// @ts-nocheck // import { encryptAndPublishSymmetricKeyGroupChat } from "./backgroundFunctions/encryption"; import './qortalRequests' import { constant, isArray } from "lodash"; import { decryptGroupEncryption, encryptAndPublishSymmetricKeyGroupChat, publishGroupEncryptedResource, publishOnQDN, uint8ArrayToObject, } from "./backgroundFunctions/encryption"; import { PUBLIC_NOTIFICATION_CODE_FIRST_SECRET_KEY } from "./constants/codes"; import { QORT_DECIMALS } from "./constants/constants"; import Base58 from "./deps/Base58"; import { base64ToUint8Array, decryptSingle, encryptSingle, objectToBase64, } from "./qdn/encryption/group-encryption"; import { reusableGet } from "./qdn/publish/pubish"; import { signChat } from "./transactions/signChat"; import { createTransaction } from "./transactions/transactions"; import { decryptChatMessage } from "./utils/decryptChatMessage"; import { decryptStoredWallet } from "./utils/decryptWallet"; import PhraseWallet from "./utils/generateWallet/phrase-wallet"; import { RequestQueueWithPromise } from "./utils/queue/queue"; import { validateAddress } from "./utils/validateAddress"; import { Sha256 } from "asmcrypto.js"; import { TradeBotRespondMultipleRequest } from "./transactions/TradeBotRespondMultipleRequest"; import { RESOURCE_TYPE_NUMBER_GROUP_CHAT_REACTIONS } from "./constants/resourceTypes"; export function cleanUrl(url) { return url?.replace(/^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?/, ''); } export function getProtocol(url) { if (url?.startsWith('https://')) { return 'https'; } else if (url?.startsWith('http://')) { return 'http'; } else { return 'unknown'; // If neither protocol is present } } let lastGroupNotification; export const groupApi = "https://ext-node.qortal.link"; export const groupApiSocket = "wss://ext-node.qortal.link"; export const groupApiLocal = ""; export const groupApiSocketLocal = "ws://"; const timeDifferenceForNotificationChatsBackground = 600000; const requestQueueAnnouncements = new RequestQueueWithPromise(1); let isMobile = false; const isMobileDevice = () => { const userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera; if (/android/i.test(userAgent)) { return true; // Android device } if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(userAgent) && !window.MSStream) { return true; // iOS device } return false; }; if (isMobileDevice()) { isMobile = true; console.log("Running on a mobile device"); } else { console.log("Running on a desktop"); } const allQueues = { requestQueueAnnouncements: requestQueueAnnouncements, }; const controlAllQueues = (action) => { Object.keys(allQueues).forEach((key) => { const val = allQueues[key]; try { if (typeof val[action] === "function") { val[action](); } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }); }; export const clearAllQueues = () => { Object.keys(allQueues).forEach((key) => { const val = allQueues[key]; try { val.clear(); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }); }; const pauseAllQueues = () => controlAllQueues("pause"); const resumeAllQueues = () => controlAllQueues("resume"); const checkDifference = (createdTimestamp) => { return ( Date.now() - createdTimestamp < timeDifferenceForNotificationChatsBackground ); }; const getApiKeyFromStorage = async () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.get("apiKey", (result) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { return reject(chrome.runtime.lastError); } resolve(result.apiKey || null); // Return null if apiKey isn't found }); }); }; const getCustomNodesFromStorage = async () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.get("customNodes", (result) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { return reject(chrome.runtime.lastError); } resolve(result.customNodes || null); // Return null if apiKey isn't found }); }); }; // const getArbitraryEndpoint = ()=> { // const apiKey = await getApiKeyFromStorage(); // Retrieve apiKey asynchronously // if (apiKey) { // return `/arbitrary/resources/search`; // } else { // return `/arbitrary/resources/searchsimple`; // } // } const getArbitraryEndpoint = async () => { const apiKey = await getApiKeyFromStorage(); // Retrieve apiKey asynchronously if (apiKey) { return `/arbitrary/resources/searchsimple`; } else { return `/arbitrary/resources/searchsimple`; } }; export const getBaseApi = async (customApi?: string) => { if (customApi) { return customApi; } const apiKey = await getApiKeyFromStorage(); // Retrieve apiKey asynchronously if (apiKey) { return apiKey?.url; } else { return groupApi; } }; export const isUsingLocal = async () => { const apiKey = await getApiKeyFromStorage(); // Retrieve apiKey asynchronously if (apiKey) { return true } else { return false; } }; export const createEndpoint = async (endpoint, customApi?: string) => { if (customApi) { return `${customApi}${endpoint}`; } const apiKey = await getApiKeyFromStorage(); // Retrieve apiKey asynchronously if (apiKey) { // Check if the endpoint already contains a query string const separator = endpoint.includes("?") ? "&" : "?"; return `${apiKey?.url}${endpoint}${separator}apiKey=${apiKey?.apikey}`; } else { return `${groupApi}${endpoint}`; } }; export const walletVersion = 2; // List of your API endpoints const apiEndpoints = [ "https://api.qortal.org", "https://api2.qortal.org", "https://appnode.qortal.org", "https://apinode.qortalnodes.live", "https://apinode1.qortalnodes.live", "https://apinode2.qortalnodes.live", "https://apinode3.qortalnodes.live", "https://apinode4.qortalnodes.live", ]; const buyTradeNodeBaseUrl = "https://appnode.qortal.org"; const proxyAccountAddress = "QXPejUe5Za1KD3zCMViWCX35AreMQ9H7ku"; const proxyAccountPublicKey = "5hP6stDWybojoDw5t8z9D51nV945oMPX7qBd29rhX1G7"; const pendingResponses = new Map(); let groups = null; let socket; let timeoutId; let groupSocketTimeout; let socketTimeout: any; let interval; let intervalThreads; // Function to check each API endpoint export async function findUsableApi() { for (const endpoint of apiEndpoints) { try { const response = await fetch(`${endpoint}/admin/status`); if (!response.ok) throw new Error("Failed to fetch"); const data = await response.json(); if (data.isSynchronizing === false && data.syncPercent === 100) { console.log(`Usable API found: ${endpoint}`); return endpoint; } else { console.log(`API not ready: ${endpoint}`); } } catch (error) { console.error(`Error checking API ${endpoint}:`, error); } } throw new Error("No usable API found"); } export function isExtMsg(data) { let isMsgFromExtensionGroup = true; try { const decode1 = atob(data); const decode2 = atob(decode1); const keyStr = decode2.slice(0, 10); // Convert the key string back to a number const highestKey = parseInt(keyStr, 10); if (isNaN(highestKey)) { isMsgFromExtensionGroup = false; } } catch (error) { isMsgFromExtensionGroup = false; } return isMsgFromExtensionGroup; } export function isUpdateMsg(data) { let isUpdateMessage = true; try { const decode1 = atob(data); const decode2 = atob(decode1); const keyStr = decode2.slice(10, 13); // Convert the key string back to a number const numberKey = parseInt(keyStr, 10); if (isNaN(numberKey)) { isUpdateMessage = false; } else if(numberKey !== RESOURCE_TYPE_NUMBER_GROUP_CHAT_REACTIONS){ isUpdateMessage = false; } } catch (error) { isUpdateMessage = false; } return isUpdateMessage; } async function checkWebviewFocus() { return new Promise((resolve) => { // Set a timeout for 1 second const timeout = setTimeout(() => { resolve(false); // No response within 1 second, assume not focused }, 1000); // Send message to the content script to check focus chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "CHECK_FOCUS" }, (response) => { clearTimeout(timeout); // Clear the timeout if we get a response if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { resolve(false); // Error occurred, assume not focused } else { resolve(response); // Resolve based on the response } }); }); } function playNotificationSound() { // chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "PLAY_NOTIFICATION_SOUND" }); } const handleNotificationDirect = async (directs) => { let isFocused; const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; let isDisableNotifications = await getUserSettings({key: 'disable-push-notifications'}) || false const dataDirects = directs.filter((direct) => direct?.sender !== address); try { if(isDisableNotifications) return if (!dataDirects || dataDirects?.length === 0) return; isFocused = await checkWebviewFocus(); if (isFocused) { throw new Error("isFocused"); } const newActiveChats = dataDirects; const oldActiveChats = await getChatHeadsDirect(); if (newActiveChats?.length === 0) return; let newestLatestTimestamp; let oldestLatestTimestamp; // Find the latest timestamp from newActiveChats newActiveChats?.forEach((newChat) => { if ( !newestLatestTimestamp || newChat?.timestamp > newestLatestTimestamp?.timestamp ) { newestLatestTimestamp = newChat; } }); // Find the latest timestamp from oldActiveChats oldActiveChats?.forEach((oldChat) => { if ( !oldestLatestTimestamp || oldChat?.timestamp > oldestLatestTimestamp?.timestamp ) { oldestLatestTimestamp = oldChat; } }); if ( (checkDifference(newestLatestTimestamp.timestamp) && !oldestLatestTimestamp) || (newestLatestTimestamp && newestLatestTimestamp?.timestamp > oldestLatestTimestamp?.timestamp) ) { const notificationId = "chat_notification_" + Date.now() + "_type=direct" + `_from=${newestLatestTimestamp.address}`; chrome.notifications.create(notificationId, { type: "basic", iconUrl: "qort.png", // Add an appropriate icon for chat notifications title: `New Direct message! ${ newestLatestTimestamp?.name && `from ${newestLatestTimestamp.name}` }`, message: "You have received a new direct message", priority: 2, // Use the maximum priority to ensure it's noticeable // buttons: [ // { title: 'Go to group' } // ] }); if (!isMobile) { setTimeout(() => { chrome.notifications.clear(notificationId); }, 7000); } // chrome.runtime.sendMessage( // { // action: "notification", // payload: { // }, // } // ) // audio.play(); playNotificationSound(); } } catch (error) { if (!isFocused) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage( { action: "notification", payload: {}, }, (response) => { if (!response?.error) { } } ); const notificationId = "chat_notification_" + Date.now(); chrome.notifications.create(notificationId, { type: "basic", iconUrl: "qort.png", // Add an appropriate icon for chat notifications title: `New Direct message!`, message: "You have received a new direct message", priority: 2, // Use the maximum priority to ensure it's noticeable // buttons: [ // { title: 'Go to group' } // ] }); if (!isMobile) { setTimeout(() => { chrome.notifications.clear(notificationId); }, 7000); } playNotificationSound(); // audio.play(); // } } } finally { setChatHeadsDirect(dataDirects); // chrome.runtime.sendMessage( // { // action: "setChatHeads", // payload: { // data, // }, // } // ); } }; async function getThreadActivity() { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const key = `threadactivity-${address}`; const res = await chrome.storage.local.get([key]); if (res?.[key]) { const parsedData = JSON.parse(res[key]); return parsedData; } else { return null; } } async function updateThreadActivity({ threadId, qortalName, groupId, thread }) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const ONE_WEEK_IN_MS = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // One week in milliseconds let lastResetTime = 0; // Retrieve the last reset timestamp from storage const key = `threadactivity-${address}`; chrome.storage.local.get([key], (data) => { let threads; if (!data[key] || Object.keys(data?.[key]?.length === 0)) { threads = { createdThreads: [], mostVisitedThreads: [], recentThreads: [], }; } else { threads = JSON.parse(data[key]); } if (threads?.lastResetTime) { lastResetTime = threads.lastResetTime; } const currentTime = Date.now(); // Check if a week has passed since the last reset if (!lastResetTime || currentTime - lastResetTime > ONE_WEEK_IN_MS) { // Reset the visit counts for all most visited threads threads.mostVisitedThreads.forEach((thread) => (thread.visitCount = 0)); lastResetTime = currentTime; // Update the last reset time threads.lastResetTime = lastResetTime; } // Update the recent threads list threads.recentThreads = threads.recentThreads.filter( (t) => t.threadId !