate GCD in combination with divisibility
if (wantAssetData.getIsDivisible())
haveAmount = haveAmount.multiply(multiplier);
if (isAmountAssetDivisible)
returnAmount = returnAmount.multiply(multiplier);
if (haveAssetData.getIsDivisible())
wantAmount = wantAmount.multiply(multiplier);
if (isReturnAssetDivisible)
matchedAmount = matchedAmount.multiply(multiplier);
gcd = haveAmount.gcd(wantAmount);
gcd = returnAmount.gcd(matchedAmount);
// Calculate the granularity at which we have to buy
BigDecimal granularity = new BigDecimal(haveAmount.divide(gcd));
if (wantAssetData.getIsDivisible())
BigDecimal granularity = new BigDecimal(returnAmount.divide(gcd));
if (isAmountAssetDivisible)
granularity = granularity.movePointLeft(8);
// Return
return granularity;
* Returns price-pair in string form.
* <p>
* e.g. <tt>"QORA/GOLD"</tt>
public String getPricePair() throws DataException {
if (cachedPricePair == null)
return cachedPricePair;
/** Calculate price pair. (e.g. QORA/GOLD)
* <p>
* Under 'new' pricing scheme, lowest-assetID asset is first,
* so if QORA has assetID 0 and GOLD has assetID 10, then
* the pricing pair is QORA/GOLD.
* <p>
* This means the "amount" fields are expressed in terms
* of the higher-assetID asset. (e.g. GOLD)
private void calcPricePair() throws DataException {
AssetData haveAssetData = getHaveAsset();
AssetData wantAssetData = getWantAsset();
if (isOurOrderNewPricing && haveAssetId > wantAssetId)
cachedPricePair = wantAssetData.getName() + "/" + haveAssetData.getName();
cachedPricePair = haveAssetData.getName() + "/" + wantAssetData.getName();
private BigDecimal calcHaveAssetCommittment() {
BigDecimal committedCost = this.orderData.getAmount();
// If 'new' pricing and "amount" is in want-asset then we need to convert
if (isOurOrderNewPricing && haveAssetId < wantAssetId)
committedCost = committedCost.multiply(this.orderData.getPrice()).setScale(8, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
return committedCost;
// Navigation
public List<TradeData> getTrades() throws DataException {
return this.repository.getAssetRepository().getOrdersTrades(this.orderData.getOrderId());
public AssetData getHaveAsset() throws DataException {
if (cachedHaveAssetData == null)
cachedHaveAssetData = this.repository.getAssetRepository().fromAssetId(haveAssetId);
return cachedHaveAssetData;
public AssetData getWantAsset() throws DataException {
if (cachedWantAssetData == null)
cachedWantAssetData = this.repository.getAssetRepository().fromAssetId(wantAssetId);
return cachedWantAssetData;
* Returns AssetData for asset in effect for "amount" field.
* <p>
* For 'old' pricing, this is the have-asset.<br>
* For 'new' pricing, this is the asset with highest assetID.
public AssetData getAmountAsset() throws DataException {
if (isOurOrderNewPricing && wantAssetId > haveAssetId)
return getWantAsset();
return getHaveAsset();
* Returns AssetData for other (return) asset traded.
* <p>
* For 'old' pricing, this is the want-asset.<br>
* For 'new' pricing, this is the asset with lowest assetID.
public AssetData getReturnAsset() throws DataException {
if (isOurOrderNewPricing && haveAssetId < wantAssetId)
return getHaveAsset();
return getWantAsset();
// Processing
private void logOrder(String orderPrefix, boolean isMatchingNotInitial, OrderData orderData) throws DataException {
private void logOrder(String orderPrefix, boolean isOurOrder, OrderData orderData) throws DataException {
// Avoid calculations if possible
if (LOGGER.getLevel().isMoreSpecificThan(Level.DEBUG))
final String weThey = isMatchingNotInitial ? "They" : "We";
final String weThey = isOurOrder ? "We" : "They";
final String ourTheir = isOurOrder ? "Our" : "Their";
AssetData haveAssetData = this.repository.getAssetRepository().fromAssetId(orderData.getHaveAssetId());
AssetData wantAssetData = this.repository.getAssetRepository().fromAssetId(orderData.getWantAssetId());
// NOTE: the following values are specific to passed orderData, not the same as class instance values!
LOGGER.debug(String.format("%s %s", orderPrefix, HashCode.fromBytes(orderData.getOrderId()).toString()));
final boolean isOrderNewAssetPricing = orderData.getTimestamp() >= BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp();
LOGGER.trace(String.format("%s have: %s %s", weThey, orderData.getAmount().stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString(), haveAssetData.getName()));
final long haveAssetId = orderData.getHaveAssetId();
final long wantAssetId = orderData.getWantAssetId();
LOGGER.trace(String.format("%s want at least %s %s per %s (minimum %s %s total)", weThey,
orderData.getUnitPrice().toPlainString(), wantAssetData.getName(), haveAssetData.getName(),
orderData.getWantAmount().stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString(), wantAssetData.getName()));
final AssetData haveAssetData = this.repository.getAssetRepository().fromAssetId(haveAssetId);
final AssetData wantAssetData = this.repository.getAssetRepository().fromAssetId(wantAssetId);
final long amountAssetId = (isOurOrderNewPricing && wantAssetId > haveAssetId) ? wantAssetId : haveAssetId;
final long returnAssetId = (isOurOrderNewPricing && haveAssetId < wantAssetId) ? haveAssetId : wantAssetId;
final AssetData amountAssetData = this.repository.getAssetRepository().fromAssetId(amountAssetId);
final AssetData returnAssetData = this.repository.getAssetRepository().fromAssetId(returnAssetId);
LOGGER.debug(String.format("%s %s", orderPrefix, Base58.encode(orderData.getOrderId())));
LOGGER.trace(String.format("%s have %s, want %s. '%s' pricing scheme.", weThey, haveAssetData.getName(), wantAssetData.getName(), isOrderNewAssetPricing ? "new" : "old"));
LOGGER.trace(String.format("%s amount: %s (ordered) - %s (fulfilled) = %s %s left", ourTheir,
BigDecimal maxReturnAmount = Order.getAmountLeft(orderData).multiply(orderData.getPrice()).setScale(8, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
LOGGER.trace(String.format("%s price: %s %s (%s %s tradable)", ourTheir,
orderData.getPrice().toPlainString(), getPricePair(),
maxReturnAmount.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString(), returnAssetData.getName()));
public void process() throws DataException {
AssetRepository assetRepository = this.repository.getAssetRepository();
long haveAssetId = this.orderData.getHaveAssetId();
AssetData haveAssetData = assetRepository.fromAssetId(haveAssetId);
long wantAssetId = this.orderData.getWantAssetId();
AssetData wantAssetData = assetRepository.fromAssetId(wantAssetId);
AssetData haveAssetData = getHaveAsset();
AssetData wantAssetData = getWantAsset();
// Subtract asset from creator
/** The asset while working out amount that matches. */
AssetData matchingAssetData = isOurOrderNewPricing ? getAmountAsset() : wantAssetData;
/** The return asset traded if trade completes. */
AssetData returnAssetData = isOurOrderNewPricing ? getReturnAsset() : haveAssetData;
// Subtract have-asset from creator
Account creator = new PublicKeyAccount(this.repository, this.orderData.getCreatorPublicKey());
creator.setConfirmedBalance(haveAssetId, creator.getConfirmedBalance(haveAssetId).subtract(this.orderData.getAmount()));
creator.setConfirmedBalance(haveAssetId, creator.getConfirmedBalance(haveAssetId).subtract(this.calcHaveAssetCommittment()));
// Save this order into repository so it's available for matching, possibly by itself
* Our order example ("old"):
* haveAssetId=[GOLD], amount=10,000, wantAssetId=[QORA], price=0.002
* This translates to "we have 10,000 GOLD and want to buy QORA at a price of 0.002 QORA per GOLD"
* So if our order matched, we'd end up with 10,000 * 0.002 = 20 QORA, essentially costing 1/0.002 = 500 GOLD each.
* So 500 GOLD [each] is our (selling) unit price and want-amount is 20 QORA.
* Another example (showing representation error and hence move to "new" pricing):
* haveAssetId=[QORA], amount=24, wantAssetId=[GOLD], price=0.08333333
* unit price: 12.00000048 GOLD, want-amount: 1.9999992 GOLD
logOrder("Processing our order", true, this.orderData);
* Our order example ("new"):
* haveAssetId=[GOLD], amount=10,000, wantAssetId=0 (QORA), want-amount=20
* This translates to "we have 10,000 GOLD and want to buy 20 QORA"
* So if our order matched, we'd end up with 20 QORA, essentially costing 10,000 / 20 = 500 GOLD each.
* So 500 GOLD [each] is our (selling) unit price and want-amount is 20 QORA.
* Another example:
* haveAssetId=[QORA], amount=24, wantAssetId=[GOLD], want-amount=2
* unit price: 12.00000000 GOLD, want-amount: 2.00000000 GOLD
logOrder("Processing our order", false, this.orderData);
// Fetch corresponding open orders that might potentially match, hence reversed want/have assetId args.
// Fetch corresponding open orders that might potentially match, hence reversed want/have assetIDs.
// Returned orders are sorted with lowest "price" first.
List<OrderData> orders = assetRepository.getOpenOrders(wantAssetId, haveAssetId);
List<OrderData> orders = assetRepository.getOpenOrdersForTrading(wantAssetId, haveAssetId, isOurOrderNewPricing ? this.orderData.getPrice() : null);
LOGGER.trace("Open orders fetched from repository: " + orders.size());
if (orders.isEmpty())
@ -195,146 +278,145 @@ public class Order {
// Attempt to match orders
BigDecimal ourUnitPrice = this.orderData.getUnitPrice();
LOGGER.trace(String.format("Our minimum price: %s %s per %s", ourUnitPrice.toPlainString(), wantAssetData.getName(), haveAssetData.getName()));
* Potential matching order example ("old"):
* Our order:
* haveAssetId=[GOLD], wantAssetId=0 (QORA), amount=40 (GOLD), price=486 (QORA/GOLD)
* This translates to "we have 40 GOLD and want QORA at a price of 486 QORA per GOLD"
* If our order matched, we'd end up with 40 * 486 = 19,440 QORA.
* Their order:
* haveAssetId=0 (QORA), wantAssetId=[GOLD], amount=20,000 (QORA), price=0.00205761 (GOLD/QORA)
* This translates to "they have 20,000 QORA and want GOLD at a price of 0.00205761 GOLD per QORA"
* Their price, converted into 'our' units of QORA/GOLD, is: 1 / 0.00205761 = 486.00074844 QORA/GOLD.
* This is better than our requested 486 QORA/GOLD so this order matches.
* Using their price, we end up with 40 * 486.00074844 = 19440.02993760 QORA. They end up with 40 GOLD.
* If their order had 19,440 QORA left, only 19,440 * 0.00205761 = 39.99993840 GOLD would be traded.
* Potential matching order example ("new"):
* Our order:
* haveAssetId=[GOLD], wantAssetId=0 (QORA), amount=40 (GOLD), price=486 (QORA/GOLD)
* This translates to "we have 40 GOLD and want QORA at a price of 486 QORA per GOLD"
* If our order matched, we'd end up with 19,440 QORA at a cost of 19,440 / 486 = 40 GOLD.
* Their order:
* haveAssetId=0 (QORA), wantAssetId=[GOLD], amount=40 (GOLD), price=486.00074844 (QORA/GOLD)
* This translates to "they have QORA and want GOLD at a price of 486.00074844 QORA per GOLD"
* Their price is better than our requested 486 QORA/GOLD so this order matches.
* Using their price, we end up with 40 * 486.00074844 = 19440.02993760 QORA. They end up with 40 GOLD.
* If their order only had 36 GOLD left, only 36 * 486.00074844 = 17496.02694384 QORA would be traded.
BigDecimal ourPrice = this.orderData.getPrice();
for (OrderData theirOrderData : orders) {
logOrder("Considering order", true, theirOrderData);
logOrder("Considering order", false, theirOrderData);
* Potential matching order example ("old"):
* haveAssetId=0 (QORA), amount=40, wantAssetId=[GOLD], price=486
* This translates to "we have 40 QORA and want to buy GOLD at a price of 486 GOLD per QORA"
* So if their order matched, they'd end up with 40 * 486 = 19,440 GOLD, essentially costing 1/486 = 0.00205761 QORA each.
* So 0.00205761 QORA [each] is their unit price and maximum amount is 19,440 GOLD.
// Not used:
// boolean isTheirOrderNewAssetPricing = theirOrderData.getTimestamp() >= BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp();
* Potential matching order example ("new"):
* haveAssetId=0 (QORA), amount=40, wantAssetId=[GOLD], price=19,440
* This translates to "we have 40 QORA and want to buy 19,440 GOLD"
* So if their order matched, they'd end up with 19,440 GOLD, essentially costing 40 / 19,440 = 0.00205761 QORA each.
* So 0.00205761 QORA [each] is their unit price and maximum amount is 19,440 GOLD.
// Determine their order price
BigDecimal theirPrice;
boolean isTheirOrderNewAssetPricing = theirOrderData.getTimestamp() >= BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp();
BigDecimal theirBuyingPrice = BigDecimal.ONE.setScale(isTheirOrderNewAssetPricing ? Order.BD_PRICE_STORAGE_SCALE : 8).divide(theirOrderData.getUnitPrice(), RoundingMode.DOWN);
LOGGER.trace(String.format("Their price: %s %s per %s", theirBuyingPrice.toPlainString(), wantAssetData.getName(), haveAssetData.getName()));
if (isOurOrderNewPricing) {
// Pricing units are the same way round for both orders, so no conversion needed.
// Orders under 'old' pricing have been converted during repository update.
theirPrice = theirOrderData.getPrice();
LOGGER.trace(String.format("Their price: %s %s", theirPrice.toPlainString(), getPricePair()));
} else {
// If our order is 'old' pricing then all other existing orders must be 'old' pricing too
// Their order pricing will be inverted, so convert
theirPrice = BigDecimal.ONE.setScale(8).divide(theirOrderData.getPrice(), RoundingMode.DOWN);
LOGGER.trace(String.format("Their price: %s %s per %s", theirPrice.toPlainString(), wantAssetData.getName(), haveAssetData.getName()));
// If their buyingPrice is less than what we're willing to accept then we're done as prices only get worse as we iterate through list of orders
if (theirBuyingPrice.compareTo(ourUnitPrice) < 0)
if (theirPrice.compareTo(ourPrice) < 0)
// Calculate how many want-asset we could buy at their price
BigDecimal ourMaxWantAmount = this.getAmountLeft().multiply(theirBuyingPrice).setScale(8, RoundingMode.DOWN);
LOGGER.trace("ourMaxWantAmount (max we could buy at their price): " + ourMaxWantAmount.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + wantAssetData.getName());
// Calculate how much we could buy at their price.
BigDecimal ourMaxAmount;
if (isOurOrderNewPricing)
// In 'new' pricing scheme, "amount" is expressed in terms of asset with highest assetID
ourMaxAmount = this.getAmountLeft();
// In 'old' pricing scheme, "amount" is expressed in terms of our want-asset.
ourMaxAmount = this.getAmountLeft().multiply(theirPrice).setScale(8, RoundingMode.DOWN);
LOGGER.trace("ourMaxAmount (max we could trade at their price): " + ourMaxAmount.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + matchingAssetData.getName());
if (isTheirOrderNewAssetPricing) {
ourMaxWantAmount = ourMaxWantAmount.max(this.getAmountLeft().divide(theirOrderData.getUnitPrice(), RoundingMode.DOWN).setScale(8, RoundingMode.DOWN));
LOGGER.trace("ourMaxWantAmount (max we could buy at their price) using inverted calculation: " + ourMaxWantAmount.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + wantAssetData.getName());
// How many want-asset is remaining available in their order. (have-asset amount from their perspective).
BigDecimal theirWantAmountLeft = Order.getAmountLeft(theirOrderData);
LOGGER.trace("theirWantAmountLeft (max amount remaining in their order): " + theirWantAmountLeft.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + wantAssetData.getName());
// How much is remaining available in their order.
BigDecimal theirAmountLeft = Order.getAmountLeft(theirOrderData);
LOGGER.trace("theirAmountLeft (max amount remaining in their order): " + theirAmountLeft.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + matchingAssetData.getName());
// So matchable want-asset amount is the minimum of above two values
BigDecimal matchedWantAmount = ourMaxWantAmount.min(theirWantAmountLeft);
LOGGER.trace("matchedWantAmount: " + matchedWantAmount.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + wantAssetData.getName());
BigDecimal matchedAmount = ourMaxAmount.min(theirAmountLeft);
LOGGER.trace("matchedAmount: " + matchedAmount.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + matchingAssetData.getName());
// If we can't buy anything then try another order
if (matchedWantAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0)
if (matchedAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0)
// Calculate want-amount granularity, based on price and both assets' divisibility, so that have-amount traded is a valid amount (integer or to 8 d.p.)
BigDecimal wantGranularity = calculateAmountGranularity(haveAssetData, wantAssetData, theirOrderData);
LOGGER.trace("wantGranularity (want-asset amount granularity): " + wantGranularity.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + wantAssetData.getName());
// Calculate amount granularity, based on price and both assets' divisibility, so that return-amount traded is a valid value (integer or to 8 d.p.)
BigDecimal granularity = calculateAmountGranularity(matchingAssetData.getIsDivisible(), returnAssetData.getIsDivisible(), theirOrderData.getPrice());
LOGGER.trace("granularity (amount granularity): " + granularity.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + matchingAssetData.getName());
// Reduce matched amount (if need be) to fit granularity
matchedWantAmount = matchedWantAmount.subtract(matchedWantAmount.remainder(wantGranularity));
LOGGER.trace("matchedWantAmount adjusted for granularity: " + matchedWantAmount.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + wantAssetData.getName());
matchedAmount = matchedAmount.subtract(matchedAmount.remainder(granularity));
LOGGER.trace("matchedAmount adjusted for granularity: " + matchedAmount.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + matchingAssetData.getName());
// If we can't buy anything then try another order
if (matchedWantAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0)
if (matchedAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0)
// Safety checks
if (matchedWantAmount.compareTo(Order.getAmountLeft(theirOrderData)) > 0) {
// Safety check
if (!matchingAssetData.getIsDivisible() && matchedAmount.stripTrailingZeros().scale() > 0) {
Account participant = new PublicKeyAccount(this.repository, theirOrderData.getCreatorPublicKey());
String message = String.format("Refusing to trade more %s then requested %s [assetId %d] for %s",
matchedWantAmount.toPlainString(), Order.getAmountLeft(theirOrderData).toPlainString(), wantAssetId, participant.getAddress());
throw new DataException(message);
if (!wantAssetData.getIsDivisible() && matchedWantAmount.stripTrailingZeros().scale() > 0) {
Account participant = new PublicKeyAccount(this.repository, theirOrderData.getCreatorPublicKey());
String message = String.format("Refusing to trade fractional %s [indivisible assetId %d] for %s",
matchedWantAmount.toPlainString(), wantAssetId, participant.getAddress());
String message = String.format("Refusing to trade fractional %s [indivisible assetID %d] for %s",
matchedAmount.toPlainString(), matchingAssetData.getAssetId(), participant.getAddress());
throw new DataException(message);
// Trade can go ahead!
// Calculate the total cost to us, in have-asset, based on their price
BigDecimal haveAmountTraded;
// Calculate the total cost to us, in return-asset, based on their price
BigDecimal returnAmountTraded = matchedAmount.multiply(theirOrderData.getPrice()).setScale(8, RoundingMode.DOWN);
LOGGER.trace("returnAmountTraded: " + returnAmountTraded.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + returnAssetData.getName());
if (isTheirOrderNewAssetPricing) {
BigDecimal theirTruncatedPrice = theirBuyingPrice.setScale(Order.BD_PRICE_SCALE, RoundingMode.DOWN);
BigDecimal ourTruncatedPrice = ourUnitPrice.setScale(Order.BD_PRICE_SCALE, RoundingMode.DOWN);
// Safety check
if (theirTruncatedPrice.compareTo(ourTruncatedPrice) < 0) {
String message = String.format("Refusing to trade at worse price %s than our minimum of %s",
theirTruncatedPrice.toPlainString(), ourTruncatedPrice.toPlainString(), creator.getAddress());
throw new DataException(message);
haveAmountTraded = matchedWantAmount.divide(theirTruncatedPrice, RoundingMode.DOWN).setScale(8, RoundingMode.DOWN);
} else {
haveAmountTraded = matchedWantAmount.multiply(theirOrderData.getUnitPrice()).setScale(8, RoundingMode.DOWN);
LOGGER.trace("haveAmountTraded: " + haveAmountTraded.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + haveAssetData.getName());
// Safety checks
if (haveAmountTraded.compareTo(this.getAmountLeft()) > 0) {
String message = String.format("Refusing to trade more %s then requested %s [assetId %d] for %s",
haveAmountTraded.toPlainString(), this.getAmountLeft().toPlainString(), haveAssetId, creator.getAddress());
throw new DataException(message);
if (!haveAssetData.getIsDivisible() && haveAmountTraded.stripTrailingZeros().scale() > 0) {
String message = String.format("Refusing to trade fractional %s [indivisible assetId %d] for %s",
haveAmountTraded.toPlainString(), haveAssetId, creator.getAddress());
// Safety check
if (!returnAssetData.getIsDivisible() && returnAmountTraded.stripTrailingZeros().scale() > 0) {
String message = String.format("Refusing to trade fractional %s [indivisible assetID %d] for %s",
returnAmountTraded.toPlainString(), returnAssetData.getAssetId(), creator.getAddress());
throw new DataException(message);
// Construct trade
TradeData tradeData = new TradeData(this.orderData.getOrderId(), theirOrderData.getOrderId(), matchedWantAmount, haveAmountTraded,
BigDecimal tradedWantAmount = (isOurOrderNewPricing && wantAssetId < haveAssetId) ? returnAmountTraded : matchedAmount;
BigDecimal tradedHaveAmount = (isOurOrderNewPricing && haveAssetId > wantAssetId) ? matchedAmount : returnAmountTraded;
TradeData tradeData = new TradeData(this.orderData.getOrderId(), theirOrderData.getOrderId(), tradedWantAmount, tradedHaveAmount,
// Process trade, updating corresponding orders in repository
Trade trade = new Trade(this.repository, tradeData);
// Update our order in terms of fulfilment, etc. but do not save into repository as that's handled by Trade above
LOGGER.trace("Updated our order's fulfilled amount to: " + this.orderData.getFulfilled().stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + haveAssetData.getName());
LOGGER.trace("Our order's amount remaining: " + this.getAmountLeft().stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + haveAssetData.getName());
BigDecimal amountFulfilled = isOurOrderNewPricing ? matchedAmount : returnAmountTraded;
LOGGER.trace("Updated our order's fulfilled amount to: " + this.orderData.getFulfilled().stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + matchingAssetData.getName());
LOGGER.trace("Our order's amount remaining: " + this.getAmountLeft().stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " " + matchingAssetData.getName());
// Continue on to process other open orders if we still have amount left to match
if (this.getAmountLeft().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0)
@ -355,8 +437,9 @@ public class Order {
// Return asset to creator
long haveAssetId = this.orderData.getHaveAssetId();
Account creator = new PublicKeyAccount(this.repository, this.orderData.getCreatorPublicKey());
creator.setConfirmedBalance(haveAssetId, creator.getConfirmedBalance(haveAssetId).add(this.orderData.getAmount()));
creator.setConfirmedBalance(haveAssetId, creator.getConfirmedBalance(haveAssetId).add(this.calcHaveAssetCommittment()));
// This is called by CancelOrderTransaction so that an Order can no longer trade

