Send to multiple addresses

This commit is contained in:
Aditya Kulkarni 2019-10-04 10:10:51 -07:00
parent 5ca7319fc3
commit 94108e4936
2 changed files with 105 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ impl LightClient {
let rawtx = self.wallet.send_to_address(
u32::from_str_radix(&self.config.consensus_branch_id, 16).unwrap(), // Blossom ID
&self.sapling_spend, &self.sapling_output,
&addr, value, memo
vec![(&addr, value, memo)]
match rawtx {

View File

@ -1054,28 +1054,43 @@ impl LightWallet {
consensus_branch_id: u32,
spend_params: &[u8],
output_params: &[u8],
to: &str,
value: u64,
memo: Option<String>,
tos: Vec<(&str, u64, Option<String>)>
) -> Option<Box<[u8]>> {
let start_time = now();
let total_value = tos.iter().map(|to| to.1).sum::<u64>();
"0: Creating transaction sending {} tazoshis to {}",
"0: Creating transaction sending {} tazoshis to {} addresses",
total_value, tos.len()
let to = match address::RecipientAddress::from_str(to,
self.config.base58_script_address()) {
Some(to) => to,
None => {
eprintln!("Invalid recipient address");
// Convert address (str) to RecepientAddress and value to Amount
let maybe_tos: Result<Vec<(address::RecipientAddress, Amount, Option<String>)>, _> = tos.iter().map(|to| {
let ra = match address::RecipientAddress::from_str(to.0,
self.config.base58_script_address()) {
Some(to) => to,
None => {
let e = format!("Invalid recipient address: {}", to.0);
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
let value = Amount::from_u64(to.1).unwrap();
Ok((ra, value, to.2.clone()))
let tos = match maybe_tos {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", e);
return None;
let value = Amount::from_u64(value).unwrap();
// Target the next block, assuming we are up-to-date.
let (height, anchor_offset) = match self.get_target_height_and_anchor_offset() {
@ -1088,7 +1103,7 @@ impl LightWallet {
// Select notes to cover the target value
println!("{}: Selecting notes", now() - start_time);
let target_value = value + DEFAULT_FEE ;
let target_value = Amount::from_u64(total_value).unwrap() + DEFAULT_FEE ;
let notes: Vec<_> =
.map(|(txid, tx)| tx.notes.iter().map(move |note| (*txid, note)))
@ -1117,48 +1132,55 @@ impl LightWallet {
// address as change.
let mut tinputs = vec![];
if let Err(e) = match to {
address::RecipientAddress::Shielded(_) => {
// The destination is a sapling address, so add all transparent inputs
.filter(|utxo| utxo.unconfirmed_spent.is_none()) // Remove any unconfirmed spends
.map(|utxo| utxo.clone()));
// Create a map from address -> sk for all taddrs, so we can spend from the
// right address
let address_to_sk: HashMap<_, _> =|sk|
(self.address_from_sk(&sk), sk.clone())
// Check if all to addresses are shielded
let all_shielded = !tos.iter().any(|to| match to.0 {
address::RecipientAddress::Transparent(_) => true,
_ => false
// Add all tinputs
.map(|utxo| {
let outpoint: OutPoint = utxo.to_outpoint();
let coin = TxOut {
value: Amount::from_u64(utxo.value).unwrap(),
script_pubkey: Script { 0: utxo.script.clone() },
if all_shielded {
// The destination is a sapling address, so add all transparent inputs
.filter(|utxo| utxo.unconfirmed_spent.is_none()) // Remove any unconfirmed spends
.map(|utxo| utxo.clone()));
// Create a map from address -> sk for all taddrs, so we can spend from the
// right address
let address_to_sk: HashMap<_, _> =|sk|
(self.address_from_sk(&sk), sk.clone())
match address_to_sk.get(&utxo.address) {
Some(sk) => builder.add_transparent_input(*sk, outpoint.clone(), coin.clone()),
None => {
// Something is very wrong
let e = format!("Couldn't find the secreykey for taddr {}", utxo.address);
error!("{}", e);
eprintln!("{}", e);
// Add all tinputs
let r = tinputs.iter()
.map(|utxo| {
let outpoint: OutPoint = utxo.to_outpoint();
let coin = TxOut {
value: Amount::from_u64(utxo.value).unwrap(),
script_pubkey: Script { 0: utxo.script.clone() },
match address_to_sk.get(&utxo.address) {
Some(sk) => builder.add_transparent_input(*sk, outpoint.clone(), coin.clone()),
None => {
// Something is very wrong
let e = format!("Couldn't find the secreykey for taddr {}", utxo.address);
error!("{}", e);
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
_ => Ok(vec![])
} {
eprintln!("Error adding transparent inputs: {:?}", e);
