mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 07:45:54 +00:00
Translate Group Management Page
This commit is contained in:
@ -431,5 +431,60 @@
"bcchange2": "Successfully blocked this user!",
"bcchange2": "Successfully blocked this user!",
"bcchange3": "Error occurred when trying to block this user. Please try again!",
"bcchange3": "Error occurred when trying to block this user. Please try again!",
"bcchange4": "No registered name"
"bcchange4": "No registered name"
"grouppage": {
"gchange1": "Qortal Groups",
"gchange2": "Create Group",
"gchange3": "Your Joined Groups",
"gchange4": "Group Name",
"gchange5": "Description",
"gchange6": "Role",
"gchange7": "Action",
"gchange8": "Not a member of any group!",
"gchange9": "Public Groups",
"gchange10": "Owner",
"gchange11": "No Open Public Groups available!",
"gchange12": "Create a New Group",
"gchange13": "Group Type",
"gchange14": "This Field is Required",
"gchange15": "Select an option",
"gchange16": "Public",
"gchange17": "Private",
"gchange18": "Group Approval Threshold (number / percentage of Admins that must approve a transaction):",
"gchange19": "NONE",
"gchange20": "ONE",
"gchange21": "Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:",
"gchange22": "minutes",
"gchange23": "hour",
"gchange24": "hours",
"gchange25": "day",
"gchange26": "days",
"gchange27": "Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:",
"gchange28": "Creating Group",
"gchange29": "Create Group",
"gchange30": "Join Group Request",
"gchange31": "Date Created",
"gchange32": "Date Updated",
"gchange33": "Joining",
"gchange34": "Join Group",
"gchange35": "Leave Group Request",
"gchange36": "Leaving",
"gchange37": "Leave Group",
"gchange38": "Manage Group Owner:",
"gchange39": "Manage Group Admin:",
"gchange40": "Manage Group",
"gchange41": "Group Creation Successful!",
"gchange42": "Invalid Group Name",
"gchange43": "Invalid Group Description",
"gchange44": "Select a Group Typ",
"gchange45": "Select a Group Approval Threshold",
"gchange46": "Select a Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals",
"gchange47": "Select a Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals",
"gchange48": "Join Group Request Sent Successfully!",
"gchange49": "Leave Group Request Sent Successfully!",
"gchange50": "Leave",
"gchange51": "Join",
"gchange52": "Admin",
"gchange53": "Member"
@ -431,5 +431,60 @@
"bcchange2": "Dieser Benutzer wurde erfolgreich blockiert!",
"bcchange2": "Dieser Benutzer wurde erfolgreich blockiert!",
"bcchange3": "Beim Blockieren dieses Benutzers ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es erneut!",
"bcchange3": "Beim Blockieren dieses Benutzers ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es erneut!",
"bcchange4": "Kein Name registriert"
"bcchange4": "Kein Name registriert"
"grouppage": {
"gchange1": "Qortal-Gruppen",
"gchange2": "Gruppe erstellen",
"gchange3": "Ihre beigetretenen Gruppen",
"gchange4": "Gruppenname",
"gchange5": "Beschreibung",
"gchange6": "Rolle",
"gchange7": "Aktion",
"gchange8": "Kein Mitglied irgendeiner Gruppe!",
"gchange9": "Öffentliche Gruppen",
"gchange10": "Inhaber",
"gchange11": "Keine offenen öffentlichen Gruppen verfügbar!",
"gchange12": "Erstellen Sie eine neue Gruppe",
"gchange13": "Gruppentyp",
"gchange14": "Dieses Feld wird benötigt",
"gchange15": "Wähle eine Option",
"gchange16": "Öffentlich",
"gchange17": "Privat",
"gchange18": "Gruppengenehmigungsschwellwert (Anzahl / Prozentsatz der Administratoren, die eine Transaktion genehmigen müssen):",
"gchange19": "KEINER",
"gchange20": "EINER",
"gchange21": "Minimale Sperrverzögerung für Genehmigungen von Gruppentransaktionen:",
"gchange22": "Minuten",
"gchange23": "Stunde",
"gchange24": "Stunden",
"gchange25": "Tag",
"gchange26": "Tage",
"gchange27": "Maximale Sperrverzögerung für Genehmigungen von Gruppentransaktionen:",
"gchange28": "Erstelle Gruppe",
"gchange29": "Gruppe erstellen",
"gchange30": "Gruppenanfrage beitreten",
"gchange31": "Datum erstellt",
"gchange32": "Datum aktualisiert",
"gchange33": "Beitreten",
"gchange34": "Gruppe beitreten",
"gchange35": "Gruppenanfrage verlassen",
"gchange36": "Verlasse",
"gchange37": "Gruppe verlassen",
"gchange38": "Gruppenbesitzer verwalten:",
"gchange39": "Gruppenadministrator verwalten::",
"gchange40": "Gruppe verwalten",
"gchange41": "Gruppenerstellung erfolgreich!",
"gchange42": "Ungültiger Gruppenname",
"gchange43": "Ungültige Gruppenbeschreibung",
"gchange44": "Wählen Sie einen Gruppentyp aus",
"gchange45": "Wählen Sie einen Schwellenwert für die Gruppengenehmigung aus",
"gchange46": "Wählen Sie eine minimale Sperrverzögerung für Genehmigungen von Gruppentransaktionen aus",
"gchange47": "Wählen Sie eine maximale Sperrverzögerung für Genehmigungen von Gruppentransaktionen aus",
