import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react"; import reactLogo from "./assets/react.svg"; import viteLogo from "/vite.svg"; import "./App.css"; import { useDropzone } from "react-dropzone"; import { Box, Input, InputLabel, Typography } from "@mui/material"; import { decryptStoredWallet } from "./utils/decryptWallet"; import { CountdownCircleTimer } from "react-countdown-circle-timer"; import { createAccount, generateRandomSentence, saveFileToDisk, } from "./utils/generateWallet/generateWallet"; import { kdf } from "./deps/kdf"; import { generateSaveWalletData } from "./utils/generateWallet/storeWallet"; import { crypto, walletVersion } from "./constants/decryptWallet"; import PhraseWallet from "./utils/generateWallet/phrase-wallet"; type extStates = | "not-authenticated" | "authenticated" | "send-qort" | "web-app-request-connection" | "web-app-request-payment" | "web-app-request-authentication" | "download-wallet" | "create-wallet"; function App() { const [extState, setExtstate] = useState("not-authenticated"); const [backupjson, setBackupjson] = useState(null); const [rawWallet, setRawWallet] = useState(null); const [decryptedWallet, setdecryptedWallet] = useState(null); const [requestConnection, setRequestConnection] = useState(null); const [requestAuthentication, setRequestAuthentication] = useState(null); const [userInfo, setUserInfo] = useState(null); const [balance, setBalance] = useState(null); const [paymentTo, setPaymentTo] = useState(""); const [paymentAmount, setPaymentAmount] = useState(0); const [paymentPassword, setPaymentPassword] = useState(""); const [sendPaymentError, setSendPaymentError] = useState(""); const [sendPaymentSuccess, setSendPaymentSuccess] = useState(""); const [countdown, setCountdown] = useState(null); const [walletToBeDownloaded, setWalletToBeDownloaded] = useState(null); const [walletToBeDownloadedPassword, setWalletToBeDownloadedPassword] = useState(""); const [walletToBeDownloadedPasswordConfirm, setWalletToBeDownloadedPasswordConfirm] = useState(""); const [walletToBeDownloadedError, setWalletToBeDownloadedError] = useState(""); const address = useMemo(() => { if (!rawWallet?.address0) return ""; return rawWallet.address0; }, [rawWallet]); const { getRootProps, getInputProps } = useDropzone({ accept: { "application/json": [".json"], // Only accept JSON files }, maxFiles: 1, onDrop: async (acceptedFiles) => { const file: any = acceptedFiles[0]; const fileContents = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onabort = () => reject("File reading was aborted"); reader.onerror = () => reject("File reading has failed"); reader.onload = () => { // Resolve the promise with the reader result when reading completes resolve(reader.result); }; // Read the file as text reader.readAsText(file); }); console.log({ fileContents }); let error: any = null; let pf: any; try { if (typeof fileContents !== "string") return; pf = JSON.parse(fileContents); } catch (e) {} try { const requiredFields = [ "address0", "salt", "iv", "version", "encryptedSeed", "mac", "kdfThreads", ]; for (const field of requiredFields) { if (!(field in pf)) throw new Error(field + " not found in JSON"); } // setBackupjson(pf) storeWalletInfo(pf); setRawWallet(pf); setExtstate("authenticated"); setdecryptedWallet(null); } catch (e) { console.log(e); error = e; } }, }); // const storeDecryptedWallet = async () => { // const res = await decryptStoredWallet("password", rawWallet); // const wallet2 = new PhraseWallet(res, walletVersion); // setdecryptedWallet(wallet2); // }; // const saveWalletFunc = async (password: string) => { // console.log({ decryptedWallet }); // let wallet = structuredClone(decryptedWallet); // console.log({ decryptedWallet: decryptedWallet?.generateSaveWalletData }); // const qortAddress = decryptedWallet.addresses[0].address; // if (decryptedWallet?.generateSaveWalletData) { // console.log("yes", wallet); // wallet = await decryptedWallet.generateSaveWalletData( // password, // crypto.kdfThreads, // () => {} // ); // } else { // console.log("no", wallet); // const res = await decryptStoredWallet(password, wallet); // const wallet2 = new PhraseWallet(res, walletVersion); // console.log({ wallet2 }); // wallet = await wallet2.generateSaveWalletData( // password, // crypto.kdfThreads, // () => {} // ); // } // setWalletToBeDownloaded({ // wallet, // qortAddress, // }); // return { // wallet, // qortAddress, // }; // }; const saveWalletFunc = async (password: string) => { console.log({ decryptedWallet }); let wallet = structuredClone(rawWallet); console.log("no", wallet); const res = await decryptStoredWallet(password, wallet); const wallet2 = new PhraseWallet(res, walletVersion); console.log({ wallet2 }); wallet = await wallet2.generateSaveWalletData( password, crypto.kdfThreads, () => {} ); setWalletToBeDownloaded({ wallet, qortAddress: rawWallet.address0, }); return { wallet, qortAddress: rawWallet.address0, }; }; const storeWalletInfo = (wallet: any) => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage( { action: "storeWalletInfo", wallet }, (response) => { if (response) { } } ); chrome.tabs.query( { active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs: any[]) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage( tabs[0].id, { from: "popup", subject: "anySubject" }, function (response) { console.log(response); } ); } ); }; const getWalletInfoFunc = async () => { // const res = await getWalletInfo() // console.log({res}) chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "getWalletInfo" }, (response) => { if (response) { console.log("Extension installed: ", response); // setIsExtensionInstalled(true); } }); }; const getValidApiFunc = () => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "validApi" }, (response) => { if (response) { } }); }; const