@@ -240,6 +284,10 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
+ {
+ await this.getChatMessageCount(data.item)
+ render(html`${this.countArray.length}`, root)
+ }}>
if (data.item.isOpen === true) {
@@ -252,7 +300,7 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
const expiryString = new Date(data.item.expiry).toLocaleString()
render(html`${expiryString}`, root)
- {
+ {
@@ -260,6 +308,14 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
`, root)
+ {
+ render(html`
+ this.openPreviewChat(data.item)}>
+ pageview
+ ${translate("general.view")}
+ `, root)
+ }}>
${this.isEmptyArray(this.groupInvites) ? html`
@@ -287,7 +343,7 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
- {
+ {
@@ -295,6 +351,14 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
`, root)
+ {
+ render(html`
+ this.openPreviewChat(data.item)}>
+ pageview
+ ${translate("general.view")}
+ `, root)
+ }}>
${this.isEmptyArray(this.publicGroups) ? html`
@@ -607,6 +671,52 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
${translate("grouppage.gchange4")}: ${this.chatInfoName} / ${translate("managegroup.mg8")}: ${this.chatInfoId} / ${translate("grouppage.gchange54")}: ${this.chatInfoMembers}
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById('chat-container').scrollIntoView({
+ block: 'end',
+ behavior: 'smooth'
+ })}
+ title="${translate("managegroup.mg5")}"
+ >
+ arrow_circle_down
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById('chat-container').scrollIntoView({
+ block: 'start',
+ behavior: 'smooth'
+ })}
+ title="${translate("managegroup.mg5")}"
+ >
+ arrow_circle_up
+ this.closePreviewChat()} title="${translate("managegroup.mg5")}">highlight_off
+ ${translate("appspage.schange41")}
@@ -744,7 +854,7 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
if (sideEffectAction && sideEffectAction.type === 'openJoinGroupModal') {
const res = await getGroupInfo(sideEffectAction.data)
if (res && res.groupId) {
- this.joinGroup(res)
+ this.openJoinGroup(res)
@@ -2649,10 +2759,27 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
- openJoinGroup(groupObj) {
- this.resetDefaultSettings()
- this.joinGroupObj = groupObj
- this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#joinDialog').show()
+ async openJoinGroup(groupObj) {
+ this.joinGroupObj = {}
+ let joinedHroups = []
+ let requestJoin
+ let resJoinedGroups = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
+ url: `/groups/member/${this.selectedAddress.address}`
+ })
+ joinedHroups = resJoinedGroups
+ requestJoin = groupObj.groupId
+ if (joinedHroups.find(item => item.groupId === requestJoin)) {
+ this.resetDefaultSettings()
+ let allreadyJoindedString = get('grouppage.gchange71')
+ parentEpml.request('showSnackBar', `${allreadyJoindedString}`)
+ } else {
+ this.resetDefaultSettings()
+ this.joinGroupObj = groupObj
+ this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#joinDialog').show()
+ }
openLeaveGroup(groupObj) {
@@ -2661,6 +2788,1124 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
+ async openPreviewChat(groupObj) {
+ this.chatInfoName = groupObj.groupName
+ this.chatInfoId = groupObj.groupId
+ this.chatInfoMembers = groupObj.memberCount
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById('downloadProgressDialog').open()
+ await this.getChatContent(groupObj.groupId)
+ }
+ async openPreviewGeneral() {
+ this.chatInfoName = 'Qortal General Chat'
+ this.chatInfoId = 0
+ this.chatInfoMembers = 'Everyone'
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById('downloadProgressDialog').open()
+ await this.getChatContent(0)
+ }
+ closePreviewChat() {
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById('chatInfoDialog').close()
+ this.chatInfoName = ''
+ this.chatInfoId = ''
+ this.chatInfoMembers = ''
+ this.chatMessageArray = []
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById('chat-container').innerHTML = ''
+ if (this.webSocket) {
+ this.webSocket.close(1000, 'closed preview')
+ this.webSocket = ''
+ }
+ }
+ async getChatMessageCount(groupObj) {
+ this.countArray = []
+ let retChatArr = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
+ url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${groupObj.groupId}&haschatreference=false&encoding=BASE64&limit=0&reverse=false`
+ })
+ this.countArray = retChatArr
+ }
+ decodeMessage(string) {
+ const binaryString = atob(string)
+ const binaryLength = binaryString.length
+ const bytes = new Uint8Array(binaryLength)
+ for (let i = 0; i < binaryLength; i++) {
+ bytes[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i)
+ }
+ const decoder = new TextDecoder()
+ const decodedString = decoder.decode(bytes)
+ return decodedString
+ }
+ async getChatContent(involved) {
+ let chatArray = []
+ let decodedArray = []
+ this.chatMessageArray = []
+ this.firstMessageTimestamp = 0
+ const chatDelay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms))
+ // Call the chat messages without chatreference ( without chatreference are messages in original )
+ let retChat = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
+ url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${involved}&haschatreference=false&encoding=BASE64&limit=0&reverse=false`
+ })
+ chatArray = retChat
+ // Decode the BASE64 Messagge and add to new array
+ chatArray.forEach(item => {
+ let decodedMessageObj = {}
+ let decodedMessage = this.decodeMessage(item.data)
+ const messageObj = {
+ timestamp: item.timestamp,
+ txGroupId: item.txGroupId,
+ reference: item.reference,
+ senderPublicKey: item.senderPublicKey,
+ sender: item.sender,
+ senderName: item.senderName,
+ encoding: item.encoding,
+ isText: item.isText,
+ isEncrypted: item.isEncrypted,
+ signature: item.signature
+ }
+ decodedMessageObj = { ...messageObj, decodedMessage }
+ decodedArray.push(decodedMessageObj)
+ })
+ // Set decoded array to new array
+ this.chatMessageArray = decodedArray
+ let chaEditedArray = []
+ // Call the chat messages with chatreference ( with chatreference means a message got edited )
+ let getEditedArray = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
+ url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${involved}&haschatreference=true&encoding=BASE64&limit=0&reverse=false`
