mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 04:55:01 +00:00
1335 lines
56 KiB
1335 lines
56 KiB
"selectmenu": {
"selectlanguage": "Select language",
"languageflag": "us",
"chinese1": "Chinese (Simplified)",
"chinese2": "Chinese (Traditional)",
"croatian": "Croatian",
"dutch": "Dutch",
"english": "English",
"estonian": "Estonian",
"finnish": "Finnish",
"french": "French",
"german": "German",
"hindi": "Hindi",
"hungarian": "Hungarian",
"italian": "Italian",
"japanese": "Japanese",
"korean": "Korean",
"norwegian": "Norwegian",
"polish": "Polish",
"portuguese": "Portuguese",
"romanian": "Romanian",
"russian": "Russian",
"serbian": "Serbian",
"spanish": "Spanish"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "MINTING",
"mintingdetails": "MINTING DETAILS",
"becomeAMinter": "BECOME A MINTER",
"wallets": "WALLETS",
"tradeportal": "TRADE PORTAL",
"rewardshare": "REWARD SHARE",
"nameregistration": "NAME REGISTRATION",
"websites": "WEBSITES",
"management": "MANAGEMENT",
"datamanagement": "DATA MANAGEMENT",
"qchat": "Q-CHAT",
"groupmanagement": "GROUP MANAGEMENT",
"puzzles": "PUZZLES",
"nodemanagement": "NODE MANAGEMENT",
"trading": "TRADING",
"groups": "GROUPS",
"sm1": "NAMES",
"tabmenu": {
"tm4": "WALLETS",
"tm5": "TRADE PORTAL",
"tm6": "AUTO-BUY",
"tm7": "REWARD SHARE",
"tm8": "Q-CHAT",
"tm10": "NAMES MARKET",
"tm11": "WEBSITES",
"tm12": "Q-APPS",
"tm15": "PUZZLES",
"tm17": "NEW TAB",
"tm18": "OPEN NEW TAB",
"tm19": "ADD CUSTOM LINK",
"tm20": "Q-App (input name)",
"tm21": "Website (input name)",
"tm22": "REMOVE LINK",
"tm23": "Are you sure to REMOVE this link?",
"tm24": "Choose LINK TYPE:",
"tm25": "Please SELECT a LINK TYPE!",
"tm28": "OVERVIEW PAGE",
"tm29": "RESET New Tab Page",
"tm30": "SEARCH For Qortal NAMES",
"tm31": "My FOLLOWED Names",
"tm32": "This Node is NOT Following Any Names",
"tm33": "IMPORT Saved New Tab LINKS",
"tm34": "EXPORT Saved New Tab LINKS",
"tm35": "Your existing New Tab Page Links will be DELETED and REPLACED with IMPORTED New Tab Links.",
"tm36": "New Tab Page SUCCESSFULLY RESTORED!",
"tm37": "New Tab Links SUCCESSFULLY SAVED as:",
"tm38": "DEV MODE",
"tm39": "Add Custom Framework",
"tm40": "Add and Open",
"tm41": "ERROR: Invalid data please try again!",
"tm42": "LOTTERY"
"login": {
"login": "Log In",
"createaccount": "Create Account",
"name": "Name",
"address": "Address",
"password": "Password",
"youraccounts": "Your accounts",
"clickto": "Click account to login",
"needcreate": "You need to create or save an account before you can log in!",
"upload": "Import your Qortal backup file",
"howlogin": "How would you like to log in?",
"seed": "Seedphrase",
"seedphrase": "SEEDPHRASE",
"saved": "Saved account",
"qora": "QORA address seed",
"backup": "Qortal backup file",
"decrypt": "Decrypt backup file",
"save": "Save in this browser.",
"prepare": "Preparing Your Account...",
"areyousure": "Are you sure you want to REMOVE this ACCOUNT from SAVED ACCOUNTS? (If removed and no backup file exists, account could be lost forever! ENSURE YOU HAVE A BACKUP FILE FOR THIS ACCOUNT BEFORE DOING THIS!)",
"error1": "Backup file must be valid JSON",
"error2": "Login option not selected",
"createwelcome": "Welcome to Qortal! Your decentralized digital future awaits you! On Qortal, you and ONLY you have absolute control over your data. Qortal provides the base level of a new, and fully user-controlled digital world!",
"createa": "A",
"confirmpass": "Confirm Password",
"willbe": "will be randomly generated in the background. If you wish to VIEW THE SEEDPHRASE, click the word 'SEEDPHRASE' in this text. Seedphrases are used to generate the private key for your Qortal account. For security by default, seedphrases are NOT displayed unless specifically chosen.",
"clicknext": "Create your Qortal account by clicking NEXT below.",
"ready": "Your account is now ready to be created. It will be SAVED AND ENCRYPTED within THIS Qortal UI only, by default. If you DO NOT wish for it to be saved, UNCHECK THE BOX BELOW. You are always able to access your new account using the Qortal BACKUP FILE that MUST be SAVED upon account creation.",
"welmessage": "Welcome to Qortal",
"pleaseenter": "Please enter a Password!",
"notmatch": "Oops! Passwords do NOT match! Try again!",
"lessthen8": "Your password is LESS THAN 5 characters! This is NOT recommended. To continue anyway, click CONTINUE.",
"lessthen8-2": "Your password is LESS THAN 5 characters!",
"entername": "Please enter a Display Name!",
"downloaded": "Your Qortal Backup File was SAVED!",
"loading": "LOADING, Please wait...",
"createdseed": "Your Generated Seedphrase:",
"saveseed": "SAVE SEEDPHRASE",
"savein": "SAVE in THIS UI",
"backup2": "This file is the ONLY WAY (by default) to ACCESS YOUR ACCOUNT (unless saved to the UI). BE SURE TO BACKUP THIS FILE IN MULTIPLE LOCATIONS. The file is ENCRYPTED very securely (and decrypted) with your local PASSWORD created in the previous step. You can save the Qortal Backup File anywhere securely, but be sure to do so in MULTIPLE PLACES.",
"savewallet": "SAVE Qortal Backup File",
"created1": "Your account is now created",
"created2": " and saved in THIS UI in ENCRYPTED form.",
"downloadbackup": "SAVE Qortal Backup File",
"passwordhint": "Encryption password is suggested to be at least 5 characters.",
"lp1": "Lock Screen",
"lp2": "No screen lock password is set!",
"lp3": "Please set one",
"lp4": "No Thanks",
"lp5": "Set Password",
"lp6": "New screen lock password set successfully!",
"lp7": "UNLOCK",
"lp8": "Error: Incorrect password",
"lp9": "IS",
"lp10": "LOCKED",
"lp11": "UNLOCKED",
"lp12": "Decoding saved data",
"lp13": "Generating decryption key",
"lp14": "Checking key",
"lp15": "Incorrect password",
"lp16": "Decrypting",
"lp17": "Waiting for workers to be ready",
"lp18": "Deriving key parts",
"lp19": "Error, incorrect key. ",
"lp20": "Error, incorrect nonce",
"lp21": "Combining key parts",
"lp22": "Key is ready"
"logout": {
"logout": "LOG OUT",
"confirmlogout": "Are you sure you want to log out?"
