Translate Group Transactions

This commit is contained in:
AlphaX-Projects 2022-04-21 20:36:41 +02:00
parent d494827d71
commit 00032220a5
16 changed files with 147 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -568,6 +568,12 @@
"to": "Zu",
"declined": "Der Benutzer hat die Transaktion abgelehnt!",
"namedialog1": "Sie registrieren den folgenden Namen:",
"namedialog2": "Wenn Sie auf Bestätigen drücken, wird der Name registriert!"
"namedialog2": "Wenn Sie auf Bestätigen drücken, wird der Name registriert!",
"groupdialog1": "Sie fordern an, der folgenden Gruppe beizutreten:",
"groupdialog2": "Wenn Sie auf Bestätigen drücken, wird die Gruppenbeitrittsanfrage gesendet!",
"groupdialog3": "Sie beantragen, die folgende Gruppe zu verlassen:",
"groupdialog4": "Wenn Sie auf Bestätigen drücken, wird die Anfrage zum Verlassen der Gruppe gesendet!",
"groupdialog5": "Sie beantragen die Erstellung der folgenden Gruppe:",
"groupdialog6": "Wenn Sie auf Bestätigen drücken, wird die Gruppenerstellungsanfrage gesendet!"

View File

@ -568,6 +568,12 @@
"to": "A",
"declined": "Usuario rechazó transacción!",
"namedialog1": "Estás registrando el nombre a continuación:",
"namedialog2": "Al presionar confirmar, el nombre quedará registrado!"
"namedialog2": "Al presionar confirmar, el nombre quedará registrado!",
"groupdialog1": "Usted está solicitando unirse al grupo a continuación:",
"groupdialog2": "Al presionar confirmar, se enviará la solicitud para unirse al grupo!",
"groupdialog3": "Está solicitando abandonar el grupo a continuación:",
"groupdialog4": "Al presionar confirmar, se enviará la solicitud de salida del grupo!",
"groupdialog5": "Estás solicitando crear el grupo a continuación:",
"groupdialog6": "Al presionar confirmar, se enviará la solicitud de creación de grupo!"

View File

@ -568,6 +568,12 @@
"to": "A",
"declined": "Transaction refusée par lutilisateur!",
"namedialog1": "Vous enregistrez le nom ci-dessous :",
"namedialog2": "En appuyant sur confirmer, le nom sera enregistré !"
"namedialog2": "En appuyant sur confirmer, le nom sera enregistré !",
"groupdialog1": "Vous demandez à rejoindre le groupe ci-dessous :",
"groupdialog2": "En appuyant sur confirmer, la demande d'adhésion au groupe sera envoyée !",
"groupdialog3": "Vous demandez à quitter le groupe ci-dessous :",
"groupdialog4": "En appuyant sur confirmer, la demande de départ du groupe sera envoyée !",
"groupdialog5": "Vous demandez à créer le groupe ci-dessous :",
"groupdialog6": "En appuyant sur confirmer, la demande de création de groupe sera envoyée !"

View File

@ -575,6 +575,12 @@
"to": "को",
"declined": "उपयोगकर्ता ने लेन-देन अस्वीकार कर दिया!",
"namedialog1": "आप नीचे नाम दर्ज कर रहे हैं:",
"namedialog2": "कन्फर्म दबाते ही नाम दर्ज हो जाएगा !"
"namedialog2": "कन्फर्म दबाते ही नाम दर्ज हो जाएगा !",
"groupdialog1": "आप नीचे दिए गए समूह में शामिल होने का अनुरोध कर रहे हैं:",
"groupdialog2": "कन्फर्म प्रेस करने पर ग्रुप जॉइन रिक्वेस्ट भेजी जाएगी!",
"groupdialog3": "आप नीचे दिए गए समूह को छोड़ने का अनुरोध कर रहे हैं:",
"groupdialog4": "कन्फर्म प्रेस करने पर लीव ग्रुप रिक्वेस्ट भेजी जाएगी!",
"groupdialog5": "आप नीचे समूह बनाने का अनुरोध कर रहे हैं:",
"groupdialog6": "कन्फर्म प्रेस करने पर ग्रुप क्रिएटिंग रिक्वेस्ट भेजी जाएगी!"

View File

@ -568,6 +568,12 @@
"to": "Prema",
"declined": "Korisnik je odbio transakciju!",
"namedialog1": "Registrirate ime ispod:",
"namedialog2": "Pritiskom na potvrdi ime će biti registrirano!"
"namedialog2": "Pritiskom na potvrdi ime će biti registrirano!",
"groupdialog1": "Zahtijevate da se pridružite grupi u nastavku:",
"groupdialog2": "Pritiskom na potvrdi, bit će poslan zahtjev za pridruživanje grupi!",
"groupdialog3": "Zahtijevate da napustite grupu u nastavku:",
"groupdialog4": "On pressing confirm, the leave group request will be sent!",
"groupdialog5": "Zahtijevate stvaranje grupe u nastavku:",
"groupdialog6": "Pritiskom na potvrdi, bit će poslan zahtjev za stvaranje grupe!"

