From 6fbce64e5cc1015ce448e90f4a160351e99da578 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: AlphaX-Projects <> Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 21:18:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] ready for translate --- qortal-ui-core/language/cn.json | 214 +++++++++++++++---------------- qortal-ui-core/language/de.json | 4 +- qortal-ui-core/language/fr.json | 210 +++++++++++++++--------------- qortal-ui-core/language/pl.json | 218 ++++++++++++++++---------------- qortal-ui-core/language/sp.json | 212 ++++++++++++++++--------------- qortal-ui-core/language/us.json | 4 +- 6 files changed, 437 insertions(+), 425 deletions(-) diff --git a/qortal-ui-core/language/cn.json b/qortal-ui-core/language/cn.json index 35d817b3..005b7d19 100644 --- a/qortal-ui-core/language/cn.json +++ b/qortal-ui-core/language/cn.json @@ -1,126 +1,126 @@ { "selectmenu": { - "selectlanguage": "选择语言", - "languageflag": "cn", - "english": "英语", - "chinese": "中文", - "german": "德语", - "french": "法语", - "polish": "抛光", - "spanish": "西班牙语" + "selectlanguage": "Select language", + "languageflag": "us", + "english": "English", + "chinese": "Chinese", + "german": "German", + "french": "French", + "polish": "Polish", + "spanish": "Spanish" }, "sidemenu": { - "mintingdetails": "铸币详情", - "wallets": "钱包", - "tradeportal": "贸易门户", - "rewardshare": "奖励分享", - "nameregistration": "姓名登记", - "websites": "网站", - "datamanagement": "数据管理", + "mintingdetails": "MINTING DETAILS", + "wallets": "WALLETS", + "tradeportal": "TRADE PORTAL", + "rewardshare": "REWARD SHARE", + "nameregistration": "NAME REGISTRATION", + "websites": "WEBSITES", + "datamanagement": "DATA MANAGEMENT", "qchat": "Q-CHAT", - "groupmanagement": "集团管理", - "puzzles": "益智游戏", - "nodemanagement": "节点管理" + "groupmanagement": "GROUP MANAGEMENT", + "puzzles": "PUZZLES", + "nodemanagement": "NODE MANAGEMENT" }, "login": { - "login": "登錄", - "createaccount": "創建帳號", - "name": "姓名", - "address": "地址", - "password": "密码", - "youraccounts": "您的帳戶", - "clickto": "單擊您的帳戶以使用它登錄", - "needcreate": "您需要先創建或保存帳戶才能登錄!", - "upload": "上傳您的 qortal 備份", - "howlogin": "您想如何登錄?", - "seed": "種子短語", - "seedphrase": "種子短語", - "saved": "已保存的帳戶", - "qora": "Qora 地址種子", - "backup": "Qortal 錢包備份", - "decrypt": "解密備份", - "save": "保存在此瀏覽器中。", - "prepare": "準備您的帳戶", - "areyousure": "您確定要從已保存的錢包中刪除此錢包嗎?", - "error1": "備份必須是有效的 JSON", - "error2": "未選擇登錄選項", - "createwelcome": "歡迎來到 Qortal,您會發現它類似於 RPG 遊戲,作為 Qortal 網絡上的鑄幣者(如果您選擇成為其中的鑄幣者),您將有機會升級您的帳戶,為您雙方提供更多 QORT 區塊獎勵以及在平台決策投票方面對網絡的更大影響。", - "createa": "一", - "click": "点击查看助记词", - "confirmpass": "確認密碼", - "willbe": "將在後台隨機生成。 這將用作您在 Qortal 中的區塊鏈帳戶的私鑰生成器。", - "clicknext": "單擊下面的“下一步”創建您的 Qortal 帳戶。", - "ready": "您的帳戶現在可以創建了。 它將保存在此瀏覽器中。 如果您不希望將新帳戶保存在瀏覽器中,可以取消選中下面的框。 您仍然可以使用新帳戶登錄(註銷後),使用創建帳戶後必須下載的錢包備份文件。", - "welmessage": "歡迎來到 Qortal", - "pleaseenter": "請輸入密碼!", - "notmatch": "密碼不匹配!", - "lessthen8": "您的密碼少於 8 個字符! 不建議這樣做。 您可以繼續忽略此警告。", - "entername": "請輸入姓名!", - "downloaded": "您的錢包備份文件已下載!", - "loading": "加載請稍候...", - "createdseed": "您創建的種子短語", - "saveseed": "保存種子短語", - "savein": "保存在瀏覽器中", - "backup2": "此文件是在未將其保存到應用程序/瀏覽器的系統上訪問您的帳戶的唯一方法。 請務必在多個位置備份此文件。 該文件被非常安全地加密,並使用您在上一步中創建的本地密碼進行解密。 您可以將其安全地保存在任何地方,但請務必在多個位置進行。", - "savewallet": "保存錢包備份文件", - "created1": "你的帳戶已創建", - "created2": " 並將保存在此瀏覽器中。", - "downloadbackup": "下載錢包備份文件" + "login": "Login", + "createaccount": "Create Account", + "name": "Name", + "address": "Address", + "password": "Password", + "youraccounts": "Your accounts", + "clickto": "Click your account to login with it", + "needcreate": "You need to create or save an account before you can log in!", + "upload": "Upload your qortal backup", + "howlogin": "How would you like to login?", + "seed": "Seedphrase", + "seedphrase": "seedphrase", + "saved": "Saved account", + "qora": "Qora address seed", + "backup": "Qortal wallet backup", + "decrypt": "Decrypt backup", + "save": "Save in this browser.", + "prepare": "Preparing Your Account", + "areyousure": "Are you sure you want to remove this wallet from saved wallets?", + "error1": "Backup must be valid JSON", + "error2": "Login option not selected", + "createwelcome": "Welcome to Qortal, you will find it to be similar to that of an RPG game, you, as a minter on the Qortal network (if you choose to become one) will have the chance to level your account up, giving you both more of the QORT block reward and also larger influence over the network in terms of voting on decisions for the platform.", + "createa": "A", + "click": "Click to view seedphrase", + "confirmpass": "Confirm Password", + "willbe": "will be randomly generated in background. This is used as your private key generator for your blockchain account in Qortal.", + "clicknext": "Create your Qortal account by clicking NEXT below.", + "ready": "Your account is now ready to be created. It will be saved in this browser. If you do not want your new account to be saved in your browser, you can uncheck the box below. You will still be able to login with your new account(after logging out), using your wallet backup file that you MUST download once you create your account.", + "welmessage": "Welcome to Qortal", + "pleaseenter": "Please enter a Password!", + "notmatch": "Passwords not match!", + "lessthen8": "Your password is less than 8 characters! This is not recommended. You can continue to ignore this warning.", + "entername": "Please enter a Name!", + "downloaded": "Your Wallet BackUp file get downloaded!", + "loading": "Loading, Please wait...", + "createdseed": "Your created Seedphrase", + "saveseed": "Save