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@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
package org.qora.asset;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import org.qora.account.Account;
import org.qora.account.PublicKeyAccount;
import org.qora.block.BlockChain;
import org.qora.repository.AssetRepository;
@ -31,14 +34,19 @@ public class Trade {
// Update corresponding Orders on both sides of trade
OrderData initiatingOrder = assetRepository.fromOrderId(this.tradeData.getInitiator());
OrderData targetOrder = assetRepository.fromOrderId(this.tradeData.getTarget());
// Under 'new' pricing scheme, "amount" and "fulfilled" are the same asset for both orders
boolean isNewPricing = initiatingOrder.getTimestamp() > BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp();
BigDecimal newPricingAmount = (initiatingOrder.getHaveAssetId() < initiatingOrder.getWantAssetId()) ? this.tradeData.getTargetAmount() : this.tradeData.getInitiatorAmount();
initiatingOrder.setFulfilled(initiatingOrder.getFulfilled().add(isNewPricing ? newPricingAmount : tradeData.getInitiatorAmount()));
// Set isClosed to true if isFulfilled now true
OrderData targetOrder = assetRepository.fromOrderId(this.tradeData.getTarget());
targetOrder.setFulfilled(targetOrder.getFulfilled().add(isNewPricing ? newPricingAmount : tradeData.getTargetAmount()));
// Set isClosed to true if isFulfilled now true
@ -59,14 +67,19 @@ public class Trade {
// Revert corresponding Orders on both sides of trade
OrderData initiatingOrder = assetRepository.fromOrderId(this.tradeData.getInitiator());
OrderData targetOrder = assetRepository.fromOrderId(this.tradeData.getTarget());
// Under 'new' pricing scheme, "amount" and "fulfilled" are the same asset for both orders
boolean isNewPricing = initiatingOrder.getTimestamp() > BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp();
BigDecimal newPricingAmount = (initiatingOrder.getHaveAssetId() < initiatingOrder.getWantAssetId()) ? this.tradeData.getTargetAmount() : this.tradeData.getInitiatorAmount();
initiatingOrder.setFulfilled(initiatingOrder.getFulfilled().subtract(isNewPricing ? newPricingAmount : tradeData.getInitiatorAmount()));
// Set isClosed to false if isFulfilled now false
OrderData targetOrder = assetRepository.fromOrderId(this.tradeData.getTarget());
targetOrder.setFulfilled(targetOrder.getFulfilled().subtract(isNewPricing ? newPricingAmount : tradeData.getTargetAmount()));
// Set isClosed to false if isFulfilled now false