"gchange48": "Gruppenbeitrittsanfrage erfolgreich gesendet!",
"gchange49": "Gruppenanfrage zum verlassen erfolgreich gesendet!",
"gchange50": "Verlassen",
"gchange51": "Beitreten",
"gchange52": "Administrator",
"gchange53": "Mitglied"
@ -431,5 +431,60 @@
"bcchange2": "Successfully blocked this user!",
"bcchange2": "Successfully blocked this user!",
"bcchange3": "Error occurred when trying to block this user. Please try again!",
"bcchange3": "Error occurred when trying to block this user. Please try again!",
"bcchange4": "No registered name"
"bcchange4": "No registered name"
"grouppage": {
"gchange1": "Qortal Groups",
"gchange2": "Create Group",
"gchange3": "Your Joined Groups",
"gchange4": "Group Name",
"gchange5": "Description",
"gchange6": "Role",
"gchange7": "Action",
"gchange8": "Not a member of any group!",
"gchange9": "Public Groups",
"gchange10": "Owner",
"gchange11": "No Open Public Groups available!",
"gchange12": "Create a New Group",
"gchange13": "Group Type",
"gchange14": "This Field is Required",
"gchange15": "Select an option",
"gchange16": "Public",
"gchange17": "Private",
"gchange18": "Group Approval Threshold (number / percentage of Admins that must approve a transaction):",
"gchange19": "NONE",
"gchange20": "ONE",
"gchange21": "Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:",
"gchange22": "minutes",
"gchange23": "hour",
"gchange24": "hours",
"gchange25": "day",
"gchange26": "days",
"gchange27": "Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:",
"gchange28": "Creating Group",
"gchange29": "Create Group",
"gchange30": "Join Group Request",
"gchange31": "Date Created",
"gchange32": "Date Updated",
"gchange33": "Joining",
"gchange34": "Join Group",
"gchange35": "Leave Group Request",
"gchange36": "Leaving",
"gchange37": "Leave Group",
"gchange38": "Manage Group Owner:",
"gchange39": "Manage Group Admin:",
"gchange40": "Manage Group",
"gchange41": "Group Creation Successful!",
"gchange42": "Invalid Group Name",
"gchange43": "Invalid Group Description",
"gchange44": "Select a Group Typ",
"gchange45": "Select a Group Approval Threshold",
"gchange46": "Select a Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals",
"gchange47": "Select a Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals",
"gchange48": "Join Group Request Sent Successfully!",
"gchange49": "Leave Group Request Sent Successfully!",
"gchange50": "Leave",
"gchange51": "Join",
"gchange52": "Admin",
"gchange53": "Member"
@ -431,5 +431,60 @@
"bcchange2": "Successfully blocked this user!",
"bcchange2": "Successfully blocked this user!",
"bcchange3": "Error occurred when trying to block this user. Please try again!",
"bcchange3": "Error occurred when trying to block this user. Please try again!",
"bcchange4": "No registered name"
"bcchange4": "No registered name"
"grouppage": {
"gchange1": "Qortal Groups",
"gchange2": "Create Group",
"gchange3": "Your Joined Groups",
"gchange4": "Group Name",
"gchange5": "Description",
"gchange6": "Role",
"gchange7": "Action",
"gchange8": "Not a member of any group!",
"gchange9": "Public Groups",
"gchange10": "Owner",
"gchange11": "No Open Public Groups available!",
"gchange12": "Create a New Group",
"gchange13": "Group Type",
"gchange14": "This Field is Required",
"gchange15": "Select an option",
"gchange16": "Public",
"gchange17": "Private",
"gchange18": "Group Approval Threshold (number / percentage of Admins that must approve a transaction):",
"gchange19": "NONE",
"gchange20": "ONE",
"gchange21": "Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:",
"gchange22": "minutes",
"gchange23": "hour",
"gchange24": "hours",
"gchange25": "day",
"gchange26": "days",
"gchange27": "Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:",
"gchange28": "Creating Group",
"gchange29": "Create Group",
"gchange30": "Join Group Request",
"gchange31": "Date Created",
"gchange32": "Date Updated",
"gchange33": "Joining",
"gchange34": "Join Group",
"gchange35": "Leave Group Request",
"gchange36": "Leaving",
"gchange37": "Leave Group",
"gchange38": "Manage Group Owner:",
"gchange39": "Manage Group Admin:",
"gchange40": "Manage Group",
"gchange41": "Group Creation Successful!",
"gchange42": "Invalid Group Name",
"gchange43": "Invalid Group Description",
"gchange44": "Select a Group Typ",
"gchange45": "Select a Group Approval Threshold",
"gchange46": "Select a Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals",
"gchange47": "Select a Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals",
"gchange48": "Join Group Request Sent Successfully!",
"gchange49": "Leave Group Request Sent Successfully!",
"gchange50": "Leave",
"gchange51": "Join",
"gchange52": "Admin",
"gchange53": "Member"
@ -431,5 +431,60 @@