"fragfile": {
"selectfile": "Select Backup File",
"dragfile": "Drag and drop or CLICK HERE to select Backup File"
"settings": {
"generalinfo": "General Account Info",
"address": "Address",
"publickey": "Public Key",
"settings": "Settings",
"account": "Account",
"security": "Security",
"qr_login_menu_item": "QR Login",
"qr_login_description_1": "Scan this code to save your wallet on another device using the same password currently logged in with.",
"qr_login_description_2": "Choose a password to unlock your wallet on another device after scanning QR code.",
"qr_login_button_1": "Show login QR code",
"qr_login_button_2": "Generate login QR code",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"accountsecurity": "Account Security",
"password": "Password",
"download": "Export/Save Backup File",
"choose": "Please input a password to encrypt your backup file. (This can be the same as the one you logged in with, or a new one.)",
"playsound": "Play Sound",
"shownotifications": "Show Notifications",
"nodeurl": "Node Url",
"nodehint": "Select a Node from the default list, or add a custom Node to the list by clicking on the button below",
"addcustomnode": "Add Custom Node",
"addandsave": "Add and Save",
"protocol": "Protocol",
"domain": "Domain",
"port": "Port",
"import": "Import Saved Nodes",
"export": "Export Saved Nodes",
"deletecustomnode": "REMOVE ALL Custom Nodes",
"warning": "Your Custom Nodes will be deleted and reset to default.",
"snack1": "Successfully deleted and added default Nodes",
"snack2": "UI conected to Node",
"snack3": "Successfully ADDED and saved Custom Node (select from drop-down to use)",
"snack4": "Nodes successfully exported as:",
"snack5": "Nodes successfully imported",
"snack6": "Successfully removed Custom Node",
"snack7": "Successfully edited Custom Node",
"exp1": "Export Master Private Key (xpriv)",
"exp2": "Export Master Key",
"exp3": "Export",
"exp4": "Please select a wallet to backup/export master private key.",
"core": "Core auto-start settings",
"qappNotification1": "Q-App Notifications",
"selectnode": "Please select an option",
"arrr1": "ARRR Wallet Not Initialized!",
"arrr2": "Please go to wallet tab and access ARRR wallet to initialize wallet first.",
"arrr3": "Need Core Update !",
"arrr4": "To save the private key of your ARRR wallet you must first update the Qortal Core!",
"sync_indicator": "Disable sync indicator popup"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Block Height",
"uiversion": "UI Version",
"coreversion": "Core Version",
"minting": "(Minting)",
"synchronizing": "Synchronizing",
"peers": "Connected Peers"
"walletprofile": {
"minterlevel": "Minter Level",
"blocksminted": "Blocks Minted",
"wp1": "Minting",
"wp2": "Not Minting",
"wp3": "Core Information",
"wp4": "Synchronized",
"wp5": "Sync Status"
"general": {
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"decline": "Decline",
"open": "Open",
"close": "Close",
"back": "Back",
"next": "Next",
"create": "Create",
"continue": "Continue",
"save": "Save",
"balance": "Balance",
"view": "View",
"all": "All",
"page": "Page"
"gifs": {
"gchange1": "Gif Explorer",
"gchange2": "Explore Collections",
"gchange3": "My Collections",
"gchange4": "Subscribed Collections",
"gchange5": "Upload your gif files",
"gchange6": "File should be .gif",
"gchange7": "Upload Collection",
"gchange8": "A collection name is required!",
"gchange9": "Collection Name",
"gchange10": "Gif Collection Uploaded Successfully!",
"gchange11": "Gifs uploading, please wait...",
"gchange12": "Something went wrong! Please try changing tabs and coming back.",
"gchange13": "You currently have no collections.",
"gchange14": "You currently have no subscribed collections.",
"gchange15": "Error fetching GIF. Retrying...",
"gchange16": "Failed to fetch GIF! Please visit another collection and try again!",
"gchange17": "Subscribe to this collection",
"gchange18": "Searching for collections...",
"gchange19": "No collections found!",
"gchange20": "Subscribed to collection successfully!",
"gchange21": "Unsubscribed to collection successfully!",
"gchange22": "Unsubscribe from this collection",
"gchange23": "Your gif collection cannot contain two gifs with the same name!",
"gchange24": "This collection name is already taken. Try another name!",
"gchange25": "GIF (click to view)",
"gchange26": "Registered Name required to access and send GIF files",
"gchange27": "The gif collection size is over 25mb! Please try again!",
"gchange28": "Each gif in the collection cannot be over 0.7mb! Please try again!",
"gchange29": "Filename"
"startminting": {
"smchange1": "Cannot fetch Minting Accounts",
"smchange2": "Failed to remove Minting Key",
"smchange3": "Failed to add Minting Key, if key was just created try waiting a few blocks and adding again",
"smchange4": "Cannot create Key (Keys can only be created once!)",
"smchange5": "Creating relationship",
"smchange6": "Awaiting confirmation on blockchain",
"smchange7": "Finishing up...",
"smchange8": "Adding Minting Key to Node",
"smchange9": "Complete",
"smchange10": "Only 2 Minting Keys are allowed per Node, you are attempting to assign 3 keys, please go to Node Management, and remove any unnecessary keys, thank you!"
"mintingpage": {
"mchange1": "General Minting Details",
"mchange2": "Blockchain Statistics",
"mchange3": "Avg. Qortal Blocktime",
"mchange4": "Avg. Blocks Per Day",
"mchange5": "Avg. Created QORT Per Day",
"mchange6": "Minting Account Details",
"mchange7": "Not A Minter",
"mchange8": "Minting",
"mchange9": "Not Minting",
"mchange10": "Activate Account Details",
"mchange11": "Not Activated",
"mchange12": "Activate Your Account",
"mchange13": "Introduction",
"mchange14": "To activate your account, an OUTGOING transaction needs to take place. Name Registration is the most common method. You can ask someone in Q-Chat to send you a small amount of QORT so that you may activate your account, or buy QORT within the Trade Portal then make an OUTGOING transaction of any kind and secure your public key on the blockchain. Until you do this, your public key is only known by you, in your UI, and no one else can pull your public key from the chain.",
"mchange15": "Current Status",
"mchange16": "Current Level",
"mchange17": "Blocks To Next Level",
"mchange18": "If you continue Minting 24/7 you will reach level",
"mchange19": "Minting Rewards Info",
"mchange20": "Current Tier",
"mchange21": "Total Minters in The Tier",
"mchange22": "Tier Share Per Block",
"mchange23": "Est. Reward Per Block",
"mchange24": "Est. Reward Per Day",
"mchange25": "Seconds",
"mchange26": "Blocks",
"mchange27": "Level",
"mchange28": "Tier",
"mchange29": "days",
"mchange30": "Minters",
"mchange31": "Press for help",
"mchange32": "Become A Minter",
"mchange33": "Introduction",
"mchange34": "In Qortal, in order to become a Minter and begin earning QORT rewards with your increase in Minter Level, you must first obtain a tamporary Key called a 'Sponsorship Key'. A Sponsor in Qortal is any other minter of level 5 or higher, or a Qortal Founder. You will obtain a Minting Key from the Sponsor, and use that key to get to level 1. Once you have reached level 1, you will be able to create your own Minting Key and start earning rewards for helping secure the Qortal Blockchain.",
"mchange35": "Sponsorship",
"mchange36": "Your Sponsor will issue you a ‘Sponsorship Key’ which you will use to add to your Node, and begin minting for no rewards (until reaching level 1.) Once you reach level 1, you create/assign your own ‘Minting Key’ and begin earning rewards.",
"mchange37": "Simply reach out to a Minter in Qortal who is high enough level to issue a Minting Key, obtain that key, then come back here and input the key to begin your minting journey!",
"mchange38": "in"
"becomeMinterPage": {
"bchange7": "Enter Minting Key",
"bchange8": "Input key from your sponsor here",
"bchange10": "Current Sponsorship Status",
"bchange12": "Minting with Sponsorship Key",
"bchange13": "Blocks Remaining in Sponsorship Period",
"bchange15": "Sponsorship Relationship",
"bchange16": "Sponsor Account",
"bchange17": "Copy Minting Key",
"bchange18": "Start Minting",
"bchange19": "Success! You are currently minting."
