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import Base58 from '../deps/Base58'
import { Sha256, Sha512 } from 'asmcrypto.js'
import jsSHA from 'jssha'
import RIPEMD160 from '../deps/ripemd160'
import utils from '../deps/utils'
import { BigInteger, EllipticCurve } from './ecbn'
export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
constructor(addressParams) {
* Seed - 32 bytes
this.seed = new Uint8Array(32)
* Version Bytes - 4 byte
this.versionBytes = addressParams
* Depth - 1 byte
this.depth = 0
* Parent Fingerprint - 4 bytes
this.parentFingerprint = '0x00000000' // master key
* Child Index - 4 bytes
this.childIndex = '0x00000000' // master key
* Chain Code - 32 bytes
this.chainCode = new Uint8Array(32)
* Key Data - 33 bytes
this.keyData = new Uint8Array(33)
* Seed Hash - 64 bytes
this.seedHash = new Uint8Array(64)
* Private Key - 32 bytes
this.privateKey = new Uint8Array(32)
* Public Key - 33 bytes (compressed)
this.publicKey = new Uint8Array(33)
* Public Key Hash160 (used to derive the parent fingerprint for derived)
this.publicKeyHash = new Uint8Array(20)
* Master Private Key (Base58 encoded)
this.masterPrivateKey = ''
* Master Public Key (Base58 encoded)
this.masterPublicKey = ''
* Testnet Master Private Key (Base58 encoded) - THIS IS TESTNET
this._tMasterPrivateKey = ''
* Testnet Master Public Key (Base58 encoded) - THIS IS TESTNET
this._tmasterPublicKey = ''
* Child Keys Derivation from the Parent Keys
* Child Private Key - 32 bytes
this.childPrivateKey = new Uint8Array(32)
* Child Chain Code - 32 bytes
this.childChainCode = new Uint8Array(32)
* Child Public Key - 33 bytes (compressed)
this.childPublicKey = new Uint8Array(33)
* Child Public Key Hash160 (used to derive the parent fingerprint for derived)
this.childPublicKeyHash = new Uint8Array(20)
* Extended Private Child Key - Base58 encoded
this.xPrivateChildKey = ''
* Extended Public Child Key - Base58 encoded
this.xPublicChildKey = ''
* Grand Child Keys Derivation from the Child Keys
* Grand Child Private Key - 32 bytes
this.grandChildPrivateKey = new Uint8Array(32)
* Grand Child Chain Code - 32 bytes
this.grandChildChainCode = new Uint8Array(32)
* Grand Child Public Key - 33 bytes (compressed)
this.grandChildPublicKey = new Uint8Array(33)
* Grand Public Key Hash160 (used to derive the parent fingerprint for derived)
this.grandChildPublicKeyHash = new Uint8Array(20)
* Extended Private Grand Child Key - Base58 encoded
this.xPrivateGrandChildKey = ''
* Extended Public Grand Child Key - Base58 encoded
this.xPublicGrandChildKey = ''
* Litecoin Legacy Address - Derived from the Grand Child Public Key Hash
this.litecoinLegacyAddress = ''
* TESTNET Litecoin Legacy Address (Derived from the Grand Child Public Key Hash) - THIS IS TESTNET
this._tlitecoinLegacyAddress = ''
* Wallet - Wallet Object (keys...)
