mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 17:55:51 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'main/master' into ugfix/reply-name-and-limit-websocket
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ const path = require('path')
const i18n = require('./lib/i18n.js')
const fs = require('fs')
const electronDl = require('electron-dl')
const Store = require('electron-store')
const extract = require('extract-zip')
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const child = require('child_process').execFile
const execFile = require('child_process').execFile
const exec = require('child_process').exec
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
@ -19,20 +21,26 @@ electronDl()
process.env['APP_PATH'] = app.getAppPath()
const homePath = app.getPath('home')
const downloadPath = app.getPath('downloads')
const store = new Store()
autoUpdater.autoDownload = false
autoUpdater.autoInstallOnAppQuit = false
autoUpdater.logger = log
autoUpdater.logger.transports.file.level = 'info'
if(!store.has('askingCore')) {
store.set('askingCore', false)
log.info('App starting...')
log.info('App Platform is', process.platform)
log.info('Platform arch is', process.arch)
log.info("ASKING CORE", store.get('askingCore'))
const winjar = String.raw`C:\Program Files\Qortal\qortal.jar`
const windir = String.raw`C:\Qortal`
const winurl = "https://github.com/Qortal/qortal/releases/latest/download/qortal.exe"
const winexe = "C:\\Qortal\\qortal.exe"
const winexe = downloadPath + "\\qortal.exe"
const startWinCore = "C:\\Program Files\\Qortal\\qortal.exe"
const zipdir = homePath
@ -84,6 +92,52 @@ const isRunning = (query, cb) => {
async function checkWin() {
if (fs.existsSync(winjar)) {
isRunning('qortal.exe', (status) => {
if (status == true) {
log.info("Core is running, perfect !")
} else {
if (!store.get('askingCore')) {
const dialogOpts = {
type: 'info',
buttons: [i18n.__("electron_translate_13"), i18n.__("electron_translate_14")],
title: i18n.__("electron_translate_15"),
message: i18n.__("electron_translate_16"),
detail: i18n.__("electron_translate_17"),
checkboxLabel: i18n.__("electron_translate_28"),
checkboxChecked: false
dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {
if (returnValue.response === 0) {
spawn(startWinCore, { detached: true })
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
} else {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
} else {
const dialogOpts = {
type: 'info',
buttons: [i18n.__("electron_translate_18"), i18n.__("electron_translate_19")],
title: i18n.__("electron_translate_20"),
message: i18n.__("electron_translate_21"),
detail: i18n.__("electron_translate_22")
dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {
if (returnValue.response === 0) {
} else {
async function downloadWindows() {
let winLoader = new BrowserWindow({
width: 500,
@ -97,17 +151,34 @@ async function downloadWindows() {
await electronDl.download(myWindow, winurl, {
directory: windir,
onProgress: function () { log.info("Starting Download Windows Installer") }
directory: downloadPath,
onProgress: function () { log.info("Starting Download Qortal Core Installer") }
child(winexe, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
const coreInstall = execFile(winexe, (e, stdout, stderr) => {
if (e) {
} else {
log.info('Qortal Core Installation Done', stdout, stderr)
async function removeQortalExe() {
try {
await fs.rmSync(winexe, {
force: true,
} catch (err) {
log.info('renove error', err)
async function checkPort() {
@ -123,6 +194,8 @@ async function checkPort() {
async function checkResponseStatus(res) {
if (res.ok) {
} else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
await checkWin()
} else {
await javaversion()
@ -395,21 +468,26 @@ function checkQortal() {
if (status == true) {
log.info("Core is running, perfect !")
} else {
log.info("Core is not running, starting it !")
const dialogOpts = {
type: 'info',
buttons: [i18n.__("electron_translate_13"), i18n.__("electron_translate_14")],
title: i18n.__("electron_translate_15"),
message: i18n.__("electron_translate_16"),
detail: i18n.__("electron_translate_17")
dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {
if (returnValue.response === 0) {
} else {
if (!store.get('askingCore')) {
const dialogOpts = {
type: 'info',
buttons: [i18n.__("electron_translate_13"), i18n.__("electron_translate_14")],
title: i18n.__("electron_translate_15"),
message: i18n.__("electron_translate_16"),
detail: i18n.__("electron_translate_17"),
checkboxLabel: i18n.__("electron_translate_28"),
checkboxChecked: false
dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {
if (returnValue.response === 0) {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
} else {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
} else {
@ -491,20 +569,26 @@ async function removeQortalZip() {
async function checkAndStart() {
try {
const dialogOpts = {
type: 'info',
buttons: [i18n.__("electron_translate_13"), i18n.__("electron_translate_14")],
title: i18n.__("electron_translate_15"),
message: i18n.__("electron_translate_16"),
detail: i18n.__("electron_translate_17")
dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {
if (returnValue.response === 0) {
} else {
if (!store.get('askingCore')) {
const dialogOpts = {
type: 'info',
buttons: [i18n.__("electron_translate_13"), i18n.__("electron_translate_14")],
title: i18n.__("electron_translate_15"),
message: i18n.__("electron_translate_16"),
detail: i18n.__("electron_translate_17"),
checkboxLabel: i18n.__("electron_translate_28"),
checkboxChecked: false
dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {
if (returnValue.response === 0) {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
} else {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
} catch (err) {
log.info('Sed error', err)
@ -516,8 +600,8 @@ async function startQortal() {
if (fs.existsSync(linjavax64bindir)) {
try {
await spawn(
linjavax64binfile, ['-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-Xss1250k', '-Xmx2200m', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir }
'nohup', ['nice', '-n', '20', linjavax64binfile, '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir, shell: true, detached: true }
} catch (err) {
log.info('Start qortal error', err)
@ -525,8 +609,8 @@ async function startQortal() {
} else {
try {
await spawn(
'java', ['-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-Xss1250k', '-Xmx2200m', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir }
'nohup', ['nice', '-n', '20', 'java', '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir, shell: true, detached: true }
} catch (err) {
log.info('Start qortal error', err)
@ -536,8 +620,8 @@ async function startQortal() {
if (fs.existsSync(linjavaarm64bindir)) {
try {
await spawn(
linjavaarm64binfile, ['-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-Xss1250k', '-Xmx2200m', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir }
'nohup', ['nice', '-n', '20', linjavaarm64binfile, '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir, shell: true, detached: true }
} catch (err) {
log.info('Start qortal error', err)
@ -545,8 +629,8 @@ async function startQortal() {
} else {
try {
await spawn(
'java', ['-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-Xss1250k', '-Xmx2200m', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir }
'nohup', ['nice', '-n', '20', 'java', '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir, shell: true, detached: true }
} catch (err) {
log.info('Start qortal error', err)
@ -556,8 +640,8 @@ async function startQortal() {
if (fs.existsSync(linjavaarmbindir)) {
try {
await spawn(
linjavaarmbinfile, ['-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-Xss1250k', '-Xmx2200m', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir }
'nohup', ['nice', '-n', '20', linjavaarmbinfile, '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir, shell: true, detached: true }
} catch (err) {
log.info('Start qortal error', err)
@ -565,8 +649,8 @@ async function startQortal() {
} else {
try {
await spawn(
'java', ['-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-Xss1250k', '-Xmx2200m', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir }
'nohup', ['nice', '-n', '20', 'java', '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir, shell: true, detached: true }
} catch (err) {
log.info('Start qortal error', err)
@ -578,8 +662,8 @@ async function startQortal() {
if (fs.existsSync(macjavax64bindir)) {
try {
await spawn(
macjavax64binfile, ['-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-Xss1250k', '-Xmx2200m', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir }
'nohup', ['nice', '-n', '20', macjavax64binfile, '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir, shell: true, detached: true }
} catch (err) {
log.info('Start qortal error', err)
@ -587,8 +671,8 @@ async function startQortal() {
} else {
try {
await spawn(
'java', ['-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-Xss1250k', '-Xmx2200m', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir }
'nohup', ['nice', '-n', '20', 'java', '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir, shell: true, detached: true }
} catch (err) {
log.info('Start qortal error', err)
@ -598,8 +682,8 @@ async function startQortal() {
if (fs.existsSync(macjavaaarch64bindir)) {
try {
await spawn(
macjavaaarch64binfile, ['-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-Xss1250k', '-Xmx2200m', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir }
'nohup', ['nice', '-n', '20', macjavaaarch64binfile, '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir, shell: true, detached: true }
} catch (err) {
log.info('Start qortal error', err)
@ -607,8 +691,8 @@ async function startQortal() {
} else {
try {
await spawn(
'java', ['-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-Xss1250k', '-Xmx2200m', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir }
'nohup', ['nice', '-n', '20', 'java', '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false', '-jar', qortaljar, qortalsettings, '1>run.log', '2>&1', '&'],
{ cwd: qortaldir, shell: true, detached: true }
} catch (err) {
log.info('Start qortal error', err)
@ -621,24 +705,50 @@ async function startQortal() {
const editMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([
label: "Qortal",
submenu: [
{ label: "Quit", click() {app.quit()}}
label: i18n.__("electron_translate_34"),
submenu: [{
label: "Quit",
label: i18n.__("electron_translate_31"),
click() {
const dialogOpts = {
type: 'info',
noLink: true,
buttons: [i18n.__("electron_translate_29"), i18n.__("electron_translate_30")],
title: i18n.__("electron_translate_31"),
message: i18n.__("electron_translate_32"),
detail: i18n.__("electron_translate_33"),
checkboxLabel: i18n.__("electron_translate_28"),
checkboxChecked: store.get('askingCore')
dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {
if (returnValue.response === 0) {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
} else {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
label: "Edit",
submenu: [
{ label: "Undo", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+Z", selector: "undo:" },
{ label: "Redo", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+Shift+Z", selector: "redo:" },
{ label: "Undo", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+Z", selector: "undo:" },
{ label: "Redo", accelerator: "Shift+CmdOrCtrl+Z", selector: "redo:" },
{ type: "separator" },
{ label: "Cut", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+X", selector: "cut:" },
{ label: "Copy", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+C", selector: "copy:" },
{ label: "Paste", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+V", selector: "paste:" },
{ label: "Select All", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+A", selector: "selectAll:" }
{ label: "Cut", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+X", selector: "cut:" },
{ label: "Copy", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+C", selector: "copy:" },
{ label: "Paste", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+V", selector: "paste:" },
{ label: "Select All", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+A", selector: "selectAll:" }
label: "Check for update", click() {autoUpdater.checkForUpdatesAndNotify()}
@ -657,10 +767,13 @@ function createWindow() {
title: "Qortal UI",
autoHideMenuBar: true,
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true,
nodeIntegrationInWorker: true,
partition: 'persist:webviewsession',
enableRemoteModule: false
nodeIntegration: false,
contextIsolation: true,
enableRemoteModule: false,
allowRunningInsecureContent: false,
experimentalFeatures: false,
preload: path.join(__dirname, '/lib/preload.js')
show: false
@ -697,6 +810,32 @@ const createTray = () => {
type: 'separator',
label: i18n.__("electron_translate_31"),
click: function () {
const dialogOpts = {
type: 'info',
noLink: true,
buttons: [i18n.__("electron_translate_29"), i18n.__("electron_translate_30")],
title: i18n.__("electron_translate_31"),
message: i18n.__("electron_translate_32"),
detail: i18n.__("electron_translate_33"),
checkboxLabel: i18n.__("electron_translate_28"),
checkboxChecked: store.get('askingCore')
dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {
if (returnValue.response === 0) {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
} else {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
type: 'separator',
label: i18n.__("electron_translate_1"),
click: function () {
@ -721,50 +860,7 @@ const createTray = () => {
async function checkAll() {
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
if (fs.existsSync(winjar)) {
isRunning('qortal.exe', (status) => {
if (status == true) {
log.info("Core is running, perfect !")
