From 8edd13a083f13e466e4bbd39f21a832df2b35804 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AlphaX-Projects <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 09:32:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Update dependencies
package.json | 2 +-
qortal-ui-core/package.json | 17 +-
.../login-view/create-account-section.js | 14 +-
.../random-sentence-generator.js | 160 ++++++++++++++++++
.../functional-components/verb-past-tense.js | 36 ++++
.../src/functional-components/wordlists.js | 27 +++
qortal-ui-plugins/package.json | 16 +-
7 files changed, 247 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 qortal-ui-core/src/functional-components/random-sentence-generator.js
create mode 100644 qortal-ui-core/src/functional-components/verb-past-tense.js
create mode 100644 qortal-ui-core/src/functional-components/wordlists.js
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 67893cef..f1e5a6b9 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"os-locale": "3.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
- "electron": "22.0.0",
+ "electron": "22.0.2",
"electron-builder": "23.6.0",
"electron-packager": "17.1.1",
"@electron/notarize": "1.2.3",
diff --git a/qortal-ui-core/package.json b/qortal-ui-core/package.json
index d5b00b64..d52b6ab0 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-core/package.json
+++ b/qortal-ui-core/package.json
@@ -58,23 +58,22 @@
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "24.0.0",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "15.0.1",
"@rollup/plugin-replace": "5.0.2",
- "@rollup/plugin-terser": "0.2.1",
- "@vaadin/button": "23.3.2",
- "@vaadin/grid": "23.3.2",
- "@vaadin/icons": "23.3.2",
- "@vaadin/password-field": "23.3.2",
- "@vaadin/tooltip": "23.3.2",
+ "@rollup/plugin-terser": "0.3.0",
+ "@vaadin/button": "23.3.3",
+ "@vaadin/grid": "23.3.3",
+ "@vaadin/icons": "23.3.3",
+ "@vaadin/password-field": "23.3.3",
+ "@vaadin/tooltip": "23.3.3",
"asmcrypto.js": "2.3.2",
"bcryptjs": "2.4.3",
"epml": "0.3.3",
"file-saver": "2.0.5",
- "lit": "2.5.0",
+ "lit": "2.6.1",
"lit-translate": "2.0.1",
"pwa-helpers": "0.9.1",
- "random-sentence-generator": "0.0.8",
"redux": "4.2.0",
"redux-thunk": "2.4.2",
- "rollup": "3.9.1",
+ "rollup": "3.10.0",
"rollup-plugin-node-globals": "1.4.0",
"rollup-plugin-progress": "1.1.2",
"rollup-plugin-scss": "3.0.0"
diff --git a/qortal-ui-core/src/components/login-view/create-account-section.js b/qortal-ui-core/src/components/login-view/create-account-section.js
index b285118f..48c27985 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-core/src/components/login-view/create-account-section.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-core/src/components/login-view/create-account-section.js
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ import { store } from '../../store.js'
import { use, get, translate, translateUnsafeHTML, registerTranslateConfig } from 'lit-translate'
import { createWallet } from '../../../../qortal-ui-crypto/api/createWallet.js'
-import FileSaver from 'file-saver'
import { doLogin, doLogout, doSelectAddress } from '../../redux/app/app-actions.js'
import { doStoreWallet } from '../../redux/user/user-actions.js'
import { checkApiKey } from '../../apiKeyUtils.js'
+import FileSaver from 'file-saver'
+import ripple from '../../functional-components/loading-ripple.js'
import snackbar from '../../functional-components/snackbar.js'
+import '../../functional-components/random-sentence-generator.js'
import '@material/mwc-button'
import '@material/mwc-checkbox'
import '@material/mwc-textfield'
@@ -22,8 +24,6 @@ import '@polymer/paper-input/paper-input.js'
import '@polymer/paper-tooltip/paper-tooltip.js'
import '@vaadin/text-field/vaadin-text-field.js'
import '@vaadin/password-field/vaadin-password-field.js'
-import 'random-sentence-generator'
-import ripple from '../../functional-components/loading-ripple.js'
let lastPassword = ''
@@ -393,17 +393,17 @@ class CreateAccountSection extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
diff --git a/qortal-ui-core/src/functional-components/random-sentence-generator.js b/qortal-ui-core/src/functional-components/random-sentence-generator.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9482fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qortal-ui-core/src/functional-components/random-sentence-generator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+// Author: irontiga
+'use strict'
+import { LitElement, html, css } from 'lit'
+import * as WORDLISTS from './wordlists.js'
+class RandomSentenceGenerator extends LitElement {
+ static get properties() {
+ return {
+ template: {
+ type: String,
+ attribute: 'template'
+ },
+ parsedString: {
+ type: String
+ },
+ fetchedWordlistCount: {
+ type: Number,
+ value: 0
+ },
+ capitalize: {
+ type: Boolean
+ },
+ partsOfSpeechMap: {
+ type: Object
+ },
+ templateEntropy: {
+ type: Number,
+ reflect: true,
+ attribute: 'template-entropy'
+ },
+ maxWordLength: {
+ type: Number,
+ attribute: 'max-word-length'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.template = 'adjective noun verb adverb.'
+ this.maxWordLength = 0
+ this.parsedString = ''
+ this.fetchedWordlistCount = 0
+ this.capitalize = true
+ this.partsOfSpeechMap = {
+ 'noun': 'nouns',
+ 'adverb': 'adverbs',
+ 'adv': 'adverbs',
+ 'verb': 'verbs',
+ 'interjection': 'interjections',
+ 'adjective': 'adjectives',
+ 'adj': 'adjectives',
+ 'verbed': 'verbed'
+ }
+ this.partsOfSpeech = Object.keys(this.partsOfSpeechMap)
+ this._wordlists = WORDLISTS
+ }
+ updated(changedProperties) {
+ let regen = false
+ if (changedProperties.has('template')) {
+ regen = true
+ }
+ if (changedProperties.has('maxWordLength')) {
+ console.dir(this.maxWordLength)
+ if (this.maxWordLength) {
+ const wl = { ...this._wordlists }
+ for (const partOfSpeech in this._wordlists) {
+ console.log(this._wordlists[partOfSpeech])
+ if (Array.isArray(this._wordlists[partOfSpeech])) {
+ wl[partOfSpeech] = this._wordlists[partOfSpeech].filter(word => word.length <= this.maxWordLength)
+ }
+ }
+ this._wordlists = wl
+ }
+ regen = true
+ }
+ if (regen) this.generate()
+ }
+ _RNG(entropy) {
+ if (entropy > 1074) {
+ throw new Error('Javascript can not handle that much entropy!')
+ }
+ let randNum = 0
+ const crypto = window.crypto || window.msCrypto
+ if (crypto) {
+ const entropy256 = Math.ceil(entropy / 8)
+ let buffer = new Uint8Array(entropy256)
+ crypto.getRandomValues(buffer)
+ randNum = buffer.reduce((num, value) => {
+ return num * value
+ }, 1) / Math.pow(256, entropy256)
+ } else {
+ console.warn('Secure RNG not found. Using Math.random')
+ randNum = Math.random()
+ }
+ return randNum
+ }
+ setRNG(fn) {
+ this._RNG = fn
+ }
+ _captitalize(str) {
+ return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
+ }
+ getWord(partOfSpeech) {
+ const words = this._wordlists[this.partsOfSpeechMap[partOfSpeech]]
+ const requiredEntropy = Math.log(words.length) / Math.log(2)
+ const index = this._RNG(requiredEntropy) * words.length
+ return {
+ word: words[Math.round(index)],
+ entropy: words.length
+ }
+ }
+ generate() {
+ this.parsedString = this.parse(this.template)
+ }
+ parse(template) {
+ const split = template.split(/[\s]/g)
+ let entropy = 1
+ const final = => {
+ const lower = word.toLowerCase()
+ this.partsOfSpeech.some(partOfSpeech => {
+ const partOfSpeechIndex = lower.indexOf(partOfSpeech) // Check it exists
+ const nextChar = word.charAt(partOfSpeech.length)
+ if (partOfSpeechIndex === 0 && !(nextChar && (nextChar.match(/[a-zA-Z]/g) != null))) {
+ const replacement = this.getWord(partOfSpeech)
+ word = replacement.word + word.slice(partOfSpeech.length) // Append the rest of the "word" (punctuation)
+ entropy = entropy * replacement.entropy
+ return true
+ }
+ })
+ return word
+ })
+ this.templateEntropy = Math.floor(Math.log(entropy) / Math.log(8))
+ return final.join(' ')
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ ${this.parsedString}
+ `
+ }
+customElements.define('random-sentence-generator', RandomSentenceGenerator)
+export default RandomSentenceGenerator
diff --git a/qortal-ui-core/src/functional-components/verb-past-tense.js b/qortal-ui-core/src/functional-components/verb-past-tense.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..198e80e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qortal-ui-core/src/functional-components/verb-past-tense.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Sourced from
+export const EXCEPTIONS = {
+ 'are': 'were',
+ 'eat': 'ate',
+ 'go': 'went',
+ 'have': 'had',
+ 'inherit': 'inherited',
+ 'is': 'was',
+ 'run': 'ran',
+ 'sit': 'sat',
+ 'visit': 'visited'
+export const getPastTense = (verb, exceptions = EXCEPTIONS) => {
+ if (exceptions[verb]) {
+ return exceptions[verb]
+ }
+ if ((/e$/i).test(verb)) {
+ return verb + 'd'
+ }
+ if ((/[aeiou]c$/i).test(verb)) {
+ return verb + 'ked'
+ }
+ // for american english only
+ if ((/el$/i).test(verb)) {
+ return verb + 'ed'
+ }
+ if ((/[aeio][aeiou][dlmnprst]$/).test(verb)) {
+ return verb + 'ed'
+ }
+ if ((/[aeiou][bdglmnprst]$/i).test(verb)) {
+ return verb.replace(/(.+[aeiou])([bdglmnprst])/, '$1$2$2ed')
+ }
+ return verb + 'ed'
diff --git a/qortal-ui-core/src/functional-components/wordlists.js b/qortal-ui-core/src/functional-components/wordlists.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..903889a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qortal-ui-core/src/functional-components/wordlists.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import { getPastTense } from './verb-past-tense.js'
+export const verbs = [
+ 'abase', 'abate', 'abduct', 'abet', 'abhor', 'abide', 'abjure', 'ablate', 'abort', 'abound', 'abseil', 'absorb', 'abuse', 'abut', 'accede', 'accent', 'accept', 'access', 'accord', 'accost', 'accrue', 'accuse', 'ache', 'acquit', 'act', 'adapt', 'add', 'addict', 'addle', 'adduce', 'adhere', 'adjoin', 'adjust', 'admire', 'admit', 'adopt', 'adore', 'adorn', 'advert', 'advise', 'aerate', 'affect', 'affirm', 'affix', 'afford', 'age', 'agree', 'aid', 'aim', 'alarm', 'alert', 'alight', 'align', 'allay', 'allege', 'allot', 'allow', 'alloy', 'allure', 'ally', 'alter', 'amass', 'amaze', 'amble', 'ambush', 'amend', 'amount', 'amuse', 'anger', 'angle', 'anneal', 'annex', 'annoy', 'annul', 'anoint', 'answer', 'ape', 'appeal', 'appear', 'append', 'apply', 'arc', 'arch', 'argue', 'arise', 'arm', 'array', 'arrest', 'arrive', 'arrow', 'ascend', 'ask', 'aspire', 'assail', 'assay', 'assent', 'assert', 'assess', 'assign', 'assist', 'assort', 'assume', 'assure', 'atone', 'attach', 'attack', 'attain', 'attend', 'attest', 'attire', 'attune', 'audit', 'augur', 'author', 'avail', 'avenge', 'aver', 'avert', 'avoid', 'await', 'awake', 'awaken', 'award', 'awe', 'babble', 'back', 'badge', 'badger', 'baffle', 'bag', 'bail', 'bait', 'bake', 'bald', 'bale', 'ball', 'ballot', 'ban', 'band', 'bandy', 'bang', 'banish', 'bank', 'banter', 'bar', 'barb', 'barber', 'bard', 'bare', 'barge', 'bark', 'barn', 'barrel', 'barter', 'base', 'bash', 'bask', 'baste', 'bat', 'batch', 'bathe', 'batten', 'batter', 'battle', 'bawl', 'bay', 'be', 'beach', 'beacon', 'bead', 'beam', 'bean', 'bear', 'beard', 'beat', 'become', 'bed', 'beef', 'beep', 'beetle', 'befall', 'befit', 'beg', 'beget', 'beggar', 'begin', 'behave', 'behead', 'behold', 'belay', 'belch', 'belie', 'bell', 'bellow', 'belly', 'belong', 'belt', 'bemoan', 'bench', 'bend', 'berate', 'berry', 'beset', 'best', 'bestir', 'bestow', 'bet', 'betide', 'betray', 'better', 'bevel', 'bewail', 'beware', 'bias', 'bib', 'bicker', 'bid', 'bide', 'bilge', 'bill', 'billet', 'billow', 'bin', 'bind', 'birdie', 'birth', 'bisect', 'bit', 'bite', 'bitter', 'black', 'blame', 'blanch', 'blank', 'blare', 'blast', 'blaze', 'bleach', 'bleat', 'bleed', 'bleep', 'blench', 'blend', 'bless', 'blight', 'blind', 'blink', 'blip', 'bliss', 'blitz', 'bloat', 'blob', 'blood', 'bloody', 'bloom', 'blot', 'blotch', 'blow', 'blue', 'bluff', 'blunt', 'blur', 'blurb', 'blurt', 'blush', 'board', 'boast', 'bob', 'bode', 'body', 'bog', 'bogey', 'boggle', 'boil', 'bolt', 'bomb', 'bond', 'bone', 'bonnet', 'boo', 'book', 'boom', 'boost', 'boot', 'booze', 'bop', 'bore', 'borrow', 'boss', 'botch', 'bother', 'bottle', 'bottom', 'bounce', 'bound', 'bout', 'bow', 'bowel', 'bowl', 'box', 'brace', 'brag', 'braid', 'braise', 'brake', 'branch', 'brand', 'brave', 'brawl', 'bray', 'breach', 'bread', 'break', 'breed', 'breeze', 'brew', 'bribe', 'brick', 'bridge', 'bridle', 'brief', 'brim', 'brine', 'bring', 'broach', 'broil', 'bronze', 'brook', 'brown', 'browse', 'bruise', 'brush', 'bubble', 'buck', 'bucket', 'buckle', 'bud', 'budge', 'budget', 'buffet', 'bug', 'bugle', 'build', 'bulge', 'bulk', 'bull', 'bully', 'bumble', 'bump', 'bunch', 'bundle', 'bung', 'bungle', 'bunk', 'bunker', 'buoy', 'burble', 'burden', 'burgle', 'burn', 'burp', 'burr', 'burrow', 'burst', 'bury', 'bus', 'bush', 'busk', 'bust', 'bustle', 'busy', 'butt', 'button', 'buy', 'buzz', 'bypass', 'cab', 'cabal', 'cabin', 'cable', 'cache', 'cackle', 'cadge', 'cage', 'cajole', 'cake', 'call', 'calm', 'calve', 'camber', 'camp', 'can', 'canal', 'cancel', 'candle', 'candy', 'cane', 'cannon', 'canoe', 'canopy', 'cant', 'canter', 'cap', 'caper', 'card', 'care', 'career', 'caress', 'carol', 'carp', 'carpet', 'carry', 'cart', 'carve', 'case', 'cash', 'cast', 'castle', 'cat', 'catch', 'cater', 'caucus', 'cause', 'cave', 'cavern', 'cease', 'cede', 'cellar', 'cement', 'censor', 'chafe', 'chain', 'chair', 'chalk', 'champ', 'chance', 'change', 'chant', 'chap', 'char', 'charge', 'charm', 'chart', 'chase', 'chat', 'cheat', 'check', 'cheep', 'cheer', 'chew', 'chide', 'chill', 'chime', 'chin', 'chink', 'chip', 'chirp', 'chisel', 'chock', 'choir', 'choke', 'choose', 'chop', 'chord', 'chorus', 'chrome', 'chuck', 'chuff', 'chug', 'chum', 'chunk', 'churn', 'chute', 'cinder', 'cipher', 'circle', 'cite', 'clad', 'claim', 'clam', 'clamp', 'clang', 'clank', 'clap', 'clash', 'clasp', 'class', 'claw', 'clean', 'clear', 'cleat', 'cleave', 'clench', 'clerk', 'click', 'climax', 'climb', 'clinch', 'cling', 'clink', 'clip', 'clique', 'cloak', 'clock', 'clog', 'clone', 'close', 'closet', 'clot', 'cloud', 'clout', 'clown', 'club', 'cluck', 'clue', 'clump', 'clutch', 'coach', 'coal', 'coast', 'coat', 'coax', 'cobble', 'cobweb', 'cockle', 'cocoon', 'coddle', 'code', 'codify', 'coerce', 'coffer', 'coffin', 'cog', 'cohere', 'coil', 'coin', 'coke', 'collar', 'comb', 'combat', 'come', 'commit', 'compel', 'comply', 'con', 'concur', 'cone', 'confer', 'convey', 'convoy', 'cook', 'cool', 'cope', 'copper', 'copy', 'cord', 'cordon', 'core', 'cork', 'corn', 'corner', 'corral', 'cosset', 'cost', 'cotton', 'couch', 'cough', 'count', 'couple', 'course', 'court', 'cover', 'covet', 'cowl', 'cox', 'crab', 'crack', 'cradle', 'craft', 'cram', 'cramp', 'crane', 'crank', 'crash', 'crate', 'crater', 'crave', 'crawl', 'crayon', 'craze', 'creak', 'cream', 'crease', 'create', 'credit', 'creed', 'creep', 'crest', 'crew', 'crib', 'crick', 'crimp', 'cringe', 'crisp', 'croak', 'crook', 'croon', 'crop', 'cross', 'crouch', 'crowd', 'crown', 'cruise', 'crunch', 'crush', 'crust', 'crutch', 'cry', 'cube', 'cuckoo', 'cuddle', 'cudgel', 'cue', 'cuff', 'cull', 'cup', 'curb', 'curd', 'curdle', 'cure', 'curl', 'curry', 'curse', 'curve', 'cuss', 'cut', 'cycle', 'dab', 'dabble', 'dagger', 'dally', 'dam', 'damage', 'damn', 'damp', 'dampen', 'dance', 'dangle', 'dapple', 'dare', 'darken', 'darn', 'dart', 'dash', 'date', 'daub', 'daunt', 'dawdle', 'daze', 'dazzle', 'deaden', 'deafen', 'deal', 'debar', 'debase', 'debate', 'debit', 'debug', 'debut', 'decamp', 'decant', 'decay', 'decide', 'deck', 'decode', 'decoy', 'decree', 'decry', 'deduce', 'deduct', 'deem', 'deepen', 'deface', 'defame', 'defeat', 'defect', 'defend', 'defer', 'defile', 'define', 'deform', 'defray', 'defuse', 'defy', 'deify', 'deign', 'delay', 'delete', 'delude', 'deluge', 'delve', 'demand', 'demean', 'demise', 'demote', 'demur', 'den', 'denote', 'dent', 'denude', 'deny', 'depart', 'depend', 'depict', 'deploy', 'deport', 'depose', 'depute', 'derail', 'deride', 'derive', 'desert', 'design', 'desire', 'desist', 'detach', 'detail', 'detain', 'detect', 'deter', 'detest', 'detour', 'devil', 'devise', 'devote', 'devour', 'dial', 'diaper', 'dice', 'die', 'diet', 'differ', 'dig', 'digest', 'dilate', 'dilute', 'dim', 'dimple', 'din', 'dine', 'dint', 'dip', 'direct', 'disarm', 'disc', 'disco', 'dish', 'dismay', 'disown', 'dispel', 'disuse', 'ditch', 'dither', 'dive', 'divert', 'divest', 'divide', 'divine', 'dizzy', 'do', 'dock', 'docket', 'doctor', 'dodge', 'dog', 'dole', 'doll', 'dolly', 'dome', 'donate', 'doodle', 'doom', 'dope', 'dose', 'dot', 'dote', 'double', 'doubt', 'douse', 'dowel', 'down', 'dowse', 'doze', 'drab', 'draft', 'drag', 'drain', 'drape', 'draw', 'drawl', 'dray', 'dread', 'dream', 'dredge', 'drench', 'dress', 'drift', 'drill', 'drink', 'drip', 'drive', 'drivel', 'drone', 'drool', 'droop', 'drop', 'drown', 'drowse', 'drudge', 'drug', 'drum', 'dry', 'dub', 'duck', 'duel', 'duet', 'dull', 'dumb', 'dummy', 'dump', 'dun', 'dupe', 'dust', 'dwarf', 'dwell', 'dye', 'ear', 'earn', 'ease', 'eat', 'ebb', 'echo', 'eddy', 'edge', 'edify', 'edit', 'efface', 'egg', 'egress', 'eject', 'elapse', 'elate', 'elbow', 'elect', 'elicit', 'elide', 'elope', 'elude', 'embalm', 'embark', 'embed', 'embody', 'emboss', 'emerge', 'emit', 'employ', 'empty', 'enable', 'enact', 'enamel', 'encamp', 'encase', 'encode', 'encore', 'end', 'endear', 'endow', 'endure', 'enfold', 'engage', 'engulf', 'enjoin', 'enjoy', 'enlist', 'enrage', 'enrich', 'ensue', 'ensure', 'entail', 'enter', 'entice', 'entomb', 'entrap', 'envy', 'equal', 'equate', 'equip', 'erase', 'erect', 'erode', 'err', 'erupt', 'escape', 'eschew', 'escort', 'escrow', 'essay', 'esteem', 'etch', 'evade', 'evict', 'evince', 'evoke', 'evolve', 'exact', 'exalt', 'exceed', 'excel', 'except', 'excess', 'excise', 'excite', 'excuse', 'exempt', 'exert', 'exeunt', 'exhale', 'exhort', 'exhume', 'exile', 'exist', 'expand', 'expect', 'expel', 'expend', 'expire', 'export', 'expose', 'extend', 'extol', 'extort', 'exude', 'exult', 'eye', 'fable', 'face', 'facet', 'factor', 'fade', 'fail', 'faint', 'fair', 'fake', 'fall', 'falter', 'fame', 'fan', 'fancy', 'farce', 'fare', 'farm', 'fast', 'fasten', 'fat', 'fate', 'father', 'fathom', 'fatten', 'fault', 'fawn', 'fear', 'feast', 'fee', 'feed', 'feel', 'feign', 'fell', 'fence', 'fend', 'ferret', 'ferry', 'fester', 'fetch', 'fettle', 'feud', 'fever', 'fib', 'fiddle', 'fidget', 'field', 'fife', 'fight', 'figure', 'file', 'fill', 'fillet', 'fillip', 'film', 'filter', 'fin', 'find', 'fine', 'finger', 'finish', 'fire', 'firm', 'fish', 'fit', 'fitter', 'fix', 'fizz', 'fizzle', 'flack', 'flag', 'flail', 'flake', 'flame', 'flank', 'flap', 'flare', 'flash', 'flat', 'flaunt', 'flaw', 'flay', 'flee', 'fleece', 'fleet', 'flesh', 'flex', 'flick', 'flight', 'flinch', 'fling', 'flint', 'flip', 'flit', 'float', 'flock', 'flog', 'flood', 'floor', 'flop', 'floss', 'flour', 'flout', 'flow', 'flower', 'fluff', 'flurry', 'flush', 'flute', 'flux', 'fly', 'foal', 'foam', 'fob', 'focus', 'fodder', 'fog', 'foil', 'foist', 'fold', 'folio', 'follow', 'foment', 'fondle', 'fool', 'foot', 'forage', 'foray', 'forbid', 'force', 'ford', 'forego', 'forest', 'forge', 'forget', 'fork', 'form', 'format', 'foster', 'foul', 'found', 'fowl', 'fox', 'frame', 'frank', 'fray', 'freak', 'free', 'freeze', 'frenzy', 'fresh', 'fret', 'friend', 'fright', 'frill', 'fringe', 'frisk', 'frock', 'frog', 'frolic', 'front', 'frost', 'froth', 'frown', 'fruit', 'fry', 'fudge', 'fuel', 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'twin', 'twine', 'twinge', 'twirl', 'twist', 'twitch', 'type', 'typify', 'umpire', 'unable', 'unbend', 'unbolt', 'unclog', 'uncoil', 'undo', 'unfit', 'unfold', 'unfurl', 'unhand', 'unify', 'unite', 'unjam', 'unlace', 'unlink', 'unload', 'unlock', 'unmask', 'unpack', 'unpick', 'unplug', 'unroll', 'unseal', 'unseat', 'untie', 'unveil', 'unwind', 'unwrap', 'unzip', 'up', 'update', 'uphold', 'uplift', 'upload', 'uproot', 'upset', 'upturn', 'urge', 'use', 'usher', 'usurp', 'utter', 'vacate', 'vacuum', 'valet', 'value', 'valve', 'vamp', 'vanish', 'vary', 'vat', 'vault', 'vector', 'veer', 'veil', 'vein', 'vend', 'veneer', 'vent', 'verge', 'verify', 'verse', 'vest', 'vet', 'veto', 'vex', 'vial', 'vice', 'video', 'vie', 'view', 'vilify', 'visa', 'vision', 'visit', 'visor', 'voice', 'void', 'volley', 'vomit', 'voodoo', 'vote', 'vouch', 'vow', 'voyage', 'wad', 'waddle', 'wade', 'wafer', 'waffle', 'waft', 'wag', 'wager', 'waggle', 'wagon', 'wail', 'wait', 'waive', 'wake', 'waken', 'walk', 'wall', 'wallow', 'waltz', 'wan', 'wander', 'wane', 'want', 'wanton', 'war', 'warble', 'ward', 'warm', 'warn', 'warp', 'wash', 'waste', 'watch', 'water', 'wattle', 'wave', 'waver', 'wax', 'waylay', 'weaken', 'wean', 'weapon', 'wear', 'weary', 'weasel', 'weave', 'web', 'wed', 'wedge', 'weed', 'weep', 'weigh', 'weight', 'weld', 'well', 'welt', 'welter', 'wench', 'wend', 'wet', 'whack', 'whale', 'wharf', 'wheel', 'wheeze', 'whelp', 'whet', 'whiff', 'while', 'whine', 'whinny', 'whip', 'whir', 'whirl', 'whirr', 'whisk', 'white', 'whiten', 'whizz', 'whoop', 'whoosh', 'wick', 'widen', 'widow', 'wield', 'wig', 'wiggle', 'wild', 'wile', 'will', 'wilt', 'wimple', 'win', 'wince', 'winch', 'wind', 'window', 'wine', 'wing', 'wink', 'winnow', 'winter', 'wipe', 'wire', 'wish', 'wisp', 'wit', 'witch', 'wither', 'wobble', 'wolf', 'wonder', 'wont', 'woo', 'wood', 'word', 'work', 'worm', 'worry', 'worsen', 'worst', 'wound', 'wow', 'wrack', 'wrap', 'wreak', 'wreath', 'wreck', 'wrench', 'wrest', 'wring', 'write', 'writhe', 'wrong', 'x-ray', 'xerox', 'yacht', 'yak', 'yap', 'yard', 'yaw', 'yawn', 'yearn', 'yeast', 'yell', 'yellow', 'yelp', 'yen', 'yes', 'yield', 'yo-yo', 'yodel', 'yoke', 'zero', 'zigzag', 'zinc', 'zip', 'zipper', 'zone', 'zoom'
+export const nouns = [
