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synced 2025-03-13 11:12:31 +00:00
Improved the process of selecting the next peer to sync with
Added a new step, which attempts to filter out peers that are on inferior chains, by comparing them against each other and our chain. The basic logic is as follows: 1. Take the list of peers that we'd previously have chosen from randomly. 2. Figure out our common block with each of those peers (if its within 240 blocks), using cached data if possible. 3. Remove peers with no common block. 4. Find the earliest common block, and compare all peers with that common block against each other (and against our chain) using the chain weight method. This involves fetching (up to 200) summaries from each peer after the common block, and (up to 200) summaries from our own chain after the common block. 5. If our chain was superior, remove all peers with this common block, then move up to the next common block (in ascending order), and repeat from step 4. 6. If our chain was inferior, remove any peers with lower weights, then remove all peers with higher common blocks. 7. We end up with a reduced list of peers, that should in theory be on superior or equal chains to us. Pick one of those at random and sync to it. This is a high risk feature - we don't yet know the impact on network load. Nor do we know whether it will cause issues due to prioritising longer chains, since the chain weight algorithm currently prefers them.
This commit is contained in:
@ -639,6 +639,21 @@ public class Controller extends Thread {
// Disregard peers that are on the same block as last sync attempt and we didn't like their chain
final int peersBeforeComparison = peers.size();
// Request recent block summaries from the remaining peers, and locate our common block with each
// Compare the peers against each other, and against our chain, which will return an updated list excluding those without common blocks
peers = Synchronizer.getInstance().comparePeers(peers);
// We may have added more inferior chain tips when comparing peers, so remove any peers that are currently on those chains
final int peersRemoved = peersBeforeComparison - peers.size();
if (peersRemoved > 0)
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Ignoring %d peers on inferior chains. Peers remaining: %d", peersRemoved, peers.size()));
if (peers.isEmpty())
@ -744,6 +759,13 @@ public class Controller extends Thread {
public void addInferiorChainSignature(byte[] inferiorSignature) {
// Update our list of inferior chain tips
ByteArray inferiorChainSignature = new ByteArray(inferiorSignature);
if (!inferiorChainSignatures.contains(inferiorChainSignature))
public static class StatusChangeEvent implements Event {
public StatusChangeEvent() {
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ import org.qortal.block.Block;
import org.qortal.block.Block.ValidationResult;
import org.qortal.data.block.BlockData;
import org.qortal.data.block.BlockSummaryData;
import org.qortal.data.block.CommonBlockData;
import org.qortal.data.network.PeerChainTipData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.RewardShareTransactionData;
import org.qortal.data.transaction.TransactionData;
@ -75,6 +77,362 @@ public class Synchronizer {
return instance;
* Iterate through a list of supplied peers, and attempt to find our common block with each.
* If a common block is found, its summary will be retained in the peer's commonBlockSummary property, for processing later.
* <p>
* Will return <tt>SynchronizationResult.OK</tt> on success.
* <p>
* @param peers
* @return SynchronizationResult.OK if the process completed successfully, or a different SynchronizationResult if something went wrong.
* @throws InterruptedException
public SynchronizationResult findCommonBlocksWithPeers(List<Peer> peers) throws InterruptedException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
try {
if (peers.size() == 0)
return SynchronizationResult.NOTHING_TO_DO;
// If our latest block is very old, it's best that we don't try and determine the best peers to sync to.
// This is because it can involve very large chain comparisons, which is too intensive.
// In reality, most forking problems occur near the chain tips, so we will reserve this functionality for those situations.
final Long minLatestBlockTimestamp = Controller.getMinimumLatestBlockTimestamp();
if (minLatestBlockTimestamp == null)
return SynchronizationResult.REPOSITORY_ISSUE;
final BlockData ourLatestBlockData = repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock();
if (ourLatestBlockData.getTimestamp() < minLatestBlockTimestamp) {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Our latest block is very old, so we won't collect common block info from peers"));
return SynchronizationResult.NOTHING_TO_DO;
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Searching for common blocks with %d peers...", peers.size()));
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (Peer peer : peers) {
// Are we shutting down?
