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synced 2025-03-28 08:15:54 +00:00
Merge pull request #168 from QuickMythril/translate-jp
Add Japanese translation
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Russisch",
"norwegian": "Norwegisch",
"romanian": "Rumänisch",
"korean": "Koreanisch"
"korean": "Koreanisch",
"japanese": "Japanisch"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "PRÄGUNG",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Ruso",
"norwegian": "Noruego",
"romanian": "Rumano",
"korean": "Coreano"
"korean": "Coreano",
"japanese": "Japonés"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "ACUÑACIÓN",
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
"youraccounts": "Sus cuentas",
"clickto": "Haga clic en su cuenta para iniciar sesión",
"needcreate": "Necesita crear o guardar una cuenta antes de poder acceder a ella!",
"upload": "Suba su copia de seguridad qortal",
"upload": "Suba su copia de seguridad Qortal",
"howlogin": "¿Como te gustaría iniciar sesión?",
"seed": "Frasesemilla",
"seedphrase": "frasesemilla",
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "¡TIENES UN NOMBRE!",
"nchange36": "Solo las cuentas sin nombre registrado pueden comprar un nombre.",
"nchange37": "¡ATENCIÓN!",
"nchange38": "No tienes suficiente qort para comprar este nombre.",
"nchange38": "No tienes suficiente QORT para comprar este nombre.",
"nchange39": "¿Estás seguro de comprar este nombre?",
"nchange40": "¡Al presionar confirmar, se enviará la solicitud de compra de nombre!",
"nchange41": "Nombre anterior",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "Publicado por",
"schange8": "Acciones",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "No hay q-apps disponibles",
"schange10": "No hay Q-Apps disponibles",
"schange11": "Tus Q-Apps seguidas",
"schange12": "Q-Apps seguidas",
"schange13": "No estás siguiendo ninguna q-apps",
"schange13": "No estás siguiendo ninguna Q-Apps",
"schange14": "Tus Q-Apps bloqueadas",
"schange15": "Q-Apps bloqueadas",
"schange16": "No has bloqueado ninguna q-apps",
"schange16": "No has bloqueado ninguna Q-Apps",
"schange17": "¡No se encontró el nombre!",
"schange18": "El modo de retransmisión está habilitado. Esto significa que su nodo ayudará a transportar datos cifrados por la red cuando un par lo solicite. Puede optar por no hacerlo configurando",
"schange19": "en",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "Publicado por",
"schange8": "Acciones",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "No hay q-tubos disponibles",
"schange10": "No hay Q-Tubes disponibles",
"schange11": "Tus Q-Tubes seguidos",
"schange12": "Q-Tubes seguidos",
"schange13": "No estás siguiendo ningún q-tubes",
"schange13": "No estás siguiendo ningún Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "Tus Q-Tubes bloqueados",
"schange15": "Q-Tubes bloqueados",
"schange16": "No has bloqueado ningún q-tubes",
"schange16": "No has bloqueado ningún Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "¡No se encontró el nombre!",
"schange18": "El modo de retransmisión está habilitado. Esto significa que su nodo ayudará a transportar datos cifrados por la red cuando un par lo solicite. Puede optar por no hacerlo configurando",
"schange19": "en",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Russe",
"norwegian": "Norvégien",
"romanian": "Roumain",
"korean": "Coréen"
"korean": "Coréen",
"japanese": "Japonais"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "MONNAIE",
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
"youraccounts": "Vos comptes",
"clickto": "Cliquez sur votre compte pour vous connecter",
"needcreate": "Vous devez créer ou sauver un compte avant de pouvoir vous connecter!",
"upload": "Envoyer votre sauvegarde qortal",
"upload": "Envoyer votre sauvegarde Qortal",
"howlogin": "Comment voulez-vous vous connecter ?",
"seed": "Phrase mnémonique",
"seedphrase": "Phrase mnémonique",
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "VOUS AVEZ UN NOM !",
"nchange36": "Seuls les comptes sans nom enregistré peuvent acheter un nom.",
"nchange37": "ATTENTION !",
"nchange38": "Vous n'avez pas assez de qort pour acheter ce nom.",
"nchange38": "Vous n'avez pas assez de QORT pour acheter ce nom.",
"nchange39": "Êtes-vous sûr d'acheter ce nom ?",
"nchange40": "En appuyant sur confirmer, la demande d'achat de nom sera envoyée !",
"nchange41": "Ancien nom",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "Publié par",
"schange8": "Actions",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "Aucune q-apps disponible",
"schange10": "Aucune Q-Apps disponible",
"schange11": "Vos Q-Apps suivies",
"schange12": "Q-Apps suivies",
"schange13": "Vous ne suivez aucune q-apps",
"schange13": "Vous ne suivez aucune Q-Apps",
"schange14": "Vos Q-Apps bloquées",
"schange15": "Applications Q bloquées",
"schange16": "Vous n'avez bloqué aucune q-apps",
"schange16": "Vous n'avez bloqué aucune Q-Apps",
"schange17": "Nom introuvable !",
"schange18": "Le mode relais est activé. Cela signifie que votre nœud aidera à transporter des données cryptées sur le réseau lorsqu'un pair le demande. Vous pouvez vous désinscrire en définissant",
"schange19": "dans",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "Publié par",
"schange8": "Actions",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "Aucun q-tube disponible",
"schange10": "Aucun Q-Tube disponible",
"schange11": "Vos Q-Tubes suivis",
"schange12": "A suivi Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "Vous ne suivez aucun q-tubes",
"schange13": "Vous ne suivez aucun Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "Vos Q-Tubes bloqués",
"schange15": "Q-Tubes bloqués",
"schange16": "Vous n'avez bloqué aucun q-tubes",
"schange16": "Vous n'avez bloqué aucun Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "Nom introuvable !",
"schange18": "Le mode relais est activé. Cela signifie que votre nœud aidera à transporter des données cryptées sur le réseau lorsqu'un pair le demande. Vous pouvez vous désinscrire en définissant",
"schange19": "dans",
@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
"russian": "रूसी",
"norwegian": "नार्वेजियन",
"romanian": "रोमानियाई",
"korean": "कोरियाई"
"korean": "कोरियाई",
"japanese": "जापानी"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "मिंटिंग",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Ruski",
"norwegian": "Norveški",
"romanian": "Rumunjski",
"korean": "Korejski"
"korean": "Korejski",
"japanese": "Japanski"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "KOVANJE",
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "IMATE IME!",
"nchange36": "Samo računi bez registriranog imena mogu kupiti ime.",
"nchange37": "PAŽNJA!",
"nchange38": "Nemate dovoljno qort da kupite ovo ime.",
"nchange38": "Nemate dovoljno QORT da kupite ovo ime.",
"nchange39": "Jeste li sigurni da želite kupiti ovo ime?",
"nchange40": "Pritiskom na potvrdu, zahtjev za kupnju imena bit će poslan!",
"nchange41": "Staro ime",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "Objavio",
"schange8": "Akcije",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "Nema dostupnih q-apps",
"schange10": "Nema dostupnih Q-Apps",
"schange11": "Q-Apps koje pratite",
"schange12": "Pratite Q-Apps",
"schange13": "Ne pratite nijednu q-apps",
"schange13": "Ne pratite nijednu Q-Apps",
"schange14": "Vaše blokirane Q-Apps",