+ })
+ chaEditedArray = getEditedArray
+ // Replace messages which got edited in the chatMessageArray
+ chaEditedArray.forEach(item => {
+ let editedDecodedMessage = ''
+ let editedSignature = ''
+ editedDecodedMessage = this.decodeMessage(item.data)
+ editedSignature = item.chatReference
+ const found = this.chatMessageArray.some(el => el.signature === editedSignature)
+ if (found) {
+ this.chatMessageArray.find(v => v.signature === editedSignature).decodedMessage = editedDecodedMessage
+ }
+ })
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById('downloadProgressDialog').close()
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById('chatInfoDialog').open()
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById('chat-container').innerHTML = ''
+ // Render the chat messages from chatMessageArray
+ await this.renderChatMessagesGrid(this.chatMessageArray, false)
+ await chatDelay(250)
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById('chat-container').scrollIntoView({
+ block: 'end',
+ behavior: 'smooth'
+ })
+ // Start the websocket for new messages
+ this.fetchChatMessages(involved)
+ }
+ async scrollChatToEnd() {
+ const scrollDelay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms))
+ await scrollDelay(100)
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById('chat-container').scrollIntoView({
+ block: 'end',
+ behavior: 'smooth'
+ })
+ }
+ renderChatMessagesGrid(renderArray, scroll) {
+ const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
+ const nodeUrl = myNode.protocol + '://' + myNode.domain + ':' + myNode.port
+ const chatGridContainer = this.shadowRoot.getElementById('chat-container')
+ let noMessagesString = get('grouppage.gchange70')
+ let forwardedString = get('blockpage.bcchange17')
+ let editedString = get('chatpage.cchange68')
+ let imageDeletedString = get('chatpage.cchange80')
+ let gifDeletedString = get('chatpage.cchange107')
+ let attachmentDeletedString = get('chatpage.cchange82')
+ let fileDeletedString = get('chatpage.cchange102')
+ let sizeString = get('websitespage.schange27')
+ if (this.shadowRoot.getElementById('chat-container').innerHTML === '') {
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById('chat-container').innerHTML = ''
+ }
+ if (this.isEmptyArray(renderArray)) {
+ const chatEmpty = document.createElement('div')
+ chatEmpty.classList.add('no-messages')
+ chatEmpty.textContent = noMessagesString
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatEmpty)
+ } else {
+ renderArray.forEach(item => {
+ const parsedMessageObj = JSON.parse(item.decodedMessage)
+ let chatID = ''
+ let messageID = ''
+ let messageTimeID = ''
+ let messageEditedID = ''
+ let messageImageID = ''
+ let messageGifID = ''
+ let messageAttachmentID = ''
+ let messageFileID = ''
+ let repliedID = ''
+ let repliedImageID = ''
+ let repliedGifID = ''
+ let repliedAttachmentID = ''
+ let repliedFileID = ''
+ let subcontainer1ID = ''
+ let subcontainer2ID = ''
+ let name = ''
+ let repliedName = ''
+ let messageAddress = ''
+ let repliedMessageAddress = ''
+ let repliedMessage = ''
+ let messageContent = ''
+ let imageLink = ''
+ let gifLink = ''
+ let attachmentLink = ''
+ let fileLink = ''
+ let attachmentName = ''
+ let fileName = ''
+ let attachmentSize = ''
+ let fileSize = ''
+ let repliedImageLink = ''
+ let repliedGifLink = ''
+ let repliedAttachmentLink = ''
+ let repliedFileLink = ''
+ let repliedAttachmentName = ''
+ let repliedFileName = ''
+ let repliedAttachmentSize = ''
+ let repliedFileSize = ''
+ let messageTimeString = ''
+ let haveImage = false
+ let haveGif = false
+ let haveAttachment = false
+ let haveFile = false
+ let haveRepliedImage = false
+ let haveRepliedGif = false
+ let haveRepliedAttachment = false
+ let haveRepliedFile = false
+ let hasImageDeleted = false
+ let hasGifDeleted = false
+ let hasAttachmentDeleted = false
+ let hasFileDeleted = false
+ let hasRepliedImageDeleted = false
+ let hasRepliedGifDeleted = false
+ let hasRepliedAttachmentDeleted = false
+ let hasRepliedFileDeleted = false
+ let isForwarded = false
+ let isEdited = false
+ let avatarFetches = 0
+ let imageFetches = 0
+ let repliedImageFetches = 0
+ messageTimeString = new Date(item.timestamp).toLocaleString()
+ if (item.senderName) {
+ name = item.senderName
+ messageAddress = item.sender
+ } else {
+ name = item.sender
+ messageAddress = item.sender
+ }
+ chatID = item.reference
+ messageID = item.signature
+ messageTimeID = 'time-' + item.signature
+ messageEditedID = 'edited-' + item.signature
+ messageImageID = 'image-' + item.signature
+ messageGifID = 'gif-' + item.signature
+ messageAttachmentID = 'attachment-' + item.signature
+ messageFileID = 'file-' + item.signature
+ subcontainer1ID = 'subcontainer1-' + item.signature
+ subcontainer2ID = 'subcontainer2-' + item.signature
+ isForwarded = parsedMessageObj.type === 'forward'
+ isEdited = parsedMessageObj.isEdited
+ if (parsedMessageObj.version > 1 && parsedMessageObj.messageText) {
+ messageContent = generateHTML(parsedMessageObj.messageText, [StarterKit, Underline, Highlight])
+ }
+ if (parsedMessageObj.repliedTo) {
+ let replied = this.chatMessageArray.filter(obj => {
+ return obj.signature === parsedMessageObj.repliedTo
+ })
+ replied.forEach(item => {
+ const parsedRepliedMessageObj = JSON.parse(item.decodedMessage)
+ if (item.senderName) {
+ repliedName = item.senderName
+ repliedMessageAddress = item.sender
+ } else {
+ repliedName = item.sender
+ repliedMessageAddress = item.sender
+ }
+ repliedID = item.reference
+ repliedImageID = 'repimage-' + item.signature
+ repliedGifID = 'repgif-' + item.signature
+ repliedAttachmentID = 'repattachment-' + item.signature
+ repliedFileID = 'repfile-' + item.signature
+ if (parsedRepliedMessageObj.isImageDeleted === false) {
+ haveRepliedImage = true
+ hasRepliedImageDeleted = false
+ parsedRepliedMessageObj.images.forEach(item => {
+ if (item.name) {
+ repliedImageLink = item.service + '/' + item.name + '/' + item.identifier
+ }
+ })
+ } else if (parsedRepliedMessageObj.isImageDeleted === true) {
+ haveRepliedImage = true
+ hasRepliedImageDeleted = true
