diff --git a/src/components/Chat/ChatDirect.tsx b/src/components/Chat/ChatDirect.tsx
index 2dcd6a2..42ada12 100644
--- a/src/components/Chat/ChatDirect.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Chat/ChatDirect.tsx
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ useEffect(() => {
position: isFocusedParent ? 'fixed' : 'relative',
bottom: isFocusedParent ? '0px' : 'unset',
top: isFocusedParent ? '0px' : 'unset',
- zIndex: isFocusedParent ? 5 : 'unset',
+ zIndex: isFocusedParent ? 11 : 'unset',
flexShrink: 0
position: isFocusedParent ? 'fixed' : 'relative',
bottom: isFocusedParent ? '0px' : 'unset',
top: isFocusedParent ? '0px' : 'unset',
- zIndex: isFocusedParent ? 5 : 'unset',
+ zIndex: isFocusedParent ? 11 : 'unset',
flexShrink: 0
+ getScrollElement: () => parentRef?.current,
+ estimateSize: () => 80, // Provide an estimated height of items, adjust this as needed
+ overscan: 10, // Number of items to render outside the visible area to improve smoothness
+ });
+ const isAtBottom = useMemo(()=> {
+ if (parentRef.current && rowVirtualizer?.isScrolling !== undefined) {
+ const { scrollTop, scrollHeight, clientHeight } = parentRef.current;
+ const atBottom = scrollTop + clientHeight >= scrollHeight - 10; // Adjust threshold as needed
+ return atBottom
+ }
+ return false
+ }, [rowVirtualizer?.isScrolling])
- // Update the ref whenever the state changes
useEffect(() => {
- showScrollButtonRef.current = showScrollButton;
- }, [showScrollButton]);
- // const [ref, inView] = useInView({
- // threshold: 0.7
- // })
- // useEffect(() => {
- // if (inView) {
- // }
- // }, [inView])
+ if (!parentRef.current || rowVirtualizer?.isScrolling === undefined) return;
+ if(isAtBottom){
+ if (scrollingIntervalRef.current) {
+ clearTimeout(scrollingIntervalRef.current);
+ }
+ setShowScrollDownButton(false);
+ return;
+ } else
+ if (rowVirtualizer?.isScrolling) {
+ if (scrollingIntervalRef.current) {
+ clearTimeout(scrollingIntervalRef.current);
+ }
+ setShowScrollDownButton(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ const { scrollTop, scrollHeight, clientHeight } = parentRef.current;
+ const atBottom = scrollHeight - scrollTop - clientHeight <= 300;
+ if (!atBottom) {
+ scrollingIntervalRef.current = setTimeout(() => {
+ setShowScrollDownButton(true);
+ }, 250);
+ } else {
+ setShowScrollDownButton(false);
+ }
+ }, [rowVirtualizer?.isScrolling, isAtBottom]);
// Update message list with unique signatures and tempMessages
useEffect(() => {
let uniqueInitialMessagesMap = new Map();
@@ -130,53 +160,7 @@ export const ChatList = ({ initialMessages, myAddress, tempMessages, chatId, onR
}, [messages])
- // Initialize the virtualizer
- const rowVirtualizer = useVirtualizer({
- count: messages.length,
- getScrollElement: () => parentRef.current,
- estimateSize: () => 80, // Provide an estimated height of items, adjust this as needed
- overscan: 10, // Number of items to render outside the visible area to improve smoothness
- getItemKey: React.useCallback(
- (index) => messages[index].signature,
- [messages]
- ),
- observeElementOffset: (instance, cb) => {
- const offsetCheck = () => {
- isScrollingRef.current = true;
- const { scrollHeight, scrollTop, clientHeight } = instance.scrollElement;
- const atBottom = scrollHeight - scrollTop - clientHeight <= 300;
- if(!isScrollingRef.current){
- setShowScrollDownButton(false)
- } else
- if(showScrollButtonRef.current){
- setShowScrollDownButton(false)
- } else
- if(atBottom){
- setShowScrollDownButton(false)
- } else {
- setShowScrollDownButton(true)
- }
- if (scrollTimeoutRef.current) {
- clearTimeout(scrollTimeoutRef.current); // Clear the previous timeout
- }
- scrollTimeoutRef.current = setTimeout(() => {
- isScrollingRef.current = false; // Mark scrolling as stopped
- scrollTimeoutRef.current = null; // Clear the timeout reference
- setShowScrollDownButton(false)
- }, 2500);
- cb(scrollTop); // Pass scroll offset to callback
- // setShowScrollToBottom(!atBottom);
- };
- // Initial check and continuous monitoring
- offsetCheck();
- instance.scrollElement.addEventListener('scroll', offsetCheck);
- return () => instance.scrollElement.removeEventListener('scroll', offsetCheck);
- },
- });