this.wallet = {}
setSeed(seed) {
this.seed = seed
createWallet(seed, isBIP44, indicator = null) {
// Set Seeed
// Generate Seed Hash
this.generateSeedHash(this.seed, isBIP44, indicator)
// Generate Private Key
// Generate Chain Code
// Generate Public Key from Private Key
// Generate Mainnet Master Private Key
// Generate Mainnet Master Public Key
// Generate Testnet Master Private Key
// Generate Testnet Master Public Key
// Generate Child and Grand Child Keys
// Return Wallet Object Specification
return this.returnWallet()
generateSeedHash(seed, isBIP44, indicator = null) {
let buffer
if (isBIP44) {
buffer = utils.appendBuffer(seed.reverse(), utils.int32ToBytes(indicator))
} else {
if (indicator !== null) {
const indicatorString = utils.stringtoUTF8Array(indicator)
buffer = utils.appendBuffer(seed.reverse(), indicatorString)
else {
buffer = seed.reverse()
const _reverseSeedHash = new Sha256().process(buffer).finish().result
this.seedHash = new Sha512().process(utils.appendBuffer(seed, _reverseSeedHash)).finish().result
generatePrivateKey(seedHash) {
const privateKeyHash = seedHash.slice(0, 32)
this.seed58 = Base58.encode(privateKeyHash)
const _privateKeyHash = [...privateKeyHash]
let privateKeyBigInt = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(_privateKeyHash)
const privateKey = (privateKeyBigInt.mod(SECP256K1_CURVE_ORDER.subtract(BigInteger.ONE))).add(BigInteger.ONE)
this.privateKey = privateKey.toByteArrayUnsigned()
generateChainCode(seedHash) {
this.chainCode = new Sha256().process(seedHash.slice(32, 64)).finish().result
generatePublicKey(privateKey) {
const _privateKey = [...privateKey]
const privateKeyBigInt = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(_privateKey)
const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1")
const curvePoints = epCurve.getG().multiply(privateKeyBigInt)
const x = curvePoints.getX().toBigInteger()
const y = curvePoints.getY().toBigInteger()
* Deriving Uncompressed Public Key (65 bytes)
* const publicKeyBytes = EllipticCurve.integerToBytes(x, 32)
* this.publicKey = publicKeyBytes.concat(EllipticCurve.integerToBytes(y, 32))
* this.publicKey.unshift(0x04) // append point indicator
// Compressed Public Key (33 bytes)
this.publicKey = EllipticCurve.integerToBytes(x, 32)
if (y.isEven()) {
this.publicKey.unshift(0x02) // append point indicator
} else {
this.publicKey.unshift(0x03) // append point indicator
// PublicKey Hash
const publicKeySHA256 = new Sha256().process(new Uint8Array(this.publicKey)).finish().result
this.publicKeyHash = new RIPEMD160().update(Buffer.from(publicKeySHA256)).digest('hex')
generateMainnetMasterPrivateKey() {
// Serialization Variable
const s = []
// Append Version Byte
// Append Depth
// Append Parent Fingerprint
// Append Child Number
// Append Chain Code
// Append 1 byte '0x00' (to make the key data 33 bytes, DO THIS ONLY FOR PRIVATE KEYS )
//if the private key length is less than 32 let's add leading zeros
if (this.privateKey.length < 32) {
for (let i = this.privateKey.length; i < 32; i++) {
// Append Private Key
// Generate CheckSum
const _s = new Uint8Array(s)
const _checkSum = new Sha256().process(new Sha256().process(_s).finish().result).finish().result
const checkSum = _checkSum.slice(0, 4)
// Append CheckSum
s.push(...checkSum) // And this brings us to the end of the serialization...
// Save to Private Key as Base58 encoded
this.masterPrivateKey = Base58.encode(s)
generateMainnetMasterPublicKey() {
// Serialization Variable
const s = []
// Append Version Byte
// Append Depth
// Append Parent Fingerprint
// Append Child Number
// Append Chain Code
// Append Public Key
// Generate CheckSum
const _s = new Uint8Array(s)
const _checkSum = new Sha256().process(new Sha256().process(_s).finish().result).finish().result
const checkSum = _checkSum.slice(0, 4)
// Append CheckSum
s.push(...checkSum) // And this brings us to the end of the serialization...
// Save to Public Key as Base58 encoded
this.masterPublicKey = Base58.encode(s)
generateTestnetMasterPrivateKey() {
// To be Used ONLY in Testnet...
// Serialization Variable
const s = []
// Append Version Byte
// Append Depth
// Append Parent Fingerprint
// Append Child Number
// Append Chain Code
// Append 1 byte '0x00' (to make the key data 33 bytes, DO THIS ONLY FOR PRIVATE KEYS )
// Append Private Key
// Generate CheckSum
const _s = new Uint8Array(s)
const _checkSum = new Sha256().process(new Sha256().process(_s).finish().result).finish().result
const checkSum = _checkSum.slice(0, 4)
// Append CheckSum
s.push(...checkSum) // And this brings us to the end of the serialization...