+ }
+ if (parsedRepliedMessageObj.isGifDeleted === false) {
+ haveRepliedGif = true
+ hasRepliedGifDeleted = false
+ parsedRepliedMessageObj.gifs.forEach(item => {
+ if (item.name) {
+ repliedGifLink = item.service + '/' + item.name + '/' + item.identifier
+ }
+ })
+ } else if (parsedRepliedMessageObj.isGifDeleted === true) {
+ haveRepliedGif = true
+ hasRepliedGifDeleted = true
+ }
+ if (parsedRepliedMessageObj.isAttachmentDeleted === false) {
+ haveRepliedAttachment = true
+ hasRepliedAttachmentDeleted = false
+ parsedRepliedMessageObj.attachments.forEach(item => {
+ if (item.name) {
+ repliedAttachmentLink = item.service + '/' + item.name + '/' + item.identifier
+ repliedAttachmentName = item.attachmentName
+ let repliedAttachmentSizeMb = roundToNearestDecimal(item.attachmentSize)
+ repliedAttachmentSize = sizeString + ': ' + repliedAttachmentSizeMb + ' mb'
+ }
+ })
+ } else if (parsedRepliedMessageObj.isAttachmentDeleted === true) {
+ haveRepliedAttachment = true
+ hasRepliedAttachmentDeleted = true
+ }
+ if (parsedRepliedMessageObj.isFileDeleted === false) {
+ haveRepliedFile = true
+ hasRepliedFileDeleted = false
+ parsedRepliedMessageObj.files.forEach(item => {
+ if (item.name) {
+ repliedFileLink = item.service + '/' + item.name + '/' + item.identifier
+ repliedFileName = item.appFileName
+ let repliedFileSizeMb = roundToNearestDecimal(item.appFileSize)
+ repliedFileSize = sizeString + ': ' + repliedFileSizeMb + ' mb'
+ }
+ })
+ } else if (parsedRepliedMessageObj.isFileDeleted === true) {
+ haveRepliedFile = true
+ hasRepliedFileDeleted = true
+ }
+ if (parsedRepliedMessageObj.version > 1 && parsedRepliedMessageObj.messageText) {
+ repliedMessage = generateHTML(parsedRepliedMessageObj.messageText, [StarterKit, Underline, Highlight])
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ if (parsedMessageObj.isImageDeleted === false) {
+ haveImage = true
+ hasImageDeleted = false
+ parsedMessageObj.images.forEach(item => {
+ if (item.name) {
+ imageLink = item.service + '/' + item.name + '/' + item.identifier
+ }
+ })
+ } else if (parsedMessageObj.isImageDeleted === true) {
+ haveImage = true
+ hasImageDeleted = true
+ }
+ if (parsedMessageObj.isGifDeleted === false) {
+ haveGif = true
+ hasGifDeleted = false
+ parsedMessageObj.gifs.forEach(item => {
+ if (item.name) {
+ gifLink = item.service + '/' + item.name + '/' + item.identifier
+ }
+ })
+ } else if (parsedMessageObj.isGifDeleted === true) {
+ haveGif = true
+ hasGifDeleted = true
+ }
+ if (parsedMessageObj.isAttachmentDeleted === false) {
+ haveAttachment = true
+ hasAttachmentDeleted = false
+ parsedMessageObj.attachments.forEach(item => {
+ if (item.name) {
+ attachmentLink = item.service + '/' + item.name + '/' + item.identifier
+ attachmentName = item.attachmentName
+ let attachmentSizeMb = roundToNearestDecimal(item.attachmentSize)
+ attachmentSize = sizeString + ': ' + attachmentSizeMb + ' mb'
+ }
+ })
+ } else if (parsedMessageObj.isAttachmentDeleted === true) {
+ haveAttachment = true
+ hasAttachmentDeleted = true
+ }
+ if (parsedMessageObj.isFileDeleted === false) {
+ haveFile = true
+ hasFileDeleted = false
+ parsedMessageObj.files.forEach(item => {
+ if (item.name) {
+ fileLink = item.service + '/' + item.name + '/' + item.identifier
+ fileName = item.appFileName
+ let fileSizeMb = roundToNearestDecimal(item.appFileSize)
+ fileSize = sizeString + ': ' + fileSizeMb + ' mb'
+ }
+ })
+ } else if (parsedMessageObj.isFileDeleted === true) {
+ haveFile = true
+ hasFileDeleted = true
+ }
+ const chatElement = document.createElement('div')
+ chatElement.setAttribute('id', chatID)
+ chatElement.classList.add('message-container')
+ const forwarded = document.createElement('span')
+ forwarded.classList.add('message-data-forward')
+ forwarded.textContent = forwardedString
+ const subcontainer1 = document.createElement('div')
+ subcontainer1.setAttribute('id', subcontainer1ID)
+ subcontainer1.classList.add('message-subcontainer1')
+ const subcontainer2 = document.createElement('div')
+ subcontainer2.setAttribute('id', subcontainer2ID)
+ if (this.selectedAddress.address === messageAddress) {
+ subcontainer2.classList.add('message-subcontainer2-mybg', 'message-triangle-mybg')
+ } else {
+ subcontainer2.classList.add('message-subcontainer2', 'message-triangle')
+ }
+ const avatarContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ avatarContainer.classList.add('message-avatar')
+ const userinfo = document.createElement('div')
+ userinfo.classList.add('message-user-info')
+ const username = document.createElement('span')
+ if (this.selectedAddress.address === messageAddress) {
+ username.classList.add('message-data-my-name')
+ } else {
+ username.classList.add('message-data-name')
+ }
+ username.textContent = name
+ if (isForwarded) {
+ userinfo.appendChild(username)
+ userinfo.appendChild(forwarded)
+ } else {
+ userinfo.appendChild(username)
+ }
+ const messageContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ messageContainer.setAttribute('id', messageID)
+ messageContainer.classList.add('message')
+ messageContainer.innerHTML = messageContent
+ const messageTimeContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ messageTimeContainer.setAttribute('id', messageTimeID)
+ const messageOrgTimeString = document.createElement('span')
+ messageOrgTimeString.classList.add('message-data-edited')
+ messageOrgTimeString.textContent = messageTimeString
+ const messageEditedString = document.createElement('span')
+ messageEditedString.setAttribute('id', messageEditedID)
+ messageEditedString.classList.add('message-data-edited')
+ messageEditedString.textContent = editedString
+ if (!isEdited) {
+ messageTimeContainer.classList.add('message-data-time')
+ messageTimeContainer.appendChild(messageOrgTimeString)
+ } else if (isEdited) {
+ messageTimeContainer.classList.add('message-data-time-edited')
+ messageTimeContainer.appendChild(messageEditedString)
+ messageTimeContainer.appendChild(messageOrgTimeString)
+ }
+ const avatarUrl = `${nodeUrl}/arbitrary/THUMBNAIL/${name}/qortal_avatar?async=true`
+ const avatarImage = document.createElement('img')
+ avatarImage.src = `${avatarUrl}`
