mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 00:05:53 +00:00
427 lines
19 KiB
427 lines
19 KiB
"selectmenu": {
"selectlanguage": "Wybierz język",
"languageflag": "pl",
"english": "Angielski",
"chinese": "Chińczyk",
"german": "Niemiecki",
"french": "Francuski",
"polish": "Polski",
"spanish": "Hiszpański"
"sidemenu": {
"mintingdetails": "SZCZEGÓŁY BICIA",
"wallets": "PORTFELE",
"tradeportal": "PORTAL HANDLOWY",
"rewardshare": "UDOSTĘPNIANIE NAGRÓD",
"nameregistration": "REJESTRACJA NAZWY",
"datamanagement": "ZARZĄDZANIE DANYMI",
"qchat": "Q-CHAT",
"groupmanagement": "ZARZĄDZANIE GRUPĄ",
"puzzles": "PUZZLE",
"nodemanagement": "ZARZĄDZANIE WĘZŁAMI"
"login": {
"login": "Zaloguj sie",
"createaccount": "Utwórz konto",
"name": "Imię",
"address": "Adres",
"password": "Hasło",
"youraccounts": "Twoje konta",
"clickto": "Kliknij swoje konto, aby się z nim zalogować",
"needcreate": "Aby móc się zalogować, musisz utworzyć lub zapisać konto!",
"upload": "Prześlij swoją kopię zapasową Qortal",
"howlogin": "Jak chcesz się zalogować?",
"seed": "Początkowa fraza",
"seedphrase": "początkowa fraza",
"saved": "Zapisane konto",
"qora": "Qora adres siewny",
"backup": "Qortal kopia zapasowa portfela",
"decrypt": "Odszyfruj kopię zapasową",
"save": "Zapisz w przeglądarce.",
"prepare": "Przygotowanie konta",
"areyousure": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten portfel z zapisanych portfeli?",
"error1": "Kopia zapasowa musi być poprawnym JSON",
"error2": "Nie wybrano opcji logowania",
"createwelcome": "Witaj w Qortal, przekonasz się, że jest ona podobna do gry RPG, jako minter w sieci Qortal (jeśli zdecydujesz się nią zostać) będziesz miał szansę na podniesienie poziomu swojego konta, dając obojgu więcej nagroda za blok QORT, a także większy wpływ na sieć w zakresie głosowania nad decyzjami dla platformy.",
"createa": "Jeden",
"click": "Kliknij, aby wyświetlić frazę wstępną",
"confirmpass": "Potwierdź hasło"
"logout": {
"logout": "WYLOGUJ",
"confirmlogout": "Czy na pewno chcesz się wylogować?"
"fragfile": {
"selectfile": "Wybierz plik",
"dragfile": "Przeciągnij i upuść kopię zapasową tutaj"
"settings": {
"generalinfo": "Ogólne informacje o koncie",
"address": "Adres",
"publickey": "Klucz publiczny",
"settings": "Ustawienia",
"account": "Konto",
"security": "Bezpieczeństwo",
"notifications": "Powiadomienia",
"accountsecurity": "Ochrona Konta",
"password": "Hasło",
"download": "Pobierz plik kopii zapasowej",
"choose": "Wybierz hasło do zaszyfrowania kopii zapasowej. (Może to być ten sam, z którym się zalogowałeś lub inny)",
"block": "Blokuj powiadomienia (Wkrótce...)",
"playsound": "Odtwarzaj dźwięk",
"shownotifications": "Pokaż powiadomienia",
"nodeurl": "Połączenie węzła",
"nodehint": "Wybierz węzeł z domyślnej listy węzłów powyżej lub dodaj niestandardowy węzeł do powyższej listy, klikając przycisk poniżej",
"addcustomnode": "Dodaj węzeł niestandardowy",
"addandsave": "Dodaj i zapisz",
"protocol": "Protocole",
"domain": "Domena",
"port": "Portowy",
"willbe": "zostanie wygenerowany losowo w tle. Jest to używane jako generator klucza prywatnego dla Twojego konta blockchain w Qortal.",
"clicknext": "Utwórz konto Qortal, klikając przycisk DALEJ poniżej.",
"ready": "Twoje konto jest teraz gotowe do utworzenia. Zostanie zapisany w tej przeglądarce. Jeśli nie chcesz, aby Twoje nowe konto było zapisywane w Twojej przeglądarce, możesz odznaczyć poniższe pole. Nadal będziesz mógł zalogować się na swoje nowe konto (po wylogowaniu), korzystając z pliku kopii zapasowej portfela, który MUSISZ pobrać po utworzeniu konta.",