Seedphrase", + "savein": "Save in browser", + "backup2": "This file is the ONLY way to access your account on a system that doesn't have it saved to the app/browser. BE SURE TO BACKUP THIS FILE IN MULTIPLE PLACES. The file is encrypted very securely and decrypted with your local password you created in the previous step. You can save it anywhere securely, but be sure to do that in multiple locations.", + "savewallet": "Save Wallet BackUp File", + "created1": "Your account is now created", + "created2": " and will be saved in this browser.", + "downloadbackup": "Download Wallet BackUp File" }, "logout": { - "logout": "登出", - "confirmlogout": "确定要注销吗?" + "logout": "LOGOUT", + "confirmlogout": "Are you sure you want to logout?" }, "fragfile": { - "selectfile": "選擇文件", - "dragfile": "將備份拖放到此處" + "selectfile": "Select file", + "dragfile": "Drag and drop backup here" }, "settings": { - "generalinfo": "一般账户信息", - "address": "地址", - "publickey": "公钥", - "settings": "设置", - "account": "帐户", - "security": "安全", - "notifications": "通知", - "accountsecurity": "账户安全", - "password": "密码", - "download": "下载备份文件", - "choose": "请选择一个密码来加密您的备份. (这可以与您登录时使用的相同或不同)", - "block": "阻止通知 (快来了...)", - "playsound": "播放声音", - "shownotifications": "显示通知", - "nodeurl": "节点链接", - "nodehint": "从上面的默认节点列表中选择一个节点,或者通过单击下面的按钮将自定义节点添加到上面的列表中", - "addcustomnode": "添加自定义节点", - "addandsave": "添加並保存", - "protocol": "议定书", - "domain": "域名", - "port": "港口" + "generalinfo": "General Account Info", + "address": "Address", + "publickey": "Public Key", + "settings": "Settings", + "account": "Account", + "security": "Security", + "notifications": "Notifications", + "accountsecurity": "Account Security", + "password": "Password", + "download": "Download Backup File", + "choose": "Please choose a password to encrypt your backup with. (This can be the same as the one you logged in with, or different)", + "block": "Block Notifications (Coming Soon...)", + "playsound": "Play Sound", + "shownotifications": "Show Notifications", + "nodeurl": "Node Url", + "nodehint": "Select a node from the default list of nodes above or add a custom node to the list above by clicking on the button below", + "addcustomnode": "Add Custom Node", + "addandsave": "Add And Save", + "protocol": "Protocol", + "domain": "Domain", + "port": "Port" }, "appinfo": { - "blockheight": "块高度", - "uiversion": "UI 版本", - "coreversion": "核心 版本", - "minting": "(铸币)", - "synchronizing": "正在同步" + "blockheight": "Block Height", + "uiversion": "UI Version", + "coreversion": "Core Version", + "minting": "(Minting)", + "synchronizing": "Synchronizing" }, "walletprofile": { - "minterlevel": "铸币厂级别", - "blocksminted": "铸造块" + "minterlevel": "Minter Level", + "blocksminted": "Blocks Minted" }, "general": { - "yes": "是的", - "no": "没有", - "confirm": "确认", - "decline": "衰退", - "open": "打开", - "close": "密切", - "back": "後退", - "next": "下一個", - "create": "創造", - "continue": "繼續", - "save": "節省" + "yes": "Yes", + "no": "No", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "decline": "Decline", + "open": "Open", + "close": "Close", + "back": "Back", + "next": "Next", + "create": "Create", + "continue": "Continue", + "save": "Save" }, "mintingpage": { "mchange1": "General Minting Details", @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ "wchange26": "Insufficient Funds!", "wchange27": "Invalid Amount!", "wchange28": "Receiver cannot be empty!", - "wchange29": "Inalid Receiver!", + "wchange29": "Invalid Receiver!", "wchange30": "Transaction Successful!", "wchange31": "Transaction Failed!", "wchange32": "Failed to Fetch QORT Balance. Try again!", @@ -541,6 +541,8 @@ "transpage": { "tchange1": "Transaction request", "tchange2": "Decline", - "tchange3": "Confirm" + "tchange3": "Confirm", + "tchange4": "To", + "tchange5": "Amount" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/qortal-ui-core/language/de.json b/qortal-ui-core/language/de.json index 12800015..371fc389 100644 --- a/qortal-ui-core/language/de.json +++ b/qortal-ui-core/language/de.json @@ -541,6 +541,8 @@ "transpage": { "tchange1": "Transaktionsanfrage", "tchange2": "Ablehnen", - "tchange3": "Bestätigen" + "tchange3": "Bestätigen", + "tchange4": "Zu", + "tchange5": "Menge" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/qortal-ui-core/language/fr.json b/qortal-ui-core/language/fr.json index b2447d00..005b7d19 100644 --- a/qortal-ui-core/language/fr.json +++ b/qortal-ui-core/language/fr.json @@ -1,126 +1,126 @@ { "selectmenu": { - "selectlanguage": "Choisir la langue", - "languageflag": "fr", - "english": "Anglaise", - "chinese": "Chinoise", - "german": "Allemande", - "french": "Français", - "polish": "Polonais", - "spanish": "Espagnole" + "selectlanguage": "Select language", + "languageflag": "us", + "english": "English", + "chinese": "Chinese", + "german": "German", + "french": "French", + "polish": "Polish", + "spanish": "Spanish" }, "sidemenu": { - "mintingdetails": "MONNAIE GENEREE", - "wallets": "PORTEFEUILLES", - "tradeportal": "BOURSE D'ECHANGE", - "rewardshare": "PARTAGE DE RECOMPENSE", - "nameregistration": "RESERVATION DE NOM", - "websites": "SITES WEBS", - "datamanagement": "GESTION DE DONNEES", + "mintingdetails": "MINTING DETAILS", + "wallets": "WALLETS", + "tradeportal": "TRADE PORTAL", + "rewardshare": "REWARD SHARE", + "nameregistration": "NAME REGISTRATION", + "websites": "WEBSITES", + "datamanagement": "DATA MANAGEMENT", "qchat": "Q-CHAT", - "groupmanagement": "GESTION DE GROUPES", + "groupmanagement": "GROUP MANAGEMENT", "puzzles": "PUZZLES", - "nodemanagement": "GESTION DE