"walletpage": {
"wchange1": "Fetching balance...",
"wchange2": "Current Wallet",
"wchange3": "Copy wallet address to clipboard",
"wchange4": "Address copied to clipboard",
"wchange5": "Transaction Details",
"wchange6": "Transaction Type",
"wchange7": "OUT",
"wchange8": "IN",
"wchange9": "Sender",
"wchange10": "Receiver",
"wchange11": "Amount",
"wchange12": "Transaction Fee",
"wchange13": "Block",
"wchange14": "Time",
"wchange15": "Transaction Signature",
"wchange16": "Transaction Hash",
"wchange17": "Send",
"wchange18": "From address",
"wchange19": "Available balance",
"wchange20": "To (address or name)",
"wchange21": "Current static fee:",
"wchange22": "Wallets",
"wchange23": "To (address)",
"wchange24": "Current fee per byte",
"wchange25": "Low fees may result in slow or unconfirmed transactions.",
"wchange26": "Insufficient Funds!",
"wchange27": "Invalid Amount!",
"wchange28": "Receiver cannot be empty!",
"wchange29": "Invalid Receiver!",
"wchange30": "Transaction Successful!",
"wchange31": "Transaction Failed!",
"wchange32": "Failed to Fetch QORT Balance. Try again!",
"wchange33": "Failed to Fetch",
"wchange34": "Balance. Try again!",
"wchange35": "Type",
"wchange36": "Fee",
"wchange37": "Total Amount",
"wchange38": "Address has no transactions yet.",
"wchange39": "Unable to copy address.",
"wchange40": "PAYMENT",
"wchange41": "Status",
"wchange42": "Confirmations",
"wchange43": "Your transaction will not show until confirmed, be patient...",
"wchange44": "Please try again...",
"wchange45": "Send all",
"wchange46": "Send to this address",
"wchange47": "Address Book",
"wchange48": "This Address Book is empty!",
"wchange49": "Add to Address Book",
"wchange50": "Name cannot be empty!",
"wchange51": "Address cannot be empty!",
"wchange52": "Successfully added!",
"wchange53": "Import Address Book",
"wchange54": "Export Address Book",
"wchange55": "Your existing address book will be deleted and reset to default.",
"wchange56": "WARNING!",
"wchange57": "Memo",
"wchange58": "New Address",
"wchange59": "Coin"
"tradepage": {
"tchange1": "Trade Portal",
"tchange2": "Select Trading Pair",
"tchange4": "MY TRADE HISTORY",
"tchange6": "MY ORDERS",
"tchange7": "Stuck Offers",
"tchange8": "Amount",
"tchange9": "Price",
"tchange10": "Total",
"tchange11": "Date",
"tchange12": "Status",
"tchange13": "Seller",
"tchange14": "Price Each",
"tchange15": "Clear Form",
"tchange16": "You have",
"tchange17": "Action",
"tchange18": "BUY",
"tchange19": "SELL",
"tchange20": "Failed to Create Trade. Try again!",
"tchange21": "Failed to Create Trade. Error Code",
"tchange22": "Insufficient Funds!",
"tchange23": "Buy Request Successful!",
"tchange24": "Buy Request Existing!",
"tchange25": "Failed to Create Trade. Error Code",
"tchange26": "Trade Cancelling In Progress!",
"tchange27": "Failed to Cancel Trade. Try again!",
"tchange28": "Failed to Cancel Trade. Error Code",
"tchange29": "CANCEL",
"tchange30": "Failed to Fetch Balance. Try again!",
"tchange31": "SOLD",
"tchange32": "BOUGHT",
"tchange33": "Average",
"tchange34": "Amount cannot be 0",
"tchange35": "Price cannot be 0",
"tchange36": "PENDING AUTO BUY",
"tchange37": "No Auto Buy order found!",
"tchange38": "ADD",
"tchange39": "AUTO BUY ORDER",
"tchange40": "Price",
"tchange41": "Successfully removed Auto Buy order!",
"tchange43": "MY BUY HISTORY",
"tchange44": "Successfully added Auto Buy order!",
"tchange45": "AUTO BUY WITH",
"tchange46": "AUTO BUY",
"tchange47": "Sell for this price",
"tchange48": "NOT ENOUGH",
"tchange49": "Price Chart"
"rewardsharepage": {
"rchange1": "Reward Shares",
"rchange2": "Create Reward Share",
"rchange3": "Rewardshares Involving This Account",
"rchange4": "Minting Account",
"rchange5": "Share Percent",
"rchange6": "Recipient",
"rchange7": "Action",
"rchange8": "Type",
"rchange9": "Levels 1 - 4 can only create a Self-Share (minting) keys. Only Level 5 or above can create a Reward Share!",
"rchange10": "Recipient's Public Key",
"rchange11": "Reward Share percentage",
"rchange12": "Executing Requested Command...",
"rchange13": "Adding Minting Account",
"rchange14": "Add",
"rchange15": "Account is not involved in any Reward Shares",
"rchange16": "Create Minting Key",
"rchange17": "Remove",
"rchange18": "Cannot Create Multiple Reward Shares!",
"rchange19": "Cannot Create Multiple Self Shares!",
"rchange20": "CANNOT CREATE REWARD SHARE! at level",
"rchange21": "Reward Share Successful!",
"rchange22": "Reward Share Removed Successfully!"