"welmessage": "Witamy w Qortal",
"pleaseenter": "Proszę wprowadzić hasło!",
"notmatch": "Hasła nie pasują!",
"lessthen8": "Twoje hasło ma mniej niż 8 znaków! Nie jest to zalecane. Możesz nadal ignorować to ostrzeżenie.",
"entername": "Podaj nazwę!",
"downloaded": "Twój plik kopii zapasowej Portfela zostanie pobrany!",
"loading": "Ładowanie proszę czekać...",
"createdseed": "Twoje stworzone Seedphrase",
"saveseed": "Zapisz Seedphrase",
"savein": "Zapisz w przeglądarce",
"backup2": "Ten plik jest JEDYNYM sposobem uzyskania dostępu do konta w systemie, w którym nie jest on zapisany w aplikacji/przeglądarce. UPEWNIJ SIĘ, ŻE TWORZYSZ KOPIĘ ZAPASOWĄ TEGO PLIKU W WIELU MIEJSCACH. Plik jest bardzo bezpiecznie zaszyfrowany i odszyfrowany za pomocą lokalnego hasła utworzonego w poprzednim kroku. Możesz go bezpiecznie zapisać w dowolnym miejscu, ale pamiętaj, aby zrobić to w wielu lokalizacjach.",
"savewallet": "Zapisz plik kopii zapasowej portfela",
"created1": "Twoje konto zostało utworzone",
"created2": " i zostanie zapisany w tej przeglądarce.",
"downloadbackup": "Pobierz plik kopii zapasowej portfela"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Wysokość bloku",
"uiversion": "UI Wersja",
"coreversion": "Rdzeń Wersja",
"minting": "(Bicie)",
"synchronizing": "Synchronizowanie"
"walletprofile": {
"minterlevel": "Poziom Mintera",
"blocksminted": "Bloki Minted"
"general": {
"yes": "Tak",
"no": "Nie",
"confirm": "Potwierdzać",
"decline": "Nie przyjąć",
"open": "Otwarty",
"close": "Bliski",
"back": "Powrót",
"next": "Następny",
"create": "Tworzyć",
"continue": "Kontyntynuj",
"save": "Ratować"
"mintingpage": {
"mchange1": "General Minting Details",
"mchange2": "Blockchain Statistics",
"mchange3": "Avg. Qortal Blocktime",
"mchange4": "Avg. Blocks Per Day",
"mchange5": "Avg. Created QORT Per Day",
"mchange6": "Minting Account Details",
"mchange7": "Not A Minter",
"mchange8": "Minting",
"mchange9": "Not Minting",
"mchange10": "Activate Account Details",
"mchange11": "Not Activated",
"mchange12": "Activate Your Account",
"mchange13": "Introduction",
"mchange14": "To activate your account, an OUTGOING transaction needs to take place. Name Registration is the most common method. You can ask someone in Q-Chat to send you a small amount of QORT so that you may activate your account, or buy QORT within the Trade Portal then make an OUTGOING transaction of any kind and secure your public key on the blockchain. Until you do this, your public key is only known by you, in your UI, and no one else can pull your public key from the chain.",
"mchange15": "Current Status",
"mchange16": "Current Level",
"mchange17": "Blocks To Next Level",
"mchange18": "If you continue minting 24/7 you will reach level",
"mchange19": "Minting Rewards Info",
"mchange20": "Current Tier",
"mchange21": "Total Minters in The Tier",
"mchange22": "Tier Share Per Block",
"mchange23": "Est. Reward Per Block",
"mchange24": "Est. Reward Per Day",
"mchange25": "Seconds",
"mchange26": "Blocks",
"mchange27": "Level",
"mchange28": "Tier",
"mchange29": "days",
"mchange30": "Minters",
"mchange31": "Press for help",
"mchange32": "Become A Minter",
"mchange33": "Introduction",