NOEUDS" + "nodemanagement": "NODE MANAGEMENT" }, "login": { - "login": "Connexion", - "createaccount": "Créer un compte", - "name": "Nom", - "address": "Addresse", - "password": "Mot de passe", - "youraccounts": "Vos comptes", - "clickto": "Cliquez sur votre compte pour vous connecter avec celui-ci", - "needcreate": "Vous devez créer ou enregistrer un compte avant de pouvoir vous connecter !", - "upload": "Chargez votre sauvegarde qortal", - "howlogin": "Comment souhaitez-vous vous connecter ?", - "seed": "Phrase initiale", - "seedphrase": "phrase initiale", - "saved": "Compte sauvegardé", - "qora": "Qora graine d'adresse", - "backup": "Qortal sauvegarde du portefeuille", - "decrypt": "Décrypter la sauvegarde", - "save": "Enregistrez dans ce navigateur.", - "prepare": "Préparation de votre compte", - "areyousure": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce portefeuille des portefeuilles enregistrés ?", - "error1": "La sauvegarde doit être un JSON valide", - "error2": "L'option de connexion n'est pas sélectionnée", - "createwelcome": "Bienvenue sur Qortal, vous le trouverez similaire à celui d'un jeu RPG, vous, en tant que monnayeur sur le réseau Qortal (si vous choisissez de le devenir) aurez la possibilité de mettre à niveau votre compte, vous donnant à la fois plus de la récompense de bloc QORT et également une plus grande influence sur le réseau en termes de vote sur les décisions pour la plate-forme.", - "createa": "Une", - "click": "Cliquez pour voir la phrase de semence", - "confirmpass": "Confirmez le mot de passe", - "willbe": "sera généré aléatoirement en arrière-plan. Ceci est utilisé comme générateur de clé privée pour votre compte blockchain dans Qortal.", - "clicknext": "Créez votre compte Qortal en cliquant sur SUIVANT ci-dessous.", - "ready": "Votre compte est maintenant prêt à être créé. Il sera enregistré dans ce navigateur. Si vous ne souhaitez pas que votre nouveau compte soit enregistré dans votre navigateur, vous pouvez décocher la case ci-dessous. Vous pourrez toujours vous connecter avec votre nouveau compte (après vous être déconnecté), en utilisant le fichier de sauvegarde de votre portefeuille que vous DEVEZ télécharger une fois que vous avez créé votre compte.", - "welmessage": "Bienvenue à Qortal", - "pleaseenter": "Veuillez entrer un mot de passe!", - "notmatch": "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas !", - "lessthen8": "Votre mot de passe fait moins de 8 caractères ! Ceci n'est pas recommandé. Vous pouvez continuer à ignorer cet avertissement.", - "entername": "Veuillez saisir un nom !", - "downloaded": "Votre fichier Wallet BackUp est téléchargé !", - "loading": "Chargement, veuillez patienter...", - "createdseed": "Votre Seedphrase créé", - "saveseed": "Enregistrer la phrase de départ", - "savein": "Enregistrer dans le navigateur", - "backup2": "Ce fichier est le SEUL moyen d'accéder à votre compte sur un système qui ne l'a pas enregistré dans l'application/le navigateur. ASSUREZ-VOUS DE SAUVEGARDER CE FICHIER À PLUSIEURS ENDROITS. Le fichier est crypté de manière très sécurisée et décrypté avec votre mot de passe local que vous avez créé à l'étape précédente. Vous pouvez l'enregistrer n'importe où en toute sécurité, mais assurez-vous de le faire à plusieurs endroits.", - "savewallet": "Enregistrer le fichier de sauvegarde du portefeuille", - "created1": "Votre compte est maintenant créé", - "created2": " et seront enregistrés dans ce navigateur.", - "downloadbackup": "Télécharger le fichier de sauvegarde du portefeuille" + "login": "Login", + "createaccount": "Create Account", + "name": "Name", + "address": "Address", + "password": "Password", + "youraccounts": "Your accounts", + "clickto": "Click your account to login with it", + "needcreate": "You need to create or save an account before you can log in!", + "upload": "Upload your qortal backup", + "howlogin": "How would you like to login?", + "seed": "Seedphrase", + "seedphrase": "seedphrase", + "saved": "Saved account", + "qora": "Qora address seed", + "backup": "Qortal wallet backup", + "decrypt": "Decrypt backup", + "save": "Save in this browser.", + "prepare": "Preparing Your Account", + "areyousure": "Are you sure you want to remove this wallet from saved wallets?", + "error1": "Backup must be valid JSON", + "error2": "Login option not selected", + "createwelcome": "Welcome to Qortal, you will find it to be similar to that of an RPG game, you, as a minter on the Qortal network (if you choose to become one) will have the chance to level your account up, giving you both more of the QORT block reward and also larger influence over the network in terms of voting on decisions for the platform.", + "createa": "A", + "click": "Click to view seedphrase", + "confirmpass": "Confirm Password", + "willbe": "will be randomly generated in background. This is used as your private key generator for your blockchain account in Qortal.", + "clicknext": "Create your Qortal account by clicking NEXT below.", + "ready": "Your account is now ready to be created. It will be saved in this browser. If you do not want your new account to be saved in your browser, you can uncheck the box below. You will still be able to login with your new account(after logging out), using your wallet backup file that you MUST download once you create your account.", + "welmessage": "Welcome to Qortal", + "pleaseenter": "Please enter a Password!", + "notmatch": "Passwords not match!", + "lessthen8": "Your password is less than 8 characters! This is not recommended. You can continue to ignore this