"bcchange2": "Successfully blocked this user!",
"bcchange2": "Successfully blocked this user!",
"bcchange3": "Error occurred when trying to block this user. Please try again!",
"bcchange3": "Error occurred when trying to block this user. Please try again!",
"bcchange4": "No registered name"
"bcchange4": "No registered name"
"grouppage": {
"gchange1": "Qortal Groups",
"gchange2": "Create Group",
"gchange3": "Your Joined Groups",
"gchange4": "Group Name",
"gchange5": "Description",
"gchange6": "Role",
"gchange7": "Action",
"gchange8": "Not a member of any group!",
"gchange9": "Public Groups",
"gchange10": "Owner",
"gchange11": "No Open Public Groups available!",
"gchange12": "Create a New Group",
"gchange13": "Group Type",
"gchange14": "This Field is Required",
"gchange15": "Select an option",
"gchange16": "Public",
"gchange17": "Private",
"gchange18": "Group Approval Threshold (number / percentage of Admins that must approve a transaction):",
"gchange19": "NONE",
"gchange20": "ONE",
"gchange21": "Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:",
"gchange22": "minutes",
"gchange23": "hour",
"gchange24": "hours",
"gchange25": "day",
"gchange26": "days",
"gchange27": "Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:",
"gchange28": "Creating Group",
"gchange29": "Create Group",
"gchange30": "Join Group Request",
"gchange31": "Date Created",
"gchange32": "Date Updated",
"gchange33": "Joining",
"gchange34": "Join Group",
"gchange35": "Leave Group Request",
"gchange36": "Leaving",
"gchange37": "Leave Group",
"gchange38": "Manage Group Owner:",
"gchange39": "Manage Group Admin:",
"gchange40": "Manage Group",
"gchange41": "Group Creation Successful!",
"gchange42": "Invalid Group Name",
"gchange43": "Invalid Group Description",
"gchange44": "Select a Group Typ",
"gchange45": "Select a Group Approval Threshold",
"gchange46": "Select a Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals",
"gchange47": "Select a Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals",
"gchange48": "Join Group Request Sent Successfully!",
"gchange49": "Leave Group Request Sent Successfully!",
"gchange50": "Leave",
"gchange51": "Join",
"gchange52": "Admin",
"gchange53": "Member"
@ -431,5 +431,60 @@
"bcchange2": "Successfully blocked this user!",
"bcchange2": "Successfully blocked this user!",
"bcchange3": "Error occurred when trying to block this user. Please try again!",
"bcchange3": "Error occurred when trying to block this user. Please try again!",
"bcchange4": "No registered name"
"bcchange4": "No registered name"
"grouppage": {
"gchange1": "Qortal Groups",
"gchange2": "Create Group",
"gchange3": "Your Joined Groups",
"gchange4": "Group Name",
"gchange5": "Description",
"gchange6": "Role",
"gchange7": "Action",
"gchange8": "Not a member of any group!",
"gchange9": "Public Groups",
"gchange10": "Owner",
"gchange11": "No Open Public Groups available!",
"gchange12": "Create a New Group",
"gchange13": "Group Type",
"gchange14": "This Field is Required",
"gchange15": "Select an option",
"gchange16": "Public",
"gchange17": "Private",
"gchange18": "Group Approval Threshold (number / percentage of Admins that must approve a transaction):",
"gchange19": "NONE",
"gchange20": "ONE",
"gchange21": "Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:",
"gchange22": "minutes",
"gchange23": "hour",
"gchange24": "hours",
"gchange25": "day",
"gchange26": "days",
"gchange27": "Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:",
"gchange28": "Creating Group",
"gchange29": "Create Group",
"gchange30": "Join Group Request",
"gchange31": "Date Created",
"gchange32": "Date Updated",
"gchange33": "Joining",
"gchange34": "Join Group",
"gchange35": "Leave Group Request",
"gchange36": "Leaving",
"gchange37": "Leave Group",
"gchange38": "Manage Group Owner:",
"gchange39": "Manage Group Admin:",
"gchange40": "Manage Group",
"gchange41": "Group Creation Successful!",
"gchange42": "Invalid Group Name",
"gchange43": "Invalid Group Description",
"gchange44": "Select a Group Typ",
"gchange45": "Select a Group Approval Threshold",
"gchange46": "Select a Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals",
"gchange47": "Select a Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals",
"gchange48": "Join Group Request Sent Successfully!",
"gchange49": "Leave Group Request Sent Successfully!",
"gchange50": "Leave",
"gchange51": "Join",
"gchange52": "Admin",
"gchange53": "Member"
@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
import { LitElement, html, css } from 'lit'
import { LitElement, html, css } from 'lit'
import { render } from 'lit/html.js'
import { render } from 'lit/html.js'
import { Epml } from '../../../epml.js'
import { Epml } from '../../../epml.js'