== threadId ); threads.recentThreads.unshift({ threadId, qortalName, groupId, thread, visitCount: 1, lastVisited: Date.now(), }); // Sort the recent threads by lastVisited time (descending) threads.recentThreads.sort((a, b) => b.lastVisited - a.lastVisited); // Limit the recent threads list to 2 items threads.recentThreads = threads.recentThreads.slice(0, 2); // Update the most visited threads list const existingThread = threads.mostVisitedThreads.find( (t) => t.threadId === threadId ); if (existingThread) { existingThread.visitCount += 1; existingThread.lastVisited = Date.now(); // Update the last visited time as well } else { threads.mostVisitedThreads.push({ threadId, qortalName, groupId, thread, visitCount: 1, lastVisited: Date.now(), }); } // Sort the most visited threads by visitCount (descending) threads.mostVisitedThreads.sort((a, b) => b.visitCount - a.visitCount); // Limit the most visited threads list to 2 items threads.mostVisitedThreads = threads.mostVisitedThreads.slice(0, 2); // Store the updated thread information and last reset time // chrome.storage.local.set({ threads, lastResetTime }); const dataString = JSON.stringify(threads); chrome.storage.local.set({ [`threadactivity-${address}`]: dataString }); }); } const handleNotification = async (groups) => { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; let isDisableNotifications = await getUserSettings({key: 'disable-push-notifications'}) || false let mutedGroups = await getUserSettings({key: 'mutedGroups'}) || [] if(!isArray(mutedGroups)) mutedGroups = [] let isFocused; const data = groups.filter((group) => group?.sender !== address && !mutedGroups.includes(group.groupId) && !isUpdateMsg(group?.data)); const dataWithUpdates = groups.filter((group) => group?.sender !== address && !mutedGroups.includes(group.groupId)); try { if(isDisableNotifications) return if (!data || data?.length === 0) return; isFocused = await checkWebviewFocus(); if (isFocused) { throw new Error("isFocused"); } const newActiveChats = data; const oldActiveChats = await getChatHeads(); let results = []; let newestLatestTimestamp; let oldestLatestTimestamp; // Find the latest timestamp from newActiveChats newActiveChats?.forEach((newChat) => { if ( !newestLatestTimestamp || newChat?.timestamp > newestLatestTimestamp?.timestamp ) { newestLatestTimestamp = newChat; } }); // Find the latest timestamp from oldActiveChats oldActiveChats?.forEach((oldChat) => { if ( !oldestLatestTimestamp || oldChat?.timestamp > oldestLatestTimestamp?.timestamp ) { oldestLatestTimestamp = oldChat; } }); if ( (checkDifference(newestLatestTimestamp.timestamp) && !oldestLatestTimestamp) || (newestLatestTimestamp && newestLatestTimestamp?.timestamp > oldestLatestTimestamp?.timestamp) ) { if ( !lastGroupNotification || Date.now() - lastGroupNotification >= 120000 ) { if ( !newestLatestTimestamp?.data || !isExtMsg(newestLatestTimestamp?.data) ) return; const notificationId = "chat_notification_" + Date.now() + "_type=group" + `_from=${newestLatestTimestamp.groupId}`; chrome.notifications.create(notificationId, { type: "basic", iconUrl: "qort.png", // Add an appropriate icon for chat notifications title: "New Group Message!", message: `You have received a new message from ${newestLatestTimestamp?.groupName}`, priority: 2, // Use the maximum priority to ensure it's noticeable // buttons: [ // { title: 'Go to group' } // ] }); if (!isMobile) { setTimeout(() => { chrome.notifications.clear(notificationId); }, 7000); } // chrome.runtime.sendMessage( // { // action: "notification", // payload: { // }, // } // ) // audio.play(); playNotificationSound(); lastGroupNotification = Date.now(); } } } catch (error) { if (!isFocused) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage( { action: "notification", payload: {}, }, (response) => { if (!response?.error) { } } ); const notificationId = "chat_notification_" + Date.now(); chrome.notifications.create(notificationId, { type: "basic", iconUrl: "qort.png", // Add an appropriate icon for chat notifications title: "New Group Message!", message: "You have received a new message from one of your groups", priority: 2, // Use the maximum priority to ensure it's noticeable // buttons: [ // { title: 'Go to group' } // ] }); if (!isMobile) { setTimeout(() => { chrome.notifications.clear(notificationId); }, 7000); } playNotificationSound(); // audio.play(); lastGroupNotification = Date.now(); // } } } finally { if (!data || data?.length === 0) return; setChatHeads(dataWithUpdates); // chrome.runtime.sendMessage( // { // action: "setChatHeads", // payload: { // data, // }, // } // ); } }; const checkThreads = async (bringBack) => { try { let myName = ""; const userData = await getUserInfo(); if (userData?.name) { myName = userData.name; } let newAnnouncements = []; let dataToBringBack = []; const threadActivity = await getThreadActivity(); if (!threadActivity) return null; const selectedThreads = [ ...threadActivity.createdThreads.slice(0, 2), ...threadActivity.mostVisitedThreads.slice(0, 2), ...threadActivity.recentThreads.slice(0, 2), ]; if (selectedThreads?.length === 0) return null; const tempData = {}; for (const thread of selectedThreads) { try { const identifier = `thmsg-${thread?.threadId}`; const name = thread?.qortalName; const endpoint = await getArbitraryEndpoint(); const url = await createEndpoint( `${endpoint}?mode=ALL&service=DOCUMENT&identifier=${identifier}&limit=1&includemetadata=false&offset=${0}&reverse=true&prefix=true` ); const response = await fetch(url, { method: "GET", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); const responseData = await response.json(); const latestMessage = responseData.filter( (pub) => pub?.name !== myName )[0]; // const latestMessage = responseData[0] if (!latestMessage) { continue; } if ( checkDifference(latestMessage.created) && latestMessage.created > thread?.lastVisited && (!thread?.lastNotified || thread?.lastNotified < thread?.created) ) { tempData[thread.threadId] = latestMessage.created; newAnnouncements.push(thread); } if (latestMessage.created > thread?.lastVisited) { dataToBringBack.push(thread); } } catch (error) { conosle.log({ error }); } } if (bringBack) { return dataToBringBack; } const updateThreadWithLastNotified = { ...threadActivity, createdThreads: (threadActivity?.createdThreads || [])?.map((item) => { if (tempData[item.threadId]) { return { ...item, lastNotified: tempData[item.threadId], }; } else { return item; } }), mostVisitedThreads: (threadActivity?.mostVisitedThreads || [])?.map( (item) => { if (tempData[item.threadId]) { return { ...item, lastNotified: tempData[item.threadId], }; } else { return item; } } ), recentThreads: (threadActivity?.recentThreads || [])?.map((item) => { if (tempData[item.threadId]) { return { ...item, lastNotified: tempData[item.threadId], }; } else { return item; } }), }; const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const dataString = JSON.stringify(updateThreadWithLastNotified); chrome.storage.local.set({ [`threadactivity-${address}`]: dataString }); if (newAnnouncements.length > 0) { const notificationId = "chat_notification_" + Date.now() + "_type=thread-post" + `_data=${JSON.stringify(newAnnouncements[0])}`; let isDisableNotifications = await getUserSettings({key: 'disable-push-notifications'}) || false if(!isDisableNotifications){ chrome.notifications.create(notificationId, { type: "basic", iconUrl: "qort.png", // Add an appropriate icon for chat notifications title: `New thread post!`, message: `New post in ${newAnnouncements[0]?.thread?.threadData?.title}`, priority: 2, // Use the maximum priority to ensure it's noticeable // buttons: [ // { title: 'Go to group' } // ] }); if (!isMobile) { setTimeout(() => { chrome.notifications.clear(notificationId); }, 7000); } playNotificationSound(); } } const savedtimestampAfter = await getTimestampGroupAnnouncement(); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "SET_GROUP_ANNOUNCEMENTS", payload: savedtimestampAfter, }); } catch (error) { } finally { } }; const checkNewMessages = async () => { try { let mutedGroups = await getUserSettings({key: 'mutedGroups'}) || [] if(!isArray(mutedGroups)) mutedGroups = [] let myName = ""; const userData = await getUserInfo(); if (userData?.name) { myName = userData.name; } let newAnnouncements = []; const activeData = (await getStoredData("active-groups-directs")) || { groups: [], directs: [], }; const groups = activeData?.groups; if (!groups || groups?.length === 0) return; const savedtimestamp = await getTimestampGroupAnnouncement(); await Promise.all( groups.map(async (group) => { try { const identifier = `grp-${group.groupId}-anc-`; const endpoint = await getArbitraryEndpoint(); const url = await createEndpoint( `${endpoint}?mode=ALL&service=DOCUMENT&identifier=${identifier}&limit=1&includemetadata=false&offset=0&reverse=true&prefix=true` ); const response = await requestQueueAnnouncements.enqueue(() => { return fetch(url, { method: "GET", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); }); const responseData = await response.json(); const latestMessage = responseData.filter( (pub) => pub?.name !== myName )[0]; if (!latestMessage) { return; // continue to the next group } if ( checkDifference(latestMessage.created) && (!savedtimestamp[group.groupId] || latestMessage.created > savedtimestamp?.[group.groupId]?.notification) ) { newAnnouncements.push(group); await addTimestampGroupAnnouncement({ groupId: group.groupId, timestamp: Date.now(), }); // save new timestamp } } catch (error) { console.error(error); // Handle error if needed } }) ); let isDisableNotifications = await getUserSettings({key: 'disable-push-notifications'}) || false if (newAnnouncements.length > 0 && !mutedGroups.includes(newAnnouncements[0]?.groupId) && !isDisableNotifications) { const notificationId = "chat_notification_" + Date.now() + "_type=group-announcement" + `_from=${newAnnouncements[0]?.groupId}`; chrome.notifications.create(notificationId, { type: "basic", iconUrl: "qort.png", // Add an appropriate icon for chat notifications title: `New group announcement!`, message: `You have received a new announcement from ${newAnnouncements[0]?.groupName}`, priority: 2, // Use the maximum priority to ensure it's noticeable // buttons: [ // { title: 'Go to group' } // ] }); if (!isMobile) { setTimeout(() => { chrome.notifications.clear(notificationId); }, 7000); } playNotificationSound(); } const savedtimestampAfter = await getTimestampGroupAnnouncement(); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "SET_GROUP_ANNOUNCEMENTS", payload: savedtimestampAfter, }); } catch (error) { } finally { } }; const listenForNewGroupAnnouncements = async () => { try { setTimeout(() => { checkNewMessages(); }, 500); if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); } let isCalling = false; interval = setInterval(async () => { if (isCalling) return; isCalling = true; const res = await checkNewMessages(); isCalling = false; }, 180000); } catch (error) {} }; const listenForThreadUpdates = async () => { try { setTimeout(() => { checkThreads(); }, 500); if (intervalThreads) { clearInterval(intervalThreads); } let isCalling = false; intervalThreads = setInterval(async () => { if (isCalling) return; isCalling = true; const res = await checkThreads(); isCalling = false; }, 60000); } catch (error) {} }; const forceCloseWebSocket = () => { if (socket) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); clearTimeout(groupSocketTimeout); clearTimeout(socketTimeout); timeoutId = null; groupSocketTimeout = null; socket.close(1000, "forced"); socket = null; } }; async function getNameInfo() { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const validApi = await getBaseApi(); const response = await fetch(validApi + "/names/address/" + address); const nameData = await response.json(); if (nameData?.length > 0) { return nameData[0].name; } else { return ""; } } async function getAddressInfo(address) { const validApi = await getBaseApi(); const response = await fetch(validApi + "/addresses/" + address); const data = await response.json(); if (!response?.ok && data?.error !