+ 'abacus', 'abbey', 'abroad', 'abuse', 'access', 'acid', 'act', 'action', 'actor', 'ad', 'adult', 'advice', 'affair', 'affect', 'age', 'agency', 'agenda', 'agent', 'aglet', 'aid', 'air', 'airbag', 'airbus', 'alarm', 'alb', 'alcove', 'alder', 'alibi', 'alley', 'alloy', 'almond', 'alpaca', 'alpha', 'alto', 'amount', 'analog', 'anger', 'angle', 'angora', 'animal', 'anime', 'ankle', 'anklet', 'annual', 'anorak', 'answer', 'ant', 'antler', 'ape', 'appeal', 'apple', 'apron', 'apse', 'arch', 'archer', 'area', 'arm', 'armor', 'army', 'arrow', 'art', 'ascot', 'ash', 'ashram', 'aside', 'ask', 'aspect', 'assist', 'atom', 'atrium', 'attack', 'attic', 'aunt', 'author', 'avenue', 'award', 'babe', 'baboon', 'baby', 'back', 'bacon', 'bad', 'badge', 'badger', 'bag', 'bagel', 'bail', 'bait', 'bake', 'baker', 'bakery', 'ball', 'ballet', 'bamboo', 'banana', 'band', 'bangle', 'banjo', 'bank', 'banker', 'baobab', 'bar', 'barber', 'barge', 'barium', 'barn', 'base', 'basin', 'basis', 'basket', 'bass', 'bat', 'bath', 'bather', 'batter', 'battle', 'bay', 'bayou', 'beach', 'bead', 'beak', 'beam', 'bean', 'beanie', 'bear', 'beard', 'beast', 'beat', 'beauty', 'beaver', 'bed', 'bee', 'beech', 'beef', 'beer', 'beet', 'beetle', 'beggar', 'behest', 'being', 'belfry', 'belief', 'bell', 'belly', 'belt', 'bench', 'bend', 'bengal', 'beret', 'berry', 'bet', 'beyond', 'bid', 'bidet', 'big', 'bijou', 'bike', 'bikini', 'bill', 'bin', 'birch', 'bird', 'birth', 'bit', 'bite', 'bitter', 'black', 'blade', 'blame', 'blank', 'blazer', 'blight', 'blind', 'block', 'blood', 'bloom', 'blouse', 'blow', 'blue', 'boar', 'board', 'boat', 'bobcat', 'body', 'bog', 'bolero', 'bolt', 'bomb', 'bomber', 'bone', 'bongo', 'bonnet', 'bonsai', 'bonus', 'book', 'boot', 'bootee', 'bootie', 'boots', 'booty', 'border', 'bore', 'bosom', 'boss', 'botany', 'bother', 'bottle', 'bottom', 'bough', 'bow', 'bower', 'bowl', 'bowler', 'bowtie', 'box', 'boxer', 'boy', 'bra', 'brace', 'brain', 'brake', 'branch', 'brand', 'brandy', 'brass', 'brave', 'bread', 'break', 'breast', 'breath', 'breeze', 'brick', 'bridge', 'brief', 'briefs', 'broad', 'broker', 'brome', 'bronco', 'bronze', 'brooch', 'brood', 'brook', 'broom', 'brow', 'brown', 'brush', 'bubble', 'bucket', 'buckle', 'bud', 'buddy', 'budget', 'buffer', 'buffet', 'bug', 'buggy', 'bugle', 'bulb', 'bull', 'bullet', 'bumper', 'bun', 'bunch', 'burn', 'burst', 'bus', 'bush', 'bust', 'bustle', 'butane', 'butter', 'button', 'buy', 'buyer', 'cabana', 'cabin', 'cable', 'cacao', 'cactus', 'caddy', 'cadet', 'cafe', 'caftan', 'cake', 'calf', 'calico', 'call', 'calm', 'camel', 'cameo', 'camera', 'camp', 'can', 'canal', 'cancel', 'cancer', 'candle', 'candy', 'cane', 'cannon', 'canoe', 'canon', 'canopy', 'canvas', 'cap', 'cape', 'capon', 'car', 'carbon', 'card', 'care', 'career', 'cargo', 'carol', 'carp', 'carpet', 'carrot', 'carry', 'cart', 'case', 'cash', 'casino', 'cast', 'castle', 'cat', 'catch', 'catsup', 'cattle', 'cause', 'cave', 'cd', 'celery', 'cell', 'cellar', 'cello', 'cement', 'census', 'cent', 'center', 'cereal', 'chafe', 'chain', 'chair', 'chaise', 'chalet', 'chalk', 'chance', 'change', 'chaos', 'chap', 'chapel', 'chard', 'charge', 'charm', 'chart', 'check', 'cheek', 'chef', 'cheque', 'cherry', 'chess', 'chest', 'chick', 'chief', 'child', 'chill', 'chime', 'chin', 'chino', 'chip', 'chive', 'choice', 'choker', 'chop', 'chord', 'chrome', 'chub', 'chug', 'church', 'churn', 'cicada', 'cinema', 'circle', 'cirrus', 'city', 'claim', 'clam', 'clank', 'clasp', 'class', 'clause', 'clave', 'cleat', 'clef', 'cleric', 'clerk', 'click', 'client', 'cliff', 'climb', 'clip', 'cloak', 'clock', 'clogs', 'close', 'closet', 'cloth', 'cloud', 'cloudy', 'clove', 'clover', 'club', 'clue', 'clutch', 'coach', 'coal', 'coast', 'coat', 'cob', 'cobweb', 'cocoa', 'cod', 'code', 'codon', 'coffee', 'coffin', 'coil', 'coin', 'coke', 'cold', 'collar', 'colon', 'colony', 'color', 'colt', 'column', 'comb', 'combat', 'comic', 'comma', 'common', 'condor', 'cone', 'conga', 'congo', 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'pepper', 'perch', 'period', 'permit', 'perp', 'person', 'pest', 'pet', 'petal', 'pew', 'pha', 'phase', 'phone', 'photo', 'phrase', 'piano', 'pick', 'pickax', 'picket', 'pickle', 'pie', 'piece', 'pier', 'piety', 'pig', 'pigeon', 'pike', 'pile', 'pillow', 'pilot', 'pimp', 'pimple', 'pin', 'pine', 'ping', 'pink', 'pinkie', 'pint', 'pinto', 'pipe', 'piracy', 'piss', 'pitch', 'pith', 'pizza', 'place', 'plain', 'plan', 'plane', 'planet', 'plant', 'plate', 'play', 'player', 'plenty', 'plier', 'plot', 'plough', 'plover', 'plow', 'plume', 'pocket', 'poem', 'poet', 'poetry', 'point', 'poison', 'pole', 'police', 'policy', 'polish', 'polo', 'pompom', 'poncho', 'pond', 'pony', 'poof', 'pool', 'pop', 'poppy', 'porch', 'port', 'porter', 'post', 'poster', 'pot', 'potato', 'potty', 'pouch', 'pound', 'powder', 'power', 'press', 'price', 'pride', 'priest', 'prince', 'print', 'prior', 'prison', 'prize', 'profit', 'prompt', 'proof', 'prose', 'prow', 'pruner', 'public', 'puddle', 'puffin', 'pull', 'pulley', 'puma', 'pump', 'punch', 'pupa', 'pupil', 'puppy', 'purple', 'purse', 'push', 'pusher', 'put', 'pvc', 'pyjama', 'quail', 'quart', 'quartz', 'queen', 'quiet', 'quill', 'quilt', 'quince', 'quit', 'quiver', 'quote', 'rabbi', 'rabbit', 'race', 'racer', 'racing', 'racism', 'racist', 'rack', 'radar', 'radio', 'radish', 'raffle', 'raft', 'rag', 'rage', 'rail', 'rain', 'raise', 'rake', 'ram', 'ramie', 'ranch', 'random', 'range', 'rank', 'rat', 'rate', 'ratio', 'raven', 'raw', 'ray', 'rayon', 'reach', 'read', 'reamer', 'rear', 'reason', 'recess', 'recipe', 'record', 'red', 'reef', 'refund', 'refuse', 'region', 'regret', 'reject', 'relief', 'relish', 'remote', 'remove', 'rent', 'repair', 'repeat', 'reply', 'report', 'resale', 'resist', 'resort', 'rest', 'result', 'retina', 'return', 'reveal', 'review', 'reward', 'rhyme', 'rhythm', 'rice', 'rich', 'riddle', 'ride', 'rider', 'ridge', 'rifle', 'right', 'rim', 'ring', 'rip', 'ripple', 'rise', 'riser', 'risk', 'river', 'road', 'roast', 'robe', 'robin', 'rock', 'rocker', 'rocket', 'rod', 'role', 'roll', 'roller', 'roof', 'room', 'root', 'rope', 'rose', 'rotate', 'rough', 'round', 'route', 'router', 'row', 'royal', 'rub', 'rubber', 'rubric', 'ruckus', 'ruffle', 'rugby', 'ruin', 'rule', 'rum', 'run', 'runner', 'rush', 'ruth', 'ry', 'sabre', 'sack', 'sad', 'saddle', 'safe', 'safety', 'sage', 'sail', 'sailor', 'salad', 'salary', 'sale', 'salmon', 'salon', 'saloon', 'salt', 'sampan', 'sample', 'sand', 'sari', 'sarong', 'sash', 'satin', 'satire', 'sauce', 'save', 'saving', 'savior', 'saw', 'scale', 'scarf', 'scene', 'scent', 'scheme', 'school', 'score', 'scorn', 'scow', 'screen', 'screw', 'scrim', 'scrip', 'script', 'sea', 'seal', 'search', 'season', 'seat', 'second', 'secret', 'sector', 'secure', 'seed', 'seeder', 'select', 'self', 'sell', 'senior', 'sense', 'sepal', 'series', 'serve', 'server', 'set', 'sewer', 'sex', 'shack', 'shade', 'shadow', 'shake', 'shaker', 'shame', 'shanty', 'shape', 'share', 'shark', 'sharon', 'shawl', 'she', 'shears', 'sheath', 'shed', 'sheep', 'sheet', 'shelf', 'shell', 'sherry', 'shield', 'shift', 'shin', 'shine', 'ship', 'shirt', 'shoat', 'shock', 'shoe', 'shoes', 'shofar', 'shoot', 'shop', 'shore', 'shorts', 'shot', 'shovel', 'show', 'shower', 'shred', 'shrimp', 'shrine', 'sick', 'side', 'siding', 'sign', 'signal', 'signet', 'signup', 'silica', 'silk', 'sill', 'silly', 'silo', 'silver', 'simple', 'sing', 'singer', 'single', 'sink', 'sir', 'sister', 'sitar', 'site', 'size', 'skate', 'skiing', 'skill', 'skin', 'skirt', 'skull', 'skunk', 'sky', 'slash', 'slave', 'sled', 'sledge', 'sleep', 'sleet', 'sleuth', 'slice', 'slide', 'slider', 'slime', 'slip', 'slope', 'sloth', 'smash', 'smell', 'smile', 'smock', 'smog', 'smoke', 'snail', 'snake', 'sneeze', 'snob', 'snorer', 'snow', 'soap', 'soccer', 'sock', 'socks', 'soda', 'sofa', 'soft', 'soil', 'solid', 'son', 'song', 'sonnet', 'soot', 'sorbet', 'sorrow', 'sort', 'sound', 'soup', 'source', 'south', 'sow', 'soy', 'space', 'spade', 'spank', 'spare', 'spark', 'spasm', 'spear', 'speech', 'speed', 'spell', 'spend', 'sphere', 'sphynx', 'spider', 'spike', 'spine', 'spiral', 'spirit', 'spite', 'spleen', 'split', 'sponge', 'spoon', 'sport', 'spot', 'spray', 'spread', 'spring', 'sprout', 'spruce', 'spume', 'spur', 'spy', 'square', 'squash', 'squid', 'stable', 'stack', 'staff', 'stag', 'stage', 'stain', 'stair', 'stamen', 'stamp', 'stance', 'stand', 'star', 'start', 'state', 'status', 'stay', 'steak', 'steal', 'steam', 'steel', 'stem', 'step', 'steps', 'stew', 'stick', 'still', 'stitch', 'stock', 'stole', 'stone', 'stool', 'stop', 'store', 'storey', 'storm', 'story', 'stove', 'strain', 'strait', 'strap', 'straw', 'stream', 'street', 'stress', 'strike', 'string', 'strip', 'stroke', 'stud', 'studio', 'study', 'stuff', 'stupid', 'style', 'stylus', 'suburb', 'subway', 'suck', 'suede', 'sugar', 'suit', 'sultan', 'summer', 'sun', 'sunday', 'supply', 'survey', 'sushi', 'SUV', 'swamp', 'swan', 'swath', 'sweat', 'sweats', 'sweet', 'sweets', 'swell', 'swim', 'swing', 'swiss', 'switch', 'swivel', 'sword', 'synod', 'syrup', 'system', 'tabby', 'table', 'tackle', 'tail', 'tailor', 'tale', 'talk', 'tam', 'tandem', 'tank', 'tanker', 'tap', 'tard', 'target', 'task', 'tassel', 'taste', 'tatami', 'tattoo', 'tavern', 'tax', 'taxi', 'tea', 'teach', 'team', 'tear', 'teen', 'teeth', 'tell', 'teller', 'temp', 'temper', 'temple', 'tempo', 'tennis', 'tenor', 'tent', 'tepee', 'term', 'test', 'text', 'thanks', 'thaw', 'theism', 'theme', 'theory', 'thigh', 'thing', 'thirst', 'thomas', 'thong', 'thongs', 'thorn', 'thread', 'thrill', 'throat', 'throne', 'thrush', 'thumb', 'tiara', 'tic', 'ticket', 'tie', 'tiger', 'tight', 'tights', 'tile', 'till', 'timber', 'time', 'timer', 'tin', 'tinkle', 'tip', 'tire', 'tissue', 'title', 'toad', 'toast', 'today', 'toe', 'toga', 'togs', 'toilet', 'tom', 'tomato', 'ton', 'tone', 'tongue', 'tool', 'toot', 'tooth', 'top', 'topic', 'toque', 'torso', 'tosser', 'total', 'tote', 'touch', 'tough', 'tour', 'towel', 'tower', 'town', 'toy', 'track', 'trade', 'trail', 'train', 'tram', 'tramp', 'trash', 'travel', 'tray', 'treat', 'tree', 'tremor', 'trench', 'trial', 'tribe', 'trick', 'trim', 'trip', 'tripod', 'trout', 'trove', 'trowel', 'truck', 'trunk', 'trust', 'truth', 'try', 'tub', 'tuba', 'tube', 'tulip', 'tummy', 'tuna', 'tune', 'tunic', 'tunnel', 'turban', 'turn', 'turnip', 'turret', 'turtle', 'tussle', 'tutu', 'tuxedo', 'tv', 'twig', 'twine', 'twist', 'two', 'type', 'tyvek', 'uncle', 'union', 'unique', 'unit', 'unity', 'upper', 'urn', 'usage', 'use', 'user', 'usher', 'usual', 'vacuum', 'valley', 'value', 'van', 'vane', 'vanity', 'vase', 'vast', 'vault', 'veal', 'veil', 'vein', 'veldt', 'vellum', 'velvet', 'venom', 'verse', 'verve', 'vessel', 'vest', 'vibe', 'video', 'view', 'villa', 'vinyl', 'viola', 'violet', 'violin', 'virtue', 'virus', 'vise', 'vision', 'visit', 'visor', 'visual', 'vixen', 'voice', 'volume', 'voyage', 'wad', 'wafer', 'waffle', 'waist', 'wait', 'waiter', 'wake', 'walk', 'walker', 'wall', 'wallet', 'walnut', 'walrus', 'wampum', 'war', 'warden', 'warmth', 'wash', 'washer', 'wasp', 'waste', 'watch', 'water', 'wave', 'wax', 'way', 'wealth', 'weapon', 'wear', 'weasel', 'web', 'wedge', 'weed', 'weeder', 'week', 'weight', 'weird', 'well', 'west', 'whale', 'wharf', 'wheat', 'wheel', 'while', 'whip', 'white', 'whole', 'whorl', 'width', 'wife', 'will', 'willow', 'win', 'wind', 'window', 'wine', 'wing', 'winner', 'winter', 'wire', 'wisdom', 'wish', 'witch', 'wolf', 'wombat', 'women', 'wonder', 'wood', 'wool', 'woolen', 'word', 'work', 'worker', 'world', 'worm', 'worry', 'worth', 'worthy', 'wound', 'wrap', 'wren', 'wrench', 'wrist', 'writer', 'wrong', 'yacht', 'yak', 'yam', 'yard', 'yarn', 'yawl', 'year', 'yeast', 'yellow', 'yew', 'yin', 'yoga', 'yogurt', 'yoke', 'you', 'young', 'youth', 'yurt', 'zebra', 'zephyr', 'zinc', 'zipper', 'zither', 'zone', 'zoo'
+export const adverbs = [
+ 'ably', 'acidly', 'airily', 'ally', 'amply', 'apply', 'aptly', 'archly', 'avidly', 'badly', 'baldly', 'barely', 'basely', 'belly', 'bodily', 'boldly', 'bubbly', 'bully', 'burly', 'busily', 'calmly', 'chilly', 'coldly', 'comely', 'comply', 'coolly', 'cosily', 'costly', 'coyly', 'cuddly', 'curly', 'curtly', 'daily', 'dally', 'damply', 'darkly', 'deadly', 'dearly', 'deeply', 'deftly', 'dimly', 'direly', 'doily', 'dolly', 'doubly', 'dourly', 'drily', 'dryly', 'dually', 'dully', 'duly', 'dumbly', 'early', 'easily', 'edgily', 'eerily', 'evenly', 'evilly', 'fairly', 'family', 'feebly', 'fiddly', 'filly', 'finely', 'firmly', 'fitly', 'flatly', 'fly', 'folly', 'fondly', 'foully', 'freely', 'frilly', 'fully', 'gadfly', 'gaily', 'gamely', 'gangly', 'gently', 'giggly', 'gladly', 'glibly', 'glumly', 'godly', 'golly', 'goodly', 'googly', 'grimly', 'grisly', 'gully', 'hardly', 'hazily', 'highly', 'hilly', 'holly', 'holy', 'homely', 'homily', 'hotly', 'hourly', 'hugely', 'humbly', 'icily', 'idly', 'imply', 'jangly', 'jelly', 'jokily', 'jolly', 'justly', 'keenly', 'kindly', 'kingly', 'lamely', 'lastly', 'lately', 'lazily', 'likely', 'lily', 'limply', 'lively', 'lolly', 'lonely', 'lordly', 'loudly', 'lovely', 'lowly', 'madly', 'mainly', 'manly', 'mayfly', 'mealy', 'meanly', 'measly', 'meekly', 'merely', 'mildly', 'mostly', 'mutely', 'namely', 'nearly', 'neatly', 'newly', 'nicely', 'nimbly', 'nobly', 'nosily', 'numbly', 'oddly', 'oily', 'only', 'openly', 'orally', 'overly', 'palely', 'partly', 'pearly', 'pebbly', 'pertly', 'pimply', 'ply', 'poorly', 'portly', 'primly', 'purely', 'rally', 'rarely', 'rashly', 'really', 'rely', 'reply', 'richly', 'ripely', 'rosily', 'rudely', 'sadly', 'safely', 'sagely', 'sally', 'sanely', 'scaly', 'seemly', 'shyly', 'sickly', 'silly', 'simply', 'singly', 'slily', 'slowly', 'sly', 'slyly', 'smelly', 'smugly', 'snugly', 'softly', 'solely', 'sorely', 'sourly', 'stably', 'steely', 'subtly', 'sully', 'supply', 'surely', 'surly', 'tally', 'tamely', 'tartly', 'tautly', 'termly', 'thinly', 'tidily', 'timely', 'tingly', 'tinkly', 'triply', 'truly', 'ugly', 'unduly', 'unholy', 'unruly', 'vainly', 'vastly', 'viably', 'vilely', 'waggly', 'wanly', 'warily', 'warmly', 'wavily', 'weakly', 'weekly', 'wetly', 'wholly', 'widely', 'wifely', 'wildly', 'wily', 'wisely', 'wobbly', 'woolly', 'wryly', 'yearly'
+export const interjections = [
+ 'aha', 'ahem', 'ahh', 'ahoy', 'alas', 'arg', 'aw', 'bam', 'bingo', 'blah', 'boo', 'bravo', 'brrr', 'cheers', 'dang', 'drat', 'darn', 'duh', 'eek', 'eh', 'encore', 'eureka', 'gee', 'golly', 'gosh', 'haha', 'hello', 'hey', 'hmm', 'huh', 'humph', 'hurray', 'oh', 'oh my', 'oops', 'ouch', 'ow', 'phew', 'phooey', 'pooh', 'pow', 'rats', 'shh', 'shoo', 'thanks', 'there', 'uh-huh', 'uh-oh', 'ugh', 'wahoo', 'well', 'whoa', 'whoops', 'wow', 'yeah', 'yes', 'yikes', 'yippee', 'yo', 'yuck'
+export const adjectives = [
+ 'abject', 'abrupt', 'absent', 'absurd', 'active', 'acute', 'adept', 'adroit', 'aerial', 'agile', 'airy', 'alert', 'aloof', 'amoral', 'amused', 'angry', 'apt', 'arch', 'ardent', 'artful', 'august', 'aural', 'avowed', 'awful', 'bad', 'banal', 'basic', 'bawdy', 'benign', 'bitter', 'bland', 'blank', 'bleak', 'blind', 'blithe', 'blunt', 'boyish', 'brave', 'breezy', 'brief', 'bright', 'broad', 'broken', 'busy', 'cagy', 'cm', 'candid', 'canny', 'carnal', 'casual', 'catty', 'caudal', 'chaste', 'cheeky', 'clear', 'clever', 'clinic', 'clumsy', 'coarse', 'cocky', 'cogent', 'cold', 'conic', 'coward', 'coy', 'cozy', 'crass', 'craven', 'crazy', 'creepy', 'crude', 'curt', 'cute', 'cynic', 'dainty', 'dark', 'dazed', 'dear', 'decent', 'deep', 'deft', 'demure', 'dense', 'dim', 'dire', 'dismal', 'dizzy', 'dogged', 'droll', 'dry', 'dull', 'eager', 'easy', 'eerie', 'equal', 'erect', 'erotic', 'ethic', 'even', 'evil', 'exact', 'exotic', 'faint', 'false', 'famous', 'fatal', 'faulty', 'feeble', 'firm', 'fishy', 'fixed', 'flabby', 'flashy', 'flat', 'fleet', 'flimsy', 'floppy', 'fluent', 'fluid', 'fond', 'foul', 'frail', 'frank', 'free', 'fresh', 'frisky', 'frugal', 'funny', 'fussy', 'futile', 'fuzzy', 'game', 'garish', 'gauche', 'gaudy', 'gawky', 'genial', 'gent', 'glad', 'glib', 'glum', 'grand', 'grave', 'great', 'greedy', 'grimy', 'groggy', 'gross', 'guilty', 'happy', 'hardy', 'harsh', 'hasty', 'hazy', 'heated', 'hectic', 'heroic', 'hoarse', 'honest', 'hot', 'huge', 'humane', 'humble', 'hungry', 'husky', 'icy', 'inept', 'insane', 'ireful', 'ironic', 'jaded', 'jaunty', 'jerky', 'jocose', 'joking', 'jolly', 'jovial', 'joyful', 'juicy', 'just', 'keen', 'lame', 'lavish', 'lax', 'lazy', 'lewd', 'light', 'limp', 'livid', 'logic', 'loose', 'loud', 'loving', 'loyal', 'lubber', 'lucid', 'lucky', 'lurid', 'lusty', 'mad', 'magic', 'manful', 'marked', 'mature', 'meager', 'mean', 'meek', 'menial', 'merry', 'messy', 'metric', 'mighty', 'mild', 'minute', 'miser', 'modest', 'moist', 'moody', 'moral', 'morbid', 'murky', 'music', 'mute', 'naive', 'naked', 'narrow', 'nasty', 'neat', 'nice', 'nimble', 'noble', 'noisy', 'normal', 'nosy', 'numb', 'oafish', 'opaque', 'pert', 'pesky', 'physic', 'pious', 'pithy', 'placid', 'plain', 'poetic', 'polite', 'poor', 'prim', 'prissy', 'proper', 'proud', 'public', 'pure', 'quaint', 'queer', 'quick', 'quiet', 'rabid', 'racy', 'raging', 'rakish', 'random', 'rank', 'rapid', 'rapt', 'rare', 'rash', 'raving', 'ready', 'regal', 'remote', 'rich', 'right', 'rigid', 'ripe', 'ritual', 'robust', 'rosy', 'rough', 'royal', 'rude', 'rueful', 'rugged', 'sad', 'safe', 'sane', 'saucy', 'savage', 'scant', 'secret', 'secure', 'sedate', 'serene', 'severe', 'sexy', 'sexual', 'shaky', 'sharp', 'shoddy', 'showy', 'shrewd', 'shy', 'silent', 'simple', 'skimpy', 'slack', 'sleazy', 'sleek', 'slick', 'slight', 'slow', 'smart', 'smooth', 'smug', 'snooty', 'snug', 'sober', 'soft', 'soggy', 'solemn', 'somber', 'sordid', 'sore', 'sound', 'sour', 'spry', 'square', 'staid', 'stark', 'static', 'steady', 'stern', 'stiff', 'stingy', 'stoic', 'stolid', 'stormy', 'stout', 'strict', 'strong', 'stuffy', 'stupid', 'suave', 'subtle', 'sudden', 'sudden', 'sulky', 'sullen', 'superb', 'supp', 'sure', 'swanky', 'swift', 'tacit', 'tacky', 'tame', 'tardy', 'tart', 'taut', 'tense', 'tepid', 'terse', 'testy', 'thick', 'thin', 'tidy', 'tight', 'timid', 'tonal', 'tough', 'tragic', 'trim', 'trite', 'true', 'trying', 'turgid', 'uneasy', 'unique', 'unkind', 'unsafe', 'urgent', 'useful', 'vague', 'vain', 'vexed', 'visual', 'vital', 'vivid', 'vocal', 'vulgar', 'wan', 'wanton', 'warm', 'weak', 'weird', 'wicked', 'wide', 'wild', 'wise', 'witty', 'woeful', 'wrong', 'wry'
+export const verbed = new Proxy(verbs, {
+ get: (arr, prop) => {
+ // Check it's not a property
+ if (!(prop in [])) {
+ return getPastTense(arr[prop])
+ } else {
+ return arr[prop]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-plugins/package.json b/qortal-ui-plugins/package.json
index ad9f149a..4a0c754e 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-plugins/package.json
+++ b/qortal-ui-plugins/package.json
@@ -46,19 +46,19 @@
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From b6f567c5842616dffa891660d2763b0875e1cff0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AlphaX-Projects <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 09:52:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Cleanup code and preparation for chat reference
qortal-ui-crypto/api.js | 6 +-
qortal-ui-crypto/api/PhraseWallet.js | 334 +++++++++---------
qortal-ui-crypto/api/api.js | 4 -
.../api/bitcoin/AltcoinHDWallet.js | 152 ++++----
qortal-ui-crypto/api/constants.js | 283 +++++++--------
qortal-ui-crypto/api/createTransaction.js | 24 +-
qortal-ui-crypto/api/createWallet.js | 40 +--
qortal-ui-crypto/api/decryptStoredWallet.js | 32 +-
qortal-ui-crypto/api/kdf.js | 64 ++--
qortal-ui-crypto/api/registerUsername.js | 45 +--
qortal-ui-crypto/api/storeWallet.js | 46 ++-
qortal-ui-crypto/api/tradeRequest.js | 181 +++++-----
.../api/transactions/AirdropTransaction.js | 69 ++--
.../api/transactions/DelegationTransaction.js | 41 +--
.../api/transactions/MessageTransaction.js | 136 +++----
.../api/transactions/PaymentTransaction.js | 121 +++----
.../api/transactions/PublicizeTransaction.js | 36 +-
.../api/transactions/TransactionBase.js | 249 ++++++-------
.../transactions/TransferPrivsTransaction.js | 52 +--
.../transactions/arbitrary/signArbitrary.js | 43 ++-
.../api/transactions/arbitraryV3.js | 67 ++--
.../api/transactions/chat/ChatBase.js | 196 ++++------
.../api/transactions/chat/ChatTransaction.js | 125 ++++---
.../transactions/chat/GroupChatTransaction.js | 93 +++--
.../transactions/chat/decryptChatMessage.js | 27 +-
.../api/transactions/chat/signChat.js | 51 ++-
.../groups/AddGroupAdminTransaction.js | 88 ++---
.../groups/CancelGroupBanTransaction.js | 88 ++---
.../groups/CancelGroupInviteTransaction.js | 100 +++---
.../groups/CreateGroupTransaction.js | 164 ++++-----
.../groups/GroupBanTransaction.js | 112 +++---
.../groups/GroupInviteTransaction.js | 98 ++---
.../groups/GroupKickTransaction.js | 102 +++---
.../groups/JoinGroupTransaction.js | 98 +++--
.../groups/LeaveGroupTransaction.js | 96 +++--
.../groups/RemoveGroupAdminTransaction.js | 88 ++---
.../transactions/names/BuyNameTransacion.js | 114 +++---
.../names/CancelSellNameTransacion.js | 78 ++--
.../names/RegisterNameTransaction.js | 94 ++---
.../transactions/names/SellNameTransacion.js | 104 +++---
.../api/transactions/registerName_dnsthing.js | 65 ++--
.../RemoveRewardShareTransaction.js | 88 ++---
.../reward-share/RewardShareTransaction.js | 115 +++---
.../tradebot/TradeBotCreateRequest.js | 106 +++---
.../tradebot/TradeBotRespondRequest.js | 56 ++-
.../tradebot/signTradeBotTransaction.js | 43 +--
.../tradeoffer/DeleteTradeOffer.js | 46 ++-
.../tradeoffer/cancelAllOffers.js | 35 +-
.../api/transactions/transactions.js | 44 +--
.../api/wallet/base58PublicKeyToAddress.js | 9 +-
.../api/wallet/publicKeyToAddress.js | 42 ++-
.../api/wallet/validateAddress.js | 12 +-
qortal-ui-crypto/config.js | 35 +-
.../plugins/core/components/ChatModals.js | 1 +
.../plugins/core/components/ChatPage.js | 2 +
.../core/components/ChatWelcomePage.js | 1 +
.../plugins/core/components/NameMenu.js | 1 +
.../core/messaging/q-chat/q-chat.src.js | 1 +
58 files changed, 2197 insertions(+), 2446 deletions(-)
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api.js
index b2cfad3c..cc81dc9e 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api.js
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@ import { Sha256 } from 'asmcrypto.js'
import Base58 from './api/deps/Base58'
import { base58PublicKeyToAddress } from './api/wallet/base58PublicKeyToAddress'
import { validateAddress } from './api/wallet/validateAddress'
-import { decryptChatMessage } from './api/transactions/chat/decryptChatMessage';
-import _ from 'lodash';
+import { decryptChatMessage } from './api/transactions/chat/decryptChatMessage'
+import _ from 'lodash'
window.Sha256 = Sha256
window.Base58 = Base58
@@ -14,7 +13,6 @@ window.validateAddress = validateAddress
window.decryptChatMessage = decryptChatMessage
export { initApi, store } from './api_deps.js'
export * from './api/deps/deps.js'
export * from './api/api.js'
export * from './api/registerUsername.js'
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/PhraseWallet.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/PhraseWallet.js
index 64baa02b..41818a28 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/PhraseWallet.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/PhraseWallet.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright 2017-2018 @ irontiga and vbcs (original developer)
-'use strict';
+'use strict'
import Base58 from './deps/Base58.js'
import { Sha256, Sha512 } from 'asmcrypto.js'
import nacl from './deps/nacl-fast.js'
@@ -10,200 +10,200 @@ import utils from './deps/utils.js'
import { generateSaveWalletData } from './storeWallet.js'
import publicKeyToAddress from './wallet/publicKeyToAddress.js'
-import AltcoinHDWallet from "./bitcoin/AltcoinHDWallet";
+import AltcoinHDWallet from "./bitcoin/AltcoinHDWallet"
export default class PhraseWallet {
- constructor(seed, walletVersion) {
+ constructor(seed, walletVersion) {
- this._walletVersion = walletVersion || 2
- this.seed = seed
+ this._walletVersion = walletVersion || 2
+ this.seed = seed
- this.savedSeedData = {}
- this.hasBeenSaved = false
- }
+ this.savedSeedData = {}
+ this.hasBeenSaved = false
+ }
- set seed(seed) {
- this._byteSeed = seed
- this._base58Seed = Base58.encode(seed)
+ set seed(seed) {
+ this._byteSeed = seed
+ this._base58Seed = Base58.encode(seed)
- this._addresses = []
+ this._addresses = []
- this.genAddress(0)
- }
+ this.genAddress(0)
+ }
- getAddress(nonce) {
- return this._addresses[nonce]
- }
+ getAddress(nonce) {
+ return this._addresses[nonce]
+ }
- get addresses() {
- return this._addresses
- }
+ get addresses() {
+ return this._addresses
+ }
- get addressIDs() {
- return => {
- return addr.address
- })
- }
+ get addressIDs() {
+ return => {
+ return addr.address
+ })
+ }
- get seed() {
- return this._byteSeed
- }
+ get seed() {
+ return this._byteSeed
+ }
- addressExists(nonce) {
- return this._addresses[nonce] != undefined
- }
+ addressExists(nonce) {
+ return this._addresses[nonce] != undefined
+ }
- _genAddressSeed(seed) {
- let newSeed = new Sha512().process(seed).finish().result
- newSeed = new Sha512().process(utils.appendBuffer(newSeed, seed)).finish().result
- return newSeed
- }
+ _genAddressSeed(seed) {
+ let newSeed = new Sha512().process(seed).finish().result
+ newSeed = new Sha512().process(utils.appendBuffer(newSeed, seed)).finish().result
+ return newSeed
+ }
- genAddress(nonce) {
- if (nonce >= this._addresses.length) {
- this._addresses.length = nonce + 1
- }
+ genAddress(nonce) {
+ if (nonce >= this._addresses.length) {
+ this._addresses.length = nonce + 1
+ }
