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synced 2025-03-28 16:25:54 +00:00
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This commit is contained in:
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"Wenn Sie auf „Bestätigen“ klicken, wird die Prämie entfernt und der Prägeschlüssel wird ungültig."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange1":"Aktive Patenschaften",
"schange3":"Aktive Patenschaften insgesamt",
"schange4":"Nächste Patenschaft endet in",
"schange5":"Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange6":"Abgeschlossene Patenschaften",
"schange9":"Sie haben derzeit keine aktiven Patenschaften"
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"Al presionar confirmar, se eliminará la recompensa compartida y la clave de acuñación dejará de ser válida."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange1":"Patrocinios Activos",
"schange2":"dirección de cuenta",
"schange3":"Patrocinios totales activos",
"schange4":"Próximo patrocinio que termina en",
"schange5":"Patrocinar Nuevo Minter",
"schange6":"Patrocinios Finalizados",
"schange9":"Actualmente no tienes patrocinios activos"
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"En appuyant sur confirmer, le partage de récompense sera supprimé et la clé de frappe deviendra invalide."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange1":"Parrainages actifs",
"schange2":"Adresse du compte",
"schange3":"Total des parrainages actifs",
"schange4":"Prochain parrainage se terminant par",
"schange5":"Parrainez le nouveau Minter",
"schange6":"Parrainages terminés",
"schange9":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun parrainage actif"
@ -642,14 +642,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"कन्फर्म दबाने पर, रिवॉर्डशेयर हटा दिया जाएगा और मिंटिंग की अमान्य हो जाएगी।"
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange1":"सक्रिय प्रायोजन",
"schange2":"खाता पता",
"schange3":"कुल प्रायोजन सक्रिय",
"schange4":"अगला प्रायोजन समाप्त हो रहा है",
"schange5":"प्रायोजक न्यू मिन्टर",
"schange6":"समाप्त प्रायोजन",
"schange7":"पूरा हुआ",
"schange9":"वर्तमान में आपके पास कोई सक्रिय प्रायोजन नहीं है"
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"Pritiskom na potvrdu, dijeljenje nagrade bit će uklonjeno, a ključ za kovanje postat će nevažeći."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange1":"Aktivna sponzorstva",
"schange2":"Adresa računa",
"schange3":"Ukupna aktivna sponzorstva",
"schange4":"Sljedeće sponzorstvo završava za",
"schange5":"Sponzorirajte New Minter",
"schange6":"Završena sponzorstva",
"schange9":"Trenutno nemate aktivnih sponzorstava"
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"A megerősítés megnyomására a jutalommegosztás törlődik, és a pénzverési kulcs érvénytelenné válik."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange1":"Aktív szponzorálás",
"schange2":"fiók címe",
"schange3":"Összes aktív szponzoráció",
"schange4":"A következő szponzorálás vége",
"schange5":"Az új pénzverde szponzora",
"schange6":"Befejezett szponzorálás",
"schange9":"Jelenleg nincs aktív szponzorálásod"
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"Premendo conferma, la condivisione del premio verrà rimossa e la chiave di conio non sarà più valida."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange1":"Sponsorizzazioni attive",
"schange2":"Indirizzo conto",
"schange3":"Sponsorizzazioni totali attive",
"schange4":"Prossima sponsorizzazione che termina tra",
"schange5":"Sponsorizzare New Minter",
"schange6":"Sponsorizzazioni terminate",
"schange9":"Al momento non hai sponsorizzazioni attive"
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"확인을 누르면 보상 공유가 제거되고 조폐 키가 유효하지 않게 됩니다."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange1":"적극적인 후원",
"schange2":"계정 주소",
"schange3":"총 후원 활성화",
"schange4":"다음 스폰서십 종료",
"schange5":"후원자 뉴민터",
"schange9":"현재 활성 스폰서십이 없습니다."