warning.", + "entername": "Please enter a Name!", + "downloaded": "Your Wallet BackUp file get downloaded!", + "loading": "Loading, Please wait...", + "createdseed": "Your created Seedphrase", + "saveseed": "Save Seedphrase", + "savein": "Save in browser", + "backup2": "This file is the ONLY way to access your account on a system that doesn't have it saved to the app/browser. BE SURE TO BACKUP THIS FILE IN MULTIPLE PLACES. The file is encrypted very securely and decrypted with your local password you created in the previous step. You can save it anywhere securely, but be sure to do that in multiple locations.", + "savewallet": "Save Wallet BackUp File", + "created1": "Your account is now created", + "created2": " and will be saved in this browser.", + "downloadbackup": "Download Wallet BackUp File" }, "logout": { - "logout": "DECONNEXION", - "confirmlogout": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter?" + "logout": "LOGOUT", + "confirmlogout": "Are you sure you want to logout?" }, "fragfile": { - "selectfile": "Sélectionnez le fichier", - "dragfile": "Faites glisser et déposez la sauvegarde ici" + "selectfile": "Select file", + "dragfile": "Drag and drop backup here" }, "settings": { - "generalinfo": "Informations générales sur le compte", - "address": "Adresse", - "publickey": "Clé publique", - "settings": "Réglages", - "account": "Compte", - "security": "Sécurité", - "notifications": "Avis", - "accountsecurity": "Sécurité du compte", - "password": "Mot de passe", - "download": "Télécharger le fichier de sauvegarde", - "choose": "Veuillez choisir un mot de passe pour chiffrer votre sauvegarde avec. (Cela peut être le même que celui avec lequel vous vous êtes connecté ou différent)", - "block": "Bloquer les notifications (Bientôt disponible...)", - "playsound": "Jouer son", - "shownotifications": "Afficher les notifications", - "nodeurl": "Lien de nœud", - "nodehint": "Sélectionnez un nœud dans la liste par défaut des nœuds ci-dessus ou ajoutez un nœud personnalisé à la liste ci-dessus en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous", - "addcustomnode": "Ajouter un nœud personnalisé", - "addandsave": "Ajouter et enregistrer", - "protocol": "Protocole", - "domain": "Domaine", - "port": "Portuaire" + "generalinfo": "General Account Info", + "address": "Address", + "publickey": "Public Key", + "settings": "Settings", + "account": "Account", + "security": "Security", + "notifications": "Notifications", + "accountsecurity": "Account Security", + "password": "Password", + "download": "Download Backup File", + "choose": "Please choose a password to encrypt your backup with. (This can be the same as the one you logged in with, or different)", + "block": "Block Notifications (Coming Soon...)", + "playsound": "Play Sound", + "shownotifications": "Show Notifications", + "nodeurl": "Node Url", + "nodehint": "Select a node from the default list of nodes above or add a custom node to the list above by clicking on the button below", + "addcustomnode": "Add Custom Node", + "addandsave": "Add And Save", + "protocol": "Protocol", + "domain": "Domain", + "port": "Port" }, "appinfo": { - "blockheight": "Hauteur bloc", + "blockheight": "Block Height", "uiversion": "UI Version", - "coreversion": "Cœur Version", - "minting": "(Frappe)", - "synchronizing": "Synchroniser" + "coreversion": "Core Version", + "minting": "(Minting)", + "synchronizing": "Synchronizing" }, "walletprofile": { - "minterlevel": "Niveau de minage", - "blocksminted": "Blocs Fabriqués" + "minterlevel": "Minter Level", + "blocksminted": "Blocks Minted" }, "general": { - "yes": "Oui", - "no": "Non", - "confirm": "Confirmer", - "decline": "Déclin", - "open": "Ouvrir", - "close": "Fermer", - "back": "Retour", - "next": "Suivant", - "create": "Créer", - "continue": "Continuez", - "save": "Sauver" + "yes": "Yes", + "no": "No", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "decline": "Decline", + "open": "Open", + "close": "Close", + "back": "Back", + "next": "Next", + "create": "Create", + "continue": "Continue", + "save": "Save" }, "mintingpage": { "mchange1": "General Minting Details", @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ "wchange26": "Insufficient Funds!", "wchange27": "Invalid Amount!", "wchange28": "Receiver cannot be empty!", - "wchange29": "Inalid Receiver!", + "wchange29": "Invalid Receiver!", "wchange30": "Transaction Successful!", "wchange31": "Transaction Failed!", "wchange32": "Failed to Fetch QORT Balance. Try again!", @@ -541,6 +541,8 @@ "transpage": { "tchange1": "Transaction request", "tchange2": "Decline", - "tchange3": "Confirm" + "tchange3": "Confirm", + "tchange4": "To", + "tchange5": "Amount" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/qortal-ui-core/language/pl.json b/qortal-ui-core/language/pl.json index bc41a640..005b7d19 100644 --- a/qortal-ui-core/language/pl.json +++ b/qortal-ui-core/language/pl.json @@ -1,126 +1,126 @@ { "selectmenu": { - "selectlanguage": "Wybierz język", - "languageflag": "pl", - "english": "Angielski", - "chinese": "Chińczyk", - "german": "Niemiecki", - "french": "Francuski", - "polish": "Polski", - "spanish": "Hiszpański" + "selectlanguage": "Select language", + "languageflag": "us", + "english": "English", + "chinese": "Chinese", + "german": "German", + "french": "French", + "polish": "Polish", + "spanish": "Spanish" }, "sidemenu": { - "mintingdetails": "SZCZEGÓŁY BICIA", - "wallets": "PORTFELE", - "tradeportal": "PORTAL HANDLOWY", - "rewardshare": "UDOSTĘPNIANIE NAGRÓD", - "nameregistration": "REJESTRACJA NAZWY", - "websites": "STRONY