- if (this.addressExists(nonce)) {
- return this.addresses[nonce]
- }
+ if (this.addressExists(nonce)) {
+ return this.addresses[nonce]
+ }
- const nonceBytes = utils.int32ToBytes(nonce)
+ const nonceBytes = utils.int32ToBytes(nonce)
- let addrSeed = new Uint8Array()
- addrSeed = utils.appendBuffer(addrSeed, nonceBytes)
- addrSeed = utils.appendBuffer(addrSeed, this._byteSeed)
- addrSeed = utils.appendBuffer(addrSeed, nonceBytes)
+ let addrSeed = new Uint8Array()
+ addrSeed = utils.appendBuffer(addrSeed, nonceBytes)
+ addrSeed = utils.appendBuffer(addrSeed, this._byteSeed)
+ addrSeed = utils.appendBuffer(addrSeed, nonceBytes)
- if (this._walletVersion == 1) {
- addrSeed = new Sha256().process(
- new Sha256()
- .process(addrSeed)
- .finish()
- .result
- ).finish().result
+ if (this._walletVersion == 1) {
+ addrSeed = new Sha256().process(
+ new Sha256()
+ .process(addrSeed)
+ .finish()
+ .result
+ ).finish().result
- addrSeed = this._byteSeed
- } else {
- addrSeed = this._genAddressSeed(addrSeed).slice(0, 32)
- }
+ addrSeed = this._byteSeed
+ } else {
+ addrSeed = this._genAddressSeed(addrSeed).slice(0, 32)
+ }
- const addrKeyPair = nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed(new Uint8Array(addrSeed));
+ const addrKeyPair = nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed(new Uint8Array(addrSeed));
- const address = publicKeyToAddress(addrKeyPair.publicKey);
- const qoraAddress = publicKeyToAddress(addrKeyPair.publicKey, true);
+ const address = publicKeyToAddress(addrKeyPair.publicKey);
+ const qoraAddress = publicKeyToAddress(addrKeyPair.publicKey, true);
- // Create Bitcoin HD Wallet
- const btcSeed = [...addrSeed];
- const btcWallet = new AltcoinHDWallet({
- mainnet: {
- private: 0x0488ADE4,
- public: 0x0488B21E,
- prefix: 0
- },
- testnet: {
- private: 0x04358394,
- public: 0x043587CF,
- prefix: 0x6F
- }
- }).createWallet(new Uint8Array(btcSeed), false);
+ // Create Bitcoin HD Wallet
+ const btcSeed = [...addrSeed];
+ const btcWallet = new AltcoinHDWallet({
+ mainnet: {
+ private: 0x0488ADE4,
+ public: 0x0488B21E,
+ prefix: 0
+ },
+ testnet: {
+ private: 0x04358394,
+ public: 0x043587CF,
+ prefix: 0x6F
+ }
+ }).createWallet(new Uint8Array(btcSeed), false);
- // Create Litecoin HD Wallet
- const ltcSeed = [...addrSeed];
- const ltcWallet = new AltcoinHDWallet({
- mainnet: {
- private: 0x0488ADE4,
- public: 0x0488B21E,
- prefix: 0x30
- },
- testnet: {
- private: 0x04358394,
- public: 0x043587CF,
- prefix: 0x6F
- }
- }).createWallet(new Uint8Array(ltcSeed), false, 'LTC');
+ // Create Litecoin HD Wallet
+ const ltcSeed = [...addrSeed];
+ const ltcWallet = new AltcoinHDWallet({
+ mainnet: {
+ private: 0x0488ADE4,
+ public: 0x0488B21E,
+ prefix: 0x30
+ },
+ testnet: {
+ private: 0x04358394,
+ public: 0x043587CF,
+ prefix: 0x6F
+ }
+ }).createWallet(new Uint8Array(ltcSeed), false, 'LTC');
- // Create Dogecoin HD Wallet
- const dogeSeed = [...addrSeed];
- const dogeWallet = new AltcoinHDWallet({
- mainnet: {
- private: 0x02FAC398,
- public: 0x02FACAFD,
- prefix: 0x1E
- },
- testnet: {
- private: 0x04358394,
- public: 0x043587CF,
- prefix: 0x71
- }
- }).createWallet(new Uint8Array(dogeSeed), false, 'DOGE');
+ // Create Dogecoin HD Wallet
+ const dogeSeed = [...addrSeed];
+ const dogeWallet = new AltcoinHDWallet({
+ mainnet: {
+ private: 0x02FAC398,
+ public: 0x02FACAFD,
+ prefix: 0x1E
+ },
+ testnet: {
+ private: 0x04358394,
+ public: 0x043587CF,
+ prefix: 0x71
+ }
+ }).createWallet(new Uint8Array(dogeSeed), false, 'DOGE');
- // Create Digibyte HD Wallet
- const dgbSeed = [...addrSeed];
- const dgbWallet = new AltcoinHDWallet({
- mainnet: {
- private: 0x0488ADE4,
- public: 0x0488B21E,
- prefix: 0x1E
- },
- testnet: {
- private: 0x04358394,
- public: 0x043587CF,
- prefix: 0x7E
- }
- }).createWallet(new Uint8Array(dgbSeed), false, 'DGB');
+ // Create Digibyte HD Wallet
+ const dgbSeed = [...addrSeed];
+ const dgbWallet = new AltcoinHDWallet({
+ mainnet: {
+ private: 0x0488ADE4,
+ public: 0x0488B21E,
+ prefix: 0x1E
+ },
+ testnet: {
+ private: 0x04358394,
+ public: 0x043587CF,
+ prefix: 0x7E
+ }
+ }).createWallet(new Uint8Array(dgbSeed), false, 'DGB');
// Create Ravencoin HD Wallet
- const rvnSeed = [...addrSeed];
- const rvnWallet = new AltcoinHDWallet({
- mainnet: {
- private: 0x0488ADE4,
- public: 0x0488B21E,
- prefix: 0x3C
- },
- testnet: {
- private: 0x04358394,
- public: 0x043587CF,
- prefix: 0x6F
- }
- }).createWallet(new Uint8Array(rvnSeed), false, 'RVN');
+ const rvnSeed = [...addrSeed];
+ const rvnWallet = new AltcoinHDWallet({
+ mainnet: {
+ private: 0x0488ADE4,
+ public: 0x0488B21E,
+ prefix: 0x3C
+ },
+ testnet: {
+ private: 0x04358394,
+ public: 0x043587CF,
+ prefix: 0x6F
+ }
+ }).createWallet(new Uint8Array(rvnSeed), false, 'RVN');
- // Create Pirate Chain HD Wallet
- const arrrSeed = [...addrSeed];
- const arrrWallet = new AltcoinHDWallet({
- mainnet: {
- private: 0x0488ADE4,
- public: 0x0488B21E,
- prefix: [0x16, 0x9A]
- },
- testnet: {
- private: 0x04358394,
- public: 0x043587CF,
- prefix: [0x14, 0x51]
- }
- }).createWallet(new Uint8Array(arrrSeed), false, 'ARRR');
+ // Create Pirate Chain HD Wallet
+ const arrrSeed = [...addrSeed];
+ const arrrWallet = new AltcoinHDWallet({
+ mainnet: {
+ private: 0x0488ADE4,
+ public: 0x0488B21E,
+ prefix: [0x16, 0x9A]
+ },
+ testnet: {
+ private: 0x04358394,
+ public: 0x043587CF,
+ prefix: [0x14, 0x51]
+ }
+ }).createWallet(new Uint8Array(arrrSeed), false, 'ARRR');
- this._addresses[nonce] = {
- address,
- btcWallet,
- ltcWallet,
- dogeWallet,
- dgbWallet,
- rvnWallet,
- arrrWallet,
- qoraAddress,
- keyPair: {
- publicKey: addrKeyPair.publicKey,
- privateKey: addrKeyPair.secretKey
- },
- base58PublicKey: Base58.encode(addrKeyPair.publicKey),
- seed: addrSeed,
- nonce: nonce
- }
- return this._addresses[nonce]
- }
+ this._addresses[nonce] = {
+ address,
+ btcWallet,
+ ltcWallet,
+ dogeWallet,
+ dgbWallet,
+ rvnWallet,
+ arrrWallet,
+ qoraAddress,
+ keyPair: {
+ publicKey: addrKeyPair.publicKey,
+ privateKey: addrKeyPair.secretKey
+ },
+ base58PublicKey: Base58.encode(addrKeyPair.publicKey),
+ seed: addrSeed,
+ nonce: nonce
+ }
+ return this._addresses[nonce]
+ }
- generateSaveWalletData(...args) {
- return generateSaveWalletData(this, ...args)
- }
+ generateSaveWalletData(...args) {
+ return generateSaveWalletData(this, ...args)
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/api.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/api.js
index bf40d58a..98da919b 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/api.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/api.js
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
export { request } from './fetch-request.js'
export { transactionTypes as transactions } from './transactions/transactions.js'
export { processTransaction, createTransaction, computeChatNonce, signChatTransaction, signArbitraryTransaction } from './createTransaction.js'
export { tradeBotCreateRequest, tradeBotRespondRequest, signTradeBotTxn, deleteTradeOffer, sendBtc, sendLtc, sendDoge, sendDgb, sendRvn, sendArrr } from './tradeRequest.js'
export { cancelAllOffers } from './transactions/trade-portal/tradeoffer/cancelAllOffers.js'
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/bitcoin/AltcoinHDWallet.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/bitcoin/AltcoinHDWallet.js
index 0d416d54..421d19fb 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/bitcoin/AltcoinHDWallet.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/bitcoin/AltcoinHDWallet.js
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
'use strict';
import Base58 from '../deps/Base58.js'
import { Sha256, Sha512 } from 'asmcrypto.js'
-import jsSHA from "jssha";
+import jsSHA from 'jssha'
import RIPEMD160 from '../deps/ripemd160.js'
import utils from '../deps/utils.js'
-import { EllipticCurve, BigInteger } from './ecbn.js';
+import { EllipticCurve, BigInteger } from './ecbn.js'
export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
@@ -101,14 +100,10 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
this._tmasterPublicKey = ''
* Child Keys Derivation from the Parent Keys
* Child Private Key - 32 bytes
@@ -145,13 +140,10 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
this.xPublicChildKey = ''
* Grand Child Keys Derivation from the Child Keys
* Grand Child Private Key - 32 bytes
@@ -200,7 +192,6 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
this._tlitecoinLegacyAddress = ''
* Wallet - Wallet Object (keys...)
@@ -250,76 +241,69 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
generateSeedHash(seed, isBIP44, indicator = null) {
- let buffer;
+ let buffer
if (isBIP44) {
buffer = utils.appendBuffer(seed.reverse(), utils.int32ToBytes(indicator))
} else {
if(indicator !== null) {
- const indicatorString = utils.stringtoUTF8Array(indicator);
- buffer = utils.appendBuffer(seed.reverse(), indicatorString);
+ const indicatorString = utils.stringtoUTF8Array(indicator)
+ buffer = utils.appendBuffer(seed.reverse(), indicatorString)
- buffer = seed.reverse();
+ buffer = seed.reverse()
- const _reverseSeedHash = new Sha256().process(buffer).finish().result;
- this.seedHash = new Sha512().process(utils.appendBuffer(seed, _reverseSeedHash)).finish().result;
+ const _reverseSeedHash = new Sha256().process(buffer).finish().result
+ this.seedHash = new Sha512().process(utils.appendBuffer(seed, _reverseSeedHash)).finish().result
generatePrivateKey(seedHash) {
+ const privateKeyHash = seedHash.slice(0, 32)
- const privateKeyHash = seedHash.slice(0, 32);
- this.seed58 = Base58.encode(privateKeyHash);
+ this.seed58 = Base58.encode(privateKeyHash)
const _privateKeyHash = [...privateKeyHash]
- let privateKeyBigInt = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(_privateKeyHash);
+ let privateKeyBigInt = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(_privateKeyHash)
const privateKey = (privateKeyBigInt.mod(SECP256K1_CURVE_ORDER.subtract(BigInteger.ONE))).add(BigInteger.ONE)
this.privateKey = privateKey.toByteArrayUnsigned()
generateChainCode(seedHash) {
- this.chainCode = new Sha256().process(seedHash.slice(32, 64)).finish().result;
+ this.chainCode = new Sha256().process(seedHash.slice(32, 64)).finish().result
generatePublicKey(privateKey) {
const _privateKey = [...privateKey]
- const privateKeyBigInt = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(_privateKey);
+ const privateKeyBigInt = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(_privateKey)
- const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1");
- const curvePoints = epCurve.getG().multiply(privateKeyBigInt);
+ const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1")
+ const curvePoints = epCurve.getG().multiply(privateKeyBigInt)
- const x = curvePoints.getX().toBigInteger();
- const y = curvePoints.getY().toBigInteger();
+ const x = curvePoints.getX().toBigInteger()
+ const y = curvePoints.getY().toBigInteger()
* Deriving Uncompressed Public Key (65 bytes)
- * const publicKeyBytes = EllipticCurve.integerToBytes(x, 32);
- * this.publicKey = publicKeyBytes.concat(EllipticCurve.integerToBytes(y, 32));
- * this.publicKey.unshift(0x04); // append point indicator
+ * const publicKeyBytes = EllipticCurve.integerToBytes(x, 32)
+ * this.publicKey = publicKeyBytes.concat(EllipticCurve.integerToBytes(y, 32))
+ * this.publicKey.unshift(0x04) // append point indicator
// Compressed Public Key (33 bytes)
this.publicKey = EllipticCurve.integerToBytes(x, 32)
if (y.isEven()) {
this.publicKey.unshift(0x02) // append point indicator
} else {
this.publicKey.unshift(0x03) // append point indicator
@@ -330,7 +314,6 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
generateMainnetMasterPrivateKey() {
// Serialization Variable
const s = []
@@ -375,7 +358,6 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
generateMainnetMasterPublicKey() {
// Serialization Variable
const s = []
@@ -495,19 +477,19 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
// TODO: Make this more better in the future
const path = 'm/0/0'
- // let p = path.split('/');
+ // let p = path.split('/')
// Get Public kEY
const derivePublicChildKey = () => {
const _privateKey = [...this.childPrivateKey]
- const privateKeyBigInt = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(_privateKey);
+ const privateKeyBigInt = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(_privateKey)
- const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1");
- const curvePoints = epCurve.getG().multiply(privateKeyBigInt);
+ const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1")
+ const curvePoints = epCurve.getG().multiply(privateKeyBigInt)
- const x = curvePoints.getX().toBigInteger();
- const y = curvePoints.getY().toBigInteger();
+ const x = curvePoints.getX().toBigInteger()
+ const y = curvePoints.getY().toBigInteger()
// Compressed Public Key (33 bytes)
this.childPublicKey = EllipticCurve.integerToBytes(x, 32)
@@ -533,15 +515,15 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
const derivePrivateChildKey = (cI) => {
- let ib = [];
- ib.push((cI >> 24) & 0xff);
- ib.push((cI >> 16) & 0xff);
- ib.push((cI >> 8) & 0xff);
- ib.push(cI & 0xff);
+ let ib = []
+ ib.push((cI >> 24) & 0xff)
+ ib.push((cI >> 16) & 0xff)
+ ib.push((cI >> 8) & 0xff)
+ ib.push(cI & 0xff)
- const s = [...this.publicKey].concat(ib);
+ const s = [...this.publicKey].concat(ib)
- const _hmacSha512 = new jsSHA("SHA-512", "UINT8ARRAY", { numRounds: 1, hmacKey: { value: this.chainCode, format: "UINT8ARRAY" } });
+ const _hmacSha512 = new jsSHA("SHA-512", "UINT8ARRAY", { numRounds: 1, hmacKey: { value: this.chainCode, format: "UINT8ARRAY" } })
_hmacSha512.update(new Uint8Array(s))
@@ -550,10 +532,10 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
// SECP256k1 init
- const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1");
+ const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1")
- const ki = IL.add(BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(this.privateKey)).mod(epCurve.getN()); // parse256(IL) + kpar (mod n) ==> ki
+ const ki = IL.add(BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(this.privateKey)).mod(epCurve.getN()) // parse256(IL) + kpar (mod n) ==> ki
this.childPrivateKey = ki.toByteArrayUnsigned()
// Call deriveExtendedPrivateChildKey
@@ -577,10 +559,10 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
s.push(...(this.publicKeyHash.slice(0, 4)))
// Append Child Index
- s.push(childIndex >>> 24);
- s.push((childIndex >>> 16) & 0xff);
- s.push((childIndex >>> 8) & 0xff);
- s.push(childIndex & 0xff);
+ s.push(childIndex >>> 24)
+ s.push((childIndex >>> 16) & 0xff)
+ s.push((childIndex >>> 8) & 0xff)
+ s.push(childIndex & 0xff)
// Append Chain Code
@@ -619,10 +601,10 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
s.push(...(this.publicKeyHash.slice(0, 4)))
// Append Child Index
- s.push(childIndex >>> 24);
- s.push((childIndex >>> 16) & 0xff);
- s.push((childIndex >>> 8) & 0xff);
- s.push(childIndex & 0xff);
+ s.push(childIndex >>> 24)
+ s.push((childIndex >>> 16) & 0xff)
+ s.push((childIndex >>> 8) & 0xff)
+ s.push(childIndex & 0xff)
// Append Chain Code
@@ -654,24 +636,22 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
const derivePublicGrandChildKey = () => {
const _privateKey = [...this.grandChildPrivateKey]
- const privateKeyBigInt = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(_privateKey);
+ const privateKeyBigInt = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(_privateKey)
- const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1");
- const curvePoints = epCurve.getG().multiply(privateKeyBigInt);
+ const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1")
+ const curvePoints = epCurve.getG().multiply(privateKeyBigInt)
- const x = curvePoints.getX().toBigInteger();
- const y = curvePoints.getY().toBigInteger();
+ const x = curvePoints.getX().toBigInteger()
+ const y = curvePoints.getY().toBigInteger()
// Compressed Public Key (33 bytes)
this.grandChildPublicKey = EllipticCurve.integerToBytes(x, 32)
if (y.isEven()) {
this.grandChildPublicKey.unshift(0x02) // append point indicator
} else {
this.grandChildPublicKey.unshift(0x03) // append point indicator
@@ -729,16 +709,16 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
const derivePrivateGrandChildKey = (cI, i) => {
- let ib = [];
- ib.push((cI >> 24) & 0xff);
- ib.push((cI >> 16) & 0xff);
- ib.push((cI >> 8) & 0xff);
- ib.push(cI & 0xff);
+ let ib = []
+ ib.push((cI >> 24) & 0xff)
+ ib.push((cI >> 16) & 0xff)
+ ib.push((cI >> 8) & 0xff)
+ ib.push(cI & 0xff)
- const s = [...this.childPublicKey].concat(ib);
+ const s = [...this.childPublicKey].concat(ib)
- const _hmacSha512 = new jsSHA("SHA-512", "UINT8ARRAY", { numRounds: 1, hmacKey: { value: this.childChainCode, format: "UINT8ARRAY" } });
+ const _hmacSha512 = new jsSHA("SHA-512", "UINT8ARRAY", { numRounds: 1, hmacKey: { value: this.childChainCode, format: "UINT8ARRAY" } })
_hmacSha512.update(new Uint8Array(s))
@@ -746,10 +726,10 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
this.grandChildChainCode = _hmacSha512.getHMAC('UINT8ARRAY').slice(32, 64) // IR according to the SPEC
// SECP256k1 init
- const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1");
+ const epCurve = EllipticCurve.getSECCurveByName("secp256k1")
- const ki = IL.add(BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(this.childPrivateKey)).mod(epCurve.getN()); // parse256(IL) + kpar (mod n) ==> ki
+ const ki = IL.add(BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(this.childPrivateKey)).mod(epCurve.getN()) // parse256(IL) + kpar (mod n) ==> ki
this.grandChildPrivateKey = ki.toByteArrayUnsigned()
@@ -774,10 +754,10 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
s.push(...(this.childPublicKeyHash.slice(0, 4)))
// Append Child Index
- s.push(childIndex >>> 24);
- s.push((childIndex >>> 16) & 0xff);
- s.push((childIndex >>> 8) & 0xff);
- s.push(childIndex & 0xff);
+ s.push(childIndex >>> 24)
+ s.push((childIndex >>> 16) & 0xff)
+ s.push((childIndex >>> 8) & 0xff)
+ s.push(childIndex & 0xff)
// Append Chain Code
@@ -816,10 +796,10 @@ export default class AltcoinHDWallet {
s.push(...(this.childPublicKeyHash.slice(0, 4)))
// Append Child Index
- s.push(childIndex >>> 24);
- s.push((childIndex >>> 16) & 0xff);
- s.push((childIndex >>> 8) & 0xff);
- s.push(childIndex & 0xff);
+ s.push(childIndex >>> 24)
+ s.push((childIndex >>> 16) & 0xff)
+ s.push((childIndex >>> 8) & 0xff)
+ s.push(childIndex & 0xff)
// Append Chain Code
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/constants.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/constants.js
index 511ab99e..2bbb349f 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/constants.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/constants.js
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
-"use strict";
+'use strict'
// Qortal TX types
const TX_TYPES = {
- 1: "Genesis",
- 2: "Payment",
- 3: "Name registration",
- 4: "Name update",
- 5: "Sell name",
- 6: "Cancel sell name",
- 7: "Buy name",
- 8: "Create poll",
- 9: "Vote in poll",
- 10: "Arbitrary",
- 11: "Issue asset",
- 12: "Transfer asset",
- 13: "Create asset order",
- 14: "Cancel asset order",
- 15: "Multi-payment transaction",
- 16: "Deploy AT",
- 17: "Message",
- 18: "Chat",
- 19: "Publicize",
- 20: "Airdrop",
- 21: "AT",
- 22: "Create group",
- 23: "Update group",
- 24: "Add group admin",
- 25: "Remove group admin",
- 26: "Group ban",
- 27: "Cancel group ban",
- 28: "Group kick",
- 29: "Group invite",
- 30: "Cancel group invite",
- 31: "Join group",
- 32: "Leave group",
- 33: "Group approval",
- 34: "Set group",
- 35: "Update asset",
- 36: "Account flags",
- 37: "Enable forging",
- 38: "Reward share",
- 39: "Account level",
- 40: "Transfer privs",
- 41: "Presence"
+ 1: "Genesis",
+ 2: "Payment",
+ 3: "Name registration",
+ 4: "Name update",
+ 5: "Sell name",
+ 6: "Cancel sell name",
+ 7: "Buy name",
+ 8: "Create poll",
+ 9: "Vote in poll",
+ 10: "Arbitrary",
+ 11: "Issue asset",
+ 12: "Transfer asset",
+ 13: "Create asset order",
+ 14: "Cancel asset order",
+ 15: "Multi-payment transaction",
+ 16: "Deploy AT",
+ 17: "Message",
+ 18: "Chat",
+ 19: "Publicize",
+ 20: "Airdrop",
+ 21: "AT",
+ 22: "Create group",
+ 23: "Update group",
+ 24: "Add group admin",
+ 25: "Remove group admin",
+ 26: "Group ban",
+ 27: "Cancel group ban",
+ 28: "Group kick",
+ 29: "Group invite",
+ 30: "Cancel group invite",
+ 31: "Join group",
+ 32: "Leave group",
+ 33: "Group approval",
+ 34: "Set group",
+ 35: "Update asset",
+ 36: "Account flags",
+ 37: "Enable forging",
+ 38: "Reward share",
+ 39: "Account level",
+ 40: "Transfer privs",
+ 41: "Presence"
// Qortal error codes
const ERROR_CODES = {
- 1: "Valid OK",
- 2: "Invalid address",
- 3: "Negative amount",
- 4: "Nagative fee",
- 5: "No balance",
- 6: "Invalid reference",
- 7: "Invalid time length",
- 8: "Invalid value length",
- 9: "Name already registered",
- 10: "Name does not exist",
- 11: "Invalid name owner",
- 12: "Name already for sale",
- 13: "Name not for sale",
- 14: "Name buyer already owner",
- 15: "Invalid amount",
- 16: "Invalid seller",
- 17: "Name not lowercase",
- 18: "Invalid description length",
- 19: "Invalid options length",
- 20: "Invalid option length",
- 21: "Duplicate option",
- 22: "Poll already created",
- 23: "Poll already has votes",
- 24: "Poll does not exist",
- 25: "Option does not exist",
- 26: "Already voted for that option",
- 27: "Invalid data length",
- 28: "Invalid quantity",
- 29: "Asset does not exist",
- 30: "Invalid return",
- 31: "Have equals want",
- 32: "Order does not exist",
- 33: "Invalid order creator",
- 34: "Invalid payments length",
- 35: "Negative price",
- 36: "Invalid creation bytes",
- 37: "Invalid tags length",
- 38: "Invalid type length",
- 39: "Invalid AT transaction",
- 40: "Insufficient fee",
- 41: "Asset does not match AT",
+ 1: "Valid OK",
+ 2: "Invalid address",
+ 3: "Negative amount",
+ 4: "Nagative fee",
+ 5: "No balance",
+ 6: "Invalid reference",
+ 7: "Invalid time length",
+ 8: "Invalid value length",
+ 9: "Name already registered",
+ 10: "Name does not exist",
+ 11: "Invalid name owner",
+ 12: "Name already for sale",
+ 13: "Name not for sale",
+ 14: "Name buyer already owner",
+ 15: "Invalid amount",
+ 16: "Invalid seller",
+ 17: "Name not lowercase",
+ 18: "Invalid description length",
+ 19: "Invalid options length",
+ 20: "Invalid option length",
+ 21: "Duplicate option",
+ 22: "Poll already created",
+ 23: "Poll already has votes",
+ 24: "Poll does not exist",
+ 25: "Option does not exist",
+ 26: "Already voted for that option",
+ 27: "Invalid data length",
+ 28: "Invalid quantity",
+ 29: "Asset does not exist",
+ 30: "Invalid return",
+ 31: "Have equals want",
+ 32: "Order does not exist",
+ 33: "Invalid order creator",
+ 34: "Invalid payments length",
+ 35: "Negative price",
+ 36: "Invalid creation bytes",
+ 37: "Invalid tags length",
+ 38: "Invalid type length",
+ 39: "Invalid AT transaction",
+ 40: "Insufficient fee",
+ 41: "Asset does not match AT",
- 43: "Asset already exists",
- 44: "Missing creator",
- 45: "Timestamp too old",
- 46: "Timestamp too new",
- 47: "Too many unconfirmed",
- 48: "Group already exists",
- 49: "Group does not exist",
- 50: "Invalid group owner",
- 51: "Already group memeber",
- 52: "Group owner can not leave",
- 53: "Not group member",
- 54: "Already group admin",
- 55: "Not group admin",
- 56: "Invalid lifetime",
- 57: "Invite unknown",
- 58: "Ban exists",
- 59: "Ban unknown",
- 60: "Banned from group",
- 61: "Join request",
- 62: "Invalid group approval threshold",
- 63: "Group ID mismatch",
- 64: "Invalid group ID",
- 65: "Transaction unknown",
- 66: "Transaction already confirmed",
- 67: "Invalid TX group",
- 68: "TX group ID mismatch",
- 69: "Multiple names forbidden",
- 70: "Invalid asset owner",
- 71: "AT is finished",