// Save to Private Key as Base58 encoded
this._tMasterPrivateKey = Base58.encode(s)
generateTestnetMasterPublicKey() {
// To be Used ONLY in Testnet...
// Serialization Variable
const s = []
// Append Version Byte
// Append Depth
// Append Parent Fingerprint
// Append Child Number
// Append Chain Code
// Append Private Key
// Generate CheckSum
const _s = new Uint8Array(s)
const _checkSum = new Sha256().process(new Sha256().process(_s).finish().result).finish().result
const checkSum = _checkSum.slice(0, 4)
// Append CheckSum
s.push(...checkSum) // And this brings us to the end of the serialization...
// Save to Private Key as Base58 encoded
this._tmasterPublicKey = Base58.encode(s)
generateDerivedChildKeys() {
// SPEC INFO: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0032#Child_key_derivation_.28CKD.29_functions
// NOTE: will not be using some of derivations func as the value is known. (So I'd rather shove in the values and rewrite out the derivations later ?)
// NOTE: I "re-wrote" and "reduplicate" the code for child and grandChild keys derivations inorder to get the child and grandchild from the child
// TODO: Make this more better in the future
const path = 'm/0/0'
// let p = path.split('/')
// Get Public kEY
const derivePublicChildKey = () => {
const _privateKey = [...this.childPrivateKey]
const privateKeyBigInt = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(_privateKey)
const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1")
const curvePoints = epCurve.getG().multiply(privateKeyBigInt)
const x = curvePoints.getX().toBigInteger()
const y = curvePoints.getY().toBigInteger()
// Compressed Public Key (33 bytes)
this.childPublicKey = EllipticCurve.integerToBytes(x, 32)
if (y.isEven()) {
this.childPublicKey.unshift(0x02) // append point indicator
} else {
this.childPublicKey.unshift(0x03) // append point indicator
// PublicKey Hash
const childPublicKeySHA256 = new Sha256().process(new Uint8Array(this.childPublicKey)).finish().result
this.childPublicKeyHash = new RIPEMD160().update(Buffer.from(childPublicKeySHA256)).digest('hex')
// Call deriveExtendedPublicChildKey // WIll be hardcoding the values...
deriveExtendedPublicChildKey(1, 0)
const derivePrivateChildKey = (cI) => {
let ib = []
ib.push((cI >> 24) & 0xff)
ib.push((cI >> 16) & 0xff)
ib.push((cI >> 8) & 0xff)
ib.push(cI & 0xff)
const s = [...this.publicKey].concat(ib)
const _hmacSha512 = new jsSHA("SHA-512", "UINT8ARRAY", { numRounds: 1, hmacKey: { value: this.chainCode, format: "UINT8ARRAY" } })
_hmacSha512.update(new Uint8Array(s))
const IL = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned([..._hmacSha512.getHMAC('UINT8ARRAY').slice(0, 32)])
this.childChainCode = _hmacSha512.getHMAC('UINT8ARRAY').slice(32, 64) // IR according to the SPEC
// SECP256k1 init
const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1")
const ki = IL.add(BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(this.privateKey)).mod(epCurve.getN()) // parse256(IL) + kpar (mod n) ==> ki
this.childPrivateKey = ki.toByteArrayUnsigned()
// Call deriveExtendedPrivateChildKey
deriveExtendedPrivateChildKey(1, 0)
const deriveExtendedPrivateChildKey = (i, childIndex) => {
// Serialization Variable
const s = []
// Append Version Byte
// Append Depth (using the index as depth)
i = parseInt(i)
// Append Parent Fingerprint
s.push(...(this.publicKeyHash.slice(0, 4)))
// Append Child Index
s.push(childIndex >>> 24)
s.push((childIndex >>> 16) & 0xff)
s.push((childIndex >>> 8) & 0xff)
s.push(childIndex & 0xff)
// Append Chain Code
// Append 1 byte '0x00' (to make the key data 33 bytes, DO THIS ONLY FOR PRIVATE KEYS )
// Append Private Key
// Generate CheckSum
const _s = new Uint8Array(s)
const _checkSum = new Sha256().process(new Sha256().process(_s).finish().result).finish().result
const checkSum = _checkSum.slice(0, 4)
// Append CheckSum
s.push(...checkSum) // And this brings us to the end of the serialization...