"schange15": "Blokirane Q-Apps",
"schange16": "Niste blokirali nijednu q-apps",
"schange16": "Niste blokirali nijednu Q-Apps",
"schange17": "Ime nije pronađeno!",
"schange18": "Relejni način rada je omogućen. To znači da će vaš čvor pomoći u prijenosu šifriranih podataka po mreži kada to ravnopravni uređaj zatraži. Možete se isključiti postavljanjem",
"schange19": "u",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "Objavio",
"schange8": "Akcije",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "Nema dostupnih q-tubes",
"schange10": "Nema dostupnih Q-Tubes",
"schange11": "Q-Tubes koje pratite",
"schange12": "Pratio Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "Ne pratite nijednu q-tubes",
"schange13": "Ne pratite nijednu Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "Vaše blokirane Q-Tubes",
"schange15": "Blokirane Q-Tubes",
"schange16": "Niste blokirali nijednu q-tubes",
"schange16": "Niste blokirali nijednu Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "Ime nije pronađeno!",
"schange18": "Relejni način rada je omogućen. To znači da će vaš čvor pomoći u prijenosu šifriranih podataka po mreži kada to ravnopravni uređaj zatraži. Možete se isključiti postavljanjem",
"schange19": "u",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Orosz",
"norwegian": "Norvég",
"romanian": "Román",
"korean": "Koreai"
"korean": "Koreai",
"japanese": "Japán"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "BÉRTÉS",
@ -244,7 +245,7 @@
"mchange31": "Segítségért Nyomja Meg A Gombot",
"mchange32": "Legyen Pénzverő",
"mchange33": "Bevezetés",
"mchange34": "A Qortalban ahhoz, hogy pénzverővé váljon, és elkezdjen QORT jutalmakat keresni a Minter szint növelésével, először 'szponzorálttá' kell válnia. A Qortal szponzora bármely más 5. vagy annál magasabb szintű pénzverő, vagy qortal alapító.Szponzori kulcsot kap a szponzortól, és ezt a kulcsot használja az 1. szintre való eljutáshoz. Miután elérte az 1. szintet, létrehozhatja saját verési kulcsát, és elkezdhet jutalmakat keresni a Qortal Blockchain biztosításáért.",
"mchange34": "A Qortalban ahhoz, hogy pénzverővé váljon, és elkezdjen QORT jutalmakat keresni a Minter szint növelésével, először 'szponzorálttá' kell válnia. A Qortal szponzora bármely más 5. vagy annál magasabb szintű pénzverő, vagy Qortal alapító.Szponzori kulcsot kap a szponzortól, és ezt a kulcsot használja az 1. szintre való eljutáshoz. Miután elérte az 1. szintet, létrehozhatja saját verési kulcsát, és elkezdhet jutalmakat keresni a Qortal Blockchain biztosításáért.",
"mchange35": "Szponzorálás",
"mchange36": "A szponzorod kiad neked egy 'szponzorációs kulcsot', amelyet a csomópontodhoz való hozzáadáshoz fogsz használni, és elkezd verni (jutalom nélkül, amíg el nem éri a szintet 1.) Amint eléri az 1. szintet, létrehozza / hozzárendeli saját 'pénzverő kulcsát'.",
"mchange37": "Egyszerűen lépjen kapcsolatba egy Qortal-i pénzverdével, aki elég magas ahhoz, hogy kiadjon egy szponzorációs kulcsot, megszerezze azt a kulcsot, majd jöjjön vissza ide, és adja meg a kulcsot a verési út megkezdéséhez!",
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "VAN NEVE!",
"nchange36": "Csak a regisztrált név nélküli fiókok vásárolhatnak nevet.",
"nchange37": "FIGYELEM!",
"nchange38": "Nincs elég qortja ennek a névnek a megvásárlásához.",
"nchange38": "Nincs elég QORTja ennek a névnek a megvásárlásához.",
"nchange39": "Biztosan megveszi ezt a nevet?",
"nchange40": "A megerősítés megnyomására a vásárlási névkérelem elküldésre kerül!",
"nchange41": "Régi név",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "Kiadó",
"schange8": "Műveletek",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "Nincs elérhető q-apps",
"schange10": "Nincs elérhető Q-Apps",
"schange11": "Az Ön által követett Q-Apps",
"schange12": "Követett Q-alkalmazások",
"schange13": "Nem követsz egyetlen q-apps sem",
"schange13": "Nem követsz egyetlen Q-Apps sem",
"schange14": "Az Ön letiltott Q-Apps",
"schange15": "Letiltott Q-Apps",
"schange16": "Nem tiltott le egyetlen q-apps sem",
"schange16": "Nem tiltott le egyetlen Q-Apps sem",
"schange17": "A név nem található!",
"schange18": "A továbbítási mód engedélyezve van. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a csomópont segít a titkosított adatok továbbításában a hálózaton, amikor egy társ kéri. A beállítással letilthatja",
"schange19": "in",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "Kiadó",
"schange8": "Műveletek",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "Nincs elérhető q-tubes",
"schange10": "Nincs elérhető Q-Tubes",
"schange11": "Az Ön által követett Q-Tubes",
"schange12": "Követve Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "Nem követsz egyetlen q-tubes sem",
"schange13": "Nem követsz egyetlen Q-Tubes sem",
"schange14": "Az Ön blokkolt Q-Tubes",
"schange15": "Blocked Q-Tubes",
"schange16": "Nem blokkoltál egyetlen q-tubes sem",
"schange16": "Nem blokkoltál egyetlen Q-Tubes sem",
"schange17": "A név nem található!",
"schange18": "A továbbítási mód engedélyezve van. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a csomópont segít a titkosított adatok továbbításában a hálózaton, amikor egy társ kéri. A beállítással letilthatja",
"schange19": "in",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Russo",
"norwegian": "Norvegese",
"romanian": "Rumeno",
"korean": "Coreano"
"korean": "Coreano",
"japanese": "Giapponese"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "CONIAZIONE",
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
"youraccounts": "I tuoi account",
"clickto": "Fai clic sul tuo account per accedere con esso",
"needcreate": "Devi creare o salvare un account prima di poter accedere!",
"upload": "Carica il tuo backup di qortal",
"upload": "Carica il tuo backup di Qortal",
"howlogin": "Come vorresti accedere?",
"seed": "Seedphrase",
"seedphrase": "seedphrase",
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "HAI UN NOME!",
"nchange36": "Solo gli account senza nome registrato possono acquistare un nome.",
"nchange37": "ATTENZIONE!",
"nchange38": "Non hai abbastanza qort per acquistare questo nome.",
"nchange38": "Non hai abbastanza QORT per acquistare questo nome.",
"nchange39": "Sei sicuro di acquistare questo nome?",
"nchange40": "Premendo conferma, verrà inviata la richiesta di acquisto del nome!",
"nchange41": "Vecchio nome",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "Pubblicato da",
"schange8": "Azioni",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "Nessuna q-apps disponibile",
"schange10": "Nessuna Q-Apps disponibile",
"schange11": "Le tue Q-Apps seguite",
"schange12": "Q-Apps seguite",
"schange13": "Non stai seguendo nessuna q-apps",
"schange13": "Non stai seguendo nessuna Q-Apps",
"schange14": "Le tue Q-Apps bloccate",
"schange15": "Q-App bloccate",
"schange16": "Non hai bloccato nessuna q-apps",
"schange16": "Non hai bloccato nessuna Q-Apps",
"schange17": "Nome non trovato!",
"schange18": "La modalità di inoltro è abilitata. Ciò significa che il tuo nodo aiuterà a trasportare i dati crittografati sulla rete quando un peer lo richiede. Puoi disattivarli impostando",
"schange19": "dentro",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "Pubblicato da",
"schange8": "Azioni",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "Nessun q-tubes disponibile",
"schange10": "Nessun Q-Tubes disponibile",