INTERNETOWE", - "datamanagement": "ZARZĄDZANIE DANYMI", + "mintingdetails": "MINTING DETAILS", + "wallets": "WALLETS", + "tradeportal": "TRADE PORTAL", + "rewardshare": "REWARD SHARE", + "nameregistration": "NAME REGISTRATION", + "websites": "WEBSITES", + "datamanagement": "DATA MANAGEMENT", "qchat": "Q-CHAT", - "groupmanagement": "ZARZĄDZANIE GRUPĄ", - "puzzles": "PUZZLE", - "nodemanagement": "ZARZĄDZANIE WĘZŁAMI" + "groupmanagement": "GROUP MANAGEMENT", + "puzzles": "PUZZLES", + "nodemanagement": "NODE MANAGEMENT" }, "login": { - "login": "Zaloguj sie", - "createaccount": "Utwórz konto", - "name": "Imię", - "address": "Adres", - "password": "Hasło", - "youraccounts": "Twoje konta", - "clickto": "Kliknij swoje konto, aby się z nim zalogować", - "needcreate": "Aby móc się zalogować, musisz utworzyć lub zapisać konto!", - "upload": "Prześlij swoją kopię zapasową Qortal", - "howlogin": "Jak chcesz się zalogować?", - "seed": "Początkowa fraza", - "seedphrase": "początkowa fraza", - "saved": "Zapisane konto", - "qora": "Qora adres siewny", - "backup": "Qortal kopia zapasowa portfela", - "decrypt": "Odszyfruj kopię zapasową", - "save": "Zapisz w przeglądarce.", - "prepare": "Przygotowanie konta", - "areyousure": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten portfel z zapisanych portfeli?", - "error1": "Kopia zapasowa musi być poprawnym JSON", - "error2": "Nie wybrano opcji logowania", - "createwelcome": "Witaj w Qortal, przekonasz się, że jest ona podobna do gry RPG, jako minter w sieci Qortal (jeśli zdecydujesz się nią zostać) będziesz miał szansę na podniesienie poziomu swojego konta, dając obojgu więcej nagroda za blok QORT, a także większy wpływ na sieć w zakresie głosowania nad decyzjami dla platformy.", - "createa": "Jeden", - "click": "Kliknij, aby wyświetlić frazę wstępną", - "confirmpass": "Potwierdź hasło" + "login": "Login", + "createaccount": "Create Account", + "name": "Name", + "address": "Address", + "password": "Password", + "youraccounts": "Your accounts", + "clickto": "Click your account to login with it", + "needcreate": "You need to create or save an account before you can log in!", + "upload": "Upload your qortal backup", + "howlogin": "How would you like to login?", + "seed": "Seedphrase", + "seedphrase": "seedphrase", + "saved": "Saved account", + "qora": "Qora address seed", + "backup": "Qortal wallet backup", + "decrypt": "Decrypt backup", + "save": "Save in this browser.", + "prepare": "Preparing Your Account", + "areyousure": "Are you sure you want to remove this wallet from saved wallets?", + "error1": "Backup must be valid JSON", + "error2": "Login option not selected", + "createwelcome": "Welcome to Qortal, you will find it to be similar to that of an RPG game, you, as a minter on the Qortal network (if you choose to become one) will have the chance to level your account up, giving you both more of the QORT block reward and also larger influence over the network in terms of voting on decisions for the platform.", + "createa": "A", + "click": "Click to view seedphrase", + "confirmpass": "Confirm Password", + "willbe": "will be randomly generated in background. This is used as your private key generator for your blockchain account in Qortal.", + "clicknext": "Create your Qortal account by clicking NEXT below.", + "ready": "Your account is now ready to be created. It will be saved in this browser. If you do not want your new account to be saved in your browser, you can uncheck the box below. You will still be able to login with your new account(after logging out), using your wallet backup file that you MUST download once you create your account.", + "welmessage": "Welcome to Qortal", + "pleaseenter": "Please enter a Password!", + "notmatch": "Passwords not match!", + "lessthen8": "Your password is less than 8 characters! This is not recommended. You can continue to ignore this warning.", + "entername": "Please enter a Name!", + "downloaded": "Your Wallet BackUp file get downloaded!", + "loading": "Loading, Please wait...", + "createdseed": "Your created Seedphrase", + "saveseed": "Save Seedphrase", + "savein": "Save in browser", + "backup2": "This file is the ONLY way to access your account on a system that doesn't have it saved to the app/browser. BE SURE TO BACKUP THIS FILE IN MULTIPLE PLACES. The file is encrypted very securely and decrypted with your local password you created in the previous step. You can save it anywhere securely, but be sure to do that in multiple locations.", + "savewallet": "Save Wallet BackUp File", + "created1": "Your account is now created", + "created2": " and will be saved in this browser.", + "downloadbackup": "Download Wallet BackUp File" }, "logout": { - "logout": "WYLOGUJ", - "confirmlogout": "Czy na pewno chcesz się wylogować?" + "logout": "LOGOUT", + "confirmlogout": "Are you sure you want to logout?" }, "fragfile": { - "selectfile": "Wybierz plik", - "dragfile": "Przeciągnij i upuść kopię zapasową tutaj" + "selectfile": "Select file", + "dragfile": "Drag and drop backup here" }, "settings": { - "generalinfo": "Ogólne informacje o koncie", - "address": "Adres", - "publickey": "Klucz publiczny", - "settings": "Ustawienia", - "account": "Konto", - "security": "Bezpieczeństwo", - "notifications": "Powiadomienia", - "accountsecurity": "Ochrona Konta", - "password": "Hasło", - "download": "Pobierz plik kopii zapasowej", - "choose": "Wybierz hasło do zaszyfrowania kopii zapasowej. (Może to być ten sam, z którym się zalogowałeś lub inny)", - "block": "Blokuj powiadomienia (Wkrótce...)", - "playsound": "Odtwarzaj