+ avatarImage.onerror = () => {
+ if (avatarFetches < 4) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ avatarFetches = avatarFetches + 1
+ avatarImage.src = `${avatarUrl}`
+ }, 750)
+ } else {
+ avatarImage.src = '/img/incognito.png'
+ }
+ }
+ avatarContainer.appendChild(avatarImage)
+ const contentDeltedContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ contentDeltedContainer.classList.add('attachment-container')
+ const contentDeltedInfo = document.createElement('div')
+ contentDeltedInfo.classList.add('attachment-info')
+ const contentDeltedText = document.createElement('p')
+ contentDeltedText.classList.add('attachment-deleted')
+ const repliedtodata = document.createElement('div')
+ repliedtodata.classList.add('original-message')
+ repliedtodata.onclick = () => {
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repliedID).scrollIntoView({
+ behavior: 'smooth'
+ })
+ }
+ const repliedtoname = document.createElement('p')
+ if (this.selectedAddress.address === repliedMessageAddress) {
+ repliedtoname.classList.add('original-message-sender-wasme')
+ } else {
+ repliedtoname.classList.add('original-message-sender')
+ }
+ repliedtoname.textContent = repliedName
+ const repliedtomessage = document.createElement('p')
+ repliedtomessage.classList.add('replied-message')
+ repliedtomessage.innerHTML = repliedMessage
+ const attachmentContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ attachmentContainer.setAttribute('id', messageAttachmentID)
+ attachmentContainer.classList.add('attachment-container')
+ const attachmentIconContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ attachmentIconContainer.classList.add('attachment-icon-container')
+ const attachmentIconUrl = `/img/attachment-icon.png`
+ const attachmentIcon = document.createElement('img')
+ attachmentIcon.classList.add('attachment-icon')
+ attachmentIcon.src = `${attachmentIconUrl}`
+ attachmentIconContainer.appendChild(attachmentIcon)
+ const attachmentInfoContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ attachmentInfoContainer.classList.add('attachment-info')
+ const attachmentNameContainer = document.createElement('p')
+ attachmentNameContainer.classList.add('attachment-name')
+ attachmentNameContainer.textContent = attachmentName
+ const attachmentSizeContainer = document.createElement('p')
+ attachmentSizeContainer.classList.add('attachment-size')
+ attachmentSizeContainer.textContent = attachmentSize
+ attachmentInfoContainer.appendChild(attachmentNameContainer)
+ attachmentInfoContainer.appendChild(attachmentSizeContainer)
+ attachmentContainer.appendChild(attachmentIconContainer)
+ attachmentContainer.appendChild(attachmentInfoContainer)
+ const repliedAttachmentContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ repliedAttachmentContainer.setAttribute('id', repliedAttachmentID)
+ repliedAttachmentContainer.classList.add('attachment-container')
+ const repliedAttachmentIconContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ repliedAttachmentIconContainer.classList.add('attachment-icon-container')
+ const repliedAttachmentIconUrl = `/img/attachment-icon.png`
+ const repliedAttachmentIcon = document.createElement('img')
+ repliedAttachmentIcon.classList.add('attachment-icon')
+ repliedAttachmentIcon.src = `${repliedAttachmentIconUrl}`
+ repliedAttachmentIconContainer.appendChild(repliedAttachmentIcon)
+ const repliedAttachmentInfoContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ repliedAttachmentInfoContainer.classList.add('attachment-info')
+ const repliedAttachmentNameContainer = document.createElement('p')
+ repliedAttachmentNameContainer.classList.add('attachment-name')
+ repliedAttachmentNameContainer.textContent = repliedAttachmentName
+ const repliedAttachmentSizeContainer = document.createElement('p')
+ repliedAttachmentSizeContainer.classList.add('attachment-size')
+ repliedAttachmentSizeContainer.textContent = repliedAttachmentSize
+ repliedAttachmentInfoContainer.appendChild(repliedAttachmentNameContainer)
+ repliedAttachmentInfoContainer.appendChild(repliedAttachmentSizeContainer)
+ repliedAttachmentContainer.appendChild(repliedAttachmentIconContainer)
+ repliedAttachmentContainer.appendChild(repliedAttachmentInfoContainer)
+ const fileContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ fileContainer.setAttribute('id', messageFileID)
+ fileContainer.classList.add('file-container')
+ const fileIconContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ fileIconContainer.classList.add('file-icon-container')
+ const fileIconUrl = `/img/file-icon.png`
+ const fileIcon = document.createElement('img')
+ fileIcon.classList.add('file-icon')
+ fileIcon.src = `${fileIconUrl}`
+ fileIconContainer.appendChild(fileIcon)
+ const fileInfoContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ fileInfoContainer.classList.add('attachment-info')
+ const fileNameContainer = document.createElement('p')
+ fileNameContainer.classList.add('attachment-name')
+ fileNameContainer.textContent = fileName
+ const fileSizeContainer = document.createElement('p')
+ fileSizeContainer.classList.add('attachment-size')
+ fileSizeContainer.textContent = fileSize
+ fileInfoContainer.appendChild(fileNameContainer)
+ fileInfoContainer.appendChild(fileSizeContainer)
+ fileContainer.appendChild(fileIconContainer)
+ fileContainer.appendChild(fileInfoContainer)
+ const repliedFileContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ repliedFileContainer.setAttribute('id', repliedFileID)
+ repliedFileContainer.classList.add('file-container')
+ const repliedFileIconContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ repliedFileIconContainer.classList.add('file-icon-container')
+ const repliedFileIconUrl = `/img/file-icon.png`
+ const repliedFileIcon = document.createElement('img')
+ repliedFileIcon.classList.add('file-icon')
+ repliedFileIcon.src = `${repliedFileIconUrl}`
+ repliedFileIconContainer.appendChild(repliedFileIcon)
+ const repliedFileInfoContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ repliedFileInfoContainer.classList.add('attachment-info')
+ const repliedFileNameContainer = document.createElement('p')