"registernamepage": {
"nchange1": "Name Registration",
"nchange2": "Register Name",
"nchange3": "Registered Names",
"nchange4": "Avatar",
"nchange5": "Name",
"nchange6": "Owner",
"nchange7": "Action",
"nchange8": "No names registered by this account!",
"nchange9": "Register a Name!",
"nchange10": "Description (optional)",
"nchange11": "Doing something delicious",
"nchange12": "Registering Name",
"nchange13": "The current name registration fee is",
"nchange14": "Register",
"nchange15": "Set Avatar",
"nchange16": "Need Core Update",
"nchange17": "Name Already Exists!",
"nchange18": "Name Registration Successful!",
"nchange19": "Sell Name",
"nchange20": "Cancel Sell",
"nchange21": "Buy Name",
"nchange22": "Names Market",
"nchange23": "Sell Price",
"nchange24": "No Names To Sell",
"nchange25": "Name To Sell",
"nchange26": "Are you sure you want to sell this name? If Name is purchased by another account, all data Published by this Name will be out of your control!",
"nchange27": "For this price in QORT",
"nchange28": "On pressing confirm, your Name will be listed for sale!",
"nchange29": "Name To Cancel",
"nchange30": "Are you sure to cancel the sell for this Name?",
"nchange31": "On pressing confirm, the Name Sale will be canceled!",
"nchange32": "Sell Name Request Successful!",
"nchange33": "Cancel Sell Name Request Successful!",
"nchange34": "Buy Name Request Successful!",
"nchange35": "YOU HAVE A NAME!",
"nchange36": "Only accounts with no Registered Name can buy a Name.",
"nchange37": "ATTENTION!",
"nchange38": "You not have enough QORT to buy this Name.",
"nchange39": "Are you sure to buy this Name?",
"nchange40": "On pressing confirm, the Buy Name request will be sent!",
"nchange41": "Old Name",
"nchange42": "New Name",
"nchange43": "Are you sure to change this name?",
"nchange44": "To the new name",
"nchange45": "On pressing confirm, the Update Name request will be sent!",
"nchange46": "Name Sale History",
"nchange47": "Name Update Successful!",
"nchange48": "Warning! If you update your Name, you will forfeit the resources associated with the original Name. In other words, you will lose ownership of the content under the original Name on QDN. Proceed with caution!"
"websitespage": {
"schange1": "Browse Websites",
"schange2": "Followed Websites",
"schange3": "Blocked Websites",
"schange4": "Search Websites",
"schange5": "Avatar",
"schange6": "Details",
"schange7": "Published by:",
"schange8": "Actions",
"schange9": "Websites",
"schange10": "No websites available",
"schange11": "Your Followed Websites",
"schange12": "Followed Websites",
"schange13": "You aren't following any websites",
"schange14": "Your Blocked Websites",
"schange15": "Blocked Websites",
"schange16": "You have not blocked any websites",
"schange17": "Name Not Found!",
"schange18": "Relay Mode is ENABLED. This means that your Node will help to transport ENCRYPTED/CHUNKED data around the network when a peer requests it. You can opt out by setting:",
"schange19": "in",
"schange20": "Relay mode is DISABLED. You can enable it by setting:",
"schange21": "Publish Website",
"schange22": "Error occurred when trying to follow this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"schange23": "Error occurred when trying to unfollow this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"schange24": "Error occurred when trying to block this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"schange25": "Error occurred when trying to unblock this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"schange26": "Uncategorized",
"schange27": "Size",
"schange28": "Status",
"schange29": "Follow",
"schange30": "Unfollow",
"schange31": "Block",
"schange32": "Unblock",
"schange33": "Name to search",
"schange34": "Name can not be empty!",
"schange35": "Search"
"appspage": {
"schange1": "Browse Q-Apps",
"schange2": "Followed Q-Apps",
"schange3": "Blocked Q-Apps",
"schange4": "Search Q-Apps",
"schange5": "Avatar",
"schange6": "Details",
"schange7": "Published by",
"schange8": "Actions",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "No Q-Apps available",
"schange11": "Your Followed Q-Apps",
"schange12": "Followed Q-Apps",
"schange13": "You aren't following any Q-Apps",
"schange14": "Your Blocked Q-Apps",
"schange15": "Blocked Q-Apps",
"schange16": "You have not blocked any Q-Apps",
"schange17": "Name Not Found!",
"schange18": "Relay mode is enabled. This means that your Node will help to transport ENCRYPTED/CHUNKED data around the network when a peer requests it. You can opt out by setting",
"schange19": "in",
"schange20": "Relay mode is disabled. You can enable it by setting",
"schange21": "Publish Q-App",
"schange22": "Error occurred when trying to follow this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"schange23": "Error occurred when trying to unfollow this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"schange24": "Error occurred when trying to block this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"schange25": "Error occurred when trying to unblock this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"schange26": "Uncategorized",
"schange27": "Size",
"schange28": "Status",
"schange29": "Follow",
"schange30": "Unfollow",
"schange31": "Block",
"schange32": "Unblock",
"schange33": "Name to search",
"schange34": "Name cannot be empty!",
"schange35": "Search",
"schange36": "Download",
"schange37": "Downloaded",
"schange38": "Update",
"schange39": "Open",
"schange40": "Preview",
"schange41": "Downloading please wait...",
"schange42": "Files downloaded",
"schange43": "Any attempted downloads will continue in the background, please try again after a while."
"tubespage": {
"schange1": "Browse Q-Tubes",
"schange2": "Followed Q-Tubes",
"schange3": "Blocked Q-Tubes",
"schange4": "Search Q-Tubes",
"schange5": "Cover",
"schange6": "Details",
"schange7": "Published by",
"schange8": "Actions",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "No Q-Tubes available",
"schange11": "Your Followed Q-Tubes",
"schange12": "Followed Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "You aren't following any Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "Your Blocked Q-Tubes",
"schange15": "Blocked Q-Tubes",
"schange16": "You have not blocked any Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "Name Not Found!",
"schange18": "Relay Mode is ENABLED. This means that your Node will help to transport ENCRYPTED/CHUNKED data around the network when a peer requests it. You can opt out by setting:",
"schange19": "in",
"schange20": "Relay mode is DISABLED. You can enable it by setting:",
"schange21": "Publish Video",
"schange22": "Error occurred when trying to follow this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"schange23": "Error occurred when trying to unfollow this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"schange24": "Error occurred when trying to block this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"schange25": "Error occurred when trying to unblock this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"schange26": "Uncategorized",
"schange27": "Size",
"schange28": "Status",
"schange29": "Follow",
"schange30": "Unfollow",
"schange31": "Block",
"schange32": "Unblock",
"schange33": "Name to search",
"schange34": "Name can not be empty!",
"schange35": "Search",
"schange36": "Download",
"schange37": "Downloaded",
"schange38": "Update",
"schange39": "Open",
"schange40": "Preview",
"schange41": "Downloading please wait...",
"schange42": "Files downloaded",
"schange43": "Open please wait..."
"publishpage": {
"pchange1": "Publish",
"pchange2": "Update",
"pchange3": "Note: it is recommended that you set up Port Forwarding before hosting data, so that it can more easily be accessed by peers on the network.",
"pchange4": "Select Name",
"pchange5": "Title",
"pchange6": "Description",
"pchange7": "Select Category",
"pchange8": "Tag",
"pchange9": "Service",
"pchange10": "Identifier",
"pchange11": "Publish",
"pchange12": "Select zip file containing static content",
"pchange13": "Local path to static files",
"pchange14": "Please select a Registered Name to publish data for",
"pchange15": "Please select a file to host",
"pchange16": "Please select a zip file to host",
"pchange17": "Please enter the directory path containing the static content",
"pchange18": "Please enter a Service Name",
"pchange19": "Processing data... this can take some time...",
"pchange20": "Error:",
"pchange21": "Internal Server Error when publishing data",
"pchange22": "Computing proof of work... this can take some time...",
"pchange23": "Transaction successful!",
"pchange24": "Unable to sign and process transaction",
"pchange25": "Choose File",
"pchange26": "Uploading data... this can take some time..."