== 124) throw new Error("Cannot fetch address info"); if (data?.error === 124) { return { address, }; } return data; } export async function getKeyPair() { const res = await chrome.storage.local.get(["keyPair"]); if (res?.keyPair) { return res.keyPair; } else { throw new Error("Wallet not authenticated"); } } export async function getSaveWallet() { const res = await chrome.storage.local.get(["walletInfo"]); if (res?.walletInfo) { return res.walletInfo; } else { throw new Error("No wallet saved"); } } async function clearAllNotifications() { const notifications = await chrome.notifications.getAll(); for (const notificationId of Object.keys(notifications)) { await chrome.notifications.clear(notificationId); } } async function getUserInfo() { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const addressInfo = await getAddressInfo(address); const name = await getNameInfo(); return { name, publicKey: wallet.publicKey, ...addressInfo, }; } async function connection(hostname) { const isConnected = chrome.storage.local.get([hostname]); return isConnected; } async function getTradeInfo(qortalAtAddress) { const response = await fetch( buyTradeNodeBaseUrl + "/crosschain/trade/" + qortalAtAddress ); if (!response?.ok) throw new Error("Cannot crosschain trade information"); const data = await response.json(); return data; } async function getTradesInfo(qortalAtAddresses) { // Use Promise.all to fetch data for all addresses concurrently const trades = await Promise.all( qortalAtAddresses.map((address) => getTradeInfo(address)) ); return trades; // Return the array of trade info objects } export async function getBalanceInfo() { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const validApi = await getBaseApi(); const response = await fetch(validApi + "/addresses/balance/" + address); if (!response?.ok) throw new Error("Cannot fetch balance"); const data = await response.json(); return data; } async function getLTCBalance() { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); let _url = `${buyTradeNodeBaseUrl}/crosschain/ltc/walletbalance`; const keyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedKeyPair = JSON.parse(keyPair); let _body = parsedKeyPair.ltcPublicKey; const response = await fetch(_url, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: _body, }); if (response?.ok) { const data = await response.text(); const dataLTCBalance = (Number(data) / 1e8).toFixed(8); return +dataLTCBalance; } else throw new Error("Onable to get LTC balance"); } const processTransactionVersion2Chat = async (body: any, customApi) => { // const validApi = await findUsableApi(); const url = await createEndpoint( "/transactions/process?apiVersion=2", customApi ); return fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: {}, body: Base58.encode(body), }).then(async (response) => { try { const json = await response.clone().json(); return json; } catch (e) { return await response.text(); } }); }; export const processTransactionVersion2 = async (body: any) => { const url = await createEndpoint(`/transactions/process?apiVersion=2`); try { const response = await fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", // Ensure the body is correctly parsed }, body, // Convert body to JSON string }); // if (!response.ok) { // // If the response is not successful (status code is not 2xx) // throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`); // } try { const json = await response.clone().json(); return json; } catch (jsonError) { try { const text = await response.text(); return text; } catch (textError) { throw new Error(`Failed to parse response as both JSON and text.`); } } } catch (error) { console.error("Error processing transaction:", error); throw error; // Re-throw the error after logging it } }; const transaction = async ( { type, params, apiVersion, keyPair }: any, validApi ) => { const tx = createTransaction(type, keyPair, params); let res; if (apiVersion && apiVersion === 2) { const signedBytes = Base58.encode(tx.signedBytes); res = await processTransactionVersion2(signedBytes, validApi); } let success = true; if (res?.error) { success = false; } return { success, data: res, }; }; const makeTransactionRequest = async ( receiver, lastRef, amount, fee, keyPair, validApi ) => { const myTxnrequest = await transaction( { nonce: 0, type: 2, params: { recipient: receiver, // recipientName: recipientName, amount: amount, lastReference: lastRef, fee: fee, }, apiVersion: 2, keyPair, }, validApi ); return myTxnrequest; }; export const getLastRef = async () => { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const validApi = await getBaseApi(); const response = await fetch( validApi + "/addresses/lastreference/" + address ); if (!response?.ok) throw new Error("Cannot fetch balance"); const data = await response.text(); return data; }; export const sendQortFee = async (): Promise => { const validApi = await getBaseApi(); const response = await fetch( validApi + "/transactions/unitfee?txType=PAYMENT" ); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("Error when fetching join fee"); } const data = await response.json(); const qortFee = (Number(data) / 1e8).toFixed(8); return qortFee; }; async function getNameOrAddress(receiver) { try { const isAddress = validateAddress(receiver); if (isAddress) { return receiver; } const validApi = await getBaseApi(); const response = await fetch(validApi + "/names/" + receiver); const data = await response.json(); if (data?.owner) return data.owner; if (data?.error) { throw new Error("Name does not exist"); } if (!response?.ok) throw new Error("Cannot fetch name"); return { error: "cannot validate address or name" }; } catch (error) { throw new Error(error?.message || "cannot validate address or name"); } } export async function getPublicKey(receiver) { try { const validApi = await getBaseApi(); const response = await fetch(validApi + "/addresses/publickey/" + receiver); if (!response?.ok) throw new Error("Cannot fetch recipient's public key"); const data = await response.text(); if (!data?.error && data !== "false") return data; if (data?.error) { throw new Error("Cannot fetch recipient's public key"); } throw new Error("Cannot fetch recipient's public key"); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error?.message || "cannot validate address or name"); } } const MAX_STORAGE_SIZE = 3 * 1024 * 1024; // 3MB in bytes async function getDataPublishes(groupId, type) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.storage.local.get([`${address}-publishData`], (result) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error("Error retrieving data:", chrome.runtime.lastError); resolve(null); // Return null in case of an error return; } let storedData = result[`${address}-publishData`] || {}; // Get the stored data or initialize an empty object let groupData = storedData[groupId] || {}; // Get data by groupId let typeData = groupData[type] || {}; // Get data by type resolve(typeData); // Resolve with the data inside the specific type }); }); } async function addDataPublishes(newData, groupId, type) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const nameIdentifier = `${newData.name}-${newData.identifier}`; // Prevent adding data larger than 50KB if (newData?.size > 50000) return false; return new Promise((res) => { chrome.storage.local.get([`${address}-publishData`], (result) => { let storedData = result[`${address}-publishData`] || {}; // Get existing data or initialize let groupData = storedData[groupId] || {}; // Get or initialize group by groupId let typeData = groupData[type] || {}; // Get or initialize the type within the group let totalSize = 0; // Calculate the current size of all stored data Object.values(storedData).forEach((group) => { Object.values(group).forEach((type) => { Object.values(type).forEach((data) => { totalSize += data.size; // Accumulate the sizes of actual data }); }); }); // Check if adding the new data exceeds 3MB if (totalSize + newData.size > MAX_STORAGE_SIZE) { // Sort and remove older data within the group and type let dataEntries = Object.entries(typeData); dataEntries.sort((a, b) => a[1].timestampSaved - b[1].timestampSaved); // Remove old data until there's enough space while ( totalSize + newData.size > MAX_STORAGE_SIZE && dataEntries.length > 0 ) { const removedEntry = dataEntries.shift(); totalSize -= removedEntry[1].size; delete typeData[removedEntry[0]]; // Remove from the typeData } } // Add or update the new data within the group and type if (totalSize + newData.size <= MAX_STORAGE_SIZE) { typeData[`${nameIdentifier}`] = newData; // Add new data under name-identifier groupData[type] = typeData; // Update type data within the group storedData[groupId] = groupData; // Update group data within the stored data // Save the updated structure back to chrome.storage.local chrome.storage.local.set( { [`${address}-publishData`]: storedData }, () => { res(true); // Data successfully added } ); } else { console.error("Failed to add data, still exceeds storage limit."); res(false); // Failure due to storage limit } }); }); } // Fetch user settings based on the key async function getUserSettings({ key }) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.storage.local.get([`${address}-userSettings`], (result) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error("Error retrieving data:", chrome.runtime.lastError); resolve(null); // Return null in case of an error return; } const storedData = result[`${address}-userSettings`] || {}; // Get the stored data or initialize an empty object const value = storedData[key] || null; // Get data by key resolve(value); // Resolve with the data for the specific key }); }); } // Add or update user settings async function addUserSettings({ keyValue }) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const { key, value } = keyValue; // No need to check size here, unless value is a large object. For simple settings, size checks aren't necessary. return new Promise((res) => { chrome.storage.local.get([`${address}-userSettings`], (result) => { let storedData = result[`${address}-userSettings`] || {}; // Get existing data or initialize storedData[key] = value; // Update the key-value pair within the stored data // Save the updated structure back to chrome.storage.local chrome.storage.local.set( { [`${address}-userSettings`]: storedData }, () => { res(true); // Data successfully added } ); }); }); } async function decryptWallet({ password, wallet, walletVersion }) { try { const response = await decryptStoredWallet(password, wallet); const wallet2 = new PhraseWallet(response, walletVersion); const keyPair = wallet2._addresses[0].keyPair; const ltcPrivateKey = wallet2._addresses[0].ltcWallet.derivedMasterPrivateKey; const ltcPublicKey = wallet2._addresses[0].ltcWallet.derivedMasterPublicKey; const ltcAddress = wallet2._addresses[0].ltcWallet.address; const toSave = { privateKey: Base58.encode(keyPair.privateKey), publicKey: Base58.encode(keyPair.publicKey), ltcPrivateKey: ltcPrivateKey, ltcPublicKey: ltcPublicKey, arrrSeed58: wallet2._addresses[0].arrrWallet.seed58, btcAddress: wallet2._addresses[0].btcWallet.address, btcPublicKey: wallet2._addresses[0].btcWallet.derivedMasterPublicKey, btcPrivateKey: wallet2._addresses[0].btcWallet.derivedMasterPrivateKey, ltcAddress: wallet2._addresses[0].ltcWallet.address, dogeAddress: wallet2._addresses[0].dogeWallet.address, dogePublicKey: wallet2._addresses[0].dogeWallet.derivedMasterPublicKey, dogePrivateKey: wallet2._addresses[0].dogeWallet.derivedMasterPrivateKey, dgbAddress: wallet2._addresses[0].dgbWallet.address, dgbPublicKey: wallet2._addresses[0].dgbWallet.derivedMasterPublicKey, dgbPrivateKey: wallet2._addresses[0].dgbWallet.derivedMasterPrivateKey, rvnAddress: wallet2._addresses[0].rvnWallet.address, rvnPublicKey: wallet2._addresses[0].rvnWallet.derivedMasterPublicKey, rvnPrivateKey: wallet2._addresses[0].rvnWallet.derivedMasterPrivateKey }; const dataString = JSON.stringify(toSave); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.set({ keyPair: dataString }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { reject(new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message)); } else { resolve(true); } }); }); const newWallet = { ...wallet, publicKey: Base58.encode(keyPair.publicKey), ltcAddress: ltcAddress, }; await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.set({ walletInfo: newWallet }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { reject(new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message)); } else { resolve(true); } }); }); return true; } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.message); } } export async function signChatFunc(chatBytesArray, chatNonce, customApi, keyPair) { let response; try { const signedChatBytes = signChat(chatBytesArray, chatNonce, keyPair); const res = await processTransactionVersion2Chat( signedChatBytes, customApi ); response = res; } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.error(e.message); response = false; } return response; } function sbrk(size, heap) { let brk = 512 * 1024; // stack top let old = brk; brk += size; if (brk > heap.length) throw new Error("heap exhausted"); return old; } export const computePow = async ({ chatBytes, path, difficulty }) => { let response = null; await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const _chatBytesArray = Object.keys(chatBytes).map(function (key) { return chatBytes[key]; }); const chatBytesArray = new Uint8Array(_chatBytesArray); const chatBytesHash = new Sha256().process(chatBytesArray).finish().result; const memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 256, maximum: 256 }); const heap = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer); const hashPtr = sbrk(32, heap); const hashAry = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, hashPtr, 32); hashAry.set(chatBytesHash); const workBufferLength = 8 * 1024 * 1024; const workBufferPtr = sbrk(workBufferLength, heap); const importObject = { env: { memory: memory, }, }; function loadWebAssembly(filename, imports) { // Fetch the file and compile it return fetch(filename) .then((response) => response.arrayBuffer()) .then((buffer) => WebAssembly.compile(buffer)) .then((module) => { // Create the instance. return new WebAssembly.Instance(module, importObject); }); } loadWebAssembly(path).then((wasmModule) => { response = { nonce: wasmModule.exports.compute2( hashPtr, workBufferPtr, workBufferLength, difficulty ), chatBytesArray, }; resolve(); }); }); return