mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 11:12:31 +00:00
Added initial protocol methods for metadata requests and forwarding. Not tested yet.
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.security.SecurityRequirement;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.tags.Tag;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -33,10 +34,12 @@ import org.qortal.api.resource.TransactionsResource.ConfirmationStatus;
import org.qortal.arbitrary.*;
import org.qortal.arbitrary.ArbitraryDataFile.ResourceIdType;
import org.qortal.arbitrary.exception.MissingDataException;
import org.qortal.arbitrary.metadata.ArbitraryDataTransactionMetadata;
import org.qortal.arbitrary.misc.Category;
import org.qortal.arbitrary.misc.Service;
import org.qortal.controller.Controller;
import org.qortal.controller.arbitrary.ArbitraryDataStorageManager;
import org.qortal.controller.arbitrary.ArbitraryMetadataManager;
import org.qortal.data.account.AccountData;
import org.qortal.data.arbitrary.ArbitraryCategoryInfo;
import org.qortal.data.arbitrary.ArbitraryResourceInfo;
@ -634,6 +637,42 @@ public class ArbitraryResource {
// Metadata
summary = "Fetch raw metadata from resource with supplied service, name, identifier, and relative path",
responses = {
description = "Path to file structure containing requested data",
content = @Content(
mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
schema = @Schema(
implementation = ArbitraryDataTransactionMetadata.class
@SecurityRequirement(name = "apiKey")
public String getMetadata(@HeaderParam(Security.API_KEY_HEADER) String apiKey,
@PathParam("service") Service service,
@PathParam("name") String name,
@PathParam("identifier") String identifier) {
ArbitraryDataResource resource = new ArbitraryDataResource(name, ResourceIdType.NAME, service, identifier);
byte[] metadata = ArbitraryMetadataManager.getInstance().fetchMetadata(resource);
if (metadata != null) {
return new String(metadata, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
return null;
// Upload data at supplied path
@ -221,6 +221,15 @@ public class Controller extends Thread {
public GetArbitraryDataFileListMessageStats getArbitraryDataFileListMessageStats = new GetArbitraryDataFileListMessageStats();
public static class GetArbitraryMetadataMessageStats {
public AtomicLong requests = new AtomicLong();
public AtomicLong unknownFiles = new AtomicLong();
public GetArbitraryMetadataMessageStats() {
public GetArbitraryMetadataMessageStats getArbitraryMetadataMessageStats = new GetArbitraryMetadataMessageStats();
public AtomicLong latestBlocksCacheRefills = new AtomicLong();
public StatsSnapshot() {
@ -1396,6 +1405,14 @@ public class Controller extends Thread {
ArbitraryDataManager.getInstance().onNetworkArbitrarySignaturesMessage(peer, message);
ArbitraryMetadataManager.getInstance().onNetworkGetArbitraryMetadataMessage(peer, message);
ArbitraryMetadataManager.getInstance().onNetworkArbitraryMetadataMessage(peer, message);
LOGGER.debug(() -> String.format("Unhandled %s message [ID %d] from peer %s", message.getType().name(), message.getId(), peer));
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ public class ArbitraryDataFileListManager {
/** Maximum number of seconds that a file list relay request is able to exist on the network */
private static long RELAY_REQUEST_MAX_DURATION = 5000L;
public static long RELAY_REQUEST_MAX_DURATION = 5000L;
/** Maximum number of hops that a file list relay request is allowed to make */
private static int RELAY_REQUEST_MAX_HOPS = 3;
public static int RELAY_REQUEST_MAX_HOPS = 3;
private ArbitraryDataFileListManager() {
@ -275,6 +275,9 @@ public class ArbitraryDataManager extends Thread {
// Cleanup file request caches
// Clean up metadata request caches
public boolean isResourceCached(ArbitraryDataResource resource) {
@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
package org.qortal.controller.arbitrary;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.qortal.arbitrary.ArbitraryDataFile;
import org.qortal.arbitrary.ArbitraryDataResource;
import org.qortal.controller.Controller;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.ArbitraryTransactionData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.TransactionData;
import org.qortal.network.Network;
import org.qortal.network.Peer;
import org.qortal.network.message.*;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.repository.Repository;
import org.qortal.repository.RepositoryManager;
import org.qortal.settings.Settings;
import org.qortal.utils.Base58;
import org.qortal.utils.NTP;
import org.qortal.utils.Triple;
import java.util.*;
import static org.qortal.controller.arbitrary.ArbitraryDataFileListManager.RELAY_REQUEST_MAX_DURATION;
import static org.qortal.controller.arbitrary.ArbitraryDataFileListManager.RELAY_REQUEST_MAX_HOPS;
public class ArbitraryMetadataManager {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(ArbitraryMetadataManager.class);
private static ArbitraryMetadataManager instance;
* Map of recent incoming requests for ARBITRARY transaction metadata.