"browserpage": {
"bchange1": "Forward",
"bchange2": "Reload",
"bchange3": "Back to list",
"bchange4": "Delete",
"bchange5": "From Node",
"bchange6": "Your browser doesn't support iframes",
"bchange7": "Follow",
"bchange8": "Unfollow",
"bchange9": "Block",
"bchange10": "Unblock",
"bchange11": "Error occurred when trying to follow this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"bchange12": "Error occurred when trying to unfollow this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"bchange13": "Error occurred when trying to block this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"bchange14": "Error occurred when trying to unblock this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"bchange15": "Can't delete data from followed names. Please unfollow first.",
"bchange16": "Error occurred when trying to delete this resource. Please try again!",
"bchange17": "User declined to share account details",
"bchange18": "has requested authentication. Would you like to authenticate?",
"bchange19": "Do you give this application permission to publish to QDN?",
"bchange20": "Do you give this application permission to get your wallet balance?",
"bchange21": "Fetch Wallet Failed. Please try again!",
"bchange22": "Do you give this application permission to send a chat message?",
"bchange23": "Message Sent!",
"bchange24": "This shares your QORT address and allows your account to interact with the",
"bchange25": "No sensitive data is shared.",
"bchange26": "Always authenticate automatically",
"bchange27": "Reject",
"bchange28": "Accept",
"bchange29": "Instant publish (requires 0.001 QORT fee)",
"bchange30": "Service",
"bchange31": "Name",
"bchange32": "Identifier",
"bchange33": "Instant publish",
"bchange34": "Filename",
"bchange35": "Do you give this application permission to send coins?",
"bchange36": "Do you want to publish instant to QDN without computing proof-of-work?",
"bchange37": "Enter Fullscreen",
"bchange38": "Exit Fullscreen",
"bchange39": "Always allow lists to be retrieved automatically",
"bchange40": "List",
"bchange41": "Do you give this application permission to access this list?",
"bchange42": "Items",
"bchange43": "Do you give this application permission to add to this list?",
"bchange44": "Do you give this application permission to delete from this list?",
"bchange45": "Encrypt",
"bchange46": "Do you give this application permission to save the following file",
"bchange47": "Instant publish - requires",
"bchange48": "Do you give this application permission to send you notifications",
"bchange49": "Do you grant this application permission to access the following private information from your profile?",
"bchange50": "This app has requested a change to your public profile. Property: ",
"bchange51": "To submit the changes don't forget to click on 'Update profile'",
"bchange52": "Do you give this application permission to get your wallet information?",
"bchange53": "Always allow your friends list to be retrieved automatically by all apps",
"bchange54": "Do you give this application permission to access your friends list?",
"bchange55": "Do you give this application permission to send this command?"
"datapage": {
"dchange1": "Data Management",
"dchange2": "Search in hosted data by this Node",
"dchange3": "Data to search",
"dchange4": "Search",
"dchange5": "Registered Name",
"dchange6": "Service",
"dchange7": "Identifier",
"dchange8": "Actions",
"dchange9": "Data hosted by this Node",
"dchange10": "Data name can not be empty!",
"dchange11": "Data not found!",
"dchange12": "Couldn't fetch hosted data list from Node",
"dchange13": "This Node isn't hosting any data",
"dchange14": "Unfollow",
"dchange15": "Delete",
"dchange16": "Block",
"dchange17": "Unblock",
"dchange18": "Error occurred when trying to block this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"dchange19": "Error occurred when trying to unfollow this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"dchange20": "Error occurred when trying to unblock this Registered Name. Please try again!",
"dchange21": "Error occurred when trying to delete this resource. Please try again!"
"chatpage": {
"cchange1": "New Private Message",
"cchange2": "Loading...",
"cchange3": "Blocked Users",
"cchange4": "New Message",
"cchange5": "(Click to scroll down)",
"cchange6": "Type the name or address of who you want to chat with to send a private message! You can validate the person's name by clicking on the book icon.",
"cchange7": "Username / Address",
"cchange8": "Message...",
"cchange9": "Send",
"cchange10": "Blocked Users List",
"cchange11": "Name",
"cchange12": "Owner",
"cchange13": "Action",
"cchange14": "This account has not blocked any users.",
"cchange15": "No Registered Name",
"cchange16": "Successfully unblocked this user.",
"cchange17": "Error occurred when trying to unblock this user. Please try again!",
"cchange18": "unblock",
"cchange19": "Invalid Username / Address, Check the name / address and retry...",
"cchange20": "Message Sent Successfully!",
"cchange21": "Sending failed, Please retry...",
"cchange22": "Loading Messages...",
"cchange23": "Cannot Decrypt Message!",
"cchange24": "Maximum Characters per message is 255",
"cchange25": "Edit Message",
"cchange26": "File size exceeds 0.5 MB",
"cchange27": "A Registered Name is required to send images",
"cchange28": "This file is not an image",
"cchange29": "Maximum message size is 1000 bytes",
"cchange30": "Uploading image. This may take up to one minute.",
"cchange31": "Deleting image. This may take up to one minute.",
"cchange33": "Cancel",
"cchange34": "This chat message is using an older message version and cannot use this feature.",
"cchange35": "Error when trying to fetch the user's name. Please try again!",
"cchange36": "Search Results",
"cchange37": "No Results Found",
"cchange38": "User Verified",
"cchange39": "Cannot send an encrypted message to this user since they do not have their publickey on chain.",
"cchange40": "IMAGE (click to view)",
"cchange41": "Your Balance Is Under 4 QORT",
"cchange42": "Out of the need to combat spam, accounts with UNDER 4 QORT BALANCE will take a long time to SEND messages in Q-Chat. If you wish to immediately increase the send speed for Q-Chat messages, obtain over 4 QORT to your address. This can be done with trades in the Trade Portal, or by way of another Qortian giving you the QORT. Once you have over 4 QORT in your account, Q-Chat messages will be instant and this dialog will not show. It does NOT cost QORT to send messages. Thank you for your understanding of this necessary spam prevention method, and we hope you enjoy Qortal!",
"cchange43": "Tip QORT to",
"cchange44": "SEND MESSAGE",
"cchange45": "TIP USER",
"cchange46": "Tip Amount",
"cchange47": "Available Balance",
"cchange48": "Failed to Fetch QORT Balance. Try again!",
"cchange49": "Current static fee",
"cchange50": "Send",
"cchange51": "Insufficient Funds!",
"cchange52": "Invalid Amount!",
"cchange53": "Receiver cannot be empty!",
"cchange54": "Invalid Receiver!",
"cchange55": "Transaction Successful!",
"cchange56": "Transaction Failed!",
"cchange57": "User Info",
"cchange58": "SEND MESSAGE",
"cchange59": "TIP USER",
"cchange60": "Group Invites Pending",
"cchange61": "Error when fetching group invites. Please try again!",
"cchange62": "Wrong Username and Address Inputted! Please try again!",
"cchange63": "Enter Enabled",
"cchange64": "Enter Disabled",
"cchange65": "Please enter a recipient",
"cchange66": "Cannot fetch replied-to message. Message is too old.",
"cchange68": "edited",
"cchange69": "Auto-view images",
"cchange70": "This image type is not supported",
"cchange71": "and",
"cchange72": "other",
"cchange73": "s",
"cchange74": "reacted with",
"cchange75": "Uploading attachment. This may take up to one minute.",
"cchange76": "Deleting attachment. This may take up to one minute.",
"cchange77": "Attachment size exceeds 10 MB",
"cchange78": "Are you sure you want to delete this image?",
"cchange79": "Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?",
"cchange80": "This image has been deleted",
"cchange81": "This image type is not supported",
"cchange82": "This attachment has been deleted",
"cchange90": "No messages",
"cchange91": "Sending...",
"cchange92": "Unread messages below",
"cchange93": "Image copied to clipboard",
"cchange94": "loaded",
"cchange95": "Only my resources",
"cchange96": "Open Group Management",
"cchange97": "Join group link copied to clipboard",
"cchange98": "Uploading file. This may take some minutes.",
"cchange99": "Deleting file. This may take up to one minute.",
"cchange100": "File size exceeds 125 MB",
"cchange101": "Are you sure you want to delete this file?",
"cchange102": "This file has been deleted",
"cchange103": "Uploading gif. This may take up to one minutes.",
"cchange104": "Deleting gif. This may take up to one minute.",
"cchange105": "File size exceeds 3 MB",
"cchange106": "Are you sure you want to delete this gif?",
"cchange107": "This gif has been deleted",
"cchange108": "Download will continue in the background, only ONE Q-Chat file can be downloaded simultaneously.",
"cchange109": "File type not supported!",
"cchange110": "IMAGE UPLOAD",
"cchange111": "GIF UPLOAD",
"cchange112": "ATTACHMENT UPLOAD",
"cchange113": "FILE UPLOAD",
"cchange114": "Write something ..."