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import java.math.BigDecimal;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
@ -22,17 +21,13 @@ public class OrderData implements Comparable<OrderData> {
@Schema(description = "asset wanted to receive by order creator")
private long wantAssetId;
@Schema(description = "amount of \"have\" asset to trade")
@Schema(description = "amount of highest-assetID asset to trade")
private BigDecimal amount;
@Schema(name = "return", description = "amount of \"want\" asset to receive")
@XmlElement(name = "return")
private BigDecimal wantAmount;
@Schema(description = "price in lowest-assetID asset / highest-assetID asset")
private BigDecimal price;
@Schema(description = "amount of \"want\" asset to receive per unit of \"have\" asset traded")
private BigDecimal unitPrice;
@Schema(description = "how much \"have\" asset has traded")
@Schema(description = "how much of \"amount\" has traded")
private BigDecimal fulfilled;
private long timestamp;
@ -49,24 +44,22 @@ public class OrderData implements Comparable<OrderData> {
protected OrderData() {
public OrderData(byte[] orderId, byte[] creatorPublicKey, long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId, BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal fulfilled, BigDecimal wantAmount,
BigDecimal unitPrice, long timestamp, boolean isClosed, boolean isFulfilled) {
public OrderData(byte[] orderId, byte[] creatorPublicKey, long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId, BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal fulfilled, BigDecimal price, long timestamp, boolean isClosed, boolean isFulfilled) {
this.orderId = orderId;
this.creatorPublicKey = creatorPublicKey;
this.haveAssetId = haveAssetId;
this.wantAssetId = wantAssetId;
this.amount = amount;
this.fulfilled = fulfilled;
this.wantAmount = wantAmount;
this.unitPrice = unitPrice;
this.price = price;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.isClosed = isClosed;
this.isFulfilled = isFulfilled;
/** Constructs OrderData using typical deserialized network data */
public OrderData(byte[] orderId, byte[] creatorPublicKey, long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId, BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal wantAmount, BigDecimal unitPrice, long timestamp) {
this(orderId, creatorPublicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, BigDecimal.ZERO.setScale(8), wantAmount, unitPrice, timestamp, false, false);
public OrderData(byte[] orderId, byte[] creatorPublicKey, long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId, BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal price, long timestamp) {
this(orderId, creatorPublicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, BigDecimal.ZERO.setScale(8), price, timestamp, false, false);
// Getters/setters
@ -99,12 +92,8 @@ public class OrderData implements Comparable<OrderData> {
this.fulfilled = fulfilled;
public BigDecimal getWantAmount() {
return this.wantAmount;
public BigDecimal getUnitPrice() {
return this.unitPrice;
public BigDecimal getPrice() {
return this.price;
public long getTimestamp() {
@ -130,7 +119,7 @@ public class OrderData implements Comparable<OrderData> {
public int compareTo(OrderData orderData) {
// Compare using prices
return this.unitPrice.compareTo(orderData.getUnitPrice());
return this.price.compareTo(orderData.getPrice());

View File

@ -20,11 +20,10 @@ public class CreateAssetOrderTransactionData extends TransactionData {
private long haveAssetId;
@Schema(description = "ID of asset wanted to receive by order creator", example = "0")
private long wantAssetId;
@Schema(description = "amount of \"have\" asset to trade")
@Schema(description = "amount of highest-assetID asset to trade")
private BigDecimal amount;
@Schema(name = "return", description = "amount of \"want\" asset to receive")
@XmlElement(name = "return")
private BigDecimal wantAmount;
@Schema(description = "price in lowest-assetID asset / highest-assetID asset")
private BigDecimal price;
// Constructors
@ -34,18 +33,18 @@ public class CreateAssetOrderTransactionData extends TransactionData {
public CreateAssetOrderTransactionData(long timestamp, int txGroupId, byte[] reference, byte[] creatorPublicKey, long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId,
BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal wantAmount, BigDecimal fee, byte[] signature) {
BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal price, BigDecimal fee, byte[] signature) {
super(TransactionType.CREATE_ASSET_ORDER, timestamp, txGroupId, reference, creatorPublicKey, fee, signature);
this.haveAssetId = haveAssetId;
this.wantAssetId = wantAssetId;
this.amount = amount;
this.wantAmount = wantAmount;
this.price = price;
public CreateAssetOrderTransactionData(long timestamp, int txGroupId, byte[] reference, byte[] creatorPublicKey, long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId,
BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal wantAmount, BigDecimal fee) {
this(timestamp, txGroupId, reference, creatorPublicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, wantAmount, fee, null);
BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal price, BigDecimal fee) {
this(timestamp, txGroupId, reference, creatorPublicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, price, fee, null);
// Getters/Setters
@ -62,8 +61,8 @@ public class CreateAssetOrderTransactionData extends TransactionData {
return this.amount;
public BigDecimal getWantAmount() {
return this.wantAmount;
public BigDecimal getPrice() {
return this.price;
// Re-expose creatorPublicKey for this transaction type for JAXB

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package org.qora.repository;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
@ -44,6 +45,8 @@ public interface AssetRepository {
return getOpenOrders(haveAssetId, wantAssetId, null, null, null);
public List<OrderData> getOpenOrdersForTrading(long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId, BigDecimal minimumPrice) throws DataException;
public List<OrderData> getAggregatedOpenOrders(long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId, Integer limit, Integer offset, Boolean reverse) throws DataException;
public List<OrderData> getAccountsOrders(byte[] publicKey, Boolean optIsClosed, Boolean optIsFulfilled, Integer limit, Integer offset, Boolean reverse)

View File

@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ public class HSQLDBAssetRepository implements AssetRepository {
public OrderData fromOrderId(byte[] orderId) throws DataException {
try (ResultSet resultSet = this.repository.checkedExecute(
"SELECT creator, have_asset_id, want_asset_id, amount, fulfilled, want_amount, unit_price, ordered, is_closed, is_fulfilled FROM AssetOrders WHERE asset_order_id = ?",
"SELECT creator, have_asset_id, want_asset_id, amount, fulfilled, price, ordered, is_closed, is_fulfilled FROM AssetOrders WHERE asset_order_id = ?",
orderId)) {
if (resultSet == null)
return null;
@ -202,13 +202,12 @@ public class HSQLDBAssetRepository implements AssetRepository {
long wantAssetId = resultSet.getLong(3);
BigDecimal amount = resultSet.getBigDecimal(4);
BigDecimal fulfilled = resultSet.getBigDecimal(5);
BigDecimal wantAmount = resultSet.getBigDecimal(6);
BigDecimal unitPrice = resultSet.getBigDecimal(7);
long timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(8, Calendar.getInstance(HSQLDBRepository.UTC)).getTime();
boolean isClosed = resultSet.getBoolean(9);
boolean isFulfilled = resultSet.getBoolean(10);
BigDecimal price = resultSet.getBigDecimal(6);
long timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(7, Calendar.getInstance(HSQLDBRepository.UTC)).getTime();
boolean isClosed = resultSet.getBoolean(8);
boolean isFulfilled = resultSet.getBoolean(9);
return new OrderData(orderId, creatorPublicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, fulfilled, wantAmount, unitPrice, timestamp, isClosed, isFulfilled);
return new OrderData(orderId, creatorPublicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, fulfilled, price, timestamp, isClosed, isFulfilled);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataException("Unable to fetch asset order from repository", e);
@ -217,8 +216,8 @@ public class HSQLDBAssetRepository implements AssetRepository {
public List<OrderData> getOpenOrders(long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId, Integer limit, Integer offset,
Boolean reverse) throws DataException {
String sql = "SELECT creator, asset_order_id, amount, fulfilled, want_amount, unit_price, ordered FROM AssetOrders "
+ "WHERE have_asset_id = ? AND want_asset_id = ? AND is_closed = FALSE AND is_fulfilled = FALSE ORDER BY unit_price";
String sql = "SELECT creator, asset_order_id, amount, fulfilled, price, ordered FROM AssetOrders "
+ "WHERE have_asset_id = ? AND want_asset_id = ? AND is_closed = FALSE AND is_fulfilled = FALSE ORDER BY price";
if (reverse != null && reverse)
sql += " DESC";
sql += ", ordered";
@ -237,14 +236,13 @@ public class HSQLDBAssetRepository implements AssetRepository {
byte[] orderId = resultSet.getBytes(2);
BigDecimal amount = resultSet.getBigDecimal(3);
BigDecimal fulfilled = resultSet.getBigDecimal(4);
BigDecimal wantAmount = resultSet.getBigDecimal(5);
BigDecimal unitPrice = resultSet.getBigDecimal(6);
long timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(7, Calendar.getInstance(HSQLDBRepository.UTC)).getTime();
BigDecimal price = resultSet.getBigDecimal(5);
long timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(6, Calendar.getInstance(HSQLDBRepository.UTC)).getTime();
boolean isClosed = false;
boolean isFulfilled = false;
OrderData order = new OrderData(orderId, creatorPublicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, fulfilled,
wantAmount, unitPrice, timestamp, isClosed, isFulfilled);
price, timestamp, isClosed, isFulfilled);
} while (;
@ -254,11 +252,53 @@ public class HSQLDBAssetRepository implements AssetRepository {
public List<OrderData> getOpenOrdersForTrading(long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId, BigDecimal minimumPrice) throws DataException {
Object[] bindParams;
String sql = "SELECT creator, asset_order_id, amount, fulfilled, price, ordered FROM AssetOrders "
+ "WHERE have_asset_id = ? AND want_asset_id = ? AND NOT is_closed AND NOT is_fulfilled ";
if (minimumPrice != null) {
sql += "AND price >= ? ";
bindParams = new Object[] {haveAssetId, wantAssetId, minimumPrice};
} else {
bindParams = new Object[] {haveAssetId, wantAssetId};
sql += "ORDER BY price DESC, ordered";
List<OrderData> orders = new ArrayList<OrderData>();
try (ResultSet resultSet = this.repository.checkedExecute(sql, bindParams)) {
if (resultSet == null)
return orders;
do {
byte[] creatorPublicKey = resultSet.getBytes(1);
byte[] orderId = resultSet.getBytes(2);
BigDecimal amount = resultSet.getBigDecimal(3);
BigDecimal fulfilled = resultSet.getBigDecimal(4);
BigDecimal price = resultSet.getBigDecimal(5);
long timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(6, Calendar.getInstance(HSQLDBRepository.UTC)).getTime();
boolean isClosed = false;
boolean isFulfilled = false;
OrderData order = new OrderData(orderId, creatorPublicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, fulfilled,
price, timestamp, isClosed, isFulfilled);
} while (;
return orders;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataException("Unable to fetch open asset orders for trading from repository", e);
public List<OrderData> getAggregatedOpenOrders(long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId, Integer limit, Integer offset,
Boolean reverse) throws DataException {
String sql = "SELECT unit_price, SUM(amount - fulfilled), MAX(ordered) FROM AssetOrders "
+ "WHERE have_asset_id = ? AND want_asset_id = ? AND is_closed = FALSE AND is_fulfilled = FALSE GROUP BY unit_price ORDER BY unit_price";
String sql = "SELECT price, SUM(amount - fulfilled), MAX(ordered) FROM AssetOrders "
+ "WHERE have_asset_id = ? AND want_asset_id = ? AND is_closed = FALSE AND is_fulfilled = FALSE GROUP BY price ORDER BY price";
if (reverse != null && reverse)
sql += " DESC";
sql += HSQLDBRepository.limitOffsetSql(limit, offset);
@ -270,12 +310,12 @@ public class HSQLDBAssetRepository implements AssetRepository {
return orders;
do {
BigDecimal unitPrice = resultSet.getBigDecimal(1);
BigDecimal price = resultSet.getBigDecimal(1);
BigDecimal totalUnfulfilled = resultSet.getBigDecimal(2);
long timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(3).getTime();
OrderData order = new OrderData(null, null, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, totalUnfulfilled, BigDecimal.ZERO,
BigDecimal.ZERO, unitPrice, timestamp, false, false);
price, timestamp, false, false);
} while (;
@ -288,7 +328,7 @@ public class HSQLDBAssetRepository implements AssetRepository {
public List<OrderData> getAccountsOrders(byte[] publicKey, Boolean optIsClosed, Boolean optIsFulfilled,
Integer limit, Integer offset, Boolean reverse) throws DataException {
String sql = "SELECT asset_order_id, have_asset_id, want_asset_id, amount, fulfilled, want_amount, unit_price, ordered, is_closed, is_fulfilled "
String sql = "SELECT asset_order_id, have_asset_id, want_asset_id, amount, fulfilled, price, ordered, is_closed, is_fulfilled "
+ "FROM AssetOrders WHERE creator = ?";
if (optIsClosed != null)
sql += " AND is_closed = " + (optIsClosed ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
@ -311,14 +351,13 @@ public class HSQLDBAssetRepository implements AssetRepository {
long wantAssetId = resultSet.getLong(3);
BigDecimal amount = resultSet.getBigDecimal(4);
BigDecimal fulfilled = resultSet.getBigDecimal(5);
BigDecimal wantAmount = resultSet.getBigDecimal(6);
BigDecimal unitPrice = resultSet.getBigDecimal(7);
long timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(8, Calendar.getInstance(HSQLDBRepository.UTC)).getTime();
boolean isClosed = resultSet.getBoolean(9);
boolean isFulfilled = resultSet.getBoolean(10);
BigDecimal price = resultSet.getBigDecimal(6);
long timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(7, Calendar.getInstance(HSQLDBRepository.UTC)).getTime();
boolean isClosed = resultSet.getBoolean(8);
boolean isFulfilled = resultSet.getBoolean(9);
OrderData order = new OrderData(orderId, publicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, fulfilled, wantAmount,
unitPrice, timestamp, isClosed, isFulfilled);
OrderData order = new OrderData(orderId, publicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, fulfilled,
price, timestamp, isClosed, isFulfilled);
} while (;
@ -331,7 +370,7 @@ public class HSQLDBAssetRepository implements AssetRepository {
public List<OrderData> getAccountsOrders(byte[] publicKey, long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId, Boolean optIsClosed,
Boolean optIsFulfilled, Integer limit, Integer offset, Boolean reverse) throws DataException {
String sql = "SELECT asset_order_id, amount, fulfilled, want_amount, unit_price, ordered, is_closed, is_fulfilled "
String sql = "SELECT asset_order_id, amount, fulfilled, price, ordered, is_closed, is_fulfilled "
+ "FROM AssetOrders WHERE creator = ? AND have_asset_id = ? AND want_asset_id = ?";
if (optIsClosed != null)
sql += " AND is_closed = " + (optIsClosed ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
@ -352,14 +391,13 @@ public class HSQLDBAssetRepository implements AssetRepository {
byte[] orderId = resultSet.getBytes(1);
BigDecimal amount = resultSet.getBigDecimal(2);
BigDecimal fulfilled = resultSet.getBigDecimal(3);
BigDecimal wantAmount = resultSet.getBigDecimal(4);
BigDecimal unitPrice = resultSet.getBigDecimal(5);
long timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(6, Calendar.getInstance(HSQLDBRepository.UTC)).getTime();
boolean isClosed = resultSet.getBoolean(7);
boolean isFulfilled = resultSet.getBoolean(8);
BigDecimal price = resultSet.getBigDecimal(4);
long timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(5, Calendar.getInstance(HSQLDBRepository.UTC)).getTime();
boolean isClosed = resultSet.getBoolean(6);
boolean isFulfilled = resultSet.getBoolean(7);
OrderData order = new OrderData(orderId, publicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, fulfilled, wantAmount,
unitPrice, timestamp, isClosed, isFulfilled);
OrderData order = new OrderData(orderId, publicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, fulfilled,
price, timestamp, isClosed, isFulfilled);
} while (;
@ -376,8 +414,7 @@ public class HSQLDBAssetRepository implements AssetRepository {
saveHelper.bind("asset_order_id", orderData.getOrderId()).bind("creator", orderData.getCreatorPublicKey())
.bind("have_asset_id", orderData.getHaveAssetId()).bind("want_asset_id", orderData.getWantAssetId())
.bind("amount", orderData.getAmount()).bind("fulfilled", orderData.getFulfilled())
.bind("want_amount", orderData.getWantAmount()).bind("unit_price", orderData.getUnitPrice())
.bind("ordered", new Timestamp(orderData.getTimestamp()))
.bind("price", orderData.getPrice()).bind("ordered", new Timestamp(orderData.getTimestamp()))
.bind("is_closed", orderData.getIsClosed()).bind("is_fulfilled", orderData.getIsFulfilled());
try {