} else {
log.info("Core is not running, starting it !")
const dialogOpts = {
type: 'info',
buttons: [i18n.__("electron_translate_13"), i18n.__("electron_translate_14")],
title: i18n.__("electron_translate_15"),
message: i18n.__("electron_translate_16"),
detail: i18n.__("electron_translate_17")
dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {
if (returnValue.response === 0) {
child(startWinCore, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
} else {
const dialogOpts = {
type: 'info',
buttons: [i18n.__("electron_translate_18"), i18n.__("electron_translate_19")],
title: i18n.__("electron_translate_20"),
message: i18n.__("electron_translate_21"),
detail: i18n.__("electron_translate_22")
dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {
if (returnValue.response === 0) {
} else {
await checkPort()
} else if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
await checkPort()
} else if (process.platform === 'linux') {
@ -814,6 +910,29 @@ if (!isLock) {
myWindow.webContents.send('app_version', { version: app.getVersion() })
ipcMain.on('set-start-core', (event) => {
const dialogOpts = {
type: 'info',
noLink: true,
buttons: [i18n.__("electron_translate_29"), i18n.__("electron_translate_30")],
title: i18n.__("electron_translate_31"),
message: i18n.__("electron_translate_32"),
detail: i18n.__("electron_translate_33"),
checkboxLabel: i18n.__("electron_translate_28"),
checkboxChecked: store.get('askingCore')
dialog.showMessageBox(dialogOpts).then((returnValue) => {
if (returnValue.response === 0) {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
} else {
store.set('askingCore', returnValue.checkboxChecked)
ipcMain.on('check-for-update', (event) => {
autoUpdater.on('update-available', (event) => {
const downloadOpts = {
type: 'info',
@ -834,6 +953,13 @@ if (!isLock) {
autoUpdater.on('update-not-available', (event) => {
const noUpdate = new Notification({
title: 'Checking for update',
body: 'No update available, you are on latest version.'
autoUpdater.on('download-progress', (progressObj) => {
myWindow.webContents.send('downloadProgress', progressObj)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electronAPI', {
setStartCore: () => ipcRenderer.send('set-start-core'),
checkForUpdate: () => ipcRenderer.send('check-for-update')
@ -27,5 +27,11 @@
"electron_translate_24": "НЕ БЛАГОДАРЯ",
"electron_translate_25": "Java не е инсталирана.",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI откри, че Java не е инсталирана на вашата система.",
"electron_translate_27": "Щракнете върху ИЗТЕГЛЯНЕ на JAVA, за да изтеглите и инсталирате Java, или върху НЕ, БЛАГОДАРЯ, за да не я изтеглите и инсталирате."
"electron_translate_27": "Щракнете върху ИЗТЕГЛЯНЕ на JAVA, за да изтеглите и инсталирате Java, или върху НЕ, БЛАГОДАРЯ, за да не я изтеглите и инсталирате.",
"electron_translate_28": "Никога повече не ме питай",
"electron_translate_29": "ПРОМЯНА НА НАСТРОЙКАТА",
"electron_translate_30": "ОТКАЗ",
"electron_translate_31": "Стартиране на основните настройки",
"electron_translate_32": "Промяна на текущото състояние на запитване за стартиране на ядрото, ако то не работи",
"electron_translate_33": "(Поставете отметка или премахнете отметката от квадратчето никога повече да не ме питате)"
@ -27,5 +27,12 @@
"electron_translate_24": "NEIN DANKE",
"electron_translate_25": "Java ist nicht installiert.",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI hat festgestellt, dass Java nicht auf Ihrem System installiert ist.",
"electron_translate_27": "Klicken Sie auf JAVA HERUNTERLADEN, um Java herunterzuladen und zu installieren, oder auf NEIN DANKE, um es nicht herunterzuladen und zu installieren."
"electron_translate_27": "Klicken Sie auf JAVA HERUNTERLADEN, um Java herunterzuladen und zu installieren, oder auf NEIN DANKE, um es nicht herunterzuladen und zu installieren.",
"electron_translate_28": "Frag mich nie wieder",
"electron_translate_29": "EINSTELLUNG ÄNDERN",
"electron_translate_30": "ABBRECHEN",
"electron_translate_31": "Core-Einstellungen starten",
"electron_translate_32": "Ändern Sie den aktuellen Status der Aufforderung, den Core zu starten, wenn er nicht läuft",
"electron_translate_33": "(Aktivieren oder deaktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen Frag mich nie wieder)",
"electron_translate_34": "Einstellungen"
@ -27,5 +27,12 @@
"electron_translate_24": "NO THANKS",
"electron_translate_25": "Java is not installed.",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI has detected that java is not installed on your system.",
"electron_translate_27": "Click on DOWNLOAD JAVA to download and install java or on NO THANKS to not download and install it."
"electron_translate_27": "Click on DOWNLOAD JAVA to download and install java or on NO THANKS to not download and install it.",
"electron_translate_28": "Never ask me again",
"electron_translate_29": "CHANGE SETTING",
"electron_translate_30": "CANCEL",
"electron_translate_31": "Start Core Setiings",
"electron_translate_32": "Change the current status of asking to start the core if it is not running",
"electron_translate_33": "(Check or Uncheck the never ask me again checkbox)",
"electron_translate_34": "Settings"
@ -26,6 +26,12 @@
"electron_translate_23": "DESCARGAR JAVA",
"electron_translate_24": "NO GRACIAS",
"electron_translate_25": "Java no está instalado.",
"electron_translate_26": "La interfaz de usuario de Qortal ha detectado que Java no está instalado en su sistema".,
"electron_translate_27": "Haz clic en DESCARGAR JAVA para descargar e instalar Java o en NO GRACIAS para no descargarlo e instalarlo".
"electron_translate_26": "La interfaz de usuario de Qortal ha detectado que Java no está instalado en su sistema.",
"electron_translate_27": "Haz clic en DESCARGAR JAVA para descargar e instalar Java o en NO GRACIAS para no descargarlo e instalarlo.",
"electron_translate_28": "Nunca me vuelvas a preguntar",
"electron_translate_29": "CAMBIAR CONFIGURACIÓN",
"electron_translate_30": "CANCELAR",
"electron_translate_31": "Iniciar configuración básica",
"electron_translate_32": "Cambiar el estado actual de solicitar iniciar el núcleo si no se está ejecutando",
"electron_translate_33": "(Marque o desmarque la casilla de verificación Nunca volver a preguntarme)"
@ -27,5 +27,11 @@
"electron_translate_24": "NON MERCI",
"electron_translate_25": "Java n'est pas installé.",
"electron_translate_26": "L'interface utilisateur Qortal a détecté que Java n'est pas installé sur votre système.",
"electron_translate_27": "Cliquez sur TÉLÉCHARGER JAVA pour télécharger et installer java ou sur NON MERCI pour ne pas le télécharger et l'installer."
"electron_translate_27": "Cliquez sur TÉLÉCHARGER JAVA pour télécharger et installer java ou sur NON MERCI pour ne pas le télécharger et l'installer.",
"electron_translate_28": "Ne me demande plus jamais",
"electron_translate_29": "MODIFIER LE PARAMÈTRE",
"electron_translate_30": "ANNULER",
"electron_translate_31": "Démarrer les paramètres de base",
"electron_translate_32": "Modifier l'état actuel de la demande de démarrage du noyau s'il n'est pas en cours d'exécution",
"electron_translate_33": "(Cochez ou décochez la case Ne plus jamais me demander)"
@ -27,5 +27,11 @@
"electron_translate_24": "NO GRAZIE",
"electron_translate_25": "Java non è installato.",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI ha rilevato che java non è installato sul tuo sistema.",
"electron_translate_27": "Clicca su SCARICA JAVA per scaricare e installare java o su NO GRAZIE per non scaricarlo e installarlo."
"electron_translate_27": "Clicca su SCARICA JAVA per scaricare e installare java o su NO GRAZIE per non scaricarlo e installarlo.",
"electron_translate_28": "Non chiedermelo mai più",
"electron_translate_29": "MODIFICA IMPOSTAZIONE",
"electron_translate_30": "ANNULLA",
"electron_translate_31": "Avvia impostazioni di base",
"electron_translate_32": "Cambia lo stato attuale della richiesta di avvio del core se non è in esecuzione",
"electron_translate_33": "(Seleziona o deseleziona la casella di controllo Non chiedermelo più)"
@ -27,5 +27,11 @@
"electron_translate_24": "고마워요",
"electron_translate_25": "자바가 설치되지 않았습니다.",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI에서 시스템에 Java가 설치되어 있지 않음을 감지했습니다.",
"electron_translate_27": "Java를 다운로드하여 설치하려면 JAVA 다운로드를 클릭하고, 다운로드 및 설치하지 않으려면 NO THANKS를 클릭하십시오."
