Added send_to_p2sh_with_redeem_script()

This is highly experimental and will likely need rewriting after arriving at something that works.
This commit is contained in:
CalDescent 2022-05-13 17:18:11 +01:00
parent 4c27a4edfb
commit 94ea712217

View File

@ -2420,6 +2420,358 @@ impl LightWallet {
Ok((txid, raw_tx))
pub fn send_to_p2sh_with_redeem_script<F> (
consensus_branch_id: u32,
spend_params: &[u8],
output_params: &[u8],
from: &str,
tos: Vec<(&str, u64, Option<String>)>,
redeem_script_pubkey: &[u8],
fee: &u64,
broadcast_fn: F
) -> Result<(String, Vec<u8>), String>
where F: Fn(Box<[u8]>) -> Result<String, String>
if !self.unlocked {
return Err("Cannot spend while wallet is locked".to_string());
let start_time = now();
if tos.len() == 0 {
return Err("Need at least one destination address".to_string());
let total_value = tos.iter().map(|to| to.1).sum::<u64>();
"0: Creating transaction sending {} zatoshis to {} addresses",
total_value, tos.len()
// Convert address (str) to RecepientAddress and value to Amount
let recepients = tos.iter().map(|to| {
let ra = match address::RecipientAddress::from_str(to.0,
self.config.base58_script_address()) {
Some(to) => to,
None => {
let e = format!("Invalid recipient address: '{}'", to.0);
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
let value = Amount::from_u64(to.1).unwrap();
Ok((ra, value, to.2.clone()))
}).collect::<Result<Vec<(address::RecipientAddress, Amount, Option<String>)>, String>>()?;
// Target the next block, assuming we are up-to-date.
let (height, anchor_offset) = match self.get_target_height_and_anchor_offset() {
Some(res) => res,
None => {
let e = format!("Cannot send funds before scanning any blocks");
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
// Select notes to cover the target value
println!("{}: Selecting notes", now() - start_time);
let target_value = Amount::from_u64(total_value).unwrap() + Amount::from_u64(*fee).unwrap();
// Select the candidate notes that are eligible to be spent
let mut candidate_notes: Vec<_> =
.map(|(txid, tx)| tx.notes.iter().map(move |note| (*txid, note)))
.filter_map(|(txid, note)| {
// Filter out notes that are already spent
if note.spent.is_some() || note.unconfirmed_spent.is_some() {
} else {
// Get the spending key for the selected fvk, if we have it
let extsk =
.find(|zk| zk.extfvk == note.extfvk)
.and_then(|zk| zk.extsk.clone());
//filter only on Notes with a matching from address
if from == LightWallet::note_address(self.config.hrp_sapling_address(), note).unwrap() {
SpendableNote::from(txid, note, anchor_offset, &extsk)
} else {
// Sort by highest value-notes first.
candidate_notes.sort_by(|a, b| b.note.value.cmp(&a.note.value));
// Select the minimum number of notes required to satisfy the target value
let notes: Vec<_> = candidate_notes.iter()
.scan(0, |running_total, spendable| {
let value = spendable.note.value;
let ret = if *running_total < u64::from(target_value) {
} else {
*running_total = *running_total + value;
let mut builder = Builder::new(height);
//set fre
// A note on t addresses
// Funds received by t-addresses can't be explicitly spent in ZecWallet.
// ZecWallet will lazily consolidate all t address funds into your shielded addresses.
// Specifically, if you send an outgoing transaction that is sent to a shielded address,
// ZecWallet will add all your t-address funds into that transaction, and send them to your shielded
// address as change.
let tinputs: Vec<_> = self.get_utxos().iter()
.filter(|utxo| utxo.address == from)
.filter(|utxo| utxo.unconfirmed_spent.is_none()) // Remove any unconfirmed spends
.map(|utxo| utxo.clone())
// Create a map from address -> sk for all taddrs, so we can spend from the
// right address
let address_to_sk =
.map(|sk| (self.address_from_sk(&sk), sk.clone()))
// Add all tinputs
.map(|utxo| {
let outpoint: OutPoint = utxo.to_outpoint();
let coin = TxOut {
value: Amount::from_u64(utxo.value).unwrap(),
script_pubkey: Script { 0: utxo.script.clone() },
match address_to_sk.get(&utxo.address) {
Some(sk) => builder.add_transparent_input(*sk, outpoint.clone(), coin.clone()),
None => {
// Something is very wrong
let e = format!("Couldn't find the secreykey for taddr {}", utxo.address);
error!("{}", e);
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
.map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?;
// Confirm we were able to select sufficient value
let selected_value = notes.iter().map(|selected| selected.note.value).sum::<u64>()
+ tinputs.iter().map::<u64, _>(|utxo| utxo.value.into()).sum::<u64>();
if selected_value < u64::from(target_value) {
let e = format!(
"Insufficient verified funds (have {}, need {:?}). NOTE: funds need {} confirmations before they can be spent.",
