mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 15:55:55 +00:00
Add missing files
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
function saveFile({ data, debug, filename }) {
if (debug) console.log("[qortal-file-saver] starting with ", { data, debug, filename });
if (!data) throw new Error("[qortal-file-saver] You must pass in data");
if (!filename) {
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof File !== undefined && data instanceof File) {
filename = data.name;
throw new Error("[qortal-file-saver] You must pass in filename");
const constructorName = (typeof data === "object" && typeof data.constructor === "function" && data.constructor.name) || null;
if (debug) console.log("constructorName:", constructorName);
const ext = filename.substr(filename.lastIndexOf(".")).toLowerCase();
const A = ({ href, download }) => {
const a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = href;
a.download = download;
return a;
function convertImageToCanvas({ debug, img }) {
if (debug) console.log("[qortal-file-saver] starting convertImageToCanvas");
const height = img.height;
const width = img.width;
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.height = height;
canvas.width = width;
const context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
return canvas;
function saveHTML({ data, debug, filename }) {
if (typeof data === "object" && "outerHTML" in data) {
if (debug) console.log("[qortal-file-saver] data appears to be an HTML element, so grabbing it's outer HTML");
data = data.outerHTML;
const url = "data:text/html," + encodeURIComponent(data);
saveDataOrBlobURL({ url, debug, filename });
function saveCanvas({ data, debug, filename, imageType }) {
const url = data.toDataURL("image/" + imageType);
saveDataOrBlobURL({ url, debug, filename });
function saveDataOrBlobURL({ url, debug, filename }) {
A({ href: url, download: filename }).click();
function saveImageAsJPG({ data: img, debug, filename }) {
if (debug) console.log("starting saveImageAsJPG");
const canvas = convertImageToCanvas({ debug, img });
saveCanvasAsJPG({ data: canvas, debug, filename });
function saveImageAsPNG({ data: img, debug, filename }) {
if (debug) console.log("starting saveImageAsPNG");
const canvas = convertImageToCanvas({ debug, img });
saveCanvasAsPNG({ data: canvas, debug, filename });
function saveImageAsWebP({ data: img, debug, filename }) {
if (debug) console.log("starting saveImageAsWebP");
const canvas = convertImageToCanvas({ debug, img });
saveCanvasAsWebP({ data: canvas, debug, filename });
function saveCanvasAsJPG({ data, debug, filename }) {
saveCanvas({ data, debug, filename, imageType: "jpeg" });
function saveCanvasAsPNG({ data, debug, filename }) {
saveCanvas({ data, debug, filename, imageType: "png" });
function saveCanvasAsWebP({ data, debug, filename }) {
saveCanvas({ data, debug, filename, imageType: "webp" });
function saveDSV({ data, debug, delimiter, filename, mediatype }) {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) throw new Error("[qortal-saver] data must be an array to save as a CSV");
if (!delimiter) throw new Error("[qortal-saver] delimiter must be set");
if (!mediatype) throw new Error("[qortal-saver] mediatype must be set");
let output = "data:" + mediatype + ";charset=utf-8,";
const columns = Array.from(new Set(data.map(Object.keys).flat())).sort();
const types = new Set(data.map(it => (Array.isArray(it) ? "array" : typeof it)));
const includeHeader = types.has("object");
if (debug) console.log("includeHeader:", includeHeader);
if (includeHeader) output += columns.map(c => '"' + c.replace(/,/g, "\\,") + '"') + "\n";
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const row = data[i];
if (i !== 0) output += "\n";
output += columns.map(col => '"' + row[col].toString().replace(/,/g, "\\,") + '"');
const url = encodeURI(output);
saveDataOrBlobURL({ url, debug, filename });
function saveCSV({ data, debug, filename }) {
saveDSV({ data, debug, delimiter: ",", filename, mediatype: "text/csv" });
function saveTSV({ data, debug, filename }) {
saveDSV({ data, debug, delimiter: "\t", filename, mediatype: "text/tab-separated-values" });
function saveJSON({ data, debug, filename }) {
const url = "data:text/json;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2));