"schange11": "I tuoi Q-Tubes seguiti",
"schange12": "Seguito Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "Non stai seguendo nessun q-tubes",
"schange13": "Non stai seguendo nessun Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "I tuoi Q-Tubes bloccati",
"schange15": "Q-Tubes bloccati",
"schange16": "Non hai bloccato nessun q-tubes",
"schange16": "Non hai bloccato nessun Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "Nome non trovato!",
"schange18": "La modalità di inoltro è abilitata. Ciò significa che il tuo nodo aiuterà a trasportare i dati crittografati sulla rete quando un peer lo richiede. Puoi disattivarli impostando",
"schange19": "dentro",
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "러시아어",
"norwegian": "노르웨이어",
"romanian": "루마니아어",
"korean": "한국어"
"korean": "한국어",
"japanese": "일본어"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "주조",
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
"youraccounts": "귀하의 계정",
"clickto": "클릭하여 계정에 로그인하세요",
"needcreate": "로그인하기 전에 계정을 생성하거나 저장해야 합니다!",
"upload": "qortal 백업파일을 업로드합니다.",
"upload": "Qortal 백업파일을 업로드합니다.",
"howlogin": "어떤 방식으로 로그인하시겠습니까?",
"seed": "시드구문",
"seedphrase": "시드구문",
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@
"willbe": "백그라운드에서 랜덤하게 생성됩니다. 이것은 Qortal의 블록체인 계정에 대한 개인 키 생성기로 사용됩니다.",
"clicknext": "아래 NEXT를 클릭하여 Qortal 계정을 만드십시오.",
"ready": "계정을 만들 준비가 되었습니다. 이 브라우저에 저장됩니다. 브라우저에 새 계정을 저장하지 않으려면 아래 상자를 선택 취소할 수 있습니다. 계정을 만든 후에는 반드시 다운로드해야 하는 지갑 백업 파일을 사용하여 새 계정으로 로그인할 수 있습니다(로그아웃 후).",
"welmessage": "qortal에 오신 것을 환영합니다.",
"welmessage": "Qortal에 오신 것을 환영합니다.",
"pleaseenter": "암호를 입력하십시오!",
"notmatch": "암호가 일치하지 않습니다!",
"lessthen8": "암호가 8자 미만입니다! 이것은 권장되지 않습니다. 이 경고는 계속 무시할 수 있습니다.",
@ -213,9 +214,9 @@
"mintingpage": {
"mchange1": "일반 민팅 정보",
"mchange2": "블록체인 통계",
"mchange3": "qortql 블록타임 평균",
"mchange3": "Qortal 블록타임 평균",
"mchange4": "일별 블록수 평균",
"mchange5": "일별 qort생성 평균",
"mchange5": "일별 QORT생성 평균",
"mchange6": "민팅 계정 세부사항",
"mchange7": "민터가 아님",
"mchange8": "민팅중",
@ -247,7 +248,7 @@
"mchange34": "Qortal에서 Minter가 되고 Minter Level이 상승하여 QORT 보상을 받기 시작하려면 먼저 '후원'이 되어야 합니다. Qortal의 후원자는 레벨 5 이상의 다른 부서 또는 Qortal Founder입니다. 스폰서로부터 후원 키를 받아 이 키를 사용하여 레벨 1로 이동합니다. 레벨 1에 도달하면 자신만의 조폐 키를 만들고 Qortal Blockchain 보안에 도움이 되는 보상을 받을 수 있습니다.",
"mchange35": "스폰서쉽",
"mchange36": "스폰서가 노드에 추가하는 데 사용할 '스폰서 키'를 발급하고 주조 작업을 시작합니다(레벨 1에 도달할 때까지 보상 없음). 레벨 1에 도달하면 '마인팅 키'를 작성/지정하고 보상을 획득합니다.",
"mchange37": "qortal에 있는 후원 키를 발급할 수 있을 정도로 높은 수준의 광부에게 연락하여 해당 키를 받은 다음 여기로 돌아와 주조 여행을 시작할 수 있는 키를 입력하기만 하면 됩니다.",
"mchange37": "Qortal에 있는 후원 키를 발급할 수 있을 정도로 높은 수준의 광부에게 연락하여 해당 키를 받은 다음 여기로 돌아와 주조 여행을 시작할 수 있는 키를 입력하기만 하면 됩니다.",
"mchange38": "안"
"becomeMinterPage": {
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "이름이 있습니다!",
"nchange36": "등록된 이름이 없는 계정만 이름을 살 수 있습니다.",
"nchange37": "주의!",
"nchange38": "이 이름을 살 만큼 충분한 qort가 없습니다.",
"nchange38": "이 이름을 살 만큼 충분한 QORT가 없습니다.",
"nchange39": "이 이름을 구입하시겠습니까?",
"nchange40": "확인을 누르면 구매 이름 요청이 전송됩니다!",
"nchange41": "이전 이름",
@ -493,10 +494,10 @@
"schange7": "출판사",
"schange8": "작업",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "사용할 수 있는 q-apps 없음",
"schange10": "사용할 수 있는 Q-Apps 없음",
"schange11": "내가 팔로우한 Q-Apps",
"schange12": "팔로우한 Q-Apps",
"schange13": "팔로우 중인 q-apps 없습니다",
"schange13": "팔로우 중인 Q-Apps 없습니다",
"schange14": "차단된 Q-Apps",
"schange15": "차단된 Q-Apps",
"schange16": "Q-Apps 차단하지 않았습니다",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "출판사",
"schange8": "작업",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "사용 가능한 q-tubes 없음",
"schange10": "사용 가능한 Q-Tubes 없음",
"schange11": "내가 팔로우한 Q-Tubes",
"schange12": "팔로잉한 Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "팔로우 중인 q-tubes가 없습니다",
"schange13": "팔로우 중인 Q-Tubes가 없습니다",
"schange14": "차단된 Q-Tubes",
"schange15": "차단된 Q-Tubes",
"schange16": "어떤 q-tubes 차단하지 않았습니다",
"schange16": "어떤 Q-Tubes 차단하지 않았습니다",
"schange17": "이름을 찾을 수 없습니다!",
"schange18": "릴레이 모드가 활성화되었습니다. 이는 피어가 요청할 때 노드가 네트워크에서 암호화된 데이터를 전송하는 데 도움이 된다는 것을 의미합니다. 설정을 통해 옵트아웃할 수 있습니다.",
"schange19": "에서",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Russisk",
"norwegian": "Norsk",
"romanian": "Rumensk",
"korean": "Koreansk"
"korean": "Koreansk",
"japanese": "Japansk"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "UTBYTTE",
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
"youraccounts": "Dine kontoer",
"clickto": "Klikk på kontoen din for å logge på",
"needcreate": "Du må opprette eller lagre en konto før du kan logge på!",
"upload": "Last opp din qortal-backup",
"upload": "Last opp din Qortal-backup",
"howlogin": "Hvordan vil du logge på?",
"seed": "Minnefrase (seedphrase)",
"seedphrase": "minnefrase (seedphrase)",
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "DU HAR ET NAVN!",
"nchange36": "Bare kontoer uten registrert navn kan kjøpe et navn.",
"nchange37": "OBS!",
"nchange38": "Du har ikke nok qort til å kjøpe dette navnet.",
"nchange38": "Du har ikke nok QORT til å kjøpe dette navnet.",
"nchange39": "Er du sikker på å kjøpe dette navnet?",
"nchange40": "Når du trykker bekreft, vil forespørselen om kjøpsnavn bli sendt!",
"nchange41": "Gammelt navn",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "Publisert av",
"schange8": "Handlinger",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "Ingen q-apps tilgjengelig",
"schange10": "Ingen Q-Apps tilgjengelig",
"schange11": "Dine fulgte Q-Apps",
"schange12": "Følgte Q-Apps",
"schange13": "Du følger ingen q-apps",
"schange13": "Du følger ingen Q-Apps",
"schange14": "Dine blokkerte Q-Apps",
"schange15": "Blokkerte Q-apper",
"schange16": "Du har ikke blokkert noen q-apps",
"schange16": "Du har ikke blokkert noen Q-Apps",
"schange17": "Navnet ble ikke funnet!",
"schange18": "Relémodus er aktivert. Dette betyr at noden din vil hjelpe til med å transportere krypterte data rundt i nettverket når en peer ber om det. Du kan velge bort ved å stille inn",
"schange19": "i",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "Publisert av",
"schange8": "Handlinger",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "Ingen q-tubes tilgjengelig",
"schange10": "Ingen Q-Tubes tilgjengelig",
"schange11": "Dine fulgte Q-Tubes",
"schange12": "Følgte Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "Du følger ingen q-tubes",
"schange13": "Du følger ingen Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "Dine blokkerte Q-Tubes",
"schange15": "Blokkerte Q-Tubes",
"schange16": "Du har ikke blokkert noen q-tubes",
"schange16": "Du har ikke blokkert noen Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "Navnet ble ikke funnet!",
"schange18": "Relémodus er aktivert. Dette betyr at noden din vil hjelpe til med å transportere krypterte data rundt i nettverket når en peer ber om det. Du kan velge bort ved å stille inn",
"schange19": "i",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Rosyjski",
"norwegian": "Norweski",
"romanian": "Rumuński",
"korean": "Koreański"
"korean": "Koreański",
"japanese": "Japoński"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "BICIE",
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "MASZ IMIĘ!",
"nchange36": "Tylko konta bez zarejestrowanej nazwy mogą kupić nazwę.",
"nchange37": "UWAGA!",
"nchange38": "Nie masz wystarczającej ilości qort, aby kupić tę nazwę.",
"nchange38": "Nie masz wystarczającej ilości QORT, aby kupić tę nazwę.",
"nchange39": "Czy na pewno kupisz tę nazwę?",