"electron_translate_27": "Java를 다운로드하여 설치하려면 JAVA 다운로드를 클릭하고, 다운로드 및 설치하지 않으려면 NO THANKS를 클릭하십시오.",
"electron_translate_28": "다시 묻지 않음",
"electron_translate_29": "설정 변경",
"electron_translate_30": "취소",
"electron_translate_31": "핵심 설정 시작",
"electron_translate_32": "코어가 실행 중이 아닌 경우 코어 시작을 요청하는 현재 상태 변경",
"electron_translate_33": "(다시 묻지 않음 확인란 선택 또는 선택 취소)"
@ -27,5 +27,11 @@
"electron_translate_24": "NEE BEDANKT",
"electron_translate_25": "Java is niet geïnstalleerd.",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI heeft gedetecteerd dat java niet op uw systeem is geïnstalleerd.",
"electron_translate_27": "Klik op DOWNLOAD JAVA om java te downloaden en te installeren of op NO BEDANKT om het niet te downloaden en te installeren."
"electron_translate_27": "Klik op DOWNLOAD JAVA om java te downloaden en te installeren of op NO BEDANKT om het niet te downloaden en te installeren.",
"electron_translate_28": "Vraag het me nooit meer",
"electron_translate_29": "INSTELLING WIJZIGEN",
"electron_translate_30": "ANNULEREN",
"electron_translate_31": "Kerninstellingen starten",
"electron_translate_32": "Wijzig de huidige status van vragen om de kern te starten als deze niet draait",
"electron_translate_33": "(vink het selectievakje Nooit meer vragen aan of uit)"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
"__locale_name__": "Norwegian",
"electron_translate_1": "Vis Qortal UI",
"electron_translate_2": "Avslutt",
"electron_translate_3": "Oppdatering er tilgjengelig",
"electron_translate_4": "En ny versjon av Qortal UI er tilgjengelig. Ønsker du å laste den ned?",
"electron_translate_5": "INSTALLER NÅ",
"electron_translate_6": "KANSKJE SENERE",
"electron_translate_7": "Oppdateringen er klar for installering",
"electron_translate_8": "En ny versjon av Qortal UI er lastet ned.",
"electron_translate_9": "Klikk INSTALLER NÅ for å installere oppdateringen, eller KANSKJE SENERE for å ikke oppdatere brukergrensesnittet.",
"electron_translate_10": "Midlertidig oppdateringsfeil, vil prøve igjen senere",
"electron_translate_11": "LAST NED OPPDATERING",
"electron_translate_12": "Den vil lastes ned ⌛️ i bakgrunnen!",
"electron_translate_13": "START QORTAL CORE",
"electron_translate_14": "NEI TAKK",
"electron_translate_15": "Qortal Core kjører ikke på dette systemet",
"electron_translate_16": "Qortal UI har oppdaget at Qortal Core ikke kjører på dette systemet",
"electron_translate_17": "Klikk START QORTAL CORE for å starte Qortal Core på dette systemet, eller klikk NEI TAKK for å hoppe over å starte på dette systemet",
"electron_translate_18": "LAST NED QORTAL CORE",
"electron_translate_19": "NEI TAKK",
"electron_translate_20": "Qortal Core er ikke oppdaget",
"electron_translate_21": "Qortal UI har oppdaget at Qortal Core ikke er installert (i standard plassering) på dette systemet.",
"electron_translate_22": "Klikk LAST NED QORTAL CORE for å laste ned og installere Core (til standard plassering), eller klikk NEI TAKK for å hoppe over nedlasting og installering.",
"electron_translate_23": "LAST NED JAVA",
"electron_translate_24": "NEI TAKK",
"electron_translate_25": "Java er ikke installert.",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI har oppdaget at Java ikke er installert på systemet ditt.",
"electron_translate_27": "Klikk på LAST NED JAVA for å laste ned og installere Java, eller på NEI TAKK for å ikke laste ned og installere det.",
"electron_translate_28": "Aldri spør meg igjen",
"electron_translate_29": "ENDRE INNSTILLING",
"electron_translate_30": "AVBRYT",
"electron_translate_31": "Start kjerneinnstillinger",
"electron_translate_32": "Endre gjeldende status for å spørre om å starte kjernen hvis den ikke kjører",
"electron_translate_33": "(Merk av eller fjern merket for aldri spør meg igjen)"
@ -27,5 +27,11 @@
"electron_translate_24": "NÃO, OBRIGADO",
"electron_translate_25": "Java não está instalado.",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI detectou que o java não está instalado em seu sistema.",
"electron_translate_27": "Clique em DOWNLOAD JAVA para baixar e instalar o java ou em NÃO, OBRIGADO para não baixar e instalar."
"electron_translate_27": "Clique em DOWNLOAD JAVA para baixar e instalar o java ou em NÃO, OBRIGADO para não baixar e instalar.",
"electron_translate_28": "Nunca mais me pergunte",
"electron_translate_29": "ALTERAR CONFIGURAÇÃO",
"electron_translate_30": "CANCELAR",
"electron_translate_31": "Iniciar configurações do núcleo",
"electron_translate_32": "Alterar o status atual de pedir para iniciar o núcleo se não estiver em execução",
"electron_translate_33": "(Marque ou desmarque a caixa de seleção para nunca mais me perguntar)"
@ -27,5 +27,11 @@
"electron_translate_24": "NÃO, OBRIGADO",
"electron_translate_25": "Java não está instalado.",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI detectou que o java não está instalado em seu sistema.",
"electron_translate_27": "Clique em DOWNLOAD JAVA para baixar e instalar o java ou em NÃO, OBRIGADO para não baixar e instalar."
"electron_translate_27": "Clique em DOWNLOAD JAVA para baixar e instalar o java ou em NÃO, OBRIGADO para não baixar e instalar.",
"electron_translate_28": "Nunca mais me pergunte",
"electron_translate_29": "ALTERAR CONFIGURAÇÃO",
"electron_translate_30": "CANCELAR",
"electron_translate_31": "Iniciar configurações do núcleo",
"electron_translate_32": "Alterar o status atual de pedir para iniciar o núcleo se não estiver em execução",
"electron_translate_33": "(Marque ou desmarque a caixa de seleção para nunca mais me perguntar)"
@ -27,5 +27,11 @@
"electron_translate_24": "НЕТ, СПАСИБО",
"electron_translate_25": "Java не установлена.",
"electron_translate_26": "Пользовательский интерфейс Qortal обнаружил, что в вашей системе не установлена Java.",
"electron_translate_27": "Нажмите ЗАГРУЗИТЬ JAVA, чтобы загрузить и установить Java, или НЕТ, СПАСИБО, чтобы не загружать и устанавливать его."
"electron_translate_27": "Нажмите ЗАГРУЗИТЬ JAVA, чтобы загрузить и установить Java, или НЕТ, СПАСИБО, чтобы не загружать и устанавливать его.",
"electron_translate_28": "Никогда больше не спрашивайте меня",
"electron_translate_29": "ИЗМЕНИТЬ НАСТРОЙКИ",
"electron_translate_30": "ОТМЕНИТЬ",
"electron_translate_31": "Начать основные настройки",
"electron_translate_32": "Изменить текущий статус запроса на запуск ядра, если оно не запущено",
"electron_translate_33": "(Установите или снимите флажок Больше не спрашивать)"
@ -27,5 +27,11 @@
"electron_translate_24": "TEŞEKKÜR ETMİYORUM",
"electron_translate_25": "Java yüklü değil.",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI sisteminizde java'nın kurulu olmadığını tespit etti.",
"electron_translate_27": "Java'yı indirip yüklemek için JAVA'YI İNDİR'e, indirip kurmamak için HAYIR'a TEŞEKKÜRLER'e tıklayın."
"electron_translate_27": "Java'yı indirip yüklemek için JAVA'YI İNDİR'e, indirip kurmamak için HAYIR'a TEŞEKKÜRLER'e tıklayın.",
"electron_translate_28": "Bir daha asla sorma",
"electron_translate_29": "AYARI DEĞİŞTİR",
"electron_translate_30": "İPTAL",
"electron_translate_31": "Temel Ayarları Başlat",
"electron_translate_32": "Çalışmıyorsa çekirdeği başlatma isteğinin mevcut durumunu değiştir",
"electron_translate_33": "(Bana bir daha asla sorma onay kutusunu işaretleyin veya işaretini kaldırın)"
@ -27,5 +27,12 @@
"electron_translate_24": "NO THANKS",
"electron_translate_25": "Java is not installed.",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI has detected that java is not installed on your system.",
"electron_translate_27": "Click on DOWNLOAD JAVA to download and install java or on NO THANKS to not download and install it."
