QortalOS Brooklyn for Raspberry Pi 4
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Measure the operating system noise
:Manual section: 1
**rtla osnoise** [*MODE*] ...
.. include:: common_osnoise_description.rst
The *osnoise* tracer outputs information in two ways. It periodically prints
a summary of the noise of the operating system, including the counters of
the occurrence of the source of interference. It also provides information
for each noise via the **osnoise:** tracepoints. The **rtla osnoise top**
mode displays information about the periodic summary from the *osnoise* tracer.
The **rtla osnoise hist** mode displays information about the noise using
the **osnoise:** tracepoints. For further details, please refer to the
respective man page.
Prints the summary from osnoise tracer.
Prints a histogram of osnoise samples.
If no MODE is given, the top mode is called, passing the arguments.
**-h**, **--help**
Display the help text.
For other options, see the man page for the corresponding mode.
**rtla-osnoise-top**\(1), **rtla-osnoise-hist**\(1)
Osnoise tracer documentation: <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/trace/osnoise-tracer.html>
Written by Daniel Bristot de Oliveira <[email protected]>
.. include:: common_appendix.rst