if (Controller.isStopping())
return SynchronizationResult.SHUTTING_DOWN;
// Check if we can use the cached common block data, by comparing the peer's current chain tip against the peer's chain tip when we last found our common block
PeerChainTipData peerChainTipData = peer.getChainTipData();
CommonBlockData commonBlockData = peer.getCommonBlockData();
if (peerChainTipData != null && commonBlockData != null) {
PeerChainTipData commonBlockChainTipData = commonBlockData.getChainTipData();
if (peerChainTipData.getLastBlockSignature() != null && commonBlockChainTipData != null && commonBlockChainTipData.getLastBlockSignature() != null) {
if (Arrays.equals(peerChainTipData.getLastBlockSignature(), commonBlockChainTipData.getLastBlockSignature())) {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Skipping peer %s because we already have the latest common block data in our cache. Cached common block sig is %.08s", peer, Base58.encode(commonBlockData.getCommonBlockSummary().getSignature())));
// Cached data is stale, so clear it and repopulate
// Search for the common block
Synchronizer.getInstance().findCommonBlockWithPeer(peer, repository);
final long totalTimeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
LOGGER.info(String.format("Finished searching for common blocks with %d peer%s. Total time taken: %d ms", peers.size(), (peers.size() != 1 ? "s" : ""), totalTimeTaken));
return SynchronizationResult.OK;
} finally {
repository.discardChanges(); // Free repository locks, if any, also in case anything went wrong
} catch (DataException e) {
LOGGER.error("Repository issue during synchronization with peer", e);
return SynchronizationResult.REPOSITORY_ISSUE;
* Attempt to find the find our common block with supplied peer.
* If a common block is found, its summary will be retained in the peer's commonBlockSummary property, for processing later.
* <p>
* Will return <tt>SynchronizationResult.OK</tt> on success.
* <p>
* @param peer
* @param repository
* @return SynchronizationResult.OK if the process completed successfully, or a different SynchronizationResult if something went wrong.
* @throws InterruptedException
public SynchronizationResult findCommonBlockWithPeer(Peer peer, Repository repository) throws InterruptedException {
try {
final BlockData ourLatestBlockData = repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock();
final int ourInitialHeight = ourLatestBlockData.getHeight();
PeerChainTipData peerChainTipData = peer.getChainTipData();
int peerHeight = peerChainTipData.getLastHeight();
byte[] peersLastBlockSignature = peerChainTipData.getLastBlockSignature();
byte[] ourLastBlockSignature = ourLatestBlockData.getSignature();
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Fetching summaries from peer %s at height %d, sig %.8s, ts %d; our height %d, sig %.8s, ts %d", peer,
peerHeight, Base58.encode(peersLastBlockSignature), peer.getChainTipData().getLastBlockTimestamp(),
ourInitialHeight, Base58.encode(ourLastBlockSignature), ourLatestBlockData.getTimestamp()));
List<BlockSummaryData> peerBlockSummaries = new ArrayList<>();
SynchronizationResult findCommonBlockResult = fetchSummariesFromCommonBlock(repository, peer, ourInitialHeight, false, peerBlockSummaries);
if (findCommonBlockResult != SynchronizationResult.OK) {
// Logging performed by fetchSummariesFromCommonBlock() above
return findCommonBlockResult;
// First summary is common block
final BlockData commonBlockData = repository.getBlockRepository().fromSignature(peerBlockSummaries.get(0).getSignature());
final BlockSummaryData commonBlockSummary = new BlockSummaryData(commonBlockData);
final int commonBlockHeight = commonBlockData.getHeight();
final byte[] commonBlockSig = commonBlockData.getSignature();
final String commonBlockSig58 = Base58.encode(commonBlockSig);
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Common block with peer %s is at height %d, sig %.8s, ts %d", peer,
commonBlockHeight, commonBlockSig58, commonBlockData.getTimestamp()));
// Store the common block summary against the peer, and the current chain tip (for caching)
peer.setCommonBlockData(new CommonBlockData(commonBlockSummary, peerChainTipData));
return SynchronizationResult.OK;
} catch (DataException e) {
LOGGER.error("Repository issue during synchronization with peer", e);
return SynchronizationResult.REPOSITORY_ISSUE;
* Compare a list of peers to determine the best peer(s) to sync to next.
* <p>
* Will return a filtered list of peers on success, or an identical list of peers on failure.
* This allows us to fall back to legacy behaviour (random selection from the entire list of peers), if we are unable to make the comparison.
* <p>
* @param peers
* @return a list of peers, possibly filtered.