response; }; const getStoredData = async (key) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.get(key, (result) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { return reject(chrome.runtime.lastError); } resolve(result[key]); }); }); }; async function handleActiveGroupDataFromSocket({ groups, directs }) { try { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "SET_GROUPS", payload: groups, }); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "SET_DIRECTS", payload: directs, }); groups = groups; directs = directs; const activeData = { groups: groups || [], // Your groups data here directs: directs || [], // Your directs data here }; // Save the active data to localStorage chrome.storage.local.set({ "active-groups-directs": activeData }); try { handleNotification(groups); handleNotificationDirect(directs); } catch (error) {} } catch (error) {} } async function sendChat({ qortAddress, recipientPublicKey, message }) { let _reference = new Uint8Array(64); self.crypto.getRandomValues(_reference); let sendTimestamp = Date.now(); let reference = Base58.encode(_reference); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const balance = await getBalanceInfo(); const hasEnoughBalance = +balance < 4 ? false : true; const difficulty = 8; const jsonData = { addresses: message.addresses, foreignKey: message.foreignKey, receivingAddress: message.receivingAddress, }; const finalJson = { callRequest: jsonData, extra: "whatever additional data goes here", }; const messageStringified = JSON.stringify(finalJson); const tx = await createTransaction(18, keyPair, { timestamp: sendTimestamp, recipient: qortAddress, recipientPublicKey: recipientPublicKey, hasChatReference: 0, message: messageStringified, lastReference: reference, proofOfWorkNonce: 0, isEncrypted: 1, isText: 1, }); if (!hasEnoughBalance) { const _encryptedMessage = tx._encryptedMessage; const encryptedMessageToBase58 = Base58.encode(_encryptedMessage); return { encryptedMessageToBase58, signature: "id-" + Date.now() + "-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000), reference, }; } const path = chrome.runtime.getURL("memory-pow.wasm.full"); const { nonce, chatBytesArray } = await computePow({ chatBytes: tx.chatBytes, path, difficulty, }); let _response = await signChatFunc( chatBytesArray, nonce, "https://appnode.qortal.org", keyPair ); if (_response?.error) { throw new Error(_response?.message); } return _response; } async function sendChatGroup({ groupId, typeMessage, chatReference, messageText, }) { let _reference = new Uint8Array(64); self.crypto.getRandomValues(_reference); let reference = Base58.encode(_reference); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; // const balance = await getBalanceInfo(); // const hasEnoughBalance = +balance < 4 ? false : true; const difficulty = 8; const txBody = { timestamp: Date.now(), groupID: Number(groupId), hasReceipient: 0, hasChatReference: chatReference ? 1 : 0, message: messageText, lastReference: reference, proofOfWorkNonce: 0, isEncrypted: 0, // Set default to not encrypted for groups isText: 1, } if(chatReference){ txBody['chatReference'] = chatReference } const tx = await createTransaction(181, keyPair, txBody); // if (!hasEnoughBalance) { // throw new Error("Must have at least 4 QORT to send a chat message"); // } const path = chrome.runtime.getURL("memory-pow.wasm.full"); const { nonce, chatBytesArray } = await computePow({ chatBytes: tx.chatBytes, path, difficulty, }); let _response = await signChatFunc(chatBytesArray, nonce, null, keyPair); if (_response?.error) { throw new Error(_response?.message); } return _response; } async function sendChatDirect({ address, directTo, typeMessage, chatReference, messageText, publicKeyOfRecipient, otherData }) { let recipientPublicKey; let recipientAddress = address; if (publicKeyOfRecipient) { recipientPublicKey = publicKeyOfRecipient; } else { recipientAddress = await getNameOrAddress(directTo); recipientPublicKey = await getPublicKey(recipientAddress); } if (!recipientAddress) { recipientAddress = await getNameOrAddress(directTo); } if (!recipientPublicKey) throw new Error("Cannot retrieve publickey"); let _reference = new Uint8Array(64); self.crypto.getRandomValues(_reference); let reference = Base58.encode(_reference); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; // const balance = await getBalanceInfo(); // const hasEnoughBalance = +balance < 4 ? false : true; const difficulty = 8; const finalJson = { message: messageText, version: 2, ...(otherData || {}) }; const messageStringified = JSON.stringify(finalJson); const txBody = { timestamp: Date.now(), recipient: recipientAddress, recipientPublicKey: recipientPublicKey, hasChatReference: chatReference ? 1 : 0, message: messageStringified, lastReference: reference, proofOfWorkNonce: 0, isEncrypted: 1, isText: 1, } if(chatReference){ txBody['chatReference'] = chatReference } const tx = await createTransaction(18, keyPair, txBody); // if (!hasEnoughBalance) { // throw new Error("Must have at least 4 QORT to send a chat message"); // } const path = chrome.runtime.getURL("memory-pow.wasm.full"); const { nonce, chatBytesArray } = await computePow({ chatBytes: tx.chatBytes, path, difficulty, }); let _response = await signChatFunc(chatBytesArray, nonce, null, keyPair); if (_response?.error) { throw new Error(_response?.message); } return _response; } async function decryptSingleFunc({ messages, secretKeyObject, skipDecodeBase64, }) { let holdMessages = []; for (const message of messages) { try { const res = await decryptSingle({ data64: message.data, secretKeyObject, skipDecodeBase64, }); const decryptToUnit8Array = base64ToUint8Array(res); const responseData = uint8ArrayToObject(decryptToUnit8Array); holdMessages.push({ ...message, decryptedData: responseData }); } catch (error) {} } return holdMessages; } async function decryptSingleForPublishes({ messages, secretKeyObject, skipDecodeBase64, }) { let holdMessages = []; for (const message of messages) { try { const res = await decryptSingle({ data64: message.data, secretKeyObject, skipDecodeBase64, }); const decryptToUnit8Array = base64ToUint8Array(res); const responseData = uint8ArrayToObject(decryptToUnit8Array); holdMessages.push({ ...message, decryptedData: responseData }); } catch (error) {} } return holdMessages; } async function decryptDirectFunc({ messages, involvingAddress }) { const senderPublicKey = await getPublicKey(involvingAddress); let holdMessages = []; const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; for (const message of messages) { try { const decodedMessage = decryptChatMessage( message.data, keyPair.privateKey, senderPublicKey, message.reference ); const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(decodedMessage); holdMessages.push({ ...message, ...parsedMessage }); } catch (error) {} } return holdMessages; } async function createBuyOrderTx({ crosschainAtInfo, useLocal }) { try { if(useLocal){ const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const message = { addresses: crosschainAtInfo.map((order)=> order.qortalAtAddress), foreignKey: parsedData.ltcPrivateKey, receivingAddress: address, }; let responseVar const txn = new TradeBotRespondMultipleRequest().createTransaction(message) const apiKey = await getApiKeyFromStorage(); const responseFetch = await fetch(`${apiKey?.url}/crosschain/tradebot/respondmultiple?apiKey=${apiKey?.apikey}`, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(txn), }); const res = await responseFetch.json(); if(res === false){ responseVar = { response: "Unable to execute buy order", success: false }; } else { responseVar = { response: res, success: true }; } const { response, success } = responseVar let responseMessage; if (success) { responseMessage = { callResponse: response, extra: { message: 'Transaction processed successfully!', atAddresses: crosschainAtInfo.map((order)=> order.qortalAtAddress), } }; } else { responseMessage = { callResponse: 'ERROR', extra: { message: response, atAddresses: crosschainAtInfo.map((order)=> order.qortalAtAddress), } }; } setTimeout(() => { chrome.tabs.query({}, function (tabs) { tabs.forEach((tab) => { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, { type: "RESPONSE_FOR_TRADES", message: responseMessage, }); }); }); }, 5000); return } const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const message = { addresses: crosschainAtInfo.map((order)=> order.qortalAtAddress), foreignKey: parsedData.ltcPrivateKey, receivingAddress: address, }; const res = await sendChat({ qortAddress: proxyAccountAddress, recipientPublicKey: proxyAccountPublicKey, message, }); if (res?.signature) { listenForChatMessageForBuyOrder({ nodeBaseUrl: buyTradeNodeBaseUrl, senderAddress: proxyAccountAddress, senderPublicKey: proxyAccountPublicKey, signature: res?.signature, }); if (res?.encryptedMessageToBase58) { return { atAddresses: crosschainAtInfo.map((order)=> order.qortalAtAddress), encryptedMessageToBase58: res?.encryptedMessageToBase58, node: buyTradeNodeBaseUrl, qortAddress: address, chatSignature: res?.signature, senderPublicKey: parsedData.publicKey, sender: address, reference: res?.reference, }; } return { atAddresses: crosschainAtInfo.map((order)=> order.qortalAtAddress), chatSignature: res?.signature, node: buyTradeNodeBaseUrl, qortAddress: address, }; } else { throw new Error("Unable to send buy order message"); } } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.message); } } async function sendChatNotification( res, groupId, secretKeyObject, numberOfMembers ) { try { const data = await objectToBase64({ type: "notification", subType: "new-group-encryption", data: { timestamp: res.timestamp, name: res.name, message: `${res.name} has updated the encryption key`, numberOfMembers, }, }); encryptSingle({ data64: data, secretKeyObject: secretKeyObject, }) .then((res2) => { pauseAllQueues(); sendChatGroup({ groupId, typeMessage: undefined, chatReference: undefined, messageText: res2, }) .then(() => {}) .catch((error) => { console.error("1", error.message); }) .finally(() => { resumeAllQueues(); }); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("2", error.message); }); } catch (error) {} } export const getFee = async (txType) => { const timestamp = Date.now(); const data = await reusableGet( `/transactions/unitfee?txType=${txType}×tamp=${timestamp}` ); const arbitraryFee = (Number(data) / 1e8).toFixed(8); return { timestamp, fee: arbitraryFee, }; }; async function leaveGroup({ groupId }) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const lastReference = await getLastRef(); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const feeres = await getFee("LEAVE_GROUP"); const tx = await createTransaction(32, keyPair, { fee: feeres.fee, registrantAddress: address, rGroupId: groupId, lastReference: lastReference, }); const signedBytes = Base58.encode(tx.signedBytes); const res = await processTransactionVersion2(signedBytes); if (!res?.signature) throw new Error("Transaction was not able to be processed"); return res; } export async function joinGroup({ groupId }) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const lastReference = await getLastRef(); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const feeres = await getFee("JOIN_GROUP"); const tx = await createTransaction(31, keyPair, { fee: feeres.fee, registrantAddress: address, rGroupId: groupId, lastReference: lastReference, }); const signedBytes = Base58.encode(tx.signedBytes); const res = await processTransactionVersion2(signedBytes); if (!res?.signature) throw new Error(res?.message || "Transaction was not able to be processed"); return res; } async function cancelInvitationToGroup({ groupId, qortalAddress }) { const lastReference = await getLastRef(); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const feeres = await getFee("CANCEL_GROUP_INVITE"); const tx = await createTransaction(30, keyPair, { fee: feeres.fee, recipient: qortalAddress, rGroupId: groupId, lastReference: lastReference, }); const signedBytes = Base58.encode(tx.signedBytes); const res = await processTransactionVersion2(signedBytes); if (!res?.signature) throw new Error("Transaction was not able to be processed"); return res; } async function cancelBan({ groupId, qortalAddress }) { const lastReference = await getLastRef(); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const feeres = await getFee("CANCEL_GROUP_BAN"); const tx = await createTransaction(27, keyPair, { fee: feeres.fee, recipient: qortalAddress, rGroupId: groupId, lastReference: lastReference, }); const signedBytes = Base58.encode(tx.signedBytes); const res = await processTransactionVersion2(signedBytes); if (!res?.signature) throw new Error("Transaction was not able to be processed"); return res; } async function registerName({ name }) { const lastReference = await getLastRef(); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const feeres = await getFee("REGISTER_NAME"); const tx = await createTransaction(3, keyPair, { fee: feeres.fee, name, value: "", lastReference: lastReference, }); const signedBytes = Base58.encode(tx.signedBytes); const res = await processTransactionVersion2(signedBytes); if (!res?.signature) throw new Error("Transaction was not able to be processed"); return res; } async function makeAdmin({ groupId, qortalAddress }) { const lastReference = await getLastRef(); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const feeres = await getFee("ADD_GROUP_ADMIN"); const tx = await createTransaction(24, keyPair, { fee: feeres.fee, recipient: qortalAddress, rGroupId: groupId, lastReference: lastReference, }); const signedBytes = Base58.encode(tx.signedBytes); const res = await processTransactionVersion2(signedBytes); if (!res?.signature) throw new Error("Transaction was not able to be processed"); return res; } async function removeAdmin({ groupId, qortalAddress }) { const lastReference = await getLastRef(); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const feeres = await getFee("REMOVE_GROUP_ADMIN"); const tx = await createTransaction(25, keyPair, { fee: feeres.fee, recipient: qortalAddress, rGroupId: groupId, lastReference: lastReference, }); const signedBytes = Base58.encode(tx.signedBytes); const res = await processTransactionVersion2(signedBytes); if (!res?.signature) throw new Error("Transaction was not able to be processed"); return res; } async function banFromGroup({ groupId, qortalAddress, rBanReason = "", rBanTime, }) { const lastReference = await getLastRef(); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const feeres = await getFee("GROUP_BAN"); const tx = await createTransaction(26, keyPair, { fee: feeres.fee, recipient: qortalAddress, rGroupId: groupId, rBanReason: rBanReason, rBanTime, lastReference: lastReference, }); const signedBytes = Base58.encode(tx.signedBytes); const res = await processTransactionVersion2(signedBytes); if (!res?.signature) throw new Error("Transaction was not able to be processed"); return res; } async function kickFromGroup({ groupId, qortalAddress, rBanReason = "" }) { const lastReference = await getLastRef(); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const feeres = await getFee("GROUP_KICK"); const tx = await createTransaction(28, keyPair, { fee: feeres.fee, recipient: qortalAddress, rGroupId: groupId, rBanReason: rBanReason, lastReference: lastReference, }); const signedBytes = Base58.encode(tx.signedBytes); const res = await processTransactionVersion2(signedBytes); if (!res?.signature) throw new Error("Transaction was not able to be processed"); return res; } async function createGroup({ groupName, groupDescription, groupType, groupApprovalThreshold, minBlock, maxBlock, }) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; if (!address) throw new Error("Cannot find user"); const lastReference = await getLastRef(); const feeres = await getFee("CREATE_GROUP"); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const tx = await createTransaction(22, keyPair, { fee: feeres.fee, registrantAddress: address, rGroupName: groupName, rGroupDesc: groupDescription, rGroupType: groupType, rGroupApprovalThreshold: groupApprovalThreshold, rGroupMinimumBlockDelay: minBlock, rGroupMaximumBlockDelay: maxBlock, lastReference: lastReference, }); const signedBytes = Base58.encode(tx.signedBytes); const res = await processTransactionVersion2(signedBytes); if (!res?.signature) throw new Error("Transaction was not able to be processed"); return res; } async function inviteToGroup({ groupId, qortalAddress, inviteTime }) { const address = await getNameOrAddress(qortalAddress); if (!address) throw new Error("Cannot find user"); const lastReference = await getLastRef(); const feeres = await getFee("GROUP_INVITE"); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const tx = await createTransaction(29, keyPair, { fee: feeres.fee, recipient: address, rGroupId: groupId, rInviteTime: inviteTime, lastReference: lastReference, }); const signedBytes = Base58.encode(tx.signedBytes); const res = await processTransactionVersion2(signedBytes); if (!res?.signature) throw new Error("Transaction was not able to be processed"); return res; } export async function sendCoin({ password, amount, receiver }, skipConfirmPassword) { try { const confirmReceiver = await getNameOrAddress(receiver); if (confirmReceiver.error) throw new Error("Invalid receiver address or name"); const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); let keyPair = ""; if (skipConfirmPassword) { const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; } else { const response = await decryptStoredWallet(password, wallet); const wallet2 = new PhraseWallet(response, walletVersion); keyPair = wallet2._addresses[0].keyPair; } const lastRef = await getLastRef(); const fee = await sendQortFee(); const validApi = await findUsableApi(); const res = await makeTransactionRequest( confirmReceiver, lastRef, amount, fee, keyPair, validApi ); return { res, validApi }; } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.message); } } function fetchMessages(apiCall) { let retryDelay = 2000; // Start with a 2-second delay const maxDuration = 360000 * 2; // Maximum duration set to 12 minutes const startTime = Date.now(); // Record the start time // Promise to handle polling logic return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const attemptFetch = async () => { if (Date.now() - startTime > maxDuration) { return reject(new Error("Maximum polling time exceeded")); } try { const response = await fetch(apiCall); const data = await response.json(); if (data && data.length > 0) { resolve(data[0]); // Resolve the promise when data is found } else { setTimeout(attemptFetch, retryDelay); retryDelay = Math.min(retryDelay * 2, 360000); // Ensure delay does not exceed 6 minutes } } catch (error) { reject(error); // Reject the promise on error } }; attemptFetch(); // Initial call to start the polling }); } async function fetchMessagesForBuyOrders(apiCall, signature, senderPublicKey) { let retryDelay = 2000; // Start with a 2-second delay const maxDuration = 360000 * 2; // Maximum duration set to 12 minutes const startTime = Date.now(); // Record the start time let triedChatMessage = []; // Promise to handle polling logic await new Promise((res) => { setTimeout(() => { res(); }, 40000); }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const attemptFetch = async () => { if (Date.now() - startTime > maxDuration) { return reject(new Error("Maximum polling time exceeded")); } try { const response = await fetch(apiCall); let data = await response.json(); data = data.filter( (item) => !triedChatMessage.includes(item.signature) ); if (data && data.length > 0) { const encodedMessageObj = data[0]; const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const decodedMessage = decryptChatMessage( encodedMessageObj.data, keyPair.privateKey, senderPublicKey, encodedMessageObj.reference ); const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(decodedMessage); if (parsedMessage?.extra?.chatRequestSignature === signature) { resolve(parsedMessage); } else { triedChatMessage.push(encodedMessageObj.signature); setTimeout(attemptFetch, retryDelay); retryDelay = Math.min(retryDelay * 2, 360000); // Ensure delay does not exceed 6 minutes } // Resolve the promise when data is found } else { setTimeout(attemptFetch, retryDelay); retryDelay = Math.min(retryDelay * 2, 360000); // Ensure delay does not exceed 6 minutes } } catch (error) { reject(error); // Reject the promise on error } }; attemptFetch(); // Initial call to start the polling }); } async function listenForChatMessage({ nodeBaseUrl, senderAddress, senderPublicKey, timestamp, }) { try { let validApi = ""; const checkIfNodeBaseUrlIsAcceptable = apiEndpoints.find( (item) => item === nodeBaseUrl ); if (checkIfNodeBaseUrlIsAcceptable) { validApi = checkIfNodeBaseUrlIsAcceptable; } else { validApi = await findUsableApi(); } const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const before = timestamp + 5000; const after = timestamp - 5000; const apiCall = `${validApi}/chat/messages?involving=${senderAddress}&involving=${address}&reverse=true&limit=1&before=${before}&after=${after}&encoding=BASE64`; const encodedMessageObj = await fetchMessages(apiCall); const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair(); const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair); const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); const keyPair = { privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, publicKey: uint8PublicKey, }; const decodedMessage = decryptChatMessage( encodedMessageObj.data, keyPair.privateKey, senderPublicKey, encodedMessageObj.reference ); return { secretCode: decodedMessage }; } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw new Error(error.message); } } async function listenForChatMessageForBuyOrder({ nodeBaseUrl, senderAddress, senderPublicKey, signature, }) { try { let validApi = ""; const checkIfNodeBaseUrlIsAcceptable = apiEndpoints.find( (item) => item === nodeBaseUrl ); if (checkIfNodeBaseUrlIsAcceptable) { validApi = checkIfNodeBaseUrlIsAcceptable; } else { validApi = await findUsableApi(); } const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const before = Date.now() + 1200000; const after = Date.now(); const apiCall = `${validApi}/chat/messages?involving=${senderAddress}&involving=${address}&reverse=true&limit=1&before=${before}&after=${after}&encoding=BASE64`; const parsedMessageObj = await fetchMessagesForBuyOrders( apiCall, signature, senderPublicKey ); // const resKeyPair = await getKeyPair() // const parsedData = JSON.parse(resKeyPair) // const uint8PrivateKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.privateKey); // const uint8PublicKey = Base58.decode(parsedData.publicKey); // const keyPair = { // privateKey: uint8PrivateKey, // publicKey: uint8PublicKey // }; // const decodedMessage = decryptChatMessage(encodedMessageObj.data, keyPair.privateKey, senderPublicKey, encodedMessageObj.reference) // const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(decodedMessage) chrome.tabs.query({}, function (tabs) { tabs.forEach((tab) => { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, { type: "RESPONSE_FOR_TRADES", message: parsedMessageObj, }); }); }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw new Error(error.message); } } export function removeDuplicateWindow(popupUrl) { chrome.windows.getAll( { populate: true, windowTypes: ["popup"] }, (windows) => { // Filter to find popups matching the specific URL const existingPopupsPending = windows.filter( (w) => w.tabs && w.tabs.some( (tab) => tab.pendingUrl && tab.pendingUrl.startsWith(popupUrl) ) ); const existingPopups = windows.filter( (w) => w.tabs && w.tabs.some((tab) => tab.url && tab.url.startsWith(popupUrl)) ); if (existingPopupsPending.length > 1) { chrome.windows.remove( existingPopupsPending?.[0]?.tabs?.[0]?.windowId, () => {} ); } else if ( existingPopupsPending.length > 0 && existingPopups.length > 0 ) { chrome.windows.remove( existingPopupsPending?.[0]?.tabs?.[0]?.windowId, () => {} ); } } ); } async function setChatHeads(data) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const dataString = JSON.stringify(data); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.set({ [`chatheads-${address}`]: dataString }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { reject(new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message)); } else { resolve(true); } }); }); } async function checkLocalFunc(){ const apiKey = await getApiKeyFromStorage() return !!apiKey } async function getTempPublish() { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const key = `tempPublish-${address}`; const res = await chrome.storage.local.get([key]); const SIX_MINUTES = 6 * 60 * 1000; // 6 minutes in milliseconds if (res?.[key]) { const parsedData = JSON.parse(res[key]); const currentTime = Date.now(); // Filter through each top-level key (e.g., "announcement") and then through its nested entries const filteredData = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(parsedData).map(([category, entries]) => { // Filter out entries inside each category that are older than 6 minutes const filteredEntries = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(entries).filter(([entryKey, entryValue]) => { return currentTime - entryValue.timestampSaved < SIX_MINUTES; }) ); return [category, filteredEntries]; }) ); if (JSON.stringify(filteredData) !== JSON.stringify(parsedData)) { const dataString = JSON.stringify(filteredData); await chrome.storage.local.set({ [key]: dataString }); } return filteredData; } else { return {}; } } async function saveTempPublish({ data, key }) { const existingTemp = await getTempPublish(); const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const newTemp = { ...existingTemp, [key]: { ...