getNameFunc = () => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "name" }, (response) => { if (response) { console.log("name", response); } }); }; const getBalanceFunc = () => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "balance" }, (response) => { if (response && !response?.error) { setBalance(response); } }); }; const sendCoinFunc = () => { setSendPaymentError(""); setSendPaymentSuccess(""); if (!paymentTo) { setSendPaymentError("Please enter a recipient"); return; } if (!paymentAmount) { setSendPaymentError("Please enter an amount greater than 0"); return; } if (!paymentPassword) { setSendPaymentError("Please enter your wallet password"); return; } chrome.runtime.sendMessage( { action: "sendCoin", payload: { amount: Number(paymentAmount), receiver: paymentTo.trim(), password: paymentPassword, }, }, (response) => { if (response?.error) { console.log("coin", response); setSendPaymentError(response.error); } else { setSendPaymentSuccess("Payment successfully sent"); } } ); }; console.log({ rawWallet, decryptedWallet }); const clearAllStates = () => { setRequestConnection(null); setRequestAuthentication(null); }; const [sendqortState, setSendqortState] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { // Listen for messages from the background script chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => { console.log({ message }); // Check if the message is to update the state if (message.action === "UPDATE_STATE_CONFIRM_SEND_QORT") { // Update the component state with the received 'sendqort' state setSendqortState(message.payload); setExtstate("web-app-request-payment"); } else if (message.action === "closePopup") { // Update the component state with the received 'sendqort' state window.close(); } else if (message.action === "UPDATE_STATE_REQUEST_CONNECTION") { // Update the component state with the received 'sendqort' state setRequestConnection(message.payload); setExtstate("web-app-request-connection"); } else if (message.action === "UPDATE_STATE_REQUEST_AUTHENTICATION") { // Update the component state with the received 'sendqort' state setRequestAuthentication(message.payload); setExtstate("web-app-request-authentication"); } else if (message.action === "SET_COUNTDOWN") { setCountdown(message.payload); } }); }, []); // Ensure this effect runs only once after component mount console.log({ sendqortState }); //param = isDecline const confirmPayment = (isDecline: boolean) => { if (isDecline) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage( { action: "sendQortConfirmation", payload: { amount: sendqortState?.amount, receiver: sendqortState?.address, password: paymentPassword, interactionId: sendqortState?.interactionId, isDecline: true, }, }, (response) => { if (response) { setSendPaymentSuccess("Payment successfully sent"); } else { window.close(); } } ); return; } if (!paymentPassword) { setSendPaymentError("Please enter your wallet password"); return; } chrome.runtime.sendMessage( { action: "sendQortConfirmation", payload: { amount: sendqortState.amount, receiver: sendqortState.address, password: paymentPassword, interactionId: sendqortState.interactionId, isDecline: false, }, }, (response) => { if (response) { setSendPaymentSuccess("Payment successfully sent"); } } ); }; const responseToConnectionRequest = ( isOkay: boolean, hostname: string, interactionId: string ) => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage( { action: "responseToConnectionRequest", payload: { isOkay, hostname, interactionId }, }, (response) => { if (response === false || response === true) { window.close(); } } ); }; useEffect(() => { try { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "getWalletInfo" }, (response) => { if (response && response?.walletInfo) { console.log("Extension installed: ", response); setRawWallet(response?.walletInfo); setExtstate("authenticated"); } }); } catch (error) {} }, [address]); useEffect(() => { if (!address) return; try { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "userInfo" }, (response) => { if (response && !response.error) { console.log("Extension installed: ", response); setUserInfo(response); } }); getBalanceFunc(); } catch (error) {} }, [address]); useEffect(() => { return () => { console.log("exit"); }; }, []); console.log({ userInfo }); const confirmPasswordToDownload = async () => { try { setWalletToBeDownloadedError(""); if (!walletToBeDownloadedPassword) { setSendPaymentError("Please enter your password"); return; } const res = await saveWalletFunc(walletToBeDownloadedPassword); } catch (error: any) { setWalletToBeDownloadedError(error?.message); } }; const saveFileToDiskFunc = async () => { try { await saveFileToDisk( walletToBeDownloaded.wallet, walletToBeDownloaded.qortAddress ); } catch (error: any) { setWalletToBeDownloadedError(error?.message); } }; const createAccountFunc = async () => { try { if (!walletToBeDownloadedPassword) { setWalletToBeDownloadedError("Please enter a password"); return; } if (!walletToBeDownloadedPasswordConfirm) { setWalletToBeDownloadedError("Please confirm your password"); return; } if (walletToBeDownloadedPasswordConfirm !== walletToBeDownloadedPassword) { setWalletToBeDownloadedError("Password fields do not match!"); return; } const res = await createAccount(); console.log("new account", res); const wallet = await res.generateSaveWalletData( walletToBeDownloadedPassword, crypto.kdfThreads, () => {} ); setRawWallet(wallet); storeWalletInfo(wallet); setWalletToBeDownloaded({ wallet, qortAddress: wallet.address0, }); } catch (error: any) { setWalletToBeDownloadedError(error?.message); } }; const logoutFunc = ()=> { try { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "logout" }, (response) => { if (response) { window.close() } }); } catch (error) { } } return ( <> {/* {requestConnection && ( <>