"electron_translate_27": "Click on DOWNLOAD JAVA to download and install java or on NO THANKS to not download and install it.",
"electron_translate_28": "Never ask me again",
"electron_translate_29": "CHANGE SETTING",
"electron_translate_30": "CANCEL",
"electron_translate_31": "Start Core Setiings",
"electron_translate_32": "Change the current status of asking to start the core if it is not running",
"electron_translate_33": "(Check or Uncheck the never ask me again checkbox)",
"electron_translate_34": "Settings"
@ -27,5 +27,11 @@
"electron_translate_24": "不用谢",
"electron_translate_25": "Java 未安装。",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI 检测到您的系统上没有安装 java。",
"electron_translate_27": "点击 DOWNLOAD JAVA 下载并安装 java 或点击 NO THANKS 不下载并安装它。"
"electron_translate_27": "点击 DOWNLOAD JAVA 下载并安装 java 或点击 NO THANKS 不下载并安装它。",
"electron_translate_28": "不要再问我",
"electron_translate_29": "更改设置",
"electron_translate_30": "取消",
"electron_translate_31": "开始核心设置",
"electron_translate_32": "更改核心未运行时要求启动的当前状态",
"electron_translate_33": "(选中或取消选中不再询问复选框)"
@ -27,5 +27,11 @@
"electron_translate_24": "不用謝",
"electron_translate_25": "Java 未安裝。",
"electron_translate_26": "Qortal UI 檢測到您的系統上沒有安裝 java。",
"electron_translate_27": "點擊 DOWNLOAD JAVA 下載並安裝 java 或點擊 NO THANKS 不下載並安裝它。"
"electron_translate_27": "點擊 DOWNLOAD JAVA 下載並安裝 java 或點擊 NO THANKS 不下載並安裝它。",
"electron_translate_28": "不要再問我",
"electron_translate_29": "更改設置",
"electron_translate_30": "取消",
"electron_translate_31": "開始核心設置",
"electron_translate_32": "更改核心未運行時要求啟動的當前狀態",
"electron_translate_33": "(勾選或取消勾選不再詢問複選框)"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "qortal-ui",
"version": "4.0.0",
"version": "4.0.3",
"description": "Qortal Project - decentralize the world - Data storage, communications, web hosting, decentralized trading, complete infrastructure for the future blockchain-based Internet",
"keywords": [
@ -35,12 +35,13 @@
"electron-log": "4.4.8",
"electron-updater": "5.3.0",
"electron-dl": "3.5.0",
"electron-store": "8.1.0",
"extract-zip": "2.0.1",
"node-fetch": "2.6.9",
"os-locale": "3.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"electron": "24.1.2",
"electron": "24.1.3",
"electron-builder": "23.6.0",
"electron-packager": "17.1.1",
"shelljs": "0.8.5"
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Privaten Hauptschlüssel exportieren",
"exp2": "Hauptschlüssel exportieren",
"exp3": "Exportieren",
"exp4": "Bitte wählen Sie eine Brieftasche aus, um den privaten Hauptschlüssel zu sichern."
"exp4": "Bitte wählen Sie eine Brieftasche aus, um den privaten Hauptschlüssel zu sichern.",
"core": "Core-Einstellungen starten"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Blockhöhe",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Exportar clave maestra privada",
"exp2": "Exportar clave maestra",
"exp3": "Exportar",
"exp4": "Elija una billetera para hacer una copia de seguridad de la clave maestra privada."
"exp4": "Elija una billetera para hacer una copia de seguridad de la clave maestra privada.",
"core": "Iniciar configuración básica"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Altura del Bloque",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Exporter la clé principale privée",
"exp2": "Exporter la clé principale",
"exp3": "Exporter",
"exp4": "Veuillez choisir un portefeuille pour sauvegarder la clé principale privée."
"exp4": "Veuillez choisir un portefeuille pour sauvegarder la clé principale privée.",
"core": "Démarrer les paramètres du noyau"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Hauteur de bloc",
@ -136,7 +136,8 @@
"exp1": "निजी मास्टर कुंजी निर्यात करें",
"exp2": "निर्यात मास्टर कुंजी",
"exp3": "निर्यात",
"exp4": "निजी मास्टर कुंजी का बैकअप लेने के लिए कृपया एक वॉलेट चुनें।"
"exp4": "निजी मास्टर कुंजी का बैकअप लेने के लिए कृपया एक वॉलेट चुनें।",
"core": "कोर सेटिंग प्रारंभ करें"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "ब्लॉक ऊँचाई",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Izvezi privatni glavni ključ",
"exp2": "Glavni ključ izvoza",
"exp3": "Izvoz",
"exp4": "Odaberite novčanik za sigurnosnu kopiju privatnog glavnog ključa."
"exp4": "Odaberite novčanik za sigurnosnu kopiju privatnog glavnog ključa.",
"core": "Pokreni osnovne postavke"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Visina bloka",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Privát főkulcs exportálása",
"exp2": "Főkulcs exportálása",
"exp3": "Exportálás",
"exp4": "Kérjük, válasszon egy tárcát a privát főkulcs biztonsági mentéséhez."
"exp4": "Kérjük, válasszon egy tárcát a privát főkulcs biztonsági mentéséhez.",
"core": "Alapbeállítások indítása"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Blokk Magassága",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Esporta chiave master privata",
"exp2": "Esporta chiave master",
"exp3": "Esporta",
"exp4": "Scegli un portafoglio per il backup della chiave master privata."
"exp4": "Scegli un portafoglio per il backup della chiave master privata.",
"core": "Avvia impostazioni principali"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Altezza blocco",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "개인 마스터 키 내보내기",
"exp2": "마스터 키 내보내기",
"exp3": "내보내기",
"exp4": "개인 마스터 키를 백업할 지갑을 선택하세요."
"exp4": "개인 마스터 키를 백업할 지갑을 선택하세요.",
"core": "코어 설정 시작"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "블록 높이",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Eksporter privat hovednøkkel",
"exp2": "Eksporter hovednøkkel",
"exp3": "Eksporter",
"exp4": "Velg en lommebok for å sikkerhetskopiere den private hovednøkkelen."
"exp4": "Velg en lommebok for å sikkerhetskopiere den private hovednøkkelen.",
"core": "Start kjerneinnstillinger"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Blokkhøyde",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Eksportuj prywatny klucz główny",
"exp2": "Eksportuj klucz główny",
"exp3": "Eksportuj",
"exp4": "Wybierz portfel do wykonania kopii zapasowej prywatnego klucza głównego."
"exp4": "Wybierz portfel do wykonania kopii zapasowej prywatnego klucza głównego.",
"core": "Uruchom podstawowe ustawienia"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Wysokość bloku",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Exportar Chave Mestra Privada",
"exp2": "Exportar Chave Mestra",
"exp3": "Exportar",
"exp4": "Por favor, escolha uma carteira para fazer backup da chave mestra privada."
"exp4": "Por favor, escolha uma carteira para fazer backup da chave mestra privada.",
"core": "Iniciar configurações do núcleo"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Altura do Bloco",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Exportați cheia principală privată",
"exp2": "Exportați cheia principală",
"exp3": "Export",
"exp4": "Vă rugăm să alegeți un portofel pentru a face backup cheii master private."
"exp4": "Vă rugăm să alegeți un portofel pentru a face backup cheii master private.",
"core": "Porniți setările de bază"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Dimensiunea blocului",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Izvezi privatni glavni ključ",
"exp2": "Izvezi glavni ključ",
"exp3": "Izvoz",
"exp4": "Molimo izaberite novčanik za rezervnu kopiju privatnog glavnog ključa."
"exp4": "Molimo izaberite novčanik za rezervnu kopiju privatnog glavnog ključa.",
"core": "Pokreni podešavanja jezgra"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Visina Bloka",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Экспорт закрытого мастер-ключа",
"exp2": "Экспорт мастер-ключа",
"exp3": "Экспорт",
"exp4": "Пожалуйста, выберите кошелек для резервного копирования приватного главного ключа."
"exp4": "Пожалуйста, выберите кошелек для резервного копирования приватного главного ключа.",
"core": "Начать основные настройки"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Высота блока",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "Export Private Master Key",
"exp2": "Export Master Key",
"exp3": "Export",
"exp4": "Please choose a wallet to backup the private master key."