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import java.sql.Statement;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.qora.block.BlockChain;
public class HSQLDBDatabaseUpdates {
@ -655,6 +656,35 @@ public class HSQLDBDatabaseUpdates {
stmt.execute("ALTER TABLE CreateAssetOrderTransactions ALTER COLUMN price RENAME TO want_amount");
case 42:
// New asset pricing #2
* Use "price" (discard want-amount) but enforce pricing units in one direction
* to avoid all the reciprocal and round issues.
stmt.execute("ALTER TABLE CreateAssetOrderTransactions ALTER COLUMN want_amount RENAME TO price");
stmt.execute("ALTER TABLE AssetOrders DROP COLUMN want_amount");
stmt.execute("ALTER TABLE AssetOrders ALTER COLUMN unit_price RENAME TO price");
stmt.execute("ALTER TABLE AssetOrders ALTER COLUMN price QoraAmount");
* Normalize any 'old' orders to 'new' pricing.
* We must do this so that requesting open orders can be sorted by price.
// Make sure new asset pricing timestamp (used below) is UTC
// Normalize amount/fulfilled to asset with highest assetID, BEFORE price correction
stmt.execute("UPDATE AssetOrders SET amount = amount * price, fulfilled = fulfilled * price "
+ "WHERE ordered < timestamp(" + BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp() + ") "
+ "AND have_asset_id < want_asset_id");
// Normalize price into lowest-assetID/highest-assetID price-pair, e.g. QORA/asset100
// Note: HSQLDB uses BigDecimal's dividend.divide(divisor, RoundingMode.DOWN) too
stmt.execute("UPDATE AssetOrders SET price = CAST(1 AS QoraAmount) / price "
+ "WHERE ordered < timestamp(" + BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp() + ") "
+ "AND have_asset_id < want_asset_id");
// Revert time zone change above
stmt.execute("SET TIME ZONE LOCAL");
// nothing to do
return false;

View File

@ -18,16 +18,16 @@ public class HSQLDBCreateAssetOrderTransactionRepository extends HSQLDBTransacti
TransactionData fromBase(long timestamp, int txGroupId, byte[] reference, byte[] creatorPublicKey, BigDecimal fee, byte[] signature) throws DataException {
try (ResultSet resultSet = this.repository
.checkedExecute("SELECT have_asset_id, amount, want_asset_id, want_amount FROM CreateAssetOrderTransactions WHERE signature = ?", signature)) {
.checkedExecute("SELECT have_asset_id, amount, want_asset_id, price FROM CreateAssetOrderTransactions WHERE signature = ?", signature)) {
if (resultSet == null)
return null;
long haveAssetId = resultSet.getLong(1);
BigDecimal amount = resultSet.getBigDecimal(2);
long wantAssetId = resultSet.getLong(3);
BigDecimal wantAmount = resultSet.getBigDecimal(4);
BigDecimal price = resultSet.getBigDecimal(4);
return new CreateAssetOrderTransactionData(timestamp, txGroupId, reference, creatorPublicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, wantAmount, fee, signature);
return new CreateAssetOrderTransactionData(timestamp, txGroupId, reference, creatorPublicKey, haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, price, fee, signature);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataException("Unable to fetch create order transaction from repository", e);
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class HSQLDBCreateAssetOrderTransactionRepository extends HSQLDBTransacti
saveHelper.bind("signature", createOrderTransactionData.getSignature()).bind("creator", createOrderTransactionData.getCreatorPublicKey())
.bind("have_asset_id", createOrderTransactionData.getHaveAssetId()).bind("amount", createOrderTransactionData.getAmount())
.bind("want_asset_id", createOrderTransactionData.getWantAssetId()).bind("want_amount", createOrderTransactionData.getWantAmount());
.bind("want_asset_id", createOrderTransactionData.getWantAssetId()).bind("price", createOrderTransactionData.getPrice());
try {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package org.qora.transaction;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ public class CreateAssetOrderTransaction extends Transaction {
return ValidationResult.NEGATIVE_AMOUNT;
// Check price is positive
if (createOrderTransactionData.getWantAmount().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0)
if (createOrderTransactionData.getPrice().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0)
return ValidationResult.NEGATIVE_PRICE;
// Check fee is positive
@ -104,19 +103,63 @@ public class CreateAssetOrderTransaction extends Transaction {
Account creator = getCreator();
// Check reference is correct
if (!Arrays.equals(creator.getLastReference(), createOrderTransactionData.getReference()))
return ValidationResult.INVALID_REFERENCE;
boolean isNewPricing = createOrderTransactionData.getTimestamp() >= BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp();
BigDecimal committedCost;
BigDecimal maxOtherAmount;
if (isNewPricing) {
* This is different under "new" pricing scheme as "amount" might be either have-asset or want-asset,
* whichever has the highest assetID.
* e.g. with assetID 11 "GOLD":
* haveAssetId: 0 (QORA), wantAssetId: 11 (GOLD), amount: 123 (GOLD), price: 400 (QORA/GOLD)
* stake 49200 QORA, return 123 GOLD
* haveAssetId: 11 (GOLD), wantAssetId: 0 (QORA), amount: 123 (GOLD), price: 400 (QORA/GOLD)
* stake 123 GOLD, return 49200 QORA
boolean isAmountWantAsset = haveAssetId < wantAssetId;
if (isAmountWantAsset) {
// have/commit 49200 QORA, want/return 123 GOLD
committedCost = createOrderTransactionData.getAmount().multiply(createOrderTransactionData.getPrice());
maxOtherAmount = createOrderTransactionData.getAmount();
} else {
// have/commit 123 GOLD, want/return 49200 QORA
committedCost = createOrderTransactionData.getAmount();
maxOtherAmount = createOrderTransactionData.getAmount().multiply(createOrderTransactionData.getPrice());
} else {
* Under "old" pricing scheme, "amount" is always have-asset and price is always want-per-have.
* e.g. with assetID 11 "GOLD":
* haveAssetId: 0 (QORA), wantAssetId: 11 (GOLD), amount: 49200 (QORA), price: 0.00250000 (GOLD/QORA)
* haveAssetId: 11 (GOLD), wantAssetId: 0 (QORA), amount: 123 (GOLD), price: 400 (QORA/GOLD)
committedCost = createOrderTransactionData.getAmount();
maxOtherAmount = createOrderTransactionData.getAmount().multiply(createOrderTransactionData.getPrice());
// Check amount is integer if amount's asset is not divisible
if (!haveAssetData.getIsDivisible() && committedCost.stripTrailingZeros().scale() > 0)
return ValidationResult.INVALID_AMOUNT;
// Check total return from fulfilled order would be integer if return's asset is not divisible
if (!wantAssetData.getIsDivisible() && maxOtherAmount.stripTrailingZeros().scale() > 0)
return ValidationResult.INVALID_RETURN;
// Check order creator has enough asset balance AFTER removing fee, in case asset is QORA
// If asset is QORA then we need to check amount + fee in one go
if (haveAssetId == Asset.QORA) {
// Check creator has enough funds for amount + fee in QORA
if (creator.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORA).compareTo(createOrderTransactionData.getAmount().add(createOrderTransactionData.getFee())) < 0)
if (creator.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORA).compareTo(committedCost.add(createOrderTransactionData.getFee())) < 0)
return ValidationResult.NO_BALANCE;
} else {
// Check creator has enough funds for amount in whatever asset
if (creator.getConfirmedBalance(haveAssetId).compareTo(createOrderTransactionData.getAmount()) < 0)
if (creator.getConfirmedBalance(haveAssetId).compareTo(committedCost) < 0)
return ValidationResult.NO_BALANCE;
// Check creator has enough funds for fee in QORA
@ -126,21 +169,9 @@ public class CreateAssetOrderTransaction extends Transaction {
return ValidationResult.NO_BALANCE;
// Check "have" amount is integer if "have" asset is not divisible
if (!haveAssetData.getIsDivisible() && createOrderTransactionData.getAmount().stripTrailingZeros().scale() > 0)
return ValidationResult.INVALID_AMOUNT;
// Check total return from fulfilled order would be integer if "want" asset is not divisible
if (createOrderTransactionData.getTimestamp() >= BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp()) {
// "new" asset pricing
if (!wantAssetData.getIsDivisible() && createOrderTransactionData.getWantAmount().stripTrailingZeros().scale() > 0)
return ValidationResult.INVALID_RETURN;
} else {
// "old" asset pricing
if (!wantAssetData.getIsDivisible()
&& createOrderTransactionData.getAmount().multiply(createOrderTransactionData.getWantAmount()).stripTrailingZeros().scale() > 0)
return ValidationResult.INVALID_RETURN;
// Check reference is correct
if (!Arrays.equals(creator.getLastReference(), createOrderTransactionData.getReference()))
return ValidationResult.INVALID_REFERENCE;
return ValidationResult.OK;
@ -161,22 +192,9 @@ public class CreateAssetOrderTransaction extends Transaction {
// Order Id is transaction's signature
byte[] orderId = createOrderTransactionData.getSignature();
BigDecimal wantAmount;
BigDecimal unitPrice;
if (createOrderTransactionData.getTimestamp() >= BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp()) {
// "new" asset pricing: want-amount provided, unit price to be calculated
wantAmount = createOrderTransactionData.getWantAmount();
unitPrice = wantAmount.setScale(Order.BD_PRICE_STORAGE_SCALE).divide(createOrderTransactionData.getAmount().setScale(Order.BD_PRICE_STORAGE_SCALE), RoundingMode.DOWN);
} else {
// "old" asset pricing: selling unit price provided, want-amount to be calculated
wantAmount = createOrderTransactionData.getAmount().multiply(createOrderTransactionData.getWantAmount());
unitPrice = createOrderTransactionData.getWantAmount(); // getWantAmount() was getPrice() in the "old" pricing scheme
// Process the order itself
OrderData orderData = new OrderData(orderId, createOrderTransactionData.getCreatorPublicKey(), createOrderTransactionData.getHaveAssetId(),
createOrderTransactionData.getWantAssetId(), createOrderTransactionData.getAmount(), wantAmount, unitPrice,
createOrderTransactionData.getWantAssetId(), createOrderTransactionData.getAmount(), createOrderTransactionData.getPrice(),
new Order(this.repository, orderData).process();