// Save to Private Key as Base58 encoded
this.xPrivateChildKey = Base58.encode(s)
const deriveExtendedPublicChildKey = (i, childIndex) => {
// Serialization Variable
const s = []
// Append Version Byte
// Append Depth
i = parseInt(i)
// Append Parent Fingerprint
s.push(...(this.publicKeyHash.slice(0, 4)))
// Append Child Index
s.push(childIndex >>> 24)
s.push((childIndex >>> 16) & 0xff)
s.push((childIndex >>> 8) & 0xff)
s.push(childIndex & 0xff)
// Append Chain Code
// Append Public Key
// Generate CheckSum
const _s = new Uint8Array(s)
const _checkSum = new Sha256().process(new Sha256().process(_s).finish().result).finish().result
const checkSum = _checkSum.slice(0, 4)
// Append CheckSum
s.push(...checkSum) // And this brings us to the end of the serialization...
// Save to Public Key as Base58 encoded
this.xPublicChildKey = Base58.encode(s)
* NOTE: I know this is not the best way to generate this (even though it works the way it ought)
* Things to rewrite will be and not limited to deriving this through a for loop, removing hard code values, etc...
const derivePublicGrandChildKey = () => {
const _privateKey = [...this.grandChildPrivateKey]
const privateKeyBigInt = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(_privateKey)
const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1")
const curvePoints = epCurve.getG().multiply(privateKeyBigInt)
const x = curvePoints.getX().toBigInteger()
const y = curvePoints.getY().toBigInteger()
// Compressed Public Key (33 bytes)
this.grandChildPublicKey = EllipticCurve.integerToBytes(x, 32)
if (y.isEven()) {
this.grandChildPublicKey.unshift(0x02) // append point indicator
} else {
this.grandChildPublicKey.unshift(0x03) // append point indicator
// PublicKey Hash
const grandChildPublicKeySHA256 = new Sha256().process(new Uint8Array(this.grandChildPublicKey)).finish().result
this.grandChildPublicKeyHash = new RIPEMD160().update(Buffer.from(grandChildPublicKeySHA256)).digest('hex')
// Call deriveExtendedPublicChildKey // WIll be hardcoding the values...
deriveExtendedPublicGrandChildKey(2, 0)
* Derive Litecoin Legacy Address
// Append Address Prefix
let prefix = [this.versionBytes.mainnet.prefix]
if (2 == this.versionBytes.mainnet.prefix.length) {
prefix = [this.versionBytes.mainnet.prefix[0]]
const k = prefix.concat(...this.grandChildPublicKeyHash)
// Derive Checksum
const _addressCheckSum = new Sha256().process(new Sha256().process(new Uint8Array(k)).finish().result).finish().result
const addressCheckSum = _addressCheckSum.slice(0, 4)
// Append CheckSum
const _litecoinLegacyAddress = k.concat(...addressCheckSum)
// Convert to Base58
this.litecoinLegacyAddress = Base58.encode(_litecoinLegacyAddress)
* Derive TESTNET Litecoin Legacy Address
// Append Version Byte
const tK = [this.versionBytes.testnet.prefix].concat(...this.grandChildPublicKeyHash)
// Derive Checksum
const _tAddressCheckSum = new Sha256().process(new Sha256().process(new Uint8Array(tK)).finish().result).finish().result
const tAddressCheckSum = _tAddressCheckSum.slice(0, 4)
// Append CheckSum
const _tlitecoinLegacyAddress = tK.concat(...tAddressCheckSum)
// Convert to Base58
this._tlitecoinLegacyAddress = Base58.encode(_tlitecoinLegacyAddress)
const derivePrivateGrandChildKey = (cI, i) => {
let ib = []
ib.push((cI >> 24) & 0xff)