- 72: "No flag permission",
- 73: "Not minting accout",
+ 43: "Asset already exists",
+ 44: "Missing creator",
+ 45: "Timestamp too old",
+ 46: "Timestamp too new",
+ 47: "Too many unconfirmed",
+ 48: "Group already exists",
+ 49: "Group does not exist",
+ 50: "Invalid group owner",
+ 51: "Already group memeber",
+ 52: "Group owner can not leave",
+ 53: "Not group member",
+ 54: "Already group admin",
+ 55: "Not group admin",
+ 56: "Invalid lifetime",
+ 57: "Invite unknown",
+ 58: "Ban exists",
+ 59: "Ban unknown",
+ 60: "Banned from group",
+ 61: "Join request",
+ 62: "Invalid group approval threshold",
+ 63: "Group ID mismatch",
+ 64: "Invalid group ID",
+ 65: "Transaction unknown",
+ 66: "Transaction already confirmed",
+ 67: "Invalid TX group",
+ 68: "TX group ID mismatch",
+ 69: "Multiple names forbidden",
+ 70: "Invalid asset owner",
+ 71: "AT is finished",
+ 72: "No flag permission",
+ 73: "Not minting accout",
- 77: "Invalid rewardshare percent",
- 78: "Public key unknown",
- 79: "Invalid public key",
- 80: "AT unknown",
- 81: "AT already exists",
- 82: "Group approval not required",
- 83: "Group approval decided",
- 84: "Maximum reward shares",
- 85: "Transaction already exists",
- 86: "No blockchain lock",
- 87: "Order already closed",
- 88: "Clock not synced",
- 89: "Asset not spendable",
- 90: "Account can not reward share",
- 91: "Self share exists",
- 92: "Account already exists",
- 93: "Invalid group block delay",
- 94: "Incorrect nonce",
- 95: "Ivalid timestamp signature",
- 96: "Address blocked",
- 97: "Name Blocked",
- 98: "Group approval required",
- 99: "Account not transferable",
+ 77: "Invalid rewardshare percent",
+ 78: "Public key unknown",
+ 79: "Invalid public key",
+ 80: "AT unknown",
+ 81: "AT already exists",
+ 82: "Group approval not required",
+ 83: "Group approval decided",
+ 84: "Maximum reward shares",
+ 85: "Transaction already exists",
+ 86: "No blockchain lock",
+ 87: "Order already closed",
+ 88: "Clock not synced",
+ 89: "Asset not spendable",
+ 90: "Account can not reward share",
+ 91: "Self share exists",
+ 92: "Account already exists",
+ 93: "Invalid group block delay",
+ 94: "Incorrect nonce",
+ 95: "Ivalid timestamp signature",
+ 96: "Address blocked",
+ 97: "Name Blocked",
+ 98: "Group approval required",
+ 99: "Account not transferable",
- 999: "Ivalid but ok",
- 1000: "Not yet released."
+ 999: "Ivalid but ok",
+ 1000: "Not yet released."
// Qortal 8 decimals
@@ -158,6 +158,9 @@ const ADDRESS_VERSION = 58
// Proxy for api calls
const PROXY_URL = "/proxy/"
+// Chat reference timestamp
// Used as a salt for all qora addresses. Salts used for storing your private keys in local storage will be randomly generated
const STATIC_SALT = new Uint8Array([54, 190, 201, 206, 65, 29, 123, 129, 147, 231, 180, 166, 171, 45, 95, 165, 78, 200, 208, 194, 44, 207, 221, 146, 45, 238, 68, 68, 69, 102, 62, 6])
const BCRYPT_ROUNDS = 10 // Remember that the total work spent on key derivation is BCRYPT_ROUNDS * KDF_THREADS
@@ -165,4 +168,4 @@ const BCRYPT_VERSION = "2a"
const KDF_THREADS = 16
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/createTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/createTransaction.js
index d876b98a..2a56aa56 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/createTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/createTransaction.js
@@ -6,33 +6,33 @@ import signArbitrary from './transactions/arbitrary/signArbitrary.js'
export const createTransaction = (type, keyPair, params) => {
- const tx = new transactions[type]()
- tx.keyPair = keyPair
- Object.keys(params).forEach(param => {
- tx[param] = params[param]
- })
+ const tx = new transactions[type]()
+ tx.keyPair = keyPair
+ Object.keys(params).forEach(param => {
+ tx[param] = params[param]
+ })
- return tx
+ return tx
// Compute Chat Nonce
export const computeChatNonce = bytes => request('/chat/compute', {
- method: 'POST',
- body: Base58.encode(bytes)
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: Base58.encode(bytes)
// Sign Chat Transactions
export const signChatTransaction = (chatBytes, nonce, keyPair) => {
- return signChat(chatBytes, nonce, keyPair)
+ return signChat(chatBytes, nonce, keyPair)
// Sign Arbitrary Transactions
export const signArbitraryTransaction = (arbitraryBytesBase58, arbitraryBytesForSigningBase58, nonce, keyPair) => {
- return signArbitrary(arbitraryBytesBase58, arbitraryBytesForSigningBase58, nonce, keyPair)
+ return signArbitrary(arbitraryBytesBase58, arbitraryBytesForSigningBase58, nonce, keyPair)
// Process Transactions
export const processTransaction = bytes => request('/transactions/process', {
- method: 'POST',
- body: Base58.encode(bytes)
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: Base58.encode(bytes)
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/createWallet.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/createWallet.js
index d342c7c3..ed978183 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/createWallet.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/createWallet.js
@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@ import Base58 from './deps/Base58.js'
import { decryptStoredWallet } from './decryptStoredWallet.js'
export const createWallet = async (sourceType, source, statusUpdateFn) => {
- let version, seed
+ let version, seed
- switch (sourceType) {
- case 'phrase':
- version = 2
- seed = await kdf(source.seedPhrase, void 0, statusUpdateFn)
- break
- case 'seed':
- version = 1
- seed = Base58.decode(source.seed)
- break
- case 'storedWallet':
- case 'backedUpSeed':
- version = source.wallet.version
- seed = await decryptStoredWallet(source.password, source.wallet, statusUpdateFn)
- break
- default:
- throw 'sourceType ' + sourceType + ' not recognized'
- }
+ switch (sourceType) {
+ case 'phrase':
+ version = 2
+ seed = await kdf(source.seedPhrase, void 0, statusUpdateFn)
+ break
+ case 'seed':
+ version = 1
+ seed = Base58.decode(source.seed)
+ break
+ case 'storedWallet':
+ case 'backedUpSeed':
+ version = source.wallet.version
+ seed = await decryptStoredWallet(source.password, source.wallet, statusUpdateFn)
+ break
+ default:
+ throw 'sourceType ' + sourceType + ' not recognized'
+ }
- const wallet = new PhraseWallet(seed, version)
- return wallet
+ const wallet = new PhraseWallet(seed, version)
+ return wallet
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/decryptStoredWallet.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/decryptStoredWallet.js
index e47a33b4..f98649cd 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/decryptStoredWallet.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/decryptStoredWallet.js
@@ -3,21 +3,21 @@ import { kdf } from './kdf.js'
import { HmacSha512, AES_CBC } from 'asmcrypto.js'
export const decryptStoredWallet = async (password, wallet, statusFn = () => { }) => {
- statusFn('Decoding saved data')
- const encryptedSeedBytes = Base58.decode(wallet.encryptedSeed)
- const iv = Base58.decode(wallet.iv)
- const salt = Base58.decode(wallet.salt)
- statusFn('Generating decryption key')
- const key = await kdf(password, salt, statusFn)
- const encryptionKey = key.slice(0, 32)
- const macKey = key.slice(32, 63)
+ statusFn('Decoding saved data')
+ const encryptedSeedBytes = Base58.decode(wallet.encryptedSeed)
+ const iv = Base58.decode(wallet.iv)
+ const salt = Base58.decode(wallet.salt)
+ statusFn('Generating decryption key')
+ const key = await kdf(password, salt, statusFn)
+ const encryptionKey = key.slice(0, 32)
+ const macKey = key.slice(32, 63)
- statusFn('Checking key')
- const mac = new HmacSha512(macKey).process(encryptedSeedBytes).finish().result
- if (Base58.encode(mac) !== wallet.mac) {
- throw new Error('Incorrect password')
- }
- statusFn('Decrypting')
- const decryptedBytes = AES_CBC.decrypt(encryptedSeedBytes, encryptionKey, false, iv)
- return decryptedBytes
+ statusFn('Checking key')
+ const mac = new HmacSha512(macKey).process(encryptedSeedBytes).finish().result
+ if (Base58.encode(mac) !== wallet.mac) {
+ throw new Error('Incorrect password')
+ }
+ statusFn('Decrypting')
+ const decryptedBytes = AES_CBC.decrypt(encryptedSeedBytes, encryptionKey, false, iv)
+ return decryptedBytes
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/kdf.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/kdf.js
index b94134ac..8c18888a 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/kdf.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/kdf.js
@@ -4,36 +4,36 @@ import { Sha512 } from 'asmcrypto.js'
import utils from '../api/deps/utils.js'
export const kdf = async (seed, salt, status = () => { }) => {
- const state = store.getState()
- const config = state.config
- const workers =
- status('Waiting for workers to be ready')
- await stateAwait(state =>
- status('Deriving key parts')
- salt = new Uint8Array(salt)
- const seedParts = await Promise.all(, index) => {
- const nonce = index
- return worker.request('kdf', {
- key: seed,
- salt,
- nonce,
- staticSalt: config.crypto.staticSalt,
- staticBcryptSalt: config.crypto.staticBcryptSalt
- }).then(data => {
- let jsonData
- try {
- jsonData = JSON.parse(data)
- data = jsonData
- } catch (e) {
- // ...
- }
- if (seed !== data.key) throw new Error('Error, incorrect key. ' + seed + ' !== ' + data.key)
- if (nonce !== data.nonce) throw new Error('Error, incorrect nonce')
- return data.result
- })
- }))
- status('Combining key parts')
- const result = new Sha512().process(utils.stringtoUTF8Array(config.crypto.staticSalt + seedParts.reduce((a, c) => a + c))).finish().result
- status('Key is ready ')
- return result
+ const state = store.getState()
+ const config = state.config
+ const workers =
+ status('Waiting for workers to be ready')
+ await stateAwait(state =>
+ status('Deriving key parts')
+ salt = new Uint8Array(salt)
+ const seedParts = await Promise.all(, index) => {
+ const nonce = index
+ return worker.request('kdf', {
+ key: seed,
+ salt,
+ nonce,
+ staticSalt: config.crypto.staticSalt,
+ staticBcryptSalt: config.crypto.staticBcryptSalt
+ }).then(data => {
+ let jsonData
+ try {
+ jsonData = JSON.parse(data)
+ data = jsonData
+ } catch (e) {
+ // ...
+ }
+ if (seed !== data.key) throw new Error('Error, incorrect key. ' + seed + ' !== ' + data.key)
+ if (nonce !== data.nonce) throw new Error('Error, incorrect nonce')
+ return data.result
+ })
+ }))
+ status('Combining key parts')
+ const result = new Sha512().process(utils.stringtoUTF8Array(config.crypto.staticSalt + seedParts.reduce((a, c) => a + c))).finish().result
+ status('Key is ready ')
+ return result
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/registerUsername.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/registerUsername.js
index c270c209..9715a078 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/registerUsername.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/registerUsername.js
@@ -8,39 +8,32 @@ const CHECK_LAST_REF_INTERVAL = 30 * 1000 // err 30 seconds
const pendingAddresses = {}
-// const config = store.getState().config
-// const node = config.coin.node.api
-// const baseUrl = node.url + node.tail
const checkLastRefs = () => {
- Object.entries(pendingAddresses).forEach(([address, fn]) => {
- // console.log(fn, address)
- request('addresses/lastreference/' + address).then(res => {
- if (res === 'false') return
- fn(res)
- delete pendingAddresses[address]
- clearInterval(lastRefInterval)
- })
- // fetch(baseUrl + 'addresses/lastreference/' + address)
- // .then(async res => res.text())
- })
+ Object.entries(pendingAddresses).forEach(([address, fn]) => {
+ request('addresses/lastreference/' + address).then(res => {
+ if (res === 'false') return
+ fn(res)
+ delete pendingAddresses[address]
+ clearInterval(lastRefInterval)
+ })
+ })
const lastRefInterval = setInterval(() => checkLastRefs(), CHECK_LAST_REF_INTERVAL)
const callOnLastRef = (address, fn) => {
- pendingAddresses[address] = fn
+ pendingAddresses[address] = fn
export const registerUsername = async ({ name, address, lastRef, keyPair }) => {
- callOnLastRef(address, lastreference => {
- const txBytes = createTransaction(TX_TYPE, keyPair, {
- registrantPublicKey: keyPair.publicKey,
- registrantAddress: address,
- name,
- value: address,
- lastReference: lastreference
- })
- processTransaction(txBytes).then(res => {})
- })
+ callOnLastRef(address, lastreference => {
+ const txBytes = createTransaction(TX_TYPE, keyPair, {
+ registrantPublicKey: keyPair.publicKey,
+ registrantAddress: address,
+ name,
+ value: address,
+ lastReference: lastreference
+ })
+ processTransaction(txBytes).then(res => { })
+ })
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/storeWallet.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/storeWallet.js
index eab5fa99..9d16c8af 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/storeWallet.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/storeWallet.js
@@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
import { HmacSha512, AES_CBC } from 'asmcrypto.js'
import { kdf } from './kdf.js'
-// import Base58 from '../qora/deps/Base58.js'
import Base58 from './deps/Base58.js'
const getRandomValues = window.crypto ? window.crypto.getRandomValues.bind(window.crypto) : window.msCrypto.getRandomValues.bind(window.msCrypto)
export const generateSaveWalletData = async (wallet, password, kdfThreads, statusUpdateFn) => {
- statusUpdateFn('Generating random values')
- let iv = new Uint8Array(16)
- getRandomValues(iv)
- let salt = new Uint8Array(32)
- getRandomValues(salt) // Can actually use a salt this time, as we can store the salt with the wallet
- // const key = PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA512.bytes(utils.stringtoUTF8Array(password), salt, PBKDF2_ROUNDS, 64) // 512bit key to be split in two for mac/encryption
- const key = await kdf(password, salt, statusUpdateFn)
- statusUpdateFn('Encrypting seed')
- const encryptionKey = key.slice(0, 32)
- const macKey = key.slice(32, 63)
- const encryptedSeed = AES_CBC.encrypt(wallet._byteSeed, encryptionKey, false, iv)
- // const mac = HmacSha512.bytes(encryptedSeed, macKey)
- statusUpdateFn('Generating mac')
- const mac = new HmacSha512(macKey).process(encryptedSeed).finish().result
- return {
- address0: wallet._addresses[0].address,
- encryptedSeed: Base58.encode(encryptedSeed),
- salt: Base58.encode(salt),
- iv: Base58.encode(iv),
- version: wallet._walletVersion,
- mac: Base58.encode(mac),
- kdfThreads
- }
+ statusUpdateFn('Generating random values')
+ let iv = new Uint8Array(16)
+ getRandomValues(iv)
+ let salt = new Uint8Array(32)
+ getRandomValues(salt)
+ const key = await kdf(password, salt, statusUpdateFn)
+ statusUpdateFn('Encrypting seed')
+ const encryptionKey = key.slice(0, 32)
+ const macKey = key.slice(32, 63)
+ const encryptedSeed = AES_CBC.encrypt(wallet._byteSeed, encryptionKey, false, iv)
+ statusUpdateFn('Generating mac')
+ const mac = new HmacSha512(macKey).process(encryptedSeed).finish().result
+ return {
+ address0: wallet._addresses[0].address,
+ encryptedSeed: Base58.encode(encryptedSeed),
+ salt: Base58.encode(salt),
+ iv: Base58.encode(iv),
+ version: wallet._walletVersion,
+ mac: Base58.encode(mac),
+ kdfThreads
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/tradeRequest.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/tradeRequest.js
index f3ae00f0..797cbe5b 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/tradeRequest.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/tradeRequest.js
@@ -1,145 +1,140 @@
// Trade Bot
-import TradeBotCreateRequest from './transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/TradeBotCreateRequest.js';
-import TradeBotRespondRequest from './transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/TradeBotRespondRequest.js';
+import TradeBotCreateRequest from './transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/TradeBotCreateRequest.js'
+import TradeBotRespondRequest from './transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/TradeBotRespondRequest.js'
import signTradeBotTransaction from './transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/signTradeBotTransaction.js'
-// Trade Offer
-import DeleteTradeOffer from './transactions/trade-portal/tradeoffer/DeleteTradeOffer.js';
+import DeleteTradeOffer from './transactions/trade-portal/tradeoffer/DeleteTradeOffer.js'
import { request } from './fetch-request'
// TradeBotCreateRequest
export const tradeBotCreateRequest = (requestObject) => {
- const txn = new TradeBotCreateRequest().createTransaction(requestObject)
- const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node];
+ const txn = new TradeBotCreateRequest().createTransaction(requestObject)
+ const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
- return request(`/crosschain/tradebot/create?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
- method: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Accept': 'text/plain',
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(txn)
- })
+ return request(`/crosschain/tradebot/create?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ 'Accept': 'text/plain',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(txn)
+ })
// TradeBotRespondRequest
export const tradeBotRespondRequest = (requestObject) => {
- const txn = new TradeBotRespondRequest().createTransaction(requestObject)
- const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node];
+ const txn = new TradeBotRespondRequest().createTransaction(requestObject)
+ const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
- return request(`/crosschain/tradebot/respond?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
- method: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Accept': 'application/json',
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(txn)
- })
+ return request(`/crosschain/tradebot/respond?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ 'Accept': 'application/json',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(txn)
+ })
// Sign Trade Transactions
export const signTradeBotTxn = (unsignedTxn, keyPair) => {
- return signTradeBotTransaction(unsignedTxn, keyPair)
+ return signTradeBotTransaction(unsignedTxn, keyPair)
// Delete Trade Offer
export const deleteTradeOffer = (requestObject) => {
- const txn = new DeleteTradeOffer().createTransaction(requestObject)
- const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node];
+ const txn = new DeleteTradeOffer().createTransaction(requestObject)
+ const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
- return request(`/crosschain/tradeoffer?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
- method: 'DELETE',
- headers: {
- 'Accept': 'application/json',
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(txn)
- })
+ return request(`/crosschain/tradeoffer?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
+ method: 'DELETE',
+ headers: {
+ 'Accept': 'application/json',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(txn)
+ })
// Send BTC
export const sendBtc = (requestObject) => {
- const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node];
+ const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
- return request(`/crosschain/btc/send?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
- method: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Accept': 'application/json',
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
- })
+ return request(`/crosschain/btc/send?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ 'Accept': 'application/json',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
+ })
// Send LTC
export const sendLtc = (requestObject) => {
- const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node];
+ const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
- return request(`/crosschain/ltc/send?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
- method: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Accept': 'application/json',
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
- })
+ return request(`/crosschain/ltc/send?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ 'Accept': 'application/json',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
+ })
// Send DOGE
export const sendDoge = (requestObject) => {
- const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node];
+ const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
- return request(`/crosschain/doge/send?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
- method: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Accept': 'application/json',
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
- })
+ return request(`/crosschain/doge/send?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ 'Accept': 'application/json',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
+ })
// Send DGB
export const sendDgb = (requestObject) => {
- const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node];
+ const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
- return request(`/crosschain/dgb/send?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
- method: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Accept': 'application/json',
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
- })
+ return request(`/crosschain/dgb/send?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ 'Accept': 'application/json',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
+ })
// Send RVN
export const sendRvn = (requestObject) => {
- const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node];
+ const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
- return request(`/crosschain/rvn/send?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
- method: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Accept': 'application/json',
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
- })
+ return request(`/crosschain/rvn/send?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ 'Accept': 'application/json',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
+ })
// Send ARRR
export const sendArrr = (requestObject) => {
- const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node];
+ const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
- return request(`/crosschain/arrr/send?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
- method: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Accept': 'application/json',
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
- })
+ return request(`/crosschain/arrr/send?apiKey=${myNode.apiKey}`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ 'Accept': 'application/json',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
+ })
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/AirdropTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/AirdropTransaction.js
index 552e42e8..e23029a8 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/AirdropTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/AirdropTransaction.js
@@ -1,50 +1,35 @@
-'use strict';
+'use strict'
import TransactionBase from './TransactionBase.js'
import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../constants.js'
-// import { Sha256 } from 'asmcrypto.js/dist_es5/entry-export_all.js'
export default class PaymentTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor () {
- super()
- this.type = 20
- this.amount = 42 * Math.pow(10, 8)
- this.tests.push(
- () => {
- if (!(this._amount >= 0)) {
- return 'Invalid amount ' + this._amount / QORT_DECIMALS
- }
- return true
- },
- () => {
- if (!(this._recipient instanceof Uint8Array && this._recipient.length == 25)) {
- return 'Invalid recipient ' + Base58.encode(this._recipient)
- }
- return true
- }
- )
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 20
+ }
- set recipient (recipient) { // Always Base58 encoded. Accepts Uint8Array or Base58 string.