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public class CreateAssetOrderTransactionTransformer extends TransactionTransform
layout.add("ID of asset of offer", TransformationType.LONG);
layout.add("ID of asset wanted", TransformationType.LONG);
layout.add("amount of asset on offer", TransformationType.ASSET_QUANTITY);
layout.add("amount of wanted asset", TransformationType.ASSET_QUANTITY);
layout.add("trade price in (lowest-assetID asset)/(highest-assetID asset)", TransformationType.ASSET_QUANTITY);
layout.add("fee", TransformationType.AMOUNT);
layout.add("signature", TransformationType.SIGNATURE);
@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ public class CreateAssetOrderTransactionTransformer extends TransactionTransform
BigDecimal amount = Serialization.deserializeBigDecimal(byteBuffer, AMOUNT_LENGTH);
// Under "new" asset pricing, this is actually the want-amount
BigDecimal price = Serialization.deserializeBigDecimal(byteBuffer, AMOUNT_LENGTH);
BigDecimal fee = Serialization.deserializeBigDecimal(byteBuffer);
@ -87,8 +86,7 @@ public class CreateAssetOrderTransactionTransformer extends TransactionTransform
Serialization.serializeBigDecimal(bytes, createOrderTransactionData.getAmount(), AMOUNT_LENGTH);
// Under "new" asset pricing, this is actually the want-amount
Serialization.serializeBigDecimal(bytes, createOrderTransactionData.getWantAmount(), AMOUNT_LENGTH);
Serialization.serializeBigDecimal(bytes, createOrderTransactionData.getPrice(), AMOUNT_LENGTH);
Serialization.serializeBigDecimal(bytes, createOrderTransactionData.getFee());
@ -128,7 +126,7 @@ public class CreateAssetOrderTransactionTransformer extends TransactionTransform
Serialization.serializeBigDecimal(bytes, createOrderTransactionData.getAmount(), AMOUNT_LENGTH);
// This is the crucial difference
Serialization.serializeBigDecimal(bytes, createOrderTransactionData.getWantAmount(), FEE_LENGTH);
Serialization.serializeBigDecimal(bytes, createOrderTransactionData.getPrice(), FEE_LENGTH);
Serialization.serializeBigDecimal(bytes, createOrderTransactionData.getFee());

View File

@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ public class TransactionTests extends Common {
TradeData tradeData = trades.get(0);
// Check trade has correct values
BigDecimal expectedAmount = amount.divide(originalOrderData.getUnitPrice()).setScale(8);
BigDecimal expectedAmount = amount.divide(originalOrderData.getPrice()).setScale(8);
BigDecimal actualAmount = tradeData.getTargetAmount();
assertTrue(expectedAmount.compareTo(actualAmount) == 0);

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
package org.qora.test.assets;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.qora.asset.Order;
import org.qora.repository.DataException;
import org.qora.test.common.Common;
public class GranularityTests extends Common {
public void beforeTest() throws DataException {
public void afterTest() throws DataException {
* Check granularity adjustment values.
public void testGranularities() {
// Price 1/12 is rounded down to 0.08333333.
// To keep [divisible] amount * 0.08333333 to nearest 0.00000001 then amounts need to be multiples of 1.00000000.
testGranularity(true, true, "1", "12", "1");
// Any amount * 12 will be valid for divisible asset so granularity is 0.00000001
testGranularity(true, true, "12", "1", "0.00000001");
// Price 1/10 is 0.10000000.
// To keep amount * 0.1 to nearest 1 then amounts need to be multiples of 10.
testGranularity(false, false, "1", "10", "10");
// Price is 50307/123 which is 409
// Any [indivisible] amount * 409 will be valid for divisible asset to granularity is 1
testGranularity(false, false, "50307", "123", "1");
// Price 1/800 is 0.00125000
// Amounts are indivisible so must be integer.
// Return-amounts are divisible and can be fractional.
// So even though amount needs to be multiples of 1.00000000,
// return-amount will always end up being valid.
// Thus at price 0.00125000 we expect granularity to be 1
testGranularity(false, true, "1", "800", "1");
// Price 1/800 is 0.00125000
// Amounts are divisible so can be fractional.
// Return-amounts are indivisible so must be integer.
// So even though amount can be multiples of 0.00000001,
// return-amount needs to be multiples of 1.00000000
// Thus at price 0.00125000 we expect granularity to be 800
testGranularity(true, false, "1", "800", "800");
// Price 800
// Amounts are indivisible so must be integer.
// Return-amounts are divisible so can be fractional.
// So even though amount needs to be multiples of 1.00000000,
// return-amount will always end up being valid.
// Thus at price 800 we expect granularity to be 1
testGranularity(false, true, "800", "1", "1");
// Price 800
// Amounts are divisible so can be fractional.
// Return-amounts are indivisible so must be integer.
// So even though amount can be multiples of 0.00000001,
// return-amount needs to be multiples of 1.00000000
// Thus at price 800 we expect granularity to be 0.00125000
testGranularity(true, false, "800", "1", "0.00125000");
private void testGranularity(boolean isAmountAssetDivisible, boolean isReturnAssetDivisible, String dividend, String divisor, String expectedGranularity) {
final BigDecimal price = new BigDecimal(dividend).setScale(8).divide(new BigDecimal(divisor).setScale(8), RoundingMode.DOWN);
BigDecimal granularity = Order.calculateAmountGranularity(isAmountAssetDivisible, isReturnAssetDivisible, price);
assertEqualBigDecimals("Granularity incorrect", new BigDecimal(expectedGranularity), granularity);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package org.qora.test.assets;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.qora.repository.DataException;
import org.qora.test.common.Common;
public class MixedPricingTests extends Common{
public void beforeTest() throws DataException {
public void afterTest() throws DataException {
* Check order matching between 'old' pricing order and 'new' pricing order.
* <p>
* In this test, the order created under 'old' pricing scheme has
* "amount" in have-asset?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
package org.qora.test.assets;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.qora.asset.Asset;
import org.qora.repository.DataException;
import org.qora.repository.Repository;
import org.qora.repository.RepositoryManager;
import org.qora.test.common.AccountUtils;
import org.qora.test.common.AssetUtils;
import org.qora.test.common.Common;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.Map;
public class NewTradingTests extends Common {
public void beforeTest() throws DataException {
public void afterTest() throws DataException {
public void testSimple() throws DataException {
final BigDecimal testAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(24L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal price = BigDecimal.valueOf(2L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal qoraAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(48L).setScale(8);
// amounts are in test-asset
// prices are in qora/test
final BigDecimal aliceAmount = testAmount;
final BigDecimal alicePrice = price;
final BigDecimal bobAmount = testAmount;
final BigDecimal bobPrice = price;
final BigDecimal aliceCommitment = testAmount;
final BigDecimal bobCommitment = qoraAmount;
final BigDecimal aliceReturn = qoraAmount;
final BigDecimal bobReturn = testAmount;
// alice (target) order: have 'testAmount' test, want qora @ 'price' qora/test (commits testAmount test)
// bob (initiating) order: have qora, want 'testAmount' test @ 'price' qora/test (commits testAmount*price = qoraAmount)
// Alice should be -testAmount, +qoraAmount
// Bob should be -qoraAmount, +testAmount
AssetUtils.genericTradeTest(AssetUtils.testAssetId, Asset.QORA, aliceAmount, alicePrice, bobAmount, bobPrice, aliceCommitment, bobCommitment, aliceReturn, bobReturn);
* Check matching of indivisible amounts.
* <p>
* New pricing scheme allows two attempts are calculating matched amount
* to reduce partial-match issues caused by rounding and recurring fractional digits:
* <p>
* <ol>
* <li> amount * round_down(1 / unit price) </li>
* <li> round_down(amount / unit price) </li>
* </ol>
* Alice's price is 12 QORA per ATNL so the ATNL per QORA unit price is 0.08333333...<br>
* Bob wants to spend 24 QORA so:
* <p>
* <ol>
* <li> 24 QORA * (1 / 0.0833333...) = 1.99999999 ATNL </li>
* <li> 24 QORA / 0.08333333.... = 2 ATNL </li>
* </ol>
* The second result is obviously more intuitive as is critical where assets are not divisible,
* like ATNL in this test case.
* <p>
* @see NewTradingTests#testOldNonExactFraction
* @see NewTradingTests#testNonExactFraction
* @throws DataException
public void testMixedDivisibility() throws DataException {
// Issue indivisible asset
long atnlAssetId;
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
// Issue indivisible asset
atnlAssetId = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "alice", "ATNL", 100000000L, false);
final BigDecimal atnlAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(2L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal qoraAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(24L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal price = qoraAmount.divide(atnlAmount, RoundingMode.DOWN);
// amounts are in ATNL
// prices are in qora/ATNL
final BigDecimal aliceAmount = atnlAmount;
final BigDecimal alicePrice = price;
final BigDecimal bobAmount = atnlAmount;
final BigDecimal bobPrice = price;
final BigDecimal aliceCommitment = atnlAmount;
final BigDecimal bobCommitment = qoraAmount;
final BigDecimal aliceReturn = qoraAmount;
final BigDecimal bobReturn = atnlAmount;
AssetUtils.genericTradeTest(atnlAssetId, Asset.QORA, aliceAmount, alicePrice, bobAmount, bobPrice, aliceCommitment, bobCommitment, aliceReturn, bobReturn);
* Check matching of indivisible amounts (new pricing).
* <p>
* Alice is selling twice as much as Bob wants,
* but at the same [calculated] unit price,
* so Bob's order should fully match.
* <p>
* However, in legacy/"old" mode, the granularity checks
* would prevent this trade.
public void testIndivisible() throws DataException {
// Issue some indivisible assets
long ragsAssetId;
long richesAssetId;
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
// Issue indivisible asset
ragsAssetId = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "alice", "rags", 1000000L, false);
// Issue another indivisible asset
richesAssetId = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "bob", "riches", 1000000L, false);
// "amount" will be in riches, "price" will be in rags/riches
final BigDecimal ragsAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(50307L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal richesAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(123L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal price = ragsAmount.divide(richesAmount, RoundingMode.DOWN);
final BigDecimal two = BigDecimal.valueOf(2L);
final BigDecimal aliceAmount = richesAmount.multiply(two).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal alicePrice = price;
final BigDecimal aliceCommitment = aliceAmount.multiply(alicePrice).setScale(8); // rags
final BigDecimal bobAmount = richesAmount;
final BigDecimal bobPrice = price;
final BigDecimal bobCommitment = bobAmount; // riches
final BigDecimal aliceReturn = bobAmount; // riches
final BigDecimal bobReturn = bobAmount.multiply(alicePrice).setScale(8); // rags
AssetUtils.genericTradeTest(ragsAssetId, richesAssetId, aliceAmount, alicePrice, bobAmount, bobPrice, aliceCommitment, bobCommitment, aliceReturn, bobReturn);
* Check partial matching of indivisible amounts (new pricing).
* <p>
* Assume both "rags" and "riches" assets are indivisible.
* Alice places an order:
* Have rags, want riches, amount 3 riches, price 1 rags/riches
* Alice has 1 * 3 = 3 rags subtracted from their rags balance.
* Bob places an order:
* Have riches, want rags, amount 8 riches, price 0.25 rags/riches
* Bob has 8 riches subtracted from their riches balance.
* Bob expects at least 8 * 0.25 = 2 rags if his order fully completes.
* Alice is offering more rags for riches than Bob expects.
* So Alice's order is a match for Bob's, and Alice's order price is used.
* Bob wants to trade 8 riches, but Alice only wants to trade 3 riches,
* so the matched amount is 3 riches.
* Bob gains 3 * 1 = 3 rags and Alice gains 3 riches.
* Alice's order has 0 riches left (fully completed).
* Bob's order has 8 - 3 = 5 riches left.
* At Bob's order's price of 0.25 rags/riches,
* it would take 1.25 rags to complete the rest of Bob's order.
* But rags are indivisible so this can't happen at that price.
* However, someone could buy at a better price, e.g. 0.4 rags/riches,
* trading 2 rags for 5 riches.
* Or Bob could cancel the rest of his order and be refunded 5 riches.
public void testPartialIndivisible() throws DataException {
// Issue some indivisible assets
long ragsAssetId;
long richesAssetId;
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
// Issue indivisible asset
ragsAssetId = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "alice", "rags", 1000000L, false);
// Issue another indivisible asset
richesAssetId = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "bob", "riches", 1000000L, false);
// "amount" will be in riches, "price" will be in rags/riches
final BigDecimal aliceAmount = new BigDecimal("3").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal alicePrice = new BigDecimal("1").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal aliceCommitment = aliceAmount.multiply(alicePrice).setScale(8); // rags
final BigDecimal bobAmount = new BigDecimal("8").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobPrice = new BigDecimal("0.25").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobCommitment = bobAmount; // riches
final BigDecimal aliceReturn = aliceAmount; // riches
final BigDecimal bobReturn = aliceAmount.multiply(alicePrice).setScale(8);
AssetUtils.genericTradeTest(ragsAssetId, richesAssetId, aliceAmount, alicePrice, bobAmount, bobPrice, aliceCommitment, bobCommitment, aliceReturn, bobReturn);
* Check matching of orders with prices that
* would have had reciprocals that can't be represented in floating binary.
* <p>
* For example, sell 2 TEST for 24 OTHER so
* unit price is 2 / 24 or 0.08333333(recurring) TEST/OTHER.
* <p>
* But although price is rounded down to 0.08333333,
* the price is the same for both sides.
* <p>
* Traded amounts are expected to be 24 OTHER
* and 1.99999992 TEST.
public void testNonExactFraction() throws DataException {
final BigDecimal aliceAmount = new BigDecimal("24.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal alicePrice = new BigDecimal("0.08333333").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal aliceCommitment = new BigDecimal("1.99999992").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobAmount = new BigDecimal("24.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobPrice = new BigDecimal("0.08333333").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobCommitment = new BigDecimal("24.00000000").setScale(8);
// Expected traded amounts
final BigDecimal aliceReturn = new BigDecimal("24.00000000").setScale(8); // other
final BigDecimal bobReturn = new BigDecimal("1.99999992").setScale(8); // test
long otherAssetId;
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
otherAssetId = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "bob", "other", 5000L, true);
AssetUtils.genericTradeTest(AssetUtils.testAssetId, otherAssetId, aliceAmount, alicePrice, bobAmount, bobPrice, aliceCommitment, bobCommitment, aliceReturn, bobReturn);
* Check that better prices are used in preference when matching orders.
public void testPriceImprovement() throws DataException {
final BigDecimal initialTestAssetAmount = new BigDecimal("24.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal basePrice = new BigDecimal("1.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal betterPrice = new BigDecimal("2.10000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bestPrice = new BigDecimal("2.40000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal minimalPrice = new BigDecimal("0.00000001").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal matchingTestAssetAmount = new BigDecimal("12.00000000").setScale(8);
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Map<String, Map<Long, BigDecimal>> initialBalances = AccountUtils.getBalances(repository, Asset.QORA, AssetUtils.testAssetId);
// Create 'better' initial order
byte[] bobOrderId = AssetUtils.createOrder(repository, "bob", Asset.QORA, AssetUtils.testAssetId, initialTestAssetAmount, betterPrice);
// Create 'best' initial - surrounded by other orders so price improvement code should re-order results
byte[] chloeOrderId = AssetUtils.createOrder(repository, "chloe", Asset.QORA, AssetUtils.testAssetId, initialTestAssetAmount, bestPrice);
// Create 'base' initial order
byte[] dilbertOrderId = AssetUtils.createOrder(repository, "dilbert", Asset.QORA, AssetUtils.testAssetId, initialTestAssetAmount, basePrice);
// Create matching order
byte[] aliceOrderId = AssetUtils.createOrder(repository, "alice", AssetUtils.testAssetId, Asset.QORA, matchingTestAssetAmount, minimalPrice);
// Check balances to check expected outcome
BigDecimal expectedBalance;
// We're expecting Alice's order to match with Chloe's order (as Bob's and Dilberts's orders have worse prices)
BigDecimal matchedQoraAmount = matchingTestAssetAmount.multiply(bestPrice).setScale(8, RoundingMode.DOWN);
BigDecimal tradedTestAssetAmount = matchingTestAssetAmount;
// Alice Qora
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(Asset.QORA).add(matchedQoraAmount);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "alice", Asset.QORA, expectedBalance);
// Alice test asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(AssetUtils.testAssetId).subtract(matchingTestAssetAmount);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "alice", AssetUtils.testAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Bob Qora
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("bob").get(Asset.QORA).subtract(initialTestAssetAmount.multiply(betterPrice).setScale(8, RoundingMode.DOWN));
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "bob", Asset.QORA, expectedBalance);
// Bob test asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("bob").get(AssetUtils.testAssetId);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "bob", AssetUtils.testAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Chloe Qora
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("chloe").get(Asset.QORA).subtract(initialTestAssetAmount.multiply(bestPrice).setScale(8, RoundingMode.DOWN));
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "chloe", Asset.QORA, expectedBalance);
// Chloe test asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("chloe").get(AssetUtils.testAssetId).add(tradedTestAssetAmount);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "chloe", AssetUtils.testAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Dilbert Qora
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("dilbert").get(Asset.QORA).subtract(initialTestAssetAmount.multiply(basePrice).setScale(8, RoundingMode.DOWN));
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "dilbert", Asset.QORA, expectedBalance);
// Dilbert test asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("dilbert").get(AssetUtils.testAssetId);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "dilbert", AssetUtils.testAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Check orders
OrderData aliceOrderData = repository.getAssetRepository().fromOrderId(aliceOrderId);
OrderData bobOrderData = repository.getAssetRepository().fromOrderId(bobOrderId);
OrderData chloeOrderData = repository.getAssetRepository().fromOrderId(chloeOrderId);
OrderData dilbertOrderData = repository.getAssetRepository().fromOrderId(dilbertOrderId);
// Alice's fulfilled
Common.assertEqualBigDecimals("Alice's order's fulfilled amount incorrect", tradedTestAssetAmount, aliceOrderData.getFulfilled());
// Bob's fulfilled should be zero
Common.assertEqualBigDecimals("Bob's order should be totally unfulfilled", BigDecimal.ZERO, bobOrderData.getFulfilled());
// Chloe's fulfilled
Common.assertEqualBigDecimals("Chloe's order's fulfilled amount incorrect", tradedTestAssetAmount, chloeOrderData.getFulfilled());
// Dilbert's fulfilled should be zero
Common.assertEqualBigDecimals("Dilbert's order should be totally unfulfilled", BigDecimal.ZERO, dilbertOrderData.getFulfilled());