* <p>
* Key is original request's message ID<br>
* Value is Triple<transaction signature in base58, first requesting peer, first request's timestamp>
* <p>
* If peer is null then either:<br>
* <ul>
* <li>we are the original requesting peer</li>
* <li>we have already sent data payload to original requesting peer.</li>
* </ul>
* If signature is null then we have already received the file list and either:<br>
* <ul>
* <li>we are the original requesting peer and have processed it</li>
* <li>we have forwarded the metadata</li>
* </ul>
public Map<Integer, Triple<String, Peer, Long>> arbitraryMetadataRequests = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
* Map to keep track of in progress arbitrary metadata requests
* Key: string - the signature encoded in base58
* Value: Triple<networkBroadcastCount, directPeerRequestCount, lastAttemptTimestamp>
private Map<String, Triple<Integer, Integer, Long>> arbitraryMetadataSignatureRequests = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
private ArbitraryMetadataManager() {
public static ArbitraryMetadataManager getInstance() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new ArbitraryMetadataManager();
return instance;
public void cleanupRequestCache(Long now) {
if (now == null) {
final long requestMinimumTimestamp = now - ArbitraryDataManager.ARBITRARY_REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
arbitraryMetadataRequests.entrySet().removeIf(entry -> entry.getValue().getC() == null || entry.getValue().getC() < requestMinimumTimestamp);
public byte[] fetchMetadata(ArbitraryDataResource arbitraryDataResource) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
// Find latest transaction
ArbitraryTransactionData latestTransaction = repository.getArbitraryRepository()
.getLatestTransaction(arbitraryDataResource.getResourceId(), arbitraryDataResource.getService(),
null, arbitraryDataResource.getIdentifier());
if (latestTransaction != null) {
byte[] signature = latestTransaction.getSignature();
byte[] metadataHash = latestTransaction.getMetadataHash();
if (metadataHash == null) {
// This resource doesn't have metadata
return null;
ArbitraryDataFile metadataFile = ArbitraryDataFile.fromHash(metadataHash, signature);
if (metadataFile.exists()) {
// Use local copy
return metadataFile.getBytes();
else {
// Request from network
} catch (DataException e) {
LOGGER.error("Repository issue when fetching arbitrary transaction metadata", e);
return null;
// Request metadata from network
public boolean fetchArbitraryMetadata(ArbitraryTransactionData arbitraryTransactionData) {
byte[] signature = arbitraryTransactionData.getSignature();
String signature58 = Base58.encode(signature);
// Require an NTP sync
Long now = NTP.getTime();
if (now == null) {
return false;
// If we've already tried too many times in a short space of time, make sure to give up
if (!this.shouldMakeMetadataRequestForSignature(signature58)) {
LOGGER.trace("Skipping metadata request for signature {} due to rate limit", signature58);
return false;
this.addToSignatureRequests(signature58, true, false);
List<Peer> handshakedPeers = Network.getInstance().getHandshakedPeers();
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Sending metadata request for signature %s to %d peers...", signature58, handshakedPeers.size()));
// Build request
Message getArbitraryMetadataMessage = new GetArbitraryMetadataMessage(signature, now, 0);
// Save our request into requests map
Triple<String, Peer, Long> requestEntry = new Triple<>(signature58, null, NTP.getTime());
// Assign random ID to this message
int id;
do {