dźwięk", - "shownotifications": "Pokaż powiadomienia", - "nodeurl": "Połączenie węzła", - "nodehint": "Wybierz węzeł z domyślnej listy węzłów powyżej lub dodaj niestandardowy węzeł do powyższej listy, klikając przycisk poniżej", - "addcustomnode": "Dodaj węzeł niestandardowy", - "addandsave": "Dodaj i zapisz", - "protocol": "Protocole", - "domain": "Domena", - "port": "Portowy", - "willbe": "zostanie wygenerowany losowo w tle. Jest to używane jako generator klucza prywatnego dla Twojego konta blockchain w Qortal.", - "clicknext": "Utwórz konto Qortal, klikając przycisk DALEJ poniżej.", - "ready": "Twoje konto jest teraz gotowe do utworzenia. Zostanie zapisany w tej przeglądarce. Jeśli nie chcesz, aby Twoje nowe konto było zapisywane w Twojej przeglądarce, możesz odznaczyć poniższe pole. Nadal będziesz mógł zalogować się na swoje nowe konto (po wylogowaniu), korzystając z pliku kopii zapasowej portfela, który MUSISZ pobrać po utworzeniu konta.", - "welmessage": "Witamy w Qortal", - "pleaseenter": "Proszę wprowadzić hasło!", - "notmatch": "Hasła nie pasują!", - "lessthen8": "Twoje hasło ma mniej niż 8 znaków! Nie jest to zalecane. Możesz nadal ignorować to ostrzeżenie.", - "entername": "Podaj nazwę!", - "downloaded": "Twój plik kopii zapasowej Portfela zostanie pobrany!", - "loading": "Ładowanie proszę czekać...", - "createdseed": "Twoje stworzone Seedphrase", - "saveseed": "Zapisz Seedphrase", - "savein": "Zapisz w przeglądarce", - "backup2": "Ten plik jest JEDYNYM sposobem uzyskania dostępu do konta w systemie, w którym nie jest on zapisany w aplikacji/przeglądarce. UPEWNIJ SIĘ, ŻE TWORZYSZ KOPIĘ ZAPASOWĄ TEGO PLIKU W WIELU MIEJSCACH. Plik jest bardzo bezpiecznie zaszyfrowany i odszyfrowany za pomocą lokalnego hasła utworzonego w poprzednim kroku. Możesz go bezpiecznie zapisać w dowolnym miejscu, ale pamiętaj, aby zrobić to w wielu lokalizacjach.", - "savewallet": "Zapisz plik kopii zapasowej portfela", - "created1": "Twoje konto zostało utworzone", - "created2": " i zostanie zapisany w tej przeglądarce.", - "downloadbackup": "Pobierz plik kopii zapasowej portfela" + "generalinfo": "General Account Info", + "address": "Address", + "publickey": "Public Key", + "settings": "Settings", + "account": "Account", + "security": "Security", + "notifications": "Notifications", + "accountsecurity": "Account Security", + "password": "Password", + "download": "Download Backup File", + "choose": "Please choose a password to encrypt your backup with. (This can be the same as the one you logged in with, or different)", + "block": "Block Notifications (Coming Soon...)", + "playsound": "Play Sound", + "shownotifications": "Show Notifications", + "nodeurl": "Node Url", + "nodehint": "Select a node from the default list of nodes above or add a custom node to the list above by clicking on the button below", + "addcustomnode": "Add Custom Node", + "addandsave": "Add And Save", + "protocol": "Protocol", + "domain": "Domain", + "port": "Port" }, "appinfo": { - "blockheight": "Wysokość bloku", - "uiversion": "UI Wersja", - "coreversion": "Rdzeń Wersja", - "minting": "(Bicie)", - "synchronizing": "Synchronizowanie" + "blockheight": "Block Height", + "uiversion": "UI Version", + "coreversion": "Core Version", + "minting": "(Minting)", + "synchronizing": "Synchronizing" }, "walletprofile": { - "minterlevel": "Poziom Mintera", - "blocksminted": "Bloki Minted" + "minterlevel": "Minter Level", + "blocksminted": "Blocks Minted" }, "general": { - "yes": "Tak", - "no": "Nie", - "confirm": "Potwierdzać", - "decline": "Nie przyjąć", - "open": "Otwarty", - "close": "Bliski", - "back": "Powrót", - "next": "Następny", - "create": "Tworzyć", - "continue": "Kontyntynuj", - "save": "Ratować" + "yes": "Yes", + "no": "No", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "decline": "Decline", + "open": "Open", + "close": "Close", + "back": "Back", + "next": "Next", + "create": "Create", + "continue": "Continue", + "save": "Save" }, "mintingpage": { "mchange1": "General Minting Details", @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ "wchange26": "Insufficient Funds!", "wchange27": "Invalid Amount!", "wchange28": "Receiver cannot be empty!", - "wchange29": "Inalid Receiver!", + "wchange29": "Invalid Receiver!", "wchange30": "Transaction Successful!", "wchange31": "Transaction Failed!", "wchange32": "Failed to Fetch QORT Balance. Try again!", @@ -284,7 +284,6 @@ "nchange17": "Name Already Exists!", "nchange18": "Name Registration Successful!" }, -, "websitespage": { "schange1": "Browse Websites", "schange2": "Followed Websites", @@ -319,6 +318,7 @@ "schange31": "Block", "schange32": "Unblock", "schange33": "Name to search", + "schange34": "Name can not be empty!", "schange35": "Search" }, "publishpage": { @@ -541,6 +541,8 @@ "transpage": { "tchange1": "Transaction request", "tchange2": "Decline", - "tchange3": "Confirm" + "tchange3": "Confirm", + "tchange4": "To", + "tchange5": "Amount" } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/qortal-ui-core/language/sp.json b/qortal-ui-core/language/sp.json index 7414a08f..005b7d19 100644 --- a/qortal-ui-core/language/sp.json +++ b/qortal-ui-core/language/sp.json @@ -1,126 +1,126 @@ { "selectmenu": { - "selectlanguage": "Seleccionar idioma", - "languageflag": "sp", - "english": "Inglés", - "chinese": "Chino", - "german": "Alemán", - "french": "Francés", - "polish": "Polaco", - "spanish": "Español" + "selectlanguage": "Select language", + "languageflag": "us", + "english": "English", + "chinese": "Chinese", + "german": "German", + "french": "French", + "polish": "Polish", + "spanish": "Spanish" }, "sidemenu": { - "mintingdetails": "DETALLES