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@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
package org.qora.test.assets;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.qora.asset.Asset;
import org.qora.repository.DataException;
import org.qora.repository.Repository;
import org.qora.repository.RepositoryManager;
import org.qora.test.common.AccountUtils;
import org.qora.test.common.AssetUtils;
import org.qora.test.common.Common;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Map;
public class OldTradingTests extends Common {
public void beforeTest() throws DataException {
public void afterTest() throws DataException {
* Check matching of indivisible amounts.
* <p>
* We use orders similar to some found in legacy qora1 blockchain
* to test for expected results with indivisible assets.
* <p>
* In addition, although the 3rd "further" order would match up to 999 RUB.iPLZ,
* granularity at that price reduces matched amount to 493 RUB.iPLZ.
public void testOldIndivisible() throws DataException {
// Issue some indivisible assets
long asset112Id;
long asset113Id;
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
// Issue indivisible asset
asset112Id = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "alice", "RUB.iPLZ", 999999999999L, false);
// Issue another indivisible asset
asset113Id = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "bob", "RU.GZP.V123", 10000L, false);
// Transfer some assets so orders can be created
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
AssetUtils.transferAsset(repository, "alice", "bob", asset112Id, BigDecimal.valueOf(5000L).setScale(8));
AssetUtils.transferAsset(repository, "bob", "alice", asset113Id, BigDecimal.valueOf(5000L).setScale(8));
final BigDecimal asset113Amount = new BigDecimal("1000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset112Price = new BigDecimal("1.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset112Amount = new BigDecimal("2000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset113Price = new BigDecimal("0.98600000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset112Matched = new BigDecimal("1000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset113Matched = new BigDecimal("1000").setScale(8);
AssetUtils.genericTradeTest(asset113Id, asset112Id, asset113Amount, asset112Price, asset112Amount, asset113Price, asset113Amount, asset112Amount, asset112Matched, asset113Matched);
// Further trade
final BigDecimal asset113Amount2 = new BigDecimal("986").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset112Price2 = new BigDecimal("1.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset112Matched2 = new BigDecimal("500").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset113Matched2 = new BigDecimal("493").setScale(8);
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Map<String, Map<Long, BigDecimal>> initialBalances = AccountUtils.getBalances(repository, asset112Id, asset113Id);
// Create further order
byte[] furtherOrderId = AssetUtils.createOrder(repository, "alice", asset113Id, asset112Id, asset113Amount2, asset112Price2);
// Check balances to check expected outcome
BigDecimal expectedBalance;
// Alice asset 113
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(asset113Id).subtract(asset113Amount2);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "alice", asset113Id, expectedBalance);
// Alice asset 112
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(asset112Id).add(asset112Matched2);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "alice", asset112Id, expectedBalance);
BigDecimal expectedFulfilled = asset113Matched2;
BigDecimal actualFulfilled = repository.getAssetRepository().fromOrderId(furtherOrderId).getFulfilled();
assertEqualBigDecimals("Order fulfilled incorrect", expectedFulfilled, actualFulfilled);
* Check legacy partial matching of orders with prices that
* can't be represented in floating binary.
* <p>
* For example, sell 2 TEST for 24 QORA so
* unit price is 2 / 24 or 0.08333333.
* <p>
* This inexactness causes the match amount to be
* only 1.99999992 instead of the expected 2.00000000.
* <p>
* However this behaviour is "grandfathered" in legacy/"old"
* mode so we need to test.
public void testOldNonExactFraction() throws DataException {
final BigDecimal aliceAmount = new BigDecimal("24.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal alicePrice = new BigDecimal("0.08333333").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobAmount = new BigDecimal("2.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobPrice = new BigDecimal("12.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal aliceCommitment = aliceAmount;
final BigDecimal bobCommitment = bobAmount;
// Due to rounding these are the expected traded amounts.
final BigDecimal aliceReturn = new BigDecimal("1.99999992").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobReturn = new BigDecimal("24.00000000").setScale(8);
AssetUtils.genericTradeTest(AssetUtils.testAssetId, Asset.QORA, aliceAmount, alicePrice, bobAmount, bobPrice, aliceCommitment, bobCommitment, aliceReturn, bobReturn);
* Check legacy qora1 blockchain matching behaviour.
public void testQora1Compat() throws DataException {
// Asset 61 [ATFunding] was issued by QYsLsfwMRBPnunmuWmFkM4hvGsfooY8ssU with 250,000,000 quantity and was divisible.
// Target order 2jMinWSBjxaLnQvhcEoWGs2JSdX7qbwxMTZenQXXhjGYDHCJDL6EjXPz5VXYuUfZM5LvRNNbcaeBbM6Xhb4tN53g
// Creator was QZyuTa3ygjThaPRhrCp1BW4R5Sed6uAGN8 at 2014-10-23 11:14:42.525000+0:00
// Have: 150000 [ATFunding], Price: 1.7000000 QORA
// Initiating order 3Ufqi52nDL3Gi7KqVXpgebVN5FmLrdq2XyUJ11BwSV4byxQ2z96Q5CQeawGyanhpXS4XkYAaJTrNxsDDDxyxwbMN
// Creator was QMRoD3RS5vJ4DVNBhBgGtQG4KT3PhkNALH at 2015-03-27 12:24:02.945000+0:00
// Have: 2 QORA, Price: 0.58 [ATFunding]
// Trade: 1.17647050 [ATFunding] for 1.99999985 QORA
// Load/check settings, which potentially sets up blockchain config, etc.
// Transfer some test asset to bob
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
AssetUtils.transferAsset(repository, "alice", "bob", AssetUtils.testAssetId, BigDecimal.valueOf(200000L).setScale(8));
final BigDecimal aliceAmount = new BigDecimal("150000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal alicePrice = new BigDecimal("1.70000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobAmount = new BigDecimal("2.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobPrice = new BigDecimal("0.58000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal aliceCommitment = aliceAmount;
final BigDecimal bobCommitment = bobAmount;
final BigDecimal aliceReturn = new BigDecimal("1.99999985").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobReturn = new BigDecimal("1.17647050").setScale(8);
AssetUtils.genericTradeTest(AssetUtils.testAssetId, Asset.QORA, aliceAmount, alicePrice, bobAmount, bobPrice, aliceCommitment, bobCommitment, aliceReturn, bobReturn);
* Check legacy qora1 blockchain matching behaviour.
public void testQora1Compat2() throws DataException {
// Asset 95 [Bitcoin] was issued by QiGx93L9rNHSNWCY1bJnQTPwB3nhxYTCUj with 21000000 quantity and was divisible.
// Asset 96 [BitBTC] was issued by QiGx93L9rNHSNWCY1bJnQTPwB3nhxYTCUj with 21000000 quantity and was divisible.
// Target order 3jinKPHEak9xrjeYtCaE1PawwRZeRkhYA6q4A7sqej7f3jio8WwXwXpfLWVZkPQ3h6cVdwPhcDFNgbbrBXcipHee
// Creator was QiGx93L9rNHSNWCY1bJnQTPwB3nhxYTCUj at 2015-06-10 20:31:44.840000+0:00
// Have: 1000000 [BitBTC], Price: 0.90000000 [Bitcoin]
// Initiating order Jw1UfgspZ344waF8qLhGJanJXVa32FBoVvMW5ByFkyHvZEumF4fPqbaGMa76ba1imC4WX5t3Roa7r23Ys6rhKAA
// Creator was QiGx93L9rNHSNWCY1bJnQTPwB3nhxYTCUj at 2015-06-14 17:49:41.410000+0:00
// Have: 73251 [Bitcoin], Price: 1.01 [BitBTC]
// Trade: 81389.99991860 [BitBTC] for 73250.99992674 [Bitcoin]
// Load/check settings, which potentially sets up blockchain config, etc.
// Transfer some test asset to bob
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
AssetUtils.transferAsset(repository, "alice", "bob", AssetUtils.testAssetId, BigDecimal.valueOf(200000L).setScale(8));
final BigDecimal aliceAmount = new BigDecimal("1000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal alicePrice = new BigDecimal("0.90000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobAmount = new BigDecimal("73251").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobPrice = new BigDecimal("1.01000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal aliceCommitment = aliceAmount;
final BigDecimal bobCommitment = bobAmount;
final BigDecimal aliceReturn = new BigDecimal("73250.99992674").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bobReturn = new BigDecimal("81389.99991860").setScale(8);
AssetUtils.genericTradeTest(Asset.QORA, AssetUtils.testAssetId, aliceAmount, alicePrice, bobAmount, bobPrice, aliceCommitment, bobCommitment, aliceReturn, bobReturn);