"mchange34": "In Qortal, in order to become a minter and begin earning QORT rewards with your increase in Minter Level, you must first become ‘sponsored’. A sponsor in Qortal is any other minter of level 5 or higher, or a Qortal Founder. You will obtain a sponsorship key from the sponsor, and use that key to get to level 1. Once you have reached level 1, you will be able to create your own minting key and start earning rewards for helping secure the Qortal Blockchain.",
"mchange35": "Sponsorship",
"mchange36": "Your sponsor will issue you a ‘Sponsorship Key’ which you will use to add to your node, and begin minting (for no rewards until reaching level 1.) Once you reach level 1, you create/assign your own ‘Minting Key’ and begin earning rewards. You have XXXX blocks remaining in your sponsorship period.",
"mchange37": "Simply reach out to a minter in Qortal who is high enough level to issue a sponsorship key, obtain that key, then come back here and input the key to begin your minting journey !",
"mchange38": "in"
"walletpage": {
"wchange1": "Fetching balance ...",
"wchange2": "Current Wallet",
"wchange3": "Copy wallet address to clipboard",
"wchange4": "Address copied to clipboard",
"wchange5": "Transaction Details",
"wchange6": "Transaction Type",
"wchange7": "OUT",
"wchange8": "IN",
"wchange9": "Sender",
"wchange10": "Receiver",
"wchange11": "Amount",
"wchange12": "Transaction Fee",
"wchange13": "Block",
"wchange14": "Time",
"wchange15": "Transaction Signature",
"wchange16": "Transaction Hash",
"wchange17": "Send",
"wchange18": "From address",
"wchange19": "Available balance",
"wchange20": "To (address or name)",
"wchange21": "Current static fee:",
"wchange22": "Wallets",
"wchange23": "To (address)",
"wchange24": "Current fee per byte",
"wchange25": "Low fees may result in slow or unconfirmed transactions.",
"wchange26": "Insufficient Funds!",
"wchange27": "Invalid Amount!",
"wchange28": "Receiver cannot be empty!",
"wchange29": "Inalid Receiver!",
"wchange30": "Transaction Successful!",
"wchange31": "Transaction Failed!",
"wchange32": "Failed to Fetch QORT Balance. Try again!",
"wchange33": "Failed to Fetch",
"wchange34": "Balance. Try again!",
"wchange35": "Type",
"wchange36": "Fee",
"wchange37": "Total Amount",
"wchange38": "Address has no transactions yet.",
"wchange39": "Unable to copy address.",
"wchange40": "PAYMENT",
"wchange41": "Status",
"wchange42": "Confirmations"
"tradepage": {
"tchange1": "Trade Portal",
"tchange2": "Select Trading Pair",
"tchange4": "MY TRADE HISTORY",
"tchange6": "MY ORDERS",
"tchange7": "Stuck Offers",
"tchange8": "Amount",
"tchange9": "Price",
"tchange10": "Total",
"tchange11": "Date",
"tchange12": "Status",
"tchange13": "Seller",
"tchange14": "Price Each",
"tchange15": "Clear Form",
"tchange16": "You have",
"tchange17": "Action",
"tchange18": "BUY",
"tchange19": "SELL",
"tchange20": "Failed to Create Trade. Try again!",
"tchange21": "Failed to Create Trade. Error Code",
"tchange22": "Insufficient Funds!",
"tchange23": "Buy Request Successful!",
"tchange24": "Buy Request Existing!",
"tchange25": "Failed to Create Trade. Error Code",
"tchange26": "Trade Cancelling In Progress!",
"tchange27": "Failed to Cancel Trade. Try again!",
"tchange28": "Failed to Cancel Trade. Error Code",
"tchange29": "CANCEL",
"tchange30": "Failed to Fetch Balance. Try again!",
"tchange31": "SOLD",
"tchange32": "BOUGHT"
"rewardsharepage": {
"rchange1": "Rewardshares",
"rchange2": "Create reward share",
"rchange3": "Rewardshares Involving In This Account",
"rchange4": "Minting Account",
"rchange5": "Share Percent",
"rchange6": "Recipient",
"rchange7": "Action",