"exp4": "Please choose a wallet to backup the private master key.",
"core": "Start Core Setiings"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "Block Height",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "导出主密钥",
"exp2": "导出主密钥",
"exp3": "导出",
"exp4": "请选择一个钱包来备份私钥。"
"exp4": "请选择一个钱包来备份私钥。",
"core": "开始核心设置"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "区块高度",
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@
"exp1": "導出主密鑰",
"exp2": "導出主密鑰",
"exp3": "導出",
"exp4": "請選擇一個錢包來備份私鑰。"
"exp4": "請選擇一個錢包來備份私鑰。",
"core": "開始核心設置"
"appinfo": {
"blockheight": "區塊高度",
@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
"author": "QORTAL <admin@qortal.org>",
"license": "GPL-3.0",
"dependencies": {
"@hapi/hapi": "21.3.1",
"@hapi/hapi": "21.3.2",
"@hapi/inert": "7.1.0",
"sass": "1.62.0"
"sass": "1.62.1"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "7.21.4",
"@babel/core": "7.21.5",
"@material/mwc-button": "0.27.0",
"@material/mwc-checkbox": "0.27.0",
"@material/mwc-dialog": "0.27.0",
@ -60,22 +60,21 @@
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "15.0.2",
"@rollup/plugin-replace": "5.0.2",
"@rollup/plugin-terser": "0.4.1",
"@vaadin/button": "24.0.3",
"@vaadin/grid": "24.0.3",
"@vaadin/icons": "24.0.3",
"@vaadin/password-field": "24.0.3",
"@vaadin/tooltip": "24.0.3",
"@vaadin/button": "24.0.4",
"@vaadin/grid": "24.0.4",
"@vaadin/icons": "24.0.4",
"@vaadin/password-field": "24.0.4",
"@vaadin/tooltip": "24.0.4",
"asmcrypto.js": "2.3.2",
"bcryptjs": "2.4.3",
"epml": "0.3.3",
"file-saver": "2.0.5",
"lit": "2.7.2",
"lit": "2.7.3",
"lit-translate": "2.0.1",
"localforage": "1.10.0",
"pwa-helpers": "0.9.1",
"redux": "4.2.1",
"redux-thunk": "2.4.2",
"rollup": "3.20.7",
"rollup": "3.21.1",
"rollup-plugin-node-globals": "1.4.0",
"rollup-plugin-progress": "1.1.2",
"rollup-plugin-scss": "3.0.0"
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import './qort-theme-toggle.js'
import './language-selector.js'
import './settings-view/user-settings.js'
import './logout-view/logout-view.js'
import './check-for-update.js'
import './user-info-view/user-info-view.js'
import '../functional-components/side-menu.js'
import '../functional-components/side-menu-item.js'
@ -502,6 +503,8 @@ class AppView extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:settings" @click=${() => this.openSettings()} title="${translate("settings.settings")}"></paper-icon-button>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div style="display: inline;">
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:exit-to-app" @click=${() => this.openLogout()} title="${translate("logout.logout")}"></paper-icon-button>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import { LitElement, html, css } from 'lit'
import { get, translate, translateUnsafeHTML } from 'lit-translate'
import '@polymer/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.js'
import '@polymer/iron-icons/iron-icons.js'
class CheckForUpdate extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
theme: { type: String, reflect: true }
constructor() {
this.theme = localStorage.getItem('qortalTheme') ? localStorage.getItem('qortalTheme') : 'light'
static styles = [
render() {
return html`
<div style="display: inline;">
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:get-app" @click=${() => this.checkupdate()} title="${translate("appspage.schange38")} UI"></paper-icon-button>
firstUpdated() {
checkupdate() {
window.customElements.define('check-for-update', CheckForUpdate)
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import { createWallet } from '../../../../qortal-ui-crypto/api/createWallet.js'
import { doLogin, doLogout, doSelectAddress } from '../../redux/app/app-actions.js'
import { doStoreWallet } from '../../redux/user/user-actions.js'
import { checkApiKey } from '../../apiKeyUtils.js'
import FileSaver from 'file-saver'
import ripple from '../../functional-components/loading-ripple.js'
import snackbar from '../../functional-components/snackbar.js'
import '../../functional-components/random-sentence-generator.js'
@ -587,17 +586,45 @@ class CreateAccountSection extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
async downloadBackup(wallet) {
let backupname = ""
const state = store.getState()
const data = await wallet.generateSaveWalletData(this._pass, state.config.crypto.kdfThreads, () => { })
const dataString = JSON.stringify(data)
const blob = new Blob([dataString], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `qortal_backup_${wallet.addresses[0].address}.json`)
backupname = "qortal_backup_" + wallet.addresses[0].address + ".json"
this.saveFileToDisk(blob, backupname)
downloadSeedphrase() {
let seedname = ""
const seed = this.shadowRoot.getElementById('randSentence').parsedString
const blob = new Blob([seed], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `qortal_seedphrase.txt`)
seedname = "qortal_seedphrase_" + wallet.addresses[0].address + ".txt"
this.saveFileToDisk(blob, seedname)
async saveFileToDisk(blob, fileName) {
try {
const fileHandle = await self.showSaveFilePicker({
suggestedName: fileName,
types: [{
description: "File",
const writeFile = async (fileHandle, contents) => {
const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable()
await writable.write(contents)
await writable.close()
writeFile(fileHandle, blob).then(() => console.log("FILE SAVED"))
let snack4string = get("general.save")
labelText: `${snack4string} ${fileName} ✅`,
dismiss: true
} catch (error) {
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ import { LitElement, html, css } from 'lit'
import { connect } from 'pwa-helpers'
import { store } from '../../store.js'
import { use, get, translate, translateUnsafeHTML, registerTranslateConfig } from 'lit-translate'
import snackbar from '../../functional-components/snackbar.js'
import '@material/mwc-dialog'
import '@material/mwc-button'
import '@material/mwc-icon'
import FileSaver from 'file-saver'
class ExportKeys extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
static get properties() {
@ -222,11 +222,37 @@ class ExportKeys extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
async exportKey(cMasterKey, cName, cAddress) {
let exportname = ""
const myPrivateMasterKey = cMasterKey
const myCoinName = cName
const myCoinAddress = cAddress
const blob = new Blob([`${myPrivateMasterKey}`], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `Private_Master_Key_${myCoinName}_${myCoinAddress}.txt`)
exportname = "Private_Master_Key_" + myCoinName + "_" + myCoinAddress + ".txt"
this.saveFileToDisk(blob, exportname)
async saveFileToDisk(blob, fileName) {
try {
const fileHandle = await self.showSaveFilePicker({
suggestedName: fileName,
types: [{
description: "File",
const writeFile = async (fileHandle, contents) => {
const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable()
await writable.write(contents)
await writable.close()
writeFile(fileHandle, blob).then(() => console.log("FILE SAVED"))
let snack4string = get("general.save")
labelText: `${snack4string} ${fileName} ✅`,
dismiss: true
} catch (error) {
stateChanged(state) {
@ -83,6 +83,28 @@ class NotificationsView extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
font-size: 16px;
display: inline-block;
.q-button {
display: inline-flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-content: center;
border: none;
border-radius: 20px;
padding-left: 25px;
padding-right: 25px;
color: white;
background: #03a9f4;
width: 50%;
font-size: 17px;
cursor: pointer;
height: 50px;
margin-top: 1rem;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-decoration: none;
transition: all .2s;
position: relative;
@ -123,10 +145,17 @@ class NotificationsView extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
<div style="max-width: 500px; display: flex; justify-content: center; margin: auto;">
<div @click=${() => this.checkCoreSettings()} class="q-button"> ${translate("settings.core")} </div>
checkCoreSettings() {
stateChanged(state) {
this.notificationConfig = state.user.notifications
this.q_chatConfig = this.notificationConfig.q_chat
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ import { connect } from 'pwa-helpers'
import { store } from '../../store.js'
import { allowQAPPAutoAuth, removeQAPPAutoAuth, removeQAPPAutoLists, allowQAPPAutoLists } from '../../redux/app/app-actions.js'
import { use, get, translate, translateUnsafeHTML, registerTranslateConfig } from 'lit-translate'
import snackbar from '../../functional-components/snackbar.js'
import '@material/mwc-checkbox'
import '@material/mwc-textfield'
import '@material/mwc-icon'
import '@vaadin/password-field/vaadin-password-field.js'
import FileSaver from 'file-saver'
class SecurityView extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
static get properties() {
@ -155,13 +155,39 @@ class SecurityView extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
async downloadBackup() {
let backupname = ''
this.backupErrorMessage = ''
const state = store.getState()
const password = this.shadowRoot.getElementById('downloadBackupPassword').value
const data = await state.app.wallet.generateSaveWalletData(password, state.config.crypto.kdfThreads, () => { })
const dataString = JSON.stringify(data)
const blob = new Blob([dataString], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `qortal_backup_${state.app.selectedAddress.address}.json`)
backupname = "qortal_backup_" + state.app.selectedAddress.address + ".json"
this.saveFileToDisk(blob, backupname)
async saveFileToDisk(blob, fileName) {
try {
const fileHandle = await self.showSaveFilePicker({
suggestedName: fileName,
types: [{
description: "File",
const writeFile = async (fileHandle, contents) => {
const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable()
await writable.write(contents)
await writable.close()
writeFile(fileHandle, blob).then(() => console.log("FILE SAVED"))
let snack4string = get("general.save")
labelText: `${snack4string} ${fileName} ✅`,
dismiss: true
} catch (error) {
@ -124,10 +124,14 @@ class WalletProfile extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
getAvatar() {
const avatarNode = store.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[store.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
const avatarUrl = avatarNode.protocol + '://' + avatarNode.domain + ':' + avatarNode.port
const url = `${avatarUrl}/arbitrary/THUMBNAIL/${this.accountInfo.names[0].name}/qortal_avatar?async=true&apiKey=${this.getApiKey()}`
return html`<img class="round-fullinfo" src="${url}" onerror="this.src='/img/incognito.png';" />`
if (this.accountInfo.names.length === 0) {