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- }
- set amount (amount) {
- this._amount = amount * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._amountBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(amount)
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ }
- set reference (seed) {
- const sha = seed => new Sha512().process(seed).finish().result
- let reference = sha(sha(seed))
- reference += reference
- }
+ set amount(amount) {
+ this._amount = amount * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._amountBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(amount)
+ }
- get params () {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._recipient,
- this._amountBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
+ set reference(seed) {
+ const sha = seed => new Sha512().process(seed).finish().result
+ let reference = sha(sha(seed))
+ reference += reference
+ }
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._recipient,
+ this._amountBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/DelegationTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/DelegationTransaction.js
index bc74502a..d2b670b8 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/DelegationTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/DelegationTransaction.js
@@ -1,31 +1,22 @@
-'use strict';
+'use strict'
import TransactionBase from './TransactionBase.js'
-// import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../constants.js" // Not needed, no amount
export default class DelegationTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor () {
- super()
- this.type = 18
- this.tests.push(
- () => {
- if (!(this._superNodeAddress instanceof Uint8Array && this._superNodeAddress.length == 25)) {
- return 'Invalid recipient ' + Base58.encode(this._superNodeAddress)
- }
- return true
- }
- )
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 18
+ }
- set superNodeAddress (superNodeAddress) { // Always Base58 encoded. Accepts Uint8Array or Base58 string.
- this._superNodeAddress = superNodeAddress instanceof Uint8Array ? superNodeAddress : this.constructor.Base58.decode(superNodeAddress)
- }
+ set superNodeAddress(superNodeAddress) {
+ this._superNodeAddress = superNodeAddress instanceof Uint8Array ? superNodeAddress : this.constructor.Base58.decode(superNodeAddress)
+ }
- get params () {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._superNodeAddress,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._superNodeAddress,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/MessageTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/MessageTransaction.js
index f28a25fe..ea0e4079 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/MessageTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/MessageTransaction.js
@@ -1,95 +1,47 @@
-"use strict";
-import PaymentTransaction from "./PaymentTransaction.js"
-import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../constants.js"
+'use strict'
+import PaymentTransaction from './PaymentTransaction.js'
+import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../constants.js'
-/* ====================================
-====================================== */
+export default class MessageTransaction extends PaymentTransaction {
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 17
+ this._key = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(0);
+ this._isEncrypted = new Uint8Array(1); // Defaults to false
+ this._isText = new Uint8Array(1); // Defaults to false
+ }
-export default class MessageTransaction extends PaymentTransaction{
- constructor(){
- super();
- this.type = 17
- this._key = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(0);
- this._isEncrypted = new Uint8Array(1); // Defaults to false
- this._isText = new Uint8Array(1); // Defaults to false
- }
- set message(message /* UTF8 String */){
- // ...yes? no?
- this.messageText = message;
- // Not sure about encoding here...
- //this._message = message instanceof Uint8Array ? message : this.constructor.Base58.decode(message);
- this._message = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(message)
- this._messageLength = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._message.length)
- }
- set isEncrypted(isEncrypted){
- this._isEncrypted[0] = isEncrypted;
- }
- set isText(isText){
- this._isText[0] = isText;
- }
- get _params(){
- // dont extend super because paymentTrasaction is different
- //const params = super.params;
- return [
- this._typeBytes,
- this._timestampBytes,
- this._lastReference,
- this._keyPair.publicKey,
- this._recipient,
- this._key,
- this._amountBytes,
- this._messageLength,
- this._message,
- this._isEncrypted,
- this._isText,
- this._feeBytes
- ]
- }
+ set message(message /* UTF8 String */) {
+ // ...yes? no?
+ this.messageText = message
+ // Not sure about encoding here...
+ this._message = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(message)
+ this._messageLength = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._message.length)
+ }
+ set isEncrypted(isEncrypted) {
+ this._isEncrypted[0] = isEncrypted
+ }
+ set isText(isText) {
+ this._isText[0] = isText
+ }
+ get _params() {
+ return [
+ this._typeBytes,
+ this._timestampBytes,
+ this._lastReference,
+ this._keyPair.publicKey,
+ this._recipient,
+ this._key,
+ this._amountBytes,
+ this._messageLength,
+ this._message,
+ this._isEncrypted,
+ this._isText,
+ this._feeBytes
+ ]
+ }
-//"use strict";
-//function generateSignatureMessageTransaction(keyPair, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, message, isText, isEncrypted) => {
-// const data = generateMessageTransactionBase(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, message, isText, isEncrypted);
-// return nacl.sign.detached(data, keyPair.privateKey);
-//function generateMessageTransaction(keyPair, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, message, isText, isEncrypted, signature) => {
-// return appendBuffer(generateMessageTransactionBase(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, message, isText, isEncrypted),
-// signature);
-//function generateMessageTransactionBase(publicKey, lastReference, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, message, isText, isEncrypted) => {
-// const typeBytes = int32ToBytes(txType);
-// const timestampBytes = int64ToBytes(timestamp);
-// const amountBytes = int64ToBytes(amount * 100000000);
-// const feeBytes = int64ToBytes(fee * 100000000);
-// const messageLength = int32ToBytes(message.length);
-// const key = int64ToBytes(0);
-// isTextB = new Uint8Array(1);
-// isTextB[0] = isText;
-// isEncryptedB = new Uint8Array(1);
-// isEncryptedB[0] = isEncrypted;
-// let data = new Uint8Array();
-// data = appendBuffer(data, typeBytes);
-// data = appendBuffer(data, timestampBytes);
-// data = appendBuffer(data, lastReference);
-// data = appendBuffer(data, publicKey);
-// data = appendBuffer(data, recipient);
-// data = appendBuffer(data, key);
-// data = appendBuffer(data, amountBytes);
-// data = appendBuffer(data, messageLength);
-// data = appendBuffer(data, message);
-// data = appendBuffer(data, isEncryptedB);
-// data = appendBuffer(data, isTextB);
-// data = appendBuffer(data, feeBytes);
-// return data;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/PaymentTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/PaymentTransaction.js
index 655ac285..bde396eb 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/PaymentTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/PaymentTransaction.js
@@ -1,80 +1,63 @@
-'use strict';
+'use strict'
import TransactionBase from './TransactionBase.js'
import Base58 from '../deps/Base58.js'
import { store } from '../../api.js'
export default class PaymentTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 2
- this.tests.push(
- () => {
- if (!(this._amount >= 0)) {
- return 'Invalid amount ' + this._amount / store.getState().config.coin.decimals
- }
- return true
- },
- () => {
- if (!(this._recipient instanceof Uint8Array && this._recipient.length == 25)) {
- return 'Invalid recipient ' + Base58.encode(this._recipient)
- }
- return true
- }
- )
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 2
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) { // Always Base58 encoded. Accepts Uint8Array or Base58 string.
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- }
+ render(html) {
+ const conf = store.getState().config
+ return html`
+ ${this._dialogto}: |
+ ${this.dialogAddress} ${' '}- |
+ ${Base58.encode(this._recipient)} |
+ ${this.recipientName ? html`
+ ${this.dialogName} ${' '}- |
+ ${this.recipientName} |
+ ` : ''}
+ ${this._dialogamount} |
+ ${this._amount / conf.coin.decimals} ${conf.coin.symbol} |
+ `
+ }
- set dialogto(dialogto) {
- this._dialogto = dialogto
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ }
- set dialogamount(dialogamount) {
- this._dialogamount = dialogamount
- }
- set amount(amount) {
- this._amount = Math.round(amount * store.getState().config.coin.decimals)
- this._amountBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._amount)
- }
+ set dialogto(dialogto) {
+ this._dialogto = dialogto
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._recipient,
- this._amountBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
+ set dialogamount(dialogamount) {
+ this._dialogamount = dialogamount
+ }
- render(html) {
- const conf = store.getState().config
- return html`
- ${this._dialogto}: |
- ${this.dialogAddress} ${' '}- |
- ${Base58.encode(this._recipient)} |
- ${this.recipientName ? html`
- ${this.dialogName} ${' '}- |
- ${this.recipientName} |
- ` : ''}
- ${this._dialogamount} |
- ${this._amount / conf.coin.decimals} ${conf.coin.symbol} |
- `
- }
+ set amount(amount) {
+ this._amount = Math.round(amount * store.getState().config.coin.decimals)
+ this._amountBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._amount)
+ }
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._recipient,
+ this._amountBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/PublicizeTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/PublicizeTransaction.js
index d4982bcb..0243901c 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/PublicizeTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/PublicizeTransaction.js
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-"use strict";
-import ChatBase from "./chat/ChatBase.js"
+'use strict'
+import ChatBase from './chat/ChatBase.js'
export default class PublicizeTransaction extends ChatBase {
- constructor() {
- super();
- this.type = 19
- this.fee = 0
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 19
+ this.fee = 0
+ }
- set proofOfWorkNonce(proofOfWorkNonce) {
- this._proofOfWorkNonce = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(proofOfWorkNonce)
- }
+ set proofOfWorkNonce(proofOfWorkNonce) {
+ this._proofOfWorkNonce = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(proofOfWorkNonce)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params;
- params.push(
- this._proofOfWorkNonce,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params;
- }
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._proofOfWorkNonce,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/TransactionBase.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/TransactionBase.js
index f61f1834..ae5f613e 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/TransactionBase.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/TransactionBase.js
@@ -1,166 +1,121 @@
-'use strict';
+'use strict'
import { TX_TYPES, QORT_DECIMALS } from '../constants.js'
import nacl from '../deps/nacl-fast.js'
import Base58 from '../deps/Base58.js'
import utils from '../deps/utils.js'
export default class TransactionBase {
- static get utils() {
- return utils
- }
- static get nacl() {
- return nacl
- }
- static get Base58() {
- return Base58
- }
+ static get utils() {
+ return utils
+ }
+ static get nacl() {
+ return nacl
+ }
+ static get Base58() {
+ return Base58
+ }
- constructor() {
- // Defaults
- this.fee = 0
- this.groupID = 0
- this.timestamp =
- this.tests = [
- () => {
- if (!(this._type >= 1 && this._type in TX_TYPES)) {
- return 'Invalid type: ' + this.type
- }
- return true
- },
- () => {
- if (this._fee < 0) {
- return 'Invalid fee: ' + this._fee / QORT_DECIMALS
- }
- return true
- },
- () => {
- if (this._groupID < 0 || !Number.isInteger(this._groupID)) {
- return 'Invalid groupID: ' + this._groupID
- }
- return true
- },
- () => {
- if (!(new Date(this._timestamp)).getTime() > 0) {
- return 'Invalid timestamp: ' + this._timestamp
- }
- return true
- },
- () => {
- if (!(this._lastReference instanceof Uint8Array && this._lastReference.byteLength == 64)) {
- if (this._lastReference == 0) {
- // No prior transactions exist
- return 'Invalid last reference. Please ensure that you have at least 0.001 QORT for the transaction fee.'
- }
- return 'Invalid last reference: ' + this._lastReference
- }
- return true
- },
- () => {
- if (!(this._keyPair)) {
- return 'keyPair must be specified'
- }
- if (!(this._keyPair.publicKey instanceof Uint8Array && this._keyPair.publicKey.byteLength === 32)) {
- return 'Invalid publicKey'
- }
- if (!(this._keyPair.privateKey instanceof Uint8Array && this._keyPair.privateKey.byteLength === 64)) {
- return 'Invalid privateKey'
- }
- return true
- }
- ]
- }
+ constructor() {
+ this.fee = 0
+ this.groupID = 0
+ this.timestamp =
+ }
- set keyPair(keyPair) {
- this._keyPair = keyPair
- }
- set type(type) {
- this.typeText = TX_TYPES[type]
- this._type = type
- this._typeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._type)
- }
- set groupID(groupID) {
- this._groupID = groupID
- this._groupIDBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._groupID)
- }
- set timestamp(timestamp) {
- this._timestamp = timestamp
- this._timestampBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._timestamp)
- }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
- set lastReference(lastReference) { // Always Base58 encoded. Accepts Uint8Array or Base58 string.
- // lastReference could be a string or an Uint8Array
- this._lastReference = lastReference instanceof Uint8Array ? lastReference : this.constructor.Base58.decode(lastReference)
- }
- get params() {
- return [
- this._typeBytes,
- this._timestampBytes,
- this._groupIDBytes,
- this._lastReference,
- this._keyPair.publicKey
- ]
- }
- get signedBytes() {
- if (!this._signedBytes) {
- this.sign()
- }
- return this._signedBytes
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`render method to display requested transaction info`
+ }
- // render function but NOT lit element
- render(html) {
- return html`render method to display requested transaction info`
- }
+ set keyPair(keyPair) {
+ this._keyPair = keyPair
+ }
- validParams() {
- let finalResult = {
- valid: true
- }
- // const valid =
- this.tests.some(test => {
- const result = test()
- if (result !== true) {
- finalResult = {
- valid: false,
- message: result
- }
- return true // exists the loop
- }
- })
- return finalResult
- }
+ set type(type) {
+ this.typeText = TX_TYPES[type]
+ this._type = type
+ this._typeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._type)
+ }
- generateBase() {
- const isValid = this.validParams()
- if (!isValid.valid) {
- throw new Error(isValid.message)
- }
- let result = new Uint8Array()
+ set groupID(groupID) {
+ this._groupID = groupID
+ this._groupIDBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._groupID)
+ }
- this.params.forEach(item => {
- result = this.constructor.utils.appendBuffer(result, item)
- })
+ set timestamp(timestamp) {
+ this._timestamp = timestamp
+ this._timestampBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._timestamp)
+ }
- this._base = result
- return result
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- sign() {
- if (!this._keyPair) {
- throw new Error('keyPair not defined')
- }
+ set lastReference(lastReference) {
+ this._lastReference = lastReference instanceof Uint8Array ? lastReference : this.constructor.Base58.decode(lastReference)
+ }
- if (!this._base) {
- this.generateBase()
- }
+ get params() {
+ return [
+ this._typeBytes,
+ this._timestampBytes,
+ this._groupIDBytes,
+ this._lastReference,
+ this._keyPair.publicKey
+ ]
+ }
- this._signature = this.constructor.nacl.sign.detached(this._base, this._keyPair.privateKey)
+ get signedBytes() {
+ if (!this._signedBytes) {
+ this.sign()
+ }
+ return this._signedBytes
+ }
- this._signedBytes = this.constructor.utils.appendBuffer(this._base, this._signature)
+ validParams() {
+ let finalResult = {
+ valid: true
+ }
+ this.tests.some(test => {
+ const result = test()
+ if (result !== true) {
+ finalResult = {
+ valid: false,
+ message: result
+ }
+ return true // exists the loop
+ }
+ })
+ return finalResult
+ }
- return this._signature
- }
+ generateBase() {
+ const isValid = this.validParams()
+ if (!isValid.valid) {
+ throw new Error(isValid.message)
+ }
+ let result = new Uint8Array()
+ this.params.forEach(item => {
+ result = this.constructor.utils.appendBuffer(result, item)
+ })
+ this._base = result
+ return result
+ }
+ sign() {
+ if (!this._keyPair) {
+ throw new Error('keyPair not defined')
+ }
+ if (!this._base) {
+ this.generateBase()
+ }
+ this._signature = this.constructor.nacl.sign.detached(this._base, this._keyPair.privateKey)
+ this._signedBytes = this.constructor.utils.appendBuffer(this._base, this._signature)
+ return this._signature
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/TransferPrivsTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/TransferPrivsTransaction.js
index f12d837f..858ac26a 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/TransferPrivsTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/TransferPrivsTransaction.js
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-'use strict';
+'use strict'
import TransactionBase from './TransactionBase.js'
import Base58 from '../deps/Base58.js'
import { store } from '../../api.js'
import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../constants.js'
export default class TransferPrivsTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 40
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 40
+ }
- render(html) {
- const conf = store.getState().config
- return html`
+ render(html) {
+ const conf = store.getState().config
+ return html`
Are you sure to transfer privileges to this account ?
On pressing confirm, the transfer privileges request will be sent!
- }
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) {
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- this.theRecipient = recipient
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ this.theRecipient = recipient
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._recipient,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._recipient,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/arbitrary/signArbitrary.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/arbitrary/signArbitrary.js
index 47f37f81..84ed0638 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/arbitrary/signArbitrary.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/arbitrary/signArbitrary.js
@@ -2,38 +2,37 @@ import nacl from '../../deps/nacl-fast.js'
import utils from '../../deps/utils.js'
import Base58 from '../../deps/Base58.js'
const signArbitrary = (arbitraryBytesBase58, arbitraryBytesForSigningBase58, nonce, keyPair) => {
- if (!arbitraryBytesBase58) {
- throw new Error('ArbitraryBytesBase58 not defined')
- }
+ if (!arbitraryBytesBase58) {
+ throw new Error('ArbitraryBytesBase58 not defined')
+ }
- if (!nonce) {
- throw new Error('Nonce not defined')
- }
+ if (!nonce) {
+ throw new Error('Nonce not defined')
+ }
- if (!keyPair) {
- throw new Error('keyPair not defined')
- }
+ if (!keyPair) {
+ throw new Error('keyPair not defined')
+ }
- const arbitraryBytes = Base58.decode(arbitraryBytesBase58)
- const _arbitraryBytesBuffer = Object.keys(arbitraryBytes).map(function (key) { return arbitraryBytes[key]; });
- const arbitraryBytesBuffer = new Uint8Array(_arbitraryBytesBuffer)
+ const arbitraryBytes = Base58.decode(arbitraryBytesBase58)
+ const _arbitraryBytesBuffer = Object.keys(arbitraryBytes).map(function (key) { return arbitraryBytes[key]; })
+ const arbitraryBytesBuffer = new Uint8Array(_arbitraryBytesBuffer)
- const arbitraryBytesForSigning = Base58.decode(arbitraryBytesForSigningBase58)
- const _arbitraryBytesForSigningBuffer = Object.keys(arbitraryBytesForSigning).map(function (key) { return arbitraryBytesForSigning[key]; });
- const arbitraryBytesForSigningBuffer = new Uint8Array(_arbitraryBytesForSigningBuffer)
+ const arbitraryBytesForSigning = Base58.decode(arbitraryBytesForSigningBase58)
+ const _arbitraryBytesForSigningBuffer = Object.keys(arbitraryBytesForSigning).map(function (key) { return arbitraryBytesForSigning[key]; })
+ const arbitraryBytesForSigningBuffer = new Uint8Array(_arbitraryBytesForSigningBuffer)
- const _nonce = utils.int32ToBytes(nonce)
- arbitraryBytesBuffer.set(_nonce, 112)
- arbitraryBytesForSigningBuffer.set(_nonce, 112)
+ const _nonce = utils.int32ToBytes(nonce)
+ arbitraryBytesBuffer.set(_nonce, 112)
+ arbitraryBytesForSigningBuffer.set(_nonce, 112)
- const signature = nacl.sign.detached(arbitraryBytesForSigningBuffer, keyPair.privateKey)
+ const signature = nacl.sign.detached(arbitraryBytesForSigningBuffer, keyPair.privateKey)
- const signedBytes = utils.appendBuffer(arbitraryBytesBuffer, signature)
+ const signedBytes = utils.appendBuffer(arbitraryBytesBuffer, signature)
- return signedBytes
+ return signedBytes
export default signArbitrary
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/arbitraryV3.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/arbitraryV3.js
index 5d62000a..2c2536af 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/arbitraryV3.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/arbitraryV3.js
@@ -1,42 +1,37 @@
-"use strict";
+'use strict'
+ (function () {
+ function generateSignatureArbitraryTransactionV3(keyPair, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp) => {
+ const data = generateArbitraryTransactionV3Base(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp)
+ return nacl.sign.detached(data, keyPair.privateKey)
+ }
- function generateSignatureArbitraryTransactionV3(keyPair, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp) => {
- const data = generateArbitraryTransactionV3Base(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp);
- return nacl.sign.detached(data, keyPair.privateKey);
- }
+ function generateArbitraryTransactionV3(keyPair, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp, signature) => {
+ return appendBuffer(generateArbitraryTransactionV3Base(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp), signature)
+ }
- function generateArbitraryTransactionV3(keyPair, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp, signature) => {
- return appendBuffer(generateArbitraryTransactionV3Base(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp),
- signature);
- }
+ function generateArbitraryTransactionV3Base(publicKey, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp) => {
+ const typeBytes = int32ToBytes(txType)
+ const timestampBytes = int64ToBytes(timestamp)
+ const feeBytes = int64ToBytes(fee * 100000000)
+ const serviceBytes = int32ToBytes(service)
+ const dataSizeBytes = int32ToBytes(arbitraryData.length)
+ const paymentsLengthBytes = int32ToBytes(0) // Support payments - not yet.
- function generateArbitraryTransactionV3Base(publicKey, lastReference, service, arbitraryData, fee, timestamp) => {
- const typeBytes = int32ToBytes(txType);
- const timestampBytes = int64ToBytes(timestamp);
- const feeBytes = int64ToBytes(fee * 100000000);
- const serviceBytes = int32ToBytes(service);
- const dataSizeBytes = int32ToBytes(arbitraryData.length);
- const paymentsLengthBytes = int32ToBytes(0); // Support payments - not yet.
