mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 00:05:53 +00:00
Fix empty file and add core settings
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ const execFile = require('child_process').execFile
const exec = require('child_process').exec
const exec = require('child_process').exec
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
@ -760,10 +761,13 @@ function createWindow() {
title: "Qortal UI",
title: "Qortal UI",
autoHideMenuBar: true,
autoHideMenuBar: true,
webPreferences: {
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true,
nodeIntegrationInWorker: true,
partition: 'persist:webviewsession',
partition: 'persist:webviewsession',
enableRemoteModule: false
nodeIntegration: false,
contextIsolation: true,
enableRemoteModule: false,
allowRunningInsecureContent: false,
experimentalFeatures: false,
preload: path.join(__dirname, '/lib/preload.js')
show: false
show: false
@ -900,6 +904,29 @@ if (!isLock) {
myWindow.webContents.send('app_version', { version: app.getVersion() })
myWindow.webContents.send('app_version', { version: app.getVersion() })
ipcMain.on('set-start-core', (event) => {
const dialogOpts = {
type: 'info',
noLink: true,
buttons: [i18n.__("electron_translate_29"), i18n.__("electron_translate_30")],
title: i18n.__("electron_translate_31"),
message: i18n.__("electron_translate_32"),
detail: i18n.__("electron_translate_33"),
checkboxLabel: i18n.__("electron_translate_28"),
checkboxChecked: store.get('askingCore')
dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {
if (returnValue.response === 0) {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
} else {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
ipcMain.on('check-for-update', (event) => {
autoUpdater.on('update-available', (event) => {
autoUpdater.on('update-available', (event) => {
const downloadOpts = {
const downloadOpts = {
type: 'info',
type: 'info',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electronAPI', {
setStartCore: () => ipcRenderer.send('set-start-core'),
checkForUpdate: () => ipcRenderer.send('check-for-update')
@ -33,5 +33,6 @@
"electron_translate_30": "ABBRECHEN",
"electron_translate_30": "ABBRECHEN",
"electron_translate_31": "Core-Einstellungen starten",
"electron_translate_31": "Core-Einstellungen starten",
"electron_translate_32": "Ändern Sie den aktuellen Status der Aufforderung, den Core zu starten, wenn er nicht läuft",
"electron_translate_32": "Ändern Sie den aktuellen Status der Aufforderung, den Core zu starten, wenn er nicht läuft",
"electron_translate_33": "(Aktivieren oder deaktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen Frag mich nie wieder)"
"electron_translate_33": "(Aktivieren oder deaktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen Frag mich nie wieder)",
"electron_translate_34": "Einstellungen"
@ -33,5 +33,6 @@
"electron_translate_30": "CANCEL",
"electron_translate_30": "CANCEL",
"electron_translate_31": "Start Core Setiings",
"electron_translate_31": "Start Core Setiings",
"electron_translate_32": "Change the current status of asking to start the core if it is not running",
"electron_translate_32": "Change the current status of asking to start the core if it is not running",
"electron_translate_33": "(Check or Uncheck the never ask me again checkbox)"
"electron_translate_33": "(Check or Uncheck the never ask me again checkbox)",
"electron_translate_34": "Settings"
@ -33,5 +33,6 @@
"electron_translate_30": "CANCEL",
"electron_translate_30": "CANCEL",
"electron_translate_31": "Start Core Setiings",
"electron_translate_31": "Start Core Setiings",
"electron_translate_32": "Change the current status of asking to start the core if it is not running",
"electron_translate_32": "Change the current status of asking to start the core if it is not running",
"electron_translate_33": "(Check or Uncheck the never ask me again checkbox)"
"electron_translate_33": "(Check or Uncheck the never ask me again checkbox)",
"electron_translate_34": "Settings"
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Privaten Hauptschlüssel exportieren",
"exp1": "Privaten Hauptschlüssel exportieren",
"exp2": "Hauptschlüssel exportieren",
"exp2": "Hauptschlüssel exportieren",
"exp3": "Exportieren",
"exp3": "Exportieren",
"exp4": "Bitte wählen Sie eine Brieftasche aus, um den privaten Hauptschlüssel zu sichern."