(existingTemp[key] || {}), [data.identifier]: { data, timestampSaved: Date.now(), }, }, }; const dataString = JSON.stringify(newTemp); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.set({ [`tempPublish-${address}`]: dataString }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { reject(new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message)); } else { resolve(newTemp[key]); } }); }); } async function setChatHeadsDirect(data) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const dataString = JSON.stringify(data); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.set( { [`chatheads-direct-${address}`]: dataString }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { reject(new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message)); } else { resolve(true); } } ); }); } async function getTimestampEnterChat() { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const key = `enter-chat-timestamp-${address}`; const res = await chrome.storage.local.get([key]); if (res?.[key]) { const parsedData = JSON.parse(res[key]); return parsedData; } else { return {}; } } async function getTimestampGroupAnnouncement() { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const key = `group-announcement-${address}`; const res = await chrome.storage.local.get([key]); if (res?.[key]) { const parsedData = JSON.parse(res[key]); return parsedData; } else { return {}; } } async function addTimestampGroupAnnouncement({ groupId, timestamp, seenTimestamp, }) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const data = (await getTimestampGroupAnnouncement()) || {}; data[groupId] = { notification: timestamp, seentimestamp: seenTimestamp ? true : false, }; const dataString = JSON.stringify(data); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.set( { [`group-announcement-${address}`]: dataString }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { reject(new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message)); } else { resolve(true); } } ); }); } async function getGroupData() { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const key = `group-data-${address}`; const res = await chrome.storage.local.get([key]); if (res?.[key]) { const parsedData = JSON.parse(res[key]); return parsedData; } else { return {}; } } async function getGroupDataSingle(groupId) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const key = `group-data-${address}`; const res = await chrome.storage.local.get([key]); if (res?.[key]) { const parsedData = JSON.parse(res[key]); return parsedData[groupId] || null; } else { return null; } } async function setGroupData({ groupId, secretKeyData, secretKeyResource, admins, }) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const data = (await getGroupData()) || {}; data[groupId] = { timestampLastSet: Date.now(), admins, secretKeyData, secretKeyResource, }; const dataString = JSON.stringify(data); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.set({ [`group-data-${address}`]: dataString }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { reject(new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message)); } else { resolve(true); } }); }); } async function addTimestampEnterChat({ groupId, timestamp }) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const data = await getTimestampEnterChat(); data[groupId] = timestamp; const dataString = JSON.stringify(data); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.set( { [`enter-chat-timestamp-${address}`]: dataString }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { reject(new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message)); } else { resolve(true); } } ); }); } async function notifyAdminRegenerateSecretKey({ groupName, adminAddress }) { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const name = await getNameInfo(address); const nameOrAddress = name || address; await sendChatDirect({ directTo: adminAddress, typeMessage: undefined, chatReference: undefined, messageText: `

Member ${nameOrAddress} has requested that you regenerate the group's secret key. Group: ${groupName}

`, }); return true; } async function getChatHeads() { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const key = `chatheads-${address}`; const res = await chrome.storage.local.get([key]); if (res?.[key]) { const parsedData = JSON.parse(res[key]); return parsedData; } else { throw new Error("No Chatheads saved"); } } async function getChatHeadsDirect() { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const key = `chatheads-direct-${address}`; const res = await chrome.storage.local.get([key]); if (res?.[key]) { const parsedData = JSON.parse(res[key]); return parsedData; } else { throw new Error("No Chatheads saved"); } } chrome?.runtime?.onMessage.addListener((request, sender, sendResponse) => { if (request) { console.log('REQUEST MESSAGE', request) switch (request.action) { case "version": // Example: respond with the version sendResponse({ version: "1.0" }); break; case "storeWalletInfo": chrome.storage.local.set({ walletInfo: request.wallet }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { sendResponse({ error: chrome.runtime.lastError.message }); } else { sendResponse({ result: "Data saved successfully" }); } }); break; case "getWalletInfo": getKeyPair() .then(() => { chrome.storage.local.get(["walletInfo"], (result) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { sendResponse({ error: chrome.runtime.lastError.message }); } else if (result.walletInfo) { sendResponse({ walletInfo: result.walletInfo }); } else { sendResponse({ error: "No wallet info found" }); } }); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; case "validApi": findUsableApi() .then((usableApi) => { console.log("Usable API:", usableApi); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); }); case "name": getNameInfo() .then((name) => { sendResponse(name); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); }); break; case "userInfo": getUserInfo() .then((name) => { sendResponse(name); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: "User not authenticated" }); console.error(error.message); }); break; case "decryptWallet": { const { password, wallet } = request.payload; decryptWallet({ password, wallet, walletVersion, }) .then((hasDecrypted) => { sendResponse(hasDecrypted); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error?.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "balance": getBalanceInfo() .then((balance) => { sendResponse(balance); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); }); break; case "ltcBalance": { getLTCBalance() .then((balance) => { sendResponse(balance); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "sendCoin": { const { receiver, password, amount } = request.payload; sendCoin({ receiver, password, amount }) .then(({ res }) => { if (!res?.success) { sendResponse({ error: res?.data?.message }); return; } sendResponse(true); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "inviteToGroup": { const { groupId, qortalAddress, inviteTime } = request.payload; inviteToGroup({ groupId, qortalAddress, inviteTime }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "saveTempPublish": { const { data, key } = request.payload; saveTempPublish({ data, key }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); return true; } break; case "getTempPublish": { getTempPublish() .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "createGroup": { const { groupName, groupDescription, groupType, groupApprovalThreshold, minBlock, maxBlock, } = request.payload; createGroup({ groupName, groupDescription, groupType, groupApprovalThreshold, minBlock, maxBlock, }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "cancelInvitationToGroup": { const { groupId, qortalAddress } = request.payload; cancelInvitationToGroup({ groupId, qortalAddress }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "leaveGroup": { const { groupId } = request.payload; leaveGroup({ groupId }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "joinGroup": { const { groupId } = request.payload; joinGroup({ groupId }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "kickFromGroup": { const { groupId, qortalAddress, rBanReason } = request.payload; kickFromGroup({ groupId, qortalAddress, rBanReason }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "banFromGroup": { const { groupId, qortalAddress, rBanReason, rBanTime } = request.payload; banFromGroup({ groupId, qortalAddress, rBanReason, rBanTime }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "addDataPublishes": { const { data, groupId, type } = request.payload; addDataPublishes(data, groupId, type) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "getDataPublishes": { const { groupId, type } = request.payload; getDataPublishes(groupId, type) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "addUserSettings": { const { keyValue } = request.payload; addUserSettings({keyValue}) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "getUserSettings": { const { key } = request.payload; getUserSettings({key}) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "cancelBan": { const { groupId, qortalAddress } = request.payload; cancelBan({ groupId, qortalAddress }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "registerName": { const { name } = request.payload; registerName({ name }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "makeAdmin": { const { groupId, qortalAddress } = request.payload; makeAdmin({ groupId, qortalAddress }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "removeAdmin": { const { groupId, qortalAddress } = request.payload; removeAdmin({ groupId, qortalAddress }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "oauth": { const { nodeBaseUrl, senderAddress, senderPublicKey, timestamp } = request.payload; listenForChatMessage({ nodeBaseUrl, senderAddress, senderPublicKey, timestamp, }) .then(({ secretCode }) => { sendResponse(secretCode); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); break; } case "setChatHeads": { const { data } = request.payload; setChatHeads({ data, }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); break; } case "getChatHeads": { getChatHeads() .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); break; } case "notification": { const notificationId = "chat_notification_" + Date.now(); // Create a unique ID const {} = request.payload; chrome.notifications.create(notificationId, { type: "basic", iconUrl: "qort.png", // Add an appropriate icon for chat notifications title: "New Group Message!", message: "You have received a new message from one of your groups", priority: 2, // Use the maximum priority to ensure it's noticeable // buttons: [ // { title: 'Go to group' } // ] }); // Set a timeout to clear the notification after 'timeout' milliseconds setTimeout(() => { chrome.notifications.clear(notificationId); }, 3000); sendResponse(true); break; } case "addTimestampEnterChat": { const { groupId, timestamp } = request.payload; addTimestampEnterChat({ groupId, timestamp }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); break; } case "setApiKey": { const { payload } = request; // Save the apiKey in chrome.storage.local for persistence chrome.storage.local.set({ apiKey: payload }, () => { sendResponse(true); }); return true; break; } case "setCustomNodes": { const { nodes } = request; // Save the customNodes in chrome.storage.local for persistence chrome.storage.local.set({ customNodes: nodes }, () => { sendResponse(true); }); return true; break; } case "getApiKey": { getApiKeyFromStorage() .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); return true; break; } case "getCustomNodesFromStorage": { getCustomNodesFromStorage() .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); return true; break; } case "notifyAdminRegenerateSecretKey": { const { groupName, adminAddress } = request.payload; notifyAdminRegenerateSecretKey({ groupName, adminAddress }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); break; } case "addGroupNotificationTimestamp": { const { groupId, timestamp } = request.payload; addTimestampGroupAnnouncement({ groupId, timestamp, seenTimestamp: true, }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); break; } case "clearAllNotifications": { clearAllNotifications() .then((res) => {}) .catch((error) => {}); break; } case "setGroupData": { const { groupId, secretKeyData, secretKeyResource, admins } = request.payload; setGroupData({ groupId, secretKeyData, secretKeyResource, admins, }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); break; } case "getGroupDataSingle": { const { groupId } = request.payload; getGroupDataSingle(groupId) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); return true; break; } case "getTimestampEnterChat": { getTimestampEnterChat() .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); break; } case "getGroupNotificationTimestamp": { getTimestampGroupAnnouncement() .