"nchange40": "Po naciśnięciu potwierdzenia, prośba o nazwę kupna zostanie wysłana!",
"nchange41": "Stara nazwa",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "Opublikowane przez",
"schange8": "Akcje",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "Brak dostępnych q-apps",
"schange10": "Brak dostępnych Q-Apps",
"schange11": "Twoje obserwowane Q-Apps",
"schange12": "Obserwowane Q-Apps",
"schange13": "Nie obserwujesz żadnych q-apps",
"schange13": "Nie obserwujesz żadnych Q-Apps",
"schange14": "Twoje zablokowane Q-Apps",
"schange15": "Zablokowane Q-Apps",
"schange16": "Nie zablokowałeś żadnych q-apps",
"schange16": "Nie zablokowałeś żadnych Q-Apps",
"schange17": "Nie znaleziono nazwy!",
"schange18": "Tryb przekazywania jest włączony. Oznacza to, że twój węzeł pomoże w transporcie zaszyfrowanych danych w sieci, gdy zażąda tego peer. Możesz zrezygnować, ustawiając",
"schange19": "w",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "Opublikowane przez",
"schange8": "Akcje",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "Brak dostępnych q-tubes",
"schange10": "Brak dostępnych Q-Tubes",
"schange11": "Twoje obserwowane Q-Tubes",
"schange12": "Obserwowano Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "Nie obserwujesz żadnych q-tubes",
"schange13": "Nie obserwujesz żadnych Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "Twoje zablokowane Q-Tubes",
"schange15": "Zablokowane Q-Tubes",
"schange16": "Nie zablokowałeś żadnych q-tubes",
"schange16": "Nie zablokowałeś żadnych Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "Nie znaleziono nazwy!",
"schange18": "Tryb przekazywania jest włączony. Oznacza to, że twój węzeł pomoże w transporcie zaszyfrowanych danych w sieci, gdy zażąda tego peer. Możesz zrezygnować, ustawiając",
"schange19": "w",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Russo",
"norwegian": "Norueguês",
"romanian": "Romeno",
"korean": "Coreano"
"korean": "Coreano",
"japanese": "Japonês"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "CARTEIRA",
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "VOCÊ TEM UM NOME!",
"nchange36": "Apenas contas sem nome registrado podem comprar um nome.",
"nchange37": "ATENÇÃO!",
"nchange38": "Você não tem qort suficiente para comprar este nome.",
"nchange38": "Você não tem QORT suficiente para comprar este nome.",
"nchange39": "Tem certeza que deseja comprar este nome ?",
"nchange40": "Ao pressionar confirmar, a solicitação do nome de compra será enviada!",
"nchange41": "Nome antigo",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "Publicado por",
"schange8": "Ações",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "Nenhum q-apps disponível",
"schange10": "Nenhum Q-Apps disponível",
"schange11": "Seus Q-Apps seguidos",
"schange12": "Q-Apps seguidos",
"schange13": "Você não está seguindo nenhum q-apps",
"schange13": "Você não está seguindo nenhum Q-Apps",
"schange14": "Seus Q-Apps bloqueados",
"schange15": "Q-Apps bloqueados",
"schange16": "Você não bloqueou nenhum q-apps",
"schange16": "Você não bloqueou nenhum Q-Apps",
"schange17": "Nome não encontrado!",
"schange18": "O modo de retransmissão está ativado. Isso significa que seu nó ajudará a transportar dados criptografados pela rede quando um par solicitar. Você pode optar por não configurar",
"schange19": "em",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "Publicado por",
"schange8": "Ações",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "Nenhum q-tubes disponível",
"schange10": "Nenhum Q-Tubes disponível",
"schange11": "Seus Q-Tubes seguidos",
"schange12": "Q-Tubes seguidos",
"schange13": "Você não está seguindo nenhum q-tubes",
"schange13": "Você não está seguindo nenhum Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "Seus Q-Tubes bloqueados",
"schange15": "Q-Tubes bloqueados",
"schange16": "Você não bloqueou nenhum q-tubes",
"schange16": "Você não bloqueou nenhum Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "Nome não encontrado!",
"schange18": "O modo de retransmissão está ativado. Isso significa que seu nó ajudará a transportar dados criptografados pela rede quando um ponto solicitar. Você pode optar por não configurar",
"schange19": "em",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Rus",
"norwegian": "Norvegiana",
"romanian": "Romana",
"korean": "Coreeana"
"korean": "Coreeana",
"japanese": "Japonez"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "MONTAREA",
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
"youraccounts": "Conturile tale",
"clickto": "Fa click pe Contul tau pentru a te conecta cu el",
"needcreate": "Trebuie sa iti creezi sau sa salvezi un cont inainte de a te conecta!",
"upload": "Urca copia de siguranta qortal",
"upload": "Urca copia de siguranta Qortal",
"howlogin": "Cum doresti sa te conectezi?",
"seed": "frazainitiala",
"seedphrase": "frazainitiala",
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "AI UN NUME!",
"nchange36": "Numai conturile fără nume înregistrat pot cumpăra un nume.",
"nchange37": "ATENȚIE!",
"nchange38": "Nu aveți suficient qort pentru a cumpăra acest nume.",
"nchange38": "Nu aveți suficient QORT pentru a cumpăra acest nume.",
"nchange39": "Sunteți sigur că veți cumpăra acest nume?",
"nchange40": "La apăsarea confirmării, cererea de nume de cumpărare va fi trimisă!",
"nchange41": "Nume vechi",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "Publicat de",
"schange8": "Acțiuni",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "Nu există q-apps disponibile",
"schange10": "Nu există Q-Apps disponibile",
"schange11": "Q-Apps urmărite",
"schange12": "Q-Apps urmărite",
"schange13": "Nu urmăriți nicio q-apps",
"schange13": "Nu urmăriți nicio Q-Apps",
"schange14": "Q-Apps dvs. blocate",
"schange15": "Q-Apps blocate",
"schange16": "Nu ați blocat nicio q-apps",
"schange16": "Nu ați blocat nicio Q-Apps",
"schange17": "Numele nu a fost găsit!",
"schange18": "Modul de retransmisie este activat. Aceasta înseamnă că nodul dvs. va ajuta la transportul datelor criptate în rețea atunci când un peer o solicită. Puteți renunța prin setare",
"schange19": "în",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "Publicat de",
"schange8": "Acțiuni",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "Nu există q-tubes disponibile",
"schange10": "Nu există Q-Tubes disponibile",
"schange11": "Q-Tubes urmărite",
"schange12": "Urmărite Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "Nu urmăriți niciun q-tubes",
"schange13": "Nu urmăriți niciun Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "Q-Tubes blocate",
"schange15": "Q-Tubes blocate",
"schange16": "Nu ați blocat niciun q-tubes",
"schange16": "Nu ați blocat niciun Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "Numele nu a fost găsit!",
"schange18": "Modul de retransmisie este activat. Aceasta înseamnă că nodul dvs. va ajuta la transportul datelor criptate în rețea atunci când un peer o solicită. Puteți renunța prin setare",
"schange19": "în",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Ruski",
"norwegian": "Norveški",
"romanian": "Rumunski",
"korean": "Korejski"
"korean": "Korejski",
"japanese": "Japanski"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "KOVANJE",
@ -50,12 +51,12 @@
"youraccounts": "Tvoji nalozi",
"clickto": "Kliknite na nalog sa kojim želite da se prijavite",
"needcreate": "Morate napraviti ili sačuvati nalog pre mogućnosti prijavljivanja!",