"exp4": "Bitte wählen Sie eine Brieftasche aus, um den privaten Hauptschlüssel zu sichern.",
"core": "Core-Einstellungen starten"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Blockhöhe",
"blockheight": "Blockhöhe",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Exportar clave maestra privada",
"exp1": "Exportar clave maestra privada",
"exp2": "Exportar clave maestra",
"exp2": "Exportar clave maestra",
"exp3": "Exportar",
"exp3": "Exportar",
"exp4": "Elija una billetera para hacer una copia de seguridad de la clave maestra privada."
"exp4": "Elija una billetera para hacer una copia de seguridad de la clave maestra privada.",
"core": "Iniciar configuración básica"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Altura del Bloque",
"blockheight": "Altura del Bloque",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Exporter la clé principale privée",
"exp1": "Exporter la clé principale privée",
"exp2": "Exporter la clé principale",
"exp2": "Exporter la clé principale",
"exp3": "Exporter",
"exp3": "Exporter",
"exp4": "Veuillez choisir un portefeuille pour sauvegarder la clé principale privée."
"exp4": "Veuillez choisir un portefeuille pour sauvegarder la clé principale privée.",
"core": "Démarrer les paramètres du noyau"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Hauteur de bloc",
"blockheight": "Hauteur de bloc",
@ -136,7 +136,8 @@
"exp1": "निजी मास्टर कुंजी निर्यात करें",
"exp1": "निजी मास्टर कुंजी निर्यात करें",
"exp2": "निर्यात मास्टर कुंजी",
"exp2": "निर्यात मास्टर कुंजी",
"exp3": "निर्यात",
"exp3": "निर्यात",
"exp4": "निजी मास्टर कुंजी का बैकअप लेने के लिए कृपया एक वॉलेट चुनें।"
"exp4": "निजी मास्टर कुंजी का बैकअप लेने के लिए कृपया एक वॉलेट चुनें।",
"core": "कोर सेटिंग प्रारंभ करें"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "ब्लॉक ऊँचाई",
"blockheight": "ब्लॉक ऊँचाई",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Izvezi privatni glavni ključ",
"exp1": "Izvezi privatni glavni ključ",
"exp2": "Glavni ključ izvoza",
"exp2": "Glavni ključ izvoza",
"exp3": "Izvoz",
"exp3": "Izvoz",
"exp4": "Odaberite novčanik za sigurnosnu kopiju privatnog glavnog ključa."
"exp4": "Odaberite novčanik za sigurnosnu kopiju privatnog glavnog ključa.",
"core": "Pokreni osnovne postavke"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Visina bloka",
"blockheight": "Visina bloka",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Privát főkulcs exportálása",
"exp1": "Privát főkulcs exportálása",
"exp2": "Főkulcs exportálása",
"exp2": "Főkulcs exportálása",
"exp3": "Exportálás",
"exp3": "Exportálás",
"exp4": "Kérjük, válasszon egy tárcát a privát főkulcs biztonsági mentéséhez."
"exp4": "Kérjük, válasszon egy tárcát a privát főkulcs biztonsági mentéséhez.",
"core": "Alapbeállítások indítása"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Blokk Magassága",
"blockheight": "Blokk Magassága",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Esporta chiave master privata",
"exp1": "Esporta chiave master privata",
"exp2": "Esporta chiave master",
"exp2": "Esporta chiave master",
"exp3": "Esporta",
"exp3": "Esporta",
"exp4": "Scegli un portafoglio per il backup della chiave master privata."