* @throws InterruptedException
public List<Peer> comparePeers(List<Peer> peers) throws InterruptedException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
try {
// If our latest block is very old, it's best that we don't try and determine the best peers to sync to.
// This is because it can involve very large chain comparisons, which is too intensive.
// In reality, most forking problems occur near the chain tips, so we will reserve this functionality for those situations.
final Long minLatestBlockTimestamp = Controller.getMinimumLatestBlockTimestamp();
if (minLatestBlockTimestamp == null)
return peers;
final BlockData ourLatestBlockData = repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock();
if (ourLatestBlockData.getTimestamp() < minLatestBlockTimestamp) {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Our latest block is very old, so we won't filter the peers list"));
return peers;
// Retrieve a list of unique common blocks from this list of peers
List<BlockSummaryData> commonBlocks = this.uniqueCommonBlocks(peers);
// Order common blocks by height, in ascending order
// This is essential for the logic below to make the correct decisions when discarding chains - do not remove
commonBlocks.sort((b1, b2) -> Integer.valueOf(b1.getHeight()).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(b2.getHeight())));
// Get our latest height
final int ourHeight = ourLatestBlockData.getHeight();
// Create a placeholder to track of common blocks that we can discard due to being inferior chains
int dropPeersAfterCommonBlockHeight = 0;
// Remove peers with no common block data
Iterator iterator = peers.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Peer peer = (Peer) iterator.next();
if (peer.getCommonBlockData() == null) {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Removed peer %s because it has no common block data"));
// Loop through each group of common blocks
for (BlockSummaryData commonBlockSummary : commonBlocks) {
List<Peer> peersSharingCommonBlock = peers.stream().filter(peer -> peer.getCommonBlockData().getCommonBlockSummary().equals(commonBlockSummary)).collect(Collectors.toList());
// Check if we need to discard this group of peers
if (dropPeersAfterCommonBlockHeight > 0) {
if (commonBlockSummary.getHeight() > dropPeersAfterCommonBlockHeight) {
// We have already determined that the correct chain diverged from a lower height. We are safe to skip these peers.
for (Peer peer : peersSharingCommonBlock) {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Peer %s has common block at height %d but the superior chain is at height %d. Removing it from this round.", peer, commonBlockSummary.getHeight(), dropPeersAfterCommonBlockHeight));
// Calculate the length of the shortest peer chain sharing this common block, including our chain
final int ourAdditionalBlocksAfterCommonBlock = ourHeight - commonBlockSummary.getHeight();
int minChainLength = this.calculateMinChainLength(commonBlockSummary, ourAdditionalBlocksAfterCommonBlock, peersSharingCommonBlock);
// Fetch block summaries from each peer
for (Peer peer : peersSharingCommonBlock) {
// Count the number of blocks this peer has beyond our common block
final int peerHeight = peer.getChainTipData().getLastHeight();
final int peerAdditionalBlocksAfterCommonBlock = peerHeight - commonBlockSummary.getHeight();
// Limit the number of blocks we are comparing. FUTURE: we could request more in batches, but there may not be a case when this is needed
final int summariesRequired = Math.min(peerAdditionalBlocksAfterCommonBlock, MAXIMUM_REQUEST_SIZE);
if (summariesRequired > 0) {
LOGGER.trace(String.format("Requesting %d block summar%s from peer %s after common block %.8s. Peer height: %d", summariesRequired, (summariesRequired != 1 ? "ies" : "y"), peer, Base58.encode(commonBlockSummary.getSignature()), peerHeight));
List<BlockSummaryData> blockSummaries = this.getBlockSummaries(peer, commonBlockSummary.getSignature(), summariesRequired);
if (blockSummaries != null) {
LOGGER.trace(String.format("Peer %s returned %d block summar%s", peer, blockSummaries.size(), (blockSummaries.size() != 1 ? "ies" : "y")));
// We need to adjust minChainLength if peers fail to return all expected block summaries
if (blockSummaries.size() < summariesRequired) {
// This could mean that the peer has re-orged. But we still have the same common block, so it's safe to proceed with this set of signatures instead.