DE ACUÑAMIENTO", - "wallets": "BILLETERAS", - "tradeportal": "PORTAL DE COMERCIO ", - "rewardshare": "RECOMPENSA PARA REPARTIR", - "nameregistration": "REGISTRO DE NOMBRE", - "websites": "SITIOS WEB", - "datamanagement": "GESTIÓN DE DATA", + "mintingdetails": "MINTING DETAILS", + "wallets": "WALLETS", + "tradeportal": "TRADE PORTAL", + "rewardshare": "REWARD SHARE", + "nameregistration": "NAME REGISTRATION", + "websites": "WEBSITES", + "datamanagement": "DATA MANAGEMENT", "qchat": "Q-CHAT", - "groupmanagement": "GESTIÓN DE GRUPOS", - "puzzles": "ROMPECABEZAS", - "nodemanagement": "GESTIÓN DE NODOS" + "groupmanagement": "GROUP MANAGEMENT", + "puzzles": "PUZZLES", + "nodemanagement": "NODE MANAGEMENT" }, "login": { - "login": "Iniciar sesión", - "createaccount": "Crear cuenta", - "name": "Nombre", - "address": "Habla a", - "password": "Contraseña", - "youraccounts": "Tus cuentas", - "clickto": "Haga clic en su cuenta para iniciar sesión con ella", - "needcreate": "¡Necesitas crear o guardar una cuenta antes de poder iniciar sesión!", - "upload": "Sube tu copia de seguridad qortal", - "howlogin": "¿Cómo le gustaría iniciar sesión?", - "seed": "Frase semilla", - "seedphrase": "frase semilla", - "saved": "Cuenta guardada", - "qora": "Qora semilla de dirección", - "backup": "Qortal respaldo de billetera", - "decrypt": "Descifrar copia de seguridad", - "save": "Guardar en este navegador.", - "prepare": "Preparando su cuenta", - "areyousure": "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta billetera de las billeteras guardadas?", - "error1": "La copia de seguridad debe ser JSON válido", - "error2": "Opción de inicio de sesión no seleccionada", - "createwelcome": "Bienvenido a Qortal, encontrará que es similar a un juego de rol, usted, como minter en la red de Qortal (si elige convertirse en uno) tendrá la oportunidad de subir de nivel su cuenta, brindándoles a ambos más de la recompensa del bloque QORT y también una mayor influencia sobre la red en términos de votación en las decisiones de la plataforma.", - "createa": "Uno", - "click": "Haz clic para ver la frase semilla", - "confirmpass": "Confirmar Contraseña", - "willbe": "se generará aleatoriamente en segundo plano. Esto se usa como su generador de clave privada para su cuenta de cadena de bloques en Qortal.", - "clicknext": "Cree su cuenta de Qortal haciendo clic en SIGUIENTE a continuación.", - "ready": "Su cuenta ya está lista para ser creada. Se guardará en este navegador. Si no desea que su nueva cuenta se guarde en su navegador, puede desmarcar la casilla a continuación. Aún podrá iniciar sesión con su nueva cuenta (después de cerrar la sesión), utilizando el archivo de respaldo de su billetera que DEBE descargar una vez que cree su cuenta.", - "welmessage": "Bienvenido a Qortal", - "pleaseenter": "¡Porfavor ingrese una contraseña!", - "notmatch": "¡Las contraseñas no coinciden!", - "lessthen8": "¡Tu contraseña tiene menos de 8 caracteres! Esto no es recomendable. Puede continuar ignorando esta advertencia.", - "entername": "¡Por favor ingrese un nombre!", - "downloaded": "¡Tu archivo Wallet BackUp se descarga!", - "loading": "Cargando por favor espere...", - "createdseed": "Tu frase inicial creada", - "saveseed": "Guardar frase inicial", - "savein": "Guardar en el navegador", - "backup2": "Este archivo es la ÚNICA forma de acceder a su cuenta en un sistema que no lo tiene guardado en la aplicación/navegador. ASEGÚRESE DE HACER UNA COPIA DE SEGURIDAD DE ESTE ARCHIVO EN MÚLTIPLES LUGARES. El archivo se cifra de forma muy segura y se descifra con la contraseña local que creó en el paso anterior. Puede guardarlo en cualquier lugar de forma segura, pero asegúrese de hacerlo en varias ubicaciones.", - "savewallet": "Guardar archivo de copia de seguridad de Wallet", - "created1": "Su cuenta ya está creada", - "created2": " y se guardará en este navegador.", - "downloadbackup": "Descargar archivo de copia de seguridad de Wallet" + "login": "Login", + "createaccount": "Create Account", + "name": "Name", + "address": "Address", + "password": "Password", + "youraccounts": "Your accounts", + "clickto": "Click your account to login with it", + "needcreate": "You need to create or save an account before you can log in!", + "upload": "Upload your qortal backup", + "howlogin": "How would you like to login?", + "seed": "Seedphrase", + "seedphrase": "seedphrase", + "saved": "Saved account", + "qora": "Qora address seed", + "backup": "Qortal wallet backup", + "decrypt": "Decrypt backup", + "save": "Save in this browser.", + "prepare": "Preparing Your Account", + "areyousure": "Are you sure you want to remove this wallet from saved wallets?", + "error1": "Backup must be valid JSON", + "error2": "Login option not selected", + "createwelcome": "Welcome to Qortal, you will find it to be similar to that of an RPG game, you, as a minter on the Qortal network (if you choose to become one) will have the chance to level your account up, giving you both more of the QORT block reward and also larger influence over the network in terms of voting on decisions for the platform.", + "createa": "A", + "click": "Click to view seedphrase", + "confirmpass": "Confirm Password", + "willbe": "will be randomly generated in background. This is used as your private key generator for your blockchain account in Qortal.", + "clicknext": "Create your Qortal account by clicking NEXT below.", + "ready": "Your account is now ready to be created. It will be saved in this browser. If you do not want your new