id = new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1) + 1;
// Put queue into map (keyed by message ID) so we can poll for a response
// If putIfAbsent() doesn't return null, then this ID is already taken
} while (arbitraryMetadataRequests.put(id, requestEntry) != null);
// Broadcast request
Network.getInstance().broadcast(peer -> getArbitraryMetadataMessage);
// Poll to see if data has arrived
final long singleWait = 100;
long totalWait = 0;
while (totalWait < ArbitraryDataManager.ARBITRARY_REQUEST_TIMEOUT) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
requestEntry = arbitraryMetadataRequests.get(id);
if (requestEntry == null)
return false;
if (requestEntry.getA() == null)
totalWait += singleWait;
return true;
// Track metadata lookups by signature
private boolean shouldMakeMetadataRequestForSignature(String signature58) {
Triple<Integer, Integer, Long> request = arbitraryMetadataSignatureRequests.get(signature58);
if (request == null) {
// Not attempted yet
return true;
// Extract the components
Integer networkBroadcastCount = request.getA();
// Integer directPeerRequestCount = request.getB();
Long lastAttemptTimestamp = request.getC();
if (lastAttemptTimestamp == null) {
// Not attempted yet
return true;
long timeSinceLastAttempt = NTP.getTime() - lastAttemptTimestamp;
// Allow a second attempt after 15 seconds, and another after 30 seconds
if (timeSinceLastAttempt > 15 * 1000L) {
// We haven't tried for at least 15 seconds
if (networkBroadcastCount < 3) {
// We've made less than 3 total attempts
return true;
// Then allow another 5 attempts, each 5 minutes apart
if (timeSinceLastAttempt > 5 * 60 * 1000L) {
// We haven't tried for at least 5 minutes
if (networkBroadcastCount < 5) {
// We've made less than 5 total attempts
return true;
// From then on, only try once every 24 hours, to reduce network spam
if (timeSinceLastAttempt > 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L) {
// We haven't tried for at least 24 hours
return true;
return false;
public boolean isSignatureRateLimited(byte[] signature) {
String signature58 = Base58.encode(signature);
return !this.shouldMakeMetadataRequestForSignature(signature58);
public long lastRequestForSignature(byte[] signature) {
String signature58 = Base58.encode(signature);
Triple<Integer, Integer, Long> request = arbitraryMetadataSignatureRequests.get(signature58);
if (request == null) {
// Not attempted yet
return 0;
// Extract the components
Long lastAttemptTimestamp = request.getC();
if (lastAttemptTimestamp != null) {
return lastAttemptTimestamp;
return 0;
public void addToSignatureRequests(String signature58, boolean incrementNetworkRequests, boolean incrementPeerRequests) {
Triple<Integer, Integer, Long> request = arbitraryMetadataSignatureRequests.get(signature58);
Long now = NTP.getTime();
if (request == null) {
// No entry yet
Triple<Integer, Integer, Long> newRequest = new Triple<>(0, 0, now);
arbitraryMetadataSignatureRequests.put(signature58, newRequest);
else {
// There is an existing entry
if (incrementNetworkRequests) {
request.setA(request.getA() + 1);
if (incrementPeerRequests) {
request.setB(request.getB() + 1);
arbitraryMetadataSignatureRequests.put(signature58, request);
public void removeFromSignatureRequests(String signature58) {
// Network handlers
public void onNetworkArbitraryMetadataMessage(Peer peer, Message message) {
// Don't process if QDN is disabled
if (!Settings.getInstance().isQdnEnabled()) {
ArbitraryMetadataMessage arbitraryMetadataMessage = (ArbitraryMetadataMessage) message;
LOGGER.debug("Received metadata from peer {}", peer);
// Do we have a pending request for this data?