"welcomepage": {
"wcchange1": "Welcome to Q-Chat",
"wcchange2": "New Private Message",
"wcchange3": "Type the name or address of who you want to chat with to send a private message!",
"wcchange4": "Name / Address",
"wcchange5": "Message...",
"wcchange6": "Send",
"wcchange7": "Invalid Name / Address, Check the name / address and retry...",
"wcchange8": "Message Sent Successfully!",
"wcchange9": "Sending failed, Please retry..."
"blockpage": {
"bcchange1": "Block User",
"bcchange2": "Successfully blocked this user!",
"bcchange3": "Error occurred when trying to block this user. Please try again!",
"bcchange4": "No Registered Name",
"bcchange5": "Block User Request",
"bcchange6": "Are you sure to block this user?",
"bcchange7": "MENU",
"bcchange8": "Copy Address",
"bcchange9": "Private Message",
"bcchange10": "More",
"bcchange11": "Reply",
"bcchange12": "Edit",
"bcchange13": "Reaction",
"bcchange14": "Forward",
"bcchange15": "Message Forwarded",
"bcchange16": "Choose Recipient or Search for One Below",
"bcchange17": "FORWARDED",
"bcchange18": "Tip User"
"grouppage": {
"gchange1": "Qortal Groups",
"gchange2": "Create Group",
"gchange3": "Your Joined Groups",
"gchange4": "Group Name",
"gchange5": "Description",
"gchange6": "Role",
"gchange7": "Action",
"gchange8": "Not a member of any group!",
"gchange9": "Public Groups",
"gchange10": "Owner",
"gchange11": "No Open Public Groups available!",
"gchange12": "Create a New Group",
"gchange13": "Group Type",
"gchange14": "This Field is Required",
"gchange15": "--SELECT AN OPTION--",
"gchange16": "Public",
"gchange17": "Private",
"gchange18": "Group Approval Threshold (number / percentage of Admins that must approve a transaction):",
"gchange19": "NONE",
"gchange20": "ONE",
"gchange21": "Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:",
"gchange22": "minutes",
"gchange23": "hour",
"gchange24": "hours",
"gchange25": "day",
"gchange26": "days",
"gchange27": "Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:",
"gchange28": "Creating Group",
"gchange29": "Create Group",
"gchange30": "Join Group Request",
"gchange31": "Date Created",
"gchange32": "Date Updated",
"gchange33": "Joining",
"gchange34": "Join Group",
"gchange35": "Leave Group Request",
"gchange36": "Leaving",
"gchange37": "Leave Group",
"gchange38": "Manage Group Owner:",
"gchange39": "Manage Group Admin:",
"gchange40": "Manage Group",
"gchange41": "Group Creation Successful!",
"gchange42": "Invalid Group Name",
"gchange43": "Invalid Group Description",
"gchange44": "Select Group Type",
"gchange45": "Select a Group Approval Threshold",
"gchange46": "Select a Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals",
"gchange47": "Select a Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals",
"gchange48": "Join Group Request Sent Successfully!",
"gchange49": "Leave Group Request Sent Successfully!",
"gchange50": "Leave",
"gchange51": "Join",
"gchange52": "Admin",
"gchange53": "Member",
"gchange54": "Members",
"gchange55": "Search Private Group",
"gchange56": "Group Name To Search",
"gchange57": "Private Group Name Not Found",
"gchange58": "Note that group name must be an exact match.",
"gchange59": "Show / Hide Ticker",
"gchange60": "Please enter group name",
"gchange61": "Please enter description",
"gchange62": "Are you sure to UPDATE this group?",
"gchange63": "On pressing CONFIRM, the UPDATE_GROUP request will be sent!",
"gchange64": "Current Owner / New Owner",
"gchange65": "Only replace this address if you want to transfer the group!",
"gchange66": "Invalid Owner / New Owner Address",
"gchange67": "Group Update Successful!",
"gchange68": "Set Group Avatar",
"gchange69": "Messages",
"gchange70": "No messages in the last 24 hours!",
"gchange71": "You have already joined this group!"
"puzzlepage": {
"pchange1": "Puzzles",
"pchange2": "Reward",
"pchange3": "SOLVED by",
"pchange4": "Name",
"pchange5": "Description",
"pchange6": "Clue / Answer",
"pchange7": "Action",
"pchange8": "Guess",
"pchange9": "Enter your guess to solve this puzzle and win",
"pchange10": "Your guess needs to be 43 or 44 characters and",
"pchange11": "not",
"pchange12": "include 0 (zero), I (upper i), O (upper o) or l (lower L).",
"pchange13": "Your Guess",
"pchange14": "Checking your guess...",
"pchange15": "Submit",
"pchange16": "Guess incorrect!",
"pchange17": "Reward claim submitted - check wallet for reward!"