account to be saved in your browser, you can uncheck the box below. You will still be able to login with your new account(after logging out), using your wallet backup file that you MUST download once you create your account.", + "welmessage": "Welcome to Qortal", + "pleaseenter": "Please enter a Password!", + "notmatch": "Passwords not match!", + "lessthen8": "Your password is less than 8 characters! This is not recommended. You can continue to ignore this warning.", + "entername": "Please enter a Name!", + "downloaded": "Your Wallet BackUp file get downloaded!", + "loading": "Loading, Please wait...", + "createdseed": "Your created Seedphrase", + "saveseed": "Save Seedphrase", + "savein": "Save in browser", + "backup2": "This file is the ONLY way to access your account on a system that doesn't have it saved to the app/browser. BE SURE TO BACKUP THIS FILE IN MULTIPLE PLACES. The file is encrypted very securely and decrypted with your local password you created in the previous step. You can save it anywhere securely, but be sure to do that in multiple locations.", + "savewallet": "Save Wallet BackUp File", + "created1": "Your account is now created", + "created2": " and will be saved in this browser.", + "downloadbackup": "Download Wallet BackUp File" }, "logout": { - "logout": "CERRAR SESIÓN", - "confirmlogout": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres cerrar sesión?" + "logout": "LOGOUT", + "confirmlogout": "Are you sure you want to logout?" }, "fragfile": { - "selectfile": "Seleccione archivo", - "dragfile": "Arrastre y suelte la copia de seguridad aquí" + "selectfile": "Select file", + "dragfile": "Drag and drop backup here" }, "settings": { - "generalinfo": "Información general de la cuenta", - "address": "Habla a", - "publickey": "Llave pública", - "settings": "Ajustes", - "account": "Cuentas", - "security": "Seguridad", - "notifications": "Notificaciones", - "accountsecurity": "Seguridad de cuenta", - "password": "Contraseña", - "download": "Descargar archivo de copia de seguridad", - "choose": "Elija una contraseña para cifrar su copia de seguridad con. (Este puede ser el mismo con el que inició sesión o diferente)", - "block": "Bloquear notificaciones (Próximamente...)", - "playsound": "Reproducir sonido", - "shownotifications": "Mostrar notificaciones", - "nodeurl": "Enlace de nodo", - "nodehint": "Seleccione un nodo de la lista predeterminada de nodos anterior o agregue un nodo personalizado a la lista anterior haciendo clic en el botón a continuación", - "addcustomnode": "Agregar nodo personalizado", - "addandsave": "Agregar y guardar", - "protocol": "Protocolo", - "domain": "Dominio", - "port": "Puerto" + "generalinfo": "General Account Info", + "address": "Address", + "publickey": "Public Key", + "settings": "Settings", + "account": "Account", + "security": "Security", + "notifications": "Notifications", + "accountsecurity": "Account Security", + "password": "Password", + "download": "Download Backup File", + "choose": "Please choose a password to encrypt your backup with. (This can be the same as the one you logged in with, or different)", + "block": "Block Notifications (Coming Soon...)", + "playsound": "Play Sound", + "shownotifications": "Show Notifications", + "nodeurl": "Node Url", + "nodehint": "Select a node from the default list of nodes above or add a custom node to the list above by clicking on the button below", + "addcustomnode": "Add Custom Node", + "addandsave": "Add And Save", + "protocol": "Protocol", + "domain": "Domain", + "port": "Port" }, "appinfo": { - "blockheight": "Altura de bloque", - "uiversion": "UI Versión", - "coreversion": "Centro Versión", - "minting": "(Minería)", - "synchronizing": "Sincronización" + "blockheight": "Block Height", + "uiversion": "UI Version", + "coreversion": "Core Version", + "minting": "(Minting)", + "synchronizing": "Synchronizing" }, "walletprofile": { - "minterlevel": "Nivel de la menta", - "blocksminted": "Bloques acuñados" + "minterlevel": "Minter Level", + "blocksminted": "Blocks Minted" }, "general": { - "yes": "Sí", + "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", - "confirm": "Confirmar", - "decline": "Declinar", - "open": "Abierta", - "close": "Cerrar", - "back": "Atrás", - "next": "Próximo", - "create": "Crear", - "continue": "Continuar", - "save": "Guardar" + "confirm": "Confirm", + "decline": "Decline", + "open": "Open", + "close": "Close", + "back": "Back", + "next": "Next", + "create": "Create", + "continue": "Continue", + "save": "Save" }, "mintingpage": { "mchange1": "General Minting Details", @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ "wchange26": "Insufficient Funds!", "wchange27": "Invalid Amount!", "wchange28": "Receiver cannot be empty!", - "wchange29": "Inalid Receiver!", + "wchange29": "Invalid Receiver!", "wchange30": "Transaction Successful!", "wchange31": "Transaction Failed!", "wchange32": "Failed to Fetch QORT Balance. Try again!", @@ -541,6 +541,8 @@ "transpage": { "tchange1": "Transaction request", "tchange2": "Decline", - "tchange3": "Confirm" + "tchange3": "Confirm", + "tchange4": "To", + "tchange5": "Amount" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/qortal-ui-core/language/us.json b/qortal-ui-core/language/us.json index e8d9216c..005b7d19 100644 --- a/qortal-ui-core/language/us.json +++ b/qortal-ui-core/language/us.json @@ -541,6 +541,8 @@ "transpage": { "tchange1": "Transaction request", "tchange2": "Decline", - "tchange3": "Confirm" + "tchange3": "Confirm", + "tchange4": "To", + "tchange5": "Amount" } } \ No newline at end of file