Triple<String, Peer, Long> request = arbitraryMetadataRequests.get(message.getId());
if (request == null || request.getA() == null) {
boolean isRelayRequest = (request.getB() != null);
// Does this message's signature match what we're expecting?
byte[] signature = arbitraryMetadataMessage.getSignature();
String signature58 = Base58.encode(signature);
if (!request.getA().equals(signature58)) {
ArbitraryTransactionData arbitraryTransactionData = null;
ArbitraryDataFileManager arbitraryDataFileManager = ArbitraryDataFileManager.getInstance();
// Forwarding
if (isRelayRequest && Settings.getInstance().isRelayModeEnabled()) {
// Get transaction info
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
TransactionData transactionData = repository.getTransactionRepository().fromSignature(signature);
if (!(transactionData instanceof ArbitraryTransactionData))
arbitraryTransactionData = (ArbitraryTransactionData) transactionData;
} catch (DataException e) {
LOGGER.error(String.format("Repository issue while finding arbitrary transaction metadata for peer %s", peer), e);
// Check if the name is blocked
boolean isBlocked = (arbitraryTransactionData == null || ArbitraryDataStorageManager.getInstance().isNameBlocked(arbitraryTransactionData.getName()));
if (!isBlocked) {
Peer requestingPeer = request.getB();
if (requestingPeer != null) {
// Forward to requesting peer
LOGGER.debug("Forwarding metadata to requesting peer: {}", requestingPeer);
if (!requestingPeer.sendMessage(arbitraryMetadataMessage)) {
requestingPeer.disconnect("failed to forward arbitrary metadata");
public void onNetworkGetArbitraryMetadataMessage(Peer peer, Message message) {
// Don't respond if QDN is disabled
if (!Settings.getInstance().isQdnEnabled()) {
GetArbitraryMetadataMessage getArbitraryMetadataMessage = (GetArbitraryMetadataMessage) message;
byte[] signature = getArbitraryMetadataMessage.getSignature();
String signature58 = Base58.encode(signature);
Long now = NTP.getTime();
Triple<String, Peer, Long> newEntry = new Triple<>(signature58, peer, now);
// If we've seen this request recently, then ignore
if (arbitraryMetadataRequests.putIfAbsent(message.getId(), newEntry) != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Ignoring metadata request from peer {} for signature {}", peer, signature58);
LOGGER.debug("Received metadata request from peer {} for signature {}", peer, signature58);
ArbitraryTransactionData transactionData = null;
ArbitraryDataFile metadataFile = null;
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
// Firstly we need to lookup this file on chain to get its metadata hash
transactionData = (ArbitraryTransactionData)repository.getTransactionRepository().fromSignature(signature);
if (transactionData instanceof ArbitraryTransactionData) {
// Check if we're even allowed to serve metadata for this transaction
if (ArbitraryDataStorageManager.getInstance().canStoreData(transactionData)) {
byte[] metadataHash = transactionData.getMetadataHash();
if (metadataHash != null) {
// Load metadata file
metadataFile = ArbitraryDataFile.fromHash(metadataHash, signature);
} catch (DataException e) {
LOGGER.error(String.format("Repository issue while fetching arbitrary metadata for peer %s", peer), e);
// We should only respond if we have the metadata file
if (metadataFile != null && metadataFile.exists()) {
// We have the metadata file, so update requests map to reflect that we've sent it
newEntry = new Triple<>(null, null, now);
arbitraryMetadataRequests.put(message.getId(), newEntry);
ArbitraryMetadataMessage arbitraryMetadataMessage = new ArbitraryMetadataMessage(signature, metadataFile);
if (!peer.sendMessage(arbitraryMetadataMessage)) {
LOGGER.debug("Couldn't send metadata");
peer.disconnect("failed to send metadata");
LOGGER.debug("Sent metadata");
// Nothing left to do, so return to prevent any unnecessary forwarding from occurring
LOGGER.debug("No need for any forwarding because metadata request is fully served");
// We may need to forward this request on
boolean isBlocked = (transactionData == null || ArbitraryDataStorageManager.getInstance().isNameBlocked(transactionData.getName()));
if (Settings.getInstance().isRelayModeEnabled() && !isBlocked) {
// In relay mode - so ask our other peers if they have it
long requestTime = getArbitraryMetadataMessage.getRequestTime();
int requestHops = getArbitraryMetadataMessage.getRequestHops();
long totalRequestTime = now - requestTime;