import { use, get, translate, translateUnsafeHTML, registerTranslateConfig } from 'lit-translate'
loader: lang => fetch(`/language/${lang}.json`).then(res => res.json())
import '@material/mwc-icon'
import '@material/mwc-icon'
import '@material/mwc-button'
import '@material/mwc-button'
@ -149,67 +154,67 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
return html`
return html`
<div id="group-management-page">
<div id="group-management-page">
<div style="min-height: 48px; display: flex; padding-bottom: 6px; margin: 2px;">
<div style="min-height: 48px; display: flex; padding-bottom: 6px; margin: 2px;">
<h2 style="margin: 0; flex: 1; padding-top: .1em; display: inline;">Qortal Groups</h2>
<h2 style="margin: 0; flex: 1; padding-top: .1em; display: inline;">${translate("grouppage.gchange1")}</h2>
<mwc-button style="float:right;" @click=${() => this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#createGroupDialog').show()}><mwc-icon>add</mwc-icon>Create Group</mwc-button>
<mwc-button style="float:right;" @click=${() => this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#createGroupDialog').show()}><mwc-icon>add</mwc-icon>${translate("grouppage.gchange2")}</mwc-button>
<div class="divCard">
<div class="divCard">
<h3 style="margin: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; text-align: center;">Your Joined Groups</h3>
<h3 style="margin: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; text-align: center;">${translate("grouppage.gchange3")}</h3>
<vaadin-grid theme="large" id="joinedGroupsGrid" ?hidden="${this.isEmptyArray(this.joinedGroups)}" .items="${this.joinedGroups}" aria-label="Joined Groups" all-rows-visible>
<vaadin-grid theme="large" id="joinedGroupsGrid" ?hidden="${this.isEmptyArray(this.joinedGroups)}" .items="${this.joinedGroups}" aria-label="Joined Groups" all-rows-visible>
<vaadin-grid-column header="Group Name" path="groupName"></vaadin-grid-column>
<vaadin-grid-column header="${translate("grouppage.gchange4")}" path="groupName"></vaadin-grid-column>
<vaadin-grid-column header="Description" path="description"></vaadin-grid-column>
<vaadin-grid-column header="${translate("grouppage.gchange5")}" path="description"></vaadin-grid-column>
<vaadin-grid-column width="9.8rem" flex-grow="0" header="Role" .renderer=${(root, column, data) => {
<vaadin-grid-column width="11rem" flex-grow="0" header="${translate("grouppage.gchange6")}" .renderer=${(root, column, data) => {
render(html`${this.renderRole(data.item)}`, root)
render(html`${this.renderRole(data.item)}`, root)
<vaadin-grid-column width="9.8rem" flex-grow="0" header="Action" .renderer=${(root, column, data) => {
<vaadin-grid-column width="11rem" flex-grow="0" header="${translate("grouppage.gchange7")}" .renderer=${(root, column, data) => {
render(html`${this.renderManageButton(data.item)}`, root)
render(html`${this.renderManageButton(data.item)}`, root)
${this.isEmptyArray(this.joinedGroups) ? html`
${this.isEmptyArray(this.joinedGroups) ? html`
<span style="color: var(--black);">Not a member of any groups!</span>
<span style="color: var(--black);">${translate("grouppage.gchange8")}</span>
`: ''}
`: ''}
<div class="divCard">
<div class="divCard">
<h3 style="margin: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; text-align: center;">Public Groups</h3>
<h3 style="margin: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; text-align: center;">${translate("grouppage.gchange9")}</h3>
<vaadin-grid theme="large" id="publicGroupsGrid" ?hidden="${this.isEmptyArray(this.publicGroups)}" .items="${this.publicGroups}" aria-label="Public Open Groups" all-rows-visible>
<vaadin-grid theme="large" id="publicGroupsGrid" ?hidden="${this.isEmptyArray(this.publicGroups)}" .items="${this.publicGroups}" aria-label="Public Open Groups" all-rows-visible>
<vaadin-grid-filter-column header="Group Name" path="groupName"></vaadin-grid-filter-column>
<vaadin-grid-filter-column header="${translate("grouppage.gchange4")}" path="groupName"></vaadin-grid-filter-column>
<vaadin-grid-filter-column header="Description" path="description"></vaadin-grid-filter-column>
<vaadin-grid-filter-column header="${translate("grouppage.gchange5")}" path="description"></vaadin-grid-filter-column>
<vaadin-grid-filter-column header="Owner" path="owner"></vaadin-grid-filter-column>
<vaadin-grid-filter-column header="${translate("grouppage.gchange10")}" path="owner"></vaadin-grid-filter-column>
<vaadin-grid-column width="9.8rem" flex-grow="0" header="Action" .renderer=${(root, column, data) => {
<vaadin-grid-column width="11rem" flex-grow="0" header="${translate("grouppage.gchange7")}" .renderer=${(root, column, data) => {
render(html`<mwc-button @click=${() => this.joinGroup(data.item)}><mwc-icon>queue</mwc-icon>Join</mwc-button>`, root)