@ -145,14 +145,14 @@
"smchange1":"Kan ikke hente myntingkontoer",
"smchange1":"Kunne ikke fjerne nøkkelen",
"smchange1":"Kunne ikke legge til myntnøkkel",
"smchange1":"Kan ikke opprette sponsornøkkel",
"smchange1":"Skaper forhold",
"smchange1":"Venter på bekreftelse på blockchain",
"smchange1":"Fullføre forholdet",
"smchange1":"Legger til myntnøkkel til node",
"smchange2":"Kunne ikke fjerne nøkkelen",
"smchange3":"Kunne ikke legge til myntnøkkel",
"smchange4":"Kan ikke opprette sponsornøkkel",
"smchange5":"Skaper forhold",
"smchange6":"Venter på bekreftelse på blockchain",
"smchange7":"Fullføre forholdet",
"smchange8":"Legger til myntnøkkel til node",
"mchange1":"Generelle mintedetaljer",
@ -636,14 +636,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"Ved å trykke på Bekreft, vil belønningsdelen bli fjernet og mintnøkkelen blir ugyldig."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange1":"Aktive sponsorer",
"schange3":"Totalt aktive sponsorater",
"schange4":"Neste sponsing slutter i",
"schange5":"Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange6":"Ferdige sponsorater",
"schange9":"Du har for øyeblikket ingen aktive sponsorater"
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"Po naciśnięciu przycisku Potwierdź udział w nagrodach zostanie usunięty, a klucz bicia stanie się nieważny."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange1":"Aktywny Sponsoring",
"schange2":"Adres Konta",
"schange3":"Łączna liczba aktywnych sponsorów",
"schange4":"Następny sponsoring kończący się na",
"schange5":"Sponsoruj Nowego Minera",
"schange6":"Zakończone sponsoringi",
"schange9":"Obecnie nie masz aktywnych sponsorów"
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"Ao pressionar confirmar, o rewardshare será removido e a chave de cunhagem se tornará inválida."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange1":"Patrocínios Ativos",
"schange2":"Endereço da conta",
"schange3":"Total de Patrocínios ativos",
"schange4":"Próximo patrocínio terminando em",
"schange5":"Patrocinar Novo Minter",
"schange6":"Patrocínios Concluídos",
"schange9":"No momento, você não tem patrocínios ativos"
@ -188,9 +188,9 @@
"mchange31":"Apasa pentru Ajutor",
"mchange32":"Devino Producator de Moneda",
"mchange34":"In Qortal, pentru a deveni un productor de moneda si a incepe sa castigi recompense QORT odata cu cresterea nivelului de productor de moneda, trebuie mai intai sa devii ‘sponsorizat’. Un sponsor in Qortal este orice alt productor de moneda de nivel 5 sau mai mare, sau un Fondator Qortal. Veti obtine o cheie de sponsorizare de la sponsor si veti folosi acea cheie pentru a ajunge la nivelul 1. Odata ce ati ajuns la nivelul 1, veti putea sa va creati propria cheie de producere a monedei si sa incepeti sa castigati recompense pentru a ajuta la securizarea Qortal Blockchain.",
"mchange34":"In Qortal, pentru a deveni un productor de moneda si a incepe sa castigi recompense QORT odata cu cresterea nivelului de productor de moneda, trebuie mai intai sa devii ‘sponsorizat’. Un sponsor in Qortal este orice alt productor de moneda de nivel 5 sau mai mare, sau un Fondator Qortal. Veti obtine o cheie de sponsorizare de la sponsor si veti folosi acea cheie pentru a ajunge la nivelul 1. Odata ce ati ajuns la nivelul 1, veti putea sa va creati propria cheie de producere a monedei si sa incepeti sa castigati recompense pentru a ajuta la securizarea Qortal Blockchain.",
"mchange36":"Sponsorul dvs. va va emite o ‘Cheie de sponsorizare’ pe care o veti folosi pentru a o adauga la nodul dvs. si pentru a incepe sa produceti moneda (fara recompense pana la atingerea nivelului 1.) Odata ce ati atins nivelul 1, va creati/atribuiti propria ‘Cheie de producere a monedei’ si incepeti sa castigati recompense.",