"rchange8": "Type",
"rchange9": "Level 1 - 4 can create a Self Share and Level 5 or above can create a Reward Share!",
"rchange10": "Recipient Public Key",
"rchange11": "Reward share percentage",
"rchange12": "Doing something delicious",
"rchange13": "Adding minting account",
"rchange14": "Add",
"rchange15": "Account is not involved in any reward shares",
"rchange16": "Own Rewardshare",
"rchange17": "Remove",
"rchange18": "Cannot Create Multiple Reward Shares!",
"rchange19": "Cannot Create Multiple Self Shares!",
"rchange20": "CANNOT CREATE REWARD SHARE! at level",
"rchange21": "Reward Share Successful!",
"rchange22": "Reward Share Removed Successfully!"
"registernamepage": {
"nchange1": "Name Registration",
"nchange2": "Register Name",
"nchange3": "Registered Names",
"nchange4": "Avatar",
"nchange5": "Name",
"nchange6": "Owner",
"nchange7": "Action",
"nchange8": "No names registered by this account!",
"nchange9": "Register a Name!",
"nchange10": "Description (optional)",
"nchange11": "Doing something delicious",
"nchange12": "Registering Name",
"nchange13": "The current name registration fee is",
"nchange14": "Register",
"nchange15": "Set Avatar",
"nchange16": "Need Core Update",
"nchange17": "Name Already Exists!",
"nchange18": "Name Registration Successful!"
"websitespage": {
"schange1": "Browse Websites",
"schange2": "Followed Websites",
"schange3": "Blocked Websites",
"schange4": "Search Websites",
"schange5": "Avatar",
"schange6": "Details",
"schange7": "Published by",
"schange8": "Actions",
"schange9": "Websites",
"schange10": "No websites available",
"schange11": "Your Followed Websites",
"schange12": "Followed Websites",
"schange13": "You aren't following any websites",
"schange14": "Your Blocked Websites",
"schange15": "Blocked Websites",
"schange16": "You have not blocked any websites",
"schange17": "Name Not Found!",
"schange18": "Relay mode is enabled. This means that your node will help to transport encrypted data around the network when a peer requests it. You can opt out by setting",
"schange19": "in",
"schange20": "Relay mode is disabled. You can enable it by setting",
"schange21": "Publish Website",
"schange22": "Error occurred when trying to follow this registered name. Please try again!",
"schange23": "Error occurred when trying to unfollow this registered name. Please try again!",
"schange24": "Error occurred when trying to block this registered name. Please try again!",
"schange25": "Error occurred when trying to unblock this registered name. Please try again!",
"schange26": "Uncategorized",
"schange27": "Size",
"schange28": "Status",
"schange29": "Follow",
"schange30": "Unfollow",
"schange31": "Block",
"schange32": "Unblock",
"schange33": "Name to search",
"schange35": "Search"
"publishpage": {
"pchange1": "Publish",
"pchange2": "Update",
"pchange3": "Note: it is recommended that you set up port forwarding before hosting data, so that it can more easily accessed by peers on the network.",
"pchange4": "Select Name",
"pchange5": "Title",
"pchange6": "Description",
"pchange7": "Select Category",
"pchange8": "Tag",
"pchange9": "Service",
"pchange10": "Identifier",
"pchange11": "Publish",
"pchange12": "Select zip file containing static content",
"pchange13": "Local path to static files",
"pchange14": "Please select a registered name to publish data for",
"pchange15": "Please select a file to host",
"pchange16": "Please select a zip file to host",