"upload": "Ubacite vašu rezervnu kopiju qortala",
"upload": "Ubacite vašu rezervnu kopiju Qortala",
"howlogin": "Kako bi ste želeli da se prijavite?",
"seed": "Semenska fraza",
"seedphrase": "semenskafraza",
"saved": "Sačuvani nalog",
"qora": "Seme qora adrese",
"qora": "Seme Qora adrese",
"backup": "Rezervna kopija Qortal novčanika",
"decrypt": "Dešifrovanje rezervne kopije",
"save": "Sačuvajte u ovom pretraživaču.",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "Objavio",
"schange8": "Radnje",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "Nema dostupnih q-apps",
"schange10": "Nema dostupnih Q-Apps",
"schange11": "Vaše praćene Q-Apps",
"schange12": "Praćene Q-Apps",
"schange13": "Ne pratite nijednu q-apps",
"schange13": "Ne pratite nijednu Q-Apps",
"schange14": "Vaše blokirane Q-Apps",
"schange15": "Blokirane Q-Apps",
"schange16": "Niste blokirali nijednu q-apps",
"schange16": "Niste blokirali nijednu Q-Apps",
"schange17": "Ime nije pronađeno!",
"schange18": "Relejni režim je omogućen. To znači da će vaš čvor pomoći da se šifrovane podatke transportuju po mreži kada kolega to zatraži. Možete isključiti podešavanjem",
"schange19": "u",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "Objavio",
"schange8": "Radnje",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "Nije dostupne q-tubes",
"schange10": "Nije dostupne Q-Tubes",
"schange11": "Vaše praćene Q-Tubes",
"schange12": "Praćene Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "Ne pratite nijednu q-tubes",
"schange13": "Ne pratite nijednu Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "Vaše blokirane Q-Tubes",
"schange15": "Blokirane Q-Tubes",
"schange16": "Niste blokirali nijednu q-tubes",
"schange16": "Niste blokirali nijednu Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "Ime nije pronađeno!",
"schange18": "Relejni režim je omogućen. To znači da će vaš čvor pomoći da se šifrovane podatke transportuju po mreži kada kolega to zatraži. Možete isključiti podešavanjem",
"schange19": "u",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Русский",
"norwegian": "Норвежский",
"romanian": "Румынский",
"korean": "Корейский"
"korean": "Корейский",
"japanese": "Японский"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "ЧЕКАНКA",
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
"youraccounts": "Ваши аккаунты",
"clickto": "Нажмите на свою учетную запись, чтобы войти с ее помощью",
"needcreate": "Вам необходимо создать или сохранить учетную запись, прежде чем вы сможете войти в нее!",
"upload": "Загрузить резервную копию вашего qortal",
"upload": "Загрузить резервную копию вашего Qortal",
"howlogin": "Как бы вы хотели войти?",
"seed": "Seed-фраза",
"seedphrase": "seed-фраза",
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "У ВАС ЕСТЬ ИМЯ!",
"nchange36": "Только аккаунты без зарегистрированного имени могут купить имя.",
"nchange37": "ВНИМАНИЕ!",
"nchange38": "У вас недостаточно qort, чтобы купить это имя.",
"nchange38": "У вас недостаточно QORT, чтобы купить это имя.",
"nchange39": "Вы уверены, что купите это имя?",
"nchange40": "При нажатии кнопки подтверждения будет отправлен запрос имени на покупку!",
"nchange41": "Старое имя",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "Опубликовано",
"schange8": "Действия",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "Нет доступных q-apps",
"schange10": "Нет доступных Q-Apps",
"schange11": "Q-Apps, на которые вы подписаны",
"schange12": "Подписан на Q-Apps",
"schange13": "Вы не подписаны ни на одно q-apps",
"schange13": "Вы не подписаны ни на одно Q-Apps",
"schange14": "Ваши заблокированные Q-Apps",
"schange15": "Заблокированные Q-Apps",
"schange16": "Вы не заблокировали ни одно q-apps",
"schange16": "Вы не заблокировали ни одно Q-Apps",
"schange17": "Имя не найдено!",
"schange18": "Режим ретрансляции включен. Это означает, что ваш узел будет помогать передавать зашифрованные данные по сети, когда их запрашивает одноранговый узел. Вы можете отказаться, настроив",
"schange19": "в",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "Опубликовано",
"schange8": "Действия",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "Нет доступных q-tubes",
"schange10": "Нет доступных Q-Tubes",
"schange11": "Ваши подписчики Q-Tubes",
"schange12": "Следил за Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "Вы не подписаны ни на один q-tubes",
"schange13": "Вы не подписаны ни на один Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "Ваши заблокированные Q-Tubes",
"schange15": "Заблокированные Q-Tubes",
"schange16": "Вы не заблокировали ни одну q-tubes",
"schange16": "Вы не заблокировали ни одну Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "Имя не найдено!",
"schange18": "Режим ретрансляции включен. Это означает, что ваш узел будет помогать передавать зашифрованные данные по сети, когда их запрашивает одноранговый узел. Вы можете отказаться, настроив",
"schange19": "в",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "Russian",
"norwegian": "Norwegian",
"romanian": "Romanian",
"korean": "Korean"
"korean": "Korean",
"japanese": "Japanese"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "MINTING",
@ -42,16 +43,16 @@
"login": {
"login": "Login",
"login": "Log In",
"createaccount": "Create Account",
"name": "Name",
"address": "Address",
"password": "Password",
"youraccounts": "Your accounts",
"clickto": "Click your account to login with it",
"clickto": "Click your account to log in with it",
"needcreate": "You need to create or save an account before you can log in!",
"upload": "Upload your qortal backup",
"howlogin": "How would you like to login?",
"upload": "Upload your Qortal backup",
"howlogin": "How would you like to log in?",
"seed": "Seedphrase",
"seedphrase": "seedphrase",
"saved": "Saved account",
@ -69,14 +70,14 @@
"confirmpass": "Confirm Password",
"willbe": "will be randomly generated in background. This is used as your private key generator for your blockchain account in Qortal.",
"clicknext": "Create your Qortal account by clicking NEXT below.",
"ready": "Your account is now ready to be created. It will be saved in this browser. If you do not want your new account to be saved in your browser, you can uncheck the box below. You will still be able to login with your new account(after logging out), using your wallet backup file that you MUST download once you create your account.",
"ready": "Your account is now ready to be created. It will be saved in this browser. If you do not want your new account to be saved in your browser, you can uncheck the box below. You will still be able to log in with your new account(after logging out), using your wallet backup file that you MUST download once you create your account.",
"welmessage": "Welcome to Qortal",
"pleaseenter": "Please enter a Password!",
"notmatch": "Passwords not match!",
"notmatch": "Passwords do not match!",
"lessthen8": "Your password is less than 8 characters! This is not recommended. You can continue to ignore this warning.",
"lessthen8-2": "Your password is less than 8 characters!",
"entername": "Please enter a Name!",
"downloaded": "Your Wallet BackUp file get downloaded!",
"downloaded": "Your Wallet BackUp file was downloaded!",
"loading": "Loading, Please wait...",
"createdseed": "Your created Seedphrase",
"saveseed": "Save Seedphrase",
@ -89,8 +90,8 @@
"passwordhint": "A password must be at least 8 characters."