View File

@ -568,6 +568,12 @@
"to": "Hoz",
"declined": "Felhasználó elutasította a tranzakciót!",
"namedialog1": "Ön az alábbi nevet regisztrálja:",
"namedialog2": "A megerősítés megnyomására a név regisztrálásra kerül!"
"namedialog2": "A megerősítés megnyomására a név regisztrálásra kerül!",
"groupdialog1": "Az alábbi csoporthoz szeretnél csatlakozni:",
"groupdialog2": "A megerősítés megnyomására a rendszer elküldi a csoporthoz való csatlakozási kérelmet!",
"groupdialog3": "Az alábbi csoportból való kilépést kéred:",
"groupdialog4": "A megerősítés megnyomására a rendszer elküldi a távozási csoport kérését!",
"groupdialog5": "Az alábbi csoport létrehozását kéred:",
"groupdialog6": "A megerősítés megnyomására a rendszer elküldi a csoport létrehozási kérelmét!"

View File

@ -568,6 +568,12 @@
"to": "To",
"declined": "User declined transaction!",
"namedialog1": "You are registering the name below:",
"namedialog2": "On pressing confirm, the name will be registered!"
"namedialog2": "On pressing confirm, the name will be registered!",
"groupdialog1": "You are requesting to join the group below:",
"groupdialog2": "On pressing confirm, the group join request will be sent!",
"groupdialog3": "You are requesting to leave the group below:",
"groupdialog4": "On pressing confirm, the leave group request will be sent!",
"groupdialog5": "You are requesting to creating the group below:",
"groupdialog6": "On pressing confirm, the group creating request will be sent!"

View File

@ -568,6 +568,12 @@
"to": "Para",
"declined": "Usuário recusou transação!",
"namedialog1": "Você está registrando o nome abaixo:",
"namedialog2": "Ao pressionar confirmar, o nome será registrado!"
"namedialog2": "Ao pressionar confirmar, o nome será registrado!",
"groupdialog1": "Você está solicitando para participar do grupo abaixo:",
"groupdialog2": "Ao pressionar confirmar, a solicitação de ingresso no grupo será enviada!",
"groupdialog3": "Você está pedindo para sair do grupo abaixo:",
"groupdialog4": "Ao pressionar confirmar, a solicitação de saída do grupo será enviada!",
"groupdialog5": "Você está solicitando a criação do grupo abaixo:",
"groupdialog6": "Ao pressionar confirmar, a solicitação de criação de grupo será enviada!"

View File

@ -568,6 +568,12 @@
"to": "Za",
"declined": "Korisnik je odbio transakciju!",
"namedialog1": "Vi registrujete ime ispod:",
"namedialog2": "Pritiskom na potvrdi ime će biti registrovano!"
"namedialog2": "Pritiskom na potvrdi ime će biti registrovano!",
"groupdialog1": "Zahtevate da se pridružite grupi ispod:",
"groupdialog2": "Pritiskom na potvrdi, biće poslat zahtev za pridruživanje grupi!",
"groupdialog3": "Zahtevate da napustite grupu u nastavku:",
"groupdialog4": "Pritiskom na potvrdu, biće poslat zahtev za napuštanje grupe!",
"groupdialog5": "Zahtevate da napravite grupu ispod:",
"groupdialog6": "Pritiskom na potvrdi, biće poslat zahtev za kreiranje grupe!"

View File

@ -568,6 +568,12 @@
"to": "To",
"declined": "User declined transaction!",
"namedialog1": "You are registering the name below:",
"namedialog2": "On pressing confirm, the name will be registered!"
"namedialog2": "On pressing confirm, the name will be registered!",
"groupdialog1": "You are requesting to join the group below:",
"groupdialog2": "On pressing confirm, the group join request will be sent!",
"groupdialog3": "You are requesting to leave the group below:",
"groupdialog4": "On pressing confirm, the leave group request will be sent!",
"groupdialog5": "You are requesting to creating the group below:",
"groupdialog6": "On pressing confirm, the group creating request will be sent!"

View File

@ -568,6 +568,12 @@
"to": "收款人",
"declined": "交易已被用戶拒绝!",
"namedialog1": "You are registering the name below:",
"namedialog2": "On pressing confirm, the name will be registered!"
"namedialog2": "On pressing confirm, the name will be registered!",
"groupdialog1": "You are requesting to join the group below:",
"groupdialog2": "On pressing confirm, the group join request will be sent!",
"groupdialog3": "You are requesting to leave the group below:",
"groupdialog4": "On pressing confirm, the leave group request will be sent!",
"groupdialog5": "You are requesting to creating the group below:",
"groupdialog6": "On pressing confirm, the group creating request will be sent!"

View File

@ -568,6 +568,12 @@
"to": "收款人",
"declined": "交易被用戶拒絕!",
"namedialog1": "You are registering the name below:",
"namedialog2": "On pressing confirm, the name will be registered!"
"namedialog2": "On pressing confirm, the name will be registered!",
"groupdialog1": "You are requesting to join the group below:",
"groupdialog2": "On pressing confirm, the group join request will be sent!",
"groupdialog3": "You are requesting to leave the group below:",
"groupdialog4": "On pressing confirm, the leave group request will be sent!",
"groupdialog5": "You are requesting to creating the group below:",
"groupdialog6": "On pressing confirm, the group creating request will be sent!"