"nodepage": {
"nchange1": "Node management for:",
"nchange2": "Node has been online for:",
"nchange3": "Node's minting accounts",
"nchange4": "Add minting account",
"nchange5": "If you would like to mint with your own account you will need to create a reward share transaction to yourself (with reward share percent set to 0), and then mint with the reward share key it gives you.",
"nchange6": "Rewardshare key",
"nchange7": "Adding minting account",
"nchange8": "Add",
"nchange9": "Minting Account",
"nchange10": "Recipient Account",
"nchange11": "Action",
"nchange12": "Remove",
"nchange13": "No minting accounts found for this Node",
"nchange14": "Peers connected to this Node",
"nchange15": "Add peer",
"nchange16": "Type the peer you wish to add's address below",
"nchange17": "Peer Address",
"nchange18": "Address",
"nchange19": "Last Height",
"nchange20": "Build Version",
"nchange21": "Connected for",
"nchange22": "Action",
"nchange23": "Force Sync",
"nchange24": "Node has no connected peers",
"nchange25": "Starting Sync with Peer: ",
"nchange26": "Successfully removed Peer: ",
"nchange27": "Minting Node Added Successfully!",
"nchange28": "Failed to Add Minting Node!",
"nchange29": "Successfully Removed Minting Account!",
"nchange30": "Failed to Remove Minting Account!",
"nchange31": "Stop Node",
"nchange32": "Successfully Sent Stop Request!",
"nchange33": "Restart Node",
"nchange34": "Successfully Sent Restart Request!",
"nchange35": "Start Node",
"nchange36": "Successfully Started Node!",
"nchange37": "Clicking on continue will refresh your Qortal Core, your db will be removed, and you will download a new copy of the db, called “bootstrapping“.",
"nchange38": "Repair LTC Wallet",
"nchange39": "This will repair LTC wallets that show a balance that cannot be spent. It requires a single transaction to be made on the Litecoin network, after confirmation the wallet balance will be functional and the issue will not happen again.",
"nchange40": "This transaction will consume a small LTC fee. Continue?",
"nchange41": "Trying to repair. Please wait...",
"nchange42": "Successfully Repaired LTC Wallet!",
"nchange43": "Error occurred when trying to repair LTC wallet. Please try again!"
"transpage": {
"tchange1": "Transaction request",
"tchange2": "Decline",
"tchange3": "Confirm",
"tchange4": "To",
"tchange5": "Amount"
"apipage": {
"achange1": "Add API key",
"achange2": "API key",
"achange3": "Please enter the API key for this Node. It can be found in a file called “apikey.txt“ in the directory where the core is installed. Alternatively, click Cancel to use the core with reduced functionality.",
"achange4": "Cancel",
"achange5": "Add",
"achange6": "Successfully added API Key",
"achange7": "API key wrong, no API key added"
"transactions": {
"amount": "Amount",
"to": "To",
"declined": "User declined transaction!",
"namedialog1": "You are registering the name below:",
"namedialog2": "On pressing confirm, the name will be registered!",
"groupdialog1": "You are requesting to join the group below:",
"groupdialog2": "On pressing confirm, the group join request will be sent!",
"groupdialog3": "You are requesting to leave the group below:",
"groupdialog4": "On pressing confirm, the leave group request will be sent!",
"groupdialog5": "You are requesting to creating the group below:",
"groupdialog6": "On pressing confirm, the group creating request will be sent!",
"rewarddialog1": "Would you like to create a reward share transaction, sharing",
"rewarddialog2": "of your minting rewards with",
"rewarddialog3": "If yes, you will need to save the key below in order to mint. It can be supplied to any Node in order to allow it to mint on your behalf.",
"rewarddialog4": "On pressing confirm, the reward share will be created, but you will still need to supply the above key to a Node in order to mint with the account.",
"rewarddialog5": "You are removing a reward share transaction associated with account:",
"rewarddialog6": "On pressing confirm, the reward share will be removed and the minting key will become invalid.",
"deployAtdialog1": "You are deploying the AT",
"deployAtdialog2": "On pressing confirm, the AT will be deployed!",
"deployAtdialog3": "Initial amount balance",
"votedialog1": "You are requesting to vote on the poll below:",
"votedialog2": "On pressing confirm, the vote request will be sent!",
"votedialog3": "You are requesting to create the poll below:",
"votedialog4": "Poll Description",
"votedialog5": "Options",
"votedialog6": "On pressing confirm, the poll will be created!"
"sponsorshipspage": {
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2": "Account Address",
"schange3": "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4": "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5": "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6": "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7": "Completed",
"schange8": "Addresses",
"schange9": "You currently have no active sponsorships",
"schange10": "Public Key Lookup",
"schange11": "Copy",
"schange12": "Address to Public Key Converter",
"schange13": "Enter address",
"schange14": "In progress",
"schange15": "Finishing up",
"schange16": "Copy the key below and share it with your sponsored person.",
"schange17": "Copied to clipboard",
"schange18": "Warning: do not leave this plugin or close the Qortal UI until completion!",
"schange19": "Copy Sponsorship Key",
"schange20": "Creating relationship",
"schange21": "Remove Sponsorship Key"
"explorerpage": {
"exp1": "Address or name to search",
"exp2": "Account Balance",
"exp3": "More Info",
"exp4": "Address or Name not found!",
"exp5": "Note that Registered Names are case-sensitive.",
"exp6": "Founder",
"exp7": "Info",
"exp8": "Show all buy trades",
"exp9": "Show all sell trades",
"exp10": "BUY HISTORY",
"exp11": "SELL HISTORY",
"exp12": "No buy trades made yet.",
"exp13": "No sell trades made yet.",
"exp14": "Show complete info",
"exp15": "Minting Since",
"exp16": "Not Minting",
"exp17": "ALL PAYMENTS",
"exp18": "Payments",
"exp19": "Sent",
"exp20": "Received",
"exp21": "Trades",
"exp22": "LAST 5 PAYMENTS",
"exp23": "Show All Payments"
"managegroup": {
"mg1": "Group Members",
"mg2": "Invite To Group",
"mg3": "Group Admins",
"mg4": "Update Group",
"mg5": "Close Manage Group",
"mg6": "BAN",
"mg7": "KICK",
"mg8": "Group ID",
"mg9": "Joined",
"mg10": "Add Group Admin",
"mg11": "Are you sure to add this member to admins?",
"mg12": "On pressing confirm, add admin request will be sent!",
"mg13": "Remove Group Admin",
"mg14": "Remove Admin Address",
"mg15": "Are you sure to remove this member from admins?",
"mg16": "On pressing confirm, remove admin request will be sent!",
"mg17": "Ban Member From Group",
"mg18": "Member Name",
"mg19": "Member Address",
"mg20": "How Long To Ban",
"mg21": "Reason For Ban",
"mg22": "Are you sure to ban this member from the group?",
"mg23": "On pressing confirm, the ban request will be sent!",
"mg24": "FOREVER",
"mg25": "Banned Members",
"mg26": "CANCEL BAN",
"mg27": "Ban Expiry",
"mg28": "Cancel Ban for Member From Group",
"mg29": "Are you sure to cancel the ban for this member from the group?",
"mg30": "On pressing confirm, the cancel ban request will be sent!",
"mg31": "Kick Member From Group",
"mg32": "Reason For Kick",
"mg33": "Are you sure to kick this member from the group?",
"mg34": "On pressing confirm, the kick request will be sent!",
"mg35": "No Open Group Invites",
"mg36": "Your Open Group Invites",
"mg37": "Address or name to invite",
"mg38": "Invite Expiry Time",
"mg39": "All Fields Are Required",
"mg40": "Are you sure to invite this member to the group?",
"mg41": "On pressing confirm, the invite request will be sent!",
"mg42": "Group Type",
"mg43": "Invite Expiry",
"mg44": "Public Group",
"mg45": "Private Group",
"mg46": "Cancel Invite",
"mg47": "Cancel Invite To Group",
"mg48": "Are you sure to cancel the invite for this member?",
"mg49": "On pressing confirm, the cancel invite request will be sent!",
"mg50": "Coming Soon...",
"mg51": "Minimum 3 Characters / Maximum 32 Characters",
"mg52": "Maximum 128 Characters",
"mg53": "Your Open Join Requests",
"mg54": "No Open Join Requests",
"mg55": "Are you sure to accept the join request from this member?",
"mg56": "On pressing confirm, the accept join request will be sent!",
"mg57": "Join Request Successfully Accepted",
"mg59": "Cancel Join Request Successfully Accepted",
"mg60": "Are you sure to cancel the join request from this member?",
"mg61": "On pressing confirm, the cancel join request will be sent!"