"logout": {
"logout": "LOGOUT",
"confirmlogout": "Are you sure you want to logout?"
"logout": "LOG OUT",
"confirmlogout": "Are you sure you want to log out?"
"fragfile": {
"selectfile": "Select file",
@ -104,8 +105,8 @@
"account": "Account",
"security": "Security",
"qr_login_menu_item": "QR Login",
"qr_login_description_1": "Scan this code to unlock your wallet on other device using the same password which you logged in with.",
"qr_login_description_2": "Choose a password which you will use to unlock your wallet on other device after scanning the QR code.",
"qr_login_description_1": "Scan this code to unlock your wallet on another device using the same password which you logged in with.",
"qr_login_description_2": "Choose a password which you will use to unlock your wallet on another device after scanning the QR code.",
"qr_login_button_1": "Show login QR code",
"qr_login_button_2": "Generate login QR code",
"notifications": "Notifications",
@ -126,8 +127,8 @@
"import": "Import Nodes",
"export": "Export Nodes",
"deletecustomnode": "Remove All Custom Nodes",
"warning": "Your existing nodes will be deleted and from backup new created.",
"snack1": "Successfully deleted and added standard nodes",
"warning": "Your existing nodes will be deleted and reset to default.",
"snack1": "Successfully deleted and added default nodes",
"snack2": "UI conected to node",
"snack3": "Successfully added and saved custom node",
"snack4": "Nodes successfully saved as",
@ -173,7 +174,7 @@
"gchange3": "My Collections",
"gchange4": "Subscribed Collections",
"gchange5": "Upload your gif files",
"gchange6": "File should be .Gif",
"gchange6": "File should be .gif",
"gchange7": "Upload Collection",
"gchange8": "A collection name is required!",
"gchange9": "Collection Name",
@ -208,7 +209,7 @@
"smchange7": "Finishing up relationship",
"smchange8": "Adding minting key to node",
"smchange9": "Complete",
"smchange10": "Only 2 minting keys are allowed per node, you are attempting to assign 3 keys, please go to management - node management, and remove the key you do not want to assign to this node, thank you!"
"smchange10": "Only 2 minting keys are allowed per node, you are attempting to assign 3 keys, please go to Management - Node Management, and remove the key you do not want to assign to this node, thank you!"
"mintingpage": {
"mchange1": "General Minting Details",
@ -244,26 +245,26 @@
"mchange31": "Press for help",
"mchange32": "Become A Minter",
"mchange33": "Introduction",
"mchange34": "In Qortal, in order to become a minter and begin earning QORT rewards with your increase in Minter Level, you must first become ‘sponsored’. A sponsor in Qortal is any other minter of level 5 or higher, or a Qortal Founder. You will obtain a sponsorship key from the sponsor, and use that key to get to level 1. Once you have reached level 1, you will be able to create your own minting key and start earning rewards for helping secure the Qortal Blockchain.",
"mchange34": "In Qortal, in order to become a minter and begin earning QORT rewards with your increase in Minter Level, you must first become ‘sponsored’. A sponsor in Qortal is any other minter of level 5 or higher, or a Qortal Founder. You will obtain a minting key from the sponsor, and use that key to get to level 1. Once you have reached level 1, you will be able to create your own minting key and start earning rewards for helping secure the Qortal Blockchain.",
"mchange35": "Sponsorship",
"mchange36": "Your sponsor will issue you a ‘Sponsorship Key’ which you will use to add to your node, and begin minting (for no rewards until reaching level 1.) Once you reach level 1, you create/assign your own ‘Minting Key’ and begin earning rewards.",
"mchange37": "Simply reach out to a minter in Qortal who is high enough level to issue a sponsorship key, obtain that key, then come back here and input the key to begin your minting journey !",
"mchange36": "Your sponsor will issue you a ‘Minting Key’ which you will use to add to your node, and begin minting (for no rewards until reaching level 1.) Once you reach level 1, you create/assign your own ‘Minting Key’ and begin earning rewards.",
"mchange37": "Simply reach out to a minter in Qortal who is high enough level to issue a minting key, obtain that key, then come back here and input the key to begin your minting journey!",
"mchange38": "in"
"becomeMinterPage": {
"bchange7": "Enter Sponsorship Key",
"bchange7": "Enter Minting Key",
"bchange8": "Input key from your sponsor here",
"bchange10": "Current Sponsorship Status",
"bchange12": "Minting with sponsor key",
"bchange12": "Minting with sponsor's key",
"bchange13": "Blocks Remaining in Sponsorship Period",
"bchange15": "Sponsorship Relationship",
"bchange16": "Sponsor Account",
"bchange17": "Copy Sponsorship Key",
"bchange17": "Copy Minting Key",
"bchange18": "Start Minting",
"bchange19": "Success! You are currently minting."