+ repliedFileNameContainer.classList.add('attachment-name')
+ repliedFileNameContainer.textContent = repliedFileName
+ const repliedFileSizeContainer = document.createElement('p')
+ repliedFileSizeContainer.classList.add('attachment-size')
+ repliedFileSizeContainer.textContent = repliedFileSize
+ repliedFileInfoContainer.appendChild(repliedFileNameContainer)
+ repliedFileInfoContainer.appendChild(repliedFileSizeContainer)
+ repliedFileContainer.appendChild(repliedFileIconContainer)
+ repliedFileContainer.appendChild(repliedFileInfoContainer)
+ if (repliedMessage
+ && !haveRepliedImage
+ && !hasRepliedImageDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedGif
+ && !hasRepliedGifDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedAttachment
+ && !hasRepliedAttachmentDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedFile
+ && !hasRepliedFileDeleted
+ ) {
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtoname)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtomessage)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(repliedtodata)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (repliedMessage
+ && haveRepliedImage
+ && !hasRepliedImageDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedGif
+ && !hasRepliedGifDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedAttachment
+ && !hasRepliedAttachmentDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedFile
+ && !hasRepliedFileDeleted
+ ) {
+ const repliedImageContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ repliedImageContainer.setAttribute('id', repliedImageID)
+ repliedImageContainer.classList.add('image-container')
+ const repliedImageUrl = `${nodeUrl}/arbitrary/${repliedImageLink}?async=true`
+ const chatRepliedImage = document.createElement('img')
+ chatRepliedImage.classList.add('chat-replied-img')
+ chatRepliedImage.src = `${repliedImageUrl}`
+ chatRepliedImage.onerror = () => {
+ chatRepliedImage.src = '/img/img-loading.png'
+ if (repliedImageFetches < 400) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ repliedImageFetches = repliedImageFetches + 1
+ chatRepliedImage.src = `${repliedImageUrl}`
+ }, 750)
+ } else {
+ chatRepliedImage.src = '/img/chain.png'
+ }
+ }
+ repliedImageContainer.appendChild(chatRepliedImage)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtoname)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedImageContainer)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtomessage)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(repliedtodata)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (repliedMessage
+ && haveRepliedImage
+ && hasRepliedImageDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedGif
+ && !hasRepliedGifDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedAttachment
+ && !hasRepliedAttachmentDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedFile
+ && !hasRepliedFileDeleted
+ ) {
+ contentDeltedText.textContent = imageDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfo.appendChild(contentDeltedText)
+ contentDeltedContainer.appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtoname)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(contentDeltedContainer)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtomessage)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(repliedtodata)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (repliedMessage
+ && !haveRepliedImage
+ && !hasRepliedImageDeleted
+ && haveRepliedGif
+ && !hasRepliedGifDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedAttachment
+ && !hasRepliedAttachmentDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedFile
+ && !hasRepliedFileDeleted
+ ) {
+ const repliedImageContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ repliedImageContainer.setAttribute('id', repliedGifID)
+ repliedImageContainer.classList.add('image-container')
+ const repliedGifUrl = `${nodeUrl}/arbitrary/${repliedGifLink}?async=true`
+ const chatRepliedImage = document.createElement('img')
+ chatRepliedImage.classList.add('chat-replied-img')
+ chatRepliedImage.src = `${repliedGifUrl}`
+ chatRepliedImage.onerror = () => {
+ chatRepliedImage.src = '/img/img-loading.png'
+ if (repliedImageFetches < 400) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ repliedImageFetches = repliedImageFetches + 1
+ chatRepliedImage.src = `${repliedGifUrl}`
+ }, 750)
+ } else {
+ chatRepliedImage.src = '/img/chain.png'
+ }
+ }
+ repliedImageContainer.appendChild(chatRepliedImage)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtoname)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedImageContainer)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtomessage)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(repliedtodata)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (repliedMessage
+ && !haveRepliedImage
+ && !hasRepliedImageDeleted
+ && haveRepliedGif
+ && hasRepliedGifDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedAttachment
+ && !hasRepliedAttachmentDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedFile
+ && !hasRepliedFileDeleted
+ ) {
+ contentDeltedText.textContent = gifDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfo.appendChild(contentDeltedText)
+ contentDeltedContainer.appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtoname)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(contentDeltedContainer)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtomessage)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(repliedtodata)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (repliedMessage
+ && !haveRepliedImage
+ && !hasRepliedImageDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedGif
+ && !hasRepliedGifDeleted
+ && haveRepliedAttachment
+ && !hasRepliedAttachmentDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedFile
+ && !hasRepliedFileDeleted
+ ) {
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtoname)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedAttachmentContainer)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtomessage)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(repliedtodata)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (repliedMessage