return None;
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>();
match r {
Err(e) => {
error!("Error adding transparent inputs: {:?}", e);
return None;
Ok(_) => {}
// Confirm we were able to select sufficient value
@ -1197,25 +1219,29 @@ impl LightWallet {[0].default_address().unwrap().1);
// Compute memo if it exists
let encoded_memo =|s| Memo::from_str(&s).unwrap() );
println!("{}: Adding output", now() - start_time);
// TODO: We're using the first ovk to encrypt outgoing Txns. Is that Ok?
let ovk =[0].fvk.ovk;
if let Err(e) = match to {
address::RecipientAddress::Shielded(to) => {
builder.add_sapling_output(ovk, to.clone(), value, encoded_memo)
for (to, value, memo) in tos {
// Compute memo if it exists
let encoded_memo =|s| Memo::from_str(&s).unwrap());
println!("{}: Adding output", now() - start_time);
if let Err(e) = match to {
address::RecipientAddress::Shielded(to) => {
builder.add_sapling_output(ovk, to.clone(), value, encoded_memo)
address::RecipientAddress::Transparent(to) => {
builder.add_transparent_output(&to, value)
} {
eprintln!("Error adding output: {:?}", e);
return None;
address::RecipientAddress::Transparent(to) => {
builder.add_transparent_output(&to, value)
} {
eprintln!("Error adding output: {:?}", e);
return None;
println!("{}: Building transaction", now() - start_time);
let (tx, _) = match
@ -1969,7 +1995,7 @@ pub mod tests {
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone())).unwrap();
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -2037,7 +2063,7 @@ pub mod tests {
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&zaddr2, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone())).unwrap();
vec![(&zaddr2, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -2091,7 +2117,7 @@ pub mod tests {
let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap());
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&taddr, amount_all, None).unwrap();
vec![(&taddr, amount_all, None)]).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_ext_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -2133,7 +2159,7 @@ pub mod tests {
let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap();
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None).unwrap();
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)]).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -2225,7 +2251,7 @@ pub mod tests {
// Create a tx and send to address. This should consume both the UTXO and the note
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone())).unwrap();
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -2299,7 +2325,7 @@ pub mod tests {
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&my_address, AMOUNT1 - fee, Some(memo.clone())).unwrap();
vec![(&my_address, AMOUNT1 - fee, Some(memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -2338,7 +2364,7 @@ pub mod tests {
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None).unwrap();
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)]).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -2398,7 +2424,7 @@ pub mod tests {
// Create a Tx and send to the second t address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&taddr2, AMOUNT_SENT1, None).unwrap();
vec![(&taddr2, AMOUNT_SENT1, None)]).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid1 = sent_tx.txid();
@ -2442,7 +2468,7 @@ pub mod tests {
// Create a Tx and send to the second t address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&taddr3, AMOUNT_SENT2, None).unwrap();
vec![(&taddr3, AMOUNT_SENT2, None)]).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid2 = sent_tx.txid();
@ -2479,7 +2505,7 @@ pub mod tests {
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT_EXT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone())).unwrap();
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT_EXT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid3 = sent_tx.txid();
@ -2606,7 +2632,7 @@ pub mod tests {
const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 30000;
let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap();
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None).unwrap();
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)]).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();