"walletpage": {
"wchange1": "Fetching balance ...",
"wchange1": "Fetching balance...",
"wchange2": "Current Wallet",
"wchange3": "Copy wallet address to clipboard",
"wchange4": "Address copied to clipboard",
@ -310,14 +311,14 @@
"wchange45": "Send all",
"wchange46": "Send to this address",
"wchange47": "Address Book",
"wchange48": "This Address Book is empty !",
"wchange48": "This Address Book is empty!",
"wchange49": "Add to Address Book",
"wchange50": "Name cannot be empty!",
"wchange51": "Address cannot be empty!",
"wchange52": "Successfully added!",
"wchange53": "Import Address Book",
"wchange54": "Export Address Book",
"wchange55": "Your existing address book will be deleted and from backup new created.",
"wchange55": "Your existing address book will be deleted and reset to default.",
"wchange56": "WARNING!",
"wchange57": "Memo",
"wchange58": "New Address",
@ -360,7 +361,7 @@
"tchange34": "Amount can not be 0",
"tchange35": "Price can not be 0",
"tchange36": "PENDING AUTO BUY",
"tchange37": "No auto buy order found !",
"tchange37": "No auto buy order found!",
"tchange38": "ADD",
"tchange39": "AUTO BUY ORDER",
"tchange40": "Price",
@ -424,11 +425,11 @@
"nchange23": "Sell Price",
"nchange24": "No Names To Sell",
"nchange25": "Name To Sell",
"nchange26": "Are you sure to sell this name ?",
"nchange26": "Are you sure to sell this name?",
"nchange27": "For this price in QORT",
"nchange28": "On pressing confirm, the sell name request will be sent!",
"nchange29": "Name To Cancel",
"nchange30": "Are you sure to cancel the sell for this name ?",
"nchange30": "Are you sure to cancel the sell for this name?",
"nchange31": "On pressing confirm, the cancel sell name request will be sent!",
"nchange32": "Sell Name Request Successful!",
"nchange33": "Cancel Sell Name Request Successful!",
@ -436,12 +437,12 @@
"nchange35": "YOU HAVE A NAME!",
"nchange36": "Only accounts with no registered name can buy a name.",
"nchange37": "ATTENTION!",
"nchange38": "You not have enough qort to buy this name.",
"nchange39": "Are you sure to buy this name ?",
"nchange38": "You not have enough QORT to buy this name.",
"nchange39": "Are you sure to buy this name?",
"nchange40": "On pressing confirm, the buy name request will be sent!",
"nchange41": "Old Name",
"nchange42": "New Name",
"nchange43": "Are you sure to change this name ?",
"nchange43": "Are you sure to change this name?",
"nchange44": "To the new name",
"nchange45": "On pressing confirm, the name update request will be sent!",
"nchange46": "Name Sale History",
@ -494,13 +495,13 @@
"schange7": "Published by",
"schange8": "Actions",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "No q-apps available",
"schange10": "No Q-Apps available",
"schange11": "Your Followed Q-Apps",
"schange12": "Followed Q-Apps",
"schange13": "You aren't following any q-apps",
"schange13": "You aren't following any Q-Apps",
"schange14": "Your Blocked Q-Apps",
"schange15": "Blocked Q-Apps",
"schange16": "You have not blocked any q-apps",
"schange16": "You have not blocked any Q-Apps",
"schange17": "Name Not Found!",
"schange18": "Relay mode is enabled. This means that your node will help to transport encrypted data around the network when a peer requests it. You can opt out by setting",
"schange19": "in",
@ -538,13 +539,13 @@
"schange7": "Published by",
"schange8": "Actions",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "No q-tubes available",
"schange10": "No Q-Tubes available",
"schange11": "Your Followed Q-Tubes",
"schange12": "Followed Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "You aren't following any q-tubes",
"schange13": "You aren't following any Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "Your Blocked Q-Tubes",
"schange15": "Blocked Q-Tubes",
"schange16": "You have not blocked any q-tubes",
"schange16": "You have not blocked any Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "Name Not Found!",
"schange18": "Relay mode is enabled. This means that your node will help to transport encrypted data around the network when a peer requests it. You can opt out by setting",
"schange19": "in",
@ -772,7 +773,7 @@
"bcchange3": "Error occurred when trying to block this user. Please try again!",
"bcchange4": "No registered name",
"bcchange5": "Block User Request",
"bcchange6": "Are you sure to block this user ?",
"bcchange6": "Are you sure to block this user?",
"bcchange7": "MENU",
"bcchange8": "Copy Address",
"bcchange9": "Private Message",
@ -962,7 +963,7 @@
"exp1": "Address or name to search",
"exp2": "Account Balance",
"exp3": "More Info",
"exp4": "Address or Name not found !",
"exp4": "Address or Name not found!",
"exp5": "Note that registered names are case-sensitive.",
"exp6": "Founder",
"exp7": "Info",
@ -992,36 +993,36 @@
"mg8": "Group ID",
"mg9": "Joined",
"mg10": "Add Group Admin",
"mg11": "Are you sure to add this member to admins ?",
"mg11": "Are you sure to add this member to admins?",
"mg12": "On pressing confirm, add admin request will be sent!",
"mg13": "Remove Group Admin",
"mg14": "Remove Admin Address",
"mg15": "Are you sure to remove this member from admins ?",
"mg15": "Are you sure to remove this member from admins?",
"mg16": "On pressing confirm, remove admin request will be sent!",
"mg17": "Ban Member From Group",
"mg18": "Member Name",
"mg19": "Member Address",
"mg20": "How Long To Ban",
"mg21": "Reason For Ban",
"mg22": "Are you sure to ban this member from the group ?",
"mg22": "Are you sure to ban this member from the group?",
"mg23": "On pressing confirm, the ban request will be sent!",
"mg24": "FOREVER",
"mg25": "Banned Members",
"mg26": "CANCEL BAN",
"mg27": "Ban Expiry",
"mg28": "Cancel Ban Member From Group",
"mg29": "Are you sure to cancel the ban for this member from the group ?",
"mg29": "Are you sure to cancel the ban for this member from the group?",
"mg30": "On pressing confirm, the cancel ban request will be sent!",
"mg31": "Kick Member From Group",
"mg32": "Reason For Kick",
"mg33": "Are you sure to kick this member from the group ?",
"mg33": "Are you sure to kick this member from the group?",
"mg34": "On pressing confirm, the kick request will be sent!",
"mg35": "No Open Group Invites",
"mg36": "Your Open Group Invites",
"mg37": "Address or name to invite",
"mg38": "Invite Expiry Time",
"mg39": "All Fields Are Required",
"mg40": "Are you sure to invite this member to the group ?",
"mg40": "Are you sure to invite this member to the group?",
"mg41": "On pressing confirm, the invite request will be sent!",
"mg42": "Group Type",
"mg43": "Invite Expiry",
@ -1029,19 +1030,19 @@
"mg45": "Private Group",
"mg46": "Cancel Invite",
"mg47": "Cancel Invite To Group",
"mg48": "Are you sure to cancel the invite for this member ?",
"mg48": "Are you sure to cancel the invite for this member?",
"mg49": "On pressing confirm, the cancel invite request will be sent!",
"mg50": "Coming Soon...",
"mg51": "Minimum 3 Characters / Maximum 32 Characters",
"mg52": "Maximum 128 Characters",
"mg53": "Your Open Join Requests",
"mg54": "No Open Join Requests",
"mg55": "Are you sure to accept the join request from this member ?",
"mg55": "Are you sure to accept the join request from this member?",
"mg56": "On pressing confirm, the accept join request will be sent!",
"mg57": "Join Request Successfully Accepted",
"mg59": "Cancel Join Request Successfully Accepted",
"mg60": "Are you sure to cancel the join request from this member ?",
"mg60": "Are you sure to cancel the join request from this member?",
"mg61": "On pressing confirm, the cancel join request will be sent!"
