class Semaphore { constructor(count) { this.count = count this.waiting = [] } acquire() { return new Promise(resolve => { if (this.count > 0) { this.count-- resolve() } else { this.waiting.push(resolve) } }) } release() { if (this.waiting.length > 0) { const resolve = this.waiting.shift() resolve() } else { this.count++ } } } let semaphore = new Semaphore(1) let reader = new FileReader() const fileToBase64 = (file) => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { if (!reader) { reader = new FileReader() } await semaphore.acquire() reader.readAsDataURL(file) reader.onload = () => { const dataUrl = reader.result if (typeof dataUrl === "string") { const base64String = dataUrl.split(',')[1] reader.onload = null reader.onerror = null resolve(base64String) } else { reader.onload = null reader.onerror = null reject(new Error('Invalid data URL')) } semaphore.release() } reader.onerror = (error) => { reader.onload = null reader.onerror = null reject(error) semaphore.release() } }) async function connection(hostname) { const isConnected = await[hostname]); let connected = false; if ( isConnected && Object.keys(isConnected).length > 0 && isConnected[hostname] ) { connected = true; } return connected; } // In your content script document.addEventListener("qortalExtensionRequests", async (event) => { const { type, payload, requestId, timeout } = event.detail; // Capture the requestId if (type === "REQUEST_USER_INFO") { const hostname = window.location.hostname; const res = await connection(hostname); if (!res) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "USER_INFO", data: { error: "Not authorized", }, requestId, }, }) ); return; } chrome?.runtime?.sendMessage({ action: "userInfo" }, (response) => { if (response.error) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "USER_INFO", data: { error: response.error, }, requestId, }, }) ); } else { // Include the requestId in the detail when dispatching the response document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "USER_INFO", data: response, requestId }, }) ); } }); } else if (type === "REQUEST_IS_INSTALLED") { chrome?.runtime?.sendMessage({ action: "version" }, (response) => { if (response.error) { console.error("Error:", response.error); } else { // Include the requestId in the detail when dispatching the response document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "IS_INSTALLED", data: response, requestId }, }) ); } }); } else if (type === "REQUEST_CONNECTION") { const hostname = window.location.hostname; chrome?.runtime?.sendMessage( { action: "connection", payload: { hostname, }, timeout, }, (response) => { if (response.error) { console.error("Error:", response.error); } else { // Include the requestId in the detail when dispatching the response document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "CONNECTION", data: response, requestId }, }) ); } } ); } else if (type === "REQUEST_OAUTH") { const hostname = window.location.hostname; const res = await connection(hostname); if (!res) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "OAUTH", data: { error: "Not authorized", }, requestId, }, }) ); return; } chrome?.runtime?.sendMessage( { action: "oauth", payload: { nodeBaseUrl: payload.nodeBaseUrl, senderAddress: payload.senderAddress, senderPublicKey: payload.senderPublicKey, timestamp: payload.timestamp, }, }, (response) => { if (response.error) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "OAUTH", data: { error: response.error, }, requestId, }, }) ); } else { // Include the requestId in the detail when dispatching the response document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "OAUTH", data: response, requestId }, }) ); } } ); } else if (type === "REQUEST_BUY_ORDER") { const hostname = window.location.hostname; const res = await connection(hostname); if (!res) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "BUY_ORDER", data: { error: "Not authorized", }, requestId, }, }) ); return; } chrome?.runtime?.sendMessage( { action: "buyOrder", payload: { qortalAtAddresses: payload.qortalAtAddresses, hostname, useLocal: payload?.useLocal, }, timeout, }, (response) => { if (response.error) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "BUY_ORDER", data: { error: response.error, }, requestId, }, }) ); } else { // Include the requestId in the detail when dispatching the response document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "BUY_ORDER", data: response, requestId }, }) ); } } ); } else if (type === "REQUEST_LTC_BALANCE") { const hostname = window.location.hostname; const res = await connection(hostname); if (!res) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "USER_INFO", data: { error: "Not authorized", }, requestId, }, }) ); return; } chrome?.runtime?.sendMessage( { action: "ltcBalance", payload: { hostname, }, timeout, }, (response) => { if (response.error) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "LTC_BALANCE", data: { error: response.error, }, requestId, }, }) ); } else { // Include the requestId in the detail when dispatching the response document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "LTC_BALANCE", data: response, requestId }, }) ); } } ); } else if (type === "CHECK_IF_LOCAL") { const hostname = window.location.hostname; const res = await connection(hostname); if (!res) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "USER_INFO", data: { error: "Not authorized", }, requestId, }, }) ); return; } chrome?.runtime?.sendMessage( { action: "checkLocal", payload: { hostname, }, timeout, }, (response) => { if (response.error) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "CHECK_IF_LOCAL", data: { error: response.error, }, requestId, }, }) ); } else { // Include the requestId in the detail when dispatching the response document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "CHECK_IF_LOCAL", data: response, requestId }, }) ); } } ); } else if (type === "REQUEST_AUTHENTICATION") { const hostname = window.location.hostname; const res = await connection(hostname); if (!res) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "USER_INFO", data: { error: "Not authorized", }, requestId, }, }) ); return; } chrome?.runtime?.sendMessage( { action: "authentication", payload: { hostname, }, timeout, }, (response) => { if (response.error) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "AUTHENTICATION", data: { error: response.error, }, requestId, }, }) ); } else { // Include the requestId in the detail when dispatching the response document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "AUTHENTICATION", data: response, requestId }, }) ); } } ); } else if (type === "REQUEST_SEND_QORT") { const hostname = window.location.hostname; const res = await connection(hostname); if (!res) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "USER_INFO", data: { error: "Not authorized", }, requestId, }, }) ); return; } chrome?.runtime?.sendMessage( { action: "sendQort", payload: { hostname, amount: payload.amount, description: payload.description, address: payload.address, }, timeout, }, (response) => { if (response.error) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "SEND_QORT", data: { error: response.error, }, requestId, }, }) ); } else { // Include the requestId in the detail when dispatching the response document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "SEND_QORT", data: response, requestId }, }) ); } } ); } else if (type === "REQUEST_CLOSE_POPUP") { const hostname = window.location.hostname; const res = await connection(hostname); if (!res) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "USER_INFO", data: { error: "Not authorized", }, requestId, }, }) ); return; } chrome?.runtime?.sendMessage({ action: "closePopup" }, (response) => { if (response.error) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "CLOSE_POPUP", data: { error: response.error, }, requestId, }, }) ); } else { // Include the requestId in the detail when dispatching the response document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("qortalExtensionResponses", { detail: { type: "CLOSE_POPUP", data: true, requestId }, }) ); } }); } // Handle other request types as needed... }); async function handleGetFileFromIndexedDB(fileId, sendResponse) { try { const db = await openIndexedDB(); const transaction = db.transaction(["files"], "readonly"); const objectStore = transaction.objectStore("files"); const getRequest = objectStore.get(fileId); getRequest.onsuccess = async function (event) { if (getRequest.result) { const file =; try { const base64String = await fileToBase64(file); // Create a new transaction to delete the file const deleteTransaction = db.transaction(["files"], "readwrite"); const deleteObjectStore = deleteTransaction.objectStore("files"); const deleteRequest = deleteObjectStore.delete(fileId); deleteRequest.onsuccess = function () { console.log(`File with ID ${fileId} has been removed from IndexedDB`); try { sendResponse({ result: base64String }); } catch (error) { console.log('error', error) } }; deleteRequest.onerror = function () { console.error(`Error deleting file with ID ${fileId} from IndexedDB`); sendResponse({ result: null, error: "Failed to delete file from IndexedDB" }); }; } catch (error) { console.error("Error converting file to Base64:", error); sendResponse({ result: null, error: "Failed to convert file to Base64" }); } } else { console.error(`File with ID ${fileId} not found in IndexedDB`); sendResponse({ result: null, error: "File not found in IndexedDB" }); } }; getRequest.onerror = function () { console.error(`Error retrieving file with ID ${fileId} from IndexedDB`); sendResponse({ result: null, error: "Error retrieving file from IndexedDB" }); }; } catch (error) { console.error("Error opening IndexedDB:", error); sendResponse({ result: null, error: "Error opening IndexedDB" }); } } const testAsync = async (sendResponse)=> { await new Promise((res)=> { setTimeout(() => { res() }, 2500); }) sendResponse({ result: null, error: "Testing" }); } chrome.runtime?.onMessage.addListener( function (message, sender, sendResponse) { if (message.type === "LOGOUT") { // Notify the web page window.postMessage( { type: "LOGOUT", from: "qortal", }, "*" ); } else if (message.type === "RESPONSE_FOR_TRADES") { // Notify the web page window.postMessage( { type: "RESPONSE_FOR_TRADES", from: "qortal", payload: message.message, }, "*" ); } else if (message.action === "getFileFromIndexedDB") { handleGetFileFromIndexedDB(message.fileId, sendResponse); return true; // Keep the message channel open for async response } }); function openIndexedDB() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request ="fileStorageDB", 1); request.onupgradeneeded = function (event) { const db =; if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains("files")) { db.createObjectStore("files", { keyPath: "id" }); } }; request.onsuccess = function (event) { resolve(; }; request.onerror = function () { reject("Error opening IndexedDB"); }; }); } async function retrieveFileFromIndexedDB(fileId) { const db = await openIndexedDB(); const transaction = db.transaction(["files"], "readwrite"); const objectStore = transaction.objectStore("files"); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const getRequest = objectStore.get(fileId); getRequest.onsuccess = function (event) { if (getRequest.result) { // File found, resolve it and delete from IndexedDB const file =; objectStore.delete(fileId); resolve(file); } else { reject("File not found in IndexedDB"); } }; getRequest.onerror = function () { reject("Error retrieving file from IndexedDB"); }; }); } async function deleteQortalFilesFromIndexedDB() { try { console.log("Opening IndexedDB for deleting files..."); const db = await openIndexedDB(); const transaction = db.transaction(["files"], "readwrite"); const objectStore = transaction.objectStore("files"); // Create a request to get all keys const getAllKeysRequest = objectStore.getAllKeys(); getAllKeysRequest.onsuccess = function (event) { const keys =; // Iterate through keys to find and delete those containing '_qortalfile' for (let key of keys) { if (key.includes("_qortalfile")) { const deleteRequest = objectStore.delete(key); deleteRequest.onsuccess = function () { console.log(`File with key '${key}' has been deleted from IndexedDB`); }; deleteRequest.onerror = function () { console.error(`Failed to delete file with key '${key}' from IndexedDB`); }; } } }; getAllKeysRequest.onerror = function () { console.error("Failed to retrieve keys from IndexedDB"); }; transaction.oncomplete = function () { console.log("Transaction complete for deleting files from IndexedDB"); }; transaction.onerror = function () { console.error("Error occurred during transaction for deleting files"); }; } catch (error) { console.error("Error opening IndexedDB:", error); } } async function storeFilesInIndexedDB(obj) { // First delete any existing files in IndexedDB with '_qortalfile' in their ID await deleteQortalFilesFromIndexedDB(); // Open the IndexedDB const db = await openIndexedDB(); const transaction = db.transaction(["files"], "readwrite"); const objectStore = transaction.objectStore("files"); // Handle the obj.file if it exists and is a File instance if (obj.file instanceof File) { const fileId = "objFile_qortalfile"; // Store the file in IndexedDB const fileData = { id: fileId, data: obj.file, }; objectStore.put(fileData); // Replace the file object with the file ID in the original object obj.fileId = fileId; delete obj.file; } // Iterate through resources to find files and save them to IndexedDB for (let resource of obj.resources) { if (resource.file instanceof File) { const fileId = resource.identifier + "_qortalfile"; // Store the file in IndexedDB const fileData = { id: fileId, data: resource.file, }; objectStore.put(fileData); // Replace the file object with the file ID in the original object resource.fileId = fileId; delete resource.file; } } // Set transaction completion handlers transaction.oncomplete = function () { console.log("Files saved successfully to IndexedDB"); }; transaction.onerror = function () { console.error("Error saving files to IndexedDB"); }; return obj; // Updated object with references to stored files } const UIQortalRequests = ['GET_USER_ACCOUNT', 'ENCRYPT_DATA', 'DECRYPT_DATA', 'SEND_COIN', 'GET_LIST_ITEMS', 'ADD_LIST_ITEMS', 'DELETE_LIST_ITEM', 'VOTE_ON_POLL', 'CREATE_POLL', 'SEND_CHAT_MESSAGE', 'JOIN_GROUP'] if (!window.hasAddedQortalListener) { console.log("Listener added"); window.hasAddedQortalListener = true; //qortalRequests const listener = async (event) => { event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behavior event.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Stop other listeners from firing // Verify that the message is from the web page and contains expected data if (event.source !== window || ! || ! return; if (event?.data?.requestedHandler !== 'UI') return; const sendMessageToRuntime = (message, eventPort) => { chrome?.runtime?.sendMessage(message, (response) => { console.log('response', response); if (response.error) { eventPort.postMessage({ result: null, error: response.error, }); } else { eventPort.postMessage({ result: response, error: null, }); } }); }; // Check if action is included in the predefined list of UI requests if (UIQortalRequests.includes( { console.log('event?.data', event?.data); sendMessageToRuntime( { action:, type: 'qortalRequest', payload: }, event.ports[0] ); } else if (event?.data?.action === 'PUBLISH_MULTIPLE_QDN_RESOURCES' || event?.data?.action === 'PUBLISH_QDN_RESOURCE') { let data; try { data = await storeFilesInIndexedDB(; } catch (error) { console.error('Error storing files in IndexedDB:', error); event.ports[0].postMessage({ result: null, error: 'Failed to store files in IndexedDB', }); return; } if (data) { sendMessageToRuntime( { action:, type: 'qortalRequest', payload: data }, event.ports[0] ); } else { event.ports[0].postMessage({ result: null, error: 'Failed to prepare data for publishing', }); } } }; // Add the listener for messages coming from the window window.addEventListener('message', listener); }