"mchange36":"Sponsorul dvs. va va emite o ‘Cheie de sponsorizare’ pe care o veti folosi pentru a o adauga la nodul dvs. si pentru a incepe sa produceti moneda (fara recompense pana la atingerea nivelului 1.) Odata ce ati atins nivelul 1, va creati/atribuiti propria ‘Cheie de producere a monedei’ si incepeti sa castigati recompense.",
"mchange37":"Pur si simplu contactati un productor de moneda din Qortal care are un nivel suficient de ridicat pentru a emite o cheie de sponsorizare, obtineti acea cheie, apoi reveniti aici si introduceti cheia pentru a va incepe calatoria de productor de moneda !",
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
"bchange8":"Cheia de introducere de la sponsorul dvs. aici",
"bchange10":"Starea actuala a sponsorizarii",
"bchange12":"Minting cu cheia sponsorului",
"bchange13":"Blocuri ramase în perioada de sponsorizare",
"bchange13":"Blocuri ramase în perioada de sponsorizare",
"bchange15":"Relatia de sponsorizare",
"bchange16":"Cont de sponsor",
"bchange17":"Copiati cheia de sponsorizare",
@ -615,7 +615,7 @@
"achange1":"Adauga cheia API",
"achange2":"API key",
"achange3":"Va rugam sa introduceti cheia API pentru acest nod. Aceasta poate fi gasita intr-un fisier numit “apikey.txt“ in directorul in care este instalat nucleul. Alternativ, faceti clic pe Anulare (Anulare) pentru a utiliza nucleul cu functionalitate redusa.",
"achange3":"Va rugam sa introduceti cheia API pentru acest nod. Aceasta poate fi gasita intr-un fisier numit “apikey.txt“ in directorul in care este instalat nucleul. Alternativ, faceti clic pe Anulare (Anulare) pentru a utiliza nucleul cu functionalitate redusa.",
"achange6":"S-a adaugat cu succes cheia API",
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"La apasarea butonului de confirmare, recompensa va fi eliminata, iar cheia de obtinere de recompensa (minting) va deveni invalida."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange1":"Sponsorizari active",
"schange2":"Adresa contului",
"schange3":"Total de sponsorizari active",
"schange4":"Urmatoarea sponsorizare se incheie in",
"schange5":"Sponsorizeaza New Minter",
"schange6":"Sponsorizari terminate",
"schange9":"In prezent, nu aveti sponsorizari active"
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"Pritiskom na potvrdu, udeo nagrade će biti uklonjen i ključ za kovanje će postati nevažeći."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange1":"Aktivna sponzorstva",
"schange2":"Adresa naloga",
"schange3":"Ukupna aktivna sponzorstva",
"schange4":"Sledeće sponzorstvo se završava sa",
"schange5":"Sponzor Nev Minter",
"schange6":"Završena sponzorstva",
"schange9":"Trenutno nemate aktivna sponzorstva"
@ -636,14 +636,14 @@
"rewarddialog6":"При нажатии кнопки подтверждения доля вознаграждения будет удалена, а ключ чеканки станет недействительным."
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
"schange1":"Активное спонсорство",
"schange2":"Адрес счета",
"schange3":"Всего активных спонсоров",
"schange4":"Следующее спонсорство заканчивается на",
"schange5":"Спонсировать Новый Минтер",
"schange6":"Завершенные спонсорские услуги",
"schange9":"В настоящее время у вас нет активных спонсоров"
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
"schange1": "Active Sponsorships",
"schange2" : "Account Address",
"schange3" : "Total Sponsorships active",
"schange4" : "Next sponsorship ending in",
"schange5" : "Sponsor New Minter",
"schange6" : "Finished Sponsorships",
"schange7" : "Completed",
"schange8" : "Addresses",
"schange9" : "You currently have no active sponsorships"
Reference in New Issue
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