return html`<img class="round-fullinfo" src="/img/incognito.png">`
} else {
const avatarNode = store.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[store.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
const avatarUrl = avatarNode.protocol + '://' + avatarNode.domain + ':' + avatarNode.port
const url = `${avatarUrl}/arbitrary/THUMBNAIL/${this.accountInfo.names[0].name}/qortal_avatar?async=true&apiKey=${this.getApiKey()}`
return html`<img class="round-fullinfo" src="${url}" onerror="this.src='/img/incognito.png';" />`
getApiKey() {
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import { connect } from 'pwa-helpers'
import { store } from '../store.js'
import { doAddNode, doSetNode, doLoadNodeConfig } from '../redux/app/app-actions.js'
import { get, translate, translateUnsafeHTML } from 'lit-translate'
import FileSaver from 'file-saver'
import snackbar from './snackbar.js'
import '../components/language-selector.js'
import '../custom-elements/frag-file-input.js'
@ -320,16 +319,36 @@ class SettingsPage extends connect(store)(LitElement) {
exportQortalNodesList() {
let nodelist = ""
const qortalNodesList = JSON.stringify(localStorage.getItem("myQortalNodes"))
const qortalNodesListSave = JSON.parse((qortalNodesList) || "[]")
const blob = new Blob([qortalNodesListSave], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `qortal.nodes`)
nodelist = "qortal.nodes"
this.saveFileToDisk(blob, nodelist)
let snack4string = get("settings.snack4")
labelText: `${snack4string} qortal.nodes`,
dismiss: true
async saveFileToDisk(blob, fileName) {
try {
const fileHandle = await self.showSaveFilePicker({
suggestedName: fileName,
types: [{
description: "File",
const writeFile = async (fileHandle, contents) => {
const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable()
await writable.write(contents)
await writable.close()
writeFile(fileHandle, blob).then(() => console.log("FILE SAVED"))
let snack4string = get("settings.snack4")
labelText: `${snack4string} qortal.nodes`,
dismiss: true
} catch (error) {
renderImportNodesListButton() {
@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
import { Sha256 } from 'asmcrypto.js'
import Base58 from './api/deps/Base58'
import Base64 from './api/deps/Base64'
import { base58PublicKeyToAddress } from './api/wallet/base58PublicKeyToAddress'
import { validateAddress } from './api/wallet/validateAddress'
import { decryptChatMessage } from './api/transactions/chat/decryptChatMessage'
import { decryptChatMessage, decryptChatMessageBase64 } from './api/transactions/chat/decryptChatMessage'
import _ from 'lodash'
window.Sha256 = Sha256
window.Base58 = Base58
window.Base64 = Base64
window._ = _
window.base58PublicKeyToAddress = base58PublicKeyToAddress
window.validateAddress = validateAddress
window.decryptChatMessage = decryptChatMessage
window.decryptChatMessageBase64 = decryptChatMessageBase64
export { initApi, store } from './api_deps.js'
export * from './api/deps/deps.js'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
const Base64 = {};
Base64.decode = function (string) {
const binaryString = atob(string);
const binaryLength = binaryString.length;
const bytes = new Uint8Array(binaryLength);
for (let i = 0; i < binaryLength; i++) {
bytes[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const decodedString = decoder.decode(bytes);
return decodedString;
export default Base64;
@ -24,3 +24,34 @@ export const decryptChatMessage = (encryptedMessage, privateKey, recipientPublic
_decryptedMessage === false ? decryptedMessage : decryptedMessage = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(_decryptedMessage)
return decryptedMessage
export const decryptChatMessageBase64 = (encryptedMessage, privateKey, recipientPublicKey, lastReference) => {
let _encryptedMessage = atob(encryptedMessage);
const binaryLength = _encryptedMessage.length;
const bytes = new Uint8Array(binaryLength);
for (let i = 0; i < binaryLength; i++) {
bytes[i] = _encryptedMessage.charCodeAt(i);
const _base58RecipientPublicKey = recipientPublicKey instanceof Uint8Array ? Base58.encode(recipientPublicKey) : recipientPublicKey
const _recipientPublicKey = Base58.decode(_base58RecipientPublicKey)
const _lastReference = lastReference instanceof Uint8Array ? lastReference : Base58.decode(lastReference)
const convertedPrivateKey = ed2curve.convertSecretKey(privateKey)
const convertedPublicKey = ed2curve.convertPublicKey(_recipientPublicKey)
const sharedSecret = new Uint8Array(32);
nacl.lowlevel.crypto_scalarmult(sharedSecret, convertedPrivateKey, convertedPublicKey)
const _chatEncryptionSeed = new Sha256().process(sharedSecret).finish().result
const _decryptedMessage = nacl.secretbox.open(bytes, _lastReference.slice(0, 24), _chatEncryptionSeed)
if (_decryptedMessage === false) {
return _decryptedMessage
return new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(_decryptedMessage)
@ -41,11 +41,11 @@
"prosemirror-schema-list": "1.2.2",
"prosemirror-state": "1.4.2",
"prosemirror-transform": "1.7.1",
"prosemirror-view": "1.30.2",
"prosemirror-view": "1.31.0",
"short-unique-id": "4.4.4"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "7.21.4",
"@babel/core": "7.21.5",
"@material/mwc-button": "0.27.0",
"@material/mwc-checkbox": "0.27.0",
"@material/mwc-dialog": "0.27.0",
@ -72,21 +72,20 @@
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "15.0.2",
"@rollup/plugin-replace": "5.0.2",
"@rollup/plugin-terser": "0.4.1",
"@vaadin/avatar": "24.0.3",
"@vaadin/button": "24.0.3",
"@vaadin/grid": "24.0.3",
"@vaadin/icons": "24.0.3",
"@vaadin/tooltip": "24.0.3",
"@vaadin/avatar": "24.0.4",
"@vaadin/button": "24.0.4",
"@vaadin/grid": "24.0.4",
"@vaadin/icons": "24.0.4",
"@vaadin/tooltip": "24.0.4",
"@zip.js/zip.js": "2.7.6",
"axios": "1.3.5",
"epml": "0.3.3",
"file-saver": "2.0.5",
"highcharts": "10.3.3",
"html-escaper": "3.0.3",
"lit": "2.7.2",
"lit": "2.7.3",
"lit-translate": "2.0.1",
"passive-events-support": "1.0.33",
"rollup": "3.20.7",
"rollup": "3.21.1",
"rollup-plugin-node-globals": "1.4.0",
"rollup-plugin-progress": "1.1.2"
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Highlight from '@tiptap/extension-highlight'
import {unsafeHTML} from 'lit/directives/unsafe-html.js';
import { Editor, Extension } from '@tiptap/core'
import * as zip from "@zip.js/zip.js";
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
import './ChatGifs/ChatGifs.js';
import localForage from "localforage";
@ -2514,7 +2513,7 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
if (this.isReceipient) {
const getInitialMessages = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
type: 'api',
url: `/chat/messages?involving=${window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.selectedAddress.address}&involving=${this._chatId}&limit=${limit}&reverse=true&before=${before}&after=${after}&haschatreference=false`,
url: `/chat/messages?involving=${window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.selectedAddress.address}&involving=${this._chatId}&limit=${limit}&reverse=true&before=${before}&after=${after}&haschatreference=false&encoding=BASE64`,
const decodeMsgs = getInitialMessages.map((eachMessage) => {
@ -2548,7 +2547,7 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
} else {
const getInitialMessages = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
type: 'api',
url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${Number(this._chatId)}&limit=${limit}&reverse=true&before=${before}&after=${after}&haschatreference=false`,
url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${Number(this._chatId)}&limit=${limit}&reverse=true&before=${before}&after=${after}&haschatreference=false&encoding=BASE64`,
@ -2589,7 +2588,7 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
if (this.isReceipient) {
const getInitialMessages = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
type: 'api',
url: `/chat/messages?involving=${window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.selectedAddress.address}&involving=${this._chatId}&limit=20&reverse=true&before=${scrollElement.messageObj.timestamp}&haschatreference=false`,
url: `/chat/messages?involving=${window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.selectedAddress.address}&involving=${this._chatId}&limit=20&reverse=true&before=${scrollElement.messageObj.timestamp}&haschatreference=false&encoding=BASE64`,
const decodeMsgs = getInitialMessages.map((eachMessage) => {
@ -2622,7 +2621,7 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
} else {
const getInitialMessages = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
type: 'api',
url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${Number(this._chatId)}&limit=20&reverse=true&before=${scrollElement.messageObj.timestamp}&haschatreference=false`,
url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${Number(this._chatId)}&limit=20&reverse=true&before=${scrollElement.messageObj.timestamp}&haschatreference=false&encoding=BASE64`,
@ -2660,7 +2659,7 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
if (this.isReceipient) {
const getInitialMessages = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
type: 'api',
url: `/chat/messages?involving=${window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.selectedAddress.address}&involving=${this._chatId}&limit=20&reverse=true&afer=${scrollElement.messageObj.timestamp}&haschatreference=false`,
url: `/chat/messages?involving=${window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.selectedAddress.address}&involving=${this._chatId}&limit=20&reverse=true&afer=${scrollElement.messageObj.timestamp}&haschatreference=false&encoding=BASE64`,
const decodeMsgs = getInitialMessages.map((eachMessage) => {
@ -2693,7 +2692,7 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
} else {
const getInitialMessages = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
type: 'api',
url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${Number(this._chatId)}&limit=20&reverse=true&after=${scrollElement.messageObj.timestamp}&haschatreference=false`,
url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${Number(this._chatId)}&limit=20&reverse=true&after=${scrollElement.messageObj.timestamp}&haschatreference=false&encoding=BASE64`,
@ -2739,8 +2738,7 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
let _eachMessage = this.decodeMessage(eachMessage)
return _eachMessage
if (isInitial) {
this.chatEditorPlaceholder = await this.renderPlaceholder();
const replacedMessages = await replaceMessagesEdited({
@ -2759,6 +2757,7 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
// TODO: Determine number of initial messages by screen height...