+ && !haveRepliedImage
+ && !hasRepliedImageDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedGif
+ && !hasRepliedGifDeleted
+ && haveRepliedAttachment
+ && hasRepliedAttachmentDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedFile
+ && !hasRepliedFileDeleted
+ ) {
+ contentDeltedText.textContent = attachmentDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfo.appendChild(contentDeltedText)
+ contentDeltedContainer.appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtoname)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(contentDeltedContainer)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtomessage)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(repliedtodata)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (repliedMessage
+ && !haveRepliedImage
+ && !hasRepliedImageDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedGif
+ && !hasRepliedGifDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedAttachment
+ && !hasRepliedAttachmentDeleted
+ && haveRepliedFile
+ && !hasRepliedFileDeleted
+ ) {
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtoname)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedFileContainer)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtomessage)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(repliedtodata)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (repliedMessage
+ && !haveRepliedImage
+ && !hasRepliedImageDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedGif
+ && !hasRepliedGifDeleted
+ && !haveRepliedAttachment
+ && !hasRepliedAttachmentDeleted
+ && haveRepliedFile
+ && hasRepliedFileDeleted
+ ) {
+ contentDeltedText.textContent = fileDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfo.appendChild(contentDeltedText)
+ contentDeltedContainer.appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtoname)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(contentDeltedContainer)
+ repliedtodata.appendChild(repliedtomessage)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(repliedtodata)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (haveImage && !hasImageDeleted) {
+ const imageContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ imageContainer.setAttribute('id', messageImageID)
+ imageContainer.classList.add('image-container')
+ const imageUrl = `${nodeUrl}/arbitrary/${imageLink}?async=true`
+ const chatImage = document.createElement('img')
+ chatImage.classList.add('chat-img')
+ chatImage.src = `${imageUrl}`
+ chatImage.onerror = () => {
+ chatImage.src = '/img/img-loading.png'
+ if (imageFetches < 400) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ imageFetches = imageFetches + 1
+ chatImage.src = `${imageUrl}`
+ }, 750)
+ } else {
+ chatImage.src = '/img/chain.png'
+ }
+ }
+ imageContainer.appendChild(chatImage)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(imageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (haveImage && hasImageDeleted) {
+ contentDeltedText.textContent = imageDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfo.appendChild(contentDeltedText)
+ contentDeltedContainer.appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(contentDeltedContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (haveGif && !hasGifDeleted) {
+ const imageContainer = document.createElement('div')
+ imageContainer.setAttribute('id', messageGifID)
+ imageContainer.classList.add('image-container')
+ const gifUrl = `${nodeUrl}/arbitrary/${gifLink}?async=true`
+ const chatImage = document.createElement('img')
+ chatImage.classList.add('chat-img')
+ chatImage.src = `${gifUrl}`
+ chatImage.onerror = () => {
+ chatImage.src = '/img/img-loading.png'
+ if (imageFetches < 400) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ imageFetches = imageFetches + 1
+ chatImage.src = `${gifUrl}`
+ }, 750)
+ } else {
+ chatImage.src = '/img/chain.png'
+ }
+ }
+ imageContainer.appendChild(chatImage)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(imageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (haveGif && hasGifDeleted) {
+ contentDeltedText.textContent = gifDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfo.appendChild(contentDeltedText)
+ contentDeltedContainer.appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(contentDeltedContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (haveAttachment && !hasAttachmentDeleted) {
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(attachmentContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (haveAttachment && hasAttachmentDeleted) {
+ contentDeltedText.textContent = attachmentDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfo.appendChild(contentDeltedText)
+ contentDeltedContainer.appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(contentDeltedContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (haveFile && !hasFileDeleted) {
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(fileContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else if (haveFile && hasFileDeleted) {
+ contentDeltedText.textContent = fileDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfo.appendChild(contentDeltedText)
+ contentDeltedContainer.appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(contentDeltedContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ } else {
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(userinfo)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageContainer)
+ subcontainer2.appendChild(messageTimeContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(avatarContainer)
+ subcontainer1.appendChild(subcontainer2)
+ chatElement.appendChild(subcontainer1)
+ chatGridContainer.appendChild(chatElement)
+ }
+ })
+ if (scroll) {
+ this.scrollChatToEnd()
+ }
+ }
+ }
timeIsoString(timestamp) {
let myTimestamp = timestamp === undefined ? 1587560082346 : timestamp
let time = new Date(myTimestamp)
@@ -3053,6 +4298,17 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
async joinGroup(groupId, groupName) {
+ let nGroupId = ''
+ let nGroupName = ''
+ if (typeof groupId === 'object' && groupId !== null) {
+ nGroupId = groupId.groupId
+ nGroupName = groupId.groupName