selected_value, target_value, self.config.anchor_offset + 1
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
// Create the transaction
println!("{}: Adding {} notes and {} utxos", now() - start_time, notes.len(), tinputs.len());
for selected in notes.iter() {
if let Err(e) = builder.add_sapling_spend(
) {
let e = format!("Error adding note: {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
// Use the ovk belonging to the address being sent from, if not using any notes
// use the first address in the wallet for the ovk.
let ovk = if notes.len() == 0 {[0].extfvk.fvk.ovk
} else {
// If no Sapling notes were added, add the change address manually. That is,
// send the change back to the transparent address being used,
// the builder will automatically send change back to the sapling address if notes are used.
if notes.len() == 0 && selected_value - u64::from(target_value) > 0 {
println!("{}: Adding change output", now() - start_time);
let from_addr = address::RecipientAddress::from_str(from,
if let Err(e) = match from_addr {
address::RecipientAddress::Shielded(from_addr) => {
builder.add_sapling_output(ovk, from_addr.clone(), Amount::from_u64(selected_value - u64::from(target_value)).unwrap(), None)
address::RecipientAddress::Transparent(from_addr) => {
builder.add_transparent_output(&from_addr, Amount::from_u64(selected_value - u64::from(target_value)).unwrap())
} {
let e = format!("Error adding transparent change output: {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
//let to_address;
for (to, value, memo) in recepients {
// Compute memo if it exists
let encoded_memo = match memo {
None => None,
Some(s) => {
// If the string starts with an "0x", and contains only hex chars ([a-f0-9]+) then
// interpret it as a hex
match utils::interpret_memo_string(&s) {
Ok(m) => Some(m),
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
println!("{}: Adding outputs", now() - start_time);
if let Err(e) = match to {
address::RecipientAddress::Shielded(to) => {
builder.add_sapling_output(ovk, to.clone(), value, encoded_memo)
// Add P2SH output
address::RecipientAddress::Transparent(to) => {
builder.add_transparent_output(&to, value)
} {
let e = format!("Error adding output: {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
// Add redeem script output
if let Err(e) = builder.add_transparent_output_with_script_pubkey(
&TransparentAddress::PublicKey([0; 20]),
Script { 0: redeem_script_pubkey.to_vec() }
) {
let e = format!("Error adding redeem script output: {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
println!("{}: Building transaction", now() - start_time);
let (tx, _) = match
&prover::InMemTxProver::new(spend_params, output_params),
) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(e) => {
let e = format!("Error creating transaction: {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
println!("{}: Transaction created", now() - start_time);
println!("Transaction ID: {}", tx.txid());
// Create the TX bytes
let mut raw_tx = vec![];
tx.write(&mut raw_tx).unwrap();
let txid = broadcast_fn(raw_tx.clone().into_boxed_slice())?;
// Mark notes as spent.
// Mark sapling notes as unconfirmed spent
let mut txs = self.txs.write().unwrap();
for selected in notes {
let mut spent_note = txs.get_mut(&selected.txid).unwrap()
.find(|nd| &nd.nullifier[..] == &selected.nullifier[..])
spent_note.unconfirmed_spent = Some(tx.txid());
// Mark this utxo as unconfirmed spent
for utxo in tinputs {
let mut spent_utxo = txs.get_mut(&utxo.txid).unwrap().utxos.iter_mut()
.find(|u| utxo.txid == u.txid && utxo.output_index == u.output_index)
spent_utxo.unconfirmed_spent = Some(tx.txid());
// Add this Tx to the mempool structure
let mut mempool_txs = self.mempool_txs.write().unwrap();
match mempool_txs.get_mut(&tx.txid()) {
None => {
// Collect the outgoing metadata
let outgoing_metadata = tos.iter().map(|(addr, amt, maybe_memo)| {
OutgoingTxMetadata {
address: addr.to_string(),
value: *amt,
memo: match maybe_memo {
None => Memo::default(),
Some(s) => {
// If the address is not a z-address, then drop the memo
if !LightWallet::is_shielded_address(&addr.to_string(), &self.config) {
} else {
match utils::interpret_memo_string(s) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", e);
// Create a new WalletTx
let mut wtx = WalletTx::new(height as i32, now() as u64, &tx.txid());
wtx.outgoing_metadata = outgoing_metadata;
wtx.total_shielded_value_spent = total_value + fee;
// Add it into the mempool
mempool_txs.insert(tx.txid(), wtx);
Some(_) => {
warn!("A newly created Tx was already in the mempool! How's that possible? Txid: {}", tx.txid());
Ok((txid, raw_tx))
// After some blocks have been mined, we need to remove the Txns from the mempool_tx structure
// if they :
// 1. Have expired