the application {requestConnection?.hostname} is requesting a connection

)} */} {/* */} {/* */} {/* */} {/* */} {extState === "not-authenticated" && ( <> )} {extState !== "not-authenticated" && ( )} {extState === "authenticated" && ( <>


balance: {balance}

{rawWallet?.address0 &&

Welcome {rawWallet?.address0}

)} {extState === "send-qort" && ( <>

balance: {balance}

To setPaymentTo(} /> Amount setPaymentAmount(} /> Confirm wallet password setPaymentPassword(} /> {sendPaymentError} {sendPaymentSuccess} )} {extState === "web-app-request-payment" && ( <>




Confirm wallet password setPaymentPassword(} /> {sendPaymentError} {sendPaymentSuccess} )} {extState === "web-app-request-connection" && ( <>

the application {requestConnection?.hostname} is requesting a connection

)} {extState === "web-app-request-authentication" && ( <>

the application {requestConnection?.hostname} you Authenticate

Either create a new account or import an existing one

)} {extState === "download-wallet" && ( <>
{rawWallet?.address0 &&

Welcome {rawWallet?.address0}

{!walletToBeDownloaded && ( <> Confirm wallet password setWalletToBeDownloadedPassword( } /> {walletToBeDownloadedError} )} {walletToBeDownloaded && ( <> )} )} {extState === "create-wallet" && ( <> {!walletToBeDownloaded && ( <> Wallet password setWalletToBeDownloadedPassword( } /> Confirm wallet password setWalletToBeDownloadedPasswordConfirm( } /> {walletToBeDownloadedError} )} {walletToBeDownloaded && ( <> )} )} {countdown && ( { window.close(); }} > {({ remainingTime }) => remainingTime} )} ); } export default App;