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Peer %s returned %d block summar%s instead of expected %d", peer, blockSummaries.size(), (blockSummaries.size() != 1 ? "ies" : "y"), summariesRequired));
// Update minChainLength if we have at least 1 block for this peer. If we don't have any blocks, this peer will be excluded from chain weight comparisons later in the process, so we shouldn't update minChainLength
if (blockSummaries.size() > 0)
minChainLength = blockSummaries.size();
else {
// There are no block summaries after this common block
// Fetch our corresponding block summaries. Limit to MAXIMUM_REQUEST_SIZE, in order to make the comparison fairer, as peers have been limited too
final int ourSummariesRequired = Math.min(ourAdditionalBlocksAfterCommonBlock, MAXIMUM_REQUEST_SIZE);
LOGGER.trace(String.format("About to fetch our block summaries from %d to %d. Our height: %d", commonBlockSummary.getHeight() + 1, commonBlockSummary.getHeight() + ourSummariesRequired, ourHeight));
List<BlockSummaryData> ourBlockSummaries = repository.getBlockRepository().getBlockSummaries(commonBlockSummary.getHeight() + 1, commonBlockSummary.getHeight() + ourSummariesRequired);
if (ourBlockSummaries.isEmpty())
LOGGER.debug(String.format("We don't have any block summaries so can't compare our chain against peers with this common block. We can still compare them against each other."));
populateBlockSummariesMinterLevels(repository, ourBlockSummaries);
// Create array to hold peers for comparison
List<Peer> superiorPeersForComparison = new ArrayList<>();
// Calculate our chain weight
BigInteger ourChainWeight = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
if (ourBlockSummaries.size() > 0)
ourChainWeight = Block.calcChainWeight(commonBlockSummary.getHeight(), commonBlockSummary.getSignature(), ourBlockSummaries, minChainLength);
NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.###E0");
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Our chain weight based on %d blocks is %s", ourBlockSummaries.size(), formatter.format(ourChainWeight)));
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Listing peers with common block %.8s...", Base58.encode(commonBlockSummary.getSignature())));
iterator = peersSharingCommonBlock.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Peer peer = (Peer)iterator.next();
final int peerHeight = peer.getChainTipData().getLastHeight();
final int peerAdditionalBlocksAfterCommonBlock = peerHeight - commonBlockSummary.getHeight();
final CommonBlockData peerCommonBlockData = peer.getCommonBlockData();
if (peerCommonBlockData == null || peerCommonBlockData.getBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock() == null || peerCommonBlockData.getBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock().isEmpty()) {
// No response - remove this peer for now
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Peer %s doesn't have any block summaries - removing it from this round", peer));
final List<BlockSummaryData> peerBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock = peerCommonBlockData.getBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock();
populateBlockSummariesMinterLevels(repository, peerBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock);
// Calculate cumulative chain weight of this blockchain subset, from common block to highest mutual block held by all peers in this group.
LOGGER.debug(String.format("About to calculate chain weight based on %d blocks for peer %s with common block %.8s (peer has %d blocks after common block)", peerBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock.size(), peer, Base58.encode(commonBlockSummary.getSignature()), peerAdditionalBlocksAfterCommonBlock));
BigInteger peerChainWeight = Block.calcChainWeight(commonBlockSummary.getHeight(), commonBlockSummary.getSignature(), peerBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock, minChainLength);
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Chain weight of peer %s based on %d blocks (%d - %d) is %s", peer, peerBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock.size(), peerBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock.get(0).getHeight(), peerBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock.get(peerBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock.size()-1).getHeight(), formatter.format(peerChainWeight)));
// Compare against our chain - if our blockchain has greater weight then don't synchronize with peer (or any others in this group)
if (ourChainWeight.compareTo(peerChainWeight) > 0) {
// This peer is on an inferior chain - remove it
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Peer %s is on an inferior chain to us - added %.8s to inferior chain signatures list", peer, Base58.encode(peer.getChainTipData().getLastBlockSignature())));
else {
// Our chain is inferior
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Peer %s is on a better chain to us. We will compare the other peers sharing this common block against each other, and drop all peers sharing higher common blocks.", peer));