this.messagesRendered = this._messages;
this.isLoadingMessages = false;
setTimeout(() => this.downElementObserver(), 500);
} else {
const replacedMessages = await replaceMessagesEdited({
@ -2885,11 +2884,10 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
if (isReceipientVar === true) {
// direct chat
if (encodedMessageObj.isEncrypted === true && _publicKeyVar.hasPubKey === true && encodedMessageObj.data) {
let decodedMessage = window.parent.decryptChatMessage(encodedMessageObj.data, window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.selectedAddress.keyPair.privateKey, _publicKeyVar.key, encodedMessageObj.reference);
let decodedMessage = window.parent.decryptChatMessageBase64(encodedMessageObj.data, window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.selectedAddress.keyPair.privateKey, _publicKeyVar.key, encodedMessageObj.reference);
decodedMessageObj = { ...encodedMessageObj, decodedMessage };
} else if (encodedMessageObj.isEncrypted === false && encodedMessageObj.data) {
let bytesArray = window.parent.Base58.decode(encodedMessageObj.data);
let decodedMessage = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(bytesArray);
let decodedMessage = window.parent.Base64.decode(encodedMessageObj.data);
decodedMessageObj = { ...encodedMessageObj, decodedMessage };
} else {
decodedMessageObj = { ...encodedMessageObj, decodedMessage: "Cannot Decrypt Message!" };
@ -2897,8 +2895,7 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
} else {
// group chat
let bytesArray = window.parent.Base58.decode(encodedMessageObj.data);
let decodedMessage = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(bytesArray);
let decodedMessage = window.parent.Base64.decode(encodedMessageObj.data);
decodedMessageObj = { ...encodedMessageObj, decodedMessage };
@ -2942,13 +2939,13 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
const lastMessage = cachedData[cachedData.length - 1]
const newMessages = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
type: 'api',
url: `/chat/messages?involving=${window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.selectedAddress.address}&involving=${cid}&limit=20&reverse=true&after=${lastMessage.timestamp}&haschatreference=false`,
url: `/chat/messages?involving=${window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.selectedAddress.address}&involving=${cid}&limit=20&reverse=true&after=${lastMessage.timestamp}&haschatreference=false&encoding=BASE64`,
getInitialMessages = [...cachedData, ...newMessages].slice(-20)
} else {
getInitialMessages = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
type: 'api',
url: `/chat/messages?involving=${window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.selectedAddress.address}&involving=${cid}&limit=20&reverse=true&haschatreference=false`,
url: `/chat/messages?involving=${window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.selectedAddress.address}&involving=${cid}&limit=20&reverse=true&haschatreference=false&encoding=BASE64`,
@ -2959,9 +2956,14 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
initial = initial + 1
} else {
try {
this.processMessages(JSON.parse(e.data), false)
} catch (error) {
@ -3037,17 +3039,15 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
const newMessages = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
type: 'api',
url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${groupId}&limit=20&reverse=true&after=${lastMessage.timestamp}&haschatreference=false`,
url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${groupId}&limit=20&reverse=true&after=${lastMessage.timestamp}&haschatreference=false&encoding=BASE64`,
getInitialMessages = [...cachedData, ...newMessages].slice(-20)
} else {
getInitialMessages = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
type: 'api',
url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${groupId}&limit=20&reverse=true&haschatreference=false`,
url: `/chat/messages?txGroupId=${groupId}&limit=20&reverse=true&haschatreference=false&encoding=BASE64`,
@ -3055,9 +3055,14 @@ class ChatPage extends LitElement {
initial = initial + 1
} else {
this.processMessages(JSON.parse(e.data), false)
try {
if (e.data) {
this.processMessages(JSON.parse(e.data), false)
} catch (error) {
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import '@material/mwc-dialog';
import '@material/mwc-icon';
import { EmojiPicker } from 'emoji-picker-js';
import { generateHTML } from '@tiptap/core';
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
import axios from "axios";
import StarterKit from '@tiptap/starter-kit'
import Underline from '@tiptap/extension-underline';
@ -28,6 +27,112 @@ import Highlight from '@tiptap/extension-highlight'
const parentEpml = new Epml({ type: 'WINDOW', source: window.parent })
let toggledMessage = {}
const getApiKey = () => {
const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node];
let apiKey = myNode.apiKey;
return apiKey;
const extractComponents = async (url) => {
if (!url.startsWith("qortal://")) {
return null;
url = url.replace(/^(qortal\:\/\/)/, "");
if (url.includes("/")) {
let parts = url.split("/");
const service = parts[0].toUpperCase();
const name = parts[0];
let identifier;
if (parts.length > 0) {
identifier = parts[0]; // Do not shift yet
// Check if a resource exists with this service, name and identifier combination
let responseObj = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
url: `/arbitrary/resource/status/${service}/${name}/${identifier}?apiKey=${getApiKey()}`
if (responseObj.totalChunkCount > 0) {
// Identifier exists, so don't include it in the path
else {
identifier = null;
const path = parts.join("/");
const components = {};
components["service"] = service;
components["name"] = name;
components["identifier"] = identifier;
components["path"] = path;
return components;
return null;
function processText(input) {
const linkRegex = /(qortal:\/\/\S+)/g;
function processNode(node) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
const parts = node.textContent.split(linkRegex);
if (parts.length > 1) {
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
parts.forEach((part) => {
if (part.startsWith('qortal://')) {
const link = document.createElement('span');
// Store the URL in a data attribute
link.setAttribute('data-url', part);
link.textContent = part;
link.style.color = 'var(--nav-text-color)';
link.style.textDecoration = 'underline';
link.style.cursor = 'pointer'
link.addEventListener('click', async (e) => {
try {
const res = await extractComponents(part)
if (!res) return
const { service, name, identifier, path } = res
window.location = `../../qdn/browser/index.html?service=${service}&name=${name}&identifier=${identifier}&path=${path}`
} catch (error) {
console.log({ error })
} else {
const textNode = document.createTextNode(part);
} else {
for (const childNode of Array.from(node.childNodes)) {
const wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.innerHTML = input;
return wrapper
class ChatScroller extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
@ -61,7 +166,9 @@ class ChatScroller extends LitElement {
static styles = [chatStyles]
static get styles() {
return [chatStyles];
constructor() {
@ -103,7 +210,10 @@ class ChatScroller extends LitElement {
const isSameGroup = Math.abs(timestamp - message.timestamp) < 600000 && sender === message.sender && !repliedToData;
if (isSameGroup) {
messageArray[messageArray.length - 1].messages = [...(messageArray[messageArray.length - 1]?.messages || []), message];
messageArray[messageArray.length - 1].messages = [
...(messageArray[messageArray.length - 1].messages || []),
} else {
messages: [message],
@ -324,7 +434,10 @@ class MessageTemplate extends LitElement {
this.viewImage = false
static styles = [chatStyles]
static get styles() {
return [chatStyles];
// Open & Close Private Message Chat Modal
showPrivateMessageModal() {
@ -362,14 +475,34 @@ class MessageTemplate extends LitElement {
.then(response =>{
let filename = attachment.attachmentName;
let blob = new Blob([response.data], { type:"application/octet-stream" });
saveAs(blob , filename);
this.saveFileToDisk(blob , filename);
} catch (error) {
async saveFileToDisk(blob, fileName) {
try {
const fileHandle = await self.showSaveFilePicker({
suggestedName: fileName,
types: [{
description: "File",
const writeFile = async (fileHandle, contents) => {
const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable()
await writable.write(contents)
await writable.close()
writeFile(fileHandle, blob).then(() => console.log("FILE SAVED"))
} catch (error) {
const autoSeeChatList = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app?.autoLoadImageChats
const autoSeeChatList = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.autoLoadImageChats
if(autoSeeChatList.includes(this.chatId) || this.listSeenMessages.includes(this.messageObj.signature)){
this.viewImage = true
@ -386,6 +519,7 @@ class MessageTemplate extends LitElement {
const hidemsg = this.hideMessages;
let message = "";
let messageVersion2 = ""
let messageVersion2WithLink = null
let reactions = [];
let repliedToData = null;
let image = null;
@ -405,6 +539,8 @@ class MessageTemplate extends LitElement {
// other extensions …
messageVersion2WithLink = processText(messageVersion2)
message = parsedMessageObj.messageText;
repliedToData = this.messageObj.repliedToData;
@ -424,7 +560,6 @@ class MessageTemplate extends LitElement {
gif = parsedMessageObj.gifs[0];
} catch (error) {
message = this.messageObj.decodedMessage;
let avatarImg = '';
@ -550,8 +685,28 @@ class MessageTemplate extends LitElement {
const escapedMessage = this.escapeHTML(message)
const replacedMessage = escapedMessage.replace(new RegExp('\r?\n','g'), '<br />');
let repliedToMessageText = ''
if (repliedToData && repliedToData.decodedMessage && repliedToData.decodedMessage.messageText) {
try {
repliedToMessageText = generateHTML(repliedToData.decodedMessage.messageText, [
// other extensions …
} catch (error) {
let replacedMessage = ''
if (message && +version < 2) {
const escapedMessage = this.escapeHTML(message)
if (escapedMessage) {
replacedMessage = escapedMessage.replace(new RegExp('\r?\n', 'g'), '<br />');
return hideit ? html`<li class="clearfix"></li>` : html`
@ -645,16 +800,11 @@ class MessageTemplate extends LitElement {
${repliedToData.senderName ? repliedToData.senderName : cropAddress(repliedToData.sender) }
<p class="replied-message">
${version.toString() === '1' ? html`
${version && version.toString() === '1' ? html`
` : ''}
${+version > 1 ? html`
${unsafeHTML(generateHTML(repliedToData.decodedMessage.messageText, [
// other extensions …
${+version > 1 && repliedToMessageText ? html`
: ''}
@ -764,13 +914,14 @@ class MessageTemplate extends LitElement {
style=${(image && replacedMessage !== "") &&"margin-top: 15px;"}>
${+version > 1 ? html`
${+version > 1 ? messageVersion2WithLink ? html`${messageVersion2WithLink}` : html`
` : ''}
${version.toString() === '1' ? html`
${version && version.toString() === '1' ? html`
` : ''}
${version.toString() === '0' ? html`
${version && version.toString() === '0' ? html`
` : ''}
@ -1039,7 +1190,9 @@ class ChatMenu extends LitElement {
this.showBlockUserModal = () => {};
static styles = [chatStyles]
static get styles() {
return [chatStyles];
// Copy address to clipboard
async copyToClipboard(text) {
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ class QApps extends LitElement {
getArbitraryResources = async () => {
const resources = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
url: `/arbitrary/resources?service=${this.service}&default=true&limit=0&reverse=false&includestatus=false&includemetadata=false`
url: `/arbitrary/resources?service=${this.service}&default=true&limit=0&reverse=false&includestatus=false&includemetadata=false&excludeblocked=true`
this.resources = resources
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ class QApps extends LitElement {
