Allow multiple addresses in send

This commit is contained in:
Aditya Kulkarni 2019-10-18 10:32:05 -07:00
parent 91de0220ab
commit bd15a081b1
2 changed files with 57 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -209,6 +209,8 @@ impl Command for SendCommand {
h.push("Send ZEC to a given address");
h.push("send <address> <amount in zatoshis> \"optional_memo\"");
h.push("send '[{'address': <address>, 'amount': <amount in zatoshis>, 'memo': <optional memo>}, ...]'");
h.push("send ztestsapling1x65nq4dgp0qfywgxcwk9n0fvm4fysmapgr2q00p85ju252h6l7mmxu2jg9cqqhtvzd69jwhgv8d 200000 \"Hello from the command line\"");
@ -222,25 +224,64 @@ impl Command for SendCommand {
fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String {
// Parse the args.
// Parse the args. There are two argument types.
// 1 - A set of 2(+1 optional) arguments for a single address send representing address, value, memo?
// 2 - A single argument in the form of a JSON string that is "[{address: address, value: value, memo: memo},...]"
// 1 - Destination address. T or Z address
if args.len() < 2 || args.len() > 3 {
if args.len() < 1 || args.len() > 3 {
// Make sure we can parse the amount
let value = match args[1].parse::<u64>() {
Ok(amt) => amt,
Err(e) => {
return format!("Couldn't parse amount: {}", e);
// Check for a single argument that can be parsed as JSON
if args.len() == 1 {
// Sometimes on the command line, people use "'" for the quotes, which json::parse doesn't
// understand. So replace it with double-quotes
let arg_list = args[0].replace("'", "\"");
let json_args = match json::parse(&arg_list) {
Ok(j) => j,
Err(e) => {
let es = format!("Couldn't understand JSON: {}", e);
return format!("{}\n{}", es,;
if !json_args.is_array() {
return format!("Couldn't parse argument as array\n{}",;
let memo = if args.len() == 3 { Some(args[2].to_string()) } else {None};
let maybe_send_args = json_args.members().map( |j| {
if !j.has_key("address") || !j.has_key("amount") {
Err(format!("Need 'address' and 'amount'\n"))
} else {
Ok((j["address"].as_str().unwrap(), j["amount"].as_u64().unwrap(), j["memo"].as_str().map(|s| s.to_string())))
}).collect::<Result<Vec<(&str, u64, Option<String>)>, String>>();
let send_args = match maybe_send_args {
Ok(a) => a,
Err(s) => { return format!("Error: {}\n{}", s,; }
lightclient.do_send(args[0], value, memo)
return lightclient.do_send(send_args);
} else if args.len() == 2 || args.len() == 3 {
// Make sure we can parse the amount
let value = match args[1].parse::<u64>() {
Ok(amt) => amt,
Err(e) => {
return format!("Couldn't parse amount: {}", e);
let memo = if args.len() == 3 { Some(args[2].to_string()) } else {None};
return lightclient.do_send(vec!((args[0], value, memo)));

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@ -757,12 +757,13 @@ impl LightClient {
pub fn do_send(&self, addr: &str, value: u64, memo: Option<String>) -> String {
pub fn do_send(&self, addrs: Vec<(&str, u64, Option<String>)>) -> String {
info!("Creating transaction");
let rawtx = self.wallet.send_to_address(
u32::from_str_radix(&self.config.consensus_branch_id, 16).unwrap(), // Blossom ID
u32::from_str_radix(&self.config.consensus_branch_id, 16).unwrap(),
&self.sapling_spend, &self.sapling_output,
vec![(&addr, value, memo)]
match rawtx {