"info": {
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "俄语",
"norwegian": "挪威语",
"romanian": "罗马尼亚语",
"korean": "韩语"
"korean": "韩语",
"japanese": "日语"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "铸币",
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "你有名字!",
"nchange36": "只有没有注册名字的账户才能买名字。",
"nchange37": "注意!",
"nchange38": "你没有足够的qort 来购买这个名字。",
"nchange38": "你没有足够的QORT 来购买这个名字。",
"nchange39": "你确定要买这个名字吗?",
"nchange40": "按下确认后,将发送购买名称请求!",
"nchange41": "旧名称",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "发布者",
"schange8": "动作",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "没有可用的 q-apps",
"schange10": "没有可用的 Q-Apps",
"schange11": "您关注的 Q-Apps",
"schange12": "关注 Q-Apps",
"schange13": "您没有关注任何 q-apps",
"schange13": "您没有关注任何 Q-Apps",
"schange14": "你被屏蔽的 Q-Apps",
"schange15": "被阻止的 Q-Apps",
"schange16": "你没有屏蔽任何 q-apps",
"schange16": "你没有屏蔽任何 Q-Apps",
"schange17": "找不到名字!",
"schange18": "中继模式已启用。这意味着您的节点将在对等点请求时帮助在网络中传输加密数据。您可以通过设置选择退出",
"schange19": "在",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "发布者",
"schange8": "动作",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "没有可用的 q-tubes",
"schange10": "没有可用的 Q-Tubes",
"schange11": "您关注的 Q-Tubes",
"schange12": "关注 Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "你没有关注任何 q-tubes",
"schange13": "你没有关注任何 Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "你阻塞的 Q-Tubes",
"schange15": "阻塞的 Q-Tubes",
"schange16": "你没有阻塞任何 q-tubes",
"schange16": "你没有阻塞任何 Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "找不到名字!",
"schange18": "中继模式已启用。这意味着您的节点将在对等点请求时帮助在网络中传输加密数据。您可以通过设置选择退出",
"schange19": "在",
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"russian": "俄語",
"norwegian": "挪威語",
"romanian": "羅馬尼亞語",
"korean": "韓語"
"korean": "韓語",
"japanese": "日語"
"sidemenu": {
"minting": "鑄幣",
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@
"nchange35": "你有名字!",
"nchange36": "只有沒有註冊名字的賬戶才能買名字。",
"nchange37": "注意!",
"nchange38": "你沒有足夠的 qort 來購買這個名字。",
"nchange38": "你沒有足夠的 QORT 來購買這個名字。",
"nchange39": "你確定要買這個名字嗎?",
"nchange40": "按下確認後,將發送購買名稱請求!",
"nchange41": "舊名稱",
@ -493,13 +494,13 @@
"schange7": "發布者",
"schange8": "動作",
"schange9": "Q-Apps",
"schange10": "沒有可用的 q-apps",
"schange10": "沒有可用的 Q-Apps",
"schange11": "您關注的 Q-Apps",
"schange12": "關注 Q-Apps",
"schange13": "您沒有關注任何 q-apps",
"schange13": "您沒有關注任何 Q-Apps",
"schange14": "你被屏蔽的 Q-Apps",
"schange15": "被阻止的 Q-Apps",
"schange16": "你沒有屏蔽任何 q-apps",
"schange16": "你沒有屏蔽任何 Q-Apps",
"schange17": "找不到名字!",
"schange18": "中繼模式已啟用。這意味著您的節點將在對等點請求時幫助在網絡中傳輸加密數據。您可以通過設置選擇退出",
"schange19": "在",
@ -537,13 +538,13 @@
"schange7": "發布者",
"schange8": "動作",
"schange9": "Q-Tubes",
"schange10": "沒有可用的 q-tubes",
"schange10": "沒有可用的 Q-Tubes",
"schange11": "您關注的 Q-Tubes",
"schange12": "關注 Q-Tubes",
"schange13": "你沒有關注任何 q-tubes",
"schange13": "你沒有關注任何 Q-Tubes",
"schange14": "你阻塞的 Q-Tubes",
"schange15": "阻塞的 Q-Tubes",
"schange16": "你沒有阻塞任何 q-tubes",
"schange16": "你沒有阻塞任何 Q-Tubes",
"schange17": "找不到名字!",
"schange18": "中繼模式已啟用。這意味著您的節點將在對等點請求時幫助在網絡中傳輸加密數據。您可以通過設置選擇退出",
"schange19": "在",
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ class LanguageSelector extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
<option value="hu">HU - ${translate("selectmenu.hungarian")}</option>
<option value="hindi">IN - ${translate("selectmenu.hindi")}</option>
<option value="it">IT - ${translate("selectmenu.italian")}</option>
<option value="jp">JP - ${translate("selectmenu.japanese")}</option>
<option value="ko">KO - ${translate("selectmenu.korean")}</option>
<option value="no">NO - ${translate("selectmenu.norwegian")}</option>
<option value="pl">PL - ${translate("selectmenu.polish")}</option>
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ const PROXY_URL = "/proxy/"
// Chat reference timestamp
// Used as a salt for all qora addresses. Salts used for storing your private keys in local storage will be randomly generated
// Used as a salt for all Qora addresses. Salts used for storing your private keys in local storage will be randomly generated
const STATIC_SALT = new Uint8Array([54, 190, 201, 206, 65, 29, 123, 129, 147, 231, 180, 166, 171, 45, 95, 165, 78, 200, 208, 194, 44, 207, 221, 146, 45, 238, 68, 68, 69, 102, 62, 6])
const BCRYPT_ROUNDS = 10 // Remember that the total work spent on key derivation is BCRYPT_ROUNDS * KDF_THREADS
const BCRYPT_VERSION = "2a"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"__locale_name__": "日本語",
"electron_translate_1": "Qortal UI を表示",
"electron_translate_2": "終了",
"electron_translate_3": "アップデートが利用可能",
"electron_translate_4": "新しいバージョンのQortal UIが利用可能です。ダウンロードしますか?",
"electron_translate_5": "今すぐインストール",
"electron_translate_6": "後で",
"electron_translate_7": "アップデートをインストールする準備が出来ました",
"electron_translate_8": "新しいバージョンのQortal UIをダウンロードしました。",
"electron_translate_9": "更新を適用する場合は[今すぐインストール]を、UI を更新しない場合は[後で]をクリックして下さい。",
"electron_translate_10": "更新に失敗しました。後で再試行します",
"electron_translate_11": "更新をダウンロード",
"electron_translate_12": "バックグラウンドでダウンロードされます!⌛️",
"electron_translate_13": "QORTAL COREを開始",
"electron_translate_14": "開始しない",
"electron_translate_15": "Qortal Coreはこのシステムでは実行されていません",
"electron_translate_16": "Qortal UIは、Qortal Coreがこのシステムで実行されていないことを検出しました",
"electron_translate_17": "このシステム上でQortal Coreを開始するには[QORTAL COREを開始]を、開始をスキップするには[開始しない]をクリックしてください",
"electron_translate_18": "QORTAL COREをダウンロード",
"electron_translate_19": "ダウンロードしない",
"electron_translate_20": "Qortal Coreが検出されませんでした",
"electron_translate_21": "Qortal UIは、Qortal Coreがこのシステムの(デフォルトの場所に)インストールされていないことを検出しました。",
"electron_translate_22": "Coreをダウンロードして(デフォルトの場所に)インストールする場合は[QORTAL COREをダウンロード]を、スキップする場合は[ダウンロードしない]をクリックして下さい。",
"electron_translate_23": "JAVAをダウンロード",
"electron_translate_24": "ダウンロードしない",
"electron_translate_25": "Javaがインストールされていません。",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UIは、Javaがシステムにインストールされていないことを検出しました。",
"electron_translate_27": "Javaをダウンロードしてインストールするには[JAVAをダウンロード]を、しない場合は[いいえ]をクリックして下さい。",
"electron_translate_28": "二度と表示しない",
"electron_translate_29": "設定を変更",
"electron_translate_30": "中止",
"electron_translate_31": "Core設定を開始",
"electron_translate_32": "Coreが実行されていない場合にCoreの開始を求める現在のステータスを変更します",
"electron_translate_33": "(「二度と表示しない」チェックボックスをオンまたはオフにします)",
"electron_translate_34": "設定",
"electron_translate_35": "コピー",
"electron_translate_36": "ペースト"
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