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { sendResponse({ error: error.message }); console.error(error.message); }); break; } case "authentication": { getSaveWallet() .then(() => { sendResponse(true); }) .catch((error) => { const popupUrl = chrome.runtime.getURL( "index.html?secondary=true" ); chrome.windows.getAll( { populate: true, windowTypes: ["popup"] }, (windows) => { // Attempt to find an existing popup window that has a tab with the correct URL const existingPopup = windows.find( (w) => w.tabs && w.tabs.some( (tab) => tab.url && tab.url.startsWith(popupUrl) ) ); if (existingPopup) { // If the popup exists but is minimized or not focused, focus it chrome.windows.update(existingPopup.id, { focused: true, state: "normal", }); } else { // No existing popup found, create a new one chrome.system.display.getInfo((displays) => { // Assuming the primary display is the first one (adjust logic as needed) const primaryDisplay = displays[0]; const screenWidth = primaryDisplay.bounds.width; const windowHeight = 500; // Your window height const windowWidth = 400; // Your window width // Calculate left position for the window to appear on the right of the screen const leftPosition = screenWidth - windowWidth; // Calculate top position for the window, adjust as desired const topPosition = (primaryDisplay.bounds.height - windowHeight) / 2; chrome.windows.create( { url: chrome.runtime.getURL( "index.html?secondary=true" ), type: "popup", width: windowWidth, height: windowHeight, left: leftPosition, top: 0, }, () => { removeDuplicateWindow(popupUrl); } ); }); } const interactionId = Date.now().toString(); // Simple example; consider a better unique ID setTimeout(() => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "SET_COUNTDOWN", payload: request.timeout ? 0.75 * request.timeout : 60, }); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "UPDATE_STATE_REQUEST_AUTHENTICATION", payload: { hostname, interactionId, }, }); }, 500); // Store sendResponse callback with the interaction ID pendingResponses.set(interactionId, sendResponse); let intervalId = null; const startTime = Date.now(); const checkInterval = 3000; // Check every 3 seconds const timeout = request.timeout ? 0.75 * (request.timeout * 1000) : 60000; // Stop after 15 seconds const checkFunction = () => { getSaveWallet() .then(() => { clearInterval(intervalId); // Stop checking sendResponse(true); // Perform the success action chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "closePopup", }); }) .catch((error) => { // Handle error if needed }); if (Date.now() - startTime > timeout) { sendResponse({ error: "User has not authenticated, try again.", }); clearInterval(intervalId); // Stop checking due to timeout // Handle timeout situation if needed } }; intervalId = setInterval(checkFunction, checkInterval); } ); }); } break; case "buyOrder": { const { qortalAtAddresses, hostname, useLocal } = request.payload; getTradesInfo(qortalAtAddresses) .then((crosschainAtInfo) => { const popupUrl = chrome.runtime.getURL( "index.html?secondary=true" ); chrome.windows.getAll( { populate: true, windowTypes: ["popup"] }, (windows) => { // Attempt to find an existing popup window that has a tab with the correct URL const existingPopup = windows.find( (w) => w.tabs && w.tabs.some( (tab) => tab.url && tab.url.startsWith(popupUrl) ) ); if (existingPopup) { // If the popup exists but is minimized or not focused, focus it chrome.windows.update(existingPopup.id, { focused: true, state: "normal", }); } else { // No existing popup found, create a new one chrome.system.display.getInfo((displays) => { // Assuming the primary display is the first one (adjust logic as needed) const primaryDisplay = displays[0]; const screenWidth = primaryDisplay.bounds.width; const windowHeight = 500; // Your window height const windowWidth = 400; // Your window width // Calculate left position for the window to appear on the right of the screen const leftPosition = screenWidth - windowWidth; // Calculate top position for the window, adjust as desired const topPosition = (primaryDisplay.bounds.height - windowHeight) / 2; chrome.windows.create( { url: chrome.runtime.getURL( "index.html?secondary=true" ), type: "popup", width: windowWidth, height: windowHeight, left: leftPosition, top: 0, }, () => { removeDuplicateWindow(popupUrl); } ); }); } const interactionId = Date.now().toString(); // Simple example; consider a better unique ID setTimeout(() => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "SET_COUNTDOWN", payload: request.timeout ? 0.9 * request.timeout : 20, }); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "UPDATE_STATE_REQUEST_BUY_ORDER", payload: { hostname, crosschainAtInfo, interactionId, useLocal }, }); }, 500); // Store sendResponse callback with the interaction ID pendingResponses.set(interactionId, sendResponse); } ); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "connection": { const { hostname } = request.payload; connection(hostname) .then((isConnected) => { if ( Object.keys(isConnected)?.length > 0 && isConnected[hostname] ) { sendResponse(true); } else { const popupUrl = chrome.runtime.getURL( "index.html?secondary=true" ); chrome.windows.getAll( { populate: true, windowTypes: ["popup"] }, (windows) => { // Attempt to find an existing popup window that has a tab with the correct URL const existingPopup = windows.find( (w) => w.tabs && w.tabs.some( (tab) => tab.url && tab.url.startsWith(popupUrl) ) ); if (existingPopup) { // If the popup exists but is minimized or not focused, focus it chrome.windows.update(existingPopup.id, { focused: true, state: "normal", }); } else { // No existing popup found, create a new one chrome.system.display.getInfo((displays) => { // Assuming the primary display is the first one (adjust logic as needed) const primaryDisplay = displays[0]; const screenWidth = primaryDisplay.bounds.width; const windowHeight = 500; // Your window height const windowWidth = 400; // Your window width // Calculate left position for the window to appear on the right of the screen const leftPosition = screenWidth - windowWidth; // Calculate top position for the window, adjust as desired const topPosition = (primaryDisplay.bounds.height - windowHeight) / 2; chrome.windows.create( { url: popupUrl, type: "popup", width: windowWidth, height: windowHeight, left: leftPosition, top: 0, }, () => { removeDuplicateWindow(popupUrl); } ); }); } const interactionId = Date.now().toString(); // Simple example; consider a better unique ID setTimeout(() => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "SET_COUNTDOWN", payload: request.timeout ? 0.9 * request.timeout : 20, }); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "UPDATE_STATE_REQUEST_CONNECTION", payload: { hostname, interactionId, }, }); }, 500); // Store sendResponse callback with the interaction ID pendingResponses.set(interactionId, sendResponse); } ); } }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); }); } break; case "sendQort": { const { amount, hostname, address, description } = request.payload; const popupUrl = chrome.runtime.getURL("index.html?secondary=true"); chrome.windows.getAll( { populate: true, windowTypes: ["popup"] }, (windows) => { // Attempt to find an existing popup window that has a tab with the correct URL const existingPopup = windows.find( (w) => w.tabs && w.tabs.some((tab) => tab.url && tab.url.startsWith(popupUrl)) ); if (existingPopup) { // If the popup exists but is minimized or not focused, focus it chrome.windows.update(existingPopup.id, { focused: true, state: "normal", }); } else { // No existing popup found, create a new one chrome.system.display.getInfo((displays) => { // Assuming the primary display is the first one (adjust logic as needed) const primaryDisplay = displays[0]; const screenWidth = primaryDisplay.bounds.width; const windowHeight = 500; // Your window height const windowWidth = 400; // Your window width // Calculate left position for the window to appear on the right of the screen const leftPosition = screenWidth - windowWidth; // Calculate top position for the window, adjust as desired const topPosition = (primaryDisplay.bounds.height - windowHeight) / 2; chrome.windows.create( { url: chrome.runtime.getURL("index.html?secondary=true"), type: "popup", width: windowWidth, height: windowHeight, left: leftPosition, top: 0, }, () => { removeDuplicateWindow(popupUrl); } ); }); } const interactionId = Date.now().toString(); // Simple example; consider a better unique ID setTimeout(() => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "SET_COUNTDOWN", payload: (request.timeout ? request.timeout : 60) - 6, }); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "UPDATE_STATE_CONFIRM_SEND_QORT", payload: { amount, address, hostname, description, interactionId, }, }); }, 500); // Store sendResponse callback with the interaction ID pendingResponses.set(interactionId, sendResponse); } ); } break; case "responseToConnectionRequest": { const { hostname, isOkay } = request.payload; const interactionId3 = request.payload.interactionId; if (!isOkay) { const originalSendResponse = pendingResponses.get(interactionId3); if (originalSendResponse) { originalSendResponse(false); sendResponse(false); } } else { const originalSendResponse = pendingResponses.get(interactionId3); if (originalSendResponse) { // Example of setting domain permission chrome.storage.local.set({ [hostname]: true }); originalSendResponse(true); sendResponse(true); } } pendingResponses.delete(interactionId3); } break; case "sendQortConfirmation": const { password, amount, receiver, isDecline } = request.payload; const interactionId2 = request.payload.interactionId; // Retrieve the stored sendResponse callback const originalSendResponse = pendingResponses.get(interactionId2); if (originalSendResponse) { if (isDecline) { originalSendResponse({ error: "User has declined" }); sendResponse(false); pendingResponses.delete(interactionId2); return; } sendCoin({ password, amount, receiver }, true) .then((res) => { sendResponse(true); // Use the sendResponse callback to respond to the original message originalSendResponse(res); // Remove the callback from the Map as it's no longer needed pendingResponses.delete(interactionId2); // chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ // action: "closePopup", // }); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); originalSendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); } break; case "buyOrderConfirmation": { const { crosschainAtInfo, isDecline, useLocal } = request.payload; const interactionId2 = request.payload.interactionId; // Retrieve the stored sendResponse callback const originalSendResponse = pendingResponses.get(interactionId2); if (originalSendResponse) { if (isDecline) { originalSendResponse({ error: "User has declined" }); sendResponse(false); pendingResponses.delete(interactionId2); return; } createBuyOrderTx({ crosschainAtInfo, useLocal }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(true); originalSendResponse(res); pendingResponses.delete(interactionId2); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); // originalSendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); } } break; case "encryptAndPublishSymmetricKeyGroupChat": { const { groupId, previousData, previousNumber } = request.payload; encryptAndPublishSymmetricKeyGroupChat({ groupId, previousData, previousNumber, }) .then(({ data, numberOfMembers }) => { sendResponse(data); if (!previousData) { // first secret key of the group sendChatGroup({ groupId, typeMessage: undefined, chatReference: undefined, messageText: PUBLIC_NOTIFICATION_CODE_FIRST_SECRET_KEY, }) .then(() => {}) .catch((error) => { console.error("1", error.message); }); return; } sendChatNotification(data, groupId, previousData, numberOfMembers); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; } case "publishGroupEncryptedResource": { const { encryptedData, identifier } = request.payload; publishGroupEncryptedResource({ encryptedData, identifier, }) .then((data) => { sendResponse(data); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); return true; break; } case "publishOnQDN": { const { data, identifier, service, title, description, category, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, uploadType } = request.payload; publishOnQDN({ data, identifier, service, title, description, category, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, uploadType }) .then((data) => { sendResponse(data); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error?.message); sendResponse({ error: error?.message || 'Unable to publish' }); }); return true; break; } case "handleActiveGroupDataFromSocket": { const { groups, directs } = request.payload; handleActiveGroupDataFromSocket({ groups, directs, }) .then((data) => { sendResponse(true); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; } case "getThreadActivity": { checkThreads(true) .then((data) => { sendResponse(data); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; } case "updateThreadActivity": { const { threadId, qortalName, groupId, thread } = request.payload; updateThreadActivity({ threadId, qortalName, groupId, thread }) .then(() => { sendResponse(true); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; } case "decryptGroupEncryption": { const { data } = request.payload; decryptGroupEncryption({ data }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; } case "encryptSingle": { const { data, secretKeyObject, typeNumber } = request.payload; encryptSingle({ data64: data, secretKeyObject: secretKeyObject, typeNumber }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; } case "decryptSingle": { const { data, secretKeyObject, skipDecodeBase64 } = request.payload; decryptSingleFunc({ messages: data, secretKeyObject, skipDecodeBase64 }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; } case "pauseAllQueues": { pauseAllQueues(); sendResponse(true); break; } case "resumeAllQueues": { resumeAllQueues(); sendResponse(true); break; } case "checkLocal": { checkLocalFunc() .