+ var data = new Uint8Array()
- var data = new Uint8Array();
+ data = appendBuffer(data, typeBytes)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, timestampBytes)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, lastReference)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, publicKey)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, paymentsLengthBytes)
+ // Here it is necessary to insert the payments, if there are
+ data = appendBuffer(data, serviceBytes)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, dataSizeBytes)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, arbitraryData)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, feeBytes)
- data = appendBuffer(data, typeBytes);
- data = appendBuffer(data, timestampBytes);
- data = appendBuffer(data, lastReference);
- data = appendBuffer(data, publicKey);
- data = appendBuffer(data, paymentsLengthBytes);
- // Here it is necessary to insert the payments, if there are
- data = appendBuffer(data, serviceBytes);
- data = appendBuffer(data, dataSizeBytes);
- data = appendBuffer(data, arbitraryData);
- data = appendBuffer(data, feeBytes);
- return data;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ return data
+ }
+ }())
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatBase.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatBase.js
index 3a81d3f2..783176ed 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatBase.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatBase.js
@@ -1,137 +1,97 @@
-'use strict';
+'use strict'
import { TX_TYPES, QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
import nacl from '../../deps/nacl-fast.js'
import Base58 from '../../deps/Base58.js'
import utils from '../../deps/utils.js'
export default class ChatBase {
- static get utils() {
- return utils
- }
- static get nacl() {
- return nacl
- }
- static get Base58() {
- return Base58
- }
+ static get utils() {
+ return utils
+ }
+ static get nacl() {
+ return nacl
+ }
+ static get Base58() {
+ return Base58
+ }
- constructor() {
- this.fee = 0
- this.groupID = 0
- this.tests = [
- () => {
- if (!(this._type >= 1 && this._type in TX_TYPES)) {
- return 'Invalid type: ' + this.type
- }
- return true
- },
- () => {
- if (this._fee < 0) {
- return 'Invalid fee: ' + this._fee / QORT_DECIMALS
- }
- return true
- },
- () => {
- if (this._groupID < 0 || !Number.isInteger(this._groupID)) {
- return 'Invalid groupID: ' + this._groupID
- }
- return true
- },
- () => {
- if (!(new Date(this._timestamp)).getTime() > 0) {
- return 'Invalid timestamp: ' + this._timestamp
- }
- return true
- },
- () => {
- if (!(this._lastReference instanceof Uint8Array && this._lastReference.byteLength == 64)) {
- return 'Invalid last reference: ' + this._lastReference
- }
- return true
- },
- () => {
- if (!(this._keyPair)) {
- return 'keyPair must be specified'
- }
- if (!(this._keyPair.publicKey instanceof Uint8Array && this._keyPair.publicKey.byteLength === 32)) {
- return 'Invalid publicKey'
- }
- if (!(this._keyPair.privateKey instanceof Uint8Array && this._keyPair.privateKey.byteLength === 64)) {
- return 'Invalid privateKey'
- }
- return true
- }
- ]
- }
+ constructor() {
+ this.fee = 0
+ this.groupID = 0
+ }
- set keyPair(keyPair) {
- this._keyPair = keyPair
- }
- set type(type) {
- this.typeText = TX_TYPES[type]
- this._type = type
- this._typeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._type)
- }
- set groupID(groupID) {
- this._groupID = groupID
- this._groupIDBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._groupID)
- }
- set timestamp(timestamp) {
- this._timestamp = timestamp
- this._timestampBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._timestamp)
- }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
- set lastReference(lastReference) {
- this._lastReference = lastReference instanceof Uint8Array ? lastReference : this.constructor.Base58.decode(lastReference)
- }
- get params() {
+ set keyPair(keyPair) {
+ this._keyPair = keyPair
+ }
- return [
- this._typeBytes,
- this._timestampBytes,
- this._groupIDBytes,
- this._lastReference,
- this._keyPair.publicKey
- ]
- }
+ set type(type) {
+ this.typeText = TX_TYPES[type]
+ this._type = type
+ this._typeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._type)
+ }
- get chatBytes() {
+ set groupID(groupID) {
+ this._groupID = groupID
+ this._groupIDBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._groupID)
+ }
- const isValid = this.validParams()
- if (!isValid.valid) {
- throw new Error(isValid.message)
- }
+ set timestamp(timestamp) {
+ this._timestamp = timestamp
+ this._timestampBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._timestamp)
+ }
- let result = new Uint8Array()
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- this.params.forEach(item => {
- result = this.constructor.utils.appendBuffer(result, item)
- })
+ set lastReference(lastReference) {
+ this._lastReference = lastReference instanceof Uint8Array ? lastReference : this.constructor.Base58.decode(lastReference)
+ }
- this._chatBytes = result
+ get params() {
+ return [
+ this._typeBytes,
+ this._timestampBytes,
+ this._groupIDBytes,
+ this._lastReference,
+ this._keyPair.publicKey
+ ]
+ }
- return this._chatBytes
- }
+ get chatBytes() {
+ const isValid = this.validParams()
+ if (!isValid.valid) {
+ throw new Error(isValid.message)
+ }
- validParams() {
- let finalResult = {
- valid: true
- }
+ let result = new Uint8Array()
- this.tests.some(test => {
- const result = test()
- if (result !== true) {
- finalResult = {
- valid: false,
- message: result
- }
- return true
- }
- })
- return finalResult
- }
+ this.params.forEach(item => {
+ result = this.constructor.utils.appendBuffer(result, item)
+ })
+ this._chatBytes = result
+ return this._chatBytes
+ }
+ validParams() {
+ let finalResult = {
+ valid: true
+ }
+ this.tests.some(test => {
+ const result = test()
+ if (result !== true) {
+ finalResult = {
+ valid: false,
+ message: result
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ })
+ return finalResult
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatTransaction.js
index 6e6dcfd4..642ff744 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatTransaction.js
@@ -1,77 +1,92 @@
-"use strict";
+'use strict'
import ChatBase from "./ChatBase.js"
import nacl from '../../deps/nacl-fast.js'
import ed2curve from '../../deps/ed2curve.js'
import { Sha256 } from 'asmcrypto.js'
+import { CHAT_REFERENCE_FEATURE_TRIGGER_TIMESTAMP } from '../../constants.js'
export default class ChatTransaction extends ChatBase {
- constructor() {
- super();
- this.type = 18
- this.fee = 0
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 18
+ this.fee = 0
+ }
- set recipientPublicKey(recipientPublicKey) {
- this._base58RecipientPublicKey = recipientPublicKey instanceof Uint8Array ? this.constructor.Base58.encode(recipientPublicKey) : recipientPublicKey
- this._recipientPublicKey = this.constructor.Base58.decode(this._base58RecipientPublicKey)
+ set recipientPublicKey(recipientPublicKey) {
+ this._base58RecipientPublicKey = recipientPublicKey instanceof Uint8Array ? this.constructor.Base58.encode(recipientPublicKey) : recipientPublicKey
+ this._recipientPublicKey = this.constructor.Base58.decode(this._base58RecipientPublicKey)
+ }
- }
+ set proofOfWorkNonce(proofOfWorkNonce) {
+ this._proofOfWorkNonce = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(proofOfWorkNonce)
+ }
- set proofOfWorkNonce(proofOfWorkNonce) {
- this._proofOfWorkNonce = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(proofOfWorkNonce)
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ this._hasReceipient = new Uint8Array(1)
+ this._hasReceipient[0] = 1
+ }
+ set hasChatReference(hasChatReference) {
+ this._hasChatReference = new Uint8Array(1)
+ this._hasChatReference[0] = hasChatReference
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) {
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- this._hasReceipient = new Uint8Array(1)
- this._hasReceipient[0] = 1
- }
+ set chatReference(chatReference) {
+ this._chatReference = chatReference instanceof Uint8Array ? chatReference : this.constructor.Base58.decode(chatReference)
+ }
- set message(message) {
+ set message(message) {
+ this.messageText = message;
+ this._message = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(message)
+ this._messageLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._message.length)
+ }
- this.messageText = message;
+ set isEncrypted(isEncrypted) {
+ this._isEncrypted = new Uint8Array(1)
+ this._isEncrypted[0] = isEncrypted
- this._message = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(message)
- this._messageLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._message.length)
- }
+ if (isEncrypted === 1) {
+ const convertedPrivateKey = ed2curve.convertSecretKey(this._keyPair.privateKey)
+ const convertedPublicKey = ed2curve.convertPublicKey(this._recipientPublicKey)
+ const sharedSecret = new Uint8Array(32)
+ nacl.lowlevel.crypto_scalarmult(sharedSecret, convertedPrivateKey, convertedPublicKey)
- set isEncrypted(isEncrypted) {
- this._isEncrypted = new Uint8Array(1);
- this._isEncrypted[0] = isEncrypted;
+ this._chatEncryptionSeed = new Sha256().process(sharedSecret).finish().result
+ this._encryptedMessage = nacl.secretbox(this._message, this._lastReference.slice(0, 24), this._chatEncryptionSeed)
+ }
- if (isEncrypted === 1) {
- const convertedPrivateKey = ed2curve.convertSecretKey(this._keyPair.privateKey)
- const convertedPublicKey = ed2curve.convertPublicKey(this._recipientPublicKey)
- const sharedSecret = new Uint8Array(32);
- nacl.lowlevel.crypto_scalarmult(sharedSecret, convertedPrivateKey, convertedPublicKey);
+ this._myMessage = isEncrypted === 1 ? this._encryptedMessage : this._message
+ this._myMessageLenth = isEncrypted === 1 ? this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._myMessage.length) : this._messageLength
+ }
- this._chatEncryptionSeed = new Sha256().process(sharedSecret).finish().result
- this._encryptedMessage = nacl.secretbox(this._message, this._lastReference.slice(0, 24), this._chatEncryptionSeed)
- }
+ set isText(isText) {
+ this._isText = new Uint8Array(1)
+ this._isText[0] = isText
+ }
- this._myMessage = isEncrypted === 1 ? this._encryptedMessage : this._message
- this._myMessageLenth = isEncrypted === 1 ? this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._myMessage.length) : this._messageLength
- }
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params;
+ params.push(
+ this._proofOfWorkNonce,
+ this._hasReceipient,
+ this._recipient,
+ this._myMessageLenth,
+ this._myMessage,
+ this._isEncrypted,
+ this._isText,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
- set isText(isText) {
- this._isText = new Uint8Array(1);
- this._isText[0] = isText;
- }
+ // After the feature trigger timestamp we need to include chat reference
+ if (new Date(this._timestamp).getTime() >= CHAT_REFERENCE_FEATURE_TRIGGER_TIMESTAMP) {
+ params.push(this._hasChatReference)
- get params() {
- const params = super.params;
- params.push(
- this._proofOfWorkNonce,
- this._hasReceipient,
- this._recipient,
- this._myMessageLenth,
- this._myMessage,
- this._isEncrypted,
- this._isText,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params;
- }
+ if (this._hasChatReference[0] == 1) {
+ params.push(this._chatReference)
+ }
+ }
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/GroupChatTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/GroupChatTransaction.js
index efbd97b0..e414d10b 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/GroupChatTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/GroupChatTransaction.js
@@ -1,52 +1,67 @@
-"use strict";
+'use strict'
import ChatBase from "./ChatBase.js"
export default class GroupChatTransaction extends ChatBase {
- constructor() {
- super();
- this.type = 18
- this.fee = 0
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.type = 18
+ this.fee = 0
+ }
- set proofOfWorkNonce(proofOfWorkNonce) {
- this._proofOfWorkNonce = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(proofOfWorkNonce)
- }
+ set proofOfWorkNonce(proofOfWorkNonce) {
+ this._proofOfWorkNonce = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(proofOfWorkNonce)
+ }
+ set hasReceipient(hasReceipient) {
+ this._hasReceipient = new Uint8Array(1)
+ this._hasReceipient[0] = hasReceipient
+ }
- set hasReceipient(hasReceipient) {
- this._hasReceipient = new Uint8Array(1)
- this._hasReceipient[0] = hasReceipient
- }
+ set message(message) {
+ this.messageText = message
+ this._message = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(message)
+ this._messageLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._message.length)
+ }
- set message(message) {
+ set hasChatReference(hasChatReference) {
+ this._hasChatReference = new Uint8Array(1)
+ this._hasChatReference[0] = hasChatReference
+ }
- this.messageText = message;
+ set chatReference(chatReference) {
+ this._chatReference = chatReference instanceof Uint8Array ? chatReference : this.constructor.Base58.decode(chatReference)
+ }
- this._message = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(message)
- this._messageLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._message.length)
- }
+ set isEncrypted(isEncrypted) {
+ this._isEncrypted = new Uint8Array(1);
+ this._isEncrypted[0] = isEncrypted
+ }
- set isEncrypted(isEncrypted) {
- this._isEncrypted = new Uint8Array(1);
- this._isEncrypted[0] = isEncrypted; // Set to false...
- }
+ set isText(isText) {
+ this._isText = new Uint8Array(1)
+ this._isText[0] = isText
+ }
- set isText(isText) {
- this._isText = new Uint8Array(1);
- this._isText[0] = isText; // Set to true
- }
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params;
+ params.push(
+ this._proofOfWorkNonce,
+ this._hasReceipient,
+ this._messageLength,
+ this._message,
+ this._isEncrypted,
+ this._isText,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
- get params() {
- const params = super.params;
- params.push(
- this._proofOfWorkNonce,
- this._hasReceipient,
- this._messageLength,
- this._message,
- this._isEncrypted,
- this._isText,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params;
- }
+ // After the feature trigger timestamp we need to include chat reference
+ if (new Date(this._timestamp).getTime() >= CHAT_REFERENCE_FEATURE_TRIGGER_TIMESTAMP) {
+ params.push(this._hasChatReference)
+ if (this._hasChatReference[0] == 1) {
+ params.push(this._chatReference)
+ }
+ }
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/decryptChatMessage.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/decryptChatMessage.js
index 5ea06ec8..038db155 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/decryptChatMessage.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/decryptChatMessage.js
@@ -3,25 +3,24 @@ import Base58 from '../../deps/Base58.js'
import ed2curve from '../../deps/ed2curve.js'
import { Sha256 } from 'asmcrypto.js'
export const decryptChatMessage = (encryptedMessage, privateKey, recipientPublicKey, lastReference) => {
- let _encryptedMessage = Base58.decode(encryptedMessage)
+ let _encryptedMessage = Base58.decode(encryptedMessage)
- const _base58RecipientPublicKey = recipientPublicKey instanceof Uint8Array ? Base58.encode(recipientPublicKey) : recipientPublicKey
- const _recipientPublicKey = Base58.decode(_base58RecipientPublicKey)
+ const _base58RecipientPublicKey = recipientPublicKey instanceof Uint8Array ? Base58.encode(recipientPublicKey) : recipientPublicKey
+ const _recipientPublicKey = Base58.decode(_base58RecipientPublicKey)
- const _lastReference = lastReference instanceof Uint8Array ? lastReference : Base58.decode(lastReference)
+ const _lastReference = lastReference instanceof Uint8Array ? lastReference : Base58.decode(lastReference)
- const convertedPrivateKey = ed2curve.convertSecretKey(privateKey)
- const convertedPublicKey = ed2curve.convertPublicKey(_recipientPublicKey)
- const sharedSecret = new Uint8Array(32);
- nacl.lowlevel.crypto_scalarmult(sharedSecret, convertedPrivateKey, convertedPublicKey);
+ const convertedPrivateKey = ed2curve.convertSecretKey(privateKey)
+ const convertedPublicKey = ed2curve.convertPublicKey(_recipientPublicKey)
+ const sharedSecret = new Uint8Array(32);
+ nacl.lowlevel.crypto_scalarmult(sharedSecret, convertedPrivateKey, convertedPublicKey)
- const _chatEncryptionSeed = new Sha256().process(sharedSecret).finish().result
- const _decryptedMessage =, _lastReference.slice(0, 24), _chatEncryptionSeed)
+ const _chatEncryptionSeed = new Sha256().process(sharedSecret).finish().result
+ const _decryptedMessage =, _lastReference.slice(0, 24), _chatEncryptionSeed)
- let decryptedMessage = ''
+ let decryptedMessage = ''
- _decryptedMessage === false ? decryptedMessage : decryptedMessage = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(_decryptedMessage);
- return decryptedMessage
+ _decryptedMessage === false ? decryptedMessage : decryptedMessage = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(_decryptedMessage)
+ return decryptedMessage
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/signChat.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/signChat.js
index 2c8428da..6760dac5 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/signChat.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/signChat.js
@@ -1,46 +1,43 @@
import nacl from '../../deps/nacl-fast.js'
import utils from '../../deps/utils.js'
const signChat = (chatBytes, nonce, keyPair) => {
- if (!chatBytes) {
- throw new Error('Chat Bytes not defined')
- }
+ if (!chatBytes) {
+ throw new Error('Chat Bytes not defined')
+ }
- if (!nonce) {
- throw new Error('Nonce not defined')
- }
+ if (!nonce) {
+ throw new Error('Nonce not defined')
+ }
- if (!keyPair) {
- throw new Error('keyPair not defined')
- }
+ if (!keyPair) {
+ throw new Error('keyPair not defined')
+ }
- const _nonce = utils.int32ToBytes(nonce)
+ const _nonce = utils.int32ToBytes(nonce)
- if (chatBytes.length === undefined) {
- const _chatBytesBuffer = Object.keys(chatBytes).map(function (key) { return chatBytes[key]; });
+ if (chatBytes.length === undefined) {
+ const _chatBytesBuffer = Object.keys(chatBytes).map(function (key) { return chatBytes[key]; })
- const chatBytesBuffer = new Uint8Array(_chatBytesBuffer)
- chatBytesBuffer.set(_nonce, 112)
+ const chatBytesBuffer = new Uint8Array(_chatBytesBuffer)
+ chatBytesBuffer.set(_nonce, 112)
+ const signature = nacl.sign.detached(chatBytesBuffer, keyPair.privateKey)
- const signature = nacl.sign.detached(chatBytesBuffer, keyPair.privateKey)
+ const signedBytes = utils.appendBuffer(chatBytesBuffer, signature)
- const signedBytes = utils.appendBuffer(chatBytesBuffer, signature)
+ return signedBytes
+ } else {
+ const chatBytesBuffer = new Uint8Array(chatBytes)
+ chatBytesBuffer.set(_nonce, 112)
- return signedBytes
- } else {
- const chatBytesBuffer = new Uint8Array(chatBytes)
- chatBytesBuffer.set(_nonce, 112)
+ const signature = nacl.sign.detached(chatBytesBuffer, keyPair.privateKey)
+ const signedBytes = utils.appendBuffer(chatBytesBuffer, signature)
- const signature = nacl.sign.detached(chatBytesBuffer, keyPair.privateKey)
- const signedBytes = utils.appendBuffer(chatBytesBuffer, signature)
- return signedBytes
- }
+ return signedBytes
+ }
export default signChat
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/AddGroupAdminTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/AddGroupAdminTransaction.js
index b4d6c120..4f5bf090 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/AddGroupAdminTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/AddGroupAdminTransaction.js
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-'use strict';
-import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
-import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../../constants.js"
+'use strict'
+import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
+import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class AddGroupAdminTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 24
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 24
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._addAdminDialog1}
- ${this.theRecipient}
- ${this._addAdminDialog2}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._addAdminDialog1}
+ ${this.theRecipient}
+ ${this._addAdminDialog2}
+ `
+ }
- set addAdminDialog1(addAdminDialog1) {
- this._addAdminDialog1 = addAdminDialog1
- }
+ set addAdminDialog1(addAdminDialog1) {
+ this._addAdminDialog1 = addAdminDialog1
+ }
- set addAdminDialog2(addAdminDialog2) {
- this._addAdminDialog2 = addAdminDialog2
- }
+ set addAdminDialog2(addAdminDialog2) {
+ this._addAdminDialog2 = addAdminDialog2
+ }
- set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
- this._rGroupId = rGroupId;
- this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
- }
+ set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
+ this._rGroupId = rGroupId
+ this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) {
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- this.theRecipient = recipient
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ this.theRecipient = recipient
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._rGroupIdBytes,
- this._recipient,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._rGroupIdBytes,
+ this._recipient,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/CancelGroupBanTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/CancelGroupBanTransaction.js
index 3e36be23..61de1e34 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/CancelGroupBanTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/CancelGroupBanTransaction.js
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-'use strict';
-import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
-import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../../constants.js"
+'use strict'
+import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
+import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class CancelGroupBanTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 27
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 27
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._cancelBanMemberDialog1}
- ${this.theRecipient}
- ${this._cancelBanMemberDialog2}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._cancelBanMemberDialog1}
+ ${this.theRecipient}
+ ${this._cancelBanMemberDialog2}
+ `
+ }
- set cancelBanMemberDialog1(cancelBanMemberDialog1) {
- this._cancelBanMemberDialog1= cancelBanMemberDialog1
- }
+ set cancelBanMemberDialog1(cancelBanMemberDialog1) {
+ this._cancelBanMemberDialog1 = cancelBanMemberDialog1
+ }
- set cancelBanMemberDialog2(cancelBanMemberDialog2) {
- this._cancelBanMemberDialog2 = cancelBanMemberDialog2
- }
+ set cancelBanMemberDialog2(cancelBanMemberDialog2) {
+ this._cancelBanMemberDialog2 = cancelBanMemberDialog2
+ }
- set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
- this._rGroupId = rGroupId
- this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
- }
+ set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
+ this._rGroupId = rGroupId
+ this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) {
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- this.theRecipient = recipient
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ this.theRecipient = recipient
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._rGroupIdBytes,
- this._recipient,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._rGroupIdBytes,
+ this._recipient,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/CancelGroupInviteTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/CancelGroupInviteTransaction.js
index 79d24656..10bb800b 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/CancelGroupInviteTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/CancelGroupInviteTransaction.js
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-'use strict';
-import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
-import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../../constants.js"
+'use strict'
+import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
+import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class CancelGroupInviteTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 30
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 30
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._cancelInviteDialog1}
- ${this._memberName}
- ${this.theRecipient}
- ${this._cancelInviteDialog2}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._cancelInviteDialog1}
+ ${this._memberName}
+ ${this.theRecipient}
+ ${this._cancelInviteDialog2}
+ `
+ }
- set memberName(memberName) {
- this._memberName = memberName
- }
+ set memberName(memberName) {
+ this._memberName = memberName
+ }
- set cancelInviteDialog1(cancelInviteDialog1) {
- this._cancelInviteDialog1 = cancelInviteDialog1
- }
+ set cancelInviteDialog1(cancelInviteDialog1) {
+ this._cancelInviteDialog1 = cancelInviteDialog1
+ }
- set cancelInviteDialog2(cancelInviteDialog2) {
- this._cancelInviteDialog2 = cancelInviteDialog2
- }
+ set cancelInviteDialog2(cancelInviteDialog2) {
+ this._cancelInviteDialog2 = cancelInviteDialog2
+ }
- set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
- this._rGroupId = rGroupId;
- this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
- }
+ set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
+ this._rGroupId = rGroupId
+ this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) {
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- this.theRecipient = recipient
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ this.theRecipient = recipient
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._rGroupIdBytes,
- this._recipient,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._rGroupIdBytes,
+ this._recipient,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/CreateGroupTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/CreateGroupTransaction.js
index 909b46bd..0b76ead0 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/CreateGroupTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/CreateGroupTransaction.js
@@ -1,98 +1,98 @@
-"use strict";
-import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
-import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../../constants.js"
+'use strict'
+import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
+import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class CreateGroupTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 22
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 22
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._groupdialog5}
${this._groupdialog7}: ${this._rGroupName}
${this._groupdialog8}: ${this._rGroupDesc}
${this._groupdialog9}: ${this.myGroupType === 1 ? "Public" : "Private"}
- ${this._groupdialog6}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._groupdialog5}
${this._groupdialog7}: ${this._rGroupName}
${this._groupdialog8}: ${this._rGroupDesc}
${this._groupdialog9}: ${this.myGroupType === 1 ? "Public" : "Private"}
+ ${this._groupdialog6}
+ `
+ }
- set groupdialog5(groupdialog5) {
- this._groupdialog5 = groupdialog5
- }
+ set groupdialog5(groupdialog5) {
+ this._groupdialog5 = groupdialog5
+ }
- set groupdialog6(groupdialog6) {
- this._groupdialog6 = groupdialog6
- }
+ set groupdialog6(groupdialog6) {
+ this._groupdialog6 = groupdialog6
+ }
- set groupdialog7(groupdialog7) {
- this._groupdialog7 = groupdialog7
- }
+ set groupdialog7(groupdialog7) {
+ this._groupdialog7 = groupdialog7
+ }
- set groupdialog8(groupdialog8) {
- this._groupdialog8 = groupdialog8
- }
+ set groupdialog8(groupdialog8) {
+ this._groupdialog8 = groupdialog8
+ }
- set groupdialog9(groupdialog9) {
- this._groupdialog9 = groupdialog9
- }
+ set groupdialog9(groupdialog9) {
+ this._groupdialog9 = groupdialog9
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- set rGroupName(rGroupName) {
- this._rGroupName = rGroupName;
- this._rGroupNameBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(this._rGroupName.toLocaleLowerCase())
- this._rGroupNameLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupNameBytes.length)
- }
+ set rGroupName(rGroupName) {
+ this._rGroupName = rGroupName
+ this._rGroupNameBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(this._rGroupName.toLocaleLowerCase())
+ this._rGroupNameLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupNameBytes.length)
+ }
- set rGroupDesc(rGroupDesc) {
- this._rGroupDesc = rGroupDesc;
- this._rGroupDescBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(this._rGroupDesc.toLocaleLowerCase())
- this._rGroupDescLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupDescBytes.length)
- }
+ set rGroupDesc(rGroupDesc) {
+ this._rGroupDesc = rGroupDesc
+ this._rGroupDescBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(this._rGroupDesc.toLocaleLowerCase())
+ this._rGroupDescLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupDescBytes.length)
+ }
- set rGroupType(rGroupType) {
- this.myGroupType = rGroupType;
- this._rGroupType = new Uint8Array(1)
- this._rGroupType[0] = rGroupType;
- }
+ set rGroupType(rGroupType) {
+ this.myGroupType = rGroupType
+ this._rGroupType = new Uint8Array(1)
+ this._rGroupType[0] = rGroupType
+ }
- set rGroupApprovalThreshold(rGroupApprovalThreshold) {
- this._rGroupApprovalThreshold = new Uint8Array(1)
- this._rGroupApprovalThreshold[0] = rGroupApprovalThreshold;
- }
+ set rGroupApprovalThreshold(rGroupApprovalThreshold) {
+ this._rGroupApprovalThreshold = new Uint8Array(1)
+ this._rGroupApprovalThreshold[0] = rGroupApprovalThreshold
+ }
- set rGroupMinimumBlockDelay(rGroupMinimumBlockDelay) {
- this._rGroupMinimumBlockDelay = rGroupMinimumBlockDelay;
- this._rGroupMinimumBlockDelayBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupMinimumBlockDelay)
- }
+ set rGroupMinimumBlockDelay(rGroupMinimumBlockDelay) {
+ this._rGroupMinimumBlockDelay = rGroupMinimumBlockDelay
+ this._rGroupMinimumBlockDelayBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupMinimumBlockDelay)
+ }
- set rGroupMaximumBlockDelay(rGroupMaximumBlockDelay) {
- this._rGroupMaximumBlockDelay = rGroupMaximumBlockDelay;
- this._rGroupMaximumBlockDelayBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupMaximumBlockDelay)
- }
+ set rGroupMaximumBlockDelay(rGroupMaximumBlockDelay) {
+ this._rGroupMaximumBlockDelay = rGroupMaximumBlockDelay
+ this._rGroupMaximumBlockDelayBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupMaximumBlockDelay)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params;
- params.push(
- this._rGroupNameLength,
- this._rGroupNameBytes,
- this._rGroupDescLength,
- this._rGroupDescBytes,
- this._rGroupType,
- this._rGroupApprovalThreshold,
- this._rGroupMinimumBlockDelayBytes,
- this._rGroupMaximumBlockDelayBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._rGroupNameLength,
+ this._rGroupNameBytes,
+ this._rGroupDescLength,
+ this._rGroupDescBytes,
+ this._rGroupType,
+ this._rGroupApprovalThreshold,
+ this._rGroupMinimumBlockDelayBytes,
+ this._rGroupMaximumBlockDelayBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/GroupBanTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/GroupBanTransaction.js
index 2d6e2d9c..101cb364 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/GroupBanTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/GroupBanTransaction.js
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'use strict';
-import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
-import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../../constants.js"
+'use strict'
+import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
+import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class GroupBanTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 26
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 26
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._banMemberDialog1}
- ${this.theRecipient}
- ${this._banMemberDialog2}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._banMemberDialog1}
+ ${this.theRecipient}
+ ${this._banMemberDialog2}
+ `
+ }
- set banMemberDialog1(banMemberDialog1) {
- this._banMemberDialog1= banMemberDialog1
- }
+ set banMemberDialog1(banMemberDialog1) {
+ this._banMemberDialog1 = banMemberDialog1
+ }
- set banMemberDialog2(banMemberDialog2) {
- this._banMemberDialog2 = banMemberDialog2
- }
+ set banMemberDialog2(banMemberDialog2) {
+ this._banMemberDialog2 = banMemberDialog2
+ }
- set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
- this._rGroupId = rGroupId;
- this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
- }
+ set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
+ this._rGroupId = rGroupId
+ this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
+ }
- set rBanReason(rBanReason) {
- this._rBanReason = rBanReason
- this._rBanReasonBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(this._rBanReason.toLocaleLowerCase())
- this._rBanReasonLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rBanReasonBytes.length)
- }
+ set rBanReason(rBanReason) {
+ this._rBanReason = rBanReason
+ this._rBanReasonBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(this._rBanReason.toLocaleLowerCase())
+ this._rBanReasonLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rBanReasonBytes.length)
+ }
- set rBanTime(rBanTime) {
- this._rBanTime = rBanTime
- this._rBanTimeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rBanTime)
- }
+ set rBanTime(rBanTime) {
+ this._rBanTime = rBanTime
+ this._rBanTimeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rBanTime)
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) {
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- this.theRecipient = recipient
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ this.theRecipient = recipient
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._rGroupIdBytes,
- this._recipient,
- this._rBanReasonLength,
- this._rBanReasonBytes,
- this._rBanTimeBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._rGroupIdBytes,
+ this._recipient,
+ this._rBanReasonLength,
+ this._rBanReasonBytes,
+ this._rBanTimeBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/GroupInviteTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/GroupInviteTransaction.js
index 123ab820..62a89633 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/GroupInviteTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/GroupInviteTransaction.js
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'use strict';
-import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
-import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../../constants.js"
+'use strict'
+import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
+import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class GroupInviteTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 29
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 29
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._inviteMemberDialog1}
- ${this.theRecipient}
- ${this._inviteMemberDialog2}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._inviteMemberDialog1}
+ ${this.theRecipient}
+ ${this._inviteMemberDialog2}
+ `
+ }
- set inviteMemberDialog1(inviteMemberDialog1) {
- this._inviteMemberDialog1= inviteMemberDialog1
- }
+ set inviteMemberDialog1(inviteMemberDialog1) {
+ this._inviteMemberDialog1 = inviteMemberDialog1
+ }
- set inviteMemberDialog2(inviteMemberDialog2) {
- this._inviteMemberDialog2 = inviteMemberDialog2
- }
+ set inviteMemberDialog2(inviteMemberDialog2) {
+ this._inviteMemberDialog2 = inviteMemberDialog2
+ }
- set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
- this._rGroupId = rGroupId;
- this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
- }
+ set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
+ this._rGroupId = rGroupId
+ this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
+ }
- set rInviteTime(rInviteTime) {
- this._rInviteTime = rInviteTime
- this._rInviteTimeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rInviteTime)
- }
+ set rInviteTime(rInviteTime) {
+ this._rInviteTime = rInviteTime
+ this._rInviteTimeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rInviteTime)
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) {
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- this.theRecipient = recipient
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ this.theRecipient = recipient
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._rGroupIdBytes,
- this._recipient,
- this._rInviteTimeBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._rGroupIdBytes,
+ this._recipient,
+ this._rInviteTimeBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/GroupKickTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/GroupKickTransaction.js
index 12e6d276..4a2af2c2 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/GroupKickTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/GroupKickTransaction.js
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-'use strict';
-import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
-import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../../constants.js"
+'use strict'
+import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
+import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class GroupKickTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 28
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 28
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._kickMemberDialog1}
- ${this.theRecipient}
- ${this._kickMemberDialog2}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._kickMemberDialog1}
+ ${this.theRecipient}
+ ${this._kickMemberDialog2}
+ `
+ }
- set kickMemberDialog1(kickMemberDialog1) {
- this._kickMemberDialog1= kickMemberDialog1
- }
+ set kickMemberDialog1(kickMemberDialog1) {
+ this._kickMemberDialog1 = kickMemberDialog1
+ }
- set kickMemberDialog2(kickMemberDialog2) {
- this._kickMemberDialog2 = kickMemberDialog2
- }
+ set kickMemberDialog2(kickMemberDialog2) {
+ this._kickMemberDialog2 = kickMemberDialog2
+ }
- set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
- this._rGroupId = rGroupId;
- this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
- }
+ set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
+ this._rGroupId = rGroupId
+ this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
+ }
- set rBanReason(rBanReason) {
- this._rBanReason = rBanReason
- this._rBanReasonBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(this._rBanReason.toLocaleLowerCase())
- this._rBanReasonLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rBanReasonBytes.length)
- }
+ set rBanReason(rBanReason) {
+ this._rBanReason = rBanReason
+ this._rBanReasonBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(this._rBanReason.toLocaleLowerCase())
+ this._rBanReasonLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rBanReasonBytes.length)
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) {
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- this.theRecipient = recipient
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ this.theRecipient = recipient
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._rGroupIdBytes,
- this._recipient,
- this._rBanReasonLength,
- this._rBanReasonBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._rGroupIdBytes,
+ this._recipient,
+ this._rBanReasonLength,
+ this._rBanReasonBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/JoinGroupTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/JoinGroupTransaction.js
index 126730ff..57a42bb5 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/JoinGroupTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/JoinGroupTransaction.js
@@ -1,63 +1,55 @@
-"use strict";
-import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
-import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../../constants.js"
+'use strict'
+import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
+import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class JoinGroupTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 31
- this.tests.push(
- () => {
- if (!(this._registrantAddress instanceof Uint8Array && this._registrantAddress.length == 25)) {
- return "Invalid Registrant " + Base58.encode(this._registrantAddress)
- }
- return true
- }
- )
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 31
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._groupdialog1}
- ${this._rGroupName}
- ${this._groupdialog2}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._groupdialog1}
+ ${this._rGroupName}
+ ${this._groupdialog2}
+ `
+ }
- set groupdialog1(groupdialog1) {
- this._groupdialog1 = groupdialog1
- }
+ set groupdialog1(groupdialog1) {
+ this._groupdialog1 = groupdialog1
+ }
- set groupdialog2(groupdialog2) {
- this._groupdialog2 = groupdialog2
- }
+ set groupdialog2(groupdialog2) {
+ this._groupdialog2 = groupdialog2
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- set registrantAddress(registrantAddress) {// Always Base58 encoded. Accepts Uint8Array or Base58 string.