render(html`<mwc-button @click=${() => this.joinGroup(data.item)}><mwc-icon>queue</mwc-icon> ${translate("grouppage.gchange51")}</mwc-button>`, root)
${this.isEmptyArray(this.publicGroups) ? html`
${this.isEmptyArray(this.publicGroups) ? html`
<span style="color: var(--black);">No Open Public Groups available!</span>
<span style="color: var(--black);">${translate("grouppage.gchange11")}</span>
`: ''}
`: ''}
<!-- Create Group Dialog -->
<!-- Create Group Dialog -->
<mwc-dialog id="createGroupDialog" scrimClickAction="${this.isLoading ? '' : 'close'}">
<mwc-dialog id="createGroupDialog" scrimClickAction="${this.isLoading ? '' : 'close'}">
<div style="text-align:center">
<div style="text-align:center">
<h1>Create a New Group</h1>
<mwc-textfield style="width: 100%;" ?disabled="${this.isLoading}" label="Group Name" id="groupNameInput"></mwc-textfield>
<mwc-textfield style="width: 100%;" ?disabled="${this.isLoading}" label="${translate("grouppage.gchange4")}" id="groupNameInput"></mwc-textfield>
<p style="margin-bottom:0;">
<p style="margin-bottom:0;">
<mwc-textfield style="width:100%;" ?disabled="${this.isLoading}" label="Description" id="groupDescInput"></mwc-textfield>
<mwc-textfield style="width:100%;" ?disabled="${this.isLoading}" label="${translate("grouppage.gchange5")}" id="groupDescInput"></mwc-textfield>
Group Type:
<select required validationMessage="This Field is Required" id="groupTypeInput" label="Group Type">
<select required validationMessage="${translate("grouppage.gchange14")}" id="groupTypeInput" label="Group Type">
<option value="reject" selected>Select an option</option>
<option value="reject" selected>${translate("grouppage.gchange15")}</option>
<option value="1">Public</option>
<option value="1">${translate("grouppage.gchange16")}</option>
<option value="0">Private</option>
<option value="0">${translate("grouppage.gchange17")}</option>
Group Approval Threshold (number / percentage of Admins that must approve a transaction):
<select required validationMessage="This Field is Required" id="groupApprovalInput" label="Group Type">
<select required validationMessage="${translate("grouppage.gchange14")}" id="groupApprovalInput" label="Group Type">
<option value="reject" selected>Select an option</option>
<option value="reject" selected>${translate("grouppage.gchange15")}</option>
<option value="0">NONE</option>
<option value="0">${translate("grouppage.gchange19")}</option>
<option value="1">ONE</option>
<option value="1">${translate("grouppage.gchange20")}</option>
<option value="20">20%</option>
<option value="20">20%</option>
<option value="40">40%</option>
<option value="40">40%</option>
<option value="60">60%</option>
<option value="60">60%</option>
@ -218,48 +223,50 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:
<select required validationMessage="This Field is Required" id="groupMinDelayInput" label="Group Type">
<select required validationMessage="${translate("grouppage.gchange14")}" id="groupMinDelayInput" label="Group Type">
<option value="reject" selected>Select an option</option>
<option value="reject" selected>${translate("grouppage.gchange15")}</option>
<option value="5">5 minutes</option>
<option value="5">5 ${translate("grouppage.gchange22")}</option>
<option value="10">10 minutes</option>
<option value="10">10 ${translate("grouppage.gchange22")}</option>
<option value="30">30 minutes</option>
<option value="30">30 ${translate("grouppage.gchange22")}</option>
<option value="60">1 hour</option>
<option value="60">1 ${translate("grouppage.gchange23")}</option>
<option value="180">3 hours</option>
<option value="180">3 ${translate("grouppage.gchange24")}</option>
<option value="300">5 hours</option>
<option value="300">5 ${translate("grouppage.gchange24")}</option>
<option value="420">7 hours</option>
<option value="420">7 ${translate("grouppage.gchange24")}</option>
<option value="720">12 hours</option>
<option value="720">12 ${translate("grouppage.gchange24")}</option>
<option value="1440">1 day</option>
<option value="1440">1 ${translate("grouppage.gchange25")}</option>
<option value="4320">3 days</option>
<option value="4320">3 ${translate("grouppage.gchange26")}</option>
<option value="7200">5 days</option>
<option value="7200">5 ${translate("grouppage.gchange26")}</option>
<option value="10080">7 days</option>
<option value="10080">7 ${translate("grouppage.gchange26")}</option>
Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals:
<select required validationMessage="This Field is Required" id="groupMaxDelayInput" label="Group Type">
<select required validationMessage="${translate("grouppage.gchange14")}" id="groupMaxDelayInput" label="Group Type">