"exp4": "Scegli un portafoglio per il backup della chiave master privata.",
"core": "Avvia impostazioni principali"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Altezza blocco",
"blockheight": "Altezza blocco",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "개인 마스터 키 내보내기",
"exp1": "개인 마스터 키 내보내기",
"exp2": "마스터 키 내보내기",
"exp2": "마스터 키 내보내기",
"exp3": "내보내기",
"exp3": "내보내기",
"exp4": "개인 마스터 키를 백업할 지갑을 선택하세요."
"exp4": "개인 마스터 키를 백업할 지갑을 선택하세요.",
"core": "코어 설정 시작"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "블록 높이",
"blockheight": "블록 높이",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Eksporter privat hovednøkkel",
"exp1": "Eksporter privat hovednøkkel",
"exp2": "Eksporter hovednøkkel",
"exp2": "Eksporter hovednøkkel",
"exp3": "Eksporter",
"exp3": "Eksporter",
"exp4": "Velg en lommebok for å sikkerhetskopiere den private hovednøkkelen."
"exp4": "Velg en lommebok for å sikkerhetskopiere den private hovednøkkelen.",
"core": "Start kjerneinnstillinger"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Blokkhøyde",
"blockheight": "Blokkhøyde",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Eksportuj prywatny klucz główny",
"exp1": "Eksportuj prywatny klucz główny",
"exp2": "Eksportuj klucz główny",
"exp2": "Eksportuj klucz główny",
"exp3": "Eksportuj",
"exp3": "Eksportuj",
"exp4": "Wybierz portfel do wykonania kopii zapasowej prywatnego klucza głównego."
"exp4": "Wybierz portfel do wykonania kopii zapasowej prywatnego klucza głównego.",
"core": "Uruchom podstawowe ustawienia"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Wysokość bloku",
"blockheight": "Wysokość bloku",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Exportar Chave Mestra Privada",
"exp1": "Exportar Chave Mestra Privada",
"exp2": "Exportar Chave Mestra",
"exp2": "Exportar Chave Mestra",
"exp3": "Exportar",
"exp3": "Exportar",
"exp4": "Por favor, escolha uma carteira para fazer backup da chave mestra privada."
"exp4": "Por favor, escolha uma carteira para fazer backup da chave mestra privada.",
"core": "Iniciar configurações do núcleo"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Altura do Bloco",
"blockheight": "Altura do Bloco",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Exportați cheia principală privată",
"exp1": "Exportați cheia principală privată",
"exp2": "Exportați cheia principală",
"exp2": "Exportați cheia principală",
"exp3": "Export",
"exp3": "Export",
"exp4": "Vă rugăm să alegeți un portofel pentru a face backup cheii master private."
"exp4": "Vă rugăm să alegeți un portofel pentru a face backup cheii master private.",
"core": "Porniți setările de bază"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Dimensiunea blocului",
"blockheight": "Dimensiunea blocului",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Izvezi privatni glavni ključ",
"exp1": "Izvezi privatni glavni ključ",
"exp2": "Izvezi glavni ključ",
"exp2": "Izvezi glavni ključ",
"exp3": "Izvoz",
"exp3": "Izvoz",
"exp4": "Molimo izaberite novčanik za rezervnu kopiju privatnog glavnog ključa."
"exp4": "Molimo izaberite novčanik za rezervnu kopiju privatnog glavnog ključa.",
"core": "Pokreni podešavanja jezgra"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Visina Bloka",
"blockheight": "Visina Bloka",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Экспорт закрытого мастер-ключа",
"exp1": "Экспорт закрытого мастер-ключа",
"exp2": "Экспорт мастер-ключа",
"exp2": "Экспорт мастер-ключа",
"exp3": "Экспорт",
"exp3": "Экспорт",
"exp4": "Пожалуйста, выберите кошелек для резервного копирования приватного главного ключа."
"exp4": "Пожалуйста, выберите кошелек для резервного копирования приватного главного ключа.",
"core": "Начать основные настройки"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Высота блока",
"blockheight": "Высота блока",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Export Private Master Key",
"exp1": "Export Private Master Key",
"exp2": "Export Master Key",
"exp2": "Export Master Key",
"exp3": "Export",
"exp3": "Export",
"exp4": "Please choose a wallet to backup the private master key."