+ } else {
+ nGroupId = groupId
+ nGroupName = groupName
+ }
await this.unitJoinGroupFee()
@@ -3083,8 +4339,8 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
params: {
fee: joinFeeInput,
registrantAddress: this.selectedAddress.address,
- rGroupName: groupName,
- rGroupId: groupId,
+ rGroupName: nGroupName,
+ rGroupId: nGroupId,
lastReference: lastRef,
groupdialog1: groupdialog1,
groupdialog2: groupdialog2
@@ -4046,6 +5302,288 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
round(number) {
return (Math.round(parseFloat(number) * 1e8) / 1e8).toFixed(8)
+ async fetchChatMessages(chatId) {
+ const restartGroupWebSocket = () => {
+ let groupChatId = Number(chatId)
+ setTimeout(() => initGroup(groupChatId, 50))
+ }
+ const initGroup = (gId) => {
+ let timeoutId
+ let groupId = Number(gId)
+ let groupSocketTimeout
+ let groupSocketLink
+ let myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
+ let nodeUrl = myNode.domain + ":" + myNode.port
+ if (window.parent.location.protocol === "https:") {
+ // WSS is over https
+ groupSocketLink = `wss://${nodeUrl}/websockets/chat/messages?txGroupId=${groupId}&encoding=BASE64&limit=1`
+ } else {
+ // WSS is over http
+ groupSocketLink = `ws://${nodeUrl}/websockets/chat/messages?txGroupId=${groupId}&encoding=BASE64&limit=1`
+ }
+ // Set the websocket
+ this.webSocket = new WebSocket(groupSocketLink)
+ // When websocket is open ping every 50ms
+ this.webSocket.onopen = () => {
+ setTimeout(pingGroupSocket, 50)
+ }
+ // Websocket message Event
+ this.webSocket.onmessage = async (e) => {
+ if (e.data === 'pong') {
+ clearTimeout(timeoutId)
+ groupSocketTimeout = setTimeout(pingGroupSocket, 45000)
+ return
+ }
+ try {
+ if (e.data) {
+ let newMessage = []
+ let newDecodedArray = []
+ newMessage = JSON.parse(e.data)
+ // Check if message is new one (as first call is last message from before created array)
+ if (newMessage[0].timestamp > this.chatMessageArray[this.chatMessageArray.length - 1].timestamp) {
+ newMessage.forEach(item => {
+ let newDecodedMessageObj = {}
+ let decodedMessage = this.decodeMessage(item.data)
+ let checkEdited = JSON.parse(decodedMessage)
+ let editedString = get('chatpage.cchange68')
+ let imageDeletedString = get('chatpage.cchange80')
+ let gifDeletedString = get('chatpage.cchange107')
+ let attachmentDeletedString = get('chatpage.cchange82')
+ let fileDeletedString = get('chatpage.cchange102')
+ // Check if message got edited
+ if (checkEdited.isEdited) {
+ let refSignature = ''
+ let refTimeSignature = ''
+ let refEditedMessage = ''
+ let messageEditedID = ''
+ refSignature = item.chatReference
+ refTimeSignature = 'time-' + item.chatReference
+ refEditedMessage = generateHTML(checkEdited.messageText, [StarterKit, Underline, Highlight])
+ messageEditedID = 'edited-' + item.chatReference
+ const messageEditedString = document.createElement('span')
+ messageEditedString.setAttribute('id', messageEditedID)
+ messageEditedString.classList.add('message-data-edited')
+ messageEditedString.textContent = editedString
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refSignature).innerHTML = refEditedMessage
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refTimeSignature).classList.remove('message-data-time-edited')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refTimeSignature).classList.remove('message-data-time')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refTimeSignature).classList.add('message-data-time-edited')
+ if (this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refTimeSignature).childNodes.length > 1) {
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refTimeSignature).removeChild(messageEditedString)
+ }
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refTimeSignature).insertBefore(messageEditedString, this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refTimeSignature).firstChild)
+ this.chatMessageArray.find(v => v.signature === refSignature).decodedMessage = decodedMessage
+ } else if (checkEdited.isImageDeleted) {
+ let refSignature = ''
+ let refImageSignature = ''
+ let repImageSignature = ''
+ refSignature = item.chatReference
+ refImageSignature = 'image-' + item.chatReference
+ repImageSignature = 'repimage-' + item.chatReference
+ const contentDeltedInfo = document.createElement('div')
+ contentDeltedInfo.classList.add('attachment-info')
+ const contentDeltedText = document.createElement('p')
+ contentDeltedText.classList.add('attachment-deleted')
+ contentDeltedText.textContent = imageDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfo.appendChild(contentDeltedText)
+ if (this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refImageSignature)) {
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refImageSignature).innerHTML = ''
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refImageSignature).classList.remove('image-container')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refImageSignature).classList.add('attachment-container')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refImageSignature).appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ }
+ if (this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repImageSignature)) {
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repImageSignature).innerHTML = ''
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repImageSignature).classList.remove('image-container')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repImageSignature).classList.add('attachment-container')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repImageSignature).appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ }
+ this.chatMessageArray.find(v => v.signature === refSignature).decodedMessage = decodedMessage
+ } else if (checkEdited.isGifDeleted) {
+ let refSignature = ''
+ let refGifSignature = ''
+ let repGifSignature = ''
+ refSignature = item.chatReference
+ refGifSignature = 'gif-' + item.chatReference
+ repGifSignature = 'repgif-' + item.chatReference
+ const contentDeltedInfo = document.createElement('div')
+ contentDeltedInfo.classList.add('attachment-info')
+ const contentDeltedText = document.createElement('p')