dropPeersAfterCommonBlockHeight = commonBlockSummary.getHeight();
// Now that we have selected the best peers, compare them against each other and remove any with lower weights
if (superiorPeersForComparison.size() > 0) {
BigInteger bestChainWeight = null;
for (Peer peer : superiorPeersForComparison) {
// Increase bestChainWeight if needed
if (bestChainWeight == null || peer.getCommonBlockData().getChainWeight().compareTo(bestChainWeight) >= 0)
bestChainWeight = peer.getCommonBlockData().getChainWeight();
for (Peer peer : superiorPeersForComparison) {
// Check if we should discard an inferior peer
if (peer.getCommonBlockData().getChainWeight().compareTo(bestChainWeight) < 0) {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Peer %s has a lower chain weight than other peer(s) in this group - removing it from this round.", peer));
return peers;
} finally {
repository.discardChanges(); // Free repository locks, if any, also in case anything went wrong
} catch (DataException e) {
LOGGER.error("Repository issue during peer comparison", e);
return peers;
private List<BlockSummaryData> uniqueCommonBlocks(List<Peer> peers) {
List<BlockSummaryData> commonBlocks = new ArrayList<>();
Iterator<Peer> iterator = peers.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Peer peer = iterator.next();
if (peer.getCommonBlockData() != null && peer.getCommonBlockData().getCommonBlockSummary() != null) {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Peer %s has common block %.8s", peer, Base58.encode(peer.getCommonBlockData().getCommonBlockSummary().getSignature())));
BlockSummaryData commonBlockSummary = peer.getCommonBlockData().getCommonBlockSummary();
if (!commonBlocks.contains(commonBlockSummary))
else {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Peer %s has no common block data. Skipping...", peer));
return commonBlocks;
private int calculateMinChainLength(BlockSummaryData commonBlockSummary, int ourAdditionalBlocksAfterCommonBlock, List<Peer> peersSharingCommonBlock) {
// Calculate the length of the shortest peer chain sharing this common block, including our chain
int minChainLength = ourAdditionalBlocksAfterCommonBlock;
for (Peer peer : peersSharingCommonBlock) {
final int peerHeight = peer.getChainTipData().getLastHeight();
final int peerAdditionalBlocksAfterCommonBlock = peerHeight - commonBlockSummary.getHeight();
if (peerAdditionalBlocksAfterCommonBlock < minChainLength)
minChainLength = peerAdditionalBlocksAfterCommonBlock;
return minChainLength;
* Attempt to synchronize blockchain with peer.
* <p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package org.qortal.data.block;
import org.qortal.data.network.PeerChainTipData;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;
public class CommonBlockData {
// Properties
private BlockSummaryData commonBlockSummary = null;
private List<BlockSummaryData> blockSummariesAfterCommonBlock = null;
private BigInteger chainWeight = null;
private PeerChainTipData chainTipData = null;
// Constructors
protected CommonBlockData() {
public CommonBlockData(BlockSummaryData commonBlockSummary, PeerChainTipData chainTipData) {
this.commonBlockSummary = commonBlockSummary;
this.chainTipData = chainTipData;
// Getters / setters
public BlockSummaryData getCommonBlockSummary() {
return this.commonBlockSummary;
public List<BlockSummaryData> getBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock() {
return this.blockSummariesAfterCommonBlock;
public void setBlockSummariesAfterCommonBlock(List<BlockSummaryData> blockSummariesAfterCommonBlock) {
this.blockSummariesAfterCommonBlock = blockSummariesAfterCommonBlock;
public BigInteger getChainWeight() {
return this.chainWeight;
public void setChainWeight(BigInteger chainWeight) {
this.chainWeight = chainWeight;
public PeerChainTipData getChainTipData() {
return this.chainTipData;
@ -11,10 +11,7 @@ import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.Selector;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
@ -22,6 +19,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.qortal.data.block.CommonBlockData;
import org.qortal.data.network.PeerChainTipData;
import org.qortal.data.network.PeerData;
import org.qortal.network.message.ChallengeMessage;
@ -106,6 +104,9 @@ public class Peer {
/** Latest block info as reported by peer. */
private PeerChainTipData peersChainTipData;
/** Our common block with this peer */
private CommonBlockData commonBlockData;
// Constructors
/** Construct unconnected, outbound Peer using socket address in peer data */
@ -272,6 +273,18 @@ public class Peer {
public CommonBlockData getCommonBlockData() {
synchronized (this.peerInfoLock) {
return this.commonBlockData;
public void setCommonBlockData(CommonBlockData commonBlockData) {
synchronized (this.peerInfoLock) {
this.commonBlockData = commonBlockData;
/*package*/ void queueMessage(Message message) {
if (!this.pendingMessages.offer(message))
LOGGER.info(() -> String.format("No room to queue message from peer %s - discarding", this));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user