"info": {
"inf1": "Trade Portal Information",
"inf2": "Close Trade Portal Info",
"inf3": "This is a market to BUY QORT with",
"inf4": "- 'open market sells' are QORT SELL ORDERS.",
"inf5": "You can only buy ONE order at a time. Simply click an order that you wish to buy with",
"inf6": "and it will populate the 'BUY QORT' box with the details, then click BUY.",
"inf7": "Auto Buy Information",
"inf8": "Close Auto Buy Info",
"inf9": "'Auto Buy' is a feature that allows 'buy orders' to be placed on the Trade Portal. These 'buy orders' are only visible by the person placing them. They are not 'public' buy orders like the 'open market sells' are, and are NOT stored on the Qortal blockchain. Auto Buy is a UI feature, and as such requires that the UI is RUNNING.",
"inf10": "To place an Auto Buy order click 'Add Auto Buy Order' button and fill out the box that comes up. Input the AMOUNT OF QORT you wish to BUY or the amount of LTC you wish to use, and the PRICE you are willing to BUY UP TO. Once the order is active, Auto Buy will buy UP TO that amount of QORT for you, at UP TO the price you set (starting at the lowest order and moving up the books.)",
"inf11": "Simply LEAVE YOUR UI RUNNING and Auto Buy does the rest, automatically!",
"inf12": "You CAN browse other plugins in the UI (Q-Chat, wallets, etc.) but you CANNOT CLOSE THE UI if you want your Auto Buy to complete. Leaving the UI 'minimized' on the 'taskbar' or 'panel' is just fine, as long as the UI remains OPEN Auto Buy will function.",
"inf13": "Automatically buy",
"inf14": "with",
"inf15": "Active Auto Buy Orders",
"inf16": "Auto Buy",
"inf17": "Switch to light theme",
"inf18": "Switch to dark theme",
"inf19": "Trade Information",
"inf20": "Buyer"
"lotterypage": {
"lot1": "Open Qortal Lotteries",
"lot2": "AT Address",
"lot3": "Started Block",
"lot4": "Payout Block",
"lot5": "Play Lottery",
"lot6": "Finished Qortal Lotteries",
"lot7": "Winning Amount",
"lot8": "Winner",
"lot9": "Paid Out",
"lot10": "Play Qortal Lottery",
"lot11": "There are no open lotteries!",
"lot12": "There are no finished lotteries!",
"lot13": "Players"
"notifications": {
"notify1": "Confirming transaction",
"notify2": "Transaction confirmed",
"explanation": "Your transaction is getting confirmed. To track its progress, click on the bell icon.",
"status1": "Fully synced",
"status2": "Not synced",
"notify3": "No notifications",
"notify4": "Tx notifications"
"friends": {
"friend1": "Add name",
"friend2": "Add friend",
"friend3": "Adding a friend allows you to connect easily with that person. Be sure to also follow that user to support the hosting of their published resources.",
"friend4": "Notes",
"friend5": "Follow name",
"friend6": "Alias",
"friend7": "Add an alias to better remember your friend (Optional)",
"friend8": "Send Q-Chat",
"friend9": "Send Q-Mail",
"friend10": "Edit friend",
"friend11": "Following",
"friend12": "Friends",
"friend13": "Feed",
"friend14": "Remove friend",
"friend15": "Feed settings",
"friend16": "Select the Q-Apps you want updates from, especially those related to your friends.",
"friend17": "No items in your feed"
"save": {
"saving1": "Unable to fetch saved settings",
"saving2": "Nothing to save",
"saving3": "Save unsaved changes",
"saving4": "Undo changes"
"profile": {
"profile1": "You do not have a name",
"profile2": "Go to name registration",
"profile3": "Update profile",
"profile4": "Tagline",
"profile5": "Bio",
"profile6": "Wallet Addresses",
"profile7": "Fill from UI",
"profile8": "Add custom property",
"profile9": "Property name",
"profile10": "Fields",
"profile11": "Add field",
"profile12": "Field name",
"profile13": "Field value",
"profile14": "Activity",
"profile15": "No value",
"profile16": "This name has no profile",
"profile17": "Unable to fetch profile",
"profile18": "Open profile",
"profile19": "Cannot fetch profile",
"profile20": "Register name",
"profile21": "Insert address from UI",
"profile22": "Success",
"profile23": "encrypted",
"profile24": "You must fill out both field name and field value to add a custom property",
"profile25": "Is your friend",
"profile26": "Add as friend"
"tour": {
"tour1": "In order to use Qortal, the Core must be synced. This icon will be in blue when it's synced.",
"tour2": "Synced",
"tour3": "Synced and minting",
"tour4": "Syncing",
"tour5": "Sync your core",
"tour6": "The Unstoppable Force of Qortal",
"tour7": "Only you control your data on Qortal",
"tour8": "Qortal cannot be taken down",
"tour9": "Completely peer-to-peer with no centralized intermediaries",
"tour10": "This is the default tab view where you can access important Qortal settings and Q-apps such as Q-Tube.",
"tour11": "Get the full experience",
"tour12": "To get the full Qortal experience, we recommend following this checklist.",
"tour13": "You are fully synced! You can now experience the power of the Qortal blockchain.",
"tour14": "Let's try visiting Q-Tube!",
"tour15": "Visit Q-Tube",
"tour16": "Checklist",
"tour17": "Please start the Core to access the Qortal blockchain.",
"tour18": "Refresh (bootstrap)",
"tour19": "Currently syncing... you must be fully synchronized to use Qortal.",
"tour20": "blocks behind. Would you like to refresh (bootstrap) to speed up the syncing process?",
"tour21": "blocks remaining.",
"tour22": "Refresh (bootstrap) requested. Please wait."
"chatsettings": {
"cs1": "Chat Settings",
"cs2": "General Chat Settings",
"cs3": "Chat Message Timestamp",
"cs4": "Time Ago",
"cs5": "Local Time",
"cs6": "Chat Message Font Size",
"cs7": "Standard",
"cs8": "px"