<option value="reject" selected>Select an option</option>
<option value="reject" selected>${translate("grouppage.gchange15")}</option>
<option value="60">1 hour</option>
<option value="60">1 ${translate("grouppage.gchange23")}</option>
<option value="180">3 hours</option>
<option value="180">3 ${translate("grouppage.gchange24")}</option>
<option value="300">5 hours</option>
<option value="300">5 ${translate("grouppage.gchange24")}</option>
<option value="420">7 hours</option>
<option value="420">7 ${translate("grouppage.gchange24")}</option>
<option value="720">12 hours</option>
<option value="720">12 ${translate("grouppage.gchange24")}</option>
<option value="1440">1 day</option>
<option value="1440">1 ${translate("grouppage.gchange25")}</option>
<option value="4320">3 days</option>
<option value="4320">3 ${translate("grouppage.gchange26")}</option>
<option value="7200">5 days</option>
<option value="7200">5 ${translate("grouppage.gchange26")}</option>
<option value="10080">7 days</option>
<option value="10080">7 ${translate("grouppage.gchange26")}</option>
<option value="14400">10 days</option>
<option value="14400">10 ${translate("grouppage.gchange26")}</option>
<option value="21600">15 days</option>
<option value="21600">15 ${translate("grouppage.gchange26")}</option>
<div style="text-align:right; height:36px;">
<div style="text-align:right; height:36px;">
<span ?hidden="${!this.isLoading}">
<span ?hidden="${!this.isLoading}">
<!-- loading message -->
<!-- loading message -->
Creating Group
alt="Creating Group"></paper-spinner-lite>
alt="Creating Group"
<span ?hidden=${this.message === ''} style="${this.error ? 'color:red;' : ''}">
<span ?hidden=${this.message === ''} style="${this.error ? 'color:red;' : ''}">
@ -270,43 +277,44 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
<!-- Join Group Dialog -->
<!-- Join Group Dialog -->
<mwc-dialog id="joinDialog" scrimClickAction="${this.isLoading ? '' : 'close'}">
<mwc-dialog id="joinDialog" scrimClickAction="${this.isLoading ? '' : 'close'}">
<div style="text-align:center">
<div style="text-align:center">
<h1>Join Group Request</h1>
<div class="itemList">
<div class="itemList">
<span class="title">Group Name</span>
<span class="title">${translate("grouppage.gchange4")}</span>
<span class="title">Description</span>
<span class="title">${translate("grouppage.gchange5")}</span>
<span class="title">Owner</span>
<span class="title">${translate("grouppage.gchange10")}</span>
<span class="title">Date Created</span>
<span class="title">${translate("grouppage.gchange31")}</span>
<div><span><time-ago datetime=${this.timeIsoString(this.joinGroupObj.created)}></time-ago></span></div>
<div><span><time-ago datetime=${this.timeIsoString(this.joinGroupObj.created)}></time-ago></span></div>
${!this.joinGroupObj.updated ? "" : html`<span class="title">Date Updated</span>
${!this.joinGroupObj.updated ? "" : html`<span class="title">${translate("grouppage.gchange32")}</span>
<div><span><time-ago datetime=${this.timeIsoString(this.joinGroupObj.updated)}></time-ago></span></div>`}
<div><span><time-ago datetime=${this.timeIsoString(this.joinGroupObj.updated)}></time-ago></span></div>`}
@ -314,11 +322,13 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
<div style="text-align:right; height:36px;">
<div style="text-align:right; height:36px;">
<span ?hidden="${!this.isLoading}">
<span ?hidden="${!this.isLoading}">
<!-- loading message -->
<!-- loading message -->
<span ?hidden=${this.message === ''} style="${this.error ? 'color:red;' : ''}">
<span ?hidden=${this.message === ''} style="${this.error ? 'color:red;' : ''}">
@ -329,43 +339,44 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
@click=${() => this._joinGroup(this.joinGroupObj.groupId, this.joinGroupObj.groupName)}
@click=${() => this._joinGroup(this.joinGroupObj.groupId, this.joinGroupObj.groupName)}
<!-- Leave Group Dialog -->
<!-- Leave Group Dialog -->
<mwc-dialog id="leaveDialog" scrimClickAction="${this.isLoading ? '' : 'close'}">
<mwc-dialog id="leaveDialog" scrimClickAction="${this.isLoading ? '' : 'close'}">
<div style="text-align:center">
<div style="text-align:center">
<h1>Leave Group Request</h1>
<div class="itemList">
<div class="itemList">
<span class="title">Group Name</span>
<span class="title">${translate("grouppage.gchange4")}</span>
<span class="title">Description</span>
<span class="title">${translate("grouppage.gchange5")}</span>
<span class="title">Owner</span>
<span class="title">${translate("grouppage.gchange10")}</span>
<span class="title">Date Created</span>
<span class="title">${translate("grouppage.gchange31")}</span>
<div><span><time-ago datetime=${this.timeIsoString(this.leaveGroupObj.created)}></time-ago></span></div>