View File

@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
package org.qora.test.assets;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.qora.asset.Asset;
import org.qora.asset.Order;
import org.qora.block.BlockChain;
import org.qora.repository.DataException;
import org.qora.repository.Repository;
import org.qora.repository.RepositoryManager;
import org.qora.test.common.AccountUtils;
import org.qora.test.common.AssetUtils;
import org.qora.test.common.Common;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Map;
public class TradingTests extends Common {
public void beforeTest() throws DataException {
public void afterTest() throws DataException {
* Check granularity adjustment values.
* <p>
* If trading at a price of 12 eggs for 1 coin
* then trades can only happen at multiples of
* 0.000000001 or 0.00000012 depending on direction.
public void testDivisibleGranularities() {
testGranularity(true, true, "12", "1", "0.00000012");
testGranularity(true, true, "1", "12", "0.00000001");
* Check granularity adjustment values.
* <p>
* If trading at a price of 123 riches per 50301 rags,
* then the GCD(123, 50301) is 3 and so trades can only
* happen at multiples of (50301/3) = 16767 rags or
* (123/3) = 41 riches.
public void testIndivisibleGranularities() {
testGranularity(false, false, "50301", "123", "16767");
testGranularity(false, false, "123", "50301", "41");
private void testGranularity(boolean isOurHaveDivisible, boolean isOurWantDivisible, String theirHaveAmount, String theirWantAmount, String expectedGranularity) {
final long newPricingTimestamp = BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp() + 1;
final AssetData ourHaveAssetData = new AssetData(null, null, null, 0, isOurHaveDivisible, null, 0, null);
final AssetData ourWantAssetData = new AssetData(null, null, null, 0, isOurWantDivisible, null, 0, null);
OrderData theirOrderData = new OrderData(null, null, 0, 0, new BigDecimal(theirHaveAmount), new BigDecimal(theirWantAmount), null, newPricingTimestamp);
BigDecimal granularity = Order.calculateAmountGranularity(ourHaveAssetData, ourWantAssetData, theirOrderData);
assertEqualBigDecimals("Granularity incorrect", new BigDecimal(expectedGranularity), granularity);
* Check matching of indivisible amounts.
* <p>
* New pricing scheme allows two attempts are calculating matched amount
* to reduce partial-match issues caused by rounding and recurring fractional digits:
* <p>
* <ol>
* <li> amount * round_down(1 / unit price) </li>
* <li> round_down(amount / unit price) </li>
* </ol>
* Alice's price is 12 QORA per ATNL so the ATNL per QORA unit price is 0.08333333...<br>
* Bob wants to spend 24 QORA so:
* <p>
* <ol>
* <li> 24 QORA * (1 / 0.0833333...) = 1.99999999 ATNL </li>
* <li> 24 QORA / 0.08333333.... = 2 ATNL </li>
* </ol>
* The second result is obviously more intuitive as is critical where assets are not divisible,
* like ATNL in this test case.
* <p>
* @see TradingTests#testOldNonExactFraction
* @see TradingTests#testNonExactFraction
* @throws DataException
public void testMixedDivisibility() throws DataException {
// Issue indivisible asset
long atnlAssetId;
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
// Issue indivisible asset
atnlAssetId = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "alice", "ATNL", 100000000L, false);
final BigDecimal atnlAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(2L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal qoraAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(24L).setScale(8);
genericTradeTest(atnlAssetId, Asset.QORA, atnlAmount, qoraAmount, qoraAmount, atnlAmount, atnlAmount, qoraAmount);
* Check matching of indivisible amounts (new pricing).
* <p>
* Alice is selling twice as much as Bob wants,
* but at the same [calculated] unit price,
* so Bob's order should fully match.
* <p>
* However, in legacy/"old" mode, the granularity checks
* would prevent this trade.
public void testIndivisible() throws DataException {
// Issue some indivisible assets
long ragsAssetId;
long richesAssetId;
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
// Issue indivisble asset
ragsAssetId = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "alice", "rags", 12345678L, false);
// Issue another indivisble asset
richesAssetId = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "bob", "riches", 87654321L, false);
final BigDecimal ragsAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(50301L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal richesAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(123L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal two = BigDecimal.valueOf(2L);
genericTradeTest(ragsAssetId, richesAssetId, ragsAmount.multiply(two), richesAmount.multiply(two), richesAmount, ragsAmount, ragsAmount, richesAmount);
* Check matching of indivisible amounts.
* <p>
* We use orders similar to some found in legacy qora1 blockchain
* to test for expected results with indivisible assets.
* <p>
* In addition, although the 3rd "further" order would match up to 999 RUB.iPLZ,
* granularity at that price reduces matched amount to 493 RUB.iPLZ.
public void testOldIndivisible() throws DataException {
// Issue some indivisible assets
long asset112Id;
long asset113Id;
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
// Issue indivisble asset
asset112Id = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "alice", "RUB.iPLZ", 999999999999L, false);
// Issue another indivisble asset
asset113Id = AssetUtils.issueAsset(repository, "bob", "RU.GZP.V123", 10000L, false);
// Transfer some assets so orders can be created
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
AssetUtils.transferAsset(repository, "alice", "bob", asset112Id, BigDecimal.valueOf(5000L).setScale(8));
AssetUtils.transferAsset(repository, "bob", "alice", asset113Id, BigDecimal.valueOf(5000L).setScale(8));
final BigDecimal asset113Amount = new BigDecimal("1000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset112Price = new BigDecimal("1.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset112Amount = new BigDecimal("2000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset113Price = new BigDecimal("0.98600000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset112Matched = new BigDecimal("1000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset113Matched = new BigDecimal("1000").setScale(8);
genericTradeTest(asset113Id, asset112Id, asset113Amount, asset112Price, asset112Amount, asset113Price, asset113Matched, asset112Matched);
// Further trade
final BigDecimal asset113Amount2 = new BigDecimal("986").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset112Price2 = new BigDecimal("1.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset112Matched2 = new BigDecimal("500").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal asset113Matched2 = new BigDecimal("493").setScale(8);
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Map<String, Map<Long, BigDecimal>> initialBalances = AccountUtils.getBalances(repository, asset112Id, asset113Id);
// Create further order
byte[] furtherOrderId = AssetUtils.createOrder(repository, "alice", asset113Id, asset112Id, asset113Amount2, asset112Price2);
// Check balances to check expected outcome
BigDecimal expectedBalance;
// Alice asset 113
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(asset113Id).subtract(asset113Amount2);
assertBalance(repository, "alice", asset113Id, expectedBalance);
// Alice asset 112
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(asset112Id).add(asset112Matched2);
assertBalance(repository, "alice", asset112Id, expectedBalance);
BigDecimal expectedFulfilled = asset113Matched2;
BigDecimal actualFulfilled = repository.getAssetRepository().fromOrderId(furtherOrderId).getFulfilled();
assertEqualBigDecimals("Order fulfilled incorrect", expectedFulfilled, actualFulfilled);
* Check full matching of orders with prices that
* can't be represented in floating binary.
* <p>
* For example, sell 1 GOLD for 12 QORA so
* price is 1/12 or 0.08333333..., which could
* lead to rounding issues or inexact match amounts,
* but we counter this using the technique described in
* {@link #testMixedDivisibility()}
public void testNonExactFraction() throws DataException {
final BigDecimal otherAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(24L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal qoraAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(2L).setScale(8);
genericTradeTest(AssetUtils.testAssetId, Asset.QORA, otherAmount, qoraAmount, qoraAmount, otherAmount, otherAmount, qoraAmount);
* Check legacy partial matching of orders with prices that
* can't be represented in floating binary.
* <p>
* For example, sell 2 TEST for 24 QORA so
* unit price is 2 / 24 or 0.08333333.
* <p>
* This inexactness causes the match amount to be
* only 1.99999992 instead of the expected 2.00000000.
* <p>
* However this behaviour is "grandfathered" in legacy/"old"
* mode so we need to test.
public void testOldNonExactFraction() throws DataException {
final BigDecimal initialAmount = new BigDecimal("24.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal initialPrice = new BigDecimal("0.08333333").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal matchedAmount = new BigDecimal("2.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal matchedPrice = new BigDecimal("12.00000000").setScale(8);
// Due to rounding these are the expected traded amounts.
final BigDecimal tradedQoraAmount = new BigDecimal("24.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal tradedOtherAmount = new BigDecimal("1.99999992").setScale(8);
genericTradeTest(AssetUtils.testAssetId, Asset.QORA, initialAmount, initialPrice, matchedAmount, matchedPrice, tradedQoraAmount, tradedOtherAmount);
* Check that better prices are used in preference when matching orders.
public void testPriceImprovement() throws DataException {
final BigDecimal qoraAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(24L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal betterQoraAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(25L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal bestQoraAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(31L).setScale(8);
final BigDecimal otherAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(2L).setScale(8);
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Map<String, Map<Long, BigDecimal>> initialBalances = AccountUtils.getBalances(repository, Asset.QORA, AssetUtils.testAssetId);
// Create best initial order
AssetUtils.createOrder(repository, "bob", Asset.QORA, AssetUtils.testAssetId, qoraAmount, otherAmount);
// Create initial order better than first
AssetUtils.createOrder(repository, "chloe", Asset.QORA, AssetUtils.testAssetId, bestQoraAmount, otherAmount);
// Create initial order
AssetUtils.createOrder(repository, "dilbert", Asset.QORA, AssetUtils.testAssetId, betterQoraAmount, otherAmount);
// Create matching order
AssetUtils.createOrder(repository, "alice", AssetUtils.testAssetId, Asset.QORA, otherAmount, qoraAmount);
// Check balances to check expected outcome
BigDecimal expectedBalance;
// We're expecting Alice's order to match with Chloe's order (as Bob's and Dilberts's orders have worse prices)
// Alice Qora
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(Asset.QORA).add(bestQoraAmount);
assertBalance(repository, "alice", Asset.QORA, expectedBalance);
// Alice test asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(AssetUtils.testAssetId).subtract(otherAmount);
assertBalance(repository, "alice", AssetUtils.testAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Bob Qora
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("bob").get(Asset.QORA).subtract(qoraAmount);
assertBalance(repository, "bob", Asset.QORA, expectedBalance);
// Bob test asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("bob").get(AssetUtils.testAssetId);
assertBalance(repository, "bob", AssetUtils.testAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Chloe Qora
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("chloe").get(Asset.QORA).subtract(bestQoraAmount);
assertBalance(repository, "chloe", Asset.QORA, expectedBalance);
// Chloe test asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("chloe").get(AssetUtils.testAssetId).add(otherAmount);
assertBalance(repository, "chloe", AssetUtils.testAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Dilbert Qora
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("dilbert").get(Asset.QORA).subtract(betterQoraAmount);
assertBalance(repository, "dilbert", Asset.QORA, expectedBalance);
// Dilbert test asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("dilbert").get(AssetUtils.testAssetId);
assertBalance(repository, "dilbert", AssetUtils.testAssetId, expectedBalance);
* Check legacy qora1 blockchain matching behaviour.
public void testQora1Compat() throws DataException {
// Asset 61 [ATFunding] was issued by QYsLsfwMRBPnunmuWmFkM4hvGsfooY8ssU with 250,000,000 quantity and was divisible.
// Initial order 2jMinWSBjxaLnQvhcEoWGs2JSdX7qbwxMTZenQXXhjGYDHCJDL6EjXPz5VXYuUfZM5LvRNNbcaeBbM6Xhb4tN53g
// Creator was QZyuTa3ygjThaPRhrCp1BW4R5Sed6uAGN8 at 2014-10-23 11:14:42.525000+0:00
// Have: 150000 [ATFunding], Price: 1.7000000 QORA
// Matching order 3Ufqi52nDL3Gi7KqVXpgebVN5FmLrdq2XyUJ11BwSV4byxQ2z96Q5CQeawGyanhpXS4XkYAaJTrNxsDDDxyxwbMN
// Creator was QMRoD3RS5vJ4DVNBhBgGtQG4KT3PhkNALH at 2015-03-27 12:24:02.945000+0:00
// Have: 2 QORA, Price: 0.58 [ATFunding]
// Trade: 1.17647050 [ATFunding] for 1.99999985 QORA
// Load/check settings, which potentially sets up blockchain config, etc.
// Transfer some test asset to bob
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
AssetUtils.transferAsset(repository, "alice", "bob", AssetUtils.testAssetId, BigDecimal.valueOf(200000L).setScale(8));
final BigDecimal initialAmount = new BigDecimal("150000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal initialPrice = new BigDecimal("1.70000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal matchingAmount = new BigDecimal("2.00000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal matchingPrice = new BigDecimal("0.58000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal tradedOtherAmount = new BigDecimal("1.17647050").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal tradedQoraAmount = new BigDecimal("1.99999985").setScale(8);
genericTradeTest(AssetUtils.testAssetId, Asset.QORA, initialAmount, initialPrice, matchingAmount, matchingPrice, tradedOtherAmount, tradedQoraAmount);
* Check legacy qora1 blockchain matching behaviour.
public void testQora1Compat2() throws DataException {
// Asset 95 [Bitcoin] was issued by QiGx93L9rNHSNWCY1bJnQTPwB3nhxYTCUj with 21000000 quantity and was divisible.
// Asset 96 [BitBTC] was issued by QiGx93L9rNHSNWCY1bJnQTPwB3nhxYTCUj with 21000000 quantity and was divisible.
// Initial order 3jinKPHEak9xrjeYtCaE1PawwRZeRkhYA6q4A7sqej7f3jio8WwXwXpfLWVZkPQ3h6cVdwPhcDFNgbbrBXcipHee
// Creator was QiGx93L9rNHSNWCY1bJnQTPwB3nhxYTCUj at 2015-06-10 20:31:44.840000+0:00
// Have: 1000000 [BitBTC], Price: 0.90000000 [Bitcoin]
// Matching order Jw1UfgspZ344waF8qLhGJanJXVa32FBoVvMW5ByFkyHvZEumF4fPqbaGMa76ba1imC4WX5t3Roa7r23Ys6rhKAA
// Creator was QiGx93L9rNHSNWCY1bJnQTPwB3nhxYTCUj at 2015-06-14 17:49:41.410000+0:00
// Have: 73251 [Bitcoin], Price: 1.01 [BitBTC]
// Trade: 81389.99991860 [BitBTC] for 73250.99992674 [Bitcoin]
// Load/check settings, which potentially sets up blockchain config, etc.
// Transfer some test asset to bob
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
AssetUtils.transferAsset(repository, "alice", "bob", AssetUtils.testAssetId, BigDecimal.valueOf(200000L).setScale(8));
final BigDecimal initialAmount = new BigDecimal("1000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal initialPrice = new BigDecimal("0.90000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal matchingAmount = new BigDecimal("73251").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal matchingPrice = new BigDecimal("1.01000000").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal tradedHaveAmount = new BigDecimal("81389.99991860").setScale(8);
final BigDecimal tradedWantAmount = new BigDecimal("73250.99992674").setScale(8);
genericTradeTest(Asset.QORA, AssetUtils.testAssetId, initialAmount, initialPrice, matchingAmount, matchingPrice, tradedHaveAmount, tradedWantAmount);
private void genericTradeTest(long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId,
BigDecimal initialAmount, BigDecimal initialPrice,
BigDecimal matchingAmount, BigDecimal matchingPrice,
BigDecimal tradedHaveAmount, BigDecimal tradedWantAmount) throws DataException {
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Map<String, Map<Long, BigDecimal>> initialBalances = AccountUtils.getBalances(repository, haveAssetId, wantAssetId);
// Create initial order
AssetUtils.createOrder(repository, "alice", haveAssetId, wantAssetId, initialAmount, initialPrice);
// Create matching order
AssetUtils.createOrder(repository, "bob", wantAssetId, haveAssetId, matchingAmount, matchingPrice);
// Check balances to check expected outcome
BigDecimal expectedBalance;
// Alice have asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(haveAssetId).subtract(initialAmount);
assertBalance(repository, "alice", haveAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Alice want asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(wantAssetId).add(tradedWantAmount);
assertBalance(repository, "alice", wantAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Bob want asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("bob").get(wantAssetId).subtract(matchingAmount);
assertBalance(repository, "bob", wantAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Bob have asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("bob").get(haveAssetId).add(tradedHaveAmount);
assertBalance(repository, "bob", haveAssetId, expectedBalance);
private static void assertBalance(Repository repository, String accountName, long assetId, BigDecimal expectedBalance) throws DataException {
BigDecimal actualBalance = Common.getTestAccount(repository, accountName).getConfirmedBalance(assetId);
assertEqualBigDecimals(String.format("Test account '%s' asset %d balance incorrect", accountName, assetId), expectedBalance, actualBalance);