"pchange17": "Please enter the directory path containing the static content",
"pchange18": "Please enter a service name",
"pchange19": "Processing data... this can take some time...",
"pchange20": "Error:",
"pchange21": "Internal Server Error when publishing data",
"pchange22": "Computing proof of work... this can take some time...",
"pchange23": "Transaction successful!",
"pchange24": "Unable to sign and process transaction",
"pchange25": "Choose File"
"browserpage": {
"bchange1": "Forward",
"bchange2": "Reload",
"bchange3": "Back to list",
"bchange4": "Delete",
"bchange5": "from node",
"bchange6": "Your browser doesn't support iframes",
"bchange7": "Follow",
"bchange8": "Unfollow",
"bchange9": "Block",
"bchange10": "Unblock",
"bchange11": "Error occurred when trying to follow this registered name. Please try again!",
"bchange12": "Error occurred when trying to unfollow this registered name. Please try again!",
"bchange13": "Error occurred when trying to block this registered name. Please try again!",
"bchange14": "Error occurred when trying to unblock this registered name. Please try again!",
"bchange15": "Can't delete data from followed names. Please unfollow first.",
"bchange16": "Error occurred when trying to delete this resource. Please try again!"
"datapage": {
"dchange1": "Data Management",
"dchange2": "Search in hosted data by this node",
"dchange3": "Data to search",
"dchange4": "Search",
"dchange5": "Registered Name",
"dchange6": "Service",
"dchange7": "Identifier",
"dchange8": "Actions",
"dchange9": "Data hosted by this node",
"dchange10": "Data name can not be empty!",
"dchange11": "Data not found!",
"dchange12": "Couldn't fetch hosted data list from node",
"dchange13": "This node isn't hosting any data",
"dchange14": "Unfollow",
"dchange15": "Delete",
"dchange16": "Block",
"dchange17": "Unblock",
"dchange18": "Error occurred when trying to block this registered name. Please try again!",
"dchange19": "Error occurred when trying to unfollow this registered name. Please try again!",
"dchange20": "Error occurred when trying to unblock this registered name. Please try again!",
"dchange21": "Error occurred when trying to delete this resource. Please try again!"
"chatpage": {
"cchange1": "New Private Message",
"cchange2": "Loading...",
"cchange3": "Blocked Users",
"cchange4": "New Message",
"cchange5": "(Click to scroll down)",
"cchange6": "Type the name or address of who you want to chat with to send a private message!",
"cchange7": "Name / Address",
"cchange8": "Message...",
"cchange9": "Send",
"cchange10": "Blocked Users List",
"cchange11": "Name",
"cchange12": "Owner",
"cchange13": "Action",
"cchange14": "This account has not blocked any users.",
"cchange15": "No registered name",
"cchange16": "Successfully unblocked this user.",
"cchange17": "Error occurred when trying to unblock this user. Please try again!",
"cchange18": "unblock",
"cchange19": "Invalid Name / Address, Check the name / address and retry...",
"cchange20": "Message Sent Successfully!",
"cchange21": "Sending failed, Please retry..."
"welcomepage": {
"wcchange1": "Welcome to Q-Chat",
"wcchange2": "New Private Message",
"wcchange3": "Type the name or address of who you want to chat with to send a private message!",
"wcchange4": "Name / Address",
"wcchange5": "Message...",
"wcchange6": "Send",
"wcchange7": "Invalid Name / Address, Check the name / address and retry...",
"wcchange8": "Message Sent Successfully!",
"wcchange9": "Sending failed, Please retry..."