if (totalRequestTime < RELAY_REQUEST_MAX_DURATION) {
// Relay request hasn't timed out yet, so can potentially be rebroadcast
if (requestHops < RELAY_REQUEST_MAX_HOPS) {
// Relay request hasn't reached the maximum number of hops yet, so can be rebroadcast
LOGGER.debug("Rebroadcasting metadata request from peer {} for signature {} to our other peers... totalRequestTime: {}, requestHops: {}", peer, Base58.encode(signature), totalRequestTime, requestHops);
broadcastPeer -> broadcastPeer == peer ||
Objects.equals(broadcastPeer.getPeerData().getAddress().getHost(), peer.getPeerData().getAddress().getHost())
? null : getArbitraryMetadataMessage);
else {
// This relay request has reached the maximum number of allowed hops
else {
// This relay request has timed out
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
import org.qortal.arbitrary.ArbitraryDataFile;
import org.qortal.repository.DataException;
import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class ArbitraryMetadataMessage extends Message {
private static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private final byte[] signature;
private final ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryMetadataFile;
public ArbitraryMetadataMessage(byte[] signature, ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryDataFile) {
this.signature = signature;
this.arbitraryMetadataFile = arbitraryDataFile;
public ArbitraryMetadataMessage(int id, byte[] signature, ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryDataFile) {
super(id, MessageType.ARBITRARY_METADATA);
this.signature = signature;
this.arbitraryMetadataFile = arbitraryDataFile;
public byte[] getSignature() {
return this.signature;
public ArbitraryDataFile getArbitraryMetadataFile() {
return this.arbitraryMetadataFile;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
byte[] signature = new byte[SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
int dataLength = byteBuffer.getInt();
if (byteBuffer.remaining() != dataLength)
return null;
byte[] data = new byte[dataLength];
try {
ArbitraryDataFile arbitraryMetadataFile = new ArbitraryDataFile(data, signature);
return new ArbitraryMetadataMessage(id, signature, arbitraryMetadataFile);
catch (DataException e) {
return null;
protected byte[] toData() {
if (this.arbitraryMetadataFile == null) {
return null;
byte[] data = this.arbitraryMetadataFile.getBytes();
if (data == null) {
return null;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public ArbitraryMetadataMessage cloneWithNewId(int newId) {
ArbitraryMetadataMessage clone = new ArbitraryMetadataMessage(this.signature, this.arbitraryMetadataFile);
return clone;
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
import com.google.common.primitives.Longs;
import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import static org.qortal.transform.Transformer.INT_LENGTH;
import static org.qortal.transform.Transformer.LONG_LENGTH;
public class GetArbitraryMetadataMessage extends Message {
private static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
private final byte[] signature;
private final long requestTime;
private int requestHops;
public GetArbitraryMetadataMessage(byte[] signature, long requestTime, int requestHops) {
this(-1, signature, requestTime, requestHops);
private GetArbitraryMetadataMessage(int id, byte[] signature, long requestTime, int requestHops) {
super(id, MessageType.GET_ARBITRARY_METADATA);
this.signature = signature;
this.requestTime = requestTime;
this.requestHops = requestHops;
public byte[] getSignature() {
return this.signature;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
if (bytes.remaining() != SIGNATURE_LENGTH + LONG_LENGTH + INT_LENGTH)
return null;
byte[] signature = new byte[SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
long requestTime = bytes.getLong();
int requestHops = bytes.getInt();
return new GetArbitraryMetadataMessage(id, signature, requestTime, requestHops);
protected byte[] toData() {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return bytes.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public long getRequestTime() {
return this.requestTime;
public int getRequestHops() {
return this.requestHops;
public void setRequestHops(int requestHops) {
this.requestHops = requestHops;
@ -91,7 +91,10 @@ public abstract class Message {
public final int value;
public final Method fromByteBufferMethod;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user