+ contentDeltedText.classList.add('attachment-deleted')
+ contentDeltedText.textContent = gifDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfo.appendChild(contentDeltedText)
+ if (this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refGifSignature)) {
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refGifSignature).innerHTML = ''
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refGifSignature).classList.remove('image-container')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refGifSignature).classList.add('attachment-container')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refGifSignature).appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ }
+ if (this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repGifSignature)) {
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repGifSignature).innerHTML = ''
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repGifSignature).classList.remove('image-container')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repGifSignature).classList.add('attachment-container')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repGifSignature).appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ }
+ this.chatMessageArray.find(v => v.signature === refSignature).decodedMessage = decodedMessage
+ } else if (checkEdited.isAttachmentDeleted) {
+ let refSignature = ''
+ let refAttachmentSignature = ''
+ let repAttachmentSignature = ''
+ refSignature = item.chatReference
+ refAttachmentSignature = 'attachment-' + item.chatReference
+ repAttachmentSignature = 'repattachment-' + item.chatReference
+ const contentDeltedInfo = document.createElement('div')
+ contentDeltedInfo.classList.add('attachment-info')
+ const contentDeltedText = document.createElement('p')
+ contentDeltedText.classList.add('attachment-deleted')
+ contentDeltedText.textContent = attachmentDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfo.appendChild(contentDeltedText)
+ if (this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refAttachmentSignature)) {
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refAttachmentSignature).innerHTML = ''
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refAttachmentSignature).appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ }
+ if (this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repAttachmentSignature)) {
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repAttachmentSignature).innerHTML = ''
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repAttachmentSignature).appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ }
+ this.chatMessageArray.find(v => v.signature === refSignature).decodedMessage = decodedMessage
+ } else if (checkEdited.isFileDeleted) {
+ let refSignature = ''
+ let refFileSignature = ''
+ let repFileSignature = ''
+ refSignature = item.chatReference
+ refFileSignature = 'file-' + item.chatReference
+ repFileSignature = 'repfile-' + item.chatReference
+ const contentDeltedInfo = document.createElement('div')
+ contentDeltedInfo.classList.add('attachment-info')
+ const contentDeltedText = document.createElement('p')
+ contentDeltedText.classList.add('attachment-deleted')
+ contentDeltedText.textContent = fileDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfo.appendChild(contentDeltedText)
+ const contentDeltedInfoRep = document.createElement('div')
+ contentDeltedInfoRep.classList.add('attachment-info')
+ const contentDeltedTextRep = document.createElement('p')
+ contentDeltedTextRep.classList.add('attachment-deleted')
+ contentDeltedTextRep.textContent = fileDeletedString
+ contentDeltedInfoRep.appendChild(contentDeltedTextRep)
+ if (this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refFileSignature)) {
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refFileSignature).innerHTML = ''
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refFileSignature).classList.remove('file-container')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refFileSignature).classList.add('attachment-container')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(refFileSignature).appendChild(contentDeltedInfo)
+ }
+ if (this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repFileSignature)) {
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repFileSignature).innerHTML = ''
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repFileSignature).classList.remove('file-container')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repFileSignature).classList.add('attachment-container')
+ this.shadowRoot.getElementById(repFileSignature).appendChild(contentDeltedInfoRep)
+ }
+ this.chatMessageArray.find(v => v.signature === refSignature).decodedMessage = decodedMessage
+ } else {
+ const newMessageObj = {
+ timestamp: item.timestamp,
+ txGroupId: item.txGroupId,
+ reference: item.reference,
+ senderPublicKey: item.senderPublicKey,
+ sender: item.sender,
+ senderName: item.senderName,
+ encoding: item.encoding,
+ isText: item.isText,
+ isEncrypted: item.isEncrypted,
+ signature: item.signature
+ }
+ newDecodedMessageObj = { ...newMessageObj, decodedMessage }
+ newDecodedArray.push(newDecodedMessageObj)
+ this.chatMessageArray.push(newDecodedMessageObj)
+ this.renderChatMessagesGrid(newDecodedArray, true)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (error) { /* empty */ }
+ }
+ // Websocket close event
+ this.webSocket.onclose = (e) => {
+ clearTimeout(groupSocketTimeout)
+ if (e.reason === 'closed preview') return
+ restartGroupWebSocket()
+ }
+ // Websocket error event
+ this.webSocket.onerror = () => {
+ clearTimeout(groupSocketTimeout)
+ this.webSocket.close()
+ }
+ // Close the WebSocket connection if no pong message is received within 5 seconds.
+ const pingGroupSocket = () => {
+ this.webSocket.send('ping')
+ timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.webSocket.close()
+ clearTimeout(groupSocketTimeout)
+ }, 5000)
+ }
+ }
+ // Init the websocket
+ if (chatId !== undefined) {
+ let groupChatId = Number(chatId)
+ initGroup(groupChatId)
+ } else {
+ // ... Websocket not started
+ }
+ }
window.customElements.define('group-management', GroupManagement)
\ No newline at end of file