View File

@ -10,18 +10,38 @@ export default class CreateGroupTransaction extends TransactionBase {
render(html) {
return html`
You are requesting to creating the group below:
<div style="background: #eee; padding: 8px; margin: 8px 0; border-radius: 5px;">
<div>Group Name: <span style="color: #000;">${this._rGroupName}</span></div>
<div>${this._groupdialog7}: <span style="color: #000;">${this._rGroupName}</span></div>
<div>Group Description: <span style="color: #000;">${this._rGroupDesc}</span></div>
<div>${this._groupdialog8}: <span style="color: #000;">${this._rGroupDesc}</span></div>
<div>Group Type: <span style="color: #000;">${this.myGroupType === 1 ? "Public" : "Private"}</span></div>
<div>${this._groupdialog9}: <span style="color: #000;">${this.myGroupType === 1 ? "Public" : "Private"}</span></div>
On pressing confirm, the group request will be sent!
set groupdialog5(groupdialog5) {
this._groupdialog5 = groupdialog5
set groupdialog6(groupdialog6) {
this._groupdialog6 = groupdialog6
set groupdialog7(groupdialog7) {
this._groupdialog7 = groupdialog7
set groupdialog8(groupdialog8) {
this._groupdialog8 = groupdialog8
set groupdialog9(groupdialog9) {
this._groupdialog9 = groupdialog9
set fee(fee) {
this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)

View File

@ -18,14 +18,22 @@ export default class JoinGroupTransaction extends TransactionBase {
render(html) {
return html`
You are requesting to join the group below:
<div style="background: #eee; padding: 8px; margin: 8px 0; border-radius: 5px;">
<span style="color: #000;">${this._rGroupName}</span>
On pressing confirm, the group request will be sent!
set groupdialog1(groupdialog1) {
this._groupdialog1 = groupdialog1
set groupdialog2(groupdialog2) {
this._groupdialog2 = groupdialog2
set fee(fee) {
this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)

View File

@ -18,14 +18,22 @@ export default class LeaveGroupTransaction extends TransactionBase {
render(html) {
return html`
You are requesting to leave the group below:
<div style="background: #eee; padding: 8px; margin: 8px 0; border-radius: 5px;">
<span style="color: #000;">${this._rGroupName}</span>
On pressing confirm, the group request will be sent!
set groupdialog3(groupdialog3) {
this._groupdialog3 = groupdialog3
set groupdialog4(groupdialog4) {
this._groupdialog4 = groupdialog4
set fee(fee) {
this._fee = fee * QORT_DECIMALS
this._feeBytes = this.constructor.utils.int64ToBytes(this._fee)

View File

@ -762,6 +762,11 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
// Make Transaction Request
const makeTransactionRequest = async (_groupTypeInput, _groupApprovalInput, _groupMinDelayInput, _groupMaxDelayInput, lastRef) => {
let groupdialog5 = get("transactions.groupdialog5")
let groupdialog6 = get("transactions.groupdialog6")
let groupdialog7 = get("grouppage.gchange4")
let groupdialog8 = get("grouppage.gchange5")
let groupdialog9 = get("grouppage.gchange13")
let myTxnrequest = await parentEpml.request('transaction', {
type: 22,
nonce: this.selectedAddress.nonce,
@ -775,6 +780,11 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
rGroupMinimumBlockDelay: _groupMinDelayInput,
rGroupMaximumBlockDelay: _groupMaxDelayInput,
lastReference: lastRef,
groupdialog5: groupdialog5,
groupdialog6: groupdialog6,
groupdialog7: groupdialog7,
groupdialog8: groupdialog8,
groupdialog9: groupdialog9,
return myTxnrequest
@ -852,6 +862,8 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
// Make Transaction Request
const makeTransactionRequest = async (lastRef) => {
let groupdialog1 = get("transactions.groupdialog1")
let groupdialog2 = get("transactions.groupdialog2")
let myTxnrequest = await parentEpml.request('transaction', {
type: 31,
nonce: this.selectedAddress.nonce,
@ -861,6 +873,8 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
rGroupName: groupName,
rGroupId: groupId,
lastReference: lastRef,
groupdialog1: groupdialog1,
groupdialog2: groupdialog2,
return myTxnrequest
@ -910,6 +924,8 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
// Make Transaction Request
const makeTransactionRequest = async (lastRef) => {
let groupdialog3 = get("transactions.groupdialog3")
let groupdialog4 = get("transactions.groupdialog4")
let myTxnrequest = await parentEpml.request('transaction', {
type: 32,
nonce: this.selectedAddress.nonce,
@ -919,6 +935,8 @@ class GroupManagement extends LitElement {
rGroupName: groupName,
rGroupId: groupId,
lastReference: lastRef,
groupdialog3: groupdialog3,
groupdialog4: groupdialog4,
return myTxnrequest