View File

@ -29,4 +29,10 @@ public class AccountUtils {
return balances;
public static void assertBalance(Repository repository, String accountName, long assetId, BigDecimal expectedBalance) throws DataException {
BigDecimal actualBalance = Common.getTestAccount(repository, accountName).getConfirmedBalance(assetId);
Common.assertEqualBigDecimals(String.format("Test account '%s' asset %d balance incorrect", accountName, assetId), expectedBalance, actualBalance);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
package org.qora.test.common;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Map;
import org.qora.account.PrivateKeyAccount;
import org.qora.block.BlockChain;
@ -10,6 +15,7 @@ import;
import org.qora.repository.DataException;
import org.qora.repository.Repository;
import org.qora.repository.RepositoryManager;
public class AssetUtils {
@ -42,18 +48,71 @@ public class AssetUtils {
TransactionUtils.signAndForge(repository, transactionData, fromAccount);
public static byte[] createOrder(Repository repository, String accountName, long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId, BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal wantAmount) throws DataException {
public static byte[] createOrder(Repository repository, String accountName, long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId, BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal price) throws DataException {
PrivateKeyAccount account = Common.getTestAccount(repository, accountName);
byte[] reference = account.getLastReference();
long timestamp = repository.getTransactionRepository().fromSignature(reference).getTimestamp() + 1000;
// Note: "price" is not the same in V2 as in V1
TransactionData transactionData = new CreateAssetOrderTransactionData(timestamp, txGroupId, reference, account.getPublicKey(), haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, wantAmount, fee);
TransactionData transactionData = new CreateAssetOrderTransactionData(timestamp, txGroupId, reference, account.getPublicKey(), haveAssetId, wantAssetId, amount, price, fee);
TransactionUtils.signAndForge(repository, transactionData, account);
return repository.getAssetRepository().getAccountsOrders(account.getPublicKey(), null, null, null, null, true).get(0).getOrderId();
public static void genericTradeTest(long haveAssetId, long wantAssetId,
BigDecimal aliceAmount, BigDecimal alicePrice,
BigDecimal bobAmount, BigDecimal bobPrice,
BigDecimal aliceCommitment, BigDecimal bobCommitment,
BigDecimal aliceReturn, BigDecimal bobReturn) throws DataException {
try (Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Map<String, Map<Long, BigDecimal>> initialBalances = AccountUtils.getBalances(repository, haveAssetId, wantAssetId);
// Create target order
byte[] targetOrderId = createOrder(repository, "alice", haveAssetId, wantAssetId, aliceAmount, alicePrice);
// Create initiating order
byte[] initiatingOrderId = createOrder(repository, "bob", wantAssetId, haveAssetId, bobAmount, bobPrice);
// Check balances to check expected outcome
BigDecimal expectedBalance;
// Alice have asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(haveAssetId).subtract(aliceCommitment);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "alice", haveAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Alice want asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(wantAssetId).add(aliceReturn);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "alice", wantAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Bob want asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("bob").get(wantAssetId).subtract(bobCommitment);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "bob", wantAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Bob have asset
expectedBalance = initialBalances.get("bob").get(haveAssetId).add(bobReturn);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "bob", haveAssetId, expectedBalance);
// Check orders
BigDecimal expectedFulfilled;
// Check matching order
OrderData targetOrderData = repository.getAssetRepository().fromOrderId(targetOrderId);
OrderData initiatingOrderData = repository.getAssetRepository().fromOrderId(initiatingOrderId);
boolean isNewPricing = initiatingOrderData.getTimestamp() > BlockChain.getInstance().getNewAssetPricingTimestamp();
BigDecimal newPricingAmount = (initiatingOrderData.getHaveAssetId() < initiatingOrderData.getWantAssetId()) ? bobReturn : aliceReturn;
assertNotNull("matching order missing", initiatingOrderData);
expectedFulfilled = isNewPricing ? newPricingAmount : aliceReturn;
Common.assertEqualBigDecimals(String.format("Bob's order \"fulfilled\" incorrect"), expectedFulfilled, initiatingOrderData.getFulfilled());
// Check initial order
assertNotNull("initial order missing", targetOrderData);
expectedFulfilled = isNewPricing ? newPricingAmount : bobReturn;
Common.assertEqualBigDecimals(String.format("Alice's order \"fulfilled\" incorrect"), expectedFulfilled, targetOrderData.getFulfilled());

View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Base58;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.jsse.provider.BouncyCastleJsseProvider;
@ -34,12 +36,29 @@ import org.qora.settings.Settings;
public class Common {
static {
// This must go before any calls to LogManager/Logger
System.setProperty("java.util.logging.manager", "org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager");
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleProvider(), 0);
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleJsseProvider(), 1);
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(Common.class);
public static final String testConnectionUrl = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testdb";
// For debugging, use this instead to write DB to disk for examination:
// public static final String testConnectionUrl = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:testdb/blockchain;create=true";
public static final String testSettingsFilename = "test-settings-v2.json";
static {
// Load/check settings, which potentially sets up blockchain config, etc.
URL testSettingsUrl = Common.class.getClassLoader().getResource(testSettingsFilename);
assertNotNull("Test settings JSON file not found", testSettingsUrl);
private static List<AssetData> initialAssets;
private static List<GroupData> initialGroups;
private static List<AccountBalanceData> initialBalances;
@ -49,19 +68,6 @@ public class Common {
public static final byte[] v2testPublicKey = Base58.decode("2tiMr5LTpaWCgbRvkPK8TFd7k63DyHJMMFFsz9uBf1ZP");
public static final String v2testAddress = "QgV4s3xnzLhVBEJxcYui4u4q11yhUHsd9v";
static {
// This must go before any calls to LogManager/Logger
System.setProperty("java.util.logging.manager", "org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager");
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleProvider(), 0);
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleJsseProvider(), 1);
// Load/check settings, which potentially sets up blockchain config, etc.
URL testSettingsUrl = Common.class.getClassLoader().getResource(testSettingsFilename);
assertNotNull("Test settings JSON file not found", testSettingsUrl);
private static Map<String, TestAccount> testAccountsByName = new HashMap<>();
static {
testAccountsByName.put("alice", new TestAccount(null, "alice", "A9MNsATgQgruBUjxy2rjWY36Yf19uRioKZbiLFT2P7c6"));
@ -82,6 +88,7 @@ public class Common {
// Load/check settings, which potentially sets up blockchain config, etc.
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Using setting file: %s", settingsFilename));
URL testSettingsUrl = Common.class.getClassLoader().getResource(settingsFilename);
assertNotNull("Test settings JSON file not found", testSettingsUrl);
@ -112,6 +119,8 @@ public class Common {
/** Orphan back to genesis block and compare initial snapshot. */
public static void orphanCheck() throws DataException {
LOGGER.debug("Orphaning back to genesis block");
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
// Orphan back to genesis block
while (repository.getBlockRepository().getBlockchainHeight() > 1) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package org.qora.test.common;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ObjectUtils {
public static Object callMethod(Object obj, String methodName, Object... args) {
Method[] methods = obj.getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
Method foundMethod = -> method.getName().equals(methodName)).findFirst().get();
try {
return foundMethod.invoke(obj, args);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("method call failed", e);

View File

@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ logger.hsqldb.level = warn = org.qora.repository.hsqldb.HSQLDBRepository
logger.hsqldbDebug.level = debug
# Unit test debugging = org.qora.test
logger.tests.level = debug
# Suppress extraneous Jersey warning = org.glassfish.jersey.internal.inject.Providers
logger.jerseyInject.level = error