- this._registrantAddress = registrantAddress instanceof Uint8Array ? registrantAddress : this.constructor.Base58.decode(registrantAddress);
- }
+ set registrantAddress(registrantAddress) {
+ this._registrantAddress = registrantAddress instanceof Uint8Array ? registrantAddress : this.constructor.Base58.decode(registrantAddress)
+ }
- set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
- this._rGroupId = rGroupId;
- this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
- }
+ set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
+ this._rGroupId = rGroupId
+ this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
+ }
- set rGroupName(rGroupName) {
- this._rGroupName = rGroupName;
- }
+ set rGroupName(rGroupName) {
+ this._rGroupName = rGroupName
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params;
- params.push(
- this._rGroupIdBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._rGroupIdBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/LeaveGroupTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/LeaveGroupTransaction.js
index 0a3939f0..988d768c 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/LeaveGroupTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/LeaveGroupTransaction.js
@@ -1,63 +1,55 @@
-"use strict";
-import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
-import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../../constants.js"
+'use strict'
+import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
+import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class LeaveGroupTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 32
- this.tests.push(
- () => {
- if (!(this._registrantAddress instanceof Uint8Array && this._registrantAddress.length == 25)) {
- return "Invalid Registrant " + Base58.encode(this._registrantAddress)
- }
- return true
- }
- )
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 32
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._groupdialog3}
- ${this._rGroupName}
- ${this._groupdialog4}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._groupdialog3}
+ ${this._rGroupName}
+ ${this._groupdialog4}
+ `
+ }
- set groupdialog3(groupdialog3) {
- this._groupdialog3 = groupdialog3
- }
+ set groupdialog3(groupdialog3) {
+ this._groupdialog3 = groupdialog3
+ }
- set groupdialog4(groupdialog4) {
- this._groupdialog4 = groupdialog4
- }
+ set groupdialog4(groupdialog4) {
+ this._groupdialog4 = groupdialog4
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- set registrantAddress(registrantAddress) {// Always Base58 encoded. Accepts Uint8Array or Base58 string.
- this._registrantAddress = registrantAddress instanceof Uint8Array ? registrantAddress : this.constructor.Base58.decode(registrantAddress);
- }
+ set registrantAddress(registrantAddress) {
+ this._registrantAddress = registrantAddress instanceof Uint8Array ? registrantAddress : this.constructor.Base58.decode(registrantAddress)
+ }
- set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
- this._rGroupId = rGroupId;
- this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
- }
+ set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
+ this._rGroupId = rGroupId
+ this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
+ }
- set rGroupName(rGroupName) {
- this._rGroupName = rGroupName;
- }
+ set rGroupName(rGroupName) {
+ this._rGroupName = rGroupName
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params;
- params.push(
- this._rGroupIdBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params;
- }
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._rGroupIdBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/RemoveGroupAdminTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/RemoveGroupAdminTransaction.js
index 502c6166..05af0da9 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/RemoveGroupAdminTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/groups/RemoveGroupAdminTransaction.js
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-'use strict';
-import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
-import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../../constants.js"
+'use strict'
+import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
+import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class RemoveGroupAdminTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 25
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 25
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._kickAdminDialog1}
- ${this.theRecipient}
- ${this._kickAdminDialog2}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._kickAdminDialog1}
+ ${this.theRecipient}
+ ${this._kickAdminDialog2}
+ `
+ }
- set kickAdminDialog1(kickAdminDialog1) {
- this._kickAdminDialog1 = kickAdminDialog1
- }
+ set kickAdminDialog1(kickAdminDialog1) {
+ this._kickAdminDialog1 = kickAdminDialog1
+ }
- set kickAdminDialog2(kickAdminDialog2) {
- this._kickAdminDialog2 = kickAdminDialog2
- }
+ set kickAdminDialog2(kickAdminDialog2) {
+ this._kickAdminDialog2 = kickAdminDialog2
+ }
- set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
- this._rGroupId = rGroupId;
- this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
- }
+ set rGroupId(rGroupId) {
+ this._rGroupId = rGroupId
+ this._rGroupIdBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._rGroupId)
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) {
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- this.theRecipient = recipient
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ this.theRecipient = recipient
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._rGroupIdBytes,
- this._recipient,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._rGroupIdBytes,
+ this._recipient,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/BuyNameTransacion.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/BuyNameTransacion.js
index 36aa7d60..48671a2a 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/BuyNameTransacion.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/BuyNameTransacion.js
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-'use strict';
+'use strict'
import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class BuyNameTransacion extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 7
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 7
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._buyNameDialog1}
- ${this.nameText}
- ${this._buyNameDialog2}
- ${this.showSellPrice}
- ${this._buyNameDialog3}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._buyNameDialog1}
+ ${this.nameText}
+ ${this._buyNameDialog2}
+ ${this.showSellPrice}
+ ${this._buyNameDialog3}
+ `
+ }
- set buyNameDialog1(buyNameDialog1) {
- this._buyNameDialog1 = buyNameDialog1
- }
+ set buyNameDialog1(buyNameDialog1) {
+ this._buyNameDialog1 = buyNameDialog1
+ }
- set buyNameDialog2(buyNameDialog2) {
- this._buyNameDialog2 = buyNameDialog2
- }
+ set buyNameDialog2(buyNameDialog2) {
+ this._buyNameDialog2 = buyNameDialog2
+ }
- set buyNameDialog3(buyNameDialog3) {
- this._buyNameDialog3 = buyNameDialog3
- }
+ set buyNameDialog3(buyNameDialog3) {
+ this._buyNameDialog3 = buyNameDialog3
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- set name(name) {
- this.nameText = name
- this._nameBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(name)
- this._nameLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._nameBytes.length)
- }
+ set name(name) {
+ this.nameText = name
+ this._nameBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(name)
+ this._nameLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._nameBytes.length)
+ }
- set sellPrice(sellPrice) {
- this.showSellPrice = sellPrice
- this._sellPrice = sellPrice * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._sellPriceBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._sellPrice)
- }
+ set sellPrice(sellPrice) {
+ this.showSellPrice = sellPrice
+ this._sellPrice = sellPrice * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._sellPriceBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._sellPrice)
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) {
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- this.theRecipient = recipient
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ this.theRecipient = recipient
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._nameLength,
- this._nameBytes,
- this._sellPriceBytes,
- this._recipient,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._nameLength,
+ this._nameBytes,
+ this._sellPriceBytes,
+ this._recipient,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/CancelSellNameTransacion.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/CancelSellNameTransacion.js
index bc5a69b3..da8f98bb 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/CancelSellNameTransacion.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/CancelSellNameTransacion.js
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-'use strict';
+'use strict'
import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class CancelSellNameTransacion extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 6
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 6
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._cancelSellNameDialog1}
- ${this.nameText}
- ${this._cancelSellNameDialog2}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._cancelSellNameDialog1}
+ ${this.nameText}
+ ${this._cancelSellNameDialog2}
+ `
+ }
- set cancelSellNameDialog1(cancelSellNameDialog1) {
- this._cancelSellNameDialog1 = cancelSellNameDialog1
- }
+ set cancelSellNameDialog1(cancelSellNameDialog1) {
+ this._cancelSellNameDialog1 = cancelSellNameDialog1
+ }
- set cancelSellNameDialog2(cancelSellNameDialog2) {
- this._cancelSellNameDialog2 = cancelSellNameDialog2
- }
+ set cancelSellNameDialog2(cancelSellNameDialog2) {
+ this._cancelSellNameDialog2 = cancelSellNameDialog2
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- set name(name) {
- this.nameText = name
- this._nameBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(name)
- this._nameLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._nameBytes.length)
- }
+ set name(name) {
+ this.nameText = name
+ this._nameBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(name)
+ this._nameLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._nameBytes.length)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._nameLength,
- this._nameBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._nameLength,
+ this._nameBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/RegisterNameTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/RegisterNameTransaction.js
index dac9f69e..6076e7c3 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/RegisterNameTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/RegisterNameTransaction.js
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-"use strict";
-import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
-import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "../../constants.js"
+'use strict'
+import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
+import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class RegisterNameTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 3
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 3
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._dialogyou}
- ${this.nameText}
- ${this._dialogonpress}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._dialogyou}
+ ${this.nameText}
+ ${this._dialogonpress}
+ `
+ }
- set dialogyou(dialogyou) {
- this._dialogyou = dialogyou
- }
+ set dialogyou(dialogyou) {
+ this._dialogyou = dialogyou
+ }
- set dialogonpress(dialogonpress) {
- this._dialogonpress = dialogonpress
- }
+ set dialogonpress(dialogonpress) {
+ this._dialogonpress = dialogonpress
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- set name(name) {
- this.nameText = name;
- this._nameBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(name)
- this._nameLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._nameBytes.length)
- }
+ set name(name) {
+ this.nameText = name
+ this._nameBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(name)
+ this._nameLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._nameBytes.length)
+ }
- set value(value) {
- this.valueText = value.length === 0 ? "Registered Name on the Qortal Chain" : value;
- this._valueBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(this.valueText)
- this._valueLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._valueBytes.length)
- }
+ set value(value) {
+ this.valueText = value.length === 0 ? "Registered Name on the Qortal Chain" : value
+ this._valueBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(this.valueText)
+ this._valueLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._valueBytes.length)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params;
- params.push(
- this._nameLength,
- this._nameBytes,
- this._valueLength,
- this._valueBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params;
- }
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._nameLength,
+ this._nameBytes,
+ this._valueLength,
+ this._valueBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/SellNameTransacion.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/SellNameTransacion.js
index aeb8b72e..8659edf7 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/SellNameTransacion.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/names/SellNameTransacion.js
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
-'use strict';
+'use strict'
import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
import { QORT_DECIMALS } from '../../constants.js'
export default class SellNameTransacion extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 5
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 5
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._sellNameDialog1}
- ${this.nameText}
- ${this._sellNameDialog2}
- ${this.showSellPrice}
- ${this._sellNameDialog3}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._sellNameDialog1}
+ ${this.nameText}
+ ${this._sellNameDialog2}
+ ${this.showSellPrice}
+ ${this._sellNameDialog3}
+ `
+ }
- set sellNameDialog1(sellNameDialog1) {
- this._sellNameDialog1 = sellNameDialog1
- }
+ set sellNameDialog1(sellNameDialog1) {
+ this._sellNameDialog1 = sellNameDialog1
+ }
- set sellNameDialog2(sellNameDialog2) {
- this._sellNameDialog2 = sellNameDialog2
- }
+ set sellNameDialog2(sellNameDialog2) {
+ this._sellNameDialog2 = sellNameDialog2
+ }
- set sellNameDialog3(sellNameDialog3) {
- this._sellNameDialog3 = sellNameDialog3
- }
+ set sellNameDialog3(sellNameDialog3) {
+ this._sellNameDialog3 = sellNameDialog3
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- set name(name) {
- this.nameText = name
- this._nameBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(name)
- this._nameLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._nameBytes.length)
- }
+ set name(name) {
+ this.nameText = name
+ this._nameBytes = this.constructor.utils.stringtoUTF8Array(name)
+ this._nameLength = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._nameBytes.length)
+ }
- set sellPrice(sellPrice) {
- this.showSellPrice = sellPrice
- this._sellPrice = sellPrice * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._sellPriceBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._sellPrice)
- }
+ set sellPrice(sellPrice) {
+ this.showSellPrice = sellPrice
+ this._sellPrice = sellPrice * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._sellPriceBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._sellPrice)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._nameLength,
- this._nameBytes,
- this._sellPriceBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._nameLength,
+ this._nameBytes,
+ this._sellPriceBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/registerName_dnsthing.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/registerName_dnsthing.js
index 08e7713c..06210cc4 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/registerName_dnsthing.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/registerName_dnsthing.js
@@ -1,39 +1,36 @@
-"use strict";
- function generateSignatureRegisterNameTransaction(keyPair, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp) => {
- const data = generateRegisterNameTransactionBase(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp);
- return nacl.sign.detached(data, keyPair.privateKey);
- }
+'use strict'
- function generateRegisterNameTransaction(keyPair, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp, signature) => {
- return appendBuffer( generateRegisterNameTransactionBase(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp),
- signature );
- }
+ (function () {
+ function generateSignatureRegisterNameTransaction(keyPair, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp) => {
+ const data = generateRegisterNameTransactionBase(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp)
+ return nacl.sign.detached(data, keyPair.privateKey)
+ }
- function generateRegisterNameTransactionBase(publicKey, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp) => {
- const typeBytes = int32ToBytes(txType);
- const timestampBytes = int64ToBytes(timestamp);
- const feeBytes = int64ToBytes(fee * 100000000);
- const nameSizeBytes = int32ToBytes(name.length);
- const valueSizeBytes = int32ToBytes(value.length);
+ function generateRegisterNameTransaction(keyPair, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp, signature) => {
+ return appendBuffer(generateRegisterNameTransactionBase(keyPair.publicKey, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp), signature)
+ }
- let data = new Uint8Array();
+ function generateRegisterNameTransactionBase(publicKey, lastReference, owner, name, value, fee, timestamp) => {
+ const typeBytes = int32ToBytes(txType)
+ const timestampBytes = int64ToBytes(timestamp)
+ const feeBytes = int64ToBytes(fee * 100000000)
+ const nameSizeBytes = int32ToBytes(name.length)
+ const valueSizeBytes = int32ToBytes(value.length)
- data = appendBuffer(data, typeBytes);
- data = appendBuffer(data, timestampBytes);
- data = appendBuffer(data, lastReference);
- data = appendBuffer(data, publicKey);
- data = appendBuffer(data, owner);
- data = appendBuffer(data, nameSizeBytes);
- data = appendBuffer(data, name);
- data = appendBuffer(data, valueSizeBytes);
- data = appendBuffer(data, value);
- data = appendBuffer(data, feeBytes);
+ let data = new Uint8Array()
- return data;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ data = appendBuffer(data, typeBytes)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, timestampBytes)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, lastReference)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, publicKey)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, owner)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, nameSizeBytes)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, name)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, valueSizeBytes)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, value)
+ data = appendBuffer(data, feeBytes)
+ return data
+ }
+ }())
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/reward-share/RemoveRewardShareTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/reward-share/RemoveRewardShareTransaction.js
index d8ca9480..5610830e 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/reward-share/RemoveRewardShareTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/reward-share/RemoveRewardShareTransaction.js
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
-"use strict";
-import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
+'use strict'
+import TransactionBase from '../TransactionBase.js'
import publicKeyToAddress from '../../wallet/publicKeyToAddress.js'
-import { Base58 } from "../../deps/deps.js";
+import { Base58 } from '../../deps/deps.js'
export default class RemoveRewardShareTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 38
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 38
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._rewarddialog5}
- ${this.constructor.Base58.encode(this._recipient)}
- ${this._rewarddialog6}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._rewarddialog5}
+ ${this.constructor.Base58.encode(this._recipient)}
+ ${this._rewarddialog6}
+ `
+ }
- set rewarddialog5(rewarddialog5) {
- this._rewarddialog5 = rewarddialog5;
- }
+ set rewarddialog5(rewarddialog5) {
+ this._rewarddialog5 = rewarddialog5
+ }
- set rewarddialog6(rewarddialog6) {
- this._rewarddialog6 = rewarddialog6;
- }
+ set rewarddialog6(rewarddialog6) {
+ this._rewarddialog6 = rewarddialog6
+ }
- set rewardShareKeyPairPublicKey(rewardShareKeyPairPublicKey) {
- this._rewardShareKeyPairPublicKey = Base58.decode(rewardShareKeyPairPublicKey)
- }
+ set rewardShareKeyPairPublicKey(rewardShareKeyPairPublicKey) {
+ this._rewardShareKeyPairPublicKey = Base58.decode(rewardShareKeyPairPublicKey)
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) {
- const _address = publicKeyToAddress(this._keyPair.publicKey)
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- this.fee = _address === recipient ? 0 : 0.001
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ const _address = publicKeyToAddress(this._keyPair.publicKey)
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ this.fee = _address === recipient ? 0 : 0.001
+ }
- set percentageShare(share) {
- this._percentageShare = share * 100
- this._percentageShareBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._percentageShare)
- }
+ set percentageShare(share) {
+ this._percentageShare = share * 100
+ this._percentageShareBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._percentageShare)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._recipient,
- this._rewardShareKeyPairPublicKey,
- this._percentageShareBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params;
- }
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._recipient,
+ this._rewardShareKeyPairPublicKey,
+ this._percentageShareBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/reward-share/RewardShareTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/reward-share/RewardShareTransaction.js
index cc67356a..939552f9 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/reward-share/RewardShareTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/reward-share/RewardShareTransaction.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"use strict";
+'use strict'
import publicKeyToAddress from '../../wallet/publicKeyToAddress.js'
import TransactionBase from "../TransactionBase.js"
import nacl from '../../deps/nacl-fast.js'
@@ -6,74 +6,73 @@ import ed2curve from '../../deps/ed2curve.js'
import { Sha256 } from 'asmcrypto.js'
export default class RewardShareTransaction extends TransactionBase {
- constructor() {
- super()
- this.type = 38
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ this.type = 38
+ }
- render(html) {
- return html`
- ${this._rewarddialog1} ${this._percentageShare / 1e8}% ${this._rewarddialog2} ${this.constructor.Base58.encode(this._recipient)}?
- ${this._rewarddialog3}
- ${this._base58RewardShareSeed}
- ${this._rewarddialog4}
- `
- }
+ render(html) {
+ return html`
+ ${this._rewarddialog1} ${this._percentageShare / 1e8}% ${this._rewarddialog2} ${this.constructor.Base58.encode(this._recipient)}?
+ ${this._rewarddialog3}
+ ${this._base58RewardShareSeed}
+ ${this._rewarddialog4}
+ `
+ }
- set rewarddialog1(rewarddialog1) {
- this._rewarddialog1 = rewarddialog1;
- }
+ set rewarddialog1(rewarddialog1) {
+ this._rewarddialog1 = rewarddialog1
+ }
- set rewarddialog2(rewarddialog2) {
- this._rewarddialog2 = rewarddialog2;
- }
+ set rewarddialog2(rewarddialog2) {
+ this._rewarddialog2 = rewarddialog2
+ }
- set rewarddialog3(rewarddialog3) {
- this._rewarddialog3 = rewarddialog3;
- }
+ set rewarddialog3(rewarddialog3) {
+ this._rewarddialog3 = rewarddialog3
+ }
- set rewarddialog4(rewarddialog4) {
- this._rewarddialog4 = rewarddialog4;
- }
+ set rewarddialog4(rewarddialog4) {
+ this._rewarddialog4 = rewarddialog4
+ }
- set recipientPublicKey(recipientPublicKey) {
- this._base58RecipientPublicKey = recipientPublicKey instanceof Uint8Array ? this.constructor.Base58.encode(recipientPublicKey) : recipientPublicKey
- this._recipientPublicKey = this.constructor.Base58.decode(this._base58RecipientPublicKey)
+ set recipientPublicKey(recipientPublicKey) {
+ this._base58RecipientPublicKey = recipientPublicKey instanceof Uint8Array ? this.constructor.Base58.encode(recipientPublicKey) : recipientPublicKey
+ this._recipientPublicKey = this.constructor.Base58.decode(this._base58RecipientPublicKey)
- this.recipient = publicKeyToAddress(this._recipientPublicKey)
+ this.recipient = publicKeyToAddress(this._recipientPublicKey)
- this.fee = (recipientPublicKey === this.constructor.Base58.encode(this._keyPair.publicKey) ? 0 : 0.001)
+ this.fee = (recipientPublicKey === this.constructor.Base58.encode(this._keyPair.publicKey) ? 0 : 0.001)
- // Reward share keys
- const convertedPrivateKey = ed2curve.convertSecretKey(this._keyPair.privateKey)
- const convertedPublicKey = ed2curve.convertPublicKey(this._recipientPublicKey)
- const sharedSecret = new Uint8Array(32);
- nacl.lowlevel.crypto_scalarmult(sharedSecret, convertedPrivateKey, convertedPublicKey);
- this._rewardShareSeed = new Sha256().process(sharedSecret).finish().result
- this._base58RewardShareSeed = this.constructor.Base58.encode(this._rewardShareSeed)
+ const convertedPrivateKey = ed2curve.convertSecretKey(this._keyPair.privateKey)
+ const convertedPublicKey = ed2curve.convertPublicKey(this._recipientPublicKey)
+ const sharedSecret = new Uint8Array(32);
+ nacl.lowlevel.crypto_scalarmult(sharedSecret, convertedPrivateKey, convertedPublicKey);
+ this._rewardShareSeed = new Sha256().process(sharedSecret).finish().result
+ this._base58RewardShareSeed = this.constructor.Base58.encode(this._rewardShareSeed)
- this._rewardShareKeyPair = nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed(this._rewardShareSeed)
- }
+ this._rewardShareKeyPair = nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed(this._rewardShareSeed)
+ }
- set recipient(recipient) { // Always Base58 encoded. Accepts Uint8Array or Base58 string.
- this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
- }
+ set recipient(recipient) {
+ this._recipient = recipient instanceof Uint8Array ? recipient : this.constructor.Base58.decode(recipient)
+ }
- set percentageShare(share) {
- this._percentageShare = share * 100
- this._percentageShareBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._percentageShare)
- }
+ set percentageShare(share) {
+ this._percentageShare = share * 100
+ this._percentageShareBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._percentageShare)
+ }
- get params() {
- const params = super.params
- params.push(
- this._recipient,
- this._rewardShareKeyPair.publicKey,
- this._percentageShareBytes,
- this._feeBytes
- )
- return params;
- }
+ get params() {
+ const params = super.params
+ params.push(
+ this._recipient,
+ this._rewardShareKeyPair.publicKey,
+ this._percentageShareBytes,
+ this._feeBytes
+ )
+ return params
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/TradeBotCreateRequest.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/TradeBotCreateRequest.js
index 85d5867c..05178976 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/TradeBotCreateRequest.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/TradeBotCreateRequest.js
@@ -5,75 +5,59 @@
export default class TradeBotCreateRequest {
- constructor() {
- // ...
- }
+ constructor() {
+ // ...
