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synced 2025-02-14 11:15:49 +00:00
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163 lines
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import React, { createContext, useContext, useState, useCallback, useRef } from 'react';
import ShortUniqueId from "short-unique-id";
const MessageQueueContext = createContext(null);
export const useMessageQueue = () => useContext(MessageQueueContext);
const uid = new ShortUniqueId({ length: 8 });
let messageQueue = []; // Global message queue
export const MessageQueueProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [queueChats, setQueueChats] = useState({}); // Stores chats and status for display
const isProcessingRef = useRef(false); // To track if the queue is being processed
const maxRetries = 4;
const clearStatesMessageQueueProvider = useCallback(() => {
messageQueue = [];
isProcessingRef.current = false;
}, []);
// Function to add a message to the queue
const addToQueue = useCallback((sendMessageFunc, messageObj, type, groupDirectId) => {
const tempId = uid.rnd();
const chatData = {
identifier: tempId,
retries: 0, // Retry count for display purposes
status: 'pending' // Initial status is 'pending'
// Add chat data to queueChats for status tracking
setQueueChats((prev) => ({
[groupDirectId]: [...(prev[groupDirectId] || []), chatData]
// Add the message to the global messageQueue
messageQueue = [
{ func: sendMessageFunc, identifier: tempId, groupDirectId, specialId: messageObj?.message?.specialId }
// Start processing the queue if not already processing
}, []);
// Method to process with new messages and groupDirectId
const processWithNewMessages = (newMessages, groupDirectId) => {
processQueue(newMessages, groupDirectId);
// Function to process the messageQueue and handle new messages
const processQueue = useCallback(async (newMessages = [], groupDirectId) => {
// Filter out any message in the queue that matches the specialId from newMessages
messageQueue = messageQueue.filter((msg) => {
return !newMessages.some(newMsg => newMsg?.specialId === msg?.specialId);
// Remove any corresponding entries in queueChats for the provided groupDirectId
setQueueChats((prev) => {
const updatedChats = { ...prev };
if (updatedChats[groupDirectId]) {
// Remove any message in queueChats that has a matching specialId
updatedChats[groupDirectId] = updatedChats[groupDirectId].filter((chat) => {
return !newMessages.some(newMsg => newMsg?.specialId === chat?.message?.specialId);
// If no more chats for this group, delete the groupDirectId entry
if (updatedChats[groupDirectId].length === 0) {
delete updatedChats[groupDirectId];
return updatedChats;
// If currently processing or the queue is empty, return
if (isProcessingRef.current || messageQueue.length === 0) return;
isProcessingRef.current = true; // Lock the queue for processing
while (messageQueue.length > 0) {
const currentMessage = messageQueue[0]; // Get the first message in the queue
const { groupDirectId, identifier } = currentMessage;
// Update the chat status to 'sending'
setQueueChats((prev) => {
const updatedChats = { ...prev };
if (updatedChats[groupDirectId]) {
const chatIndex = updatedChats[groupDirectId].findIndex(
(item) => item.identifier === identifier
if (chatIndex !== -1) {
updatedChats[groupDirectId][chatIndex].status = 'sending';
return updatedChats;
try {
// Execute the function stored in the messageQueue
await currentMessage.func();
// Remove the message from the messageQueue after successful sending
messageQueue = messageQueue.slice(1); // Slice here remains for successful messages
// Remove the message from queueChats after success
// setQueueChats((prev) => {
// const updatedChats = { ...prev };
// updatedChats[groupDirectId] = updatedChats[groupDirectId].filter(
// (item) => item.identifier !== identifier
// );
// return updatedChats;
// });
} catch (error) {
console.error('Message sending failed', error);
// Retry logic
setQueueChats((prev) => {
const updatedChats = { ...prev };
const chatIndex = updatedChats[groupDirectId]?.findIndex(
(item) => item.identifier === identifier
if (chatIndex !== -1) {
const retries = updatedChats[groupDirectId][chatIndex].retries;
if (retries < maxRetries) {
// Increment retry count and set status to 'failed'
updatedChats[groupDirectId][chatIndex].retries += 1;
updatedChats[groupDirectId][chatIndex].status = 'failed';
} else {
// Max retries reached, set status to 'failed-permanent'
updatedChats[groupDirectId][chatIndex].status = 'failed-permanent';
// Remove the message from the messageQueue after max retries
messageQueue = messageQueue.slice(1); // Slice for failed messages after max retries
// Remove the message from queueChats after failure
updatedChats[groupDirectId] = updatedChats[groupDirectId].filter(
(item) => item.identifier !== identifier
return updatedChats;
// Delay between processing each message to avoid overlap
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 5000));
// Reset the processing lock once all messages are processed
isProcessingRef.current = false;
}, []);
return (
<MessageQueueContext.Provider value={{ addToQueue, queueChats, clearStatesMessageQueueProvider, processWithNewMessages }}>