<div><span><time-ago datetime=${this.timeIsoString(this.leaveGroupObj.created)}></time-ago></span></div>
${!this.leaveGroupObj.updated ? "" : html`<span class="title">Date Updated</span>
${!this.leaveGroupObj.updated ? "" : html`<span class="title">${translate("grouppage.gchange32")}</span>
<div><span><time-ago datetime=${this.timeIsoString(this.leaveGroupObj.updated)}></time-ago></span></div>`}
<div><span><time-ago datetime=${this.timeIsoString(this.leaveGroupObj.updated)}></time-ago></span></div>`}
@ -373,11 +384,13 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
<div style="text-align:right; height:36px;">
<div style="text-align:right; height:36px;">
<span ?hidden="${!this.isLoading}">
<span ?hidden="${!this.isLoading}">
<!-- loading message -->
<!-- loading message -->
<span ?hidden=${this.message === ''} style="${this.error ? 'color:red;' : ''}">
<span ?hidden=${this.message === ''} style="${this.error ? 'color:red;' : ''}">
@ -388,41 +401,42 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
@click=${() => this._leaveGroup(this.leaveGroupObj.groupId, this.leaveGroupObj.groupName)}
@click=${() => this._leaveGroup(this.leaveGroupObj.groupId, this.leaveGroupObj.groupName)}
Leave Group
<!-- Manage Group Owner Dialog -->
<!-- Manage Group Owner Dialog -->
<mwc-dialog id="manageGroupOwnerDialog" scrimClickAction="${this.isLoading ? '' : 'close'}">
<mwc-dialog id="manageGroupOwnerDialog" scrimClickAction="${this.isLoading ? '' : 'close'}">
<div>Manage Group Owner: ${this.manageGroupObj.groupName}</div>
<div>${translate("grouppage.gchange38")} ${this.manageGroupObj.groupName}</div>
<!-- Manage Group Admin Dialog -->
<!-- Manage Group Admin Dialog -->
<mwc-dialog id="manageGroupAdminDialog" scrimClickAction="${this.isLoading ? '' : 'close'}">
<mwc-dialog id="manageGroupAdminDialog" scrimClickAction="${this.isLoading ? '' : 'close'}">
<div>Manage Group Admin: ${this.manageGroupObj.groupName}</div>
<div>${translate("grouppage.gchange39")} ${this.manageGroupObj.groupName}</div>
@ -432,11 +446,7 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
firstUpdated() {
firstUpdated() {
setInterval(() => {
}, 100)
@ -471,11 +481,25 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
window.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => {
window.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => {
window.addEventListener("click", () => {
window.addEventListener("click", () => {
parentEpml.request('closeCopyTextMenu', null)
parentEpml.request('closeCopyTextMenu', null)
window.addEventListener('storage', () => {
const checkLanguage = localStorage.getItem('qortalLanguage')
const checkTheme = localStorage.getItem('qortalTheme')
if (checkTheme === 'dark') {
this.theme = 'dark'
} else {
this.theme = 'light'
document.querySelector('html').setAttribute('theme', this.theme)
window.onkeyup = (e) => {
window.onkeyup = (e) => {
if (e.keyCode === 27) {
if (e.keyCode === 27) {
@ -518,6 +542,46 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
document.querySelector('html').setAttribute('theme', this.theme);
document.querySelector('html').setAttribute('theme', this.theme);
changeLanguage() {
const checkLanguage = localStorage.getItem('qortalLanguage')
if (checkLanguage === null || checkLanguage.length === 0) {
localStorage.setItem('qortalLanguage', 'us')
} else {
renderErr1Text() {
return html`${translate("grouppage.gchange41")}`
renderErr2Text() {
return html`${translate("grouppage.gchange42")}`
renderErr3Text() {
return html`${translate("grouppage.gchange43")}`
renderErr4Text() {
return html`${translate("grouppage.gchange44")}`
renderErr5Text() {
return html`${translate("grouppage.gchange45")}`
renderErr6Text() {
return html`${translate("grouppage.gchange46")}`
renderErr7Text() {
return html`${translate("grouppage.gchange47")}`
renderErr8Text() {
return html`${translate("grouppage.gchange48")}`
renderErr9Text() {
return html`${translate("grouppage.gchange49")}`
async unitCreateFee() {
async unitCreateFee() {
const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node];
const myNode = window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.knownNodes[window.parent.reduxStore.getState().app.nodeConfig.node];
const nodeUrl = myNode.protocol + '://' + myNode.domain + ':' + myNode.port;
const nodeUrl = myNode.protocol + '://' + myNode.domain + ':' + myNode.port;
@ -613,24 +677,27 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
renderRole(groupObj) {
renderRole(groupObj) {
if (groupObj.owner === this.selectedAddress.address) {
if (groupObj.owner === this.selectedAddress.address) {
return "Owner"
let ownerstring = get("grouppage.gchange10")
return ownerstring
} else if (groupObj.isAdmin === true) {
} else if (groupObj.isAdmin === true) {
return "Admin"