saveDataOrBlobURL({ url, debug, filename });
function saveText({ data, debug, filename }) {
const url = "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(data);
saveDataOrBlobURL({ url, debug, filename });
function saveBlob({ data, debug, filename }) {
const url = URL.createObjectURL(data);
if (debug) console.log("[qortal-file-saver.saveBlob] url:", url);
saveDataOrBlobURL({ url, debug, filename });
if (ext === ".csv") {
saveCSV({ data, debug, filename });
} else if (ext === ".tsv") {
saveTSV({ data, debug, filename });
} else if (ext === ".html") {
saveHTML({ data, debug, filename });
} else if (ext === ".json" || ext === ".geojson" || ext === ".topojson") {
saveJSON({ data, debug, filename });
} else if (ext === ".txt" || ext === ".js" || ext === ".py") {
saveText({ data, debug, filename });
} else if (constructorName === "HTMLCanvasElement" && ext === ".png") {
saveCanvasAsPNG({ data, debug, filename });
} else if (constructorName === "HTMLCanvasElement" && ext === ".jpg") {
saveCanvasAsJPG({ data, debug, filename });
} else if (constructorName === "HTMLCanvasElement" && ext === ".webp") {
saveCanvasAsWebP({ data, debug, filename });
} else if (constructorName === "HTMLImageElement" && ext === ".jpg") {
saveImageAsJPG({ data, debug, filename });
} else if (constructorName === "HTMLImageElement" && ext === ".png") {
saveImageAsPNG({ data, debug, filename });
} else if (constructorName === "HTMLImageElement" && ext === ".webp") {
saveImageAsWebP({ data, debug, filename });
} else if (constructorName === "Blob") {
saveBlob({ data, debug, filename });
} else {
throw new Error('[qortal-file-saver] unrecognized extension "' + ext + '"');
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd)
define(function () {
return saveFile;
if (typeof module === "object") module.exports = saveFile;
if (typeof window === "object") window.saveFile = saveFile;
if (typeof self === "object") self.saveFile = saveFile;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
import { LitElement, html, css } from 'lit'
import '@material/mwc-button'
import '@material/mwc-icon'
import { translate, translateUnsafeHTML } from 'lit-translate'
class FragFileInput extends LitElement {
static get properties () {
return {
accept: { type: String },
readAs: { type: String }
static get styles () {
return css`
#drop-area {
border: 2px dashed #ccc;
font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif;
padding: 20px;
#trigger:hover {
cursor: pointer;
#drop-area.highlight {
border-color: var(--mdc-theme-primary, #000);
p {
margin-top: 0;
form {
margin-bottom: 10px;
#fileInput {
display: none;
constructor () {
this.readAs = this.readAs || 'Text'
render () {
return html`
<div id="drop-area">
<slot name="info-text"></slot>
<div style="line-height: 40px; text-align: center;">
<slot id="trigger" name="inputTrigger" @click=${() => this.shadowRoot.getElementById('fileInput').click()} style="dispay:inline;">
<mwc-button><mwc-icon>cloud_upload</mwc-icon><span style="color: var(--black);"> ${translate("fragfile.selectfile")}</span></mwc-button>
<span style="text-align: center; padding-top: 4px; color: var(--black);">${translate("fragfile.dragfile")}</span>
<input type="file" id="fileInput" accept="${this.accept}" @change="${e => this.readFile(e.target.files[0])}">
readFile (file) {
const fr = new FileReader()
fr.onload = () => {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('file-read-success', {
detail: { result: fr.result },
bubbles: true,
composed: true
fr['readAs' + this.readAs](file)
firstUpdated () {
this._dropArea = this.shadowRoot.getElementById('drop-area')
const preventDefaults = e => {
;['dragenter', 'dragover', 'dragleave', 'drop'].forEach(eventName => {
this._dropArea.addEventListener(eventName, preventDefaults, false)
const highlight = e => {
const unhighlight = e => {
;['dragenter', 'dragover'].forEach(eventName => {
this._dropArea.addEventListener(eventName, highlight, false)
;['dragleave', 'drop'].forEach(eventName => {
this._dropArea.addEventListener(eventName, unhighlight, false)
this._dropArea.addEventListener('drop', e => {
const dt = e.dataTransfer
const file = dt.files[0]
}, false)
window.customElements.define('frag-file-input', FragFileInput)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user