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; } case "decryptSingleForPublishes": { const { data, secretKeyObject, skipDecodeBase64 } = request.payload; decryptSingleForPublishes({ messages: data, secretKeyObject, skipDecodeBase64, }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; } case "decryptDirect": { const { data, involvingAddress } = request.payload; decryptDirectFunc({ messages: data, involvingAddress }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; } case "sendChatGroup": { const { groupId, typeMessage = undefined, chatReference = undefined, messageText, } = request.payload; sendChatGroup({ groupId, typeMessage, chatReference, messageText }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; } case "sendChatDirect": { const { directTo, typeMessage = undefined, chatReference = undefined, messageText, publicKeyOfRecipient, address, otherData } = request.payload; sendChatDirect({ directTo, chatReference, messageText, typeMessage, publicKeyOfRecipient, address, otherData }) .then((res) => { sendResponse(res); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); sendResponse({ error: error.message }); }); break; } case "setupGroupWebsocket": { checkNewMessages(); checkThreads(); // if(socket){ // if(groups){ // console.log('hasgroups1') // chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ // action: "SET_GROUPS", // payload: groups, // }); // } // if(directs){ // console.log('hasgroups1') // chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ // action: "SET_DIRECTS", // payload: directs, // }); // } // sendResponse(true) // return // } // setTimeout(() => { // // initWebsocketMessageGroup() // listenForNewGroupAnnouncements() // listenForThreadUpdates() // }, 200); sendResponse(true); break; } case "logout": { try { const logoutFunc = async () => { forceCloseWebSocket(); clearAllQueues(); if (interval) { // for announcement notification clearInterval(interval); } const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const key1 = `tempPublish-${address}`; const key2 = `group-data-${address}`; const key3 = `${address}-publishData`; chrome.storage.local.remove( [ "keyPair", "walletInfo", "active-groups-directs", key1, key2, key3, ], () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { // Handle error console.error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message); } else { chrome.tabs.query({}, function (tabs) { tabs.forEach((tab) => { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, { type: "LOGOUT" }); }); }); // Data removed successfully sendResponse(true); } } ); }; logoutFunc(); } catch (error) {} } break; } } return true; }); // Function to save window position and size const saveWindowBounds = (windowId) => { chrome.windows.get(windowId, (window) => { const { top, left, width, height } = window; chrome.storage.local.set( { windowBounds: { top, left, width, height }, }, () => { console.log("Window bounds saved:", { top, left, width, height }); } ); }); }; // Function to restore window position and size const restoreWindowBounds = (callback) => { chrome.storage.local.get("windowBounds", (data) => { if (data.windowBounds) { callback(data.windowBounds); } else { callback(null); // No saved bounds, use default size/position } }); }; chrome.action?.onClicked?.addListener((tab) => { const popupUrl = chrome.runtime.getURL("index.html?main=true"); chrome.windows.getAll( { populate: true, windowTypes: ["popup"] }, (windows) => { // Attempt to find an existing popup window that has a tab with the correct URL const existingPopup = windows.find((w) => { return ( w.tabs && w.tabs.some((tab) => tab.url && tab.url.startsWith(popupUrl)) ); }); if (existingPopup) { // If the popup exists but is minimized or not focused, focus it if (isMobile) { const correctTab = existingPopup.tabs.find( (tab) => tab.url && tab.url.startsWith(popupUrl) ); if (correctTab) { chrome.tabs.update(correctTab.id, { active: true }); chrome.windows.update(existingPopup.id, { focused: true, state: "normal", }); } } else { chrome.windows.update(existingPopup.id, { focused: true, state: "normal", }); } } else { // No existing popup found, restore the saved bounds or create a new one restoreWindowBounds((savedBounds) => { chrome.system.display.getInfo((displays) => { // Assuming the primary display is the first one (adjust logic as needed) const primaryDisplay = displays[0]; const screenWidth = primaryDisplay.bounds.width; const screenHeight = primaryDisplay.bounds.height; // Create a new window that uses the saved bounds if available chrome.windows.create( { url: chrome.runtime.getURL("index.html?main=true"), type: "popup", width: savedBounds ? savedBounds.width : screenWidth, height: savedBounds ? savedBounds.height : screenHeight, left: savedBounds ? savedBounds.left : 0, top: savedBounds ? savedBounds.top : 0, }, (newWindow) => { // Listen for changes in the window's size or position and save them chrome.windows.onBoundsChanged.addListener((window) => { if (window.id === newWindow.id) { saveWindowBounds(newWindow.id); } }); // Save the final window bounds when the window is closed chrome.windows.onRemoved.addListener((windowId) => { if (windowId === newWindow.id) { saveWindowBounds(windowId); // Save the position/size before it’s closed } }); } ); }); }); } const interactionId = Date.now().toString(); // Simple example; consider a better unique ID setTimeout(() => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "INITIATE_MAIN", payload: {}, }); }, 500); // Store sendResponse callback with the interaction ID pendingResponses.set(interactionId, sendResponse); } ); }); const checkGroupList = async () => { try { const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; const url = await createEndpoint(`/chat/active/${address}`); const response = await fetch(url, { method: "GET", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); const data = await response.json(); const filteredGroups = data.groups?.filter((item) => item?.groupId !== 0) || []; const sortedGroups = filteredGroups.sort( (a, b) => (b.timestamp || 0) - (a.timestamp || 0) ); const sortedDirects = (data?.direct || []) .filter( (item) => item?.name !== "extension-proxy" && item?.address !== "QSMMGSgysEuqDCuLw3S4cHrQkBrh3vP3VH" ) .sort((a, b) => (b.timestamp || 0) - (a.timestamp || 0)); handleActiveGroupDataFromSocket({ groups: sortedGroups, directs: sortedDirects, }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } finally { } }; const checkActiveChatsForNotifications = async () => { try { const popupUrl = chrome.runtime.getURL("index.html?main=true"); chrome.windows.getAll( { populate: true, windowTypes: ["popup"] }, (windows) => { // Attempt to find an existing popup window that has a tab with the correct URL const existingPopup = windows.find((w) => { return ( w.tabs && w.tabs.some((tab) => tab.url && tab.url.startsWith(popupUrl)) ); }); if (existingPopup) { } else { checkGroupList(); } } ); } catch (error) {} }; chrome.notifications?.onClicked?.addListener((notificationId) => { const popupUrl = chrome.runtime.getURL("index.html?main=true"); const isDirect = notificationId.includes("_type=direct_"); const isGroup = notificationId.includes("_type=group_"); const isGroupAnnouncement = notificationId.includes( "_type=group-announcement_" ); const isNewThreadPost = notificationId.includes("_type=thread-post_"); let isExisting = false; chrome.windows.getAll( { populate: true, windowTypes: ["popup"] }, async (windows) => { // Attempt to find an existing popup window that has a tab with the correct URL const existingPopup = windows.find((w) => { return ( w.tabs && w.tabs.some((tab) => tab.url && tab.url.startsWith(popupUrl)) ); }); if (existingPopup) { // If the popup exists but is minimized or not focused, focus it chrome.windows.update(existingPopup.id, { focused: true, state: "normal", }); isExisting = true; } else { // No existing popup found, restore saved bounds or create a new one restoreWindowBounds((savedBounds) => { chrome.system.display.getInfo((displays) => { // Assuming the primary display is the first one (adjust logic as needed) const primaryDisplay = displays[0]; const screenWidth = primaryDisplay.bounds.width; const screenHeight = primaryDisplay.bounds.height; // Create a new window that takes up the full screen or uses saved bounds chrome.windows.create( { url: chrome.runtime.getURL("index.html?main=true"), type: "popup", width: savedBounds ? savedBounds.width : screenWidth, height: savedBounds ? savedBounds.height : screenHeight, left: savedBounds ? savedBounds.left : 0, top: savedBounds ? savedBounds.top : 0, }, (newWindow) => { // Listen for changes in the window's size or position and save them chrome.windows.onBoundsChanged.addListener((window) => { if (window.id === newWindow.id) { saveWindowBounds(newWindow.id); } }); // Save the final window bounds when the window is closed chrome.windows.onRemoved.addListener((windowId) => { if (windowId === newWindow.id) { saveWindowBounds(windowId); // Save the position/size before it’s closed } }); } ); }); }); } const activeData = (await getStoredData("active-groups-directs")) || { groups: [], directs: [], }; setTimeout( () => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "SET_GROUPS", payload: activeData?.groups || [], }); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "SET_DIRECTS", payload: activeData?.directs || [], }); }, isExisting ? 100 : 1000 ); const interactionId = Date.now().toString(); // Simple example; consider a better unique ID setTimeout( () => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "INITIATE_MAIN", payload: {}, }); // Handle different types of notifications if (isDirect) { const fromValue = notificationId.split("_from=")[1]; chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "NOTIFICATION_OPEN_DIRECT", payload: { from: fromValue }, }); } else if (isGroup) { const fromValue = notificationId.split("_from=")[1]; chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "NOTIFICATION_OPEN_GROUP", payload: { from: fromValue }, }); } else if (isGroupAnnouncement) { const fromValue = notificationId.split("_from=")[1]; chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "NOTIFICATION_OPEN_ANNOUNCEMENT_GROUP", payload: { from: fromValue }, }); } else if (isNewThreadPost) { const dataValue = notificationId.split("_data=")[1]; const dataParsed = JSON.parse(dataValue); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "NOTIFICATION_OPEN_THREAD_NEW_POST", payload: { data: dataParsed }, }); } }, isExisting ? 400 : 3000 ); // Store sendResponse callback with the interaction ID pendingResponses.set(interactionId, sendResponse); } ); }); // Reconnect when service worker wakes up chrome.runtime?.onStartup.addListener(() => { console.log("Service worker started up, reconnecting WebSocket..."); // initWebsocketMessageGroup(); // listenForNewGroupAnnouncements() // listenForThreadUpdates() }); chrome.runtime?.onInstalled.addListener((details) => { if (details.reason === chrome.runtime.OnInstalledReason.INSTALL) { console.log("Extension Installed"); // Perform tasks that should only happen on extension installation // Example: Initialize WebSocket, set default settings, etc. } else if (details.reason === chrome.runtime.OnInstalledReason.UPDATE) { console.log("Extension Updated"); // Handle the update logic here (e.g., migrate settings) } else if ( details.reason === chrome.runtime.OnInstalledReason.CHROME_UPDATE ) { console.log("Chrome updated"); // Optional: Handle Chrome-specific updates if necessary } // Initialize WebSocket and other required listeners // initWebsocketMessageGroup(); // listenForNewGroupAnnouncements(); // listenForThreadUpdates(); }); // Check if the alarm already exists before creating it chrome.alarms?.get("checkForNotifications", (existingAlarm) => { if (!existingAlarm) { // If the alarm does not exist, create it chrome.alarms.create("checkForNotifications", { periodInMinutes: 10 }); } }); chrome.alarms?.onAlarm.addListener(async (alarm) => { try { if (alarm.name === "checkForNotifications") { // initWebsocketMessageGroup(address); const wallet = await getSaveWallet(); const address = wallet.address0; if (!address) return; checkActiveChatsForNotifications(); checkNewMessages(); checkThreads(); } } catch (error) {} });