let adminstring = get("grouppage.gchange52")
return adminstring
} else {
} else {
return "Member"
let memberstring = get("grouppage.gchange53")
return memberstring
renderManageButton(groupObj) {
renderManageButton(groupObj) {
if (groupObj.owner === this.selectedAddress.address) {
if (groupObj.owner === this.selectedAddress.address) {
// render owner actions btn to modal
// render owner actions btn to modal
return html`<mwc-button @click=${() => this.manageGroupOwner(groupObj)}><mwc-icon>create</mwc-icon>Manage</mwc-button>`
return html`<mwc-button @click=${() => this.manageGroupOwner(groupObj)}><mwc-icon>create</mwc-icon>nbsp;${translate("grouppage.gchange40")}</mwc-button>`
} else if (groupObj.isAdmin === true) {
} else if (groupObj.isAdmin === true) {
// render admin actions modal
// render admin actions modal
return html`<mwc-button @click=${() => this.manageGroupAdmin(groupObj)}><mwc-icon>create</mwc-icon>Manage</mwc-button>`
return html`<mwc-button @click=${() => this.manageGroupAdmin(groupObj)}><mwc-icon>create</mwc-icon>nbsp;${translate("grouppage.gchange40")}</mwc-button>`
} else {
} else {
// render member leave group modal
// render member leave group modal
return html`<mwc-button @click=${() => this.leaveGroup(groupObj)}><mwc-icon>exit_to_app</mwc-icon>Leave</mwc-button>`
return html`<mwc-button @click=${() => this.leaveGroup(groupObj)}><mwc-icon>exit_to_app</mwc-icon> ${translate("grouppage.gchange50")}</mwc-button>`
@ -717,7 +784,7 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
this.message = txnResponse.message
this.message = txnResponse.message
throw new Error(txnResponse)
throw new Error(txnResponse)
} else if (txnResponse.success === true && !txnResponse.data.error) {
} else if (txnResponse.success === true && !txnResponse.data.error) {
this.message = 'Group Creation Successful!'
this.message = this.renderErr1Text()
this.error = false
this.error = false
} else {
} else {
this.error = true
this.error = true
@ -728,27 +795,27 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
if (groupNameInput.length < 3) {
if (groupNameInput.length < 3) {
this.error = true
this.error = true
this.message = "Invalid Group Name"
this.message = this.renderErr2Text()
this.isLoading = false
this.isLoading = false
} else if (groupDescInput.length < 3) {
} else if (groupDescInput.length < 3) {
this.error = true
this.error = true
this.message = "Invalid Group Description"
this.message = this.renderErr3Text()
this.isLoading = false
this.isLoading = false
} else if (groupTypeInput === 'reject') {
} else if (groupTypeInput === 'reject') {
this.error = true
this.error = true
this.message = "Select a Group Type"
this.message = this.renderErr4Text()
this.isLoading = false
this.isLoading = false
} else if (groupApprovalInput === 'reject') {
} else if (groupApprovalInput === 'reject') {
this.error = true
this.error = true
this.message = "Select a Group Approval Threshold"
this.message = this.renderErr5Text()
this.isLoading = false
this.isLoading = false
} else if (groupMinDelayInput === 'reject') {
} else if (groupMinDelayInput === 'reject') {
this.error = true
this.error = true
this.message = "Select a Minimum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals"
this.message = this.renderErr6Text()
this.isLoading = false
this.isLoading = false
} else if (groupMaxDelayInput === 'reject') {
} else if (groupMaxDelayInput === 'reject') {
this.error = true
this.error = true
this.message = "Select a Maximum Block delay for Group Transaction Approvals"
this.message = this.renderErr7Text()
this.isLoading = false
this.isLoading = false
} else {
} else {
this.error = false
this.error = false
@ -803,7 +870,7 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
this.message = txnResponse.message
this.message = txnResponse.message
throw new Error(txnResponse)
throw new Error(txnResponse)
} else if (txnResponse.success === true && !txnResponse.data.error) {
} else if (txnResponse.success === true && !txnResponse.data.error) {
this.message = 'Join Group Request Sent Successfully!'
this.message = this.renderErr8Text()
this.error = false
this.error = false
} else {
} else {
this.error = true
this.error = true
@ -862,7 +929,7 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
this.message = txnResponse.message
this.message = txnResponse.message
throw new Error(txnResponse)
throw new Error(txnResponse)
} else if (txnResponse.success === true && !txnResponse.data.error) {
} else if (txnResponse.success === true && !txnResponse.data.error) {
this.message = 'Leave Group Request Sent Successfully!'
this.message = this.renderErr9Text()
this.error = false
this.error = false
} else {
} else {
this.error = true
this.error = true
Reference in New Issue
Block a user