"exp4": "Please choose a wallet to backup the private master key.",
"core": "Start Core Setiings"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Block Height",
"blockheight": "Block Height",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "导出主密钥",
"exp1": "导出主密钥",
"exp2": "导出主密钥",
"exp2": "导出主密钥",
"exp3": "导出",
"exp3": "导出",
"exp4": "请选择一个钱包来备份私钥。"
"exp4": "请选择一个钱包来备份私钥。",
"core": "开始核心设置"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "区块高度",
"blockheight": "区块高度",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "導出主密鑰",
"exp1": "導出主密鑰",
"exp2": "導出主密鑰",
"exp2": "導出主密鑰",
"exp3": "導出",
"exp3": "導出",
"exp4": "請選擇一個錢包來備份私鑰。"
"exp4": "請選擇一個錢包來備份私鑰。",
"core": "開始核心設置"
"appinfo": {
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "區塊高度",
"blockheight": "區塊高度",
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import './qort-theme-toggle.js'
import './language-selector.js'
import './language-selector.js'
import './settings-view/user-settings.js'
import './settings-view/user-settings.js'
import './logout-view/logout-view.js'
import './logout-view/logout-view.js'
import './check-for-update.js'
import './user-info-view/user-info-view.js'
import './user-info-view/user-info-view.js'
import '../functional-components/side-menu.js'
import '../functional-components/side-menu.js'
import '../functional-components/side-menu-item.js'
import '../functional-components/side-menu-item.js'
@ -502,6 +503,8 @@ class AppView extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:settings" @click=${() => this.openSettings()} title="${translate("settings.settings")}"></paper-icon-button>
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:settings" @click=${() => this.openSettings()} title="${translate("settings.settings")}"></paper-icon-button>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div style="display: inline;">
<div style="display: inline;">
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:exit-to-app" @click=${() => this.openLogout()} title="${translate("logout.logout")}"></paper-icon-button>
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:exit-to-app" @click=${() => this.openLogout()} title="${translate("logout.logout")}"></paper-icon-button>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import { LitElement, html, css } from 'lit'
import { get, translate, translateUnsafeHTML } from 'lit-translate'
import '@polymer/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.js'
import '@polymer/iron-icons/iron-icons.js'
class CheckForUpdate extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
theme: { type: String, reflect: true }
constructor() {
this.theme = localStorage.getItem('qortalTheme') ? localStorage.getItem('qortalTheme') : 'light'
static styles = [
render() {
return html`
<div style="display: inline;">
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:get-app" @click=${() => this.checkupdate()} title="${translate("appspage.schange38")} UI"></paper-icon-button>
firstUpdated() {
checkupdate() {
window.customElements.define('check-for-update', CheckForUpdate)
@ -83,6 +83,28 @@ class NotificationsView extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
font-size: 16px;
font-size: 16px;
display: inline-block;
display: inline-block;
.q-button {
display: inline-flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-content: center;
border: none;
border-radius: 20px;
padding-left: 25px;
padding-right: 25px;
color: white;
background: #03a9f4;
width: 50%;
font-size: 17px;
cursor: pointer;
height: 50px;
margin-top: 1rem;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-decoration: none;
transition: all .2s;
position: relative;
@ -123,10 +145,17 @@ class NotificationsView extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
<div style="max-width: 500px; display: flex; justify-content: center; margin: auto;">
<div @click=${() => this.checkCoreSettings()} class="q-button"> ${translate("settings.core")} </div>
checkCoreSettings() {
stateChanged(state) {
stateChanged(state) {
this.notificationConfig = state.user.notifications
this.notificationConfig = state.user.notifications
this.q_chatConfig = this.notificationConfig.q_chat
this.q_chatConfig = this.notificationConfig.q_chat
Reference in New Issue
Block a user