async getData(offset) {
const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
const nodeUrl = myNode.protocol + '://' + myNode.domain + ':' + myNode.port
let jsonOffsetUrl = `${nodeUrl}/arbitrary/resources?service=APP&default=true&limit=20&offset=${offset}&reverse=false&includestatus=true&includemetadata=true`
let jsonOffsetUrl = `${nodeUrl}/arbitrary/resources?service=APP&default=true&limit=20&offset=${offset}&reverse=false&includestatus=true&includemetadata=true&excludeblocked=true`
const jsonOffsetRes = await fetch(jsonOffsetUrl)
const jsonOffsetData = await jsonOffsetRes.json()
@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ class QApps extends LitElement {
} else {
offset = 0
const selectedPage = parseInt(this.pagesControl.querySelector('[selected]').textContent)
this.updateItemsFromPage(selectedPage - 1)
@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ class QApps extends LitElement {
} else {
offset = 0
if (pageNumber === page) {
@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ class QApps extends LitElement {
} else {
offset = 0
const selectedPage = parseInt(this.pagesControl.querySelector('[selected]').textContent)
this.updateItemsFromPage(selectedPage + 1)
@ -831,6 +831,12 @@ class QApps extends LitElement {
await this.updateItemsFromPage(1, true)
async refreshapps() {
await this.getData(0)
await this.getArbitraryResources()
await this.updateItemsFromPage(1, true)
doSearch(e) {
@ -1008,7 +1014,7 @@ class QApps extends LitElement {
this.updateComplete.then(() => this.requestUpdate())
} else {
let err3string = get("appspage.schange22")
@ -1037,7 +1043,7 @@ class QApps extends LitElement {
this.followedNames = this.followedNames.filter(item => item != name)
this.updateComplete.then(() => this.requestUpdate())
} else {
let err4string = get("appspage.schange23")
@ -1067,7 +1073,7 @@ class QApps extends LitElement {
this.updateComplete.then(() => this.requestUpdate())
} else {
let err5string = get("appspage.schange24")
@ -1096,7 +1102,7 @@ class QApps extends LitElement {
this.blockedNames = this.blockedNames.filter(item => item != name)
this.updateComplete.then(() => this.requestUpdate())
} else {
let err6string = get("appspage.schange25")
@ -146,15 +146,15 @@ class WebBrowser extends LitElement {
// Build initial display URL
let displayUrl = 'qortal://' + this.service + '/' + this.name;
if (
this.identifier != null &&
data.identifier != '' &&
this.identifier && this.identifier != 'null' &&
this.identifier != 'default'
displayUrl = displayUrl.concat('/' + this.identifier);
if (this.path != null && this.path != '/')
displayUrl = displayUrl.concat(this.path);
this.displayUrl = displayUrl;
const getFollowedNames = async () => {
let followedNames = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
url: `/lists/followedNames?apiKey=${this.getApiKey()}`,
@ -193,8 +193,9 @@ class WebBrowser extends LitElement {
else {
// Normal mode
this.url = `${nodeUrl}/render/${this.service}/${this.name}${this.path != null ? this.path : ''
}?theme=${this.theme}&identifier=${this.identifier != null ? this.identifier : ''
}?theme=${this.theme}&identifier=${(this.identifier != null && this.identifier != 'null') ? this.identifier : ''
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ class Websites extends LitElement {
getArbitraryResources = async () => {
const resources = await parentEpml.request('apiCall', {
url: `/arbitrary/resources?service=${this.service}&default=true&limit=0&reverse=false&includestatus=false&includemetadata=false`
url: `/arbitrary/resources?service=${this.service}&default=true&limit=0&reverse=false&includestatus=false&includemetadata=false&excludeblocked=true`
this.resources = resources
@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ class Websites extends LitElement {
async getData(offset) {
const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node]
const nodeUrl = myNode.protocol + '://' + myNode.domain + ':' + myNode.port
let jsonOffsetUrl = `${nodeUrl}/arbitrary/resources?service=WEBSITE&default=true&limit=20&offset=${offset}&reverse=false&includestatus=true&includemetadata=true`
let jsonOffsetUrl = `${nodeUrl}/arbitrary/resources?service=WEBSITE&default=true&limit=20&offset=${offset}&reverse=false&includestatus=true&includemetadata=true&excludeblocked=true`
const jsonOffsetRes = await fetch(jsonOffsetUrl)
const jsonOffsetData = await jsonOffsetRes.json()
@ -676,6 +676,12 @@ class Websites extends LitElement {
await this.updateItemsFromPage(1, true)
async refreshWebsites() {
await this.getData(0)
await this.getArbitraryResources()
await this.updateItemsFromPage(1, true)
doSearch(e) {
@ -753,7 +759,7 @@ class Websites extends LitElement {
this.updateComplete.then(() => this.requestUpdate())
} else {
let err3string = get("websitespage.schange22")
@ -783,7 +789,7 @@ class Websites extends LitElement {
this.followedNames = this.followedNames.filter(item => item != name)
this.updateComplete.then(() => this.requestUpdate())
} else {
let err4string = get("websitespage.schange23")
@ -816,7 +822,7 @@ class Websites extends LitElement {
this.updateComplete.then(() => this.requestUpdate())
} else {
let err5string = get("websitespage.schange24")
@ -846,7 +852,7 @@ class Websites extends LitElement {
this.blockedNames = this.blockedNames.filter(item => item != name)
this.updateComplete.then(() => this.requestUpdate())
} else {
let err6string = get("websitespage.schange25")
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import '../components/ButtonIconCopy.js'
import '../components/QortalQrcodeGenerator.js'
import '../components/frag-file-input.js'
import '../components/time-elements/index.js'
import FileSaver from 'file-saver'
import '@material/mwc-button'
import '@material/mwc-checkbox'
import '@material/mwc-dialog'
@ -3723,52 +3722,66 @@ class MultiWallet extends LitElement {
exportQortAddressbook() {
let bookname = ""
const qortBookData = JSON.stringify(localStorage.getItem("addressbookQort"))
const qortBookSave = JSON.parse((qortBookData) || "[]")
const blob = new Blob([qortBookSave], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `qortal_addressbook.qort.json`)
bookname = "qortal_addressbook.qort.json"
this.saveFileToDisk(blob, bookname)
exportBtcAddressbook() {
let bookname = ""
const btcBookData = JSON.stringify(localStorage.getItem("addressbookBtc"))
const btcBookSave = JSON.parse((btcBookData) || "[]")
const blob = new Blob([btcBookSave], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `bitcoin_addressbook.btc.json`)
bookname = "bitcoin_addressbook.btc.json"
this.saveFileToDisk(blob, bookname)
exportLtcAddressbook() {
let bookname = ""
const ltcBookData = JSON.stringify(localStorage.getItem("addressbookLtc"))
const ltcBookSave = JSON.parse((ltcBookData) || "[]")
const blob = new Blob([ltcBookSave], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `litecoin_addressbook.ltc.json`)
bookname = "litecoin_addressbook.ltc.json"
this.saveFileToDisk(blob, bookname)
exportDogeAddressbook() {
let bookname = ""
const dogeBookData = JSON.stringify(localStorage.getItem("addressbookDoge"))
const dogeBookSave = JSON.parse((dogeBookData) || "[]")
const blob = new Blob([dogeBookSave], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `dogecoin_addressbook.doge.json`)
bookname = "dogecoin_addressbook.doge.json"
this.saveFileToDisk(blob, bookname)
exportDgbAddressbook() {
let bookname = ""
const dgbBookData = JSON.stringify(localStorage.getItem("addressbookDgb"))
const dgbBookSave = JSON.parse((dgbBookData) || "[]")
const blob = new Blob([dgbBookSave], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `digibyte_addressbook.dgb.json`)
bookname = "digibyte_addressbook.dgb.json"
this.saveFileToDisk(blob, bookname)
exportRvnAddressbook() {
let bookname = ""
const rvnBookData = JSON.stringify(localStorage.getItem("addressbookRvn"))
const rvnBookSave = JSON.parse((rvnBookData) || "[]")
const blob = new Blob([rvnBookSave], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `ravencoin_addressbook.rvn.json`)
bookname = "ravencoin_addressbook.rvn.json"
this.saveFileToDisk(blob, bookname)
exportArrrAddressbook() {
let bookname = ""
const arrrBookData = JSON.stringify(localStorage.getItem("addressbookArrr"))
const arrrBookSave = JSON.parse((arrrBookData) || "[]")
const blob = new Blob([arrrBookSave], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `piratechain_addressbook.arrr.json`)
bookname = "piratechain_addressbook.arrr.json"
this.saveFileToDisk(blob, bookname)
importQortAddressbook(file) {
@ -4947,7 +4960,7 @@ class MultiWallet extends LitElement {
} else if ( this._selectedWallet === "btc" ) {
return html`<vaadin-button theme="primary small" style="width: 100%;" @click=${() => this.exportBtcAddressbook()}><vaadin-icon icon="vaadin:cloud-download" slot="prefix"></vaadin-icon> ${translate("walletpage.wchange54")}</vaadin-button>`
} else if ( this._selectedWallet === "ltc" ) {
return html`<vaadin-button theme="primary small" style="width: 100%;" @click=${() => this.exportKLtcAddressbook()}><vaadin-icon icon="vaadin:cloud-download" slot="prefix"></vaadin-icon> ${translate("walletpage.wchange54")}</vaadin-button>`
return html`<vaadin-button theme="primary small" style="width: 100%;" @click=${() => this.exportLtcAddressbook()}><vaadin-icon icon="vaadin:cloud-download" slot="prefix"></vaadin-icon> ${translate("walletpage.wchange54")}</vaadin-button>`
} else if ( this._selectedWallet === "doge" ) {
return html`<vaadin-button theme="primary small" style="width: 100%;" @click=${() => this.exportDogeAddressbook()}><vaadin-icon icon="vaadin:cloud-download" slot="prefix"></vaadin-icon> ${translate("walletpage.wchange54")}</vaadin-button>`
} else if ( this._selectedWallet === "dgb" ) {
@ -5780,6 +5793,27 @@ class MultiWallet extends LitElement {
async saveFileToDisk(blob, fileName) {
try {
const fileHandle = await self.showSaveFilePicker({
suggestedName: fileName,
types: [{
description: "File",
const writeFile = async (fileHandle, contents) => {
const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable()
await writable.write(contents)
await writable.close()
writeFile(fileHandle, blob).then(() => console.log("FILE SAVED"))
let snack4string = get("general.save")
parentEpml.request('showSnackBar', `${snack4string} ${fileName} ✅`)
} catch (error) {
isEmptyArray(arr) {
if (!arr) {
return true
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export const replaceMessagesEdited = async ({
const response = await parentEpml.request("apiCall", {
type: "api",
url: `/chat/messages?chatreference=${msg.signature}&reverse=true${msgQuery}&limit=1&sender=${msg.sender}`,
url: `/chat/messages?chatreference=${msg.signature}&reverse=true${msgQuery}&limit=1&sender=${msg.sender}&encoding=BASE64`,
if (response && Array.isArray(response) && response.length !== 0) {
@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ export const replaceMessagesEdited = async ({
if(+parsedMessageObj.version > 2){
originalReply = await parentEpml.request("apiCall", {
type: "api",
url: `/chat/message/${parsedMessageObj.repliedTo}`,
url: `/chat/message/${parsedMessageObj.repliedTo}?encoding=BASE64`,
if(+parsedMessageObj.version < 3){
originalReply = await parentEpml.request("apiCall", {
type: "api",
url: `/chat/messages?reference=${parsedMessageObj.repliedTo}&reverse=true${msgQuery}`,
url: `/chat/messages?reference=${parsedMessageObj.repliedTo}&reverse=true${msgQuery}&encoding=BASE64`,
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const replaceMessagesEdited = async ({
const response = await parentEpml.request("apiCall", {
type: "api",
url: `/chat/messages?chatreference=${parsedMessageObj.repliedTo}&reverse=true${msgQuery}&limit=1&sender=${originalReplyMessage.sender}`,
url: `/chat/messages?chatreference=${parsedMessageObj.repliedTo}&reverse=true${msgQuery}&limit=1&sender=${originalReplyMessage.sender}&encoding=BASE64`,
if (
Reference in New Issue
Block a user