+ }
- createTransaction(txnReq) {
+ createTransaction(txnReq) {
+ this.creatorPublicKey(txnReq.creatorPublicKey)
+ this.qortAmount(txnReq.qortAmount)
+ this.fundingQortAmount(txnReq.fundingQortAmount)
+ this.foreignBlockchain(txnReq.foreignBlockchain)
+ this.foreignAmount(txnReq.foreignAmount)
+ this.tradeTimeout(txnReq.tradeTimeout)
+ this.receivingAddress(txnReq.receivingAddress)
- this.creatorPublicKey(txnReq.creatorPublicKey);
+ return this.txnRequest()
+ }
- this.qortAmount(txnReq.qortAmount);
+ creatorPublicKey(creatorPublicKey) {
+ this._creatorPublicKey = creatorPublicKey
+ }
- this.fundingQortAmount(txnReq.fundingQortAmount);
+ qortAmount(qortAmount) {
+ this._qortAmount = qortAmount
+ }
- this.foreignBlockchain(txnReq.foreignBlockchain);
+ fundingQortAmount(fundingQortAmount) {
+ this._fundingQortAmount = fundingQortAmount
+ }
- this.foreignAmount(txnReq.foreignAmount);
+ foreignBlockchain(foreignBlockchain) {
+ this._foreignBlockchain = foreignBlockchain
+ }
- this.tradeTimeout(txnReq.tradeTimeout);
+ foreignAmount(foreignAmount) {
+ this._foreignAmount = foreignAmount
+ }
- this.receivingAddress(txnReq.receivingAddress);
+ tradeTimeout(tradeTimeout) {
+ this._tradeTimeout = tradeTimeout
+ }
- return this.txnRequest();
- }
+ receivingAddress(receivingAddress) {
+ this._receivingAddress = receivingAddress
+ }
- creatorPublicKey(creatorPublicKey) {
- this._creatorPublicKey = creatorPublicKey;
- }
- qortAmount(qortAmount) {
- this._qortAmount = qortAmount;
- }
- fundingQortAmount(fundingQortAmount) {
- this._fundingQortAmount = fundingQortAmount;
- }
- foreignBlockchain(foreignBlockchain) {
- this._foreignBlockchain = foreignBlockchain;
- }
- foreignAmount(foreignAmount) {
- this._foreignAmount = foreignAmount;
- }
- tradeTimeout(tradeTimeout) {
- this._tradeTimeout = tradeTimeout;
- }
- receivingAddress(receivingAddress) {
- this._receivingAddress = receivingAddress;
- }
- txnRequest() {
- return {
- creatorPublicKey: this._creatorPublicKey,
- qortAmount: this._qortAmount,
- fundingQortAmount: this._fundingQortAmount,
- foreignBlockchain: this._foreignBlockchain,
- foreignAmount: this._foreignAmount,
- tradeTimeout: this._tradeTimeout,
- receivingAddress: this._receivingAddress
- }
- }
+ txnRequest() {
+ return {
+ creatorPublicKey: this._creatorPublicKey,
+ qortAmount: this._qortAmount,
+ fundingQortAmount: this._fundingQortAmount,
+ foreignBlockchain: this._foreignBlockchain,
+ foreignAmount: this._foreignAmount,
+ tradeTimeout: this._tradeTimeout,
+ receivingAddress: this._receivingAddress
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/TradeBotRespondRequest.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/TradeBotRespondRequest.js
index 773ea336..4380b46b 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/TradeBotRespondRequest.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/TradeBotRespondRequest.js
@@ -5,41 +5,35 @@
export default class TradeBotRespondRequest {
- constructor() {
- // ...
- }
+ constructor() {
+ // ...
+ }
- createTransaction(txnReq) {
+ createTransaction(txnReq) {
+ this.atAddress(txnReq.atAddress)
+ this.foreignKey(txnReq.foreignKey)
+ this.receivingAddress(txnReq.receivingAddress)
- this.atAddress(txnReq.atAddress)
+ return this.txnRequest()
+ }
- this.foreignKey(txnReq.foreignKey)
+ atAddress(atAddress) {
+ this._atAddress = atAddress
+ }
- this.receivingAddress(txnReq.receivingAddress)
+ foreignKey(foreignKey) {
+ this._foreignKey = foreignKey
+ }
- return this.txnRequest()
- }
+ receivingAddress(receivingAddress) {
+ this._receivingAddress = receivingAddress
+ }
- atAddress(atAddress) {
- this._atAddress = atAddress
- }
- foreignKey(foreignKey) {
- this._foreignKey = foreignKey
- }
- receivingAddress(receivingAddress) {
- this._receivingAddress = receivingAddress
- }
- txnRequest() {
- return {
- atAddress: this._atAddress,
- foreignKey: this._foreignKey,
- receivingAddress: this._receivingAddress
- }
- }
+ txnRequest() {
+ return {
+ atAddress: this._atAddress,
+ foreignKey: this._foreignKey,
+ receivingAddress: this._receivingAddress
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/signTradeBotTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/signTradeBotTransaction.js
index 3671183a..bce40ed8 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/signTradeBotTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradebot/signTradeBotTransaction.js
@@ -2,37 +2,30 @@ import Base58 from '../../../deps/Base58.js'
import nacl from '../../../deps/nacl-fast.js'
import utils from '../../../deps/utils.js'
const signTradeBotTransaction = (unsignedTxn, keyPair) => {
+ if (!unsignedTxn) {
+ throw new Error('Unsigned Transaction Bytes not defined')
+ }
- if (!unsignedTxn) {
- throw new Error('Unsigned Transaction Bytes not defined')
- }
+ if (!keyPair) {
+ throw new Error('keyPair not defined')
+ }
- if (!keyPair) {
- throw new Error('keyPair not defined')
- }
+ const txnBuffer = Base58.decode(unsignedTxn)
- const txnBuffer = Base58.decode(unsignedTxn)
+ if (keyPair.privateKey.length === undefined) {
+ const _privateKey = Object.keys(keyPair.privateKey).map(function (key) { return keyPair.privateKey[key]; })
+ const privateKey = new Uint8Array(_privateKey)
+ const signature = nacl.sign.detached(txnBuffer, privateKey)
+ const signedBytes = utils.appendBuffer(txnBuffer, signature)
- if (keyPair.privateKey.length === undefined) {
+ return signedBytes
+ } else {
+ const signature = nacl.sign.detached(txnBuffer, keyPair.privateKey)
+ const signedBytes = utils.appendBuffer(txnBuffer, signature)
- const _privateKey = Object.keys(keyPair.privateKey).map(function (key) { return keyPair.privateKey[key]; });
- const privateKey = new Uint8Array(_privateKey)
- const signature = nacl.sign.detached(txnBuffer, privateKey)
- const signedBytes = utils.appendBuffer(txnBuffer, signature)
- return signedBytes
- } else {
- const signature = nacl.sign.detached(txnBuffer, keyPair.privateKey)
- const signedBytes = utils.appendBuffer(txnBuffer, signature)
- return signedBytes
- }
+ return signedBytes
+ }
export default signTradeBotTransaction
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradeoffer/DeleteTradeOffer.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradeoffer/DeleteTradeOffer.js
index c7b3f0e1..982d2423 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradeoffer/DeleteTradeOffer.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradeoffer/DeleteTradeOffer.js
@@ -5,35 +5,29 @@
export default class DeleteTradeOffer {
- constructor() {
- // ...
- }
+ constructor() {
+ // ...
+ }
- createTransaction(txnReq) {
+ createTransaction(txnReq) {
+ this.creatorPublicKey(txnReq.creatorPublicKey)
+ this.atAddress(txnReq.atAddress)
- this.creatorPublicKey(txnReq.creatorPublicKey)
+ return this.txnRequest()
+ }
- this.atAddress(txnReq.atAddress)
+ creatorPublicKey(creatorPublicKey) {
+ this._creatorPublicKey = creatorPublicKey
+ }
- return this.txnRequest()
- }
+ atAddress(atAddress) {
+ this._atAddress = atAddress
+ }
- creatorPublicKey(creatorPublicKey) {
- this._creatorPublicKey = creatorPublicKey
- }
- atAddress(atAddress) {
- this._atAddress = atAddress
- }
- txnRequest() {
- return {
- creatorPublicKey: this._creatorPublicKey,
- atAddress: this._atAddress
- }
- }
+ txnRequest() {
+ return {
+ creatorPublicKey: this._creatorPublicKey,
+ atAddress: this._atAddress
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradeoffer/cancelAllOffers.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradeoffer/cancelAllOffers.js
index 425c2684..e3011a59 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradeoffer/cancelAllOffers.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/trade-portal/tradeoffer/cancelAllOffers.js
@@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
import { request } from '../../../fetch-request.js'
-import { deleteTradeOffer, signTradeBotTxn } from '../../../tradeRequest.js';
+import { deleteTradeOffer, signTradeBotTxn } from '../../../tradeRequest.js'
import { processTransaction } from '../../../createTransaction.js'
export const cancelAllOffers = async (requestObject) => {
- const keyPair = requestObject.keyPair;
- const publicKey = requestObject.base58PublicKey;
- const address = requestObject.address;
+ const keyPair = requestObject.keyPair
+ const publicKey = requestObject.base58PublicKey
+ const address = requestObject.address
- const getMyOpenOffers = async () => {
- const res = await request('/crosschain/tradeoffers');
- const myOpenTradeOrders = await res.filter(order => order.mode === "OFFERING" && order.qortalCreator === address);
- return myOpenTradeOrders;
- }
+ const getMyOpenOffers = async () => {
+ const res = await request('/crosschain/tradeoffers')
+ const myOpenTradeOrders = await res.filter(order => order.mode === "OFFERING" && order.qortalCreator === address)
+ return myOpenTradeOrders
+ }
- const myOpenOffers = await getMyOpenOffers();
- let response = true;
- myOpenOffers.forEach( async (openOffer) => {
- let unsignedTxn = await deleteTradeOffer({ creatorPublicKey: publicKey, atAddress: openOffer.qortalAtAddress });
- let signedTxnBytes = await signTradeBotTxn(unsignedTxn, keyPair);
- await processTransaction(signedTxnBytes);
- });
- return response
+ const myOpenOffers = await getMyOpenOffers()
+ let response = true
+ myOpenOffers.forEach(async (openOffer) => {
+ let unsignedTxn = await deleteTradeOffer({ creatorPublicKey: publicKey, atAddress: openOffer.qortalAtAddress })
+ let signedTxnBytes = await signTradeBotTxn(unsignedTxn, keyPair)
+ await processTransaction(signedTxnBytes)
+ })
+ return response
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/transactions.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/transactions.js
index 84f2759b..b9387184 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/transactions.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/transactions.js
@@ -22,26 +22,26 @@ import RemoveRewardShareTransaction from './reward-share/RemoveRewardShareTransa
import TransferPrivsTransaction from './TransferPrivsTransaction.js'
export const transactionTypes = {
- 2: PaymentTransaction,
- 3: RegisterNameTransaction,
- 5: SellNameTransacion,
- 6: CancelSellNameTransacion,
- 7: BuyNameTransacion,
- 17: MessageTransaction,
- 18: ChatTransaction,
- 181: GroupChatTransaction,
- 19: PublicizeTransaction,
- 22: CreateGroupTransaction,
- 24: AddGroupAdminTransaction,
- 25: RemoveGroupAdminTransaction,
- 26: GroupBanTransaction,
- 27: CancelGroupBanTransaction,
- 28: GroupKickTransaction,
- 29: GroupInviteTransaction,
- 30: CancelGroupInviteTransaction,
- 31: JoinGroupTransaction,
- 32: LeaveGroupTransaction,
- 38: RewardShareTransaction,
- 381: RemoveRewardShareTransaction,
- 40: TransferPrivsTransaction
+ 2: PaymentTransaction,
+ 3: RegisterNameTransaction,
+ 5: SellNameTransacion,
+ 6: CancelSellNameTransacion,
+ 7: BuyNameTransacion,
+ 17: MessageTransaction,
+ 18: ChatTransaction,
+ 181: GroupChatTransaction,
+ 19: PublicizeTransaction,
+ 22: CreateGroupTransaction,
+ 24: AddGroupAdminTransaction,
+ 25: RemoveGroupAdminTransaction,
+ 26: GroupBanTransaction,
+ 27: CancelGroupBanTransaction,
+ 28: GroupKickTransaction,
+ 29: GroupInviteTransaction,
+ 30: CancelGroupInviteTransaction,
+ 31: JoinGroupTransaction,
+ 32: LeaveGroupTransaction,
+ 38: RewardShareTransaction,
+ 381: RemoveRewardShareTransaction,
+ 40: TransferPrivsTransaction
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/wallet/base58PublicKeyToAddress.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/wallet/base58PublicKeyToAddress.js
index 914a67e0..dbbae27d 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/wallet/base58PublicKeyToAddress.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/wallet/base58PublicKeyToAddress.js
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
import publicKeyToAddress from './publicKeyToAddress'
import Base58 from '../deps/Base58.js'
export const base58PublicKeyToAddress = (base58pubkey, qora = false) => {
- const decodePubKey = Base58.decode(base58pubkey)
- const address = publicKeyToAddress(decodePubKey, qora)
- return address
+ const decodePubKey = Base58.decode(base58pubkey)
+ const address = publicKeyToAddress(decodePubKey, qora)
+ return address
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/wallet/publicKeyToAddress.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/wallet/publicKeyToAddress.js
index cd484903..1839a05b 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/wallet/publicKeyToAddress.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/wallet/publicKeyToAddress.js
@@ -1,37 +1,35 @@
-import RIPEMD160 from '../deps/ripemd160.js'
+import Base58 from '../deps/Base58.js'
import BROKEN_RIPEMD160 from '../deps/broken-ripemd160.js'
+import RIPEMD160 from '../deps/ripemd160.js'
+import utils from '../deps/utils.js'
+import { ADDRESS_VERSION } from '../constants.js'
+import { Buffer } from 'buffer'
import { Sha256 } from 'asmcrypto.js'
-import utils from '../deps/utils.js'
-import Base58 from '../deps/Base58.js'
-import { Buffer } from 'buffer'
-import { ADDRESS_VERSION } from '../constants.js'
const repeatSHA256 = (passphrase, hashes) => {
- let hash = passphrase
- for (let i = 0; i < hashes; i++) {
- hash = new Sha256().process(hash).finish().result
- }
- return hash
+ let hash = passphrase
+ for (let i = 0; i < hashes; i++) {
+ hash = new Sha256().process(hash).finish().result
+ }
+ return hash
const publicKeyToAddress = (publicKey, qora = false) => {
- const publicKeySha256 = new Sha256().process(publicKey).finish().result
- const _publicKeyHash = qora ? new BROKEN_RIPEMD160().digest(publicKeySha256) : new RIPEMD160().update(Buffer.from(publicKeySha256)).digest('hex')
+ const publicKeySha256 = new Sha256().process(publicKey).finish().result
+ const _publicKeyHash = qora ? new BROKEN_RIPEMD160().digest(publicKeySha256) : new RIPEMD160().update(Buffer.from(publicKeySha256)).digest('hex')
+ const publicKeyHash = qora ? _publicKeyHash : _publicKeyHash
- const publicKeyHash = qora ? _publicKeyHash : _publicKeyHash
- let address = new Uint8Array()
+ let address = new Uint8Array()
- address = utils.appendBuffer(address, [ADDRESS_VERSION])
- address = utils.appendBuffer(address, publicKeyHash)
+ address = utils.appendBuffer(address, [ADDRESS_VERSION])
+ address = utils.appendBuffer(address, publicKeyHash)
- const checkSum = repeatSHA256(address, 2)
- address = utils.appendBuffer(address, checkSum.subarray(0, 4))
+ const checkSum = repeatSHA256(address, 2)
+ address = utils.appendBuffer(address, checkSum.subarray(0, 4))
- address = Base58.encode(address)
+ address = Base58.encode(address)
- return address
+ return address
export default publicKeyToAddress
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/wallet/validateAddress.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/wallet/validateAddress.js
index 515773b1..e487a55e 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/wallet/validateAddress.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/wallet/validateAddress.js
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
import Base58 from '../deps/Base58.js'
export const validateAddress = (address) => {
- const decodePubKey = Base58.decode(address)
- if (!(decodePubKey instanceof Uint8Array && decodePubKey.length == 25)) {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ const decodePubKey = Base58.decode(address)
+ if (!(decodePubKey instanceof Uint8Array && decodePubKey.length == 25)) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/config.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/config.js
index 6fccb8cc..e17ca4f2 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/config.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/config.js
@@ -6,33 +6,32 @@ const configWatchers = []
const waitingForConfig = []
const subscribeToStore = () => {
- if (!store) return setTimeout(() => subscribeToStore(), 50) // 0.05s
+ if (!store) return setTimeout(() => subscribeToStore(), 50)
- store.subscribe(() => {
- const cA = store.getState().app
- const c = store.getState().config
- if (!c.loaded) return
- if (!loaded) waitingForConfig.forEach(r => r(cA))
- configWatchers.forEach(fn => fn(cA))
- config = cA
- })
+ store.subscribe(() => {
+ const cA = store.getState().app
+ const c = store.getState().config
+ if (!c.loaded) return
+ if (!loaded) waitingForConfig.forEach(r => r(cA))
+ configWatchers.forEach(fn => fn(cA))
+ config = cA
+ })
export function getConfig() {
- return config
+ return config
export function watchConfig(fn) {
- // config ? fn(config) : void 0
- fn(config)
- configWatchers.push(fn)
+ fn(config)
+ configWatchers.push(fn)
export function waitForConfig() {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- if (config) return resolve(config)
- waitingForConfig.push(resolve)
- })
\ No newline at end of file
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ if (config) return resolve(config)
+ waitingForConfig.push(resolve)
+ })
diff --git a/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/ChatModals.js b/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/ChatModals.js
index d6cf6aba..62e9b4e6 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/ChatModals.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/ChatModals.js
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ class ChatModals extends LitElement {
timestamp: sendTimestamp,
recipient: recipient,
recipientPublicKey: _publicKey,
+ hasChatReference: 0,
message: messageText,
lastReference: reference,
proofOfWorkNonce: 0,
diff --git a/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/ChatPage.js b/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/ChatPage.js
index a3bfba57..c6745df3 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/ChatPage.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/ChatPage.js
@@ -695,6 +695,7 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
recipient: this._chatId,
recipientPublicKey: this._publicKey.key,
+ hasChatReference: 0,
message: messageText,
lastReference: reference,
proofOfWorkNonce: 0,
@@ -712,6 +713,7 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
groupID: Number(this._chatId),
hasReceipient: 0,
+ hasChatReference: 0,
message: messageText,
lastReference: reference,
proofOfWorkNonce: 0,
diff --git a/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/ChatWelcomePage.js b/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/ChatWelcomePage.js
index 11f046ff..91d5beec 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/ChatWelcomePage.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/ChatWelcomePage.js
@@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ class ChatWelcomePage extends LitElement {
timestamp: sendTimestamp,
recipient: recipient,
recipientPublicKey: _publicKey,
+ hasChatReference: 0,
message: messageText,
lastReference: reference,
proofOfWorkNonce: 0,
diff --git a/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/NameMenu.js b/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/NameMenu.js
index ca67af73..feb454c8 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/NameMenu.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/components/NameMenu.js
@@ -529,6 +529,7 @@ class NameMenu extends LitElement {
timestamp: sendTimestamp,
recipient: recipient,
recipientPublicKey: _publicKey,
+ hasChatReference: 0,
message: messageText,
lastReference: reference,
proofOfWorkNonce: 0,
diff --git a/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/messaging/q-chat/q-chat.src.js b/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/messaging/q-chat/q-chat.src.js
index dc59b97f..984314bd 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/messaging/q-chat/q-chat.src.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-plugins/plugins/core/messaging/q-chat/q-chat.src.js
@@ -789,6 +789,7 @@ class Chat extends LitElement {
timestamp: sendTimestamp,
recipient: recipient,
recipientPublicKey: _publicKey,
+ hasChatReference: 0,
message: messageText,
lastReference: reference,
proofOfWorkNonce: 0,
From 6049d18f4949db8bb445418652300b0cff4df09f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AlphaX-Projects <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 11:22:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Fixx transactions
.../api/transactions/TransactionBase.js | 47 +++++
.../api/transactions/chat/ChatBase.js | 190 +++++++++++-------
.../api/transactions/chat/ChatTransaction.js | 2 +-
.../transactions/chat/GroupChatTransaction.js | 3 +-
4 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/TransactionBase.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/TransactionBase.js
index ae5f613e..f41b7749 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/TransactionBase.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/TransactionBase.js
@@ -19,6 +19,53 @@ export default class TransactionBase {
this.fee = 0
this.groupID = 0
this.timestamp =
+ this.tests = [
+ () => {
+ if (!(this._type >= 1 && this._type in TX_TYPES)) {
+ return 'Invalid type: ' + this.type
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ () => {
+ if (this._fee < 0) {
+ return 'Invalid fee: ' + this._fee / QORT_DECIMALS
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ () => {
+ if (this._groupID < 0 || !Number.isInteger(this._groupID)) {
+ return 'Invalid groupID: ' + this._groupID
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ () => {
+ if (!(new Date(this._timestamp)).getTime() > 0) {
+ return 'Invalid timestamp: ' + this._timestamp
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ () => {
+ if (!(this._lastReference instanceof Uint8Array && this._lastReference.byteLength == 64)) {
+ if (this._lastReference == 0) {
+ return 'Invalid last reference. Please ensure that you have at least 0.001 QORT for the transaction fee.'
+ }
+ return 'Invalid last reference: ' + this._lastReference
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ () => {
+ if (!(this._keyPair)) {
+ return 'keyPair must be specified'
+ }
+ if (!(this._keyPair.publicKey instanceof Uint8Array && this._keyPair.publicKey.byteLength === 32)) {
+ return 'Invalid publicKey'
+ }
+ if (!(this._keyPair.privateKey instanceof Uint8Array && this._keyPair.privateKey.byteLength === 64)) {
+ return 'Invalid privateKey'
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ ]
render(html) {
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatBase.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatBase.js
index 783176ed..240c9068 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatBase.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatBase.js
@@ -5,93 +5,137 @@ import Base58 from '../../deps/Base58.js'
import utils from '../../deps/utils.js'
export default class ChatBase {
- static get utils() {
- return utils
- }
- static get nacl() {
- return nacl
- }
- static get Base58() {
- return Base58
- }
+ static get utils() {
+ return utils
+ }
+ static get nacl() {
+ return nacl
+ }
+ static get Base58() {
+ return Base58
+ }
- constructor() {
- this.fee = 0
- this.groupID = 0
- }
+ constructor() {
+ this.fee = 0
+ this.groupID = 0
+ this.tests = [
+ () => {
+ if (!(this._type >= 1 && this._type in TX_TYPES)) {
+ return 'Invalid type: ' + this.type
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ () => {
+ if (this._fee < 0) {
+ return 'Invalid fee: ' + this._fee / QORT_DECIMALS
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ () => {
+ if (this._groupID < 0 || !Number.isInteger(this._groupID)) {
+ return 'Invalid groupID: ' + this._groupID
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ () => {
+ if (!(new Date(this._timestamp)).getTime() > 0) {
+ return 'Invalid timestamp: ' + this._timestamp
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ () => {
+ if (!(this._lastReference instanceof Uint8Array && this._lastReference.byteLength == 64)) {
+ return 'Invalid last reference: ' + this._lastReference
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ () => {
+ if (!(this._keyPair)) {
+ return 'keyPair must be specified'
+ }
+ if (!(this._keyPair.publicKey instanceof Uint8Array && this._keyPair.publicKey.byteLength === 32)) {
+ return 'Invalid publicKey'
+ }
+ if (!(this._keyPair.privateKey instanceof Uint8Array && this._keyPair.privateKey.byteLength === 64)) {
+ return 'Invalid privateKey'
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- set keyPair(keyPair) {
- this._keyPair = keyPair
- }
+ set keyPair(keyPair) {
+ this._keyPair = keyPair
+ }
- set type(type) {
- this.typeText = TX_TYPES[type]
- this._type = type
- this._typeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._type)
- }
+ set type(type) {
+ this.typeText = TX_TYPES[type]
+ this._type = type
+ this._typeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._type)
+ }
- set groupID(groupID) {
- this._groupID = groupID
- this._groupIDBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._groupID)
- }
+ set groupID(groupID) {
+ this._groupID = groupID
+ this._groupIDBytes = this.constructor.utils.int32ToBytes(this._groupID)
+ }
- set timestamp(timestamp) {
- this._timestamp = timestamp
- this._timestampBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._timestamp)
- }
+ set timestamp(timestamp) {
+ this._timestamp = timestamp
+ this._timestampBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._timestamp)
+ }
- set fee(fee) {
- this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
- this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
- }
+ set fee(fee) {
+ this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
+ this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)
+ }
- set lastReference(lastReference) {
- this._lastReference = lastReference instanceof Uint8Array ? lastReference : this.constructor.Base58.decode(lastReference)
- }
+ set lastReference(lastReference) {
+ this._lastReference = lastReference instanceof Uint8Array ? lastReference : this.constructor.Base58.decode(lastReference)
+ }
- get params() {
- return [
- this._typeBytes,
- this._timestampBytes,
- this._groupIDBytes,
- this._lastReference,
- this._keyPair.publicKey
- ]
- }
+ get params() {
+ return [
+ this._typeBytes,
+ this._timestampBytes,
+ this._groupIDBytes,
+ this._lastReference,
+ this._keyPair.publicKey
+ ]
+ }
- get chatBytes() {
- const isValid = this.validParams()
- if (!isValid.valid) {
- throw new Error(isValid.message)
- }
+ get chatBytes() {
+ const isValid = this.validParams()
+ if (!isValid.valid) {
+ throw new Error(isValid.message)
+ }
- let result = new Uint8Array()
+ let result = new Uint8Array()
- this.params.forEach(item => {
- result = this.constructor.utils.appendBuffer(result, item)
- })
+ this.params.forEach(item => {
+ result = this.constructor.utils.appendBuffer(result, item)
+ })
- this._chatBytes = result
+ this._chatBytes = result
- return this._chatBytes
- }
+ return this._chatBytes
+ }
- validParams() {
- let finalResult = {
- valid: true
- }
+ validParams() {
+ let finalResult = {
+ valid: true
+ }
- this.tests.some(test => {
- const result = test()
- if (result !== true) {
- finalResult = {
- valid: false,
- message: result
- }
- return true
- }
- })
- return finalResult
- }
+ this.tests.some(test => {
+ const result = test()
+ if (result !== true) {
+ finalResult = {
+ valid: false,
+ message: result
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ })
+ return finalResult
+ }
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatTransaction.js
index 642ff744..d6313924 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/ChatTransaction.js
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ export default class ChatTransaction extends ChatBase {
get params() {
- const params = super.params;
+ const params = super.params
diff --git a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/GroupChatTransaction.js b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/GroupChatTransaction.js
index e414d10b..dc3a856b 100644
--- a/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/GroupChatTransaction.js
+++ b/qortal-ui-crypto/api/transactions/chat/GroupChatTransaction.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
'use strict'
import ChatBase from "./ChatBase.js"
+import { CHAT_REFERENCE_FEATURE_TRIGGER_TIMESTAMP } from '../../constants.js'
export default class GroupChatTransaction extends ChatBase {
constructor() {
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ export default class GroupChatTransaction extends ChatBase {
get params() {
- const params = super.params;
+ const params = super.params