ib.push((cI >> 16) & 0xff)
ib.push((cI >> 8) & 0xff)
ib.push(cI & 0xff)
const s = [...this.childPublicKey].concat(ib)
const _hmacSha512 = new jsSHA("SHA-512", "UINT8ARRAY", { numRounds: 1, hmacKey: { value: this.childChainCode, format: "UINT8ARRAY" } })
_hmacSha512.update(new Uint8Array(s))
const IL = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned([..._hmacSha512.getHMAC('UINT8ARRAY').slice(0, 32)])
this.grandChildChainCode = _hmacSha512.getHMAC('UINT8ARRAY').slice(32, 64) // IR according to the SPEC
// SECP256k1 init
const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1")
const ki = IL.add(BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(this.childPrivateKey)).mod(epCurve.getN()) // parse256(IL) + kpar (mod n) ==> ki
this.grandChildPrivateKey = ki.toByteArrayUnsigned()
// Call deriveExtendedPrivateChildKey
deriveExtendedPrivateGrandChildKey(2, 0)
const deriveExtendedPrivateGrandChildKey = (i, childIndex) => {
// Serialization Variable
const s = []
// Append Version Byte
// Append Depth (using the index as depth)
i = parseInt(i)
// Append Parent Fingerprint
s.push(...(this.childPublicKeyHash.slice(0, 4)))
// Append Child Index
s.push(childIndex >>> 24)
s.push((childIndex >>> 16) & 0xff)
s.push((childIndex >>> 8) & 0xff)
s.push(childIndex & 0xff)
// Append Chain Code
// Append 1 byte '0x00' (to make the key data 33 bytes, DO THIS ONLY FOR PRIVATE KEYS )
// Append Private Key
// Generate CheckSum
const _s = new Uint8Array(s)
const _checkSum = new Sha256().process(new Sha256().process(_s).finish().result).finish().result
const checkSum = _checkSum.slice(0, 4)
// Append CheckSum
s.push(...checkSum) // And this brings us to the end of the serialization...
// Save to Private Key as Base58 encoded
this.xPrivateGrandChildKey = Base58.encode(s)
const deriveExtendedPublicGrandChildKey = (i, childIndex) => {
// Serialization Variable
const s = []
// Append Version Byte
// Append Depth
i = parseInt(i)
// Append Parent Fingerprint
s.push(...(this.childPublicKeyHash.slice(0, 4)))
// Append Child Index
s.push(childIndex >>> 24)
s.push((childIndex >>> 16) & 0xff)
s.push((childIndex >>> 8) & 0xff)
s.push(childIndex & 0xff)
// Append Chain Code
// Append Public Key
// Generate CheckSum
const _s = new Uint8Array(s)
const _checkSum = new Sha256().process(new Sha256().process(_s).finish().result).finish().result
const checkSum = _checkSum.slice(0, 4)
// Append CheckSum
s.push(...checkSum) // And this brings us to the end of the serialization...
// Save to Public Key as Base58 encoded
this.xPublicGrandChildKey = Base58.encode(s)
// Hard Code value..
let childIndex = 0
// Call derivePrivateChildKey //Hard code value
// Call derivePublicChildKey
// Call derivePrivateGrandChildKey // Hard Code value...
derivePrivateGrandChildKey(0, 2)
// Call derivePublicGrandChildKey
returnWallet() {
// Will be limiting the exported Wallet Object to just the Master keys and Legacy Addresses
const wallet = {
derivedMasterPrivateKey: this.masterPrivateKey,
derivedMasterPublicKey: this.masterPublicKey,
_tDerivedMasterPrivateKey: this._tMasterPrivateKey,
_tDerivedmasterPublicKey: this._tmasterPublicKey,
seed58: this.seed58,
address: this.litecoinLegacyAddress,
_taddress: this._tlitecoinLegacyAddress
this.wallet = wallet
return wallet